Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1858 The weight of a straw (Part 2)

The hot afternoon temperature made many people who were still stranded on the streets return to their houses and get into the alleys.

Although the discussion was still going on, the streets were in a mess. Many people from the cleaning company were cleaning the dirt and debris on the streets under the scorching sun, as well as some dried blood.

A large number of people were arrested today, but many people escaped. Many people who participated in the riots are a little scared at this time, because the deportation law has been passed, because those who participated in the riots and caused damage will be directly deported.

However, many people soon gave up their worries. Except for those who caused casualties and were legally responsible for those who participated in the riots today, all other participants in the riots will be sent to work in the eastern agricultural base in batches. Three months as punishment, and you can get a certain salary for these three months of work.

Many supporters are happy at this time, because according to the level 5 citizen level, one month's tax is not difficult for many supporters, it only costs one or two hundred yuan. Many people support this citizen level system. , many district councilors have begun to introduce tax benefits within the region.

Medical care, pensions, living allowances, etc. Many people are now thinking about how long it will take to upgrade to the upper citizenship level. The standard for upgrading the citizenship level is also tax. As long as the income of the corresponding citizenship level can be met and then taxes are paid, it will be completed in three months. It will rise automatically.

For most people, level 5 citizens are considered very good, but for many people at the bottom, it is disastrous, because many people at the bottom will be downgraded in three months, and most people’s monthly income continues If it's less than 500 yuan, there's no way to pay taxes, and some people have already thought that the citizenship level is closely related to the job you can find.

In this vote, nearly 90% of the people at the bottom voted against it, while most of the people in the middle and upper classes voted in favor.

In just a few hours, the future of the city has been decided, which is difficult for most people to accept, especially those at the bottom. Although low-level citizens also have some benefits, these things are not the same as those at the bottom. High-level citizens are unsatisfactory in comparison.

There are still some opponents who are launching a joint initiative to demand a re-vote, but such initiatives will not be accepted by the district and power offices. Many people are still talking on the streets about the harmfulness of this citizen hierarchy and the consequences it will have on the future. What kind of result.

Some people are tired and don’t want to listen to these things anymore. These seven days have been very tiring for many people, both physically and mentally, whether they are supporters or opponents.

click click click

A man wearing an auxiliary leg brace was walking slowly on the street. The weather was a bit hot and he was walking on a street that was still being cleaned.

"You are finally here, Mr. Li Ang!"

Li Ang smiled and nodded, looking at the words Li Ji Winery in front of him, which were almost covered by dust. Li Ang had not been back for a long time. He had lived at Jewell's house for a long time. Today he came back with the intention of turning over the winery. The land in front was sold, leaving only the winery building and the wine cellar below.

The real estate agent came over immediately and wanted to help Li Ang to go to a nearby store for detailed discussion, but Li Ang did not let him help him. Although Li Ang's body had not yet regained consciousness, Li Ang was confident. Although some doctors suggested that Li Ang Surgery, but Li Ang did not do so. If he had surgery, he might only be able to maintain normal walking by installing some mechanical parts on his legs in the future. Li Ang wanted to recover slowly on his own.

After a while, Li Ang and the real estate agent walked to a restaurant. After the two sat down, the real estate agent took out the sales contract that had been prepared and brought up another transfer panel.

Li Ang first pulled out his identity information, and then pulled out his account in Section 7. He was still looking at the contract.

A total of 800 square meters of land, 2,000 pieces per square meter, a total of 1.6 million, Li Ang has decided to sell this land, because if it continues to be left, more and more people will come to Li Ang, and Li Ang is already taking the trouble.

In addition, Li Ang also planned to start other businesses and cooperate with Jewell in business. Both of them took out part of the money and planned to start business slowly, so Li Ang decided to sell this place and add the There are still more than 3 million to start the industry that the two of them want to do.

"Mr. Li Ang, you just need to sign the agreement, and I can transfer the money to you right away. I will handle the follow-up matters."

After Li Ang confirmed the contract, he signed it. The real estate agent smiled and immediately transferred the money to Li Ang. Then Li Ang got up and limped out of the store.

"By the way, Mr. Li Ang, you still have more than 500 square meters of land behind you. Don't you plan to sell it together?"

