April 1, 2226

9 o'clock sharp

Many people gathered in piles on the street, and many people were silent. It seemed that many people were waiting and looking at the information on a page. Just yesterday, the city's new population identity information was registered, and everyone got it. They got a virtual electronic ID card, and everyone found that their ID cards had the four characters "citizen level" on them.

Everyone is a level 5 citizen. After clicking on it, you can view most of the personal information, as well as the tax rate that each citizen level should pay. Taxation is a standard that directly affects the upgrading and downgrading of citizen levels. Within three months If you cannot pay taxes corresponding to your citizenship level, your citizenship level will drop.

The tax for level 5 citizens reaches 9%, and the lowest level 1 citizen also needs to pay 5% tax, and 5% is the starting point for personal income tax. Of the monthly tax, 30% goes to the business department and 40% The remaining 30% will be returned to the local area and used for large-scale urban construction.

When Congress just introduced this policy a few days ago, everyone was protesting and speaking out. However, no matter how much they protested, many people gradually stopped saying anything. Such personal income tax collections are much lower than in the past, but every day Taxes must be paid every month. Many people evaded taxes in the past. Most people in the city are aware of these things.

At this time, everyone was struggling with another matter. Over there was a vote involving the whole city, and a law called the Expulsion Law was officially launched.

There are very detailed provisions. For many crimes and people with a citizenship level of 0, the detention period is three months. If they still cannot pay taxes for three months, they will be deported. If they pay taxes for three consecutive months, the citizenship level will be reduced. It can keep going up.

Some people have noticed the cruelty of this newly introduced expulsion law, while others are applauding it, because according to the law, some criminals will be directly expelled from Brilliant City and headed to the barrier area.

Nowadays, with the efforts of a large number of mutant workers in the city, the damage caused by the riot three months ago has been repaired, and Angus construction is also starting normally.

Most people who deposited money into Hillman Financial also received corresponding compensation, and some even used some illegal means to obtain compensation in excess of the amount. Next, Congress will gradually begin to implement an electronic cash transaction system, which will Gradually recycle the currency in everyone's hands and provide everyone with an electronic wallet for transactions.

The sudden changes in the city have made many people miserable, especially those at the bottom. Many of them have no intention of paying taxes at all, because many of them have low incomes. The average income in most areas at the bottom is only 500.

The income level of citizens corresponding to the tax is quite strict, from the lowest income of 500 yuan to the highest income of 5,000, from 5% to 14%. Those exceeding 5,000 will be taxed for every 1,000 yuan higher, with the highest 20%.

For many high-income earners, this kind of tax is very beneficial, because it is much lower than in the past, and the only stable thing in Bright City is the price. The per capita consumption from the bottom is 10 yuan per day, to the middle class is 30 yuan, to the upper class is 100 yuan, three This span has clearly explained everything.

Merchants' taxes will also be based on comprehensive factors such as the size of the company and whether it uses technologies opened by the Brilliant City Congress, and will not exceed 30%, and most merchants will receive tax subsidy bonuses within the region that month.

Ordinary people enjoy subsidies for the use of electricity and water brought by taxes, as well as telephone network and other expenses, including medical care and education.

Such a system seems reasonable to many people, but it is unreasonable to many people. Everyone already has the answer in their mind. After large-scale population registration, the number of voters this time was 21,034,958. , all people over the age of 10 can vote in their own identity information.

For those who do not have mobile phones with light and shadow, there are voting panels next to some electric poles on the street. A 7-day voting will determine whether to pass the expulsion law. Once passed, most of the corresponding parts of the law will take effect.

If you do not vote, you will be deemed to have abstained. Voting will begin at 12 o'clock sharp, and many people are discussing this issue.

"I think this is good. It would be better for those lazy guys to get out as soon as possible. The burden on society will be smaller and the work places will be freer."

A man was sitting in a restaurant chatting casually, but many people around him were looking at this man with solemn expressions.

"I don't think this is good!"

One of the women said, but immediately the man spoke.

"What's wrong? If you can't even afford the minimum tax of 15 yuan a month, staying here is just a waste of food and land."

The man said with a smile. His monthly income is 4,000 yuan. Although he has to pay 11% tax, he can get good welfare subsidies in the area and some welfare funds from the company. A tax of three to four hundred yuan is not enough for a man. What kind of.

"This will only make many people fall down and never get up again once they fail."

Many people in the restaurant began to speak out, but many people were still silent because no one knew what the final result would be. The voting results were real-time and could be seen on the Congress interface.

