Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2001 Ascension (Part 1)

"That crazy bitch really wants to torture us to death."

Tianhen hurriedly led the team members behind him through the maintenance room, constantly picking up things on the table next to him, including protective clothing, shields, pistols and guns specially used to subdue mutants.

Tian Hen could not imagine that Niya would actually take advantage of the mining industry. This was something Tian Hen never dared to think about. 90% of the supply of chemical raw materials in the city relied on the mines in the north. Once the mines were used, Very serious problems will occur in the city's supply chain, and the economy that has recovered well will have major problems again.

Tianhen smiled helplessly, and after putting on his equipment, he waited for the team members who came from behind. At this time, a director of Section 3 came over and stopped Tianhen.

"Captain Tianhen, come with me!"

Tianhen didn't know what the director named Cook wanted to do. He, the section chief and the secretary were all classmates and had served as a director for many years.

Cook looked at Tian Hen behind him with a slightly serious expression. Tian Hen looked at Cook suspiciously. He didn't know what Cook was looking for. Soon Tian Hen felt something strange and came to the back of a building. There is no one here.

"Sir, please ask"

"Want to get promoted?"

As soon as Cook finished speaking, excitement flashed across Tianhen's eyes. The seriousness on Cook's expression was replaced by a smile. He walked up to Tianhen, who was standing upright with his hands behind his back, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Take it easy."

Cook said and took out a cigarette and handed it to Tianhen. Tianhen took it and Cook helped Tianhen light the cigarette.

"Sir, what's going on?"

Cook turned around and said with a slightly serious voice.

"In the past, you used weapons from Section 3 privately and led a team out, exceeding many of your authority, and"

Tianhen's expression tightened, and he suddenly felt the danger. His body began to react slightly. None of this escaped Cook's eyes. Cook nodded.

"Relax, I don't mean to blame you, I'm just going to put it bluntly, whether you want to be promoted or not, it's not about being a level 3 section officer, but"

Cook took off his hat and turned it on his fingers.


Tianhen spoke directly without any hesitation. Cook nodded with satisfaction. Cook did not say anything else. Before, Tianhen privately took people to the bottom area to rescue Lilian, the actual secretary of Section 2. At that time, a lynching was used, and then the scene was faked into a fierce exchange of fire. When Cook saw the scene at that time, because this incident had caused relatively large casualties, Sections 3 and 5 acquiesced in this result.

Tianhen was demoted to an ordinary section member because of this, but a few years later he became a squad leader because of his excellent work ability. However, the above evaluations of him were not very good, especially the section chief Osman.

"By the way, have you told Mr. Jean about what happened last time?"

Tianhen looked at Cook in shock, and Cook smiled. There were only a few people who knew the relationship between Tianhen and Jean, because Jean had exceeded the law and removed the two brothers Tianhen and Tianai from the barrier. When the district brought them back, Cook handled all the procedures.

"What are you doing"

"I know everything and I won't tell anyone else. Since you want to be promoted, go to the mine later and help me finish something."

Tianhen nodded unconsciously.

"After the matter is settled and the march is over, I will first promote you to a level 3 official, and then slowly become a director."

The corners of Tianhen's mouth couldn't help but raise. He probably knew what was going on. Immediately, Tianhen's expression became cold, and the shadow of his sister flashed in his mind.

"You can only rely on yourself for everything. I can only help you so far!"

The first words Gene said when he brought him and his sister back to the city rang in his mind.

"Can it be guaranteed?"

Tianhen stepped forward, exhaled a puff of smoke, and Cook nodded.

"I can promise it, but only verbally."

Tianhen hesitated, but quickly nodded. Cook took out the phone and brought up a light and shadow screen, and soon a list of more than ten people appeared on it.

Tian Hen looked at the names on the list with a serious expression, as well as their information. They were all miners and a mining manager. Soon Tian Hen found what they had in common. There were 14 people in total, all from the bottom. District 117.

Tianhen looked at Cook blankly, and after thinking for a moment, he spoke.

"Kill them!"

Cook nodded.

"I admire your ability. Taking advantage of this large-scale investigation, you found these people and took the opportunity to deal with them."

Tian Hen grunted and walked over, quickly looking at the information. The investigation report was written by a person named C. It clearly recorded a lot of things. Tian Hen felt shocked.

"This kind of thing"

Cook nodded.