Li Ang shook his head and walked slowly to the entrance of an alley. Jewell stood aside with a yawn.

"I really want to sell it!"

"Already sold."

Li Ang held up his account information, and Jewell supported Li Ang with a smile. After the two passed an alley, the door of a service vehicle opened and they got in.

"That guy Niya seems to be making a lot of noise recently."

As soon as he got in the car, Li Ang said, and Jewell hummed. Jewell couldn't believe that Alpha would do such a thing. After all, she had helped his mother Wilsie in the past, and Jewell also went. He passed the Angus family, but Niya was gone.

Nowadays, there are always rumors about Niya in the city, but you can't see it in the mainstream media. Everyone is talking about the fallen Niya.

"Let's go find Niya first."

Li Ang said, and Jewell nodded. Both of them voted against this vote, but they did not expect that the Citizen Class and Expulsion Law would take effect in the end.

The future will be very difficult. This is the conclusion that the two of them have reached unanimously. There is still room for improvement now, and we must work hard, otherwise the road in the future will become narrower and narrower, and it will be impossible for both of them to make it up by then. People are a little anxious.

People who realize the seriousness of the future will definitely start planning everything in the future from the next second. The two have discussed in detail what to do. They discussed every step and detail for days and nights. In the last two days, People come to the conclusion that what method can make money quickly is the most important thing at the moment.

In the end, the two finalized several projects. Casinos and nightclubs were two very good options. Both of them had already looked at many locations. In the past, part of the Hillman family's property was given back to Angus. Part of the home was seized by Congress and prepared for auction. The two planned to buy a place first, and then find a way to obtain relevant qualification certificates and start business.

The second step is to open a restaurant. Because Li Ang has worked as a wine manufacturer and has some resources from distributors, he can get relatively low-priced food. Then he opens a restaurant targeted at women. Cheap prices and some gimmicks are more suitable. OK

However, the two of them are still a little worried, because such a restaurant has very high requirements for certain departments. They plan to open such a restaurant in the school district, where most students do not have much financial pressure. As long as the price is suitable for students, it will be fine. In some good commercial locations, the cost is relatively high and the return on investment is too slow.

"Speaking of which, do you really not plan to develop in the film and television area? Do you really plan to partner with me in business?"

Jewell nodded.

"What am I going to do in that place?"

The two of them smiled and looked at the passing streets outside the car window. Everything in front of them had changed drastically after the urban riots in January this year. The AI ​​network had completely withdrawn from the market, and those users who had turned on the AI ​​network I was very dissatisfied, and in the end I only got a partial refund negotiated with the company.


Jewell sighed helplessly, and Li Ang smiled and patted his shoulder.

"It's okay. Let's work together for ten years at most. I think we will live a more carefree life in the future."

Jewell nodded.

Now Jieweier has a little regret, because his uncle Chen Qiao came to see him once before, hoping that he could return to the Chen family and hand over a company to him, but Jieweier still refused, and since then his uncle I never asked about this again, but I would occasionally call to ask.

"Yes, if we do our best, things will get better."

Jewell said with a smile, and Li Ang nodded.

3:39 pm

Ran Zhi smiled and was talking about something with some people. There were many young and strong people sitting in the room, including ordinary people and mutants. Everyone listened carefully to what Ran Zhi was saying.

"Now is an excellent opportunity. If we miss it, it will be difficult to get up in the future, so we all have to be prepared."

Ran Zhi said, and many people nodded involuntarily. From the current situation to some things in the next few months or even a year, Ran Zhi has made it clear. Some people were still hesitant at first, but After listening to Ran Zhi's words, everyone began to believe it.

"Master Wise, what do you think we should do?"

A young gang leader asked, Ran Zhi nodded.

"From now on, stop the garbage business in your hands. You can't do these things now. You will be arrested if you are not careful. So the best way is to find those who are in need and then expand some related businesses in other districts. Business, the economy of this district will continue to decline, so instead of holding on to the idea of ​​competing with others, it is better to open up other battlefields."

The young leader nodded, and he also decided to develop in other areas according to the wise man's plan.

Ran Zhi was still talking to others, and the bodyguard behind him listened quietly. He knew very well what Ran Zhi wanted to do, but this bodyguard was very confident in everything Ran Zhi wanted to do. Even if the Hillman family is effectively destroyed, the city will not get better immediately. Instead, it will have to face more problems in the future, and the economic shortcomings should soon be highlighted.

