Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1857 The weight of a straw (Part 2)


Perestan sat quietly in the yard of his home. The voting panel was still flashing on the light and shadow screen at his hand. He had not voted yet.

Perestan never thought that this day would come, and his choices could affect the future of the city. Perestan has considered countless possibilities. The implementation of the citizen hierarchy is inevitable and unavoidable, and now it is still There is an expulsion law, and the combined consequences of the two are incalculable.

Perestan stood up and looked at the dark place in the distance. He knew clearly why the expulsion law was born. This was also the inevitable result. Starting from Section 3, free water was distributed to criminals wandering in the barrier area. As soon as he started eating food, Perestan felt vaguely uneasy.

This kind of uneasiness stems from the worry that the situation will become more and more complicated in the future. There are indeed criminals in the barrier area who can mobilize Section 3, and Section 3 with a large number of people can mobilize most of them. The industry and economy of the lower-level cities, as well as the economy of some industrial companies, have improved, the number of jobs has increased, and consumption has increased, and the economy has become alive, but it has been achieved at such a cruel price.

As the medical level in the city is now steadily improving by leaps and bounds, Perestan has guessed to some extent that the criminals in the barrier area have been reduced to drug experiments. This is the fastest way to get results.

On the premise of retaining the last trace of humanity, it is still the economy and technology. It is difficult for Perry Stan to accept this era. In the entire entertainment industry, Perry Stan is basically a marginalized figure. His "Special War Hero Zero" 》This comic is still being serialized to this day, and only tokusatsu dramas and some animations have been made. However, the producers have simplified the core parts and made it a funny entertainment program suitable for children.

Zero in the story can perfectly solve many things every time, and in the process of solving these things, he often makes people laugh. Recently, many adults have come across his works and have given them certain recognition.

There is only one reason why Peristan cannot make up his mind to vote. This time he cannot see the future. Although this vote is meaningless in the perception of many people, it is indeed meaningless in the city. At the top of the world, the gods hope to use the civil system to lift up the collapsed city. This is the most direct and effective method.

There is no other way. The city is currently printing a large amount of banknotes due to Congress. These banknotes belong to the Hillman family and most people in the city. The Hillman family is indeed very large, but this time Cities have also been hit hard.

The stable period that the city can go through in the next period will not be long. All the original industries have been disrupted, and the city's economy is no longer what it was before. This is a very big problem. The loopholes that money can fill are only temporary. It is not long-lasting, but the impact of the destroyed industry is long-lasting.

It is impossible for these affected industries to return to their previous levels, especially the riots caused by today's vote, which is another round of cruel baptism for the city.

These two opposing voices have become increasingly unsettling as time approaches, and Perestan has no choice but to make a choice because he knows that no matter what choice is made, the civil hierarchy will definitely be implemented.

What Parastan is struggling with now is the expulsion law. What should be done? People with citizen level 0 will be expelled. I am afraid that once they step into that cold, hard and dark land, they will have no future.

This was a point that was difficult for Peristan to make a decision. However, no matter what, Peristan still planned to do his part. He walked to the light and shadow screen and voted in support.


The city has entered an intense stage, with large-scale riots taking place everywhere. The streets are full of noisy supporters and opponents. Many people are already fighting with each other, and the smoke of tear gas is constantly spreading on the streets. , a large number of people from Section 3 and Section 5, as well as people from other local sections working together, stopped these people on the streets.

The number of supporters is 10117477, the number of opponents is 10117478, and the number of abstentions is 800001

2 people did not vote

A man stood quietly on the balcony of his home, overlooking the chaotic streets below from a high-rise apartment. Many people had chosen to go home. There were bursts of noise outside the corridor. The man had asked his wife to lock the door. alright.

The man abstained from voting. At this time, he regretted it. If the motion could be evenly matched, there should be room for discussion. He should have left his vote until the last second.

It’s just that men cannot bear the suffocating pressure and the deep sense of guilt in their hearts. Whether they choose to agree or disagree, the civil system expulsion law is cruel and unacceptable.

The man looked at the voting panel in prayer. There was only one vote difference between the supporters and the opponents. The man only hoped that there would be a tie. If one of the two people who had not voted yet abstained from voting, the vote might not be held this time. result.

