Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1897 Winged Niya is angry (Part 2)

Chapter 1897 Wings. Niya. Anger (Part 2)


"Miss, we are closing now, please go back quickly!"

Niya stared blankly, holding a bottle of wine with one hand, and smiled helplessly.

"What will happen if you let me drink for a while longer!"

Hawke scratched his head and looked at the time. At 3 a.m. on July 3, 2234, the only customer in the shop was Niya, who was lying drunkenly on the bar.

There have been a lot less people in the city recently, and many people are very careful when traveling. The occurrence of 13 bombings has completely thrown the entire city into chaos. The harm caused by the bombings is huge. People everywhere are panicked. The economy has been hit hard by the continued occurrence of bombings.

The administrative department has carried out strict large-scale control and inspections on the middle level. Hazardous substance detectors have been installed on most streets. Some places with a large flow of people must also be inspected one by one.

"I'm a waste!"

Nia smiled helplessly, and Hawke laughed.

"Okay, after you finish drinking this bottle, hurry back."

Niya laughed, and with a bang, the wine bottle in her hand fell to the ground and shattered. Hawke frowned slightly, watching Niya stand up unsteadily to get new wine, but helplessly I can only help her get a new bottle of wine.

"Why don't you quit? After all, even the business department can't catch those lunatics, so how can you?"

Suddenly Niya started to rub against him, grabbed Hawke's collar with one hand, and then glared at Hawke fiercely.

"Listen carefully Hawke, I will definitely catch those lunatics with my own hands."

Niya said, unscrewing the bottle and taking a sip. Hawke knew that Niya was in a bad mood. No one would be in a good mood if this happened. Hawke had seen too many things. It is clear that the criminals this time are unusual. This kind of crime that is not for money or power is very terrifying.

The reason why the other party has been able to succeed many times is because there are secret helpers. These helpers are probably ordinary people on the street, and the business department can't find any evidence at all.

Everyone is powerless in this matter. Congress has issued a bounty of up to 1 million. Many private detectives have participated in it, as have many mutant guilds. But no matter how everyone investigates, , there is still no clue at all, there are more than 3,000 suspects, but there is no indirect or direct evidence to find the collaborators of this H.D.L criminal organization.

This matter has evolved into a very thorny problem. Chemistry professionals in various fields have conducted effective analyzes based on some information published by the industry department and on-site experimental analysis of explosives, and have come to a conclusion. A bomb-making criminal has very professional chemical knowledge. Although the bombs he makes are not powerful, their effects are significant and can always surprise people.

This matter has gone from the very beginning to the fact that the administrative department tried its best to cover it up and suppressed it, and it has become a matter that is being discussed by the whole people. However, the targets of this criminal's attack are not fixed, and there is basically no connection between the targets of the attack, and there is no Conflicts of interest.

The range of explosions is all in the middle level. There are currently no problems in the lower and upper levels. Most of the rich people in the upper levels will carry powerful mutant bodyguards with them. Even if explosions occur around them, S-class mutants can still use telekinesis and A scab created by the body to protect the client.

As a result, a large number of high-level mutants once again obtained a large number of jobs. Many wealthy people in the middle level could only hire some mid-level mutants, and even low-level mutants. The income of mutants began to rise again.

Only the mutants of the Lightning Skull Guild are still continuing to investigate the explosion. The industry clearly recognizes their strength. They have already had the strength of S-class mutants, but they have never taken the mutant exam.

Nowadays, the definition of the wages of mutants is quite vague, and basically few people in the field care about it, because now Congress has begun to launch a phase one vaccine against the violent alienation genes of mutants. This kind of The vaccine requires monthly injections and is not cheap.

It has been more than three years since there has been an incident of mutants going berserk. In the past, the policies against mutants have basically begun to be artificially relaxed. In addition, as long as mutants do not cause trouble, there will be no problems. .

Looking at Niya who was still laughing but already drunk on the bar, Hawke could only get up and clean up. He smiled helplessly. This was the fifth time that Niya was drunk in his bar. Unfortunately, Hawke could only carry Nia to the lounge at the back and let her spend the night on the sofa.

