Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 2000 Opportunity (Part 2)

The rumbling sound of machinery was deafening, and accompanied by a violent explosion, a 6-story building instantly collapsed and scattered, dust was raised, and the last high-rise building in the middle-floor demolition area disappeared.

For a time, many people at the construction site clapped their hands. After three months of demolition work, it came to an end. A large number of mutant workers and ordinary workers began to clean up the waste materials. Many of the waste materials can be sold directly to construction and processing factories.

The next step is to clear the entire place and start construction. A large number of workers have come nearby to start building work sheds. Now, with the help of light and shadow machinery, the speed of building houses is very fast. By the end of the year , buildings will be erected at this place located at the central junction of the four districts.

Niya stood at the construction site, looking at the work reports one after another. The directors next to her were discussing the next construction issues with the businessmen in charge of the construction.

The demolition process this time was very smooth. There were no ugly incidents that occurred in any demolition issues in the past. The developers also tried their best to meet the needs of each demolished household. Most people did not choose to receive compensation, but Choose the opposite housing or commercial building.

"What's going on here?"

Niya asked, and a businessman ran over immediately.

"That's right, Master Niya, this was signed voluntarily by the residents. We have repeatedly confirmed the residents' wishes and signed it only after they were willing."

Niya glanced at it again and smiled.

"Really! Since they volunteered, I won't ask any questions."

Niya said and turned off the light and shadow screen, turned around and walked away. The businessmen swarmed up and expressed their hope that Niya could eat together. Niya waved her hand.

"I'm sorry, I have something to do today and I have to go home first."

The clause just now is that residents entrust all the shops they hold to developers, and they only need to receive rent every month. All residents who own shops have signed such a contract, Niya said a little bit. If you think about it, you will understand that a large number of merchants will immediately settle in the newly built area. Money will flow in and the rent will be very high. Compared with running your own business, this method of getting a large amount of rent every year is more convenient. of insurance.

But it would also lead to a problem. Niya smiled and stared sideways at the businessmen behind her. She stopped.

"I will only say this once, if any of you bastards dare to do anything that violates the law, I will definitely arrest you."

The smiles on the faces of the businessmen froze, and they immediately said that they were law-abiding citizens and would never do anything illegal. Niya did not continue to say anything to them. 90% of these businessmen were In the criminal investigation in March, all were involved in illegal activities such as black market transactions, intimidation and threats of forced demolition, and some people have been arrested and sentenced to jail, while most of the top holders insist that they are people from below. What he did, he didn’t know.

Watching Niya leave, a group of businessmen felt a little more relaxed at this time, and several council officers came closer.

"Times have changed, everyone. We may retire in two years. The past approach will not work."

Businessmen also know very well that now that their interests are basically stable, there is no need to take risks for some petty profits.

Niya did not leave immediately, but walked slowly on the construction site. The members of Section 5 who were maintaining order around them all bowed and saluted when they saw Niya. Niya waved her hand to indicate that they should continue working.

At this moment, several workers suddenly rushed towards Niya. Some people from Section 5, with quick eyesight and quick hands, directly pushed several workers to the ground.

"Lord Niya, my brother has been missing for a year, and there is still no news at all."

"And my brother too."

Niya stopped, and after waving her hands, the members of Section 5 who were holding down these workers let go of them. There were five people in total, all with expectant looks in their eyes.

"Tell me first what's going on?"

After Niya took out a cigarette and lit it, the workers started talking. Friends or brothers of the five people disappeared after working in a mining company in the north last year. They had already reported the case, and Section 5 said they would investigate. But every time they went there, Section 5 always said they were still investigating and didn't give any results.

After that, the five people went directly to the mining company. The answer given by the other party was that the five people who worked in the past had resigned before disappearing. After that, the five people wandered around the nearby area for a long time, but no one was found.

After Niya heard this, she immediately called up the missing case in District 99. However, after confirmation by five workers, there was no record of the case. Niya pressed her head and dialed the local officer's number directly.

"Sir Niya, I will investigate immediately. It should be that the people below were negligent before. I will investigate immediately."

Anger appeared on Niya's expression.

"I'll give you half an hour. I'll give you a reply in half an hour!"

After hanging up the phone, Niya asked about the situation in detail. Disappearance cases have been quite common in the city in recent years. The surveillance system has not been perfected enough to cover every corner of the city, so many cases can only be solved by relying on Visit and survey.

The reason why monitoring cannot fully cover is the power problem. The power in many areas can easily meet the power consumption of businesses and residents. If monitoring is added, the 24-hour power consumption will be very large, especially in the lower floors and some in the middle floors. The area is relatively old. If you want to transform it into a house with photoelectric coating conversion, it must be rebuilt or demolished.

Niya listened to their accounts. Their relatives and friends were all recruited by a northern company called Jinrui Mining Company in August last year. However, they went directly to work. But three months later, in November At that time, one of the men discovered that he had not contacted his brother for two weeks, so he called directly, only to be told that his brother had resigned in October.

Afterwards, the five people discovered one after another that their relatives and friends had all resigned in October, and the five of them were recruited from District 99.

Such a minor disappearance made Niya feel suspicious. Under normal circumstances, missing persons will be recorded. Anyone who has not paid taxes for more than three months will definitely be sent by Section 7 to investigate. If the person is still there, the citizen level will be It will be lowered, and if no one can be found, Section 5 will be notified.

Niya directly submitted the query to Section 7, and it was approved in seconds. Soon Niya retrieved the tax status of the five people. The latest tax records of the five of them were in September last year, and were withheld by Pfizer. Niya continued to look through the information that had been handed over, and found that there was no information handed over, nor any investigation records.

Didi didi

The phone rang, and the section officer from District 99 called.

