Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1944 Wings of Niya 5 (Part 2)

Chapter 1944: Fluttering Wings. Niya. Section 5 (Part 2)

January 29, 2246

The early morning did not disappoint as always. In less than a month, most people had become accustomed to it. The city fell completely into silence. Occasionally, a few business people walked by on the street, shivering in the cold wind.

"Captain, if we really evacuate, what if?"

"It has nothing to do with us. This is an order from above. Now that the order has come down, we just need to strictly abide by it."

A team from Section 5 is operating outside the blockade area and is heading to the site of faulty power equipment. Nowadays, people from Section 5 are responsible for the life in the city, distributing supplies, going to some faulty public equipment points for maintenance, and treating sick people. people were sent to the nearest medical facility, as well as some logistical supply issues for the personnel of Section 3 responsible for the cordoned off area.

Soon the team arrived at a power failure site and took out the equipment to start repairs. Many people in Section 5 were a little dissatisfied because everyone can basically rest for up to five or six hours a day, which is almost People's livelihood problems all fall on the shoulders of the 5 subjects.

Other departments are responsible for other matters. Now the people in the operational department, especially those at the blockade, are relieved because there is an order to retreat. Once the people in the occupied area rush out, they will immediately They will retreat directly and will not engage in combat with people in the occupied area in a short period of time.

The buffer zone 5 kilometers away from the blockade has also been prepared. Once the people in the occupied area rush out, the personnel who can be mobilized from the operational department will start to round up the area and arrest as many people as possible. to those who caused the riots.

What troubles most people working in pediatrics these days is the need to conduct on-the-spot inspections and drills in the area they are responsible for, remember the roundup route, and cooperate with all aspects of roundup training, which needs to be done once a day.

This order was jointly drawn up by the chiefs of Section 3 and Section 13 who were responsible for this incident. This had never happened before. The parts that each section was responsible for were divided in detail.

Congress has not announced any solutions so far. It just tells most people not to panic. The problem has been actually controlled. For most people in the field, they can feel the pressure every day, especially on the blockade. Members of the three departments on alert.

Many staff members are exhausted physically and mentally. The streets in front of them seem to be celebrating festivals every day. I don’t know when these jubilant people will suddenly rush over with weapons in their hands. Although it has been announced above They were ordered to retreat immediately once they encountered an attack, but most people still lacked confidence.

The pressure of holding weapons and confronting people dozens of meters away every day is increasing day by day. When people face the unknown, they are always full of anxiety, and this anxiety will gradually turn into fear.

Nowadays, everyone in the entire blockade has serious expressions, because no orders have been issued yet, and everyone is anxiously waiting for orders. This anxiety has made many people overwhelmed.


With a crisp sound of gunfire, the members of Section 3 who were still behind a blockade bunker instantly released the safety of their guns and pointed their guns at the street. At this time, a woman screamed and ran away. When he came out, the originally silent street became heated for a while, and the woman helplessly shouted murder.

"Captain, would you like to go over and take a look?"

A member of Section 3 was about to ask, but immediately shut up. They had no control over such matters. Once they entered, big problems were likely to occur. The higher-ups had already issued strict orders not to cross the blockade.

Everything in front of them became chaotic. Someone was yelling and shooting at many people running on the street with a gun. Everything in front of them seemed a little crazy to many people. Some people fell in a pool of blood. The perpetrator seemed to have gone crazy.

At this moment, a fierce red light flashed across everyone's heads in an instant, and the assailant was subdued the moment it hit the ground. Niya chewed a cigarette and turned her head to look at the dull members of Section 3 behind her. .

“Are you fucking blind, can’t you see?”

Niya said, and immediately a group of people from the 5th Section Management Team crossed the blockade and came over to lift some injured people up.

"What are you doing standing still? Call the doctor over."

For a while, many people started to move. Niya looked at the whimpering man on the ground angrily. He was the perpetrator. He was smiling at this, and his smile looked a little ferocious. Niya directly asked someone to put it on him. He was handcuffed and escorted to the nearby 5th Section Management Center for investigation. At this time, many gang members in the area came out of some alleys and slowly approached.