"No matter how much you investigate, there will be no results, not in a short period of time!"

Accompanied by a female voice full of laughter, Hawke scratched his head. After the door of the tavern was pushed open, Mo Xiaolan walked in first, followed closely by Gene.

"I'm just going to clean up now, why are you two bastards here again?"

Hawke said as he put down the broom, pulled up his dress, and then leaned over. Gene smiled helplessly and stared at Niya lying on the bar.

"I think it would be better for you to do something. This little girl is quite confused now."

Hawk said, Gene could only smile helplessly.

"I've been a little too busy lately."

"Yes, you are busy every day, 24 hours a day, but what are you busy with? In my opinion, you are lazy."

Jean didn't say anything, walked to the seat next to Niya and sat down. Then he took the unscrewed wine from Niya's hand, took a big sip, and then threw it back and threw it into the fire. The big one is Mo Xiaolan.

"Those bastards in the business department have pig brains."

Mo Xiaolan sat on Niya's right side angrily, and then looked at Hawke.

"I know, you want to eat barbecue, right? You guys sit down for a while first."

Mo Xiaolan was about to explode. If this case was placed in the past, it would be very simple to find clues, but now it is no longer possible. It is very confusing. Many of the staff below are afraid of taking responsibility, so in a certain During the investigation of some reports, some things will be omitted or deliberately tampered with, including the suspect's testimony, etc.

This is what makes Mo Xiaolan the most angry. As long as the first few cases of this case can be searched carefully and rigorously, some traces can still be found. However, under the chaotic management of the business department, coupled with the various aspects of the city, problem, which makes it too difficult to figure out this matter now.

Fragmented and incomplete information is always everywhere in the city. This is more complicated than the past cases of the Hillman family using AI to commit crimes. At least there are traces of the Hillman family's crimes in the past, but because of the involvement of The administrative department has no way to deal with urban problems.

The current case is too ordinary. It seems ordinary to Mo Xiaolan. A madman with knowledge of dangerous chemicals is constantly making bombs. Then some people put the bombs in the designated place, and then the bombs explode. The case itself is not complicated. , the complexity is that no entry point can be found.

Some businessmen who were killed in the explosion had too many friends with them, from top to bottom. It might have been an ordinary employee in the company who dropped the bomb, but people are born to be liars. So many people They were all lying intentionally or unintentionally because they didn’t want to have anything to do with this matter. Even though some people’s affairs with the deceased had been investigated, it was not enough to convict them.

Mo Xiaolan knew such clues in the ninth toy factory explosion case. If he couldn't predict the criminal's next move, he would never be caught.

Too many people had problems with that toy factory. On that day, the factory took back toys from more than 60 stores in the city, and more than 60 people were working in the toy industry. Among them, the explosion eventually caused a fire and other chain explosions. Although one of the toys in more than 60 toy stores has been found, it is not known which toy store the toy was recovered from.

Those stores were acquired by businessmen through legal investments such as the stock market. All the toys in the stores came from toy factories. Because the payment for the goods was not paid, they had to be recycled. The contract signed with those stores at the beginning was It is very lenient. Store operators who use the store as a qualification to invest in shares can get a year's supply of toys, and then settle the accounts at the end of the year.

Most people were deceived by this unprecedented condition and ended up losing money. Stores also suffered losses due to the downturn in the stock market.

These more than 60 people all hated the businessmen in the toy factory, and in just one month, that group of toy businessmen had suffered huge losses.

The current situation is completely chaotic, and Mo Xiaolan can't find the direction of the investigation at all. There are too many complicated reasons for this chaos, which are layered on top of each other, making it a seemingly simple but extremely complicated case.

"What to do now? We've reached a dead end!"

Gene smiled and said, Mo Xiaolan pressed his forehead. There were many rumors about the wise man at the bottom, but he seemed to have nothing to do with this case because he was a guy who provided planning and then received some planning fees.

Where the wise man lives and where he moves is also a big question. Both Jean and Mo Xiaolan have stayed in some places, but the wise man has never appeared.

