Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1894 Nightmare of Winged Niya (Part 2)

Chapter 1894 Wings. Niya. Nightmare (Part 2)

2234, April 2, 8 a.m.

The gathering square in District 65 is already crowded with people. At each intersection entering the square, people from Section 5 have begun to detect the gathering people who enter the square one by one to participate in the joint event.

Today's grand exchange gathering has been approved by Congress. Many people from the gathering came here early in the morning. The large-scale exchange meeting will continue from morning to 10 o'clock in the evening. Everyone who is willing to come is welcome. Anyone who can submit an application in advance will be admitted.

Everyone who enters the venue will go through the measurement scanner brought by Section 5 to ensure the safety of the gathering. Most of the people who enter have spontaneously started to help at some food tables in the square. There are people wearing CCP armbands at the scene. People were directing, and although there were more and more people, there was no chaos in the entire assembly.

Everything seemed to be in order, and no one was making any noise. The party had been so quiet in the past few events. Since the beginning of the year, Hydera had caused a lot of commotion when he was released from prison. , the club became much more honest after that, and the members kept warning each other not to cause any trouble.

Many people from Section 5 have set up monitoring points on some nearby high-rise buildings, and have controlled and blocked many nearby streets.

At this time, there was a display stand with a large number of products on display. In the front row, there were a large number of oval-shaped bright silver water cups with the words "Gongjinhui" written on them. This was available to everyone who entered the venue this time. Get a free water bottle.

Visitors need to submit an application and pay an admission fee of 50 yuan, which includes a full day of food and drinks. The food is prepared by some chefs in the party, and the variety of food is very diverse. Much.

Before the party started, some people were criticizing it. It was very unethical for the party to use food and some gifts as a gimmick. It was just a grand buffet banquet, and the ultimate purpose was to show off some of the party members. Products of.

The products at the display stand occupied most of the factory, with a wide variety of products. Many people were already shopping, it was like a small trade fair.

Many people have already obtained this latest light energy cup. It is easy to carry and very light. It only needs to be placed in the sun. In just half an hour, the temperature inside the cup can rise to over 60 degrees, with a maximum of It does not exceed 70 degrees and is quite insulating, so it can be carried at any time.

Some people have already begun to try it. Although there are currently such cups on the market, according to the manufacturer's businessmen, this latest type of light energy cup uses a very good photothermal conversion coating, which heats up faster than some others on the market. The light energy cup is 50% faster and is the latest technological product.

"It's really starting to heat up."

A couple looked at the cups in their hands in surprise. However, just over ten minutes after adding water, the water started to heat up.

Everyone who enters is receiving a cup. The other half of the venue is filled with aroma. Many chefs have already started cooking. Some unique and unique delicacies have been prepared. Most of the people who enter will arrive after receiving the cup. In the food area, a stage has been set up in the middle of the square, and people attending the party will come up to the stage to give speeches later.

This event was quite successful. The entire square can accommodate 100,000 people, and the surrounding areas are already crowded. According to the application records, more than 50,000 people will attend the event.

There are also a large number of tables and chairs on the edge of the square for visitors to rest, including eating.

It was just 8:23, and many people had already gotten their favorite food and ran to the edge of the square to sit down and start eating.

The podium in the middle was being arranged. At this time, a young man wearing a hat came over with a large box and took out the light energy cups. These cups had names printed on the back, including Zhang Wei's. Name, but the young man did not put the cup on the table, but placed it under the table in a place where the sun could not shine.


Along with the shaking, the young man looked at the cups in confusion, feeling that there seemed to be something in these cups, but then he thought that it should be tea clots, so he didn't think much about it.

More and more people poured into the square. At this time, a woman on the edge of the stage kept staring at the edge of the stage, looking at everything around her with some fear, as if she was afraid of something.

At this time, many people were making a noise. Looking at the entrance of the square due east, a group of high-level executives from the joint conference walked towards this direction and entered the venue under the escort of a large number of mutants from the Environmental Guardian Mutant Guild. , many staff leaders leaned over, Zhang Wei looked at the grand occasion with a smile, and as expected, some businessmen who had just attended the meeting in the car made congratulatory calls.

A few days before this event was held, the stocks of Gongjinhui Merchant Company had already started to soar. Thanks to the momentum and publicity, this event attracted a large number of merchants and had a large number of product displays. The media has joined the party and will report on all aspects of the party.

Zhang Wei and the few people next to him were talking and laughing all the way. Now he has completely transformed. He is no longer the poor man who had conflicts with the business department on the street over the health and management fees of more than ten yuan a month. .

The people who protested day and night on the streets with Zhang Wei have completely changed. Now everyone is discussing how much income they can make this time.

There is only one reason why many people want to join the Gongjin Association. The Gongjin Association can provide diversified businesses, and now it has gradually become a large chamber of commerce.