"Lord Niya, what will happen if we go out now?"

A leader who had been severely beaten by Niya in the past asked. Niya blew out a puff of smoke and shook her head.

"You know what, I'm just a regional officer, you just leave it to fate."

The expressions of many people were solemn about this matter. Many people were now in a dilemma, unable to go out, but did not want to stay any longer and wait for the situation to worsen. The business department outside rushed in and looked at the people who were looking forward to her. Niya sighed. Take a breath.

"Listen, I'm only going to say this once, if something goes wrong, stay home and don't come out."

Niya said, seeing that the injured people had been taken away, she walked towards the blockade, and a director officer from Section 3 looked at Niya solemnly.

"Niya, don't disobey orders casually, especially at this time."

Niya laughed helplessly.

"I understand, I'm going to take a nap."

Many people in Section 3 seemed a little embarrassed. They avoided Niya's sight. This problem had happened many times, and many people could only watch at the blockade.

Niya walked through the crowd, jumped directly to the top of a house, then entered a hotel, found a room and lay down directly. Although she was a little tired, she was not sleepy. Niya put her head on her hands, My thoughts are a little confused.

What Niya is thinking about now is whether this kind of question will happen again in the future. Will people like the Wise Man still appear? This kind of question is what Niya has thought about the most in the past few days.

If Congress does not propose any solution, conflicts will come sooner or later. Niya has ordered everyone in the special management team to directly enter the area to solve the problem if there are any problems at the edge of the area.

It was clear what the members of Section 3 on the periphery saw just now, but no one went in. Although Niya was a little angry, she didn't blame them. Niya knew why they didn't dare to go in.

With the current tense situation, war may break out at any time, and it only takes a little friction to trigger a war.

When Niya left, she also noticed that the wise men were just watching silently from a distance. How can they solve everything now? Niya can't find the answer until now, but what is certain is that this This problem is difficult for anyone to solve.

Didi didi

A phone rang. Niya picked it up and picked it up immediately.

"What's wrong Michelle?"

"I have considered a problem. If a conflict occurs, some orders may not be executed."

Nia asked seriously.

"What went wrong?"

"Many routes will have a certain impact because they have walls or even houses. I have asked people from Section 5 to send me some photos of the retreat routes. I based them on last year's detailed urban structure map. routes, and if there are obstacles on those retreat routes, there may be."

Niya smiled slightly.

“Isn’t it enough to dismantle it?”

Michelle stopped talking, and there was a slight breathing sound on the phone. Niya took out a cigarette, lit it and took a puff.

"What do you think is more important Michelle?"

"In this case."

Niya walked to the window and opened it.

"A city can be rebuilt if it is gone, but if a person's future is gone, it will disappear completely. You make an order and the Angus family will be solely responsible for all losses!"

"I know Miss Niya, I need to be more thorough."

Niya laughed loudly, letting the city survive the current crisis and continue this future. This bright future lifted up by her sister is what Niya wants to protect, although the future is still there. There will be a lot of problems, but if this problem is solved roughly, the worst consequences will continue into the future.

Niya directly issued a gathering order to all members of the special management team, asking them to bring them directly to the edge of Area 98. Michelle should soon draft an order and issue it.

Soon Niya came to a relatively spacious street. Members of the nearby special task force had already come over. Many people looked at Niya in confusion, not knowing what she planned to do. There was no task in the assembly order. illustrate.

8:39 am

Just as more and more members of the special management team gathered, everyone received an order, as did some ordinary members of Section 5. Everyone was shocked.

Niya's phone rang. It was a call from the director of Section 5, but Niya didn't answer it. The order was to remove all obstacles on the retreat route planned by Michelle.

