October 8, 2246

"Let's have dinner together later!"

Li Ang said with a happy smile. The clerks in District 87 in front of him nodded. Li Ang breathed a sigh of relief. The month-long assignment was finally over.

Looking at some houses being demolished and constructed in the distance, Li Ang breathed a long sigh of relief. This is also the current state of everyone. The month-long investigation of the mining area issues has finally come to an end.

There are countless problems hidden near the mining area. The problems continue to expand in the north, and eventually spread to several surrounding districts. The entire north is where the housing facilities in Bright City are the oldest.

Because of family problems, many mines were ordered to be sold directly. The family members did not resist too much this time. Businessmen took advantage of the situation and bought these problematic mining sites from the family.

As businessmen move in, the old neighborhoods around the mining area will need to be re-planned and rebuilt, but only in areas close to the mining area. After all, this place is valuable. As long as more than 100,000 miners still work here, there will be development value.

The bill was passed at the end of last month, and the secretary of Section 7 is in charge. At the same time, Section 7 also has to deal with a series of subsequent matters in the mining area. The problems in the mining area this time are inseparable from Section 7, but the investigation stopped when Section 7 was reached. Now, although it is unclear what agreement Niya and Section Chief Jin Mangan have reached, it is certain that many people in Section 7 have restrained themselves now.

Niya's actions have reminded many people in Section 7, because 17 directors in the General Affairs Section have announced their retirement. However, according to internal rumors, they have been investigated and arrested. The actual situation is similar, because in the past mining area It is under the supervision of the General Affairs Section. Anyone with a discerning eye knows how many problems there are.

Li Ang's work changed again this month. He was transferred from the Audit Department to the Field Service Department by his boss, both to deal with some mortgage assets related to Section 7.

Especially after problems occurred in the mining area, many mining-related companies that had previously worked with Qike Loan filed for bankruptcy. Li Ang came here to check these mortgage materials. In addition to houses, anything with monetary value will be seized and recycled. If the owner still cannot repay the money after six months, it will be auctioned directly.

In the coming days, Section 7 will still need to supervise the reorganization of the businessmen who acquired the mining company. Now the mining industry has been completely included in the supervision of the Executive Section. However, in Li Ang's view, the mining industry is still divided up by the people of the association. That's all, because the businessmen who came to acquire were all from the seven major associations, and it seemed that they had been negotiated. There was no dispute at all, and the acquisition was successfully completed.

Li Ang was chatting and laughing with the clerks next to him while recording some things. Nowadays, every time Li Ang goes to a place, it is not only about things at work, but also everything related to the economy in the area. After returning home, I will take time to make an economic analysis report.

These things are supposed to be done by Section 7, but basically the focus of Section 7 is now on the loan and financial markets. Section 2 has repeatedly proposed that Section 7 send people to investigate the economic variables in each region, and then make Reports, as long as they are reports on all aspects related to the economy, basically the seven subjects are still the same as in the past.

These seemingly complicated things seem very simple to Li Ang. They only need to be classified. Looking at the storage and taxes in the wallet management office during the month can give you a rough idea of ​​the situation. After that, you only need to conduct on-site detailed investigations. , you can clearly assess the economic status of a district.

This is very important in the economy. Li Ang adapted the economic Galen article published by Hu Youran in the past and improved it to be able to clearly understand the economic status of the region.

Section 7 is just muddle along now, focusing on how to obtain more benefits. In Li Ang's view, this is dereliction of duty. During this review of seized assets, Li Ang found that many companies nearby had mortgaged assets to Section 7. It is a low-quality asset and is simply incompatible with the loan.

But as long as the assets have been inspected at the beginning of the mortgage, they are good. Now it can’t be helped. It is actually 7 Sections that are losing money, and this loss can be passed on to the purchase of guaranteed products in various ways. on the people.

Especially during auctions, many ordinary people will also participate and spend large sums of money to purchase seized items that appear to be of high quality according to written documents, but in fact they have no idea that these seized items are actually of poor quality.