The enemy is active in secret, and what is their purpose is the most troublesome point, or they have no purpose at all.

"I think it would be better for you to have a good chat with this girl."

Mo Xiaolan looked at Niya who had started to snore, and Gene just shook his head.

"If she can't find a way out on her own, no matter how much I say, it will be meaningless."

A hint of aroma came. The two looked at the plate of barbecue in Hawk's hand, and immediately stood up and found a small table to sit down. After Hawk put down the barbecue in his hand, he walked over and picked up Niya. She groaned and raised her head.

"I am my mother."

"Okay, go to sleep now."

Hawke pressed Nia's head and threw her roughly onto the sofa in the lounge. He picked up a blanket and covered it with her. He put a bottle of water aside and returned to the tavern.

"Real sin is often hidden in the heart of man!"

Hawk muttered, and both Gene and Mo Xiaolan looked at him. Then Hawk laughed and said nothing more.

Gene nodded.

"You can only take one step at a time."

Mo Xiaolan looked up at Gene blankly.

"I'll just investigate it myself, Jean. You'd better continue to the barrier area."

Gene hummed.

Hawke looked at the current Gene in a daze. He said that Gene was lazy, which was not nonsense, because now Gene felt like he had lost his goal, so he did nothing except investigate some crimes every day. Damn it, completely numbing yourself in this way, it's not like Hawke has known Jean for almost a century.

It seemed that Alpha's incident had a considerable impact on Jean. Hawke sighed helplessly, walked over and patted Jean on the shoulder.

"If you are too tired, take a good rest and visit your old friends."

Gene hummed.

Hawke is still a little worried, because there are too many problems in the city now. It is obvious that if Jean comes forward, it may be solved. But after thinking about it, Hawke seems to understand that many things can't be solved by Jean's intervention. fixed.

The biggest problem now is Brandon, the chief of Section 9, who is already on the verge of stepping down. The issue of pricing power and a large number of behind-the-scenes transactions have been noticed by the parliamentarian factions.

"Establish the 13th department, Jean, and find some capable people."

Hawke said abruptly, and Gene shook his head for a while and said with a smile.

"A capable person? What will be the result?"

Hawke said nothing more, because Mo Xiaolan's eyes dimmed.

"Okay, sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned this kind of thing. I'll have a nice drink with you."

Hawke said and sat down.

The air was filled with the smell of disinfectant. Niya woke up from her sleep. Everything in front of her eyes was a little blurry, but Niya still grabbed the water on the side. After drinking a whole bottle of water, she held her hair. With a painful head, she stood up shakingly. As soon as she opened the door to the lounge, Niya saw Hawke cleaning.

"what time is it?"

"It's already 2 o'clock at noon, you idiot, hurry up and get out of here. If you get drunk again next time, I will throw you directly into the garbage in the back street."

Niya sat at the bar with a smile, leaned over and took out a can of cold beer, drank it down, and stretched her limbs comfortably.

Then Niya took out her mobile phone, paid Hawke 100 yuan, took some dried meat, put it in her mouth, chewed it, and planned to leave.

"Where are you going?"

"Continue investigating."

Hawke grabbed Nia.

"Don't get involved in this anymore."

Nia shook off Hawke's hand.

"I have my own sense of propriety."

Looking at Nia leaving, Hawke shook his head with a serious expression. Nia was very similar to her sister Alpha, especially in terms of stubbornness, but Nia was really not as smart as Alpha, including her ability to handle things.

It's just that Nia has some advantages that Alpha doesn't have. This was discovered after Hawke came into contact with Nia many times. Nia's heart is much stronger than Alpha's.

Walking on the street in the scorching sun, Niya held a piece of hamburger in her hand and ate it as she walked, holding a cigarette in her left hand. When she woke up this morning, Niya remembered something, and now she needs to confirm it.

Zhang Qian's son once came into contact with him when he was following Zhang Qian. At that time, Niya casually walked up to talk to her and pretended to ask for directions. This 8-year-old child was very lively at first, but when she saw her mother, , his eyes and face changed, and he seemed a little afraid of his mother.

