Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1874 Baby Birds 3 (Part 1) Candy

April 29, 2228


Ye Lai looked dullly at the remaining food on the table in front of him, holding a wine glass in his hand. He had a bitter smile on his face. He was completely drunk. He didn't know how much wine he drank tonight, nor did he know tomorrow. How to spend it.


There was a sound of dripping water coming from the kitchen, and the whole room was in a mess. The store would continue to open tomorrow, but Ye Lai knew very well that the candy store would not exist tomorrow.



The room door was pushed open.


Ye Lai immediately recovered his smile and looked at the door with a smile at his cute and beautiful daughter Ye Jiao, who was wearing white pajamas.

Ye Jiao walked over cautiously, and Ye Lai hugged his daughter.

"Dad, I can't sleep!"

Ye Jiao looked at her father carefully, and Ye Lai snorted.

"It's okay, Jiaojiao, it's okay."

Ye Jiao climbed into her father's arms and leaned against him quietly, worry and fear in her young eyes.

Ye Lai patted his daughter's back gently, and after a while her daughter fell asleep in his arms. Ye Lai did not move, just stared at the messy kitchen quietly, which had not been cleaned for almost four or five days. .

His wife passed away from blight a few years ago. Until now, there is still no medical treatment that can cure blight. His daughter lost her mother when she was 3 years old. Ye Lai raised her daughter single-handedly.

In order to have a better future, Ye Lai worked hard, especially after the introduction of the citizen class, Ye Lai worked even harder. He is now the regional sales manager of L.K Company and one of the small shareholders of L.K Company. , this store now has two employees. Ye Lai only needs to take his daughter with him every day and go out to negotiate with some customers, which is much easier than before.

Ye Lai was extremely regretful at this moment. He should not have listened to his friends and distributed the magic candy. Now there is a problem with this candy.

And just tonight, that friend came over and talked with Ye Lai all night. The company wanted Ye Lai to resist everything. This was what the company boss McCullin meant. Ye Lai didn't know what to do.

But it was impossible not to agree. Ye Guang glanced at the daughter in his arms. He looked at everything in the distance with a solemn expression. No matter what, he would definitely go to jail, and his daughter would have no one to take care of her. The only relative he has is himself. If he sends his daughter to an orphanage, Ye Lai cannot imagine what his daughter's future will be like.

The company has made it very clear that it will help him take good care of his daughter, and will also give him some shares. An internal contract document has been shown to Ye, and Ye Lai also hesitated and finally signed it. People from the company Everything has been taken care of, and the people from the business department will come over tomorrow.

Ye Lai once thought about finding Jean, but in the end Ye Lai gave up such thoughts and ideas because he did do something he shouldn't have done. Even if he found Jean, the result would be the same. Ye Lai would definitely go to jail, at least Ten years or more.

Last year, when the economy fluctuated violently, the situation of the candy industry was not very good, because the candy industry relied on the grain industry, and the drastic changes in the grain industry caused losses to the L.K Group as a whole. In order to stabilize the market , and holding market share, the company launched this magical candy, and Ye Lai won the right to sell this candy at that time.

Sure enough, this kind of magic candy with good taste quickly swept the market. However, the good times did not last long. After just a few months, this candy had problems because the raw material contained a new type of synthetic chemical substance. The effects of this substance on the human body are beginning to emerge, especially on children.

Later, Ye Lai learned that the company's internal claim that there would be no side effects was a lie. This substance was pushed directly onto the market before it was even put into practice, and Ye Lai could not absolve himself of the blame.

Someone must bear the consequences of this matter, not L.K., but the instigator. Ye Lai knew exactly what would happen to him. He did something he shouldn't have done and committed an irreparable crime. He should It is also appropriate to bear some responsibility.

Ye Lai has been thinking about it these past few days. The company just mentioned it at the beginning and sent someone to explain it tonight. Ye Lai also knows that this is the time the company is giving him to think about it.

If something goes wrong with the L.K Group, many people will lose their jobs and their daughters will become helpless.

Yue Yue has decided to bear all the responsibilities, but he still worries about his daughter. The company has said that he will be treated generously, even if he enters prison, because as long as he has money in prison, everything will be easy to handle. .

Ye Lai pressed his forehead and carried his sleeping daughter upstairs. After arriving in his daughter's room, Ye Lai gently put his daughter down, closed the door and returned to the restaurant on the second floor, where he began to tidy up.