Ran Zhi was talking about many things passionately, but at this time a discordant voice sounded.

"Wise man, what you say is indeed very attractive, but the question is, will it really be what you think?"

Ran Zhi looked at a young man in the corner wearing a hat and a T-shirt. He looked disdainful. At this time, many people looked at him.

"How could you let such a person in? Wise man, this guy."

Ran Zhi shook his head.

"Which specific point is it?"

"What you call the city will continue to fall, and the bottom will become more and more chaotic. I can't see it. First of all, you have to make it impossible for the administrative department to take action against you. You can't do that!"

Ran Zhi hummed, but soon laughed.

"Then let's take a good look at what will happen."

Ran Zhi did not continue to answer the young man's question, because in the past there were powerful beings like Alpha, so the city's security could be well rectified, but now it is different. Tamay Ran Zhi from Section 5 has completely I have a thorough understanding. Within three years, there will be big problems with the city's public security. But within these three years, we only need to do everything we can to win over everyone and make ourselves stronger. More serious problems will definitely occur in the city. .

Although some people have realized where the problem lies, they have not thought deeply about the problem of food first, because the fire in the eastern agricultural base will eventually cause food production to begin to decrease, and the price of food will definitely start to rise by then. Yes, this is something that cannot be controlled at all.

Ran Zhi has worked in agricultural bases for a long time, and he knows very well what a reduction in grain production means. Even if Section 12 makes workers and prisoners work day and night, there is no way to make up for the damage caused by the fire in a short time. In the future, liquid food will occupy the urban food market, so Ran Zhi knows very well where to start.

The funds and personnel have been obtained, and the next step is to start making money. Nowadays, a large amount of food residues in the city have been dumped out. This is extremely wasteful in Ran Zhi's eyes. The next step is to start making money in many places. A large amount of food waste is recovered in this area, and then made into liquid food, which is supplied to Section 3 at a low price.

This is the fastest way to accumulate original capital, and the money virtualization policy that is about to start in 7 subjects now also has very large profits. Ran Zhi plans to prepare from now on. He can already imagine most of the money virtualization. The biggest tax issue people face.

Ran Zhi has already constructed a set of means that can help those people avoid taxes. Even if they want to trace this set of means, there is no way for them to be traced. And it is like a rat picking up leftovers in the ditch. It can always be eaten. Full and fat.

Seeing more and more people starting to leave, Ran Zhi was about to leave through the back door with his bodyguards. At this time, the young man in the corner suddenly stood up and stopped Ran Zhi just as he was about to leave.

"Your brother hasn't been acting normally lately. It's best to take him for a checkup."

The young man became a little confused. Ran Zhi smiled and walked away. He just said it casually, but he knew very well that human beings are so stupid. It is too simple to control others. This young man's brother was originally There is no problem, but when Ran Zhi said this, the young man would definitely be worried. If you go to a regular medical facility to see a doctor, you need identity information. He and his brother are both undercover.

Since you are a black market, you can only go to black market doctors, and black market doctors have long forgotten the moral scope of doctors in order to make money. Even if you are not sick, the doctor will talk about some big problems and then prescribe some medicine that you cannot eat. Medicine for dead people, make a fortune.

"Why do you do this?"

The bodyguard asked, and Ran Zhi shook his head.

"I'm just unhappy with his attitude in refuting me just now."

Ran Zhi and his bodyguard returned to a small dilapidated house across the alley, and he said with a smile.

"Belief is the greatest weakness of human beings. As long as you capture this weakness and create a convincing truth, it is very easy to control everything."

The bodyguard felt shuddered. At this time, Ran Zhi was completely different from the past, and his criminal methods were completely different from those of the Hillman family, but he was always able to control others, because everyone wanted to learn from what Ran Zhi gave. He benefited from the suggestion and actually benefited from it, so everyone believed in him.

"There will definitely be a large-scale operation in the future. As long as we can get through it, everything will be over."

Ran Zhi showed a sinister smile, and the bodyguard nodded.

