Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2009 Principles (Part 2)

"Master Liu."

A Section 5 officer stood quietly in the office of a director. The director in front of him looked at a document that had just been submitted. It was just a document about the review of seized assets in District 103. The reviewer was Li Ang.

This director's name was Liu Xia, who was the older director in Section 5 and a classmate of Alpha. After quietly looking at the information for a while, he immediately laughed.

"Such an easy-to-understand thing."

The officer in front of him immediately smiled.

"What do you mean, Mr. Liu?"

"Since Section 7 has already sent this kind of document, I'll leave it to you to handle it. You have to give the section chief some face."

The scientific officer nodded immediately, and Liu Xia smiled helplessly.

Because the previous person in charge of these seized assets was involved in criminal cases, the review materials had to come to Section 5 for review. Although this kind of cross-supervision was implemented before, it was just a formality, but it is different now, Niya and Michelle will review many seized assets implicated in crimes.

Once some problems are found in some of the assets under review, the local 5th Section will immediately go directly to conduct on-site investigations. Niya and Michelle started after the last mining incident. Many directors from other departments have some Headache.

Looking at the document reviewed by Li Ang in front of her, Liu Xia knew after reading it in detail that there was fraud in the document. Such a simple and easy-to-understand thing, just look at it in detail and think about it. Li Ang did not intend to submit this document to Niya. , intending to pass the review directly.

It is nothing new for people in Section 7 to make profits from loans and seized assets. Niya’s classmate Li Ang just wants to make some extra money, and looking at the seized assets above, the most are less than one million, such a small problem , Liu Xia is not going to submit it.

Then Liu Xia directly passed the seizure review document, and he leaned back comfortably. Many classmates planned to retire, but Liu Xia never thought about retirement.

"I want to work until I'm 100 years old and then retire."

Liu Xia smiled and planned to get up and take a lunch break, but a message appeared on the light screen in the next second. Liu Xia immediately frowned slightly. The document she had just authorized was directly rejected by secretary Michelle, and she had to ask for it. He goes to the office.

Liu Xia stood up helplessly, took her mobile phone, picked up her uniform, put it on, tidied it up, and left the office directly. The offices of the secretary and section chief were upstairs. Soon Liu Xia entered Michelle's office. inside.

Nia was standing next to Michelle with one hand supported, and Michelle was saying something to Nia. The expressions of the two of them still looked so serious. Basically, they would have fierce disputes in most of the work. , but there is always a new solution after a dispute.

"Director Liu Xia, please tell me whether you have carefully read this document."

Liu Xia smiled awkwardly and nodded. There were 6 light and shadow screens in front of Michelle. They were all files with different contents. Niya coughed.

"What's wrong?"

"These three places cannot be inferior assets unless their past tax and financial statements are completely falsified. But from the analysis of the financial statements of the past years and every month, as well as the supply and output chain of District 103, they have falsified The possibility is almost zero.”

Niya pressed her forehead. He didn't know what Li Ang did. Michelle had ordered people from Section 5 to go directly to conduct an on-site inspection. The video footage and the found things would be directly compiled into data and transmitted.

Liu Xia didn't know how to explain, Niya looked at him and said.

"You should go there yourself. If there is really a problem, just deal with it directly."

Niya sighed helplessly. Michelle stood up and immediately explained the places in several photos and some of the past transaction partners of the three factories. Liu Xia bowed slightly and turned around to leave.

"I think there must be some reason for him to do this"

"No matter what the reason is, as such an important reviewer, if he cheats on the review, Section 5 must arrest him."

Niya was silent, she exhaled a puff of smoke, and nodded slightly after thinking about it.


Located in the southern guard station, Tianhen has just completed the training with the members of the team. The members of the team walked towards the beverage shop in the guard station. Their team can always complete the afternoon training quickly and then get a rest. At this time, they usually go to the beverage shop to sit until the afternoon, and then start training in the evening after eating.

"Captain, did Master Cook say anything?"

Ren Jia asked in a low voice, and Tianhen snorted.

"He said just let us wait. He has already arranged everything."