The result without results is the best result. Someone once said this. Chense stared at the light and shadow screen, and the noise around him seemed to disappear from his ears. Chense's eyes just stared at the light and shadow panel quietly, and My fingers are still on the light and shadow screen, and I still haven’t voted.

Chense is a staunch opponent. The reason why he left his vote until the last minute is that he hopes to prevent the implementation of the civil hierarchy system.

Today's film and television entertainment industry has an obvious actor grading system. In order to firmly control these artists, the capitalists behind the scenes have established a grading system for actors. Chense is still a level 5 actor. In total, 5 levels.

If you want to upgrade, you can only accept some conditions from the employer, and all of this is invisible. As for the unspoken rules that everyone recognizes, actors of each level have a net worth list. In addition to net worth, high-level artists also have other values. Price list.

The indignation against this unreasonable system only stems from a small problem that is the simplest for people in this area. Chense once had a lover named Shasha, who was a simple and beautiful girl.

At that time, the grading system for actors had just come out. Chense finally managed to get to the level 3 level by relying on some transactions and could still make a living, while Shasha had just entered the industry.

With Chense's help, Shasha soon became a hot commodity, but Chense was never willing to take Shasha deeper, and Shasha seemed to understand what Chense was doing. At a certain banquet, someone took a fancy to Shasha. But Chense excused himself with some reasons and planned to take Shasha's place. However, due to that incident, the other party was angered.

Chense wanted to protect Shasha, but she was so weak and powerless that she couldn't do anything in the end. She could only watch Shasha die in front of her one night after returning home, trembling and crying.

Then some people came, gave Chen Se a hush money, and took away Shasha's body. In the years that followed, Chen Se lived in hatred. She figured everything out, and finally killed each one with her hands. Enemy.

At this time, Chense noticed that Mansha was already awake on the bed. She leaned over with a playful smile, suddenly grabbed Chense's hand and blocked Chense's mouth.


Chense's mouth was blocked as soon as she uttered a word, and her finger also clicked in favor and voted in favor. For a moment, Chense pushed Mansha away in fear, but the vote had already been cast and It took effect.

The number of supporters is 10117478, the number of opponents is 10117478, and the number of abstentions is 800001

1 person did not vote

"Why are you thinking so much? No matter how much you think, you still can't figure it out. It's better to leave the decision to the last person."


An old beggar was trembling as he walked on the street. At this time, the chaos on the street had been suppressed by the people in charge. He walked step by step towards a light and shadow pole, and then pressed the button. After the voting panel appeared, the beggar stretched out his hand. With dirty hands and a look of determination in his eyes, several people working in the field noticed the beggar. Some supporters and opponents who were still wandering around looked at the old beggar in front of them blankly.

There was a violent cough, and the beggar covered his mouth with a smile, and bright red blood flowed out. Not long ago, his wife, who had been with him for most of his life, died on the street. He was begging at the time, hoping to get some medical expenses for his wife. However, he was arrested.

This beggar no longer has any nostalgia for such an indifferent city. After his wife died, his condition began to accelerate and worsened in just a few months. Although he received free medical treatment and assistance, The beggar's condition did not improve, and he knew that he did not have much time left.

The old beggar was about to die a few days ago, but the city was about to start voting. The beggar listened to many people talking about the voting, the voices of supporters and opponents. During the seven days, the beggar listened. Enough was enough, and the beggar was not busy voting, but waited until the last moment. At this time, the beggar showed an excited smile and his violent coughing became louder and louder.

Tears shone in the old beggar's eyes, blood flowed from the corners of his mouth as he smiled, and his calloused fingers tremblingly pressed on the support.

12 o'clock sharp

The number of supporters is 10117479, the number of opponents is 10117478, and the number of abstentions is 800001

For a moment, the world seemed to begin to fade away in the ears of the old beggar. He fell to the ground, and several people in the field immediately ran over. The old beggar looked at the sky that was starting to turn dark with a smile, and kept talking about it. Smiling.

"Deserve it!"

