Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1893 Nightmare of Winged Niya (Part 2)

Chapter 1893 Wings. Niya. Nightmare (Part 2)

"Thank you so much, Miss Niya!"

A flash of scarlet fire lit up, Niya lit a cigarette, bit it and blew out a puff of smoke. There was a crunching sound, and management vehicles rushed over one after another. A large number of Section 5 members got out of the car with guns and ammunition. , there were people lying in disorder in front of them. This was an old city located in the middle-level District 65. At this time, the lights of the surrounding residential buildings turned on.

Many people came out of the house and gathered around. Niya yawned, and a mustache officer came over, holding a light and shadow mobile phone with a smile. Niya held up her mobile phone and accepted 20,000 yuan. bonus.

"Miss Niya, you have worked hard for many days, please wait for me."

Niya pushed the section officer away, shook her head, walked freely past the section officer who was coming to handcuff the criminals, walked slowly to the edge of the small square, and squatted in a small In front of the child, the mother of the child next to her kept thanking her repeatedly. Niya took out a few hundred yuan from her pocket and handed it to the child.

The mother hurriedly thanked her. After Niya touched the child's head, she stood up and walked away. She waved her hands and left amidst the thanks from the people around her. More and more people gathered around her.

Niya jumped directly to a roof, and then lay down comfortably. She was already very tired. For a month, Niya had been collecting evidence of this criminal gang. The leader of the gang was very smart. They looked like a decoration company. , there is actually a gang of rampant thieves in the mainland, with very secretive channels for selling stolen goods.

This gang has been committing crimes crazily in the 60 to 70 districts for several months, and the criminal department has been investigating and even issued a reward. Anyone who provides information can give 2,000 yuan, and if they are arrested directly, there will be 2 There is a reward of 10,000 yuan, but basically no one dares to identify them for fear of retaliation.

The father of the child that Niya gave money to just now is still in the hospital. He identified a thief in this gang, which led to the thief's back arrest. Later, the father of the child was almost killed by this gang on his way home from work. Beat him to death, Niya had a guard job here. After work, she accidentally came here to eat and heard the child say.

"It seems like it's been a little too much!"

Niya grinned and watched as the helicopter from Section 4 landed. The members of Section 4 were treating more than 30 people in the gang. Niya showed no mercy. There were more than 10 mutants in the gang. , but it took Niya 5 minutes to finish them off, each of them had at least a few broken bones.

Especially the leader, it is estimated that he will be hospitalized for a long time before he can be discharged. Niya couldn't help laughing when she thought of this. Then she stood up and looked around. It was past 2 o'clock in the morning, but there were still The pub is open, and Niya plans to go to the bar to have a good drink.

Now that the city is rampant, Section 5 has promulgated a policy, the Gold Hunter's policy. As long as the criminal can be effectively caught, a bounty will be given to those who fail to catch the criminal based on the crime they committed.

Niya and her Lightning Skull Guild have received many flash golds. In just 3 months since this policy was announced, the entire guild has arrested more than 1,000 criminals.

It’s already April 1st, and one-third of this year has passed. In the morning, it’s a new round of exams for business clerks. Nowadays, a lot of people take the exams every year, and this year there are as many as 6. Thousands of people.

Because everyone knows that even if you are assigned to Section 5, you can make money privately, and Section 5 is like this from top to bottom. People are complaining that Section 5 has become synonymous with corruption in the executive branch, but there are A lot of people want to be in this quagmire.

Niya was still shuttling between floors. She didn't know what was going on. It was completely opposite to the era her sister was in charge of. Niya had been to the prison a while ago and wanted to see her sister, but Alpha didn't see anyone. , the new prison tower has been built, Niya asked Latis, and now her sister lives in the underground excavation site.

In the entire heavy-duty prison, the most feared of all heavy-duty prisoners is Alpha, because her character has become very violent. If she is not careful, it will not be as simple as being beaten. The good thing is that there is one who was arrested by her sister in the past. Powerful mutants stop her every time.