Although this is just a little bit of Niya's intuition, based on Niya's own experience in the past, it is somewhat difficult for Niya to understand that a child is so old but is afraid of his own mother.

Soon Niya arrived at the school where Zhang Qian's son was studying. The school would end at 5 o'clock. Niya planned to wait outside the school for Zhang Qian's son to come out, and then ask directly. Niya didn't like this kind of going around. If you have any questions, just ask directly.

Niya found a casual drink shop opposite the school and sat down, and then waited. After two long hours, school was over. Niya got up and ran over immediately. Soon she saw a girl talking and laughing with her classmates. The child came out, and Niya followed quickly.

"Hey, do you still remember me, kid?"

Niya didn't beat around the bush and walked over directly. Zhang Qian's son looked at Niya doubtfully, but quickly nodded with a smile.

"You are the sister who asked me for directions before."

After a while, Niya took Zhang Qian's son to a snack bar and got him some snacks.

"Thank you sister!"

Zhang Qian's son looked at the tattoo on Niya's arm from time to time and asked with some envy.

"Sister, you are from the Lightning Skull Guild, right?"

Niya hummed, and after the things were served, Niya spoke directly.

"Today, my sister just wants to ask about your mother."

As soon as Niya opened her mouth, Zhang Qian's son's expression suddenly changed.

"It's nothing, sister just wants to ask you, what are you afraid of?"

Zhang Qian's son shook his head, lowered his head, and put down what he was holding.

"If you have anything, you can tell my sister and she can help you."

Zhang Qian's son turned his head blankly, and then immediately stood up awkwardly. After saying thank you again, he turned around and left the store. Niya could only chase after him, but she disappeared.

After a while, Niya followed the child to the garden behind the apartment building. Many children were waiting here for their parents to get off work. The same was true for Zhang Qian's son. Niya just waited quietly.

More than ten minutes after the sun went out, Zhang Qian came back. As soon as she saw Zhang Qian, her son greeted her with a smile on her face. The mother and son looked happy. Niya became suspicious, and for a moment she thought of Zhang Qian before. Due to her son's weird behavior, she always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't explain it. After watching the mother and son return home talking and laughing, Niya could only stand downstairs and watch quietly.

An indescribable strange feeling lingered in Niya's heart. Then Niya found a bench in the park and sat down. While eating, she looked at various investigation reports within the guild, but there was no Any harvest day.

Didi didi

"What's wrong?"

"We have planned to officially stop investigating Niya."

As soon as Olivia finished speaking, Nia said angrily.

"What's the meaning?"

"If this continues, everyone's life will have problems. We have been investigating for three months, and no one has any income for three months!"

Niya held the phone tightly and was speechless for a moment. She had no way to direct everyone to investigate this bombing case for free, and she didn't know when the results would be obtained.

Especially for such a time-consuming case, Niya knew very well that everyone was exhausted in the past few months, including herself. She had no income for several months, and most of the money she spent was given by her mother. my own.

"It's okay if you want to investigate alone. We will also collect all useful information during our work."

"I know."

Niya said and hung up the phone. She bit a cigarette helplessly and looked up at the neon buildings in the distance with a dull expression.

At this time, Niya noticed the apartment building in the distance. Zhang Qian's son ran out from the back door. He looked around, carrying something in his hand, and then ran quickly. Niya walked away. Zhang Qian's son is at least 500 meters away, but she is a mutant and can see clearly.

Niya stood up immediately and fell into the invisible state. She quickly followed him.

Zhang Qian's son walked directly through the park, then bypassed a community and entered an old city. He soon disappeared into an alley. Niya stared at Zhang Qian's son quietly. He seemed to be waiting for someone. , no one would notice such a child in such a chaotic street.

Soon Niya noticed a strange movement in the air. It was a mutant. Niya clenched her fists. At this time, in front of Zhang Qian's son, a man wearing a large hoodie appeared. He held something in his hand. The thing was handed to Zhang Qian's son. The child immediately put the thing into his schoolbag, turned around and ran quickly.