"Ms. Niya, I found it. There was indeed a report, but because it is near the end of the year, the work of Section 5 is relatively busy, so..."

"I don't need this kind of excuse, so I'm just asking you why there is no case record?"

There was silence on the other side of the phone, and the voice became urgent.

"We will investigate immediately, send people to the north immediately, and investigate immediately."

"I want to know the general situation before 12 o'clock tonight. Where did those people go and when did they disappear? If they can't be found, you don't have to come back! Do you hear me clearly?"

"Mr. Niya must be identified, we will immediately dispatch manpower to focus on processing."

After the call ended, several workers looked very happy and kept saying words of thanks. Niya smiled and left directly. At this time, she felt that it was necessary to set up a message function that allowed the public to submit some opinions. Submit directly to the Section Chief.

It was approaching dusk, and Niya looked at the edge and it had become a lot darker. There were still too many places in the city that the sun could not reach. Those places were in shadow all year round. The problem in the northern mines was not just a day. It had been two days, and Alpha had cleaned it up once in the past, but Niya knew very well that there was still too much darkness hidden in that place.

"The next step is to check the place carefully."

Niya exhaled a puff of smoke softly as she spoke. If you want to improve everything now, more efforts are needed. What the crime investigation in March uncovered is just the tip of the iceberg of some of the problems in the city. There are also There are more complicated problems, and new problems will arise after rectification.

Just when Niya was about to go back to Section 5 to process some documents, the phone rang. It was from Area 58 in the north.

"Lord Niya, the boss of Jinrui Company surrendered."

Niya held the phone suspiciously, and immediately she thought of something in her mind, and her expression became angry again.

"I'll come here in person."

Niya immediately went to the nearest public security office. After entering, she drove the helicopter towards the north.

Niya has a general understanding of the situation. Jinrui Mining has had several collapses, and the five people were killed in a mine collapse in mid-September last year. However, they concealed the report and modified a large number of records. .

Listening to what the section officer from District 58 said on the phone, Niya's expression became furious.

"Bring people to seal off the mining area immediately. I'll be here right away."

After Niya hung up the phone, she immediately issued an order to the six major districts surrounding the mining area to block all mining areas, and then began to mobilize personnel from five departments from other districts to directly plan to conduct a large-scale investigation. This kind of thing is not an isolated case. , Niya knew very well that she had to deal with this matter now.

In less than 10 minutes, Niya had already seen the Black Mountain, with densely packed mines below. At this time, Niya's phone rang.

"What's wrong Michelle?"

"Section Chief, I'll go over now."

Niya smiled.

"What you have at hand is not about paying back."

"I've finished my job as section chief. This matter is very serious and requires a larger-scale investigation. Please immediately submit a joint investigation application to other departments."

Niya hummed, hung up the phone, and started sending applications to other departments.


A man with a heavy head was wiping the sweat with a handkerchief, and the lawyer next to him was explaining something.

"Mr. Jin Rui, given the current situation, criminal issues are unavoidable, so the compensation must be higher this time, at least to appease the families of the victims, so that we can win the criminal trial."


The door to the room opened, and the local section officer ran in with someone.

"Lawyer Zhang"

The lawyer bowed slightly.

"What's wrong, Mr. Roy?"

The section officer named Roy swallowed and said.

"The matter has become serious, and now the section chief has decided to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the mining area."

The lawyer's expression suddenly changed, and the client next to him looked slightly frightened.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jin Rui, I'm afraid I can't help you until this large-scale investigation is completed."

Roy immediately pulled the lawyer out of the room. Once it was classified as a large-scale criminal investigation, the lawyer had no right to intervene.

As for the large-scale investigation launched by Niya, everyone has experienced it, and it is impossible for anyone to interfere.

Many residents on the street walked out of their rooms. They didn't know what was going on. A large number of members of Section 5 passed towards the mining area, and the streets now became very chaotic.

No one knows what happened, but it is certainly not a trivial matter. Many lifts have fallen directly outside the mining area.

dong dong dong

As the end of get off work bell rang, many workers in the mine were planning to eat and rest, but at this time they found a large number of members of Section 5 directly surrounding them.

Many people in charge of the mining industry walked out of the mine and came to the street. However, after hearing the words of the personnel from Section 5, they all panicked and hurriedly took out their phones and made a call.

"Boss, things are not going well."

A person in charge was holding the phone, and the boss's roar came from the phone. The person in charge was startled, but there was nothing that could be done at the moment. Some people in charge hurriedly ran towards the mine, but were stopped the next second. The people from Section 5 were under control. A large number of people from Section 5 broke into the mine. The workers were directly arranged into the work shed area nearby and asked to eat first. After eating, they needed to be investigated.

"It must have been exposed like that."

A worker muttered, and everyone else nodded immediately. Collapse accidents would happen from time to time in the mining area. However, it is common for someone to be injured or die. This kind of thing is very common in the eyes of the workers, but Now it looks like the business department is getting serious.

Especially some workers wearing blue hats, some looked particularly panicked, while those with yellow hats looked the same as usual.

Workers in the mine are basically distinguished by blue hats and yellow hats. Blue hats are long-term contract workers, many of whom are foremen, while most of the yellow hat workers are temporary workers who are settled on a daily basis, but basically they are all temporary workers. It is settled once a week.

Several mining company bosses were standing at the door of the Public Security Office in District 58. They walked in accompanied by lawyers, but the lawyers were immediately prohibited from entering.

"We surrendered ourselves."

"It's too late now. You can't surrender until the case is investigated. Please go inside and explain clearly."

A director of Section 5 said. Several bosses looked very panicked. More and more lifts landed, and many people from other sections also came directly. The city began to boil again, and a large number of reporters Flooded in, reporting had already begun.

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