Everyone was shocked by this sudden order, because it was an order jointly issued by the Chief of Section 3 and the Chief of Section 13. The timeliness of the order does not need to be questioned, but such a troublesome approach means that ten There will be many things that need to be demolished within 5 kilometers of the perimeter of multiple occupied areas.

One can imagine the workload, and the person in charge of the demolition was Niya. Most people were shocked that many places were private property of the people, and who would be responsible for such losses after the incident was over? Others in Section 5 also received the order and began to go to the obstacle points on the route to conduct real-time statistics.

"I understand, your mission is to go to some places where demolition is difficult. Once the detailed plans for the demolition sites are made, please go to these locations immediately to assist colleagues in the other five departments in the demolition."

Niya simply said, and many people noticed that in the successive orders, after these facilities were dismantled, the Angus family would be responsible for all consequences.

In recent days, we have received such detailed orders one after another, which has made many people feel who issued this order. Many people have begun to spread rumors that such order documents are different from those issued by Michelle before. Some commands are very similar.

But what makes many people question it is that with Michelle's current position, it is impossible to issue such a high-authority order, and there is no news from the General Affairs Department.

Accompanied by bursts of flashing red light, the director officers of Section 5 ran over one after another.

"What exactly do you want Nya?"

A female director from Section 5 asked, but Niya did not answer.

"Follow the orders."

Not far away, people from Section 5 were already ready to take action. It was a street isolated by a wall. It used to be a street, but it was blocked by the wall after development and construction. Niya walked directly through it. A bunch of directors suddenly ejected to the wall, and their fists had already smashed into it.

There was a loud bang, accompanied by flying gravel, and cracks appeared in the entire wall. Then, among the red particles, it collapsed bit by bit, and finally collapsed. Many members of Section 5 standing in the distance They walked over quickly. If we didn't pass through this evacuation point in a straight line, we would have to go around more than 400 meters.

"Someone who has nothing to do comes to help. If you are being watched, I'm going to the next place."

As Niya said, some members of nearby Section 3 also came over and began to clean up the stones. A large number of captains of the special management team gathered together and began to watch the real-time update of the obstacle removal location. Dispersed in different directions according to some instructions above.

The commotion began to get bigger and louder, and the removal of obstacles in various places had really begun. Many people who had evacuated the area in the past few days were quietly watching everything in front of them in the containment area.

"Has the war begun?"

Someone asked, and many people asked immediately after seeing the smoke and dust after the explosion, and at this time a voice appeared on the radio.

"Dear people, please don't worry. This is just a removal of obstacles to ensure the smooth resolution of this problem. Please don't worry."

The street radio immediately began to play an explanation of the incident, but this explanation deliberately bypassed why some barriers were removed. The people who rioted because of the sudden removal of barriers temporarily calmed down.

Many members of Section 5 who were maintaining order at the scene were sweating coldly. Many of them knew the order, but they did not reveal a word to the public, because the order above strictly prohibited the disclosure of the content of the order to any ordinary person.

With a bang, a house collapsed. For a moment, a man who was still waiting to receive food stared at everything in front of him.

"Isn't that my house?"

The man immediately became excited. At this time, the light and shadow pole on the street was still talking about the things involved in the removal of the barriers. The excited man was immediately told by the people from Section 5 that the Angus family would meet after the incident. Responsible, but the man immediately became dissatisfied, because the house was just built this year, and now it was directly demolished by blasting.

Many people discovered the floating smoke and dust near their homes, and began to worry. They wanted to go back and have a look. The 5 departments on site could only cooperate with the broadcast content to comfort them.

However, some people still couldn't sit still and rushed past several Section 5 personnel and ran towards their home. However, they were caught up and knocked down by several Section 5 personnel before they could run a few steps. The man's emotions He was very excited and said that he must go back to his home to have a look, but soon the man was taken away directly by people from Section 5.

Similar things happened all over the place, and Section 5 had to take coercive measures to directly arrest those who were emotional.

