Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2019 The Lost Land 2 (Part 1)

Waves of shouts resounded throughout the city. Everyone raised their weapons and shouted that they would eat the invaders alive.

Agata smiled with satisfaction. Agata had known about the large-scale march of the Xingke Branch a few days ago. She had already given strict orders to all the gangs in her territory to fire directly once the Xingke Branch passed.

Agata looked at the white light in the distance with a grin. She was the person who survived two massacres and was the strongest. Even without a hand and eyes, Agata still clearly remembered, What color does the flame look like.

Many times before, people from the Business Department sneaked in here to investigate, but they were all caught by Agata. However, Agata did not do anything cruel to them, but directly exchanged materials with the Business Department. The Business Department wanted to You have to know what's going on here, but Agata has already made all preparations.

If the current affairs department wants to launch such a large-scale attack again, at least many people will die. The city's economic situation does not allow such a large-scale war to happen again. Agata learned from some people who came recently. Know everything.

But throughout the whole day today, only one team from the acting department was discovered at the outpost, and so far no one has reported the discovery of the second team.

Agata didn't know why this team went deep into the northwest alone, and what their purpose was, but it was known that there were S-class mutants in this team.

Agata laughed coldly, and the car and motorcycle started. Several leaders and the people they recruited temporarily planned to go hunting directly. As long as they could catch a few, they would have the means to negotiate with the Xingke Branch. chips.

Agata had already ordered those who did not surrender to be killed without mercy. With such a major event happening in the city, Section 3 was not allowed to conduct such a large-scale operation in a short period of time, but they still carried out a large-scale march to the barrier area.

Agata probably knew the purpose of Section 3. He wanted to train troops while deterring the armed forces in the barrier area, and at the same time stimulate the city's immediate needs. Agata was well aware of several major events that happened in the city last year.

The barrier zone has become a threat that the administrative department has to face head-on. After several large-scale incidents last year, the armed forces in the barrier zone have become more and more rampant. Many armed forces have invaded the city from Montenegro in the north, causing many problems. , and some smugglers in the city can still smuggle some materials from Montenegro to exchange for some ore raw materials in the hands of people in the barrier area, and then resell them to businessmen in the city.

The purpose of the operation of Section 3 this time is very clear. It is to start from the south and finally converge to the north. The exchange of fire along the way is essential, and it can be used to clear out the armed forces in the barrier area, and will not be saddled with butchers because of the general clean-up in the past. The infamy is simply a plan to kill two birds with one stone.

Agata gritted her teeth and looked at the vaguely bright white light in the distance. Her head was now only blood red. The barrier area was created by the city, and it was the city's decision to keep the barrier area alive.

Agata clenched her fists, looked at the bottle of medicine at hand, picked it up, took out one and ate it. She coughed violently several times, with blood in her saliva.

This experimental drug has caused hundreds of deaths, but some people have been cured. Not long ago, Agata used a truck full of dead bodies to go outside the southern security station and exchanged a lot of money with people from Section 4. supplies.

In order to allow people in the city to live better, the existence of the barrier zone is necessary, but in order to allow the people in the barrier zone to slowly die of hunger and cold without causing problems, we plan to rely directly on force. repression.

Agata's eyes were flashing with red particles. She saw many children who were already sitting on the truck with weapons, and she smiled coldly.

The population has grown explosively in the barrier zone over the years. In order to receive more food every month, many women have given birth to children without even knowing who the fathers of these children are. These children are born with only this darkness in their eyes. There is no limit to the world, and they have no way of knowing what those faint lights in front of them are.

The useless people are expelled and the useful people stay, but it is the city that creates these useless people and criminals. Agata hates all of this from the bottom of her heart, so she still builds the foundation after suffering time and time again. Come to your own order.

"One day, I will enter the city."

At this moment, at an opening leading away from this ruined city, a man who was huddled in a corner was dragged out and a gun was forcefully given to him.

"I'm not going, I"

"Damn it, you bastards. They've already bullied us. Please move faster."

In the end, the man was pushed into a truck and given a can of liquid food. Most of them looked happy.

The truck started to start after being filled with people. Bacterial batteries are the main energy source in the barrier area. Bacterial batteries are installed on vehicles and some engineering equipment. There are countless energy barrier areas where bacteria rely on to survive, and humans are the most important. Good energy. As long as someone dies, the deceased's family can sell the body to someone with a bacterial battery in exchange for something. If there are no family members, it will basically be taken away by the armed forces.

The man who was forcefully dragged into the truck was not as happy as the others, but had a look of discomfort on his face. He did not want to fight with the people in the business department, because he knew that they were just armed forces to support him. Yes, another point is that when the man left the city, a person from Section 3 tried his best to dissuade him.

The man's name is Ma Ming. He participated in the riots in the city in January last year. After that, he had to work in the Agriculture Department for five years, but Ma Ming chose to leave. Now he regrets it, very much. The man who tried his best to dissuade him Ma Ming still remembers the man named Owen three times very clearly.

After living in the barrier zone for more than half a year, Ma Ming regretted the decision he made. Irving told Ma Ming countless times that he should persevere and just be patient for five years. The city would definitely change. , but Ma Ming rejected Irving's kindness.

It is very difficult to live in this land where death is always present. As soon as Ma Ming arrived in the barrier area, he was looted by gang members, leaving only a few things for himself. After that, he received food distribution every month. There were several times during the day that Ma Ming almost couldn't hold on anymore.

After wandering to this city, it was a little better, because you could dig out some ores with your strength and exchange them for some food and water directly from the refining place.

It's just that this place is no different from other places. Part of the liquid food you receive every month must be turned in. 5 to 10 bottles of 30 bottles of liquid food must be turned in as tax.