Ye Lai plans to open a shop and do business as usual tomorrow, but people from the business department will definitely come over tomorrow, so Ye Lai just needs to wait quietly.

What is supposed to come will definitely come, Ye Lai knows very well.

Didi didi

The phone rang and Ye Lai hurriedly picked it up.

"Please rest assured, Mr. Ye!"

There was a dry female voice on the phone, and Ye Lai hummed.

"It's nothing. You just need to do what I told you tonight. The company has prepared a lawyer for you and will help you as much as possible. As for your daughter, she will do what is said in the contract. We’ll take care of it.”

Ye Lai hummed and nodded with sad eyes.

"Please think carefully about Mr. Ye Lai. This is all for the company. After all, the company has been very kind to you over the years, right?"

"Yes, I understand."

call ended

In a spacious living room, a woman with a pointed nose and a long black dress held a glass of wine in her hand and smiled evilly. Chen Qiao and some other businessmen were sitting in the living room.

"Thank you for your help!"

The woman's name is McCullin, she is the patriarch of the Sola family and the boss of L.K. Candy Group, the city's leading candy industry.

In this matter, McCullin could only cooperate with the core members of the Food Association. Chen Qiao also used his own connections to establish good relations with all aspects of the association. He only needed to perform a play tomorrow morning. Today's administrative department is no longer as good as in the past. It is easy to rectify, and many problems can be solved privately with some senior executives of the administrative department.

After all, the city's economy is still declining, and it seems to be getting better. However, judging from the stock market and current prices, the city's economy is still falling. As long as the economy cannot be stabilized, businessmen like them will They will occupy an absolute dominant position, which is inevitable because cities are facing an aging society and a new round of unemployment.

These problems are the reason why most businessmen are now confident. Chen Qiao smiled and picked up the wine glass on the table and walked to McCullin's side.

"We helped you this time, will it be your turn to help us next time?"

"Definitely, Chen Qiao, but speaking of words, you have really changed a lot."

Chen Qiao's originally smiling expression became frozen.

“Nothing is set in stone.”

"Chen Qiao, I think it would be better for you to do something. After all, your eldest brother, including your brothers and sisters, still hold shares in the Chen family. If one day they come back to bite you."

Chen Qiao interrupted McCullin.

"You don't need to worry about this, McCullin. Our Chen family is different now from the past. Besides, I'm not the Chen Qiao back then."

Chen Qiao stood up, and other businessmen also stood up and planned to leave. McCullin looked at the leaving businessmen and smiled sinisterly.

"It'll all be over tomorrow."

At this time, a mutant appeared in the living room, and McCullin scratched his head.

"I don't want problems to arise in the future, I leave it to you, Latu!"

The mutant nodded.

"But at this juncture, is it really possible?"

McCullin nodded.

"You just have to wait for a while. Only dead people don't speak."

Latu hummed.

"I see."

McCullin sighed. She would not have dared to do this kind of thing in the past, but it is different now. The times have completely changed. This is an era that belongs to businessmen, and the executive branch and parliamentarians are no longer afraid. .

This is a common view among businessmen today, and it is also the core issue. For businessmen, the executive branch will no longer be as tough as before. This is for sure. Many policies issued by the 12 departments recently have great consequences for businessmen. It is very beneficial for businessmen, but businessmen will not be easily fooled by the petty profits in front of them this time.

Now the intention of the executive branch and the parliamentarians is very obvious. They hope that businessmen can spare no effort to carry out economic activities. However, most businessmen now only need to consolidate their original industries, and then slowly and step by step occupy them at the appropriate time. Only small and medium-sized businessmen have responded to the market, but this is a drop in the bucket for such a huge city.

"The future belongs to us!"

McCullin laughed. She has clearly seen the future. From childhood to adulthood, McCullin has been very successful because she knows how to assess the situation. She has seen everything that has happened over the years and can easily do it every time. The crisis was resolved, and today L.K. Company is able to develop and grow thanks to her intelligence.

In the trap of the Hillman family, countless people were affected, including Chen Qiao and others, who all got burned because they got too close to the Hillman family.

McCullin rarely interacts with the Hillman family because she senses danger. This sense of danger is innate, and it is the same this time. If it is not handled well, the L.K Group will suffer heavy losses.

"Cruelty is necessary in many cases. Those who know the truth do not need to live. All this is to feed more people."

McCullin's expression darkened.

