Near dusk

The streets became lively. Li Ang was sitting in a tavern, watching people returning from work in the sunset. Many family members would stand on the street to greet them, and there was laughter and laughter everywhere.

The scene in front of him couldn't help but remind Li Ang of his childhood. Li Jun seemed to be very familiar with his boss and was chatting with him about something. Li Jun used to be Li Ang's childhood playmate, and those before he entered the prison. Years ago, after dropping out of school and returning, I helped myself a lot.

Li Ang was smoking a cigarette with his hand on his chin. Looking at Li Jun, he could still recognize his appearance, but Li Jun was much stronger. Many guests in the tavern took the initiative to greet him politely. Li Ang could probably guess that, Li Jun should be a gang member now.

However, Li Ang was a little worried, because the gunshot wound on Li Jun's arm looked very new, not old. It should have been an injury suffered recently. From the first glance, Li Ang probably knew what was going on. He was in the business department before. In school, Li Ang would take medical electives when he had nothing to do. It can be estimated that this gunshot wound was sustained within the past two months.

The good thing about the bottom class, in Li Ang's view, is that it still retains some of the beauty of the past era and has not been poisoned by too much informatization. Although a lot of information can still be obtained, the price of information equipment is beyond the affordability of many low-class families. There are many people using primitive communication mobile phones that are not intelligent.

Along the way, Li Ang also saw many TVs from the previous era. These things have long been eliminated. Nowadays, there is no company that produces these old-era products because the raw materials consumed can be used in too many new industries. The output is far more valuable than this product of the old era.

No raw material supplier is willing to provide raw materials for these old-era products. Even some old-era products are treasures because they can obtain a large amount of raw materials. Once these things are damaged and cannot be used anymore, special material suppliers will buy them. .

Most of the seizures that Li Ang had handled before were some waste products from the old era, but these waste products can be disintegrated into raw materials and turned into treasures. Li Ang saw some repair shops for old equipment, which contained a large number of He made a living by repairing these old items for his neighbors.

Li Jun seemed to have finished talking to the boss. He came over, took out a cigarette and handed one to Li Ang with a smile.

"Are you busy at work tonight?"

Li Ang shook his head.

"Have a nice drink."

Li Ang nodded and didn't think much about it. He just nodded. He probably hadn't seen Li Jun for more than 20 years. Although Li Ang didn't know what happened to Li Jun, it was certain that he had become very big now. You can tell from his behavior and conversation.

"By the way, Li Ang heard that you are now in charge of the seizure case?"

Li Ang hummed.

"No mention of work."

Li Jun nodded immediately, took out a bottle of wine with a smile, opened it and filled it up for Li Ang. The two of them took a big sip first, and soon the food came. It was very rich, and Li Ang felt that it was a bit wasted.

"It's okay. You can eat as much as you want. I will pack the rest. We haven't seen each other for many years. I remember you were in Section 7 before. Then I asked them and they said you were transferred."

Li Ang just talked about the transfer in an understatement. Li Jun's eyes always showed evasion and excitement. Li Ang probably knew that Li Jun wanted to establish a line with him, but Li Ang avoided it in his words.

"Hey, many things have become more difficult these years, and our business is getting worse and worse."

Li Ang smiled helplessly. It was getting dark, and Li Ang was a little drunk. He wanted to go back to the temporary dormitory in Section 7, but he couldn't resist Li Jun's enthusiasm, so he could only agree to continue chatting. The two left the tavern, and Li Ang Jun took Li Ang to a nightclub on the street. It was not as noisy as Li Ang thought, but very quiet. Li Jun found a seat to sit down and ordered a lot of beer.

Li Ang was already a little drunk. Although as a mutant, his body was much stronger than that of ordinary people, and the same was true for drinking, but after drinking so much, he was already a little unbearable. Li Jun still seemed very sober, and he still picked up the A bottle of beer came, and just as he was about to drink it, Li Ang took it over.

"Stop drinking. If you drink any more, you will go to the hospital."

Li Jun kept swallowing, he really couldn't stand it anymore.

"You can see it."

Li Ang grunted. When he was drinking in the pub, Li Jun went to the toilet several times. When he came back, he seemed a little soberer. Li Ang probably knew that he went to spit out all the wine he drank.

