Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1873: The Way of Survival of the Nestlings 2 (Part 2)

There was a violent wheezing sound, and the wind and sand were roaring violently. Tianhen gasped, holding a big bag in his hand, and he squinted at the guys chasing after them with weapons in the ruins next to them.

"You brat, I know you're here. I advise you to come out quickly. Otherwise, if we find you later, it won't be as simple as beating you up."

Tianhen huddled near a collapsed wall, with many scattered stones around him. He carefully put down the things in his hands, for fear of making the slightest noise.

There were not many people on the opposite side, only six or seven people. The ruins were relatively large. It seemed that they had experienced wars before. Many people had left because there was no place to block the wind and sand.

Tian Hen knows that they can't hold on for long, because the wind and sand are very strong, and it is daytime now. They can't continue to search in the wind and sand. They just need to continue to be patient for a while. Tian Hen knows very well that the other party will not continue to search. Go down.

In the barrier area, many people are wandering from one place to another, and then exchange the things they carry with others for things. After a month of this cycle, they will go to collect food as soon as possible, and then Leave quickly.

Most people do not want to be controlled by armed forces. Once controlled by armed forces, they will be exploited. At least half of the 30 cans of liquid food a month will be taken away, and some are even more ruthless, taking away 20 cans.

Such free scavengers are the majority in the barrier area. Many of them will avoid places controlled by armed forces and will only enter secretly when some exchanges are really needed.

Recently, some free exchange markets have emerged in many places. These scavengers gather in one place and conduct transactions spontaneously when they stay for a few days or a week. Most of the scavengers will go there.

But just before the sun rose this morning, Tianhen originally planned to exchange liquid food for some water, but the trading place was suddenly attacked by an armed force of more than 30 people. A large number of people either fled or died.

Tianhen did not run away immediately, but hid. When they attacked and cleared, Tianhen directly robbed a motorcycle of the armed force and a large bag of supplies.

As a result, the gang chased them. Tian Hen knew that if he continued to ride the motorcycle, he would be caught by them. Then Tian Hen found a place to hide the motorcycle, took the supplies and ran directly to the ruins. He has basically figured out the terrain around here.

On weekdays, when there is nothing to do, most of Tianhen will come out to check the terrain and become familiar with everything around him. All this is for a better survival. Now Tianhen has done it. Within 20 kilometers of this place, Tianhen is Know the situation in each place.

Many people just go from one place to another in the barrier zone, every month, but this will consume a lot of energy in the long run, and by then the willpower will become weaker and weaker.

But in the first month after entering the barrier area to adapt, Tianhen began to run around and check everything, and then used his mind to clearly write down everything. When there were too many, Tianhen would use the coal he picked up to paint on the wall. Record the conditions of each place and some routes.

On the first day of entering the barrier area, two bags of supplies were thrown away. Tian Hen took his sister to use the basement as a base and moved around nearby. Compared with many scavengers, Tian Hen couldn't help but watch. It was a big bag. He didn't know what was in it, but he was sure it must be worth a lot of money because the bag was very heavy.

But now that he has a motorcycle, Tian Hen knows that he can move in a wider range. Now the amount of water is not enough, so Tian Hen is so eager to come out and want to exchange for some water. It is just February now. On the 9th, it was the time for the armed forces to raid.

When we were collecting supplies on the 1st, something went wrong and we were almost robbed by a group of people. Fortunately, Tianhen was smart and when they were about to take action, they divided the water into several parts and threw them away. Water is very important to the barrier area. It is an indispensable thing for people. In the eyes of everyone, it is the most valuable thing. If there is no food, it can last for a week with no problem.

Sure enough, those who planned to rob saw the water rolling on the ground and picked it up. Tianhen took the opportunity to escape with his sister.

This group of people are still looking, because they saw Tianhen running in, and they still didn't seem to give up, but Tianhen was hiding here, and it was difficult for them to find out that although the scope of the ruins was not large, there were only 6 people on the other side, and Tianhen was hiding here. Hen was completely confirmed, and then after some people left, Tian Hen began to cover the bag with some nearby gravel, and then began to move while they were checking other places.

