Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1982 The monster without a name (Part 2)

"Relax, Mr. Chris!"

King Xue smiled and came to the sofa area with a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. After sitting down, he poured a glass of wine for Chris, who looked serious in front of him, and Chris took a drink.

"Today's chaos is not just a day or two. It is true that your educational philosophy is very good, but high-level education should no longer be the scope of your involvement."

Chris didn't speak. He knew what King Xue wanted to do with him. Chris didn't want to agree to King Xue, but the reality forced him to make a choice, or continue to manage low-level education as the president of the Education Association. , or the education aspect will be directly brought under the control of the administrative department in the future.

Chris understands King Xue’s intention very well. Many people in the association have already switched sides, or it is the general trend. Higher education will become like a factory. If there is a shortage of people in any industry, corresponding teaching content will be launched and cultivated quickly. Come with the talent that is lacking in the industry.

This kind of factory-style teaching is something Chris doesn't agree with. It will continue to increase the cost of education, and will completely change the relatively fair mechanism of education.

"Do you really have to do this?"

King Xue nodded with a gentle smile.

“Unnecessary education will become a burden on the city. Although to a certain extent, such factory-style education will significantly increase the cost of higher education, it can indeed effectively remove the dross. I don’t feel that the current high-level education training Are many of the students who come out useless?"

"Complete commercialization will be devastating to the entire education system, you guys."

"We will definitely do a good job in supervision. I have established a set of indicators. If the students trained by a university are reduced to waste within a short period of time, there is no need for such a university to exist. I want you to educate The association should know better than me. The elimination rate of college students who have graduated in recent years is as high as over 90% within 1 to 3 years. Basically, what they learn has nothing to do with what they will do in the future. This kind of education is not suitable for cities. There is no need to continue to exist!”

Chris lowered his head. What King Xue said was true. In recent years, Chris has been constantly drawing closer the relationship between the university and society, hoping to enable college students to integrate with society earlier and be able to apply what they have learned.

Many companies will send some of their current employees and more experienced people to universities to provide special teaching.

"By the way, Mr. Chris, you provided a very good idea before. Your education association is still responsible for lower and middle-level education. We will not have any interference in this, but supervision is necessary."

Chris was a little speechless, but his mind was extremely clear. King Xue's approach can maximize the output of education.

"What's the point of letting people who are not suitable for higher education have hope, spend their time in a muddle-headed way after entering college, and then face a cruel society, only wasting their precious time?"

Chris looked at King Xue blankly.

"A lot of people are going to be turned away."

King Xue took a sip of wine, turned on a light and shadow screen, and then called up a structural diagram of higher education, which had very detailed instructions. After taking a look, Chris was surprised. He had indeed been implementing it in the past few years. The measures to bring the school and society closer are now further strengthened by King Xue.

"In the future, companies will be fully integrated with high-level education. Many schools will have a special company aid fund, and all companies will send some personnel with relatively long service years to directly open corresponding education courses, as well as in-company practice during the education period. Nowadays, the gap in the talent market is quite large. The reason is that this kind of one-pot education produces mixed people, good and bad, who cannot adapt to society quickly. More people enter because of their longing for higher education. After a few years, not only did higher education not change my life, but I fell to the bottom."

Chris didn't answer what King Xue said. He took a sip of wine and stood up.

"Can you give me a few more years, Your Excellency King Xue? It will not exceed 5 years at most. If it still doesn't work after 5 years, I will follow your arrangement. Education is a long-term matter. I plan to establish a A complete recommendation mechanism will recommend students who want to receive higher education to universities that are suitable for them."

The smile on King Xue's face disappeared. He took off his glasses and wiped them, and his expression became much more serious.

"Five years is a long time, long enough to produce countless failed products. Can you bear the consequences of these people's failures? If you can't, stop holding on to such naive ideas."

King Xue walked to Chris's side with a smile.