Ren Jia smiled and nodded. Tianhen also seemed very happy, but one person in the team was not very happy recently. Owen had not said a word to Tianhen and the others recently.

Xima looked worriedly at Owen, who was sitting alone in the corner after entering the store. After ordering something, she took the initiative to lean over. They were the first to come and the earliest to leave every day. The store was now empty.

"Are you worried about anything lately?"

Xima asked after sitting down, and Owen smiled and shook his head.

"it's nothing."

Xima asked no more questions. Section 3 has now begun to prepare for the large-scale march starting next year. The current training is to be able to adapt to the large-scale march next year. Tactics training will be conducted in the morning and physical training will be conducted at noon. , and spend at least one day and night in the barrier area opposite the guard station every week.

The sudden start of high-intensity training has made many members of the team miserable. Xima also feels that it is much harder than before, especially because they have mutants and other issues.

"If you have anything, you can tell me."

Xima looked at Owen seriously. After he thought for a while, the drinks were delivered. The boss happily chatted with Owen until others urged him to leave.

"What should I say? Don't ask what happened. People will always do things without a bottom line."

Seema nodded.

"Do you still remember why the orphanage we stayed in when we were children was closed down?"

Owen hummed, because the orphanage was in a relatively good location, and businessmen took a fancy to the land. In the end, because no one donated it, and the orphanage involved many illegal issues, it was eventually closed down, and their director Also arrested.

"This kind of bottomless approach will indeed make a person very strong, but"

Owen stopped, and Xima's eyes drifted to Tianhen not far away. She more or less guessed what happened that night. Tianhen and the others looked very happy during this time after they came back.

"Because we live in a material world!"

Xima muttered, and Owen hummed.

"Stop talking. I'm sorry, Xima. It's okay to worry you."

Xima turned around and watched Tianhen coming over with some snacks.

"Eat something first. You're all hungry. I'll treat you."

Xima hummed, and Tianhen sat down directly. Their eyes met for a moment, and Owen's expression showed an angry look.

"Evil without a bottom line!"

Tianhen muttered, and the anger on Owen's face fully emerged.

"I have good hearing Owen."

As soon as Tianhen finished speaking, Owen had already stood up in the next second.

"Sit down first."

Tianhen said, Xima stood up and tried to ease Owen's mood, but Owen seemed extremely angry at this time.

"I don't know who asked you to do this. Evil without a bottom line will only bring bad consequences."


Tianhen laughed.

"I'm sorry that I can't see the future, and I don't want to see it. I just want to be able to see the top or the bottom tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow."

Owen sat down.

"Stop worrying about these things Owen, like I said, if you want to change everything, you have to climb up."


Owen shook his head.

"If you can easily trample on your own bottom line of principles, even if you climb up, those precious things have been exhausted. Change everything? All you can change is to continue on the path you have already crossed."

Tianhen laughed.

"Perhaps as you said, I'm sorry Owen, I really hate you."

Tianhen stood up and turned back to where he was sitting. Owen gasped and seemed a little excited.

Something flashed through Xima's mind, bottomless evil and principled goodness. The strength of the two is a matter of judgment. Xima has seen many kind-hearted people who abide by their principles. Most of them They can only become the objects of ridicule and suppression by others, and when these principled and kind people cross the bottom line, some big problems often arise.

The past director was like this. In desperation, he crossed the bottom line. Although the starting point was good, in order to be able to feed the children in the orphanage, the result was that he was immersed in the evil that had no bottom line from the outside, and finally led to Tragedy happened.

Once their color begins to be mixed with black or other colors, people who have adhered to certain things in the past have no power to fight against these infused colors.

Tianhen's current behavior reminded Xima of the past director. She felt a little uncomfortable, but Owen in front of her still held those things that were meaningless to others, and lived unswervingly and principledly. Well-intentioned people are not allowed by this era, because this has been the case throughout the entire era. Money and power have been on the opposite side of these well-intentioned people from the beginning, and their power is simply not enough to fight against these things.