Walls fell down one after another, and houses collapsed. Niya looked quietly at the houses in front of her that had been brutally destroyed by her direct use of power. They had turned into rubble, and there were a lot of things inside. Department 7 and 5 were on the scene. The people in the department started to get busy and would calculate the losses in detail.

Niya had just received a call from her mother and told her her thoughts. Her mother also supported Niya's approach and told Niya that she could just do what she wanted to do.

Looking at some children's stuffed toys under the house that had turned into rubble, Niya walked over, took a quiet look, turned around and jumped to the roof, planning to go to the next demolition point on the route. .

The rubble will be cleared and piled outside the route. Some of the items that can still be used in the collapsed houses will be marked with the name of the owner. There is no time to go in and move things out. Once a conflict occurs, the retreat route must be the largest. The degree of assurance, as well as the subsequent round-up route, is a way to avoid conflicts as much as possible.

At this time, in Area 105, trucks were transporting large amounts of weapons and ammunition, heading towards other areas. Many people were distributed weapons, and many people began to line up to receive weapons. The light and shadow materials in many areas had already was recovered, and X easily built several weapon manufacturing machines using light and shadow materials.

All automatic and high-precision automatic rifles can be obtained by most people. The light and shadow materials in the area are enough for everyone to be equipped with weapons and a certain amount of ammunition, because there are many factories, and Tom will take people there every day Weapons are manufactured in the factory and will be distributed to everyone in the area starting today.

The harassment in the distance made many people in the area feel uneasy, and the cadres distributing weapons kept shouting.

"Take up arms and shoot directly if they attack. We must defend the existing streets that belong to us."

Many people had sad faces. During this period, many people felt extremely anxious. It was unknown whether this country that belonged to them would be recognized, and Congress did not give any clear answer.

Ran Zhi quietly looked at the weapons that were still being distributed in the courtyard. He looked at the smoke and dust rising in the distance. Although he didn't know what the business department was doing, through the observations of the mutants on the periphery, they were demolishing some walls and houses. The wise man Smiling slightly, he probably knew Xingke's intention.

Due to previous planning problems and in order to expand the economy of the lower floors, most local councilors have been carrying out various construction projects on many street houses on the ground floor. The houses are piled up in disorder near the main roads, creating a lot of problems. In alleys and winding paths, once a war breaks out, the defender's operations will become passive.

They were dismantling everything now just to prepare for the upcoming war. Ran Zhi laughed and kept shaking his head.

"No matter what you do, it's useless."

Ran Zhi has ordered that the weapons be distributed within today. For nearly half a month, weapons have been produced in batches every day in the factory.

X has received the news. The AIs have found a way out of Section 10. The war will begin soon. Once a big problem occurs at the upper level, the Executive Section can only withdraw its troops to deal with the situation that the upper level suddenly looks at. Robots, at this time Ran Zhi planned to send everyone out directly to occupy more space.

The route has been planned and they will march directly to the east. Ran Zhi smiled slightly. His actions should have been known to the people in the business department. After all, it is unknown how many people from the 2nd department have been lurking in the area during this time. However, Ran Zhi does not intend to pay attention to these lurkers. No matter what information they get, as long as the optical nuclear weapons are in his hands, everything can be realized as he imagined.

Ran Zhi is thinking about various issues every day, but the most exciting one is to build a kingdom that belongs to the bottom. It does not need to follow the pace decided by the gods, but only needs to advance at its own pace.

There was a sound of footsteps, and Ran Zhi turned around and looked over. Tom looked at Ran Zhi with a solemn expression.

"Why weren't we told in advance about such a plan?"

Ran Zhi smiled and shook his head.

"The plan has been decided a long time ago. You just need to do what I said. Everyone should be clear by now."

Before Ran Zhi finished speaking, Tom ran over and grabbed Ran Zhi's collar.

"If you do this, most of the people will be buried with you? This is not a few hundred people, not tens of thousands, but hundreds of thousands."

"They have no choice!"