Niya landed on a street where the lights were still on. The shops with flashing neon lights were bustling with people. Under the flashing neon lights, Niya's shadow was constantly changing. She took out a cigarette and lit it. He tilted his head back and exhaled a puff of smoke happily.

"Is it over Alpha!"

Nia smiled and took out the phone, then pressed a number.

"Asshole! What time is it, you idiot!"

"Come on for the exam tomorrow! If you pass, remember to treat me to a drink!"

Li Ang hummed a little irritably.

"Idiot, by the way, there's been a lot of news about you recently, so you'd better restrain yourself."

Niya laughed heartily.

"I'm very happy now. I'm free every day. I can go wherever I want and do whatever I want. It's great. But I was surprised that you would take the business exam!"

"Idiot, I'm about to starve to death. If I don't find a way to get an iron rice bowl, I will really starve to death."

Nia burst out laughing.

"When I met Leona by chance last year, I heard about you and Jewell. You two are really idiots and deserve it!"

"I'm going to bed, you idiot!"

After hanging up the phone, Niya casually walked into a well-decorated store on the street. As soon as she entered, she saw a large table diagonally opposite. There were a bunch of people laughing and laughing. She saw they were wearing Niya smiled and then walked to a small table in the corner by the window.

At this time, many people in the store noticed the lightning skull tattoo on Niya's arm. They looked over from time to time. Several men talking at the table diagonally across the street also stopped at this time. One of them, a fat middle-aged man, got up and walked over. .

"Oh, isn't this Miss Niya? Let's have a drink together!"

Niya bit her cigarette and looked at the fat man with slightly tired eyes. He was a senior member of the association.

"Mr. Zhang Wei, I would like to give you a personal suggestion. What you are doing is very dangerous."

After Niya just said it casually, the fat man named Zhang Wei burst out laughing.

"Miss Niya, the current management of this city has become corrupt, and we must gather together, especially for those law enforcement officers, to be an effective deterrent. We have reported and exposed many cases in recent months. They are evil things and have successfully sent some corrupt staff to prison. Miss Niya, aren’t you the same with Lightning Skeletons!”

Zhang Wei's eyes narrowed and he looked very happy. Niya flicked the banquet casually and smiled with her hand on her chin.

"How much money you made!"

Zhang Wei's face looked a little strange and he seemed embarrassed.

"No, I can just drink by myself. I just finished work and want to be alone."

Zhang Wei also left wisely.

Looking at a group of people attending the meeting, Niya stared at them seriously. This group of them had been holding small-scale demonstrations on the streets since last year. At first, it was due to repeated violence by the administrative staff. But in just over half a year, the association has nearly 20,000 members and has begun to grow and become a major non-governmental organization.

When Hydera was released from prison at the beginning of the year, people from the association took advantage of the Hydera incident to stir up public opinion. More and more people began to support them, but the founders who were at the top have now changed their minds. It started to deteriorate in just a few months.

Zhang Wei was originally just the owner of a small street stall. In the 99th District on the ground floor, Niya often saw him pushing a food truck around the streets. He was also a good person, but in February last year Because of the issue of street sanitation and management fees, he had a conflict with the local Department 5. After that, he was beaten up for resisting and was sent to the hospital. After this incident was exposed, it caused an uproar.

Starting from this incident, some independent reporters who had been investigating for a long time exposed the things they investigated, and for a while the business department was pushed to the forefront.

Zhang Wei had been on TV before he was discharged from the hospital. It seemed that he had received guidance from someone. Later, Zhang Wei established a joint development group with some people who had also been treated roughly by the administrative department. As the joint development group continued to expand, Publicity spread throughout the country, and gradually more and more members joined the association.

From the beginning of joining the association unconditionally to now requiring certain qualifications, many businessmen have joined the association. Later, driven by the businessmen, a huge interest group organization was formed.

Especially when Hydera was released from prison this year, these people planned demonstrations in various places in order to fully promote the joint advancement meeting in front of everyone. Some of them have been arrested, but they have not been expulsion.