Everything outside the city was so bad, and terrible. Ma Ming pressed his forehead in frustration and sobbed softly. He was very scared. Once they fought, they had to rush forward. If they retreated, they would definitely be attacked by armed forces. Beaten to death.

You can see a lot of vehicles and motorcycles along the way, and a large number of armed forces have come out from various places, intending to rush over and deal with the members of Section 3 who have entered their sphere of influence.

Ma Ming looked at the bright sky in the distance with a desperate look.

7:29 am

Along with the clear sound of gunfire, signal bombs were launched into the sky. Under the sky was a dilapidated city. A large number of members of Section 3 gathered in the south of the city. The five team captains were discussing eagerly.

The first battle had started almost half an hour ago. On this eastern march route, a small team was attacked by local armed forces while passing through the edge of the city. They suffered heavy casualties. The surrounding teams immediately Reinforcements came over, and in less than a few minutes, more than a dozen lifts and lifts rushed over, hovering quickly and then slowly falling.

Zijuan walked out directly with several council officers, and the remaining captain of the attacked team ran over in disgrace.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

The team leader said with a sad expression. When they passed here, someone in the team kindly gave some food to the children. As a result, the children called the adults, and many people gathered around and asked for food. Things, in the end, in desperation, the team leader could only shoot. After that, the mutants in the team knocked down some people, but more and more people came, and finally it turned into a battle, and 9 people had been killed.

Zijuan stared at the small city in front of her with a serious expression. She could clearly see people moving in the city. They seemed to want to escape and had no intention of confronting the business department directly.

Zijuan is still thinking about something. Today has been uneventful since the beginning. There are also reports of friction between the team and some local armed forces in other places, but the matter here must be dealt with now.

In the end, Zijuan gave the order to have five teams from other routes come directly to help clean up the ruined city and fire directly if they encountered any resistance.

The purpose of this operation is not only to train soldiers, but more importantly, to clean up operations. Once any armed force resists, it will be eliminated directly. Gunshots rang out. A few seconds after Zijuan gave the order, the mutant people in the team formed He took the forward troops and entered the city directly.

In recent months, criminals sneaking in from the barrier area have frequently appeared in several districts near Montenegro in the north, which has seriously disrupted the order of the city. The armed forces in the barrier area have become increasingly restless.

The tactical command floating robot has entered the city and started transmitting information to the troops on the ground. The cleanup was very smooth and did not encounter too fierce resistance. Some people directly chose to stay in place after seeing the people from the operational department entering. surrendered, while local armed forces had fled.

At 8 o'clock, the cleaning was over, and there were no casualties. Looking at the people who were gathered to live here, Zijuan walked over. There were hundreds of people. Most of them were the old, weak, sick, and some disabled people. child.

"You heard me clearly, this time is a warning. If there is a next time, this place will be completely razed to the ground."

Zijuan said slightly threateningly, with a pair of frightened eyes in front of her. The problem in the barrier area has reached a point where it has to be dealt with. If they can be more peaceful and just live here, there will be no need for such a large-scale military operation. .

Several council officers continued to warn the local residents directly, and soon found the attacker's appearance from the on-site recorder. With the investigation one by one, those attackers who had created chaos and took advantage of the chaos were found out.

Bang bang

With the sound of gunshots, an individual was directly executed on the spot. Zijuan did not give these attackers any chance and directly executed them. In the future, the three departments must completely control the barrier area.

After everything was handled, it was already 9:21. Zijuan ordered the remaining people to continue marching, and the same was true for the damaged team members.

Although many people in Section 3 were mentally prepared in this way from the beginning, this march was not only for exercise, but more importantly for combat. Everything on site was cruel to many people who had not participated in the battle in the barrier zone.

The people in this ruined city returned to where they lived one after another, but each of their eyes was full of hostility.

Zijuan glanced at these people quietly, Ling Hong once said something.

"It's useless, no matter what you do, unless there is sunshine one day in this dark and cold land."

After so many years, the people living in the barrier area still looked at them with hostile eyes. Zijuan knew very well that she might never see such a thing in her life.

The existence of the barrier zone as a threat may have been planned by the gods early on, so that the three subjects can continue to exist and solve the employment problem of a large part of the city's people through the balance of internal and external supply and demand.

Once in college, Li Chu talked about the relationship between war and economy. The reason why people fight is most of the time for interests. As long as human society exists, this competitiveness will not disappear. As long as the economy When something goes wrong, the fight gets heated.

Although the funds of Section 3 are tight now, they have signed contracts with many companies for the supply of strategic materials for 10 years. This money will be slowly deducted from the funds of Section 3 every year and settled to these companies. Because of this contract, After signing, everyone in the entire industrial chain of industrial associations has benefited, and 500,000 long-term jobs have been added.

Money is always flowing in cycles, constantly allowing human beings to create value. Zijuan closed her eyes. She was a little tired. These years have been really bad. When she came back to her senses, the barrier zone had become In this way, two large-scale cleansing did not bring about any substantial changes, but made this land more threatening.

There are advantages and disadvantages. The city has achieved ultra-low-cost medical care. All of this was successful based on the huge human experiment library in the Barrier Zone. Since Freya proposed such a plan, the medical science in Brilliant City has improved. In just over ten years, with rapid development, those expensive, high-risk and dangerous medical treatments in the past have basically become history, and new medical methods that are beneficial to human beings are constantly emerging.


Zijuan woke up from her thoughts, and a director beside her walked over.

"Another team engaged in firefights with armed forces."

Zijuan hummed.

"Send reinforcements immediately and destroy them directly!"

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