"If the city really wants to have a bright future, it needs people with good intentions and principles, not evil without a bottom line, because evil without a bottom line will breed a lot of things that no one knows about. I went to see it a while ago Director."

Hima hummed.

"Is she feeling better?"

Owen looked a little heartbroken and shook his head.

"She's still crazy. She's still living in the past, nagging all day long that she's going to starve to death, they're going to starve to death."

Xima lowered her head, looking a little sad. Looking at Owen who was a little confused in front of her, Xima pressed his hand and nodded.

"It will get better, at least now things have started to change."

Owen smiled.

"Yes, it has begun to change."

Near dusk

"I'll leave the rest to you, Jiaojiao."

Ye Jiao stared blankly at Li Ang, who had been handcuffed by Section 5, feeling a little powerless. She knew what would happen to Li Ang. If the review data was falsified, according to the internal handling regulations of the practice section, he would be directly downgraded to a general section. If he is a member, he will be fired directly. According to Li Ang's situation, he is likely to be transferred directly and become an ordinary grassroots staff member. His future is blocked.

Looking at Li Ang leaving, Ye Jiao glanced at Li Jun and Zhang Ting, both of whom looked ashen.

"Sorry, sorry!"

Li Jun looked at Li Ang who had been taken away and kept talking. Next to him, Zhang Ting wiped her tears and Ye Jiao closed her eyes.

"There's no time for you to grieve now. Move quickly. Now we can only rely on ourselves to find a buyer."

Ye Jiao turned around and walked into the company. Li Jun looked at the leader walking across the street and said with a smile.

"Boss, did you do it?"

The leader immediately raised his hands and said with a smile.

"If I were that capable, I wouldn't be able to handle even a small captain."

Ye Jiao knew very well that it was the result of a strict investigation by Section 5. As early as last month, Ye Jiao had felt that Section 5 was much stricter than before when it came to the investigation of crimes involving seized property. Ye Jiao probably knew who it came from. Handwriting.

As long as there is a slight problem, it will never escape Michelle's eyes. Ye Jiao knows very well that Michelle is the kind of person who abides by her principles to the extreme.

What Ye Jiao was worried about still happened, and the bad premonition became a reality. She returned to the office on the second floor and watched Li Jun's men looking for people to inquire about the situation of some low-level gangs.

Now Ye Jiao is very uncomfortable and a little uneasy, because in the past, her father had crossed his own bottom line and eventually had problems.

The office seemed extremely dull. Li Jun sat aside and smoked silently. According to preliminary estimates, Li Jun's leather bag company cost more than 400,000 yuan at most. It was no longer realistic to raise the price.

Ye Jiao was thinking about Li Ang and the problems here. At this time, some people walked in, including Li Jun's boss and people from other gangs.

"I heard that you want to sell this place? I just found a buyer for you."

Ye Jiao immediately glanced at Li Jun's men and was sure that they had betrayed Li Jun.

Li Jun hummed.

"The price is 300,000. I'll go through the formalities tomorrow. As for the remaining money you owe me, I can extend it to you for one year. Is that interesting?"

Li Jun nodded repeatedly, Ye Jiao said nothing, and the matter seemed to have been settled, because Li Ang's seemingly well-intentioned move ended up attracting these guys who had no bottom line, and Li Ang also because he crossed His own bottom line has suffered consequences.

After a while, the two parties reached an agreement, and the other party offered an extra 30,000 yuan, which Li Jun readily accepted. Gradually, only Li Jun, Zhang Ting, and Ye Jiao were left in the office.

Looking at these two people who would have to bear debt for a long time in the future, Ye Jiao knew very well that no one would pity them, and no one could help them. They would have to endure greater suffering and torture in the future.

"Keep your head up."

Ye Jiao said, and the two of them looked at her with bitterness and helplessness.

"I may have a way to help you pay off your debt slowly, but you have to bite the bullet in the next year."

The two of them looked at Ye Jiao in surprise. Ye Jiao thought about it and thought of a path that was very suitable for them, but this path would be extremely difficult and dangerous.

"Go ahead, Miss Ye Jiao."

Ye Jiao hummed.

"Come with me, I will take you to a place."

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