Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1995 Step by Step (Part 1)

In May, the city had completely recovered from the impact of the March strike, and the economy began to grow steadily and rapidly.

All the fines imposed on major companies have been returned to the local area, and the district authority is responsible for allocating various construction projects in the area. The only difference is that today's construction is not decided by councilors. Instead, the executive department dispatches a secretary-level official to implement it.

All construction bills in the area must pass the review of Congress, and then be completed by the executive branch by removing an official of at least level 5. This is a new policy approved by the gods that was formulated at the city meeting at the end of last month. In the future, there will be no need for the administrative department to investigate and review some financial conditions of the district authority, because all city bills and construction delegated by Congress will be completed by the administrative department.

This change made many people find it difficult to accept it for a while, but after discussion, many people found that this approach can effectively curb the problem of corruption, because the current 5 subjects are different from the past 5 subjects. Different, some older people feel even more reassuring than when Alpha was still around.

"You bastards, I'm here in person now. Listen carefully. From today to the end of the year, either you complete your patrol every day, or you can just get out of here. You can get out now. If you don't want to do it, stand up!"

There were onlookers everywhere on a street, but no one approached. This was a shopping street in District 36 on the middle floor. The local Section 5 officer and squad leader and all the staff were standing under the sun. Today is May 1st, just after 8 o'clock in the morning.

"Face is all given to you. Since you are shameless, I won't be polite to you anymore, Zhao Wei!"

A middle-aged scientific officer came over cautiously. Niya lit a cigarette angrily and pointed her finger to the west.

"Start today and get back to the bottom and start from the grassroots level, or get out!"

"Yes, Lady Niya!"

The man named Zhao Wei lowered his head and said nothing, while the more than 700 people in Section 5 behind him seemed to be deflated.

Many onlookers didn't know what was going on and just kept talking. Several directors around Niya had solemn expressions, and one of them looked particularly embarrassed.

The reason why all the members of Section 5 of District 36 were called out by Niya directly and lined up on the street to scold them in public was just because of their morning exercises and daily patrol duties.

Although Niya doesn't read the patrol duties and morning exercises in each district in detail, she read last month's report from District 36 yesterday morning. It didn't seem to have any problems, but there are a lot of very similar places in the report. Even if you are an idiot, It can be seen that they did not take these two items that must be complied with within the 5 subjects seriously and gave half-hearted reports.

Niya came to District 36 early this morning. After asking around, she found out that not only did they not do morning exercises every morning, but they also patrolled the streets. Basically, it was not much different from the past. At most, they could see one or two a day. The small team wandered around some lively streets casually.

Morning workouts are almost the same every day, except that I see a few people on the training ground who show off their results and then falsely report the results of the morning workouts.

This man named Zhao Wei has been serving as the section officer of District 36 for nearly 10 years. Basically, in most of the middle-level areas, there have been no changes in the section officers for a long time. Most of the section officers here are even more... Those with the longest working years are more than 30 years, most of them have worked for more than 10 years, and there are basically no people with less than 5 years of work.

The corruption within Section 5 over the years has caused the entire Section 5 to develop bad habits, which are difficult to change in a short period of time, but Niya has made up her mind to reverse these things.

"Did you not have enough to eat? Or did you stay up all night playing mahjong last night? Lift your head and stand up straight!"

Niya quickly ran over to several department members who were smelling of alcohol and looking uncomfortable.

"You guys come out!"

The 12 staff members who were called out by Niya stood up, and Niya became angry when they looked at them.

"You guys like drinking, right?"

No one answered, they just shrugged their heads. Niya took out the light and shadow panel and quickly found the information of 12 people. They need to patrol today, but this look is not to mention patrolling. It’s good to be able to stand. .

"Starting today, you will have no holidays this year until December 31st at the end of the year. Is there any problem?"

The 12 people immediately shook their heads. They were completely sober from their drunkenness. Niya arrived here at 6 o'clock this morning. It was not until close to 7 o'clock that she saw people from 5 subjects coming to the training ground. They were all lazy. Appeared chatting and laughing.