"You don't need to doubt the authenticity. It was investigated by an excellent investigator from Division 2. They were suspected of committing insurance fraud and killing people, faking mining accidents, privately digging tunnels that were not within the scope of the company's regulations, and digging out ores from them to resell them on the black market. ."

After Cook finished speaking, he pressed Tianhen's shoulder with one hand.

"Don't have any psychological burden, just deal with a few scum."

Tianhen didn't ask for the reason. He noticed that Cook was testing himself. If he asked for the reason, Cook would immediately change to someone else.

"Very good, record their information in your mind, I will send you to station near that mining company, and you only need to find an opportunity to kill them, and then fake it into a mining accident."

As Cook called up an image file, Tianhen looked at it carefully, as well as the cross-section of the tunnel dug privately by this group of people. The actual image and the cross-section were combined, and Tianhen soon remembered it in his mind.

"Is there a deadline?"

Tianhen asked, Cook glanced at the time and said.

"The sooner the better, at least until the investigation is over!"

Tianhen hummed, and Cook patted his shoulder again.

"The members of your team have been with you for several years. Choose a few helpers carefully. Those who help can at least be promoted to level 3 section officers."

Tianhen nodded, already thinking about the candidates in the team, Xima and Owen were directly excluded.

"Can I take the liberty of asking, sir, does this belong to the section chief or the secretary?"

Cook stretched out a hand and pointed to the sky.

"You can imagine the meaning above."

Tianhen bowed and turned around to run. Cook smiled helplessly and then took out the phone.

"Teacher Li Chu, the arrangements have been made."

"C will be responsible for recycling the things inside after the matter is over. Thank you for your hard work."

Cook smiled and bowed slightly, and then the call ended. The gang will definitely be found out in this criminal investigation. According to the crimes they committed, they may not be able to come out for the rest of their lives, but the mine they dug privately triggered a certain This is a secret, some research secrets in Montenegro in the past, and this mining manager is very smart. They did not expose what they saw in Montenegro, but retained a lot of things.

The mining manager named Chen An has been contacting some businessmen in Ruoyouruowu, and wants to sell them what he has in hand, and it is extremely secretive, because he seems to know the value of the secrets they have discovered. .

Once these people are arrested, they are very likely to confess the contents. The reason why Cook asked Tianhen to do it is because he took a fancy to Tianhen's decisiveness in doing things, because he himself was not willing to do this. Kind of thing.

Cook looked at the hat in his hand. He will retire next year. This is the last job he will do in Core 3, and then he will hand over the matter to the successor director.

"It happens in every era! This kind of thing happens."

Originally, C was asked to do this, but after seeing it, C expressed no interest because those people had no value in killing her now.

7:09 p.m.

"Captain, you just passed by."

"Nothing, we were just called over to arrange the assistance tasks later."

Xima looked at Tianhen suspiciously, because she instinctively felt that something was wrong after Tianhen came back. At this time, their team entered a large take-off and landing aircraft, and the take-off and landing aircraft soon took off.

It was very quiet in the lift, but you couldn't hear some whispers, and they were all complaining about something. They had experienced the large-scale investigation a few months ago, and the intensity of the work made everyone exhausted physically and mentally.

The backbreaking and dirty work is done by Section 3. Many people in Section 3 are a little disgusted with this kind of large-scale assisted investigation.

Tianhen smiled with a relaxed expression. At this time, he was extremely happy in his heart. He only needed to complete such a simple thing to climb up. Tianhen clenched his fist slightly, and everything in the barrier area came to mind again. , the naked rule in that land is to survive by stepping on other people's corpses, but that rule also applies to today's cities, as long as it is grasped properly.

Half an hour later, the lift arrived, and a lot of noise could be heard. It just landed on a street. The moment the hatch was opened, a roar of people rushed in, and the situation outside was very chaotic. , workers in the mine have gathered and are continuing to protest.

The workers know very well that they will lose their jobs once the mining company is investigated and rectified. They don't care how much ugliness and darkness there is around them, they just care whether they can start work tomorrow.

The angry workers were standing on the opposite side of the street. Tianhen and the others had already taken out tear gas and protective shields, intending to suppress them directly if there was any commotion.

And Tianhen can still think that such a commotion may be deliberately caused by someone. The purpose is very simple, which is to force the investigation to be suspended. Now all the bosses of the mining companies have been arrested, and the people of Section 5 have been arrested by such a momentum. A huge commotion crowded out the mining area.

