"What are you looking at!"

Ling Hong stared angrily at the many people surrounding the members of Section 5. Her roar caused the people surrounding them to disperse quickly. People from Section 5 and Section 1 were also helping to guide them. The onlookers dispersed, and Ling Hong jumped up instantly, carrying Niya who was still drunk and crazy on her shoulders. Soon Ling Hong jumped directly to the roof of the first floor.

She directly put down Niya who was drunk and unconscious beside her and was still talking nonsense, and stared at Niya sharply. This was the 10th time Ling Hong came here.

"Sober up first."

Ling Hong said and lit a cigarette. Niya smiled and leaned directly on the floor. She was still mumbling, but soon she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Ling Hong didn't know what to do. She had approached Niya many times and said that she would teach her seriously, but Niya refused every time. Ling Hong knew very well that Niya felt uncomfortable, but she didn't Hope continues to watch Niya fall, and must find a way to cheer her up, but no matter what Ling Hong says, it is useless, Niya still wanders around the city all day long, eating, drinking and having fun every day, starting from the moment she opens her eyes Drink, get drunk, and find a place to sleep.

Ling Hong has been active in the barrier area recently and only comes back for a few days a month. Every time she comes to see Niya, Ling Hong presses her forehead in annoyance, she no longer knows what to do.

The rumors about Niya in the city are still continuing. Although they are only spreading among the people, they are also very fast. The media and the family have been silenced, but they cannot silence the mouths of the whole city.

"You have to stand up on your own Niya, I will help you if I can."

Ling Hong said, sitting next to Niya. At this time, Niya was already fast asleep. Ling Hong could only carry Niya on her back again, planning to send Niya directly to the nearest Section 5 Public Security Management Center. Settled down.

Now she could only let Niya do whatever she wanted, but it would not work if she continued. Soon Ling Hong arrived at the nearby public security management office. As soon as she went to the dormitory, the local regional section officer was already waiting. Ling Hong gave her a warning in advance. She sent the message.

"Lord Ling Hong."

"Sorry, I can only trouble you."

The female regional officer reluctantly took over the sleeping Niya and sighed.

"No problem. After all, she is Alpha-sama's sister."

Ling Hong smiled and turned around to walk away, but the next second, Ling Hong noticed Jean on the roof, and Ling Hong jumped directly to the roof.

"Principal, what should we do?"

"Don't worry about her for the time being. I will take good care of her. You have to work hard at work."

Ling Hong hummed, bowed slightly and turned around to leave.

"What's going on with Osman?"

Ling Hong shook her head.

"It's still bad."

Ling Hong jumped out in an instant and landed on the distant roof. Gene showed a worried look. Last month, Gene went to see Osman. He said that he was much better, but today he heard from Ling Hong that What I heard was another story.

Osman's body has suffered serious injuries, and many organs have problems due to being affected by Alpha's power. Now they can only be treated slowly.

Gene squatted on the top floor, and he was also waiting for the arrival of 12 o'clock. Seeing that it was already 11:21, Gene opened the Congress page, and the voting was about to begin.

The reason why he voted was because Gene had a fierce conflict with several other guys. In the end, Gene was still unwilling to use the citizen level system because it was too cruel for humans. If the vote could not be passed, the citizen level system would The system will only be implemented on those who are willing, and they can obtain various welfare measures corresponding to the civil hierarchy, while those who are unwilling to participate in the civil hierarchy will be marginalized. This is certain.

Several systems can exist in Brilliant City at the same time, but one class cannot exist at the same time. Jean has thought about many methods, but none of these methods can effectively solve the city that has collapsed, and the citizen class is indeed short-term. Here are plans that can make the city stable again.

Those who are unwilling to be included in the citizen class will not be able to enjoy the benefits of the citizen class, so they need to be decided by voting. The most helpless thing about the vote is the issue of expulsion.

This is a more cruel law in the future, but it is also an effective plan to ensure that the citizens of Brilliant City can prove their worth every month.

Although the current grain output of the agricultural base has begun to recover, in the next few months, only some stored grain can be released to supply the market and keep the market stable.

