Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2034 The fluttering butterfly 1 (Part 1)

"My dear, why are you back now?"

2:19 am

In a single-family villa located in the mid-rise District 39, a simple-looking man with a big nose was taking off his shoes. A hooded clothes and a thick sweater were placed aside. The man turned around in a hurry. .

"Going to a party with friends, a little late."

The woman behind her is named Tang Ni, and she is the man’s wife. The man’s name is Zhu Qi. His friends usually call him “Old Pig.” He is an honest man and is now the owner of a medium-sized materials company with a stable business. , the family is happy and harmonious.

At this time, Tang Ni's expression became slightly solemn, and she walked over.

"Tell me, is something wrong?"

The charming Tang Ni's expression became slightly distorted and looked a little scary. Zhu Qi shook his head.

"Not that thing, but something else."

"Tell me what happened. I don't want it to be like before one day."

Zhu Qi hugged his wife, patted her back comfortingly, and then picked up his wife, who also relaxed and leaned on his shoulder. The two were a half-way couple, and Tang Ni used to be his childhood best friend Brad. Before Brad's accident, he had entrusted part of his property and his wife to Zhu Qi, and their son, Tang Ye.

Brad and Toni were both victims of the Hillman family incident. Like other victims, they got the right to return to society after a period of explanation and control. If it were not a matter of the Hillman family, It was revealed that Zhu Qi didn't even know that something so serious had happened to his friend Brad and his wife, whom they had known for too long.

After experiencing the Hillman family incident, the Brads relied on some of the technologies they had mastered and with the help of their friend Zhu Qi, they opened a material studio. The business was very smooth. Brad took advantage of the chaos at the time. Ke made many connections, and finally succeeded in doing business with many senior executives of Section 3, giving them many benefits every year.

But in order to earn more, his friend did not listen to Zhu Qi's advice and set up business in the barrier area. Everything was supposed to go smoothly, but as a result, the massacre in the Altan Ula Mountains began, Brad was arrested, and the final explanation Although he was not convicted, most of the reason was that the emergence of arms factories and even thermal power plants in the Alata Ula Mountains had a lot to do with the negligence of Section 3 and private transactions with some gang members.

In the end, everything was taken away from Brad. In order to prevent his wife and son Tang Ye, who was only 4 years old at the time, from being implicated, Brad divorced his wife Tang Ni and entrusted his wife to Zhu Qi.

Zhu Qi never saw Brad again after that, and he never came to visit his wife and children even once. Zhu Qi originally didn’t plan to have anything to do with Tang Ni, but after going back and forth, under Zhu Qi’s meticulous care, Tang Ni Ni walked into Zhu Qi's room one night, and the two finally got married.

Maybe things should have ended how they should have. In the news one morning, Hydra, the bomber who cast a shadow of fear on the whole city, died, and the HYDRA organization was also wiped out, and Brad was arrested. Sentenced to 200 years in prison.

Before Hydera was arrested, a document was sent to him, which was a document about all the inhumane things done by the city in the barrier zone, as well as a letter to his wife Tangni.

Zhu Qi knew very well how dangerous it would be to hold these things. At Zhu Qi's suggestion, these things were destroyed. As expected, people from the business department soon checked them out, but they found nothing. Now the whole family needs to go to Department 2 frequently to receive some simple inquiries.

Tang Ni had had enough of these days. She shed tears and looked at Zhu Qi sadly. Zhu Qi had suffered a lot in the past because of his good-natured character. Tang Ni didn't know what he had gained this time. What.

"Tell me, what happened?"

Tang Ni had already noticed Zhu Qi's outfit, and it looked like he was dressing up to avoid surveillance. He and his ex-husband Brad had done this many times in the past.

The only thing Tang Ni can think about now is the problem in the mine. Because of Zhu Qi's business relationship, he is very familiar with the people in the mine, especially with some mining managers, because he can get some distant information from them. Raw material ores at prices below market prices.

"Is it a problem at the mine?"

Tang Ni asked, Zhu Qi shook his head, but nodded again. Zhu Qi took out a relatively primitive USB flash drive from his pocket. Tang Ni took it and got it off Zhu Qi's body.

"Do you remember the accident that Perot encountered before?"

