Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2010 The curtain rises (Part 1)

November 3, 2056

9 a.m.

As a large number of congressmen left the Congress Hall, many reporters who had been waiting in the General Affairs Section Square swarmed to the stairs. Section 5 staff formed a human wall to keep the reporters outside. A large number of congressmen talked. Smiling as he came down the stairs.

The city meeting ended at 10 o'clock last night. The content of the city meeting was announced after 12 o'clock. It announced the passage of many motions, but the one that surprised many people the most was the General Affairs Committee. The position of a 5.5-level official, secretary-general, will be created and will be filled by Michelle, the current secretary of Section 5.

The establishment of this position shocked many people. The administrative affairs of the administrative department will begin to be differentiated in more detail. The functions of the secretary and the section chief will be directly separated. In the future, the secretaries of the 12 departments of the administrative department will directly connect with the general affairs department. Secretary General docking.

Many people are sensitively aware that there will be a new round of huge changes in the business department. This year's power change drama has just begun. Especially Michelle's behavior has made many people feel extremely worried.

This somewhat inhumane and cold-like mechanical style of doing things has made many people in the department intolerable, especially last month when a reporter exposed a problem involving a 7-year-old officer named Li Ang. The members enriched themselves, cheated on the review, and were finally caught by Section 5.

Originally it was just a trivial matter, but under the magnification of the reporters, the identity of this section officer named Li Ang was exposed. He is the classmate of Niya, the chief of section 5, and the person who ordered the arrest and investigation was the person from section 5. Secretary Michelle.

The reporters began to be allowed to conduct interviews in an orderly manner. They found some congressmen and asked various questions. The congressmen just answered casually.

"Councillor Wu Qun, would you like to ask if the food chain supply chain proposed by your Food Association will destroy the city's original market?"

Wu Qun answered the reporter's question with a smile.

"No, the reason why we build such a supply chain is because food safety is extremely important to every citizen in the city. This approach can make it impossible for businessmen who want to make money by relying on inferior food to Escape!"

After Wu Qun finished speaking, the next question came again. He just smiled and kept answering. Wu Qun was extremely happy in his heart. He knew what would come next. The businessmen behind him were all in chaos, because Once Michelle goes to the General Affairs Department, some of the original things may not be so easy.

In the next month, the administrative department will undergo earth-shaking changes, and Michelle will officially take office in the general affairs department on January 1 next year and become the secretary-general of the administrative department.

Wu Qun is very clear that when the 12 business departments hand over things to the general affairs department in the future, it will not be so easy to pass, especially many commercial issues, which are the lifeblood of businessmen.

"Okay everyone, I still have something to do and I have to go back to deal with it first. That's it for today."

With the help of Section 5, Wu Qun walked out from the crowd of reporters. He glanced at the General Affairs Section. He used to go there often, especially when his wife was still the secretary of the General Affairs Section. Wu Qun often went there. Rice, Wu Qun couldn't help but laugh when he thought of this.

The general affairs department will no longer have such a leisurely life in the future. Once Michelle enters the general affairs department, the administrative department will undergo earth-shaking changes. Wu Qun had foreseen this a long time ago. Michelle is more sophisticated than her mother. You have talent, this talent is given by God.

Cities will face very big challenges in the future. A new round of aging society has begun. More newborns must be born. To feed these newborns, a good urban economic structure is needed. and a fair social system.

In the future, it will no longer be possible for businessmen to exploit loopholes through the bureaucracy. The bureaucracy has gradually begun to stand on the opposite side of the parliamentarians. This is a picture that Wu Qun had envisioned a long time ago, but it has only been realized now. It's been over 30 years.

Wu Qun stood on the steps going down to the street. He couldn't help but close his eyes. The tears overflowed and Wu Qun wiped them away casually. An era that he had never seen before was about to come. Such an era seemed good to Wu Qun. At least it will be better than any previous era.

As the core department of the external affairs department, Department 5 now has nothing to worry about. Niya's approach was beyond Wu Qun's expectation. He was doubtful at first. This was a big gamble, pushing Niya to this position. Su Li What he said came true, and now Wu Qun really admits that Niya has better talents than her sister.

At this time, the chief secretary of the administrative department and the directors all came down the stairs. The reporters rushed over again, but the people from the 5th department immediately separated them. Michelle walked behind Niya, and the two As soon as the people came over, the reporters crowded in and took pictures with their camera equipment.


Niya muttered, and Michelle bowed slightly and said thank you. Michelle will leave Section 5 in nearly two months, and the secretary candidate for Section 5 has been decided, and will be appointed by a former The governing officer took over.

A group of people walked into the office. The section chief and secretaries went directly to the conference room on the second floor, while Michelle followed Locke to the private lounge.

There was no objection from the section chief or secretary, and Locke was a little helpless to let Michelle take the position of secretary-general, because she felt it was still a little early, but now that it had been established, she could only start.

"You used to come here to wait for your mother, Michelle!"

Locke said with some nostalgia as soon as he entered the door, and Michelle bowed.

"Thank you, Mr. Manager, for taking care of me back then."

Locke smiled and asked Michelle to sit down. He just wanted to hear Michelle's thoughts. There were only less than two months left, and many things had to be started in advance.

"If you think there is any room for improvement in the current General Affairs Department, you can tell us about it, as well as the handover of things with each department in the future."

Michelle began to think about it, and Locke opened a light and shadow screen directly. This is the current functional scope of each department in the General Affairs Department. Michelle looked at it seriously.

After more than ten minutes, Michelle spoke.

"Your Excellency, General Manager, I hope to retain the position of secretary of the General Affairs Section."

Locke looked at Michelle in confusion, and she continued.