"Go back and have a good drink with the principals of primary and secondary schools. In the future, there will be more funds for basic education. I can guarantee that some of the past funds for higher-level education will be withdrawn directly, so that you don't have to fight for Funds are going everywhere."

Chris is still very uncomfortable. He really doesn’t want higher education to be completely reduced to a money-making machine. The consequences of this are very serious and will directly exclude many people.

With all the bad things going on in the education sector today, Chris has no reason to refute what King Xue said. The supervision of education is also a major issue. Corruption problems occur in schools in the region. Funding for our education is nothing new. Chris thought of many ways to solve it, but there was no solution.

"Give me three years, okay?"

King Xue drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, then shook his head, turned around and walked slowly to the place where the floor-to-ceiling windows were filled with sunlight, and said with a smile.

"I don't need to say it a second time, President Chris. The medical industry has been taken back by the practice department. I don't want education to be taken back eventually. Although it is a bit difficult, it is not difficult to establish the 14th department. Yes, the more than 300 students in my school can definitely take on everything."

Chris said nothing more, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, turned around and left the office with a sad expression. King Xue breathed a sigh of relief. Now that there is no secretary in Section 1, King Xue can easily complete all the work by himself. .

After all, so far, there is no one that King Xue likes. If he wants to become the secretary of Section 1, only someone like Michelle can do it.

At this time, accompanied by a phone call, King Xue smiled helplessly.

"What a savage girl, isn't she?"

"Hurry up and do it. It's such a big deal."

King Xue smiled helplessly.

"No matter who comes over, it's useless, isn't it, Your Excellency, the manager? Even if the teachers come over, she won't listen. There is no one in the city who can control that wild girl!"

Locke's voice sounded a little angry. After King Xue hung up the phone, he took a look at the applications for suspension of business qualifications of 39 suspected criminal companies in the film and television area that Section 5 had sent.

King Xue sighed helplessly. For a long time in the future, it will be that wild girl's stage. King Xue has seen this very clearly in the past month. She is the type who doesn't care and runs rampant. She doesn't care at all. He will sit down and reason with you, and he is very capable of action, as if he wants to completely vent all the frustrations he has held back over the years.

"In general, it's good. This is all made possible by you, President!"

4 o'clock in the afternoon

Gene sat quietly on the window edge, and Locke was staring at Gene angrily.

"Go and take care of it, Gene, you bastard, she won't be able to keep busy if she's acting like this now."

Gene smiled easily.

"Let her go. She can do whatever she likes. There is no reason to restrain her in this city."

Locke is a little angry. Indeed, Niya's recent investigation and accountability into the insurance industry has actually caused the big companies behind the scenes to stumble. The capital that was gathered has been scattered. Nowadays, many companies have everyone I feel insecure and afraid of being suddenly investigated by Section 5.

"No, my stomach hurts!"

Locke looked at the documents that were constantly being sent from various departments. The entire General Affairs Department had been extremely busy in the past month.

"This is a good beginning."

Gene smiled and raised his hands, and with the light blue particles, Locke's wine cabinet was opened.

"Asshole Gene, that's my personal collection."

Before Locke finished speaking, the lid of the wine bottle had been unscrewed.

"Let Michelle come here next year."

Locke looked at Gene with a shocked expression.

"Do you want to tire me out?"

Gene lit a cigarette, pointed at Locke and said.

"Although she is already very good, she is still too rigid in some places. As her elder, you have the obligation to teach her some things well. Michelle, I will leave it to you, Xiaopang."

Locke sighed.

"When can I retire, Gene?"

Jean smiled and looked at the city in the distance.

"I will watch your chubby little ones until this city really becomes what Ellie longs for!"

Near 5 o'clock

Niya yawned and looked at a bunch of busy people in Section 3 and Section 5. There were a bunch of governing officers standing in front of her, and all the governing officers from Section 5 came over.

