Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1994 Victory or Loss (Part 2)

"Please support me in the vote next month! I just hope to do something for this district. Please support me, I will change this place!"

Located on the streets of District 29, Ada held a loudspeaker and, accompanied by many women, chanted along the street. District 29 became lively again after a short period of silence for a month. Many people were assigned to Women who worked in the logistics departments of some companies were driven back. Some were arrested because they took special service jobs to earn extra money during their work. In a few days, they would go to the eastern agricultural base for three months of disciplinary labor.

Some were fired directly because of laziness and laxity in the work process.

"How much can you give us?"

At this time, several women on the roadside came over and asked with a smile. For them, the election of members was the same no matter who they were. They only needed to pay money to vote.

Ada looked at them blankly.

"Not a penny."

As soon as Ada finished speaking, the women who gathered around dispersed. This is for sure. They only care about how much subsidy the district councilors can give them every month and how much money they can give them, no matter who becomes a councilor. the same.

District 29 does not have any industries and only relies on special service industries to sustain itself. This industry is basically invisible, and women only need to maintain the corresponding level of citizen tax every month.

Most of the women here have a relatively comfortable life and enjoy such a life. Ada was not discouraged by the women's unreasonable demands, but continued to shout. She had applied for the qualification to be a member of parliament since yesterday. .

If you want to become a member of the parliament, you must first collect the support votes of 1,000 people before you are eligible to take the parliamentary examination and become a clerk of the district power office, and then wait for the three-month parliamentary election that starts in April every year. The term is held every three years. This year coincides with the change of term, and all 10 members of District 29 must participate in the election again.

Ada is very clear that this is an extremely difficult beginning. She now only has the support of 39 people, the women in the dilapidated apartment where she lives. Some people even think that Ada is being whimsical. She is so old and still has It was impossible to taint the power, and she had an extremely serious criminal record.

"Please support me!"

Ada held up the light and shadow screen and came to a shop. A lot of women were talking and laughing here. Soon the women were talking all over the place. Ada just told them seriously about the current situation in District 29.

But Ada was soon turned away. After leaving the store, she continued to the next store.

"I said Ada, why don't you stop bothering? Think about how glorious you were in the past, why do you still want to continue to stand on it now?"

The owner of a club said with a smile. Ada ignored him. All the women on this street knew about the rumors about Ada. There were countless senior executives, senior parliamentarians, and businessmen who had interacted with Ada. .

It's just that now everyone is pushing against the wall, and basically no one will pay attention to Ada. Most people find it incredible that Ada wants to run for parliament.

Ada has no intention of using sweet words to get others to support her. This is the simplest method, and it is also the method Ada is best at using. Ada understands their thoughts and demands very well, but Ada knows very well that she has already It's different from the past, so Ada won't use such methods to confuse them to support herself.

Some people think that Ada is doing useless work. If she wants to enter the district, she must get 1,000 support votes before the April deadline. Ada feels that her hope is a little slim. Early this morning, Ada got up and started exercising. I have been canvassing for votes for nearly 4 hours, but my vote count is still fixed at 39.

There are currently 153,845 people living in District 29. In theory, if you want to become a district councilor, you must get more than 15,000 votes, but you must pass the councilor qualification exam before becoming a district councillor. Ada has been in addition to Outside of preparation, I read and study every day.

I have already signed up for some training schools and am very busy every day, but now it is just in time for the parliamentary election. I need to get the support of 1,000 people as much as possible to obtain such an exam qualification. The support vote is valid for three years.

Ada wants to pass the exam first, and then strive to be admitted as a member of parliament within three years and become a clerk in the district office.

This road is extremely difficult. When Ada went to the District Office to apply for qualifications, she encountered many problems. Problems such as ridicule seemed to be nothing to Ada. The key issue was her own knowledge. , Ada still clearly remembers that the councilors in charge of the bid asked her many questions that day, and Ada could only answer with some memories from the past.

After finally getting the qualification to apply, Ada was relieved. Her past experiences at the top did not improve Ada's knowledge. Ada dealt with many problems by relying on her memories from her student days.

After finally obtaining the qualification with great difficulty, Ada now has no choice but to go all out. Everything now is a new beginning for Ada, everything is new and difficult.

"I'm telling you, Ada, it's better for you to enjoy your old age and stop messing around. You should still have a lot of money!"

Faced with the rude remarks, Ada did not give up. Instead, she spoke seriously about some practical problems in District 29. But she soon left the store. It was extremely difficult to get the support of 1,000 people.

It was not until 12 o'clock that Ada returned to her residence. After eating something simple, Ada lay on the bed a little tired. Today is March 27th, and April will be in 4 days. , then the formal parliamentary election activities will begin.

At this time, Ada's mind was filled with some things that some council members had said to her when they were drunk at the drinking party on Qinglong Street. If she wanted to succeed in the election, she must come up with rhetoric that would suit people in the area. The success rate was almost It’s 100% true. Even if you become a member of parliament, what you have said in the past is unlikely to come true. But as long as you keep explaining it, the people in the area will not care about anything, because the people’s memory is very short. Now Even if everything that has been said cannot be realized, the people will not have any complaints.

Suddenly Ada climbed up from the bed, gasping and looking towards the living room. She pressed her forehead, and everything in the past would keep popping up from her memory. Although it would be easy for her to say these useless rhetoric, Elected, but immediately Ada shook her head.

"It's different now than before, it's different now!"

Ada kept warning herself, she gradually calmed down and looked at the ceiling with a smile.

Didi didi

As the phone rang, Ada looked at the phone. She sat up again in surprise. It was a very familiar number.

"Member Zhang! How could you do this?"