"I hope there will be 30 positions for general affairs department secretaries."


Locke was a little surprised.

"There is no need for the secretaries who are still serving to return to the position of director officer, but to a position higher than the director officer, from 1 to 30, so 30 secretaries are needed."

Locke became a little confused because he had never thought about these things. The staffing and official positions of the General Affairs Department were basically the same as those of other operational departments.

"The three general affairs department secretaries correspond to all the handover matters of a department, and the role of the director remains unchanged. They will be arranged under these secretaries to execute the orders issued by the general affairs department and accept documents sent by the corresponding departments. This will make the general affairs department The work efficiency of the department is higher. There is no need to temporarily arrange some directors to organize corresponding solutions when an incident occurs. Instead, three secretaries directly handle the affairs of the corresponding department. Except for the 10th department, the 12th department Except that there won’t be much handover work between Section 13 and Section 13, the workload for the handover of the other 10 subjects will be huge.”

Locke nodded.

"Then let me start making arrangements. I have candidates."

"Can you let me choose, Mr. General?"

Locke sighed, and Michelle went on to talk about some unreasonable parts of the General Affairs Department. Some areas need to be cut off directly. There are nearly 80 directors in the General Affairs Department, but in many cases, the handover work is basically the same. , the handover work of each subject will be accepted.

Many handover tasks are handled jointly by various departments, which is very inefficient because each department may often handle many different issues. Michelle’s idea is to let the corresponding department handle the corresponding work, and only need to do a single With repeated processing, over time, the efficiency of each department can be fully improved.

Locke thought about what Michelle said. Indeed, as Michelle said, the efficiency of the General Affairs Department has indeed been somewhat low in recent years. Especially after Yin Xianglin left, the situation in the General Affairs Department became more and more serious.

"Next is the work of spot checks. Your Excellency the General Manager and I both need to spot check some documents handled by the secretaries of the General Affairs Section. If there are any problems, we can find them in time."

Locke sighed and looked at the time. It was already 10:34 in the morning. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the senior management of their business department would hold a brief meeting. The issue of the division of functions between the section chief and the secretary had basically been decided. Yes, the secretary is in charge of outside work, while the section chief is in charge of inside work.

However, the authority of each section is still dominated by the section chief, and the secretary must still obey the section chief's orders. Such intelligent division can eliminate the need for the section chief and secretary to perform the same repetitive work.

Seeing that Michelle was still talking about something, Locke listened patiently and gave some suggestions on some places. Michelle also thought about it seriously and started to discuss it with Locke.

Locke is a little happy, because this is a situation that has never happened before. Locke thought it was too early before, but if Michelle comes to the General Affairs Department, it will save him a lot of worry. The past secretaries, including Yin Xianglin, They rarely take the initiative to put forward some opinions and suggestions. After issuing some instructions themselves, they are responsible for planning and implementation.

The future may be good, this thought came to Locke's mind. Looking at the young Michelle, Locke's only worry was that some things had been overdone, but the experience from Michelle taking office to now It seems that many things are correct and not overdone.

"By the way, Michelle, remember to go home when you have time. I met your father at a banquet a while ago."

Michelle stopped, thought for a while and then nodded.

"Thank you, Mr. Manager, I understand."


Niya was already sitting in the hall of the General Affairs Department, where the food was taken. The head chef smiled and listened to Niya's order, and immediately gave orders for the chefs to start preparing.

"You really haven't changed, Niya!"

Keying sat over with a smile, and Niya said with a smile.

"But Sister Ying, of course you have to eat before you have the strength to work. I'm so hungry that I can't stand it anymore."

Ke Ying looked at everything around her happily. She would soon be able to resign. She would retreat from such a torturous world of power and return to her family. Her husband would also resign with him.

"Good job, Nya."

"That's for sure, I'm just about to start showing off my fists."

Keying looked around and sighed helplessly.

"The principal still hasn't come."

Niya hummed.

"He will probably never step foot into the halls of Congress again in his lifetime."

It has been a long time since 13 members of Congress were absent every time, and 10 votes were always only abstentions.

"Do you know what he's been busy with recently?"


Niya scratched her head.

"I met him more than ten days ago. He seems to travel frequently between the city and the barrier area."

Keying smiled helplessly.

Basically all of Jean's classmates felt a little sorry because everyone was about to leave office. Many of them wanted to have a drink with Jean and talk about some things over the years, but it was always difficult for Jean. See.

Even if they meet, they are just saying hello. Ke Ying also has a lot of things she wants to say to Jean, but it seems impossible. He is still as busy as before, working hard every day without stopping for a moment.

"I think after you retire, that bastard Gene will come to you from time to time!"

Keying looked at Niya with some surprise, and Niya laughed.

"Perhaps there is a part of him that feels a little guilty for forcing something as huge as the city into your lives."

Keying pursed her lips and smiled and pulled Niya over.

"Really, girl, when did you learn to say this kind of thing?"

"What I said is the truth. That's probably what the bastard thought. He must be blaming himself."

Keying shook her head.

"We should be the ones blaming ourselves. We have created a bad era."

Niya smiled and did not intend to continue the topic. At this time, other section chiefs and secretaries also came down. Locke walked out of the elevator with Michelle.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became serious, Locke walked over and sat directly next to Niya.

"Are you okay? Michelle will leave in less than two months."

Niya scratched her head.

"What else can I do? I just have to adapt to many things slowly."

Locke laughed and looked at his peers around him. He raised his head with some emotion. They would leave soon, but he could only continue to sit in this position. Gene had talked to him more than once. Let’s get past Michelle’s problem. I hope Locke can wait until Michelle is completely able to handle everything before leaving.

"That's all!"

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