At this time, there was a commotion outside the venue, and bursts of loud shouts were heard.

"Get out, get out!"

For a while, many people from Section 5 came over and began to stop the excited crowd. Hydra stood quietly at the entrance. Next to him was a beautiful woman in simple clothes, holding her tightly. Hydra's arm.

"Hydra, let's go!"

Hydera looked quietly at the person in front of him who was raising his arms and shouting. He just looked at it with a smile and stared at everything in front of him with cold eyes.

Finally, Hydera turned around and left the edge of the square with Yuan Cui beside her. The commotion behind her gradually subsided. Yuan Cui looked very uncomfortable, and she lowered her head.

"Sorry Hydra, if I hadn't come to see you."

Hydera held Yuan Cui's waist with one arm and shook her head.

"It's okay, I've long been used to it."

Looking back behind him again, Hydera smiled slightly. A large number of people were still pouring towards the square. Everyone who passed by Hydera would look at him from time to time.

At this time, Hydra saw a somewhat familiar face in the crowd. It just flashed by. Hydra stopped. The beautiful long-haired woman in front of her was holding a cigarette. She looked free and handsome. Hydra just nodded slightly. He signaled and started walking.

"That's Nia Angus!"

Hydra nodded.


Niya suddenly stopped and called to Hydera behind her.

"What are you doing here?"

"Miss, I forced you to come here."

Niya glanced at Yuan Cui, and then walked quickly. She patrolled around the area and found that the examinations of people in the 5th department were too simple.

In a temporarily built command post of Section 5, a group of officers from Section 5 were chatting and laughing. Niya suddenly walked in. For a moment, the officers all looked at Niya.

"Miss Niya, come over here and do you have anything going on?"

Many human science officers stood up and greeted Niya. Niya shook her head and took a cigarette that was handed to her. Immediately, a medical officer lit the cigarette for Niya, and Niya exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Have you checked all the places in the square?"

"I checked Miss Niya yesterday. She should be fine. I haven't received any news or intelligence from Section 2."

Niya looked at the square behind her, always feeling a little uneasy, because the current situation of the party was very annoying.

"It's better to check again."

"Miss Niya, this is a heavy workload. We sent people here to start checking last night. All the things shipped have been checked and there is no problem."

Niya didn't say much. At the invitation of the guests, Niya sat in. She could only watch everything in the square quietly. Many large-scale events like this have been held over the years, but only this time. In the past three months of work, Niya has heard a lot of things about the symposium. Although these things are half true or false, according to some information collected by the Lightning Skull Guild, the symposium has now been moved. The cake of the underworld gang.

This couldn't help but remind Niya of the incident involving the Li family that her sister had dealt with in the past. If they hadn't been dealt with at that time, one day they would be resented and targeted, which would eventually lead to bigger problems.

The rapid growth and development of the Association has disrupted many balances in the city, and it is still growing, with no intention of restraining. In particular, it has used the Hydera incident to continuously make fuss, which has aroused the anger of most people. dissatisfied.

Making too many enemies is the problem of today's joint conferences. Niya raised her head and listened to the officers talking about some things at the scene, including some problems of the joint conference, and could only smile helplessly.

Time passed by, and people in the venue began to gather towards the middle stage, and the senior executives of the conference were already sitting on the stage. A large number of reporters were filming on the side, and as this The light energy cup as a gift was also placed by the staff.


Zhang Wei stared at the panicked female member in front of him. She made a mistake when placing the cup, and the cup fell down, but the crisp clicking sound inside made Zhang Wei a little confused.

"Is there anything in it?"

"It's just tea clots, sorry, Commissioner."

The female member said as she hurriedly held up the quilt, and then walked off the stage with a panicked expression. The woman was a little scared at this time. She didn't know what those metal beads were, but if she didn't do this, she would be doomed.

The woman ran quickly and came to a staff rest area near the stage. She turned on her light and shadow phone and took a swallow. The debt had been written off.

The woman owed money to a small loan company on the surface, but in fact it was controlled by gang members. She already owed a huge debt of 100,000 yuan. When she was desperate, someone asked her to help put some beads into those The water glass would help her pay off her debt, and the woman naturally agreed, although she didn't know what those beads were.

At this time, the woman became a little scared. She was vaguely aware of the danger, but now the woman could not care so much. The matter had been done. If she ran to remind her now, she would definitely be suspected and even be involved in some crime. , the middle-aged man who asked him to do this last night also said this clearly.

The woman has no choice. Those gang members have come here more than once. If they can no longer repay the debt, they will send themselves to District 29 to perform special services to repay the debt.

The woman still has a family, and her husband doesn't know that he owes such a huge debt. In the past year, the woman has been living with anxiety and stress every day, but now it doesn't matter.

