Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1898 Winged Niya’s desperate countdown (Part 1)

Chapter 1898: Wings fluttering. Niya. Countdown to despair (Part 1)

"It does not matter!"

Niya gritted her teeth and looked at the woman in front of her. There was a sense of determination in her eyes. In the living room outside the room, soft sobbing could be heard. Niya was extremely angry at this time and could hardly control her emotions. She was shaking. Then he took out a cigarette, lit it and took a puff.

"Where are those people?"

Niya asked, Zhang Qian shook her head.

"I don't know about this. Every time they contact me through small notes."

As Zhang Qian said, Niya bit the cigarette, lit it and pressed her head irritably. She knew clearly in her heart that this kind of thing might not be something she could solve, but Niya didn't report the crime or notify anyone.

The moment she met the guy from the Hillman family who kidnapped her in the past, Niya had already made a decision. Now Niya was only angry. Niya had never thought about it. It was just a little intuition of her own that she found it. The crux of the matter.

The woman in front of her told Niya frankly how she helped those guys step by step and why she assisted them.

In the past eight years, Niya has often had nightmares. This guy who has appeared in her nightmares countless times has just appeared in front of her. She has to face all this alone. It is impossible not to face it by herself. Niya Ya knows very well that if she can't face it alone, she won't be able to move forward.

The woman in front of her was still chattering, but Niya couldn't listen to a word. The anger had made Niya's consciousness start to blur a little. She was like a dynamite barrel now, and all the unpleasant things in the past were forgotten. broke out.


There was a sound of broken glass, and Niya stood up instantly to catch an old display video that broke the glass, accompanied by a pleasant laugh.

On this display, a man appeared with only his mouth exposed, and the rest of his body was in darkness. The man's mouth was slightly grinning, as if he was smiling, but it didn't look like he was smiling.

"Good evening, Miss Nia Angus."

"Asshole guy!"

Niya realized something because it was already 8pm.

The screen changed in an instant, and Niya looked around. There were some vague memories in her head. The signal transmission distance of this display frequency was only a few kilometers at most, which meant that the enemy was nearby.

Zhang Qian covered her mouth and looked at the picture that appeared on the display. Niya's eyes widened. A man whose mouth was gagged and whose eyes were covered was tied to a chair. There were many faintly glowing things tied to his body. Translucent objects, these lumpy substances, are connected by wires.

"How about we play a game?"

Niya glanced back, Zhang Qian had already begun to sob, and tears kept falling.

"There are only 24 hours. There are 24 signal transmitters in total. Find them! Once you are found to report the crime, the bomb on this man will explode. If you can destroy 24 signal transmitters in 24 hours, this The man will return safe and sound, and you can see Andur."


Niya kicked the coffee table over in anger, stared at the man speaking in the video with great anger, and then clenched her fists.

"Why should I play games with you? What does this man's life and death have to do with me!"

The moment he finished speaking, Zhang Qian came over from behind.

"Master Wise, please, I."

"Shut up."

Nia roared.


The door to the room opened, and Zhang Qian's son looked at the furious Niya in horror. At this moment, Niya had only one thought in her head, to catch this guy and beat him up.

"Yes, it has nothing to do with you, right, Miss Niya, because it has nothing to do with you, so this family is going to be finished, so the woman behind you will be finished, and the child next to you will have no parents and become an orphan. I only give You decide in one minute."

Niya immediately ran to the broken window and looked outside. There were red particles floating around her eyes, and her sight suddenly went far away.

"You don't have to look for me, I'm not within your sight."

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Nia asked angrily.

"You only need to answer whether to participate or not. This man's life has nothing to do with you, right, and the mother and son behind him have nothing to do with you either, right?"

Niya stared blankly at the broken window, her clenched hands were trembling slightly, the cigarette she was holding in her mouth had been broken, and the cigarette butt fell to the ground, sparks flying everywhere.


Niya smashed the glass and then jumped on the window sill.

"Tell me how to play!"

"Each signal transmitter will continuously send signals to the location of the bomb within 24 hours, so you only have 24 hours. When the 24 hours are over, the bomb will still receive the signal and explode. Now the time It’s still very early, it officially starts at 10 o’clock,”

The picture on the display frequency was interrupted while she was talking. Niya swallowed. She still had some vague memories. She once talked about the principles of signal generation in school, the difference between short-range and long-range signals, and how to confirm the frequency of the signal. But all these are just fragmentary memories in Niya's mind now. Niya doesn't remember what kind of equipment to use to confirm the signal.