"I heard that you are going to participate in the parliamentary election, Ada. If you have time in the next few days, come to the Architectural Association and I will help you introduce some people. I remember the parliamentarian from the Department of Architecture in District 29."

After a while, Ada snorted, and Representative Zhang on the phone was still talking about something.

"I'm sorry. Thank you for your kindness, Councilor Zhang. I want to do something for District 29. Although the Building Association is very good, please allow me to refuse."

"You have to think clearly Ada, this opportunity will be gone once it passes."

Ada was silent. Councilor Zhang on the phone was talking about all the benefits of becoming a member of the Architecture Department. Ada just listened and hummed from time to time.

"I'm really sorry, Councilor Zhang, I'm sorry!"

After hanging up the phone, Ada was relieved. The person on the phone was Congressman Zhang, who had helped Ada in the past. She didn't expect him to call. Ada did not agree to Congressman Zhang's proposal.

It was originally a very simple matter. As long as Ada agrees, 1,000 votes can be easily obtained, and Councilor Zhang will also greet the district power office of District 29. Ada will easily pass the council exam and then become a As a member of the Department of Architecture, all Ada needs to do is give something back to the members of the Department of Architecture.

It was obviously a very simple thing, but Ada refused. At this time, Ada felt a trace of regret in her heart, but this emotion soon passed. What she wanted to do now was not a transaction of money and power, but a transaction of money and power. Change the existing living conditions in District 29.

Ada exhaled a long breath. She probably knew that she had no hope of being elected as a member of parliament in the short term, so Ada had to pass the exam.

"Mr. Jean, I have already done it, I will definitely do it!"

2:19 p.m.

With the announcement of a major piece of news, people in the whole city were excited. A large number of merchants had announced the opening time of the market. They would start operations at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning and everything would be business as usual.

This kind of news is undoubtedly a timely help for most people. At the same time, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology also announced that the temporary factories in the area that produce daily needs of citizens will be closed at 6 o'clock today.

Everything is over, and the Criminal Investigation Department's criminal investigation is coming to an end. In this large-scale investigation, nearly 40,000 people were arrested, and more than 300 companies were involved in the crime.

Everything will be back to normal tomorrow morning, which is very happy for most people. Employees of many companies have received notices to start work at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.

There are still many voices starting to gather. Many people think that the 5th Section should be responsible for this urban problem. However, statements from various departments of the Operations Section were soon issued. This problem is not unilateral to the 5th Section. It was caused by the investigation, but was caused by the comprehensive investigation of the entire judicial branch.

For many people, as long as things can continue as usual, as long as their past lives can be restored, no matter who caused the problem, some doubts about the 5 subjects quickly disappeared.

Merchants from many companies have directly issued various statements. Some shops on the streets have opened their doors, and a large amount of goods are being moved into the stores. Many bosses said that normal operations will begin tomorrow.

Niya sat quietly in the office, and Gene sat beside her.

"It's really uncomfortable Gene. Everything has been taken over by the businessmen now. What should we do in the future?"

Gene lit a cigarette and threw one to Niya.

"Ask yourself what to do."

After Gene finished speaking, he stood up and planned to leave. He came today just to deal with some matters related to Section 5.

"You bastard, don't you say anything?"

Gene walked to the door, opened it, and looked back at Niya.

"It's not bad. I said it from the beginning. What you want to do is your problem. No matter what the result is, it's not bad now! Let's go to the old place to drink at night."

After Gene finished speaking, he walked out of the office. Niya smiled helplessly and lit the cigarette in her hand.

"Asshole Gene, isn't this the smoke made in my farmland?"

As soon as Niya tasted it, she knew clearly that this kind of tobacco was not sold on the market. It was produced in the remaining planting fields of the Angus family and was only supplied to Angus family members.

Jean left Niya's office and quickly left the headquarters of Section 5.

"Mr. Jean, I think the investigation of the next case"

"Just make your own decision. You don't have to ask me. Do you remember what I said, Larry?"

Larry hummed.

"I know about Mr. Jean and I will continue to investigate."

After saying that, Larry bowed slightly, turned around and started running. He looked very happy. Gene nodded slightly, walked slowly with his uniform, and soon came to Rose's shop, which was still As always, he was greeted with unfeminine exclamations upon entering. Gene was happy to chat with the women who came to say hello.

"Don't you know how to use the back door?"

Gene sat at the bar, and Rose handed him a cold drink.

"What do you think of everything that girl has done recently?"

Rose smiled helplessly, took the cigarette from Gene's hand, lit it and took a puff.

"My ears are almost calloused. Many girls who come to our store recently think that girl is very handsome, just like the Alpha in the past."

Gene laughed happily.

"That puts me at ease."

Rose laughed bitterly.

"What are you going to do?"

After taking a sip of his drink, Gene stood up.

"I plan to go to the barrier area for a few days now."

Rose was keenly aware of something.

"The problem there will be a big problem for the future of the administrative department, and you must take full responsibility."

Gene hummed.

"By the way, I have a better candidate. Please help me say hello to the other guys."

Rose laughed.

"It must be Tianhen!"

Gene hummed.

"Have you spoken to Osman Zijuan and the others?"

Gene shook his head.

"It's just temporary. There will be a long time to come. The problems in the three subjects have existed since the beginning and need to be improved step by step. The barrier area is currently..."

"Okay, no need to say anything, I will tell a few other guys, okay, get out of here, I still have to do business."

Gene picked up the hat, drank the stuff in one gulp, then turned around and walked slowly away.

"You've really changed a lot Jean!"

"Have it!"

Rose looked at Jean leaving and smiled.

"At least it seems to me that you've changed a lot."

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