"Others, listen carefully. All holidays will be halved. During work, think carefully about what you can do besides doing nothing and what your responsibilities are. I don't think I need to come here a second time. Next time you all get out. ."

As she spoke, Niya walked to the front row of the queue, called out Qin Dong directly towards some of the personnel from the 5th Section accompanying headquarters who were following them.

"From today on, you are the section officer of District 36. I will come over tomorrow, January 1st, and work hard!"

"Yes, Lady Niya!"

Qin Dong stood up straight and bowed, and Niya patted his arm.

"If you don't do it right, I will throw you off the highest building here!"

Qin Dong saluted solemnly, and Niya exhaled a puff of smoke. Michelle had said before that there were problems with some of the 5-subject documents submitted in many areas, and asked Niya to take a look at it, but Niya basically It's hard to find time now, but it looks like it won't be possible not to look at it next time. After a short period of high-pressure work, many problems start to appear.

"What are you still doing? Let's get to work!"

Following Niya's roar, the staff began to disperse. The team captains immediately took their men into action. Qin Dong ran directly over and summoned all the team captains, planning to carry out today's work.

Niya has only one purpose for coming here today. A joint bill for the four districts from 36 to 39 has been issued. Michelle cannot spare time. She also has to deal with a large number of internal matters in Section 5. thing, this joint bill is to build a new ring street at the junction of the four districts.

This bill was initiated by members of the construction faction. It has been passed after multiple rounds of voting and discussion. The bill has been circulated and finally fell on the head of Section 5.

Because the junction of these four districts is a large, old and complicated urban area that has been planned for demolition and construction. Currently, the investors have begun to discuss plans and prices with local residents. The amount of the project is larger than expected. From the negotiation Once the construction is completed, all five departments must be led by people from the whole city.

Not far behind Niya was the junction of the four districts. At this time, a large number of businessmen ran over with happy smiles.

"Ms. Niya, I didn't expect you to come so early. It may take us a week to come up with a specific plan. Let's talk as we go."

Niya hummed and followed a group of businessmen. Soon she came to an old square. Niya saw a bunch of low and messy buildings. Many roads had been damaged to varying degrees, and there were also There are many illegal buildings and the layout of the houses is also very confusing.

Niya has been here before. The streets are full of vendors and many places are very congested. This is also one of the few areas where the middle level cannot access the light and shadow material pipes.

In the coming years, the city will carry out comprehensive demolition and construction work in similar areas in the middle, and these works will be gradually completed in the next few years.

Niya listened to the businessmen next to her talking about various aspects of construction, but they never mentioned the acquisition of residential houses.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about these things after you come up with a specific plan. Tell us what kind of compensation method you plan to give to the local residents?"

One of the businessmen immediately said with a smile.

"We will propose two subsidy methods. The first is to pay compensation based on local housing prices and the overall value of the houses built by residents. The second is to directly plan housing for local residents, and The actual living area they live in now is the same.”

"That sounds like human speech!"

Niya muttered, and a bunch of businessmen looked at each other, and then Niya pointed to some shops on the street again.

"Where are these shops?"

"The price will naturally indicate whether the compensation is for residential or commercial use. You can rest assured about this, Niya-sama."

Niya saw that many people wearing construction company uniforms and lawyers' associations were talking to some residents nearby, and Niya walked directly to the door of a shop.

"If you are dissatisfied with this kind of demolition and construction, you can always complain to Section 5."

"I have no dissatisfaction, sir. I feel very satisfied."

Niya nodded slightly. Although she still had doubts in her heart, this was the first major bill after the new parliamentary system was introduced. Although businessmen are only interested in profit, they should not dare to mess around.

"By the way, Lady Niya, we have already reserved a table of dishes at a restaurant nearby. I hope Lady Niya will show your respect and have a casual meal together!"

Niya glanced at the businessman next to her and agreed after thinking for two seconds. In the past month, she followed King Xue to many places. Although she hated these places, she did learn a lot from them that she had never known in the past. Things you care about.

King Xue said that if you want to build your ideal thing, just relying on rampage will not work one day. You must start from the interests of others. As long as you start from the interests of others, you will naturally know the deepest needs of the other party. , and then specify corresponding countermeasures to manage many things well.