Tang Ni nodded solemnly. Perot is an independent media person. He is a friend of Zhu Qi. He often came to his house for dinner in the past. However, Tang Ni had advised Zhu Qi to have less contact with Perot because he Privately, he is a very dirty guy. In order to make money, he often hangs out in mining areas. After photographing something, he takes the opportunity to blackmail some mining companies. He even blackmailed the local business department.

This kind of thing was very shameful in Tang Ni's opinion. Even though Perot had a reason to need money, Tang Ni held her husband's head and looked at his somewhat lost husband. Zhu Qi stretched out his hand and stroked Tang Ni's belly.

Tang Ni was already two months pregnant. After Perot died unexpectedly, Zhu Qi helped take care of the posthumous affairs and gave Perot's family a sum of money so that they could live a better life in the future.

Zhu Qi began to talk. Before the accident last year, Perot seemed to be in frequent contact with a mining manager named Chen An in the mining area. He had previously revealed that there was a big deal.

Zhu Qi didn't think much about it and didn't ask anything. But after Chen An died and Perot had an accident, Zhu Qi began to feel something was wrong. When he was sorting out Chen An's belongings, he found this USB flash drive and wanted to To see the content inside, you can only get an old-fashioned computer from the past. Nowadays, only the bottom layer can get it.

"What exactly is inside?"

Tang Ni held up the USB flash drive in his hand. After a while, Zhu Qi shook his head.

"It would be dangerous if you knew about it."

"Then what did you just do?"

With his wife's worried expression, Zhu Qi finally took his wife to the basement. He had confirmed the contents last year. From a pile of debris, Zhu Qi found a computer that was brought from the bottom. A short time after powering on, a folder appeared.

Zhu Qi opened the folder. Tang Ni was shocked after looking at it for a while. She immediately pulled out the USB flash drive and then looked around.

"If you destroy this thing, if you keep it in your hands, one day something will happen to us because of this thing. Who did you give it to?"

Zhu Qi seemed hesitant. At this time, Tang Ni found an equally old printer nearby. It looked like it was no longer usable. After opening the ink cartridge, Tang Ni saw fresh ink inside.

As long as there are some raw materials, it is not difficult to prepare this thing for people like Zhu Qi who have been working hard in the raw material industry for many years.

Tang Ni covered her head. She was very afraid that the tragedy would happen again. Last time she lost her husband, and this time she was about to lose her current husband. In the past, she had reminded her ex-husband countless times not to touch those black things. and Gray Place, but instead of listening to her, the husband felt that the city owed them a lot, that they had been forced to provide too much to the city during the years they were controlled by the Hillman family, and that the city later There is quite a bit of criticism about this group of people who are controlled by the Hillman family.

In the end, what Tang Ni was worried about happened. When all the property was seized and confiscated, the husband divorced his wife and their 4-year-old son directly in order to prevent them from being implicated.

Tang Ni, accompanied by her current husband Zhu Qi, took her son to see her husband Brad before. He lost a lot of weight and did not blame the two of them. Now they still visit Brad regularly to give him some care. something.

"I gave this thing to the fiancée of one of the members of a team that was almost wiped out in this marching operation plan."

Zhu Qi said, and in an instant Tang Ni slapped him, and tears flowed from Tang Ni's eyes.

"You're going to kill her."

Zhu Qi was silent. The reason why he was considered a good guy by many people was that he was very passionate about these injustices.

"What are you doing? Why are you up so late?"

Tang Ni hurriedly wiped away her tears and looked at her son Tang Ye who came down from the basement door. He was just 12 years old this year and had already ushered in his rebellious period. He got along well with Zhu Qi when he was a child, but when he grew up, he and Zhu Qi Their relationship became not so good. Originally, Tang Ni did not intend to let Tang Ye, whose memory was not formed at the time, know about her biological father, but in the end Zhu Qi resolutely planned to take him to visit Brad, his wife in prison.

"Go to bed, kid, you have to go to school tomorrow!"

Zhu Qi stood up with a smile, and then explained that he and Tang Ni were just looking for old photos and put it off. Although Tang Ye was only 12 years old, he was extremely smart. He was always ranked first in the school in studies. He knew something was wrong at home recently, but he didn't ask much. Although he said he hated his adoptive father Zhu Qi, Tang Ye agreed with everything about Zhu Qi. They were more like friends.