Although there are signs of economic recovery in various districts, this is just an illusion. The reason why the economy is recovering is because the money printed by Congress has temporarily solved part of the problem. There is money circulating in the market, and the amount of money cannot continue to increase. Yes, if it continues to increase, there is a risk of inflation. Once inflation starts at this stage, it will be difficult to control it in a short period of time.

The Angus family is also actively preparing to restore some of its past industries and work with family members and some businessmen to take over the vacancies left by the Hillman family.

Nowadays, the Hillman family's past industries have been effectively divided among businessmen of all sizes in the city. Driven by these businessmen, these industries have restored production capacity and begun to re-employ most people.

Most of the resources have been allocated to the middle class. If the city is to be stabilized quickly, the economy of the middle class must be very good.

There is still not much change at the bottom level, but consumption has increased a lot. But once the flow of money stops, it will be dangerous for the underlying economy.

Gene looked at the dark barrier area in the distance, but another scene emerged in his mind. What if it was not a dark and cold land, but a fertile wilderness. Recently, Gene often had this thought in his mind. In this scene, the vast land can produce everything needed, and people at the bottom can also have a good life.

"The plan for the agricultural base in the barrier area should be implemented."

Gene smiled, but it was very difficult to realize such an idea in reality.

There are already people marching in the streets, reminding everyone of the dangers of the civil hierarchy for the future, the cruelty of the eviction system, and so on.

12 o'clock is getting closer and closer, and Jean is still observing everything on the street. Many people still seem to be very rational and have thought about the impact of these two systems on the future. However, Jean is now The result seems to be known at this moment.

12 o'clock sharp

Jean opened the Congressional panel, and the number of people who agreed to implement the civil hierarchy and the deportation bill instantly increased. There were more than 110,000 abstentions, and there were currently less than 30,000 people who opposed it.

Gene looked at the constantly beating numbers. When the number exceeded 1 million, Gene closed his eyes. This was the result, because the various welfare measures and benefits that can be enjoyed were clearly written in the citizen level. This It's a very attractive place.

When I opened my eyes again, in less than a minute, the number of supporters on the light and shadow screen had exceeded 3 million, while the number of opponents was only over 100,000. The number of supporters was an overwhelming victory.

The number of people who have abstained has reached 50,000. Many people cannot decide all this. Jean knows very well, especially those who are dying, they have no future, and the consideration of the future is limited to those who have family members.

"Popular opinion!"

Jean smiled and lowered his head. The numbers on the light and shadow panel were still beating rapidly. There was chaos on the street. Some supporters and opponents began to argue.

The members of Section 3 and Section 5, who had already been dispatched, leaned over and began to persuade.

Jean looked quietly at the yard below. Several people from Section 5 were still making decisions and discussing something. There were also people on the street who were hesitating in front of the voting panel next to the electric pole. The noisy sound was heard in the city. keeps appearing.

Many people are thinking that every vote will determine the next direction of the city.

The number of supporters has exceeded 5 million and is still growing slowly, while the number of opponents is only more than 200,000, and the growth is quite slow.

Some TV stations invited many celebrities to discuss on the show. Gene called up another light and shadow panel, which was the main channel of CBV. The invited guests were economist Hu Youran and sociologist Duke.

The expressions of the two people looked a little unnatural. They were just conducting some analysis, but they did not say anything about the good or bad effects that these two systems may have on the future.

Gene looked at the eye shadow screen again. The number of supporters was over 5.5 million, while the number of opponents reached 500,000. The growth was faster than before.

On the streets everywhere, the opponents are still working hard. They are holding flags high and shouting slogans not to be robots and slogans against human classification.

Some television programs have begun to question the benefits corresponding to the citizen level, and some programs are more supportive of the new system. Gene is sitting cross-legged on the roof, and now he can only wait for this time in a week.

Time passed quickly, and throughout the day, debates about the new system could be heard in the streets.

April 2nd at 0:00

Jean watched the voting results quietly. More than 7.98 million people supported it, 1.03 million people opposed it, and 370,000 people abstained.

Although the number of people is still growing, it is already quite slow. TV programs are all about voting from morning to night, and many entertainment programs have been stopped.

Jean walked slowly down the street.

"I think it's pretty good."

“What’s great is that, what will happen when the Congress changes its orders at night?”