After spitting out two words, the old beggar closed his eyes. A clerk took out the cardiotonic drug he carried with him and injected it into the old beggar. But at this time, violent sounds broke out from all over the city, and supporters They shouted excitedly and gathered in piles in the streets regardless of the situation, venting their joy, because many people are confident about the future, and such a system is reasonable for them. Those who have no hope for the city Anyone who contributes should be kicked out.


A Section 4 helicopter landed, and several Section 4 personnel headed towards the old beggar lying on the ground on the street. After checking, several Section 4 personnel shook their heads.

Everyone is venting their joy or dissatisfaction. On the Congress panel, the words that the citizenship class has taken effect and the deportation law has been passed have appeared.

Someone took out their identity information and quickly saw the rights and obligations that corresponded to the level of citizens, including some details.

Many people wanted to know who the people who voted at the last moment were. They asked each other, but the news spread very quickly. In an age where information technology is so advanced, it only takes one minute for a piece of news to spread. enough.

The last person who voted in favor was an old beggar in his 90s. He was a humble man. He went bankrupt a long time ago and lived at the bottom. He had no source of income and could only rely on relief food from the Congress and some scraps. Garbage, including begging on the street for a living.

No one knew everything about this beggar, but at this time, many people called the old beggar a hero, and the supporters chanted and rushed to repost the last photo of the dead beggar lying on the ground. .

Gene stood quietly with Locke on the top floor of the General Affairs Department. Unrest began to occur everywhere. Just three months after the last unrest, unrest occurred again. Many opponents were protesting. Some people suggested that Re-vote.

Locke looked at his identity information quietly. The citizen level is 10. I am afraid that this level will never fall down in his life. All newborns are the same. Before they complete their studies, the citizen level is 10. 5.

"What should I say?"

Locke asked, but Gene just shook his head and did not answer the question.

Today is destined to be an extraordinary day, April 8, 2226

Gene is still looking at the information of the last voting supporter. The most recent information can be traced back to 20 years ago. When a car repair shop closed down, the man was fired, had no source of income and his wife was ill. The man later worked in many jobs.

Car washers, porters, construction workers, garbage collectors, restaurant waiters, and many other jobs that used to be very common in this city, but seven years ago, men lost their jobs.

That was the year when the Acting Department was officially established. In 2219, with the change of management, the update of the system, and the establishment of councillors, the entire city was in great turmoil, and the Acting Department took over the baton from the past management. Ke, promised everything in front of the people in the city.

"Do you think everyone has fulfilled half of their past promises?"

Gene asked suddenly. Locke was still wiping tears. He shook his head, and a bitter smile appeared on Gene's face.

The unemployed man, because he had been struggling to earn money for medical treatment for his bedridden wife for many years, eventually became ill himself. In order to survive, the man began to beg, and his wife, who was ill, begged all over the city.

After seven years, Gene was still looking at the man's information silently. There was only a very brief introduction, which was recorded in this population statistics.

But at the end of the record, Gene saw the man's last wish.

Under the arrangements of social groups, the man is willing to actively receive treatment and live in a nursing home when he recovers. Someone has already arranged everything.

Jean didn't know what the man was thinking at that time, but he might still have a glimmer of hope. But soon Jean saw a piece of information. The man was arrested by the 5th Section when he was begging on the street last year. The wife died on the roadside with no one paying attention.

"Perhaps there is no such thing as hope long ago, in this man's body."

Locke knew very well that with the end of the voting, there was no room for maneuver in the level of citizens, and the same was true for the eviction law. The future would be cruel for the entire Brilliant City, but it was also lucky for the city, because the city could Quickly recover from the huge problems caused by the Hillman family.

"where are you going?"

Gene lit a cigarette and took a leisurely puff.

"Go find the seeds!"

As he spoke, Gene jumped down. Locke bowed slightly. Looking at Gene's smile when he jumped, Locke knew very well that Gene had not accepted his fate.

Locke didn't know how deep a person's obsession could be, but he could only see obsession from Jean. Jean and Locke once talked about some past events.

"Just because of a promise?"

"Of course Xiaopang, there is nothing more important in this world than this, in my eyes!"

The situation in the city slowly began to calm down, because when the expulsion law came into effect, many people became alert, because serious riots would be directly expelled.

Jean quickly passed by tall buildings one after another, and the smile on his face became even wider as he watched the city gradually calm down.

