Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2020 The Lost Land 2 (Part 2)

"Thank you for your hard work, Sir Jean!"

A director of Section 5 bowed respectfully. Located on the wall of the southern guard station, more than a dozen disgraced prisoners were brought up. They were all captured by Jean today. It was already past 10 o'clock in the morning. , on the way back, Jean stopped by some armed forces who had conflicts with the team.

The people in Section 5 took out the light and shadow equipment directly from the lift. After calling up the crime comparison machine, they began to identify more than 10 prisoners. These prisoners had absconded after the mine incident broke out last year.

Firstly, it is to catch them, convict them and solve some cases, and secondly, it requires them to hand over black gold and some secretly hidden materials. After that, they can continue to choose to go to the barrier area or stay in prison.

But obviously, the expressions of more than a dozen people seemed to have become much softer. While enjoying the sunshine, they were all explaining some things honestly. The director officer of Section 5 directly connected to the department in the area where the case occurred. Officials, let them be responsible for bringing people to the scene to collect evidence.

Gene smoked a cigarette and looked at the city bathed in light in front of him. He smiled slightly and walked slowly.

"Lord Jean, where are you going? I'll send someone to take you there."

"keep it up."

Gene patted the young council officer on the shoulder.

"Keep working hard, I'll run over faster."

Jean said and walked slowly along the city wall. He had to go to Hawke's bar. He hadn't been back to the city for a long time. Tian Ai was very worried about Tian Hen's march.

Although Jean told Tian Ai on the phone that there was no need to worry too much, Tian Ai's voice sounded very worried. This little girl has been worried about this and that since she was a child. Jean quickly jumped off the city wall. , ran and jumped quickly.

In less than a few minutes, Gene passed through the ground floor and arrived at the middle level. Hawke's bar could be seen a few streets away. Gene looked back at the dark barrier area behind him.

"It shouldn't be a big problem."

A few minutes later, Gene entered Hawke's bar, and as soon as he entered, Tian Ai came over.

"Can Jean go take a look at Tianhen and make sure he's okay?"

"Love, love, Tianhen is no longer a child."

Hawke muttered, and it could be seen that Gene had just returned from the barrier area, and Gene scratched his head.

"I understand. I'll go to the prison to confirm. You can send me the route."

Jean said that Tianhen immediately turned on his phone, but soon Tianai was dumbfounded. The road map Tianhen sent to him last night was missing. Tianai looked for the records, but there was no such thing in the records. Any roadmap.

"No, why did the road map disappear? I clearly received it."

Hawke smiled helplessly.

"Ai Ai, maybe you were tired and confused last night and forgot to receive it, or it was caused by network fluctuations."

Gene checked Tianai's mobile phone and found that there was indeed no road map. Tianai said with a solemn expression.

"Is something going to happen to Tianhen?"

Jean didn't answer. He just took the phone and quickly dialed Osman's number. After a while, Jean got the route map of Tianhen and his B1189 team. Hawke also gathered around, and Jean gave Tianhen Ai explained in detail the situation of this route, because this route from the southern guard station to the west will indeed pass through some armed areas, but it will only pass through the edge and will not directly enter the northwest. Areas with large numbers of armed forces.

Still uneasy looking at Tian Ai's appearance, Jean touched her forehead.

"After I go to the prison to confirm something, I will go directly to the barrier area. I will go and see the situation of Tianhen."

Tian Ai hummed, and her eager expression became a little more relaxed.

Hawke sighed helplessly.

"I said love love, Tianhen is not a child anymore."

Tianai made a face at Hawke, and then she talked about her idea of ​​learning the basics of music and then composing and singing by herself. Gene smiled and nodded.

"Just do what you love."

Tian Ai happily held Jean's arm.

"When I create it, I want to sing it to you first."

Jean hummed. In the ruins in his memory, his childhood love once hummed a song, and Jean still remembered that beautiful and ethereal voice.

"I'm sorry, Tian Ai, I have to go to jail."

Tian Ai hummed, and Jean left as he said that. He planned to go to the prison. Today was the day when Ran Zhi was sent to the underground excavation site.

Jean had already told Latis in advance, asking her to wait until she had passed before sending Ran Zhi down. Basically, the crimes Ran Zhi had committed in the past and the cases of inciting others to commit crimes were over.

A month-long oral confession record, from dawn to dusk, those heinous cases were recorded one after another in Ran Zhi's oral account, and Jean was always going back and forth these days, taking those heinous cases. The criminals confessed by Ran Zhi were captured.

In just one month, more than 3 billion in black gold and a large amount of materials, including some weapons and ammunition, and some controlled substances, have been recovered.