"Do you do this often? It's very harmful to your body."

Li Jun looked a little helpless. Li Ang put down the beer and poured a small cup for Li Jun, and then the two of them drank slowly.

"Tell me how you want me to help you?"

Li Jun was a little embarrassed to say it, but he still spoke.

"Is there any better auction resources? If we know about it in advance, we can get a lot of good things."

Li Ang knew that Li Jun wanted this, and he said after thinking for a moment.

"Let's talk about your current situation first."

Li Jun sighed and said that after District 58 was banned, he and his parents originally went to other districts to continue their business, but then the business failed, and with the problems of gang members, their family had no choice but to sell out. Everything has gone to the bottom of life, but nothing has improved.

Li Jun's parents are no longer here. When he was at his worst, he could only go to the eastern agricultural base to work to earn some living expenses. But it was during that time that he met a leader, and after he came out, he worked with that leader until now.

"What happened to the gunshot wound on your hand?"

Li Jun pressed his arm for a while before speaking.

"It was the boss who beat me."

Li Ang saw it, and Li Jun seemed to be in a desperate situation.

"What happened?"

Li Jun thought for a while before speaking.

"We usually use the money given to us by the boss to lend money, or to buy some materials that will be more valuable in the future to store. Originally everything was fine, but before Section 5 asked us to hand over some raw materials, we had to hand them over."

Li Ang hummed, Li Jun drank the beer in one gulp, and continued.

"Several of the people I lent money to have been arrested or ran away. The loans may not be recovered in my lifetime, plus the previous losses."

"How much do you owe your boss?"

Li Jun swallowed and said.

"More than 1 million."

"Then how much money do you have on hand now?"

Li Jun said after thinking for a moment.

"Probably more than 400,000."

"How much exactly?"

Li Ang asked again.

"300,000 to 300,000."


Li Jun looked at Li Ang with some despair and said.

"There are less than 100,000 left."

After listening to what Li Jun said, Li Ang understood that Li Jun owed their boss 1 million, but he should have made a lot of money with the 1 million, and gave the boss a lot of money. Seeing that he is in this movie now He has a lot of connections in the neighborhood, so I'm sure he was very popular before.

But now, because of Niya's policy towards gang members, they are having a hard time. Some gang members are doing everything they can to launder their assets, and then get some good assets from Section 7's auction items. Then proceed to formalized operations.

In the past few months, the security on the ground floor has improved a lot. At this time, you can still see some people from the business department. Just now, people from the five departments came in to check the situation and ask the shop owner something.

"100,000 cannot buy any high-quality assets."

Li Ang spoke directly, and Li Jun looked anxious.

"Li Ang, please help me. Find out how much it costs. I can borrow some from my friends in other gangs."

Li Ang knows very well that this approach is very dangerous. There are very few high-quality assets that can be obtained for less than 1 million, and it is very difficult to make a profit. And those better high-quality assets can easily cost millions or tens of millions. Li Jun cannot afford it.

Li Ang was a little tangled in his heart at this time. If he did nothing, the only way for his childhood friend would be to die or to escape from the city and go to the dark barrier area. No matter which outcome it was, it would be the end.

"It's all my fault for being too greedy. If I had listened to my subordinates and stopped, I wouldn't be as miserable as I am now."

Li Ang knew very well that with his position, it was almost impossible for Li Jun to successfully buy high-quality assets. Those high-quality auction assets had already been determined by others, and even if Li Ang knew the inside information, he would tell Li Jun He couldn't afford it either.

"I just have to review some seized assets in the past few days. Wait for my news."

Li Jun said thank you, tears couldn't stop flowing out for a while, and Li Ang patted him on the shoulder.

Li Ang had also experienced the days of being in debt. If Leona hadn't helped them at that time, he and Jewell would have been doomed.

The two of them continued to drink. Li Ang didn't know if he could help Li Jun, but he already had some plans in mind. It depends on the situation of the seized assets in this work.

By about 9 o'clock in the evening, Li Ang was already very drunk. Li Jun called someone and took Li Ang to a nearby hotel.

"You can rest here tonight."

Li Ang lay on the bed drunkenly, feeling dizzy. He heard a woman's voice outside and Li Jun's somewhat vicious voice.