Suddenly Niya turned back to look at Zhang Qian and her son, and said.

"Stay home and don't do anything."

As she spoke, Niya jumped from the window sill and landed directly in the park. It was now approaching 9 o'clock. Niya didn't want to waste time anymore. She had to think of a way. The simplest and most effective way was to use a signal jammer. This It was also seen in some movies, but where to find a signal jammer, Niya thought of Section 10.

But if you notify the business department, the other party will detonate the bomb. Niya scratched her head irritably. With only this display screen at hand, Niya still moved. This kind of thing that requires using her brain is meaningless to Niya. , rather than using her brain, Niya is accustomed to taking action first. Niya rushed directly to the street and looked around.

Niya has only one thought now, she must do something. It has been more than three months since she investigated this case, and there is still no progress at all. But now everything is in front of Niya, and Niya is constantly thinking about what to do. How to destroy those signal transmitters in a short time, and then destroy them.

Suddenly Niya froze and looked at a sign opposite with the subway logo and the Angus family crest on it.

Niya laughed for a moment, she quietly took out a cigarette, then lit it and laughed.

"You will lose!"

At this time, in an alley on the street, Tom stood quietly on the street, looking at his pocket watch from time to time, pretending to be waiting for someone. He quietly stared at Niya standing in the center of the street. .

The miniature camera at hand clearly transmitted the picture to an underground parking lot in this area, where there was an underground facility where the Hillman family used to be.

"Originally, this plan was supposed to be launched in two months, but it can only be launched tonight."

Ran Zhi said with a smile. Andur beside him looked at Niya standing in the center of the street with a serious expression. He was not walking around, but seemed to be waiting for something.

"What's the matter with Andur's expression being so serious?"

Ran Zhi stared at Andur sideways, and Andur shook his head.

"This is a plan we have been preparing for a long time. It is a pity that it was used up so easily."

Ran Zhi shook his head.

"Is it a pity? There are as many plans as this."

Ran Zhi stood up with a smile, and then looked at the many things piled aside. Many of them were semi-finished products and needed to be completed slowly by Hydra.

But the time for each Hydra to come out is limited, and it cannot be completed in a short time. Ran Zhi has customized a large number of plans in the past few years. Once these plans are implemented step by step, the middle management will only become more and more chaotic. The soil at the bottom will become more and more fertile. In just three months, the situation at the bottom is much better than before.

It's just that what happened tonight was beyond Ran Zhi's expectation, because he didn't expect that Niya would follow Zhang Qian's son. The mother and daughter carried out their plan very well, and when it was revealed, Ran Zhi Zhi then asked Thom to directly kidnap Zhang Qian's husband.

This is a very dangerous move, but there is no other way. Ran Zhi must hold Niya back so that Niya will not report the crime and handle everything within two days. Otherwise, once the investigation begins now, many things will be exposed. Ran Zhi has witnessed countless times the collapse caused by one point.

This incident must not affect the subsequent huge plans. Andur quietly stared at Niya on the screen. She had now sat down on a chair outside a drink shop on the street and was eating. .

"It's important to deal with all issues related to Hydera first."

Andur hummed.

"Give me a few minutes and I will list the specific points to be dealt with. You just need to deal with them one by one within 48 hours."

"People with good intentions and conscience are often restrained by their good intentions and conscience and are unable to take extraordinary actions. This girl will definitely not report the crime. After all, she does not trust the business department in her heart. After all, we For our plan, many people in the business department have really helped us a lot without knowing it.”

In recent years, Ran Zhi has played more of a middleman role, often helping some gang members to connect with people in the administrative department. The connection is very successful, and the lower-level members of the administrative department are also very happy to help with small favors. After all, there is an endless supply of money as food, and they are very happy to help themselves.

The gang members are also very satisfied with their methods of doing things and the methods they provide. Those with vested interests will not reveal themselves, because no one will tell others how they succeeded and what methods they used. Most people only tell others about their methods, and they all rely on their own intelligence to succeed.

Ran Zhi is very aware of the selfishness in human nature. Human beings are independent and selfish individuals. Everyone has a shameful side under their skin.

Each of these has the face of a selfish vested interest, which will make everything more confusing. If it were under the control of the past administrative department, such crimes would be just like paper. Some things were found using multiple means, but things are different now. The damage caused by the Hillman family is far beyond everyone's imagination.

Malice continues to spread throughout society, gradually expanding its influence. Although those people who were implanted with brain-control chips by the Hillman family in the past have been found, the business department cited some special disease as an excuse. They performed surgery for free and removed the brain control chip, but the implant was deeply ingrained and spreading. Everything was decided 8 years ago.

