March 5, 2246, 7 o'clock in the morning

People have been talking about it early in the morning. Regarding the film and television area, basically a large number of film and television dramas and TV programs have been suspended. Large-scale investigations into the film and television area are still continuing.

"She is indeed Alpha's sister."


Two middle-aged people were eating in a breakfast shop and watching the news happily. The many ugly incidents in the film and television area have been the topic of conversation among the public over the years. Basically, most people are concerned about the problems in the film and television area. I don't have any hope, because there is no way the business department will handle it.

At this time, two members of Section 5 hurried in, and the boss immediately greeted them.

"Why are you all so early lately?"

"Boss, hurry up and bring us some food. We need to go back right away."

One clerk said, and the other clerk looked outside with worried eyes. The two looked a little tired, their faces were covered with oil, their clothes looked a little disheveled, and they smelled like sweat.

"Boss, you don't know. If you are found out now, you may be fired."

A clerk muttered, and many people in the breakfast shop looked at them strangely. In the past, no one from the clerk's department could be seen at all at this time. Only in the afternoon could one see five clerks outside some street shops. Most of the time, they would order something and sit there all afternoon, and you would often see drunk members of Section 5 in broad daylight.

At night, no one from Section 5 can be seen on the streets, but it is different these days. People from Section 5 can be seen patrolling 24 hours a day, even on some deserted streets late at night. , everyone could see the members of the 5 departments walking by, patrolling in a group of 5 people.

Many people feel strange, because in the past 20 years, the 5th Section has never been as active as it is now, and with the emergence of patrols, some petty thefts occurred on the streets, which made the 5th Section immediately Someone was caught.

This is something that many people could not imagine in the past, and you can clearly hear the sound of training in the 5th Section Management Center every morning. People in the 5th Section will exercise at 6:00 every morning. This was unimaginable in the past.

The two people from Section 5 quickly took the noodles from the boss's hand, finished eating in three strokes, five divided by two, and ran away. After a while, the two Section members hurriedly came to an intersection, and the team members They all looked like they were in a hurry.

"Please stay alert and remember to make patrol reports while patrolling. You can start patrolling now."

Following the squad leader's order, the entire team of 30 people began to move in different directions. The area they were responsible for required patrolling in the morning, noon and evening today, and the shift could not be changed until 12 o'clock in the evening.

The patrol time can be decided freely, but it must be patrolled three times a day, and there must be corresponding patrol reports. In recent days, many section officers in the area have been punished, and the deduction of wages and welfare funds is a minor problem. , and some were directly expelled.

Many members of the department have started to move. Because they still have training tasks, they have to get up at 6 a.m. and complete the training content of the day before 7 o'clock. This makes most of the department members feel miserable. Many department members have already It is simply difficult to adapt to a long period of time without exercise.

Originally, the morning exercise of the administrative department was a regulation that all 13 departments needed to abide by, but basically there was no such exercise a long time ago.

The changes in the administrative department caught many people on the street off guard, and some people from the fifth department even took the initiative to come over and help. This was impossible in the past.

The administrative department is changing. This is the feeling of many people. Not only the 5th department, but also the members of other departments can often be seen running around the streets.

Many people feel that the changes are very big at the bottom. In the past, many gang members could often be seen on the streets at the bottom. They often caused some problems on the streets, but now many gang members seem to have changed, and there are very few. It would cause riots in the streets.

The people at the bottom naturally know this because they are afraid of Niya's fists. In the past, Niya's unreasonable approach of beating you up first and then talking about it made many gang members afraid.

At this time, a large number of people gathered outside a cake shop on the ground floor. The boss and his wife were busy. Today was the last day of their shop's operation. They were about to move their family to the middle floor. Both husband and wife joined in. They opened a cake shop chain, all for the sake of their daughter who was about to enter college, so the couple agreed to the request of the owner of the cake shop chain.

Today is a reward event for the cake shop. All the ingredients in the shop will be sold at very low prices and then closed.

"Lao Lu, it's really not easy for you. I heard that your daughter is very good at studying."

The boss replied with a smile.

"The child wanted to study business, so he went to a middle-level school that offered such subjects. After graduation, he would directly take the exam for business."

People around him praised him, and at this moment a beautiful girl ran out.

"Dad, hurry in and take a look. I'll just come here to say hello."

"Xiao Lu, if you have such good conditions, why do you want to go to the business department? If you run the business together with your parents, your family's life will definitely be better in a few years."

A familiar customer said, and the girl shook her head with a smile.

"Auntie, there's nothing wrong with the business department. I want to go to the 5th department."

Many people around me are a little surprised, because the work in Section 5 is relatively hard, at least it seems now, and it will definitely not be too leisurely in the future.

People all around are saying that it is best to go to Section 6 or Section 9. The work is not too heavy and the benefits are good.

Especially in Section 9, many members are trying to get in, but the number of subjects in Section 9 over the years has always been slightly more than in Section 6. After all, Section 9 has pricing power, which means that wealthy businessmen What I like to help the most is the 9 subjects.

Many people in Section 9 are interacting with people in the upper class, which is a very good place for the future.

"Xiao Lu, I think you shouldn't make the wrong choice at the beginning. With your good conditions, you should definitely give your first choice to subject 9."

The girl shook her head.

"I just want to go to Section 5, that's where I want to be."

The girl's name was Lu Qi. That incident made her feel that she had a purpose in life. The man who had helped her family was already the section chief of Section 5. Lu Qi decided to go to Section 5.

After Niya helped them in the past, gang members in the entire district no longer dared to cause trouble for them. Only in these years did the store continue to make profits, earning enough money for their family to move to the middle level.