"Thank you for being here today!"

At this time, a senior member of the association stood up and began to speak, and the noise around him gradually disappeared.

"Today we are all gathered here for a simple purpose, to make progress together! The city has gone through so many years, and we are now in an era of chaos and imperfect systems. Today everyone should have gained Such a giveaway.”

The senior executive said as he picked up the water glass, but the sound of Kata inside could be clearly heard. Although he was a little doubtful, he continued.

"You must have tried it. The performance of this light energy cup is as stated when it was provided! I would like to take the opportunity to explain that this is the only standard for our joint advancement association, which includes all aspects. Among the things, the economy is something that our association has been promoting, and the economy is related to commodities! Today, many businessmen came to our association, and everyone brought over some commodities, which are related to It is exactly the same as what was said in the propaganda. There is absolutely no false propaganda. Today is not only an exchange meeting to make the city’s system more perfect, but also an exchange meeting to make the city’s economy grow! We”

Zhang Wei smiled slightly. Although most people looked a little boring, this event has been a success, because it can be seen that many people who got the gift light energy cups are quite satisfied. Zhang Wei has given special instructions After passing the manufacturer, every product must be of high quality. At this time, accompanied by a shock, Zhang Wei's expression changed, he took out his phone from his pocket, then stood up, turned around and walked away.

"Excuse me."

"Stop the party now, otherwise something terrible will happen."

Zhang Wei said angrily.

"who are you?"

The voice on the phone sounded wrong.

"H.D.L., this is my advice to you."


The call was hung up, and at this time, a large number of Section 5 personnel rushed in from the peripheral area, because the peripheral area had already monitored the incoming call.

However, there were too many people at the venue. Zhang Wei quickly stepped down. The sun was a little dazzling, but the senior executive was still taking the opportunity to talk about the Light Energy Cup. Soon Zhang Wei was escorted by bodyguards and Some officers who came from the administrative department joined in.

"Stop the activity immediately."

"No way, adults. This venue has been strictly checked. It might just be an ordinary prank."

9 o'clock sharp

Niya quietly looked at a light and shadow screen. The person who had just called had been arrested and the source of the phone had been found. However, the owner of the phone was just an old man. Someone gave him 10 yuan. The old man borrowed the phone, but when asked about the man's physical characteristics, the old man only remembered that he was very tall.


Niya's eyes widened and she turned around. At this time, everyone in the command post stood up and looked at the fire that suddenly shot up into the sky. Then a series of fires burst out, and in an instant, sharp The cry spread out in all directions like a huge wave.

Niya clenched her fists, and the whole square became chaotic. Shouts were heard everywhere. Along with the crying, Niya quickly turned around, turned on the loudspeaker equipment, jumped to the roof of the command post and shouted.

"Don't panic, please stay calm"

However, even if the volume of the loudspeaker was adjusted to the maximum, it could not cover the voices of people gathered in the entire square. The people on the periphery were okay and quickly retreated, while the panicked crowd seemed to be frightened and ran away. Like a wild horse, it began to rush towards the periphery desperately.

Niya swallowed. She wanted to jump in and help those who fell to the ground due to the sudden commotion, but there were too many such people.


Niya clenched her fists and jumped directly to some sheds on the outside of the square. She could only go further inside. A lift came quickly towards this side. People from the business department at every entrance were shouting. He tried to keep everyone calm, but the effect was minimal. A large-scale stampede had already occurred.

Niya fell into the crowd and began to use telekinesis to stop some people who were running around like headless flies. However, the effect was only minimal. The explosion that occurred in the distance was only small-scale, but it actually caused chaos and The harm is difficult to predict.

"Calm down, shit, I told you to calm down."

Niya roared angrily and directly used telekinesis to stun some people. At this time, a large number of people from the 5th Section management team began to enter the outer area. The most direct way was to stun those chaotic people, and everything It's already too late.

A lift has landed, and a large number of administrative personnel have begun to enter. The crowd on the periphery has left the square in a short period of time, but there are still many people inside.

Niya quickly rushed to the middle place, surrounded by cries. She pulled up a female reporter whose face was covered with dirt. Although she was injured, it looked like just a skin injury, and the podium was It was even worse. Almost no one on the stage survived. Niya glanced at the scorched marks on the ground. The scope of the explosion was not large, only 10 square meters.

Gradually, in just half an hour, the people in the square had evacuated, but a large number of injured were left on the ground. People from the 4th Department had come over, including doctors from local medical facilities and doctors from several nearby districts. Doctors are coming here.

Niya smoked silently, watching the people from Section 2 come over, then stood aside, and the people from Section 2 began to investigate the scene.

Soon Niya heard several forensic personnel from Section 2 talking about this small-scale high-energy explosive placed in this kind of light energy cup. It should be some kind of thermal bomb that rises in temperature. detonated, but why these bombs entered the venue, we can only investigate the staff who touched these cups.