Nowadays, the system of the executive branch is in chaos. Businessmen are trying to find opportunities, and parliamentarians are trying to pull the strings. Factions are just a means to pull the parliamentarians. Different businessmen support different parliamentarians and different departments.

As for the Brilliant City, where the law has been very perfect, it has become a tool of capital. As long as there is no evidence, the law will become a weapon to protect capital. The law has lost its effectiveness in the face of the city's environment.

Ran Zhi smiled excitedly, combing through some traces that needed to be removed by Andur in the past two days on a light and shadow screen. These things must be removed, so that the probability of Hydra being discovered can be reduced to 0 .

Ran Zhi has been waiting for this day for too long. This era of chaos and no way to start is the era where it is easiest to get things done.

"That's alright Andur, remember it. You must pay attention to every detail. Things related to Hydra must be destroyed effectively and efficiently. Whether it is people or things, as long as there is no evidence, no one can do anything to Hydra. What to do?"

Andur took Ran Zhi's light and shadow phone and nodded before planning to leave.

"Are you sure you want to do this? This plan will obviously completely destroy this district in the end, thereby dragging down the surrounding districts. The final chain reaction will make the entire middle layer fall into a passive situation, while the bottom layer can take the initiative. !”

Ran Zhi shook his head.

"Whether you want to give it up or not, there are as many plans as this. After this incident is over, you guys come with me to the barrier area. It's time to get in touch with our old friend Agata."

Ran Zhi laughed excitedly. Andur immediately opened the door of the underground facility and closed the door after going out. Ran Zhi looked at Niya quietly on the street. He knew very well how to destroy a person. As long as you destroy more people, you can destroy everything.

Talent is the foundation of this city. Ran Zhi smiled extremely excitedly, watching the time pass by, and it would soon be 10 o'clock.

Ran Zhi had originally planned to have fun with this explosion plan. 24 signal transmitters had already been placed in the hands of the 24 losers in this area.

The 24 people personally selected by Ran Zhi will definitely execute their plans as scheduled, and when they execute the plans, they will only involve more people, and those who are involved will only bring more and more people into the mix. The more people get involved.

There is a reason why we chose District 60, which is close to the west. This is the gathering point for most of the goods produced in the factory areas in the west. This place has countless suppliers. Once this area is destroyed, the surrounding areas will definitely be destroyed. will be impacted.

Ran Zhi couldn't wait any longer. At 9:56, Ran Zhi sat in front of an old-fashioned computer and quickly turned on the screen.

Ran Zhi faced the camera, turned off the lights in the room, and then contacted Niya.

"Good evening, Miss Niya. Although there are still a few minutes, we can start. The 24 signal transmitters are in the hands of 24 people in this area. Every time you find one, just contact me directly. I will tell you next. Where to be alone.”

"Stop talking nonsense, you insidious scumbag!"

Niya cursed angrily, and Ran Zhi laughed.

"The first person is called Qian Xiong. He is a down-and-out teacher. His qualification certificate was revoked the year before last. His wife has died of blight. The reason for his downfall is just a lie. People in the area treat him badly. Hated”

Niya didn't wait for Ran Zhi to finish speaking, and immediately started shouting.

"Who knows Qian Xiong!"

For a while, many people on the street looked at Niya.

"Are you looking for that scumbag Qian Xiong?"

At this time, the two aunts sitting next to each other who were drinking started talking. Niya immediately asked about the situation and knew the address of Qian Xiong's family. He lived in the old city in the area. Niya turned around and opened the The light and shadow phone called up the map and quickly jumped to the roof.

Within a few minutes, Niya landed in the old city. There were many wooden buildings in this place, the streets were not planned, and many places looked dilapidated.

Niya asked around on the street, and started walking after knowing the place. Qian Xiong was a teacher who had worked in a school in the area for nearly 20 years, but because of a case of having an affair with a student, he I was fired, and it happened in February this year.

Although the Business Bureau found no evidence, such rumors spread, Qian Xiong's reputation plummeted, and the family that started the rumors had already moved out of the district.

Qian Xiong's wife was ill at the time, coupled with the day and night investigations, as well as the cold looks and abuse from many people nearby, the Qian Xiong family couldn't hold their heads up at all. His only daughter couldn't bear all this and left here. In the end, Qian Xiong's wife also died, and Qian Xiong lived here alone and did not choose to leave.