The Executive Branch has arrested members of the association many times for various reasons. Now the association has completely deteriorated. The guys in the head have become more and more mercenary. Through the association, the current In order to gain momentum, it is common to suppress some businessmen who are not members of the Association.

Niya squinted at a small table next to Zhang Wei's big table, where three mutant bodyguards were sitting. Niya smiled and waved to them. The three of them also raised their hands and were signaled. At this time A tall man came over carrying a drink.

"have a drink!"


Niya raised her wine glass casually and clinked it with the other person, then the tall man sat down with a smile.

"I really don't understand that a young lady from a well-off family like you would do such tiring work. If I were you, I would just go home or go to the business department."

"Lu Xing, are you an idiot?"

Niya smiled and had another drink with this mutant. They are mutants from the Guardian Guild. The meeting place is on the upper floor and has more than 30 powerful mutants. The Lu Xing in front of her was a few years ago. The champion of a mutant competition.

Niya has fought against this guy, and her strength is very good. She is on par with her, and the two of them have also conducted some escort missions together.

"I advise you to keep an eye on those pigs."

Niya whispered, and Lu Xing hummed. He knew what Niya was going to say. Mutant guilds would basically exchange some intelligence information, and even introduce some jobs to each other. Most mutants were more united than in the past. Many, especially high-level mutants, don't seek the limelight and are just trying to make a fortune in silence.

"Is there any interesting information?"

Lu Xing asked, and Niya shook her head.

"Didn't the party get attacked last year? Someone planted a bomb in their car. As a result, 9 people were killed and injured. The murderer has not been caught yet."

"According to our investigation, it should be caused by a dispute over interests. It should be fine."

Niya looked at Zhang Wei's group of people across from her with suspicion. She always felt that the bombing attack last year was not because of a dispute over interests. If it was really a dispute over interests, it should be easy to find something. , but there was no trace of the bombing last year.

"One more thing. They are clinging to Hydera now. Aren't they really afraid of being severely retaliated one day?"

Lu Xing scratched his head and laughed.

"We have actually advised them. No matter how many people they travel recently, we will always place more than 20 people nearby to ensure their absolute safety. After all, there have been street attacks."

At this time, Zhang Wei and others stood up and planned to leave. Lu Xing immediately stood up, lightly touched an earring mechanism next to his ear, and immediately asked the mutated people watching outside to come over.

Within a few seconds, more than 10 S-class mutant bodyguards were waiting by the car and started testing with instruments.

After ensuring safety, Lu Xing drank another drink with Niya and left. Niya yawned and looked across the street. During their talk, a group of them seemed to be in the square in this district tomorrow. A small lecture will be attended by many people. She has already applied with the Business Department in advance. Niya scratched her head.

"It's none of my business. Boss, give me some food and wine!"

3:51 am

Hydra walked quietly on the streets near the headquarters of Section 5. Although there were still people opening shops at this point, there were almost no people on the streets.

Patrolling is something that must be experienced in Section 5, and among the conditions for promotion, the patrol time is an important and rigid standard. Originally, Hydra patrolled during the day, but every time he went out, some people would always make trouble, so Hydra simply So the patrol time was adjusted to the evening.

It has been three months, and Hydera has basically adapted to life outside. She has gradually become familiar with some of the new things that she only heard about in the prison. At first, it was difficult to move around when she came out, and she couldn't use many machines at all.

Tomorrow is a rare day off for Hydera. He plans to go back to the place where his parents used to live. Hydera and his parents used to live in Area 65. At the same time, Hydera also plans to go there to handle some matters.

Hydera always walked on the street with a smile on her face. This feeling was very comfortable. Although the temperature at night was a little cool, the uniform on her body was very warm and she only felt a little cool.

"It's tomorrow, let's show those pigs some color."

When Hydera came to an alley, he stopped and his expression became strange. He smiled and looked into the dark alley. Under the light, one foot stretched out into the dark alley. Ran Zhi nodded with a smile. head.