Gene stopped. He was now invisible and looked at the two people on the street who had just walked out of the restaurant. They had not yet voted.

"Indeed, the case of mutants is an example. If Congress finds some reason to cut off the corresponding welfare system, we will have nothing to do."

The two men immediately voted against it.

"It's none of my business, as long as I have food to eat every day, rest after work, and have some entertainment."

A drunken man clashed with opponents of a street initiative.

"Sir, this is a major event related to the future of the city. I wonder if you have children. If so"

"I won't vote. You can do whatever you want. I just want to live a good life."

The man said that he abstained from voting in front of the opponents. Immediately, several opponents came over and fiercely accused the man of irresponsible behavior. With the persuasion of the nearby five subjects, the man walked away laughing. .

"Anyway, I am firmly against it. The value of a person is not measured by money. This bullshit system is just a joke."

a man shouted while standing at a table in a restaurant, as applause erupted around him, and he continued.

"It is impossible for people to live without value in this world. Everyone has his or her own value, but this system only forces us to produce value quickly. We must resolutely resist and oppose this squeezing system. Come on, let’s go to the streets together and tell your friends and your families that this system of squeezing everyone’s surplus value is a piece of shit!”

The man's words were a bit fierce, but the supporters all clapped their hands and applauded.

Jean glanced at the numbers on the Congressional panel. The number of opponents had climbed to 2 million, while the number of supporters had just exceeded 8 million.

The voices of the opponents began to gather. In a passerby interview on a TV station, the opponents were giving various examples.

"I'll probably catch up."

At 1 o'clock in the morning, Gene said with a smile. He returned to a newly built apartment building in the upper west area. Gene bought an apartment here and planned to use it as a temporary residence. After all, he often went to the General Affairs Department. Sleeping in a dormitory is not very good either.

April 3

At the beginning of a new day, Gene regained consciousness. He sat up and looked at the photo frame beside him. After kissing Ellie's photo, he opened the light and shadow panel.

10 million people supported it, 5.93 million people opposed it, and 310,000 people abstained. Gene looked at the numbers quietly. Yesterday, the ratio was still at four to one, but today it reached two to one.

The number of opponents began to rise, and the final decision was made by the person who was still thinking and hesitating in the next few days. At this time, Gene opened another light and shadow screen and used his authority to enter the system of the Acting Department.

Soon Jean saw that only more than 40% of the people who voted for the Acting Section were in favor, while the remaining 60% were against it, but only 50% of the members of the Acting Section participated in the vote.

Gene himself has not voted yet. He wants to wait until the last day, and the same goes for the section chiefs and secretaries, including most of the congressmen.

Everyone is thinking about this system that seems fair but the future is unknown. The greatest advantage of human beings is that they can think, and the greatest disadvantage is also that they can think.

There are countless disagreements that have arisen because of thinking, and countless feats that have been achieved because of thinking.

Some words that his mentor, the Destroyer of Worlds, once said appeared in Jean's mind. Thinking is to allow human beings to maintain their independence, but at the same time, it will also cause huge differences among human beings. In the end, most of the conclusions drawn from these thoughts , will not be the same, and there will be many differences, because everyone's cognitive level and knowledge level, including the ability to think, are different.

Human society is so large and complex, and it is a strange and colorful world. Gene knows very well that the next few days will be people's last chance.

April 4

At around 11 o'clock in the afternoon, Gene was sitting in an upper-class restaurant. Many upper-class people still did not vote, but something could be heard from their words.

Now the number of supporters exceeds 10.04 million, while the number of opponents has reached 9 million. The two sides are almost even.

There have been no new supporters for several hours, and the number of opponents is still slowly rising. Gene feels that this is a good sign. The city should not have only one voice.

"What will happen in the end!"

Jean looked at Yin Xianglin in front of him quietly, her expression looked extremely serious, Jean shook his head.

"No matter what the outcome is, this city is always moving forward. Xianglin will still need your help for some time to come. I just hope you can continue to help."

Jean said, and Yin Xianglin nodded with a smile. She no longer cared about something that made her uncomfortable, because she also received a letter from Alpha. Yin Xianglin can now recite this letter, and she has already read it. Countless times.