Sure enough, after a while they found the location where Tianhen was just now, but Tianhen was already close to the edge of the ruins. He saw seven motorcycles and was sure that there was another person who should be hiding somewhere. Before, Tianhen was They took advantage of the chaos to ride away their motorcycles, but it doesn't look that easy now. Tianhen has to find the man who is squatting on the edge of the ruins and watching the motorcycles. They don't seem to know that they will not give up.

At this time, the sky was a little brighter than before, becoming gray, and you could see very clearly. After Tianhen got closer, he quickly noticed an old well stand opposite these motorcycles outside the ruins. , with a little bit exposed, Tianhen clenched a stone tightly in his hand.

Those people were searching like a carpet, but it still took some time. Tianhen tiptoed over and tried his best to get around the wind and sand further outside. It was certain that there were no mutants in this group of people. This was because Tianhen dared to go there. s reason.

Tianhen was crawling on the ground, getting closer to the well. He could already see a man leaning on his back holding a gun and smoking a cigarette. Tianhen got closer and closer. When he was more than ten meters away from the man, The other person seemed to be smoking absentmindedly and didn't notice him.

Tianhen stood up confidently and boldly, crouched and moved little by little. The distance was getting closer and closer. When he was only 3 meters away, the man suddenly noticed Tianhen. The moment he turned his head, Tianhen Hen had already rushed over, stepped on the gun hanging on the man's neck, and then hit it hard with the stone in his right hand.


The man wailed, and Tianhen suppressed the man and hit him with a stone again.

"Spare my life, spare my life."

Tianhen did not hesitate at all. Within a few seconds, the man became motionless. Blood splashed all over Tianhen's cheek. He quickly took the gun from the dead man, then checked the number of bullets and took it from the man's pocket. I got an almost full pack of cigarettes from inside. This is a good thing. A few cigarettes can be exchanged for a can of liquid food.

Tian Hen carried a gun and began to search. Two grenades and a pistol were found in the man's pocket. Tian Hen planned to leave on a motorcycle, but the next second, Tian Hen hesitated. He was thinking How to kill the remaining six people in an instant.

It is more than ten meters away from where the motorcycles are parked, and Tianhen has two grenades in his hand. He doesn't want to blow up those motorcycles. After all, he can exchange them for good things, but if he goes in rashly now, if he is attacked by them , he would be in danger, but Tianhen soon laughed.

"A pile of scum!"

Tian Hen squatted down and ran with a gun in his hand. In order to learn how to use a motorcycle and use a gun, Tian Hen spent a lot of liquid food to get weapons and let a scavenger with a motorcycle teach him how to do it. Cycling, and some basic construction of motorcycles.

Tianhen hates these armed forces very much. It is not easy for everyone to live in this place and they have to be bullied by them. Therefore, whenever there is a chance, Tianhen will definitely find a way to kill the guys in these armed forces and then rob Take their stuff.

Long distance is definitely not possible. After Tian Hen approached the motorcycle, he checked and found that there were some weapons on the motorcycle. Tian Hen found an opening in the ruins facing the motorcycle and lay down directly on the ground. He planned to wait. Wait for them to come back, then suddenly jump out and shoot.

But Tianhen hesitated again, and the plan in his mind was still changing, because if they all came back, there might be an accident. Tianhen looked at the dead man in the distance quietly, and then Tianhen stood He got up, ran over quickly, and pulled the body out so that it could be seen directly in the ruins. Then Tianhen walked to a motorcycle and started the motorcycle easily.

Accompanied by the sound of the engine, Tianhen suddenly turned the motorcycle, found the right moment to let go, and the motorcycle rushed out. Tianhen quickly hid under the broken wall on the left side of the ruins entrance, his hand already on the trigger. On.

Then Tianhen fired a few shots into the sky. Sure enough, the guys who were still searching for him in the ruins came out. Tianhen listened quietly to the footsteps. It was not that all six people came out, but that several people nearby had already come out. Came back with a gun.

"Asshole, what do you think?"