3:09 am

Ye Jiao breathed rapidly and climbed up from the bed. The pillow was soaked with sweat. After turning on the light, Ye Jiao got up and got out of bed again. Although she was only 7 years old, she knew a lot of things. Her father's current situation was very bad. Miao, she wanted her father to tell her what happened, but he never said anything.

Ye Jiao's room is neat and tidy, everything is almost symmetrical, and the bed is placed in the middle with a striped and plaid quilt. She has been diagnosed with congenital obsessive-compulsive disorder since she was very young. This kind of Symptoms will become more obvious with age. Ye Jiao will always see many strange things. When symptoms occur, she needs to use neat things to calm her mood.

"It's all because of me!"

Ye Jiao muttered. She was a little worried about her father. She knew that his father would never tell her anything, but Ye Jiao still got up and went downstairs. When she came to the restaurant on the second floor, everything was neatly tidied up. Ye Jiao Looking at her father who was already sleeping on the sofa, she walked over cautiously, brought a blanket, sat next to her father, then lay down and covered her with the blanket. The sofa was large enough to accommodate Ye Jiao. He leaned against the chest nearby with peace of mind and listened quietly to his father's heartbeat.

All this made Ye Jiao feel at ease, and soon Ye Jiao fell asleep.

8 a.m.

Ye Jiao opened her eyes on time. This was the time she got up every day, exactly. Ye Jiao looked at her father who was still sleeping next to her. After getting up, she returned to her bedroom. After washing up quickly, she got on a boat. Wearing a beautiful blue dress, she combed her hair and went downstairs.

"Miss, why are you up? Boss, is he okay?"

Ye Jiao nodded. The two clerks had already opened the shop. In the entire candy shop, all the candies were neatly placed. This was placed by Ye Jiao. Every day, she would look at the candies on the shelves and sort out the candies. The uneven candies are arranged neatly. Many people will feel strange when entering this store, because the candies are arranged neatly and look beautiful.

Ye Jiao began to examine the candies carefully and adjusted the positions of the candies very accurately.

The two clerks were also surprised. Ye Jiao was able to accurately keep the distance between the candies consistent. Now Ye Jiao is placing the candies again, and people have already entered the store. The business here has always been very good, but the recent society There are rumors online that L.K. Enterprises introduced poisonous candies, causing their store’s business to be slightly worse than before.

Both shop assistants like this place very much. The boss Ye Lai is a very nice person, and her daughter is also quite sensible and well-behaved. Just because she has this congenital disease, she is a little different from ordinary people, but this little girl has a very high IQ. At the age of 7, he already knew most of the Chinese characters, and his grades in school were very good.

This is another calm morning as always. The two clerks are still receiving customers as always. They will also explain in detail the rumors that some customers have heard.

When Ye Jiao sees that the shelves are empty, she will immediately go to the back to find the corresponding goods and replenish them immediately.

It's just that Ye Jiao was a little uneasy today because she had a nightmare last night. She couldn't remember what it was exactly, but it was just a very scary dream.


9:47 am

A 5-section management vehicle parked at the entrance of the store. Ye Jiao, who was looking at the candies, was startled. The two clerks were also the same. Then more and more management vehicles approached, and a bunch of 5-section management vehicles came over. people got off the management vehicle.


A box of marble candy placed at the door fell to the ground, making a crackling sound. Ye Jiao looked at the members of Section 5 who entered the store in fear. She seemed to have seen a demon-like scene, and her voice was completely blocked in her throat. , completely unable to emit.

Ye Jiao didn't know what the people in Section 5 were saying. She couldn't hear the sound. She just felt very scared. Very scared. The two clerks were directly pushed to the ground and put on handcuffs. Ye Jiao looked at it blankly. Looking at everything in front of him, people from Section 5 passed by him one by one and went directly upstairs.

Soon Ye Jiao saw her father being forcibly taken away with handcuffs. His father seemed to be arguing with someone from Section 5, but he was roughly hit on the back with a stick. He looked at his father. With a distorted expression, Ye Jiao could no longer see clearly. In front of her eyes, there were only colorful worlds, all of which were twisted together. Ye Jiao was breathing rapidly.

A lot of people gathered at the door. Ye Jiao didn't know what was going on. Her whole body was sore and she had no strength at all. She could only watch her father being escorted out. Then the people from Section 5 set up a cordon. Ye Jiao looked at everything blankly. , at this time a female clerk came over and squatted in front of Ye Jiao.

"Why are you so rude? There are children here."