7 Many people in Core are playing word games and number games. Because most people believe in these words and numbers, they have no idea that their savings will be taken away bit by bit, although it is very slow. When they notice it, , but they will blame themselves for being too greedy or too irrational, because many of the things introduced by 7 subjects are bad from the beginning, which they may never know in their lifetime.

In a small restaurant recommended by local staff, Li Ang ordered some dishes. More than ten people walked in, and everyone talked and laughed about something.

"If this matter hadn't come out, I could have made an extra ten or twenty thousand."

A clerk said, and several other people also talked about how to make money in the stock market based on internal information, how to make money after making appointments with businessmen, etc. These things are often talked about by clerks. I think this is what everyone in the system is doing, so when we get together, no one will find it strange even if we say this.

Li Ang just listened and did not get involved. If the corruption problems in the past 5 subjects were well known to everyone, the problems in the 7 subjects were under the table and not easy to detect at all, because money flowed where everyone could not see it. , very slowly.

It is this imperceptible slow flow that has kept the problems of Section 7 from being exposed over the years, but it is different now.

The dishes were served, and Li Ang greeted everyone to eat. It was just 1 o'clock, and he was very busy with work during this period. Li Ang is now a team leader, and he always goes to the designated area to review the seized items. With authority, 30 to 60 staff members can be mobilized to assist.

These clerks have helped Li Ang a lot this month. Today Li Ang is going back to the headquarters to submit a work report. At this time, someone asked Li Ang about the headquarters. They all envied Li Ang because Li Ang worked at the headquarters.

"Brother Li, you can get a lot in a month, right?"

Li Ang just smiled and shook his head.

"Yes, Brother Li, if you have any connections, please help the brothers."

Li Ang didn't know how to answer them. So far, Li Ang has not been on the line with any businessmen. Although many businessmen have invited him, Li Ang has not agreed. The above-mentioned section officers and directors have also invited Li Ang to a party, but Li Ang did not agree, but refused to shirk.

Many people above know that Li Ang's work ability is beyond doubt, so they want to promote him. However, Li Ang knows that now is not a good time to take up the position, because there will definitely be a bloody storm in Section 7. If he is promoted, he will be promoted. You have to choose which side to join. No matter which side you are on, there is no future.

At this time, you have to keep your composure. If you can't keep your composure and climb up, you will be in big trouble.

After the relaxed and pleasant meal, Li Ang said goodbye to everyone and went directly to the subway station. Looking at the old streets around him, Li Ang recalled that he and his father had come here to sell alcohol before. At that time, everything here was very new. But after so many years, everything here is no longer so glamorous.

Except for the lively area near the mining area, the entire northern part of the country is basically lively with only some old people left. This place will continue to remain the same in the future. Young people prefer to go to the east and south, and even the west is better than here.

The middle and upper classes in the north are basically places where wealthy people gather. There are no real industries or jobs. There are many schools and training institutions. Those places are not places where people at the bottom of the north can go and work.

The lower class and the upper middle class in the north are two completely different worlds. Because criminals often come in and out of Montenegro, cases still happen in the north from time to time, but only in the middle class as the dividing line, with Frye Mental Hospital as the dividing line. Beyond the boundary, security is very good.

Soon Li Ang got on the subway, and after taking a nap, he had arrived at the station.


Li Ang returned to the office and submitted a report to the section officer.

"You did a great job Li Ang. Do you want to have a drink with us after get off work later?"

Li Ang shook his head.

"No, Master Qian, I have something to do when I get home."

"I asked you, why are you so ignorant? You are not married."

Li Ang just smiled helplessly, turned around and left, but he stopped.

"Is there any work left? If so, you can give it to me. I still have a lot of time today."

The section officer sighed helplessly and directly handed over some field inspection work in the three southern districts to Li Ang.

Li Ang didn't say much, and left under the confused looks of a bunch of team captains who submitted reports. After leaving the headquarters, Li Ang went to a drink shop opposite as usual, ordered two drinks, and then took out his phone.

After a while, Ye Jiao hurried in.

"What are you calling me for? I'm still working."