A man's voice rang in their ears. Sure enough, they saw the dead man. Tianhen suddenly turned around, squatted on the ground and pulled the trigger.


With the sound of bursts of bullets fired, Tianhen looked solemnly as he watched the two hit men in front of him fall to the ground, while the four people coming from behind had already hid and started shooting towards him.

Tianhen's original idea was that three or four people would come back and he would deal with them quickly, but now it seems that the situation is not good. Tianhen wants to leave. Even if he leaves now, there is no loss. After all, there are still 4 people on the other side.

The gunfire stopped. The other party seemed to have reacted and should have moved closer. Tianhen would be exposed once he went out. They would definitely shoot, but in such a windy and sandy environment, they wanted to be accurate. It was very difficult to hit people dozens of meters away. Tianhen immediately stood up and moved quickly towards the edge of the ruins on the left. Sure enough, the gun rang out.

Along with the bullets fired at him, Tianhen immediately slid his knees out and rolled on the ground.

"You damn thing, I will make sure to look good to you when I find you."

Tianhen smiled slightly and leaned against a wall. Several people had already come closer. The voices gradually subsided. Tianhen looked at the number of bullets. There were only less than 20 rounds. He just got too excited and fired directly.

Sweat remained along Tianhen's forehead. He knew very well that in this place, injury basically meant death. Even being rubbed was enough for him, and the other party should have touched him. They really wanted to catch him. .

At this time, Tian Hen thought of something. He took off the automatic rifle in his hand, found a position to put the automatic rifle on a small opening in a broken wall, and then immediately crouched and moved in small steps.

When he arrived at a pile of rubble four or five meters away, Tianhen held the pistol and a grenade.

Although they couldn't see very clearly, the four people moved over bit by bit from different places. After all, they had also lived in this barrier area for a long time. Naturally, they knew that long-distance shootings would be difficult to hit people unless they were shot with sniper rifles. of.

The gun Tianhen placed at the small hole in the wall is not very obvious, but you will definitely notice it if you get closer.

Tianhen waited quietly behind the pile of rubble, his pistol already pointed at the back of the wall. He was still waiting patiently while watching the surrounding situation.

Although the wind and sand were very big, Tianhen could clearly distinguish some things. The other party would not come from the same direction. Tianhen was sure of this, and they saw themselves when they took a look, and they fired for a while. Moving faster than himself, Tianhen has already found a way out. As long as he kills one more guy, he can kill the remaining three guys without fail.

Gradually, Tianhen noticed that a person came over from his right hand side, but Tianhen still did not move. There was a downward slope on the left hand side, and the way to survive was to just roll down.

"Go to hell."

Along with a roar, a guy suddenly appeared on the side of the broken wall five or six meters away from Tianhen with a gun and began to scan, but the next second Tianhen showed an excited smile. The trigger was pulled.

bang bang bang

After three consecutive shots, Tianhen immediately pulled the safety of the grenade and threw it towards the right. Sure enough, the gun rang out. Tianhen rolled directly down the slope and rested on a stone with one hand. The cloth strips wrapped around the palms were cut, and the palms were scratched by stones. Tianhen shouted in unison and ran quickly.

After the explosion behind him, a man screamed.

"I've been shot, come help me."

I don’t know if the grenade Tianhen just had an effect, but it is certain that it has a deterrent effect. Tianhen ran to the periphery of the ruins in one breath, and then circled to the right. This was not big. It doesn’t take much time to circle back to the ruins where the motorcycle is parked.

What follows is a race against time. As long as you can run back one step ahead of them, you can get rid of them. Now they are in chaos and no longer dare to pursue them rashly.

Tian Hen sped up and ran, running in this wasteland every day. His physical fitness was absolutely fine. He had to get stronger and stronger. Only when he was strong enough could his sister survive.

Tianhen smiled excitedly, his body was roaring, and the wind kept whistling in his ears.

To be stronger, I must be stronger!

Tianhen opened his eyes wide, and moved forward quickly while rolling and crawling. In such a rugged place, even if he fell, he had to move forward. No matter how many places were broken on his body, Tianhen knew very well. , I can kill them myself.