"Ma Dong!"

This was the old beggar's name. Gene smiled and called it out.

"I'm sorry for making this city so cold. Everyone is enjoying the sunshine, but it's still so cold."

Jean sat quietly on the edge of the rooftop, and a string of long names appeared in his mind. Jean remembered everyone's name, appearance, and experience. He clearly remembered the list of those who died. If he wanted to If written down, Gene could write for days and nights.

For those who passed away with unwilling anger, humiliation, obsession, and hope, Gene stood up and raised his head slightly.

"If I can't do it, everyone's resentment will not disappear!"

Gene jumped up softly, lit a cigarette and slowly put it to his mouth, lifting his uniform with one hand, his eyes still filled with the light of hope, and a warm smile hanging on his lips, always like a breeze.

As time passed, the sounds of the city gradually began to calm down.

At around 1 o'clock in the afternoon, a large number of people gathered in a large number of restaurants. The opponents seemed relatively silent, while the supporters were talking and laughing happily, telling their longing for the future.

It’s just that no one can imagine what the future will look like or what color it will be.

At this time, Jean came to the door of a restored mansion. The mansion had been evacuated, but the courtyard was still the same. Jean came here every day to take care of the flowers.

After Jean jumped into the courtyard, he began to take care of the flowers and plants step by step, but there was still no movement in the house.

Gene really hoped that the people in the house could come out, but he never stepped into the house because he knew that if Hawke didn't come out on his own, it would be useless no matter who called him.

Looking at the beautiful and pitiful flowers blooming in the sun, Gene lay on the edge of the flower bed and gently loosened the soil for the flowers. After working for nearly half an hour, Gene turned his head.

"Are you hungry?"

There was still no movement in the room, but now there was a clicking sound.

Gene heard the sound of high heels. The next second that Gene was confused, the door to the room was opened. Gene stared blankly at Hawke who was carrying a large box, and then said with a smile.

"It seems to suit you quite well!"

Gene said and looked at Hawke with a smile. At this time, Hawke was wearing a red-dot white dress that didn't fit her figure very well, but seemed to have been modified, a pair of black high-heeled shoes, her face had been trimmed, and she also wore makeup. He wore heavy makeup, purple eye shadow, and false eyelashes, but his figure was still tall, and the two exposed arms were very strong.

Hawke smiled exaggeratedly, his lipsticked lips looked a bit flamboyant, he had a cigarette in his mouth, and his hair had grown a lot longer. He walked up to Gene in an awkward manner.

"I'm leaving little Jean."

Gene was caught off guard, but nodded quickly.

"It fits really well, Kailyn's dress."

Hawke laughed loudly, his voice sounded a little feminine. He clamped Gene's neck with his thick arms, then pulled Gene over and kissed him, leaving a big kiss on Gene's cheek. Behind her red lips, Hawke jumped out with his suitcase, then raised his orchid fingers and butt coyly, turned around and gave Gene a wink and a blowing kiss.

Gene smiled and nodded.


Hawke turned around and pinched his chest with one hand.

"Still alive, in my body, as long as I remember!"

The heavy and sad expression had disappeared from Hawke's face. He waved to Gene, carried the suitcase, raised his head, and strode forward. The sound of high heels gradually faded away.

Gene looked at the flowers in the yard, smiled and continued to lie down. At this time, Gene felt relieved. He was worried that Hawke would be depressed because of this, but now it seems that Hawke is much more relaxed than before. He There is no problem in the future.

After Gene finished handling the last flowers, he turned around and walked towards the door of the room that was still open. Then he bowed slightly, closed the door, turned around and jumped out of the courtyard. But the moment he landed, Gene saw that he was wearing Ye Chunwang, who was uniformed by the section chief, ran over in a panic.

"I just saw Hawke, what happened to Jean, the lip print on your cheek."

Gene smiled without wiping off his lip marks, walked to Ye Chunwang, and hugged his neck.

"We can go have a drink with Hawke when we have time! What do you think, Xiaoye, it's just that Mr. Hawke has become Miss Hawke from today on, hahaha!"

Ye Chunwang's frown relaxed and he nodded.

"That's fine. This is also a way. As long as he wants to, it's fine as long as he can continue to live!"

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