Lu Qi looked at the Section 5 personnel walking by with joy. She felt that patrolling the streets like this was actually quite good. At least it could help other people in need. This was the meaning of Section 5's existence.

At this time, many people were looking at the automatically generated light and shadow screens on the street. It was almost 8 o'clock, and there was a very important trial today. The main criminals who caused the riots in the neighborhood in January had been arrested, and the culprit The criminal named Wise Man will also be punished as he deserves.

This trial is open to the public, and many senior executives from the legal department are already sitting on the trial bench, as well as many people from the legal profession, businessmen, and celebrities.

Some reporters have already started reporting, but today's trial is a bit special. The main criminal was seriously injured during the riot and was unable to stand in the Law Hall. One of his attorneys will help him complete all trials. .

8:01 am

"here we go!"

Huashen said and opened a light and shadow screen. Ran Zhi, who was sitting in a wheelchair, looked at everything in the screen quietly. There was only his name on the empty dock, and the attorney was below. Ran Zhi grinned slightly. , there is almost no good skin on his body, and a lot of the skin is still bruised. His fate is saved, but whether he can stand up in the next life depends on his recovery in the next one or two years.

"What are the chances that I will be able to stand up?"

Ran Zhi asked. He spoke a little slowly and seemed to be struggling.

"If you can tolerate the subsequent treatment, there is a 70% chance."

"Thank you, doctor."

Ran Zhi said, Hua Shen nodded, and the trial began. After a series of crime statements, the prosecuting officer of Section 8 began to speak. The whole process was a bit long, because Ran Zhi committed countless crimes, especially instigation. There are more than 3,000 recorded evidence of crimes committed by others.

Many people embarked on the road of crime under Ran Zhi's instigation, and these still require long-term investigations. At this time, it was the turn of Ran Zhi's attorney. Without any hesitation, he admitted all the crimes on Ran Zhi's behalf.

At 9:03, the court pronounced its verdict, and Ran Zai was directly sentenced to 100 years in prison without the possibility of parole for 100 years, and was defined as a LV0 criminal.

Ran Zhi laughed, and he had no objection to this result.

"Does justice exist?"

Huashen did not answer Ran Zhi's words because he could not answer the question. A new era has begun, and the waves of the era will become higher and higher.

"I can't answer your question, but the only thing I can answer is, I think there is, otherwise you wouldn't be sitting here right now."

Ran Zhi laughed loudly, and his expression immediately turned ferocious because of the pain.

"Goodbye in the future!"

After Ran Zhi finished speaking, he closed his eyes. He still needed to rest. Huashen turned off the light and shadow screen. During this period of treatment, he felt very curious about this very ordinary man. He had passed through the era of suffering. He had good prospects. Even if he later became involved with the Hillman family, he could still live a stable life after the collapse of the Hillman family, but he began to plan a large number of crimes at the bottom.

"One day, evil will come back because of the root of evil."

Ran Zhi looked extremely painful, with sweat covering his forehead.

"Those places that no one knows about!"

Hua Shen felt something in his heart, and the first thing he thought of was Frye Mental Hospital. Frye had just returned the day before yesterday, and he sighed helplessly.

"A place no one knows about!"


Frye was recording the information of the woman in front of him who looked a little demented and laughed. Next to him were her family members.

"Doctor, is treatment really free here?"

The man supporting the woman asked, and Frye nodded.

"Yes, it's completely free. You can give money or items if you want. It's entirely up to you."

The family of three who sent the woman over seemed a little hesitant. At this time, the man took out some loose money from his pocket and put it on the table.

"We are poor and don't have much money, I'm sorry doctor."

Fry collected the scattered crumpled bills and recorded them.

"This disease is not voluntary for the patient. Her consciousness has been caused by brain problems, abnormal behavior, and cognitive deviations. I hope you can come and take a look every now and then. There are many examples of cures due to the cooperation of family members. ."

The family left after registration. Frye looked at the crazy woman and approached with a smile, but the woman immediately spat at Frye, and Frye didn't mind.

"Crystal, bring the new patient to the ward."

Immediately, a woman with heavy makeup and colorful clothes ran over with a smile.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a fun place. There are a lot of fun things in it!"

Looking at the patients being brought in, Frye looked into the distance. Three more patients would be brought in today.

Frye has now found a way to first restore these patients' basic ability to take care of themselves. In Frye's eyes, he has never regarded them as mentally ill, but as normal people with problems. He will patiently ask every patient every day Although many patients may not even recognize what he is talking about, this approach has a certain effect.

Frye believed that more and more patients would leave here and return to normal society in the future. Looking at the patients in the yard behind him who were taking care of the cultivated planting land, they looked very serious and related to They are no different from normal people, except that their mental condition is still a little abnormal.

Fry planned out the land that could get sunlight every day and brought a lot of seeds from Section 12. Although a certain amount of supplies would be delivered every month, Fry knew very well that such days would not last long. of.

The hospital must be self-sufficient. This is what Frye thinks must be solved at present. There are more than 300 patients here, but the only people taking care of them are Frye, Crystal and Lolita. Fortunately, there is Lolita. With help, these patients are well taken care of.

"It should be better in the future."

Frye said with emotion that he also felt the changes in the city today. The most obvious changes were brought about by Section 5. When Frye left the prison, he went to see Alpha. Although he only looked at it from a distance, he It was clear that Alpha could never get over that night, and no one could help her. If she couldn't get over on her own, she would one day go berserk.

But one good thing is that Jean now goes to the bottom of the prison tower from time to time.

"Maybe there is some way!"

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