His lungs began to hurt violently. Tian Hen looked at the corner with a smile. He jumped forward and rolled around, then stood up immediately. Sure enough, he saw two people carrying the injured man to the motorcycle. Over here, Tianhen unscrewed a grenade and ran over, threw it directly, and then immediately turned over to the left and ran into the ruins.

There was a loud bang, accompanied by the explosion. Tianhen showed a relaxed smile. He held the pistol in his hand, and there were bursts of gunfire from behind.

"You bastard, bastard, I'm going to kill you, get out of here."

A roar sounded, and the shooting continued. After a click, Tianhen stood up immediately. The other party was more than 20 meters away from him and was getting the magazine. Tianhen rushed over quickly, and the other party started to rush. Getting up, Tianhen jumped quickly on the ruins. At the moment of approaching, Tianhen pointed his gun at each other. The grenade that had just exploded had already made two people lie down, and one person seemed to be injured and bleeding.

"I surrender, I surrender."

Tianhen looked at the opponent's raised hands, panting, and walked over step by step.


The gun rang out, and before the other party could react, he was shot in the head by Tian Hen. Tian Hen looked at the last dying guy on the ground. After walking over, he put away the pistol and took away the weapons and ammunition from him. and some dry food, and then started to sort them out. The man on the ground looked at Tianhen blankly, as if he didn't want to die.

"When you were killing others, robbing others, and oppressing others, did you ever think that one day you would be killed by others!"

Tianhen smiled and concentrated all the things on several motorcycles on a motorcycle that seemed to be more powerful. Then he walked to the distance and helped the fallen motorcycle up. It was still in good condition. God After Hen returned, he rode a motorcycle full of supplies. This place was only a few kilometers away from where he and Tian Ai lived. Tian Hen planned to ride the motorcycles back first and put them in the basement. When the time comes, we will take out one after another for sale, but the whole process must be fast. The people in this gang are very likely to find them back.

It hurts all over, but Tianhen is used to it. When he is still weak, if he wants to survive, he must seize every opportunity, and opportunities are fleeting. Today, Tianhen seized an opportunity.

Soon Tian Hen saw the almost razed ruins where he and his sister lived. Throughout last year, Tian Hen had been looking for all available materials to repair the cracked entrance. Now it has been completed. The basement has two entrances, one of which is hidden in a pile of stones outside the town. Tian Hen and his sister cleaned up the stones and exposed the entrance. Tian Hen used some wood chips and iron to open the entrance. Made a secret door behind a large pile of rocks.

Soon Tianhen found the secret door, opened it easily, and rode in on his motorcycle. This was a not-so-long passage that led all the way to the only basement in this small town, where he and his sister lived. year place.

"God's love!"

Tianhen shouted. Six or seven meters away from the entrance of the room, Tianhen stopped the car. Soon with a glimmer of light, Tianai held up the light in his hand and ran over with a smile. Tianhen After walking over and squatting down, my sister hugged me.

"No one should be here today, right?"

Tian Hen asked, and Tian Ai nodded. Tian Hen always warned Tian Hen when he went out, and then Tian Hen handed an automatic rifle to his sister.

"Listen Tian'ai, if I don't shout in the future, if someone comes in, you can shoot directly. You have to be careful by yourself. Now we don't have enough water. Brother has to go a little further to find it. Brother found it today I bought a lot of good things, so I have to move them back bit by bit. Just wait here obediently."

Tian Ai nodded understandingly. Tian Hen planned to rest for a few minutes first, then run over on foot, and then ride the motorcycles back one by one. There were eight motorcycles in total. It was impossible to ride them all back. Tian Hen only planned to leave two One with good power, then hide the others first, and quickly find someone to replace the motorcycle.

There are some sleeping places piled up with leather clothes in the corner of the room. Except for going to the toilet every day, Tian Ai basically can only lie in this basement. Only when Tian Hen is there, Tian Ai will let Tian Ai Ai goes out, Tian Ai is also very sensible and never runs around.

"Tian Ai, do you still remember what I taught you how to use weapons?"