"Bitch, when will you pay back the money you owe us?"

A beautiful woman with heavy makeup looked at Li Jun with horrified eyes. He pulled the woman's hair, and the woman begged and would return it.

"The principal is 80,000, and the total with interest is 136,000. I don't care about the subsequent interest. You'd better hurry up, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

The woman nodded repeatedly, and then Li Jun pulled her to the door of the room.

"Tonight you will serve the people inside well, do you hear me clearly?"

The woman nodded repeatedly.

In a daze, Li Ang felt a warmth and a not-so-smelling aroma. He wanted to struggle up, but his body felt extremely heavy. However, Li Ang soon got up and closed his eyes again drunkenly. He closed his eyes, but before closing them, he saw the woman in front of him, who looked familiar.

Under the dim light, the woman looked at Li Ang in a daze, with tears in her eyes. She covered her mouth and couldn't help crying for a while, but the work had to continue, and there were still people guarding outside.

Didi didi

7 a.m.

Li Ang woke up from the heat, grabbed the phone, and stretched out his white hand to support Li Ang.

"I have finished the economic analysis report you gave me. When will you come back? There are a few points that I need to tell you in person."

Li Ang felt a little embarrassed for a moment. The woman next to him stood up and brought Li Ang a glass of water. After Li Ang drank it, he said hurriedly.

"Maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, that's it for now. Jiaojiao, I have something to do here."

"What's wrong? There seems to be something wrong with your voice."

Li Ang smiled helplessly.

"Let's talk about it when we get back."


After Li Ang drank the water, he looked at the woman in front of him. She was smiling. Although she had taken off her makeup, she did look familiar. Li Ang couldn't quite remember where he had seen this woman.

"Mr. Li Ang, long time no see."

Li Ang felt a little embarrassed for a moment, but he remembered it the next second.

"Are you Xiaoting?"

The woman smiled and nodded.

"I didn't expect you to still remember me."

Li Ang laughed helplessly. The woman's name was Zhang Ting. She was a female worker he recruited when he was still the owner of the winery. Memories came flooding back. Li Ang liked her at that time and wanted to invite her, but Unfortunately, it didn't work out in the end. After a series of changes, the winery closed down and Zhang Ting went elsewhere to marry a man.

Li Ang took out some money from his pocket and handed it to Zhang Ting. She seemed hesitant, but she still took it and said thank you.

"I'm leaving first, Mr. Li Ang. There may be work later."

After a while, Zhang Ting put on her clothes, and Li Ang stood up and grabbed her.

"After all these years"

Zhang Ting lowered her head in embarrassment, and then spoke after a while.

"Remember Mr. Li Ang, I have a sick brother."

Li Ang hummed, Zhang Ting sat down, Li Ang lit a cigarette, and listened to Zhang Ting's words.

Because of her brother's illness, Zhang Ting's marriage was not very smooth, because she still had to bear the burden of her paralyzed brother. At first, her husband did not complain at all, but as time went by, her husband finally couldn't help but exploded, and the two ended up divorcing. Without the support of her husband, Zhang Ting could only look for part-time jobs everywhere. However, her working ability was average and she often did not work for a long time, because in addition to her original job, Zhang Ting had to do odd jobs and continue to take care of her brother.

With no choice but to work in the special service industry, Zhang Ting can continue to take care of her brother and afford medical expenses and living expenses. Now Zhang Ting's brother is in a nursing home and receiving good care, and Zhang Ting is engaged in this outside kind of work.

But working in this industry is not very smooth. As long as you are at the bottom, you will be involved with gang members to some extent. Zhang Ting wants to go to District 29 because it is more free there, but because of the investigation of District 29 a few months ago, she borrowed the money. The money they wanted to gain a foothold in District 29 was wasted, so they owed Li Jun and the others a lot of money.

"Why don't you go to the Wallet Section to borrow money?"

Li Ang pressed his forehead as soon as he finished speaking.

"That's right, you can't borrow it at all."

Zhang Ting nodded. There are many people like her in this city, too many. Li Ang was holding a cigarette in his mouth. He didn't know what to say for a moment. Zhang Ting came over and leaned against Li Ang's hand. body.

"Can you help me? Mr. Li Ang."

Li Ang nodded.

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