Niya was far away. She watched Zhang Qian's son run out. After hesitation, Niya grabbed Zhang Qian's son. In an instant, Zhang Qian's son was startled.

"What's inside?"

While asking, Niya had already opened Zhang Qian's son's schoolbag and took out a lumpy metal object from it. Niya's eyes widened, and Zhang Qian's son looked at Niya in horror.


Along with a violent sound of breaking through the air, Niya jumped back. The man in the hoodie snatched away the metal object in an instant, and then bowed down.

"You bastard, you're looking for death!"

Niya was instantly ejected in front of the mutant who was about to take off, and her fist had already been smashed. Their eyes met for a moment. Niya's fist was blocked by the opponent's arm, and red particles were floating in the air.

"It's you!"

For a moment, Niya's eyes widened in anger. The moment the opponent slid out, she had already pursued him again, and punched him with both fists wildly. Although Niya had never seen this man with a square face and a tattoo on his cheek, she Niya will never forget these eyes.


Andur grabbed Niya's fist, making a crunching sound, and the two telekinesis forces collided in the air.

"You bastard of the Hillman family! Long time no see, I didn't expect you to still be alive!"

Andur was a little panicked at this time. He had been exposed, but now he had to escape.

The street suddenly became chaotic because of the fight between the two. At this time, Niya felt something coming from the side. She subconsciously avoided it, but the other person had jumped up and left very quickly. Niya pressed For some reason, there was nothing on the side of her forehead, but Niya instinctively felt that someone was attacking her from the side.

A streak of purple particles floated out from the back of Niya's head, and then gradually disappeared into the air. Niya jumped to the roof, and the mutant could no longer be seen.

Niya immediately took out the phone, but the next second, Niya felt something strange. She looked at Zhang Qian's son who was already frightened and overwhelmed.

Niya knew very well that once the call was made, Zhang Qian's family would be doomed.

"I can only solve it independently."

Niya took out a cigarette angrily, lit it and took a puff, then fell to the ground, pulled up Zhang Qian's son, and quickly took him away from the crowd of onlookers. before people come over.

Within a few minutes, Niya returned to the park with Zhang Qian's son. The child was already pale with fear.

"Tell sister, what exactly did your mother ask you to do?"

Zhang Qian's son shook his head silently, as if he had done something wrong. Niya clenched her fists angrily, and waves of anger kept rising from the bottom of her heart.

During the hesitation, Niya decided to handle this matter alone. She was not going to leave it to others to handle, because that guy killed Gris. Niya was shaking with anger, and red particles kept emerging.

However, at this time, at the top of a building opposite the apartment building, Ran Zhi looked at Niya opposite in silence, Tom stared at the side with a solemn expression, and Andur sat aside with a guilty look on his face.

"She probably won't notify anyone."

Ran Zhi said, Andur looked at Ran Zhi doubtfully, and he laughed.

"After all, that girl is as stubborn as her sister, and you are her enemy. She will definitely want to catch you independently. The most important thing is that she will definitely sympathize with Zhang Qian's experience."

Ran Zhi said with a smile.

"We only have 48 hours at most. We have to solve the problem. That stupid girl will definitely be exposed."

"Any plans, wise man?"

Andur asked and Ran Zhi nodded.

"The plan is actually very simple. Just let her chase you, and the end result is that you can't catch anything. People with obsessions are very scary and very stupid at the same time."

Ran Zhi clenched his fists, and Andur stood up.

"You must act quickly. After all, I'm afraid this matter will not go unsolved. You will definitely be exposed, and before being exposed, we have to destroy most of the evidence."

Tom nodded in understanding.

"You mean the mother and son!"

Ran Zhi nodded.

"This is necessary. Only the dead cannot speak. Listen up, Andur. Everything that follows is crucial to you and our future plans. You have to be patient. You know Yet!"

Andur hummed.

"How did you feel about the fight just now?"

Ran Zhi asked, and Andur said with a smile.

"That girl is no match for me!"

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