Although the Investigation Division has announced the investigation results, few people will read the investigation results. Many people still think that Qian Xiong really did it because there have been cases against children in the city in the past. Such cases are very sensitive. The Commission will conduct extremely rigorous investigations.

Niya came to a narrow street and saw a lot of wooden houses. It was obviously a middle-rise building, but it was not as good as some areas on the ground floor. Niya walked over step by step and soon found herself at a nearby waste collection place. Under the guidance of the old man, he saw a small courtyard with broken walls. This was Qian Xiong's home, with lights on inside.

Niya didn't think much and jumped directly into the yard.

"Is Teacher Qian Xiong here?"

Niya shouted directly, and there was a cough in the low small room in front of her. Then the door of the room opened. Niya looked at the dilapidated courtyard and the dead plants in the courtyard.

"Excuse me."

Niya walked over.

"Give me the signal transmitter."

The man with gray hair and beard in front of him looked panicked for a moment, but Qian Xiong immediately denied it.

"Miss, I don't know what you are talking about. Have you found the wrong person?"

Qian Xiong immediately returned to his friendly smile and looked completely unaware. Niya grabbed his collar.

"You'd better hand it over obediently, otherwise don't blame me for being rude. I don't have time to waste words with you."

Niya said, pushing away the weak Qian Xiong, rushed into the house, and started searching everywhere. At this time, Qian Xiong laughed, and he just watched Niya silently as she rummaged around the house. Now, the house has been turned upside down.

Qian Xiong's expression showed a sense of futility, and his eyes were filled with determination.


Nia asked sharply.

Qian Xiong still shook his head innocently. At this time, Niya also realized how difficult it was to find the signal transmitter, and there were 24 people, and it would have to be done within 24 hours. After noticing Qian Xiong's eyes Finally, Niya walked over slowly.

"You didn't do that, right?"

Qian Xiong said with a bitter smile.

"Who knows!"

Qian Xiong covered his mouth and coughed. He stood up and shook his head with a smile.

"Miss, I don't know what you are looking for, but I don't have what you are looking for."

Niya watched Qian Xiong walk into the house and slowly pack up the things she had messed up. Niya felt a little sorry and walked over immediately after walking in.

"You keep the money, I'm sorry."

Niya said as she took out her light and shadow phone and transferred 10,000 yuan. Qian Xiong took a look.

"What are you doing, young lady, giving me money for no reason? Is your family rich?"

Niya groaned, took out a cigarette, lit it and blew out the smoke.

"My family is rich, rich enough to change your life. Give me your things and I will give you a sum of money, and then you can go find your daughter and live somewhere else."

Qian Xiong smiled and shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, miss. What's the point of asking for money?"

Niya looked at Qian Xiong blankly, with a look of despair in his eyes.

"What happened? Your daughter!"

"At the beginning of this year, I went to a public security station on the ground floor to claim my daughter's body. She was only 19 years old!"

Niya looked at Qian Xiong blankly. After he packed everything, he sat on a chair, made a glass of water leisurely, poured another glass for Niya, and drank it by himself.

"Tell me what happened!"

Qian Xiong looked at Niya's eager eyes and shook his head.

"It's not important anymore, miss. I don't know what you are looking for."

A sense of powerlessness arose in Niya's heart. She knew very well that she might not be able to do anything. It was impossible to find 24 signal transmitters in 24 hours.

Niya looked at the time and saw that 20 minutes had passed.

"What do you have to do before you are willing to hand over the thing to me? I won't tell the business department that you were involved in this matter, as long as you hand over the thing to me."

Qian Xiong shook his head.

"I don't know what you're talking about miss!"

Still answering exactly the same as a machine, this man has nothing to lose, only this heavy body is left.

At this moment, Niya also understood a little bit. What would injustice bring? It would only create one desperate individual after another. Niya clenched her fists. She was extremely heartbroken at this moment. What should the city become like this? Who to blame and what to say.

"Miss, you seem familiar. Have I seen you somewhere?"

After Niya sat down, she picked up the water glass and took a sip of water, lit a cigarette, bit it and said with a smile.

"My name is Nia Angus!"

Qian Xiong looked at Niya in shock, and then looked at her carefully.

"Your sister, Alpha, is truly a great woman and wonderful person. I had the pleasure of meeting her once before when she came to our school!"

Qian Xiong said nostalgically, and Niya smiled bitterly.

"What's the reason? My sister used to come here in person just because there was a problem in the area that couldn't be solved for a long time."