Ran Zhi looked at Thom in bewilderment, and gradually reduced the strength of his hand. The plan was very successful. If he wanted to fight against everything now, he could only tie everything in. In just a few days when the sun went out, After the chaos, many people were roped in.

Many people didn't believe it at first, but as a week passed, it was true that as Ran Zhi said, the sun would not rise. In the end, riots broke out. The 11 districts that were already riddled with holes were suddenly shattered. It was occupied.

Those who had long been miserable under the long-term corrupt management of the district councilors and administrative departments rushed in and ended their rule, and Ran Zhi also issued a statement in a timely manner.

Although many people have broken away from the excitement at the beginning and have figured out some things, it is already too late now. They cannot quit. This must-win war is waiting for them if they fail. There will be endless darkness.

Everyone knows that if they fail, they are likely to be evicted directly, but even if they are not evicted, their future life will not be easy with the current economic situation of the city. Although many people hesitate, they still take up arms. .

"If you want a better future, you can only pick up weapons. If you don't want to continue to be oppressed and exploited, pick up the weapons in your hands and shoot. All you need to do is pull the trigger. Think carefully about everything in the past. We obviously worked so hard. Although we are still poor, where did our hard work go?"

Cadres who were handing out weapons were constantly shouting impassionedly. Ran Zhi knew very well the psychology of most people at the bottom and the psychology of human conformity. Even if the administrative department wanted to handle such a large-scale riot, it would still need to consider whether it would be possible. It will shake the foundation of the city.

"They are also flesh and blood. They are not invincible. They also have relatives, and so do we. Think about your future, your past, and your present. Take up arms, take up arms!"

On a street, several old people quietly watched the young people cheering and raising their weapons. They knew exactly what the consequences would be, because they had all come from the most chaotic era and witnessed the city's transformation. Creation from nothing, and the power of the supreme gods.

"Don't go, Abin."

An old man grabbed his son, and he angrily threw away his father's hand.

"What can we do now? What else can we do?"

The man ran over quickly, walked over and picked up the weapon.

"Pick up your weapons and push to the east. Move quickly. The land that should belong to us is in the hands of Congress. Why can't we own the land that our fathers worked hard to cultivate? Even if we can only own that land Cheap labor is sold on the land.”

A large number of people who had obtained weapons poured onto the streets and began to advance toward the east area. Many people were holding guns in their hands. Many people seemed to be at ease. They had been anxious and anxious for a long time. The anxiety was somewhat released at this moment, and the weapons in their hands also made many people feel safe.

10:01 am

Locke sat quietly in the office, with a cup of tea at the table. Now that the bottom-level affairs have been fully handed over to Michelle and Osman, Locke only needs to be responsible for some chores in the middle and upper levels. There is a shaking look in front of him. The picture shows people receiving guns and ammunition.

Wu Qun took the tea handed over by Locke Jiahui with a serious expression and looked at Locke Jiahui's face ashen.

"It looks like war can no longer be avoided. It's too late."

Locke sighed silently. He had seen war when he was a child. At that time, before the establishment of Brilliant City, most of the forces were integrated by the gods, and there were still many stubborn resisters. In the end, the gods adopted relatively peaceful methods. The leader was killed, and the descendants of the leader became the patriarchs of the family.

But now it can't be solved by killing the leader. In Locke's view, war is unavoidable, and there is nothing they can do now.

Wu Qun took a sip of tea. On another light screen, in District 99 to the east, a large number of densely packed people were gathering.

"Aren't you going to go back and stay with Xiang Rin?"

Locke asked, and Wu Qun hummed, leaned back on the sofa comfortably, and shook his head.

"Xiang Rin went to help."

Locke sighed, and the two of them could only silently watch the flow of people gathering on several light and shadow screens. The sudden appearance of a large number of weapons caught them off guard. Although they had received intelligence, those mutated people were already in the factories in the occupied areas. It's been half a month, but I didn't expect that they would suddenly be able to produce so many weapons. Based on the current situation of the 11 occupied districts, it should be impossible for them to produce so many weapons in a short time. The only thing they can think of is that they have already launched The rebel AIs are helping them.