Tian Ai nodded, and Tian Hen immediately asked Tian Ai to practice again. After confirming that there was no problem, he took Tian Ai up from the entrance of the stairs. At this time, the wind and sand became even stronger.

"You try it a few times until you have no problem at all, and I'll go over again."

Tian Ai carefully pulled the trigger, and the gun rang out. Although she was a little scared and had to use all her strength to pull the trigger, Tian Hen watched Tian Ai try several times and then touched her head.

"It's okay, Tian Ai. If you're hungry, just get some liquid food by yourself. My brother has to go out first."

Tian Ai pulled on Tian Hen's clothes with some reluctance, but then let go. Tian Hen turned around and squatted in front of Tian Ai. Tian Ai looked at his brother with reluctant eyes, seeming to remind Tian Hen to be careful. .

Tian Hen smiled. After seeing Tian Ai return to the basement, he closed the lid of the basement entrance, turned around and ran quickly. Now Tian Hen's only worry is the motorcycles placed there. Perhaps he had been discovered by passers-by, and he became a little annoyed. He originally planned to find a place to hide these motorcycles, and then immediately find a buyer.

It's just that Tian Hen is always worried about his sister. He doesn't dare to go too far. Except for taking his sister to get food every month, he rarely takes his sister to far places.

Although Tianhen was a little tired, after resting, his body gained strength again. He just wanted to get to the place quickly. Except for the one he hid, the other motorcycles may have disappeared.

There were a lot of scavengers nearby. Gradually Tian Hen approached the ruins. Sure enough, he saw a figure. But at this time Tian Hen became alert. He immediately held the pistol in his hand. He did not take an automatic rifle. This kind of When the wind and sand are so strong, the weapons hanging on the body are not only conspicuous, but also of little use.

Tianhen began to slow down. Gradually, he saw some figures. They seemed to be checking something. Gradually, Tianhen discovered some clues. These people were from the business department. After seeing the instruments in their hands, Tianhen knew that there were nearly 30 people.

The motorcycle was still there, and Tian Hen hesitated. He didn't know whether to go over and talk to them, but after hesitating for a while, Tian Hen still walked over.

"Boy, do you know where a lot of people gather around here?"

After Tianhen walked over, a person from Section 3 asked. Tianhen nodded, and then pointed to the motorcycle over there.

"Those are mine."

The clerk in front of him nodded, and at this time many clerks gathered over.

"Boy, can you tell us where a large number of people gather and where some armed forces gather?"

Tianhen hummed, stretched out his hand and said.

"Give me water and food."

The other party nodded in agreement, and then Tianhen asked several department members to help ride the motorcycle to a farther place and park it. Tianhen knew very well that these people in the operation department were investigating some conditions in the barrier area and basically would not interact with them. There was a conflict between people in the barrier area.

Tianhen then talked to some team captains about some things nearby. After clearly telling them, several team leaders recorded it.

"Looking at your age, you know quite a lot."

"This place, next time, if you want to know something about other places, you can come here, bring water and food, if you have some candy, please give me some, and I will tell you everything."

After just an hour, the team left. Tian Hen got a pack of four or five and a few bottles of water. The water was completely enough. Tian Hen felt a little more relieved. He planned to go back immediately on his motorcycle. Tomorrow If they try to find scavengers who are willing to buy motorcycles, they won't be able to offer a lot of food in exchange, but Tianhen can find them in exchange for what he and his sister need.

In this land, if you want to survive, you must understand everything around you, and the Xingke is a very good line. Tianhen plans to collect some information about the surroundings as much as possible, and then use this information and the Xingke to exchange for food and Water, even weapons.

Nowadays, everything has become more and more open in front of Tianhen's eyes. This is a way for himself and his sister to survive. Tianhen looked at the distance, ran over with two big bags, and initially hid The motorcycle he got up was still there, and he rushed over with a smile. After getting on the motorcycle, he flew towards the place where he lived.

The wind and sand in the barrier area are still very violent, but at this moment Tianhen knows that he has changed and has completely completed his transformation, all in order to survive in this cold and ruthless land.

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