"I will continue to help until a successor comes along."

Gene smiled and hummed!

April 5

Supporters and opponents were almost evenly matched. A few minutes before the sun set, the number of opponents exceeded 10 million, while the number of supporters was still over 10.09 million. There were still people who did not vote, and the number of abstentions was as high as 81 Ten thousand.

There are only more than 200,000 people who have not yet voted. These people will determine the future of the city. Whether this system is implemented or not depends on the final choice of these 200,000 people. If they abstain from voting, the supporters will win.

Both supporters and opponents took to the streets, desperately urging everyone to vote, because in the end, failure to vote will be regarded as abstention.

April 6

9:13 am

Jean looked at the number of supporters at 10.1 million and the number of opponents at 10.08 million. The difference was only 20,000. It seemed that the decision had been made. The number of abstainers in these days was still 810,000.

There are less than 50,000 people left to vote, and among these 50,000 people, only 20% are from the lower class, 3% from the middle class, and 50% from the upper class.

"What will be the outcome?"

Locke looked at Gene with his hands clasped, and Gene shook his head, because he didn't know what would happen. Looking at the slowly growing number of voters, both opponents and supporters, this vote cannot be successful. Any material or power interference will be a felony once discovered, so no one dares to use money and power to bribe others.

"No matter what the outcome is, there are only two outcomes: victory and defeat."

Locke wiped the sweat from his forehead. He never thought that this day would be so long. He originally thought that the system would easily win an overwhelming victory, but the result turned out to be like this.

April 7

More than 10.11 million people supported it, while more than 10.11 million people opposed it. The number of people who did not vote was less than 4,000, and the gap between the two sides was less than 1,000 people.

The last 4,000 people will be the pitchers who decide the future fate of the city. People on both sides are looking for these 4,000 people who vote micro-votively, and they do their best to get them to vote.

However, no matter what, the number of votes for and against is still growing slowly, and everyone is waiting for the arrival of 12 o'clock on April 8.

The results were getting more and more frustrating. Gene was sitting in Gary Locke's private lounge in the General Affairs Department, looking at the voting on the light and shadow panel. He clicked "objection", and Locke immediately followed suit and clicked "objection".

All the senior management of the business department voted against it, which surprised Gene.

"It's the last day, Fatty."

After 12 o'clock, tomorrow this time will be the time to decide the future fate of the city. Locke nodded.

April 8, 11:29

10112400 people agreed and 10112459 people opposed

In an instant, there were huge cheers and a lot of curses in the city. In the last half hour, the opponents overtook them. A large number of opponents cried with joy, hugged each other, and shouted for freedom.

Human beings should not be bound by such a hierarchical system. There are still 99 people who have not voted, but now the gap is 59 people. The supporters may still make a comeback. All the supporters are calling for the elimination of useless people. The city only leaves useful people and those hateful criminals.

Gene stood quietly on the roof of the General Affairs Department. He didn't know what the result would be, but at this time the number of people in favor increased to 10112441.

For a moment, the opponents panicked again, and the number of abstentions was fixed at 810,000. Many people began to curse these irresponsible people.

The number of opponents increased by 3 to 10,112,462, while the number of supporters remained unchanged.

The time is getting closer and closer, the sounds in the city begin to disappear, everyone's excitement is calmed down little by little, some people start to pray, most of the opponents no longer call for anything, just watch the strokes one by one. The number of supporters has begun to rise again, while there has been no change for opponents.

For everything in front of them, many people even cried silently. They didn't know what the supporters were thinking, and the same was true for the supporters. They didn't know what the opponents were thinking.

No matter what sound is made at this time, it is powerless. Many people hold their breath, waiting for the result to arrive. 11:59

Some people began to count down silently, some looked at the numbers in shock, some began to cry loudly, and some cheered excitedly. Everyone stared at the numbers on the light and shadow screen. This series of numbers is about to usher in the city's The next era.

"Is this era over?"

Locke asked, looking at Gene standing on the edge of the rooftop, smoking silently and smiling, Gene nodded.

"It has completely ended. This era, the next era has begun."

Locke sighed and wiped his wet eyes.

"Is the final result so cruel?"

Jean groaned and closed his eyes.

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