At this moment, the light and shadow poles on the street emitted light, and soon light and shadow screens appeared, and Locke appeared in the center of the screen.

"Citizens please stay calm, do not do anything that violates the law, and please cooperate with the investigation. We have just reached an agreement with the people from the mining company. Work will not be suspended tomorrow. Everything will continue as usual, but everyone must cooperate with the investigation. Please Sit down immediately and cooperate with the investigation of the administrative department."

Locke's words seemed to have a very good effect. The loud voices began to gradually quiet down, and some workers began to retreat to the mining area behind them, because they also knew that if a riot was caused, let alone work, they would Directly expelled.

After more than ten minutes, the road vacated, and people from Sections 3 and 5 began to rush in. The workers returned to their homes first, waiting to be questioned and investigated.

There are hundreds of large and small mining companies here, with more than 100,000 long-term mining workers working here.

Things became a little smoother. Tian Hen immediately led his team towards a medium-sized mining company according to the order. This mining company named JR had about 1,000 workers. Tian Hen looked at this company carefully. Regarding the situation in the company, Chen An, the mining manager of Pit No. 13, was quickly found.

Chen An gathered with many miners in their mine. Tianhen slowly moved over, taking some team members with him, and naturally began to go over to conduct direct inquiries and investigations. Most of the people in Section 5 went to those who had already surrendered. In the mining company, the people from Section 3 are responsible for conducting preliminary inquiries into Kuang Gongmen. Once they learn about any crime from their mouths, the people from Section 5 will come over immediately to conduct more formal inquiries and investigations.

"Do you have any crime-related problems here?"

Tianhen looked at Chen An, who looked a little nervous but didn't show it, and he immediately denied it.

"Sir, everything we have here meets the qualifications, and there are no problems that are currently being investigated."

"Can you take me to see it in person?"

A hint of cunning flashed in Chen An's eyes, and he immediately said with a smile.

"Sir, it's already dark now, but it's still tomorrow."

"We are going down now. Based on the information we received, please call all the people on the list over."

Chen An's expression froze as Tian Hen spoke, and fear emerged for a moment. Tian Hen stood up with a smile and called out the eight team members directly, intending to go directly to the mine.

Tianhen plans to take action tonight. This kind of thing cannot be delayed. Take advantage of the current chaos to finish the work quickly. Once it is delayed, the best opportunity to take action may be missed. The 8 people called by Tianhen are all his confidants, except Owen. Except for Xima, these 8 people were with him when he was the captain many years ago. They were also involved in what happened that night, so they are trustworthy.

"Captain, what are you going to do? No one from the other teams is planning to go down there. The smell down there is unpleasant. We can't afford to go down there. We'd better wait for the people from Section 5 to come."

The speaker's name was Ren Jia, who was the most powerful person in the Tianhen team besides Xima. Several people behind him also complained. Chen An looked very panicked and was talking to the workers named by Tianhen.

"Stop talking nonsense, we have to do one thing later. This thing determines whether we can climb up quickly."

The eight people who followed him all became energetic. Although they didn't know what Tianhen was going to do, they seemed serious.

Soon Chen An came over with another 13 workers. They all looked like ordinary workers. After Tianhen confirmed them one by one, Chen An opened the door of Mine No. 13 and the group of people sat directly on the lift. The ladder went down.

Soon Tian Hen saw the mine. There were a total of 8 tunnels in the mine, and there were many simple cabins for rest. The lights in the mine also turned on. Tian Hen glanced at the time, 8:11.

"Take me to see the tunnel you opened privately."

The expressions of the 14 people suddenly changed as soon as Tianhen opened his mouth, and Ren Jia and others in the team looked at Tianhen suspiciously.

"Sir, where is it?"

Before Chen An finished speaking, Tian Hen grabbed him and smashed him against the wall.

"Move quickly."

Chen An whimpered in pain, and the rest of the team also took out their weapons, because it was obvious that these workers had fierce looks in their eyes.

"If you dare to resist, you will be executed on the spot!"

"Captain, what are you going to do?"

Ren Jia asked unclearly, and Tian Hen laughed.

"Hurry up, we only have 15 minutes."

At this time, on the ground, Owen was looking for Tianhen everywhere. Later, he was told by the team that Tianhen had led the miners into Mine No. 13. Owen was a little confused but ran over.

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