The situation within Section 10 is now very serious. The AIs have created a large number of robots and launched round after round of fierce attacks on the section chiefs and secretaries guarding the entrance to the wormhole.

Locke doesn't know where Jean is now. He hasn't seen Jean for more than a day. Locke just called and asked Zijuan. Jean is not helping in the steel city, and Rose is not helping either. Not here.

Originally, Congress wanted to handle this matter quietly, but now that the matter is known to everyone, even if the situation is really under control, how to deal with those people in the 11 districts will be a big problem.

No matter how we deal with it, it will be extremely difficult. If more than 500,000 people are really deported, it is impossible to predict what chain effects will occur.

And what do the gods think? Locke really wants to talk to the gods, but he can't leave. Now he can't leave the general affairs department for a moment. He just took a break for less than 15 minutes and a lot of reports have been submitted. After coming up, Locke returned to his desk and continued to read the report documents.

"What do you think they want?"

After Locke hesitated for a while, he looked at Wu Qun with a wry smile.

"Just live a normal life!"

After Wu Qun drank the tea in the cup, he stood up.

"Yes, but we can't do it. We will fail every time. What did we fail to do well, or was it wrong from the beginning?"

"Who knows!"

Wu Qun walked to the office door, opened it and closed his eyes.

"Have we all been a little too relaxed in the past few years?"

Locke looked at Wu Qun seriously.

"We decided at the beginning to fight for our respective positions, but we just failed to do so. The executive branch and the parliamentarians should have been separated."

Locke pressed his forehead.

"We may have missed the best era!"

Wu Qun walked out with a smile.

“What will the next era look like?”

Locke did not answer. Wu Qun walked out. Several council officers came over and looked at him with some confusion. Soon Wu Qun put on thick cotton clothes. When he came to the General Affairs Department Square, he could still see many people from the Business Department. Man, it's extremely cold outside.

"What else can I do!"

Wu Qun walked step by step. When he came to the steps, he squatted down and then sat on the steps, overlooking the city with lights in the distance. The bright lights in the middle and upper floors had faded because of the electricity. Due to the tight supply problem, many places are working in vain.

At this time, Wu Qun had never seen a scene since he was a child. Such a thing would not have happened in the past.

“Right and wrong have no meaning anymore.”

11:21 am

With a dazzling blue light, a high-speed robot flying in the air exploded in an instant. There were large and small potholes on the surface, and it became riddled with holes in an instant.

"Save your efforts, Gene. There are as many robots as you need. The current reserve of light and shadow materials, according to Li Chu's calculations, allows the AI ​​to produce 5 million robots."

The walls of the hall were scorched black, with a lot of mechanical debris and holes. Gene kicked a robot's arm away and slowly walked towards Rose, his eyes a little scary.

"Then you should do something."

Rose smiled and raised her head against the metal door behind her.

"Wait until more people gather before taking action."

Gene stared blankly at the door of the virus database. What he was wondering at this moment was why the AI ​​found this place and was still attacking in groups, trying to break through the door, because there was no such thing in the AI ​​program. The existence of virus database.

AI will not pointlessly attack something that is zero in their data language. Zero means worthless.

"You mean someone told the AI ​​about them?"

Rose's eyes became serious, and Gene shook his head.

"I don't know what to say either."

"There are only seven of us who know this place, and even Ellie doesn't know that we secretly stored the annihilation virus."

Gene sat next to Rose, and Rose patted his shoulder.

"What's going on outside, those bastards didn't even notify us."

Jean agreed, and he must stay here with Rose. No matter what happens, the annihilation virus must not be leaked. Once it is leaked, the entire city will be destroyed, and all life will die one after another.

In Gene's long-term research, this virus is more like a highly intelligent equation, the equation of life. Part of the reason why the longevity vaccine can be successful is because of the annihilation virus, but Lolita doesn't know the core thing.

"If I had known, it should have been destroyed back then."