Gene kept jumping on the roof. He looked at the light and shadow screen. Some of the major cases Ran Zhi was currently involved in, many of which were related to the Hillman family.

Jean hasn't been to the prison for a month. The last time he saw Alpha in his mind was in November last year, but she was still the same.

Ran Zhi said there was a way to wake up Alpha, but Jean was a little worried, but if he dared to act rashly, he would be executed directly. Jean had already told Latis about this.

The agricultural base could already be seen in front of him. Jean took out a cigarette and slowed down. He was a little tired and mentally exhausted. But since he agreed to Tianai, Jean planned to watch the wise man arrive at the excavation site. , take another look at that troublesome boy Ran Zai, and then go to the barrier area.


Ran Zhi stood quietly on the top floor of the prison tower, enjoying the sunshine with a pack of cigarettes in his hand. The 30 team members responsible for guarding him were chatting aside. Ran Zhi knew very well that he only had one chance to come up a month. You can wash your body and eat a normal meal.

"Sir, my son will go to college next year. Do you have any good suggestions?"

A clerk asked respectfully, and Ran Zhi said with a smile.

"What does your son like and what does he want to do in the future?"

"This kid liked tinkering with filming and other things when he was a child. He said he wanted to be a director in the future, but the tuition for such departments in the city is a bit expensive, and the threshold is a bit high."

Ran Zhi laughed.

"Then study engineering design and major in literature."

The clerk looked at Ran Zhi dumbfounded.

"Sir, that's not right. After graduating from the engineering design department, you can only go to the factory?"

Ran Zhi laughed and explained.

"If my parents had no money and no power, and they still forced themselves to go to the directing department, the tuition would be high and the time would be long. It would be impossible to find sponsorship opportunities to make movies after graduation. And if you raise money to make movies yourself, unless your son It’s a genius.”

The clerk smiled awkwardly.

"He just likes it and has made some short films, which I think are okay."

"It can't just look good. The reason why I give you this advice is that today's film and television areas are not undergoing a thorough reform of light and shadow materialization, but engineering design is the core of light and shadow material technology. Which studio does not need such professionalism? Talent? The threshold for directors to enter the industry is very high. Instead of going directly to the directing department, it is better to become a professional of light and shadow materials. During this period, naturally do not give up the research and deconstruction of movies. After graduation, go directly to some film and television companies and be able to You can learn some things on the spot and get to know a lot of people. As long as you are smarter, it will be good to get familiar with the directors. When the time is right, you can naturally attract some management and you can naturally start. I estimate that the whole process It will take at least 10 to 15 years.”

The clerk heard what Ran Zhi said made sense. Ran Zhi went on to say a lot more, and the clerk recorded it in detail.

At this time, another female staff member ran over and looked at Ran Zhi with a smile.

"Master Wise, I have one thing to ask you. My boyfriend recently proposed to me, but I feel a little uneasy."

"What exactly is going on?"

The female staff member said that her boyfriend is a relatively honest person, but he is a bit dull and uninteresting most of the time, and his life is relatively ordinary.

"Let's just say that you can try living with her for a month. If you and her are suitable for this month, you can get married. If you are not suitable, don't think about it for the time being. Both of you should be here. In a month's life, discover something, and then try to change it and cater to the other person as much as possible, so that the future can last long."

Officers kept coming to Ran Zhi to ask some questions, and Ran Zhi patiently gave them advice. Basically during the rehabilitation period, Ran Zhi had become a popular person in the prison department. If he had any questions, he would go to a wise person. Make money and find wise men.

Many people are trying every possible means to please Ran Zhi, hoping to get some advice from him. Ran Zhi is still a little chubby now because he eats well and sleeps well.

At this time, with the sound of opening the door, the staff all left Ran Zhi one after another. The door to the rooftop was opened, and Latis and Jean came out.

"Can't you go down after lunch?"

Ran Zhi stood up and asked, but quickly picked up the cigarette, put it in his pocket, and then followed Gene with a smile.

Jean glanced at it and found that there were at least 6 packs of cigarettes in Ran Zhi's pocket. It seemed that they were given to him by the staff. Latis also mentioned what Ran Zhi had done when he came up. Indeed, Ran Zhi had During his time in prison, he became a spiritual mentor and investment advisor.

No one cares about what he has done in the past or how many crimes he has committed. As long as Ran Zhi's crimes do not affect them, they can please Ran Zhi for their own benefit.

The elevator kept going down. Ran Zhi was smiling. Gene took out a cigarette and lit it and took a puff. Ran Zhi stood aside with a smile.