"People are greedy and stupid things. As I said at the beginning, those pigs were already very fat. I just gave them some ideas, but after they got up, they didn't do anything. They are desperately trying to make money, so they are just a group of pigs that are not worth feeding anymore!"

Hydra put his hand deep into his pocket, took out a handful of small black beads and handed them over. Ran Zhi held them in his hand and handed them to Andur behind him.

"When the temperature reaches 61 degrees, it will explode. Remember, it is 81 degrees, which is the temperature at which this material spontaneously ignites."

Ran Zhi laughed. Andur behind him originally held the small steel ball, but immediately let go of it, and Hydera laughed.

"The temperature in the palm of your hand is okay, the problem is the hot water."

Ran Zhi grinned and nodded.

"What do you think about using the three letters HDL?"

Hydra said and Ran Zhi nodded.

"Of course, I will gather a group of people for you. Those people are the same as you and hate everything in the city. They are all people who have endured the darkness of this city."

Hydera walked slowly, then suddenly turned her head and said with a ferocious expression.

"I can't wait to see what color the blood of those pigs is tomorrow."

Ran Zhi laughed loudly.

"Of course it's red, just like the sun rises and sets every day. You can't wait, right? It's beautiful to see this scene, right?"

After Haidela straightened his hat, he walked slowly.

"Remember the wise, we must let those metamorphoses experience a nightmare!"

Ran Zhi bowed slightly.

"Of course, I have been preparing for this for many years, and we can start now. When the all-devouring monster Hydra really breaks out of its cocoon, that's when our plan will be completed."

After Ran Zhi finished speaking, he turned around and entered the alley. Hydra smiled slightly and continued walking on the street. Hydra has done a good job in the past three months and is very serious about his work. He will take the initiative to help some colleagues and also I invited some colleagues and subordinates to dinner, got along well with everyone, and didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

After patrolling around, Hydra returned to the headquarters of Section 5, planning to go to the cafeteria to eat something before patrolling other places. But just as Hydra entered the cafeteria, a female team leader smiled playfully, carrying Holding a box of stuff.

"I just thought you would come back at this time. Lord Hydra, please eat quickly."

"Xiao Mei! Thank you, but there is no need for you to give me things like this every day. I don't deserve it."

Hydera took the lunch box from the beautiful female clerk and said something. Xiaomei came closer and said with a smile.

"What's not worth it? You're a very nice person, Master Hydera, and you helped me last time. This is my thank you gift."

Xiaomei blushed and turned around to leave, but suddenly Hydera held her shoulders.

"I'm really not worth it, Xiaomei. I'm sorry. I already have someone I like. I might get married soon."

As soon as she said a word, the female section officer named Xiaomei covered her mouth, her smile disappeared, and she immediately lowered her head and ran. Hydera smiled and walked into the cafeteria under the questioning of many people, and in the 5th Section Headquarters , many women are also fond of Hydra. His originally clean, fresh and handsome face was just a little pale in skin and his cheekbones were a little sunken. However, after three months in the sun, Hydra became stronger and more polite. They all do a good job and are highly rated among female staff.

"Really or not? Hydra."

A scientific officer came over, Hydra hummed, and said seriously to many people who came over in confusion.

"I didn't want to talk about this originally. I had a lover before I was imprisoned. She got married in the third year after I was imprisoned. But after so many years, I still miss her very much. I met her a while ago. When I met her, I felt that I still loved her very much. Unexpectedly, she just got divorced. I dated her a few times, and she agreed to marry me."

For a while, many people in the cafeteria clapped their hands and congratulated Hydera, but Hydera could only keep saying thank you.

After sitting down, Hydra just asked for a very simple and light food. Others advised Hydra to eat more, but Hydra just smiled and shook his head.

Hydra sat quietly at the table, smiled helplessly, and a bitter expression quickly passed across her cheeks.

The woman's name is Yuan Cui. She used to be a young and lovely girl who worked near the school where Hydera entered. Hydera often went to the store, and the two of them became familiar with each other after going back and forth, and they became friends before Hydera graduated. Been in love for two years.