Li Ang motioned for Ye Jiao to sit down, and she seemed a little annoyed.

"What's wrong? What big problem did you encounter again, Jiaojiao?"

"As usual, leave the most troublesome work to me alone, but it's very easy for me."

Li Ang hummed, and Ye Jiao picked up the milk tea and drank it all in one go.

"It's you, Li Ang. I heard that you have to run around now. You must be very tired!"

Li Ang took a sip of coffee, put it down and brought up a light and shadow screen.

"Excuse me, Jiaojiao, as usual. The calculation of these values ​​takes a lot of time. If you are done with the work, please help me sort it out."

Ye Jiao took out her mobile phone to receive the reports of various areas made by Li Ang. Then she glanced a few times and found something more, and couldn't help but smile.

"I always feel that I can see a lot of new things from your report, which can just relieve my boredom."

"Please Jiaojiao, I'm leaving first."

After speaking, Li Ang stood up and Ye Jiao asked.

"I've heard people tell you that you rejected your boss's invitation many times."

Li Ang smiled.

"Didn't I tell you, Jiaojiao, wait patiently, the future belongs to me."

Ye Jiao made a slight face.

"You will become an old man if you wait any longer."

Li Ang hummed.

"By the way, Jiaojiao, if someone invites you, I think you'd still..."

"Except for you and Mr. Jean, I will not go to anyone who invites me."

Li Ang laughed and left quickly helplessly. After Ye Jiao paid the bill, she ran to the headquarters. She glanced at Li Ang who had disappeared and smiled knowingly.

Ye Jiao and Li Ang met without any accident. Li Ang had just been kicked to the prison department, and Ye Jiao had just entered. The two just liked each other at work, and they chatted too much. Only then did Ye Jiao discover that Li Ang and other He is a bit different, mature and stable, and always has a good temper. He never argues with others, always says very little and does the most things. He is also very knowledgeable and can always find different topics.

Although she and Li Ang are very old, Ye Jiao doesn't feel any estrangement at all. The reason why she can continue to work is because Li Ang is still here.

When Ye Jiao returned to the office, she was immediately called over by the team leader. All the loans handled by Ye Jiao were rejected. Although the amount was not large, the team leader was not satisfied.

"How can I pass the captain?"

The captain in front of him looked a little embarrassed. Many people in the team could tell that it was the captain who deliberately made things difficult for Ye Jiao.

"Anyway, here it is."

"What's wrong?"

Facing Ye Jiao's questioning, the captain casually said something irrelevant, and Ye Jiao turned around and walked away.

"I'll make another trip until you're satisfied."

3:11 p.m.

Li Ang came to District 103 and quickly arrived at the wallet management office. As soon as he entered, some of the officers he had worked with before greeted Li Ang. Li Ang went to meet the local officer and explained the task. The officer seemed very No patience.

"You just have to figure it out. If you need more manpower, you can arrange it yourself."

Li Ang smiled and bowed, turned around and left the office. The moment he turned around, Li Ang showed an angry expression. This perfunctory attitude was what made Li Ang very unhappy, but now he had no choice but to continue like this. , continue to wait for the opportunity, keep going back and forth to various places in the city, and independently complete the economic reports in all regions.

When he came to an office, there were less than 10 clerks. They were all chatting and laughing about something. Li Ang asked, but the other party said they were not free. Unfortunately, Li Ang could only turn around and leave. He planned to be on the list first. Go check out several seized assets and do a preliminary investigation first.

The streets were still as old and dilapidated as ever. Li Ang sighed helplessly. It seemed that there would not be much change here for many years.


At this time, someone called Li Ang. He was a little surprised. As soon as he looked over, he saw a middle-aged man running over.

"Are you Li Jun?"

The two laughed and held their hands together.

"Long years no see."

"Well, it's been many years indeed."

As Li Ang said, he noticed the scar on Li Jun's arm, which was obviously a gunshot wound. Li Jun smiled.

"I'm somewhat successful now. How about we have a drink?"

Li Ang grunted and followed Li Jun.

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