"If you cross the line"

"You don't need to worry about this, Mr. Jean. I will definitely persuade Alpha properly, and I won't plan anything else. Don't worry."

Ran Zhi knew very well that if he planned anything again, just a little bit of news would kill him. Ran Zhi must live until the day he has a chance to leave the prison.

The elevator stopped and Ran Zhi stepped out with a smile. Immediately, the clerk next to him put a collar and bracelet on Ran Zhi. The door to the excavation site opened. Ran Zhi looked at everyone below who looked tired. The unbearable prisoners, except for the mutants who seemed to be more relaxed, the other ordinary prisoners were very tired.

After taking a look at the situation below, Ran Zhi was sure that the excavation site was divided into at least 15 groups. Ran Zhi collapsed the stairs. At this time, the prisoners all looked over and gathered around. Because there were new prisoners coming, they must You can get something from him.

"Isn't that a wise man?"

At this time, a prisoner burst out laughing. For a while, many people realized that this little old man was a wise man. Suddenly, there was a noise below. After Ran Zhi stepped into the excavation site, the door behind him was closed.

The fierce prisoners came closer one by one. Ran Zhi watched them with a smile. At this time, Ran Zhi looked into the cave in the distance.

"You better get out of the way or Alpha will kill you."

With this sentence, those who came close to each other showed expressions of fear, and they all got out of the way. Ran Zhi smiled and walked away. No prisoner dared to take action. Alpha is an absolute presence here. She said 1 No one Dare to say 2.

A few days ago, a prisoner blocked Alpha's way and was smashed to pieces by Alpha with a punch. Many prisoners followed Ran Zhi. They didn't know what Ran Zhi wanted to do when he went to Alpha.

There was a faint light in the long tunnel. Ran Zhi, led by a prisoner, came to the entrance of the cave where Alpha was. The prisoners behind him all hid far away, and none of them dared to express their anger for fear of accidentally irritating them. Alpha will be dismembered.

"Hey, this is our first meeting, Alpha Angus!"

A faint red light lit up in the darkness, and Ran Zhi stepped in. In an instant, he felt that the atmosphere in this cave was suffocating. In the next second, Ran Zhi's expression suddenly changed, and he smiled crazily.

"You can also call me wise man!"

Ran Zhi walked over as he spoke, took out a few packs of cigarettes from his pocket, and threw three packs in. The cigarettes stopped in the air, and soon with a flash of scarlet, Ran Zhi stood in front of Alpha.

"Are you here to die?"

Ran Zhi laughed.

"I have a proposal, Miss Alpha. How about you guarantee my safety and I can help you get food, cigarettes and alcohol?"

Alpha laughed evilly and took a slight step forward. Ran Zhi felt a huge force, but the next second a huge palm blocked his way, and Ran Zhi looked at Quasimodo beside him.

"This will be the monster's lair from now on."

Ran Zhi turned around and looked outside the cave at the prisoners inside. He walked over with a smile.

"Can someone give me a can of liquid food? I haven't received my lunch yet."

Ran Zhi took out three cigarettes. Although some people wanted to exchange them, Ran Zhi could see that they were afraid of coming.

Alpha's dark laughter came from behind.

"There are plenty of liquid food corners."

Ran Zhi shook his head.

"I don't like to owe others, and I don't like others to owe me."

Alpha walked over slowly, his expression frightening, and he blew out a puff of smoke at Ran Zhi.

"Then you gave me 3 packs of cigarettes because you wanted me to owe you?"

"Of course not. At least when I came in, I took advantage of your reputation, so I didn't get beaten up."

Alpha smiled and patted Ran Zhi on the shoulder.

"Interesting, I want to eat fried chicken tomorrow."

Ran Zhi turned to look at Alpha and said.

"No problem at all, Miss!"

Alpha laughed, turned around and started walking, and suddenly grabbed Ran Zhi angrily.

"Where did you get this cigarette?"

Ran Zhi said with a smile.

"It's from the section chief of Section 5. It's tobacco produced in the Angus family's fields."

Alpha let go of Ran Zhi.

"Tomorrow, if I can't eat fried chicken"

“How about a case of cool, delicious beer?”

Alpha fell silent and sat back in the corner. Quasimodo looked at Ran Zhi in concentration, and Ran Zhi leaned over.

"What do you want to eat?"

Quasimodo shook his head slightly and closed his eyes. Ran Zhi found a corner to sit down, and then threw out three cigarettes. A prisoner came over in a hurry, took away the cigarettes, and left a can of liquid food. Ran Zhi He happily walked over and took it, opened it and took a big sip.

"Not bad!"

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