Yuan Cui also made an agreement with Hydra and planned to wait until Hydra's job became more stable for a while before getting married. However, she didn't expect that such a big thing would happen on Hydra's first day of work.

Hydera can't even remember how she spent her 30 years in prison, especially when Yuan Cui came to visit her for the last time and said she wanted to get married.

Hydera still remembers that he collapsed that night. In the following years, Hydera was like an empty shell without flesh and blood, floating in the prison, repeating everything mechanically every day, without any interaction with people.

Hydera was not desperate because she was sentenced to jail. When she met Yuan Cui a while ago, Hydera instantly understood that he was because of the marriage of the person she loved and the death of her parents. , the last trace of warmth in my heart was destroyed.

After asking, Haidela knew that Yuan Cui had been having a difficult time in these years. The marriage was in name only in the third year. Yuan Cui had changed her husband three times and was now alone. On the day they met, Yuan Cui and Haidela cried and told many things. Things are really unbearable for a woman, so Yuan Cui almost lives a life like a walking zombie.

For a moment, Hydera wanted to put down everything, work seriously, pick up the broken fate, take good care of Yuan Cui, and give her a warm home. However, the next second Hydera became angry. It is the kind and fickle citizens who cannot forgive those who demonstrated in the streets all day long and sent themselves to jail.

Because of everything they did, Hydera was eventually sentenced to 30 years in prison, and his fiancée also lived in misery for 30 years.

"Public opinion? Haha, it's illusory, I will prove it to everyone."

After eating, Hydera, who was about to go out, received a call.

"Although you are on vacation tomorrow, you need to work the night shift. If you don't want to pick me up, I will go directly to your dormitory."

It was Yuan Cui who called. Hydra felt warm in her heart and said with a smile.

"Thank you, I will sleep until 12 o'clock."

"I'll bring you something to eat, whatever you want to eat."

Hydra smiled and shook her head.

"As long as it's made by you, I can eat it no matter what it is."

There were bursts of sobs on the phone. After Hydera spoke to Yuan Cui again, she left the gate of Section 5 headquarters and continued to patrol.

"What you should do is still the same as before. There will be no changes. As a qualified punisher!"

Hydra smiled slightly. He didn't understand what was going on in his current state of mind. It was as if there were two people. One was Hydra who could take good care of Yuan Cui, treat her tenderly and give her a family, and the other One is a lunatic out to make the city pay, and Hydra can do both well.

"As long as I do everything well, my life will be complete."

4:29 am

Niya drunkenly opened the door to the sixth floor of a hourly hotel, walked in and lay down on the sofa. She drank a little too much tonight and was a little drunk. Niya knew very well that she was still a little worried about that group of people. Although the faces of that group were ugly, some recent events made Niya feel that the people in the party were really dangerous.

Not only on the surface, but also behind the scenes, there are many people in that gray world who want to take action against them. The symposium is now like a wild horse running wild, and the people in the symposium have done so. A lot of stupid things, completely different from everything that was so orderly and strong in the beginning.

Niya guessed that the guy behind her who used to make suggestions for the party had disappeared. Niya got up and grabbed a bottle of water, unscrewed it and took a big sip. She put her feet up on the table and lit a bottle. After smoking a cigarette, Niya gradually began to wake up.

No matter how hard you try to forget some things, you can never forget them. From time to time, Niya would dream about chasing her sister when she was a child.

"Why on earth do I care so much!"

Niya stood up. She planned to call Tamai tomorrow and ask people from Section 5 to closely check the people who enter the square, because in the past two months, the number and frequency of attacks on the association has increased too much. , these things are some numerical information in the Lightning Skull Guild, including some attacks that have not been recorded by Section 5, which are also increasing.

"When something happens, it will be too late to think of a solution. It's better to let those idiots prepare in advance."

Niya smiled and exhaled a puff of smoke. She knew very well that according to the current situation, it is too difficult for these lazy guys in Section 5 to find out something. Section 2 is also busy investigating some things now, and there is no way at all. Leave this matter alone.

“We can only go directly to the venue to have a look!”

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