Rights are this kind of thing. The more you reject it and the more you target it, the more difficult things will be.

Niya's parents have also advised Niya. Will Niya listen to her parents' nagging now? Everything needs to be done step by step, not all at once.

Not flinching when she needs to be tough, and being able to restrain herself when she needs to be soft. Niya also knows that she lacks a lot of things. In terms of rights, if you want to exercise your rights well, you have to integrate into them.

Walking through the old neighborhoods with the businessmen, Niya looked at some of the old houses inside. Some of them were built by herself and the people from the Lightning Skull Guild. They are now a bit old.

At this time, Qin Dong, who had just arrived at the 36th District Public Security Management Office, had just changed into the uniform of a section officer and walked into the office. Zhao Wei was cleaning up the office, and Qin Dong stood at the door and knocked on the door.

Zhao Wei glanced at Qin Dong and smiled bitterly.

"Congratulations young man."

Qin Dong bowed slightly.

"Just wait a moment, and I'll finish the handover with you after I pack up my things."

Qin Dong hummed and saw that many decorations and furnishings in the office had been taken down.

"Your name is Qin Dong, right?"

"Well, Mr. Zhao Wei, what happened this time"

Zhao Wei put down what he was holding and smiled helplessly.

"I once entered the practice department with enthusiasm, thinking that I would be able to stand out and that I could handle many problems with integrity. But later I discovered that this is not a place where justice and humanity are appealed to, and many things are not what I want. willing."

Qin Dong didn't answer, just listened to Zhao Wei talking about some of the previous history here and some things in this power world.

"Just listen to my nagging. I'll give you some advice, young man. Don't have too good expectations for things like rights. Such expectations will crush you."

"It's different now than before!"

Qin Dong said seriously and bowed slightly.

"It's different? Lady Niya is just a whim. After a long time, she might also"

Zhao Wei looked at Qin Dong who looked serious and did not say anything. After quickly packing up his things, he took out his mobile phone and brought up a light and shadow screen. Qin Dong leaned over.

In just one morning, the handover of things was completed. Qin Dong sat at the desk of the section officer and looked at the things handed over in District 36, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

In my memory, my aunt Qin Xiaoxuan also said something similar. People's enthusiasm will be extinguished little by little over time. Especially in this power circle, many complicated things will follow. Just dealing with these problems will make people The energy will be slowly worn away.

"Boy, we are not lazy now, but sometimes certain things are indispensable. Many things can only be done step by step until we adapt, rather than in one step. Reform can only be done step by step, don't panic. It’s good to do it without being too busy, it’s not good to do it too violently, and it’s not good to do it too slowly.”

Qin Dong once again remembered that he had asked Gil before why things were still the same, without much change. Now Qin Dong somewhat understood the meaning of what Gil once said.

"It will get better in 5 subjects! For sure."

Qin Dong's idea is very simple, not as complicated as what Zhao Wei just said. It is indeed important to grasp the so-called degree in the rights world, but many times rights can easily become castles in the air. Everything in the past five subjects, in Qin Dong It seems that in order to have a good foundation for the future, Alpha and Jill are laying the foundation for the fifth subject.

Qin Dong just recently figured out something. The investigation of Section 5 was so smooth and almost a complete victory. It was all because Alpha and Jill had laid a solid foundation for Section 5 at the beginning. As long as they were willing to continue, If we build around this good foundation, the five subjects will definitely undergo qualitative changes in the future.

11:29 am

"I'm sorry, I won't go. You can eat on your own. I don't like this kind of occasion very much. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first!"

Niya rejected the invitation from the businessmen. At this time, many businessmen were confused, but Niya had already jumped to the top of a house.

"Really, I must have been brainwashed by that bastard recently. I might as well go find Hawke and have a drink. I really have a brain problem!"

Niya took out a cigarette, and her sister's past memory reappeared in her mind. Even if she didn't need to enter the social circle of power, her sister could still manage everything well, because her sister had never thought about balance or interaction from the beginning. question.

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