"It was just a very minor case of school corruption. A female school teacher committed suicide. In the end, all the people in the school were found out, and every one of them was thrown into prison."

Niya laughed, looking bitterly at the light reflected in the cup, which was constantly shaking in the cup.

"Miss Niya, you look very much like your sister!"

"It's just that I'm not as capable as my sister. Teacher Qian Xiong, can you give me the things?"

Niya asked again, Qian Xiong shook his head.

"You know what's going to happen, right?"

Qian Xiong remained silent without saying a word, and Niya stood up angrily.

"What will happen if an explosion occurs? Do you know?"

Niya grabbed Qian Xiong's collar again, but Qian Xiong just smiled miserably.

"This has nothing to do with me!"

Niya knew that there was no way to use force, and she knew even more clearly that this man was already prepared to die and had no fear.

"I don't know how miserable you were in the past and how much you endured. The only thing I know is that if the bomb exploded at this time tomorrow, how many people would die and how many people would be trapped in tragedy?"

Qian Xiong looked away, as if he didn't want to face Niya. Niya let go of her again and scratched her head irritably. She didn't know how to get this man to hand over the signal transmitter to her.

Niya also knew that these lunatics were not joking. She would either get the signal transmitter from 24 people, or wait for the bomb to explode after 24 hours. Once Xingke knew about it, the bomb would also explode.

Niya walked to the door and squinted at Qian Xiong, who was shrugging his head. His face showed hesitation and uneasiness at this time. Niya knew that she couldn't give Qian Xiong what he wanted, and it didn't matter if he didn't need money. Justice, because these two things have passed away in Qian Xiong's heart.

"Although I'm not as good as my sister, I have the means to investigate the cause of your daughter's death. I will definitely give you an explanation. I will also completely investigate what happened to you and give you justice."

Qian Xiong stared at Niya quietly, got up and walked to the bedroom.

"I'm going to rest, Miss Niya."

Niya turned around and walked over quickly.

"If you are willing to believe me, destroy the signal transmitter you got. Just destroy it before 10 o'clock tomorrow. I will do what I say."

Qian Xiong walked into the bedroom and closed the door. At 10:48, Niya turned off the lights in the room and returned to the dilapidated yard. Everything in the yard should have been taken care of very well in the past. You can see some of the past.

"What on earth should I do!"

Niya jumped outside the yard and quickly jumped to the top of an old building. All this was planned in advance. There were 23 people. Niya didn't know if she could convince them in the remaining 23 hours. , such a careful and long-term plan, the final explosion will not be small-scale, and where the bomb is, it is not known at all. The most important thing is that the other party has the means to directly detonate the bomb.

"Time is up!"

10 o'clock sharp

The display in Niya's hand showed the man again in the darkness, with only the faint light in front of the camera illuminating his mouth. He was still grinning.

"Looks like you failed, Miss Nia!"

"Where's the next person!"

Niya said and blew out a puff of smoke.

"The next person, named Lin Qing, was just 15 years old. He was an abandoned child. He grew up in an orphanage. However, the orphanage was forcibly closed down the year before last. He then committed some thieves. Xiao Mo’s behavior was finally caught, but he was injured because of his resistance, which resulted in disability. He is now in a nursing home of a human rights organization.”

Niya looked at the screen angrily. The video communication on the screen ended. Niya pressed her forehead. She understood the seriousness of the matter.

At 11:08, Niya came to the nursing home. There were many disabled people living here, including young people, old people, and children. Niya quickly stopped at the door of Room 209. Looking at the half-open door, some of the caregivers passing by in the corridor looked extremely tired.

Niya looked in through the crack in the door and saw a young man sitting in a wheelchair with numb eyes and a dull expression. A caregiver came over.

"that kid"

"Who are you?"

Niya didn't think too much and gave the nurse some money. The other person immediately talked about Lin Qing's situation. After listening for a while, Niya completely understood. She lay on the guardrail and looked at the time. It was already 11:28. , but she still didn't walk in.

Niya didn't know how to convince the boy. Niya already knew about his experience from the nurse. After putting out the cigarette butt, Niya opened the door and walked in.

"Little brother!"

Niya walked in, and the dull Lin Qing looked over, but there was disgust in his eyes.

"What's up!"

Lin Qing's voice seemed a little cold, Niya hummed, moved a chair next to the table and sat down.

"Do you have a signal transmitter? Can you give it to me?"

Lin Qing's numb eyes had a hint of color, and he smiled, looking very happy.

"Are you a professional? Are you finally here? Hahaha!"

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