Rose murmured, and Gene did not nod. The seven of them unanimously agreed that leaving this virus was not because of what they wanted to do, but because they wanted to have a way to deal with it if it appeared one day.

It's just that they haven't been able to find a way to deal with this virus until now.

"By the way, Jean, there is one thing that you must understand clearly."

Gene glanced at Rose.

"I see!"

Rose laughed.

"That's good!"

Jean stood up again and looked at the robots pouring in from the large hole in the ceiling.

"I don't need you to warn me or teach me about this kind of thing."


Ye Chunwang is still busy, directing people from Section 12 and some people who are willing to work in the agricultural base to carry out harvesting operations. The production capacity has dropped by half. It is obviously unrealistic to rely on electric lighting to provide light for crops. , coupled with the increasingly cold temperatures outside.

Crops in some fields have withered and died, which will be a very heavy blow to the entire agricultural base in the coming months. The current outdoor temperature is not even 3 degrees.

Most people can only brave the severe cold, harvest some crops in sheds, and then put them into warehouses.

Nowadays, those who are willing to work on the farm can get a high salary of 50 yuan an hour. Many people come here in an endless stream, but the selection criteria are for experienced people and young and strong people.

The most common among them are mutants, who are efficient and powerful. Ye Chunwang looked at the progress of the harvest and realized that it had to be harvested day and night. Many crops were already sick.

Even if the sun rises immediately, it will be useless. The constant temperature effect suitable for crop growth that has been gradually achieved through the shadow film over the years has been completely destroyed. The next time the temperature can return to the past level, it will take at least one or two years. .

Most of the experimental crops in the experimental planting shed have died, just in a short period of one month.

Ye Chunwang stood up a little tired and walked aside. He planned to take a short rest. He had already called Jean, but the phone could not be connected. At this time, Ye Chunwang really wanted to talk to Jean, and Not after it's over.

No one can guarantee what will happen next in the current situation, but one thing Ye Chunwang is sure of is that once Section 10 takes back control of the AI, Ye Chunwang still knows the fastest and most effective solution.

Taking this opportunity, Ye Chunwang plans to talk to the gods and divide the rights to plant part of the land in the eastern agricultural base to the bottom 60 districts. It is just a small piece of land, which is equivalent to the welfare of the area. The price is still from 12 Ke Lai controls it, but there will definitely be a large number of people lining their pockets in the middle links. As long as the problems in the middle links can be solved, most of the problems at the bottom can be solved.

As for the establishment of the second agricultural base in the barrier area, Ye Chunwang also feels that it is imperative. Now he can only do this. If the problem is really solved, the best way to punish those who previously occupied the area is to punish them in the barrier area. Land reclamation, not mass evictions or whatever.

"We just need to kill the leader!"

Just as Ye Chunwang finished speaking, the phone rang. It was Gene, and he immediately picked up the call.

"Lord Ye Chunwang, my name is Michelle Eberon. Lord Jean has temporarily handed over the matter to me. Now I have made a list of food distribution in the area. I hope you can arrange for someone to deliver it as soon as possible."

Ye Chunwang was a little surprised.

"Where are the Zeon people?"

"Lord Jean went to Section 10."

Ye Chunwang hummed, and after hanging up the phone, an order document was sent over. After Ye Chunwang glanced at it casually, he began to work.

1 p.m. sharp

Niya stood quietly at the blockade in the middle of Eastern District 99, looking at the people who had gathered a few hundred meters away. They were moving slowly towards this side with weapons in hand. Niya threw angrily Dropped the cigarette butt.

"You bastards, are you going to attack now?"

The obstacles on the retreat route have not yet been removed. If there is a firefight now, mass casualties will definitely occur. Niya gritted her teeth and jumped out, but was immediately held back by several council officers behind her.

"Keep it up Niya!"

Niya gritted her teeth and looked at the people holding weapons who were still approaching. She closed her eyes and raised her head.

"Asshole guy!"

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