However, in the eyes of his mother Tang Ni, the relationship between him and Zhu Qi was not good. At this time, Zhu Qi half-pushed Tang Ye up, and Tang Ye pressed Zhu Qi's back and said.

"Old Zhu, what's going on at home? I see you haven't been with my mother for a long time."

Zhu Qi smiled and patted Tang Ye's head.

"Your mother became pregnant recently."

Tang Ye was shocked at first, then said with a smirk.

"Is it a sister or a brother?"

"younger sister."

Tang Ye held Zhu Qi's hand and said congratulations.

"What exactly happened?"

Zhu Qi said after hesitating for a moment.

"We'll let you know if we can't handle it. There's something dangerous about this."

Although Tang Ye was rebellious on the surface, he was actually very sensible. He was just not used to being lectured by others. Then Yang Ye went upstairs, and he finally understood the reason why his mother was always getting angry inexplicably recently, so he turned around and said.

"Old pig, mom is pregnant, don't take the opportunity to go to places like District 29."

Zhu Qi laughed.

"You, if you want to talk about District 29, wait until you are 20 years old to talk to me. Okay, go to bed quickly."

Zhu Qi, who returned to the basement again, looked at his wife who was still crying with annoyance. Knowing that she was remembering the sad things in the past, Zhu Qi went over and hugged his wife comfortingly.

"Destroy it!"

Zhu Qi said, but at this time his wife shook her head.

"We have it in our hands. If we destroy it, we won't have any leverage if there are any problems in the future. The reason why they want to bury everything is because they are afraid that there will be another big riot in the city, so we have to keep it. ."

Zhu Qi thought for a moment and then nodded. Tang Ni thought about the past when she and her ex-husband Brad were imprisoned in the family business in Hydera for research. There were many couples like them there. Once something started, , you can't stop, just like an invisible chain connecting everything in series.

"What kind of person did you leave it to?"

"Liu Yu."

Tang Ni was shocked for a moment. She knew this name. She was also a free independent media person who had reported on many scandals of companies, gang members, and business departments.

"It's fine."

Zhu Qi said, but he also knew in his heart that it was only temporary. Judging from the fact that Section 3 announced the situation so quickly and explained the compensation, they wanted to calm down the turmoil of the deceased as soon as possible.

Looking at his helpless wife, Zhu Qi carried his wife back to the room. After watching his wife fall asleep, Zhu Qi held the USB flash drive in his hand, returned to the basement, and then put the USB flash drive into a Tangye childhood memory. teddy bear.

It can be seen that Perot left this non-metallic USB flash drive, and it seemed that he had already thought about everything. However, he still encountered an accident. He was not able to find this USB flash drive accidentally, but after processing it. On the night after Perot's death, Zhu Qi went there after learning that Perot was in trouble.

There is something missing from Perot's body, an old leather bag that he has carried for more than 20 years and is not willing to throw away. It is a container for Perot to put important things. He and Perot have known each other for almost 30 years. Zhu Qi knew about this bag since it was a congratulatory gift that Perot's mother spent a lot of money to buy him when he entered college. It was of great significance.

Only this bag was not found, so Zhu Qi became suspicious, kept a hand, and searched for Perot's belongings before his body was cremated. Because the time of Perot's death was too bizarre, the result was that Perot's body was not found. The USB flash drive was found in the home where Perrault once revealed that he had hidden some important photographed issues.

This is a place that no one would have thought of and cannot be found at all, because Perot used non-metallic memory carriers to store this information from the beginning. This technology is relatively cheap because it limits the number of times it can be used, and cannot be stored for a long time. Things are technologies that were eliminated a long time ago.

These things are hidden at the head of Perot's bed. You can't see them without looking for them in detail. There is a movable hollow wooden material under the edge of the bed. This bed has now been disposed of by Zhu Qi.

Thinking of this, Zhu Qi felt a chill running down his spine. He was very afraid that when the sun rose tomorrow, people from Section 2 might break in and charge him with a crime, and his family would be broken up.

Zhu Qi was sitting in the living room. After thinking for a while, Zhu Qi decided to go to a place. This thing would only be safer if it was left in the hands of one person.

Zhu Qi got up. He quickly returned to the basement, put away the old computer and printer, and then put them into a backpack. He had to hand them over to a trustworthy person before the sun rose.

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