"I'm only going to say this once. If you still fail to complete the patrol mission in any of the fucking districts, everyone from the section officer to the squad leader should get out of here. Either go back to the grassroots level and start over again, or get out. I don't need to sit around drinking tea all day long. What an idiot!"

Michelle on the side frowned slightly. She couldn't stand Niya's rough appearance, but Michelle supported this matter. Many cases from 20 years ago were sealed in the 6th department, but the behavior But Ke did not deal with it, because there have always been problems of all sizes in the past 20 years, and the film and television area is related to many industries, but now it is different.

"2,984 people have been arrested, 398 of whom were recorded."

Michelle said, and Niya nodded. At this time, she noticed a touch of cyan particles stopped on the tip of her nose, and passed quickly, as if someone was stroking her nose. Niya turned her head, red Particles spilled out from around the eye sockets.

The next second Niya saw where the cyan particles fell, and she stood up.

"I'll go out for a walk. No matter how many people there are, I'll find them all for me."

Niya stood up and ran quickly. After a while, she saw Tang Rao sitting on the roof of a very ornate Baroque building.

"Why are you looking for me? If you want to stop me, just come here."


Niya jumped directly to Tang Rao's side with an overwhelming momentum. Tang Rao smiled easily, shook his head, and handed Niya a cigarette.

"I just came to take a look."

Niya sat down, lit the cigarette and exhaled a puff of smoke easily.

"This is the fifth department established by my sister and Jill. You bastards, if it wasn't in the past..."

Tang Rao shook his head.

"Don't mention the past anymore. Now the 5 subjects are in your hands. You can do whatever you want. If there is a problem, you can solve it yourself. I'm just here to remind you."

"I know what you are going to say. You are just messing around now. After all, many problems must be solved. It will be more formal in the future. I just want to show those bastards that no matter what your status is or how much you have, Wealth, 5 subjects are no longer the 5 subjects of the past.”

Tang Rao stood up and stretched his limbs comfortably.

"What that girl Michelle did has basically failed."

Nia sighed.

"Let's not talk about these Tang Rao, can you give me all the records of Jill's past work?"

Tang Rao was a little surprised.

"My sister used to say that Gil has put a lot of effort into patrolling, almost in detail on every street."

"I understand, I will give it to you later. I heard that you went to see your sister."

Niya hummed.

"She's still the same, she's still a baby that hasn't grown up. By the way, Tang Rao, I want to personally establish a fresh special management team. Please take some time to help me."

Tang Rao shook his head.

"You figure it out yourself."

Tang Rao disappeared while he was talking, and Niya let out a cry. At this time, she saw a young member of Section 5 running on the street, holding a shooting device, and constantly taking pictures. Niya jumped directly. Go down.

"Isn't the work of the Forensic Department limited to on-site shooting?"

Qin Dong was startled and turned around quickly to salute and bow.

"Sister Niya, I think it is necessary to record some scenes. These images can be sent to the academy of the business department for reference by subsequent department members."

Niya patted Qin Dong on the shoulder.

"Then have a good time shooting. Thank you for your hard work. Let's take a break after dinner and continue working!"

Niya said, and the staff around her responded loudly. The entire film and television area has been completely blocked by people from Section 3 and Section 5, and everyone is under investigation.

Not only for past issues, but also for current issues, Section 2 has provided very favorable evidence, which is enough to support Section 5 to conduct such a large-scale investigation.

"By the way, Lady Nia, I think it's better to gather the victims related to past cases in advance. This will be very necessary for submitting many reports to Section 8 in the future."

Niya thought for a while and then nodded.


Looking at the smiling Qin Dong in front of her, Niya glanced at the somewhat disgusted eyes around her, then smiled and patted Qin Dong's arm.

"I will specifically ask you to handle this matter. I will give you a special temporary appointment letter, and you can ask the regional officers in various places to take action."

Qin Dong looked at Niya in shock, feeling a little at a loss for a moment.

"Why can't it be done?"

Qin Dong stood up straight and bowed.

"It can be done! Lady Niya."

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