This is a very time-consuming job, but at this time there was a burst of shouting, and a young staff member was pushed to the ground. He kept shouting that he was wronged.

Some small beads were found on the body of this young male staff member. The contents were checked and it was indeed a bomb. He was quickly arrested by Section 2 and brought to the lift.

However, at this time, an explosion also occurred in another place. Niya watched the news in a daze. In the 66th District next door, a banquet hall where the businessmen who were attending the meeting tonight were staying. The bomb was detonated by remote control after some businessmen entered.

It was already certain that it was a bomb attack targeting the association. However, at this time, a more explosive news came out. A bomb was planted in a TV station, and a note was received from the criminal. If the content is not broadcast, , detonating the bomb.

"We are H.D.L. Today we are just giving you a surprise. In the future, we will punish those with vested interests!"

Just a brief text description on paper, the whole city began to become chaotic, and all major media were vying for reporters. Niya looked at everything in front of her blankly, clenching her fists.

At this time, there was a loud noise not far away. As soon as Niya turned around, she saw Mo Xiaolan and Gene coming towards this direction, and everyone in the business department got out of the way.

"You idiots, I've told you a long time ago. These pigheads have offended too many people, and sooner or later there will be problems."

Mo Xiaolan held up the phone and seemed to be arguing with someone. Gene walked slowly to Niya, and Niya took out a cigarette and handed him one.

"What do you think!"

Gene shook his head.

"Find these criminals and deal with them!"

Jean said and Nia shook her head.

"What happens after it's solved?"

Jean did not answer, but walked slowly towards the table. All the staff around him were being questioned in detail. There were many corpses placed next to the table, which had been covered with blue cloth.

In addition to being charred and black, there were also bloodstains in many places. Gene squatted on the table, looking a little helpless.

"Investigate everything from everyone who works, including the manufacturer."

At this time, Mo Xiaolan spoke, and Niya leaned over with some confusion.

"They just arrested someone."

"You are still the same idiot. You know everything with your brain. It is impossible to catch the murderer so easily. This is a premeditated crime. The perpetrator clearly considered every detail, so you need to find out who put the bomb. After entering the light energy cup, the time was calculated very well. The product when they first gave the speech was the light energy cup, and the criminals were sure that they would definitely start with this thing, because this was what they were given when they first entered the venue. Cup, do you know the profit of this kind of cup?"

Niya swallowed, and Mo Xiaolan stretched out five fingers.

"At 50%, this should be the most profitable thing among all the products displayed in this venue, and it is displayed at the beginning. It is necessary to investigate the family financial situation of each staff member."

Niya scratched her head, turned around and walked away.

"come here."

Mo Xiaolan grabbed Niya's hand, and Niya shook it off impatiently.


"Ask all members of your guild to mobilize and assist us in investigating this matter."

Nia laughed and then stretched out her hand.

"Go find that bastard."

Niya walked to the stage with a smile and stretched out her hand.

"Xiaolan just said, let us assist in the investigation, the cost"

Gene blew out a puff of smoke.

"Just give me a list of accounts then, and you can go to the General Affairs Department to settle the accounts!"

Gene said as Niya turned around, her expression became excited and serious.

"I mean if Gene!"

Gene nodded.

"What are you going to do if the source of this matter cannot be found or cannot be contained?"

Gene said with a smile after standing up.

"That's something you should consider. After all, it's not cheap to hire you!"

Niya smiled and nodded with satisfaction and ran quickly.

With the inclusion of the citizen hierarchy, one advantage is that a citizen's financial status can be checked very quickly. Mo Xiaolan watched as more than 50 staff members with financial problems were brought over. They were all responsible for this At the venue, there was enough time to put the bomb into the cup without anyone noticing.

"Bring them here one by one and I will interrogate them personally."

Mo Xiaolan said, and several section officers immediately made arrangements. Mo Xiaolan is now the director of Section 2, and is responsible for major and important cases in the city. Now the Congress has given full power to Mo Xiaolan and Gene took charge.

Mo Xiaolan felt the danger this time. This did not happen suddenly, but the clues were highlighted in a bombing attack on the joint conference last year, but that attack only destroyed some There were no casualties, but this time it was different. Casualties had occurred on a large scale.

Panic will begin to spread in the city, and the future situation of the Gongjin Association will be very bad.

"The enemy is the kind of person who investigates everything from the beginning. He may even have contact with these people in the association. He probably won't be on the list of city personnel. He goes to the bottom to look at Jean everywhere."

Gene jumped off the stage.

"It looks like we have to be stricter this time."

Mo Xiaolan smiled and slapped Gene on the back.

"Now the unsolved case we have on hand can only be postponed for the time being! Prioritize this case."

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