Ran Zhi is not self-righteous. Tamai's character is too cowardly, which is the most fatal aspect of the 5 subjects. Although Tamai has certain talents, meritocracy is the only talent he can use. Ran Zhi understands this. It must be clear, and Tamai will definitely choose to regress, because if the city continues to be chaotic, big problems will occur in the city, and the city's progress will also be slowed down. The gods will never allow it. .

As long as another system is established in such a gap, it can survive, a system called the bottom, and soon a good helper will be released from prison.

"I'm really looking forward to it! Mr. Hydera."

4:09 p.m.

"How's work going!"

A service car stopped on a road in the middle of the family area. Leona got out of the car and yawned and walked to Ivy, holding her hand and nodding with a smile.

"Not bad, how about you?"

Ivy pouted and shook her head.

"I'm not very good. My parents keep forcing me to date that guy, that guy who has no interest."

Leona laughed, but soon saw the season finale coming out with a smile on her face.

"You're still the same."

"Long time no see Leona."

Ivy ignored Ji Mo and quickly pulled Leona back to her room on the second floor.

"I'm bored to death."

Ivy said and Leona shook her head and patted her back with a playful smile.

"Why don't you take the business exam?"

Ivy refused immediately.

After the two of them came out of Shengde, they immediately received a special recruitment letter from Section 1, hoping that they could enter the Acting Section. The letter was very impassioned and generous, but both of them refused. For the Acting Section There was also some rejection, except for Jean.

Strictly speaking, in the eyes of the two of them, Jean is not a professional person. After all, he is a god.

The family's current strategy has not changed much. Marriage is still popular, but not as rampant as before. However, most children will still obey their parents, and now the family is waiting to divide some of the Hillman family's properties.

"My job is pretty good, but I have a boss who always harasses me."

Ivy blinked, then laughed.

"are you OK?"

Leona nodded.

"It's not bad, but that boss is always self-righteous. He wanted to ask me out many times, but I didn't agree. He also gave me small gifts from time to time. It doesn't matter whether he accepts or not. I made it clear."

"What a disaster."

Ivy said helplessly that she now works in her family's jewelry company, and everyone will respect her very much when they see her, and there is no need to suffer like Leona.

"You can't work for others all your life. If Leona waits for me to take power, I will support you if I have a certain financial ability. It would be great if you accumulate work experience now and then go out and do it yourself."

Leona lay on the bed and smiled helplessly.

"If I can't survive it, I'll go to the administrative department. Anyway, I have some power in my hand, so at least it won't be too bad."

"It's really like you, still too lazy to think about these things."

It's not that Leona doesn't want to, but now she's starting to worry. After working in that data company for so long, Leona knows what the future will be like, and the results of today's vote will have a very bad impact on the future. influence, but some things are company secrets, and Leona doesn’t plan to tell Ivy for the time being.

Now the company has begun planning a project that can provide reliable and effective work data for major companies, that is, in the future, the level of citizenship will determine what you can and cannot do, which is quite cruel.

This is similar to the AI ​​network in the past. After collecting huge amounts of data, the data is sold to the corresponding companies. There is also a huge set of information data between companies, so that if someone makes a wrong step, they want to come back. Almost impossible.

"The future will be very bad, Ivy. Do you know about the old man named Ma Dong who cast the last vote today?"

Ivy shook her head. At this time, the door to the room was knocked open, and Ji Mo walked in with a smile.


Ivy asked angrily, and Ji Mo smiled awkwardly.

"I hear you guys talking about the future, and I don't think we need to worry because..."

Ji Mo looked a little shy, and then he looked at Ivy and Leona seriously.

"I want to stand up. As long as I have power, I can change this city and rewrite this tragic future."

Leona blinked.

"Stand up? What are you getting?"

Ji Mo felt awkward for a moment, and Ivy sighed.

"Please get out."

Ji Mo awkwardly turned around and walked away, causing Leona and Ivy to laugh.

"We are not laughing at you, but we think this idea is good, but it is too difficult to achieve."

Ji Mo nodded.

"I also know the difficulties, but if no one is willing to do this, the future will be very cruel, right?"

"Don't be too enthusiastic. Let me remind you that the circle of power is not easy to mix with. If you are not careful, you will fall and you will never recover!"

Leona reminded alertly, Ji Mo scratched his head, smiled and shook his head.

"I plan to live in another district, and then start with the parliamentary exam!"

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