"Who asked his father to commit the crime? This candy has caused many children to be poisoned to varying degrees and suffered physical damage."

A male staff member said, and the female staff member picked up Ye Jiao, who was dazed and her eyes were dull.

"Little sister, it's okay. Auntie will take you first."

Ye Jiao suddenly came back to her senses. She struggled. The female clerk let her go. Ye Jiao suddenly ran out. Seeing that the manager who escorted her father away had already driven away, Ye Jiao walked quickly. After chasing him, all the noise in her ears began to disappear little by little. Ye Jiao only saw everything twisted in front of her. She didn't know what she was chasing, where she was chasing, and where her father was going to be taken.

Until her legs and feet were exhausted, Ye Jiao stood at a loss on the street, not knowing where she was going. She looked around, and she ran to other places unknowingly. Ye Jiao stood helplessly on a tree. Next to the electric pole, but now Ye Jiao looked towards the Public Security Management Office not far away, and she walked over step by step.

Soon Ye Jiao was taken to a room by a female staff member.

"Little sister, it's okay, just stay here."

Ye Jiao didn't speak, just looked at the ground blankly. Her father's friends and some people from the company who had talked with her father at the cocktail party appeared in her mind.

Ye Jiao quietly stared at everything in front of her.

At this time, Ye Lai was in the interrogation room, explaining everything. He lowered his head and said something. He was colluding with the head of the technical department to make profits with this candy that had not been tested in practice. He began to admit it. own crimes.

The interrogation ended soon. Ye Lai wanted to see his daughter, but was eventually refused. Ye Lai was taken to the underground detention room. He was not put in a straitjacket after entering.

At this time, at the door of the room where Ye Jiao was, several team captains were discussing Ye Jiao's stay. In the management center of Section 5, a person who claimed to be the Rescue Society for Criminal Children came over.

The man provided all the qualification certificates, and then took out the agreement for the care of his daughter that Ye Lai had signed with him before. After everything was reviewed and there were no problems, the man came to the room where Ye Jiao was.

Ye Jiao's ears were buzzing, and she couldn't hear what the man said, but she was still held by the man's hand and walked away. Ye Jiao was like a walking corpse at this time, being held by the hand and walked out of the Public Security Management Center.

Half an hour later, Ye Jiao was taken to a house, and then she was roughly pushed in by the man.


Ye Jiao looked at everything in front of her at a loss. She had no strength at all. Her heart had been completely eroded by fear, her mind had gone blank, her breathing was always rapid, and everything in front of her was extremely distorted.

At this time, at the door of the basement, the man who brought Ye Jiao over smiled and accepted the money from the extremely strong man in front of him.

"Mr. Latu, there is no problem at all. I will take care of it. This child has a congenital disease. Everything will be normal by then, including her autopsy report."

Latu hummed, glanced at the basement door, then turned around and walked away.

"Remember it"

"Please don't worry about this, Mr. Latu. We have dealt with this kind of thing many times. In the past two years, we have handled this kind of thing very well."

Latu nodded with satisfaction and turned around to walk away. Soon Latu walked out of a building in a residential area. When he turned the corner, Latu smelled a strong smell of perfume. Latu pinched Nose.

As soon as he turned the corner, Latu saw a strangely dressed man, wearing a woman's dress and heavy makeup walking towards him. Latu became alert and one of his hands had already been clenched into a fist.

"What are you looking at! Haven't you seen it before?"

Suddenly this perverted man shouted, Latu was startled, and subconsciously punched him with his fist, but the next second Latu felt something was wrong, and his fist was blocked by the opponent's finger. .

"You did it first, don't blame me!"


With a loud noise, Latu only felt that he was lying on the ground, and his consciousness began to become more and more blurred. The guy in front of him started walking step by step.


Hawke walked gracefully past the mutant who was knocked unconscious by him, and then walked straight away. He came here to visit a former friend and colleague. His health has been getting worse and worse recently. , if you don’t take a look at him, the next time you might be there is at his funeral.

However, Hawke felt that something was wrong with the man's eyes just now, as if he was going to do something dangerous. He turned around and took a look, then waved his hand.

"It is none of my business!"


Latu woke up with a start, and in front of him were several people from Section 5.

"Sir, why are you sleeping here?"

Latu clutched his painful abdomen, and then the appearance of the shemale appeared in his mind. Immediately, Latu felt his back numb, but after looking at the time, Latu panicked and ran away quickly. stand up.

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