Anxiety and uneasiness began to appear among the crowd, and the problem of mutants was also contained. Congress has come up with an effective vaccine for mutants, which can effectively control the unstable genes in the mutants' bodies, but it requires annual vaccination. Just fine.

The employment income of mutants has also been restored, and adjustments have been made. The mutant group has a tax rate specifically targeted at the mutant group, which is higher than that of ordinary people. Most ordinary people have no complaints.

"How can you live in a place like the Barrier Zone? I really don't know what the Congress thinks. Even if the citizenship level is zero, what about the previous contributions to the city?"

As soon as the speaker finished speaking, the man who just spoke immediately stood up and said.

"Even if there is no income, the tax will be based on 5% of the minimum income of 500 yuan a month, which is only 25 yuan. And if the person is old and frail and has no ability to work, after identification, only 3% of the 300 yuan will be paid. If you pay taxes, you can’t even get out 9 yuan a month? If you earn a little more when you are young, when you are old, it will only be 9 yuan a month, or 108 yuan a year, and you can also enjoy regional medical subsidies, and even For some serious illnesses, wouldn’t it be nice if it could be 100% free?”

The man said, and many people were speechless. Such a system is indeed very reasonable. Although many people wanted to find faults, they soon found that they had no way to do it, because the policy introduced by the Congress this time included A lot of things have been provided, which can be said to be comprehensive, and even disadvantaged groups have received subsidies.

Marginal groups such as orphanages, nursing homes, disabled households and mental hospitals also receive corresponding subsidies, and part of the tax money will be used to subsidize these groups.

The internal affairs department is also undergoing reforms and adjustments. Many people who used to be regional officers have been promoted to directors, and some directors have withdrawn from the management.

The most obvious one is Section 5, and there is news from within the Executive Section that Tamai, the section chief of Section 5, promoted the directors to the Board of Directors. Many directors were promoted by him.

What surprised many people the most was Section 1. Duan Kong, the former section chief, resigned, and a man named King Xue, whom he had never heard of, became the section chief. However, some people knew about it. , King Xue is the principal of All Fields College, and he is also a student of God College. His past resume is almost blank, but many people think that King Xue is more capable than the former section chief Duan Kong. .

In the month since King Xue took office, the face of Section 1 has taken on a completely new look, and many regulations that seem to be in line with public expectations have been issued.

And now it is very convenient to go to Section 1 to handle things. King Xue has simplified many complicated processes, and the management offices of Section 1 in various places have also become much more convenient. It is very convenient to handle many things, especially the review of qualifications. , are very relaxed. In most industries, you only need to apply to get the qualification immediately, and the qualification review will not start until three months after the official business.

This first-in-first-out and then-review system has been recognized by many people. In the past, applying for relevant qualifications in Section 1 required a long process of qualification review. The operator needed to provide relevant items or certificates that met the qualifications stipulated by the city. This process is Those that require joint review by Section 1, Section 6, Section 7, Section 8 and Section 9, and in some special businesses, will also need to undergo review by Section 5.

But now you only need to go to Section 9 to apply for commercial activities first. As long as there are no problems in Section 9, you can immediately go to Section 1 to get the qualification certificate and start operating. However, you need to review the qualifications after three months. As long as you pass it, you can get it. The business qualification lasts for half a year, and then the second review will extend the qualification to one year.

If you fail to pass the qualification examination at any time, you will face high fines and a ban on operating in the industry for three years, and you will even have to bear legal responsibilities.

The city's economy began to become active again. King Xue began to specify this set of policies as soon as he took office, which made many people feel that the business line had changed, and there was an overall change.

The most obvious change is that the administrative department now feels that its work is much more efficient than before.


King Xue sat quietly in the section chief's office, quietly looking at the information on the light and shadow screen. Standing in front of him were the section chiefs and team leaders with their heads lowered, as well as some ordinary section members.

"Okay, you can report to the corresponding departments tomorrow."

"Lord Xue Wang, I."

A regional officer was about to say something, but King Xue immediately pressed the rim of his square glasses and then said with a smile.

"We don't need garbage in Section 1. Okay, please take care of everything today."

King Xue is checking some people every day. At this time every day, people from Section 1 from all over the country are always called over. Section 1 is the section with the largest number of people besides Section 3 and Section 5.

And King Xue has begun to replace some students from all-field colleges. They will soon pass the formal examination. Now they are just special recruits, but King Xue has also given many students good positions for special recruits, with the lowest being Squad leader.

Most of the people who are cleared will go to the 3rd and 5th departments. They don't need to use their brains. Most of the time they only need to put in their physical strength.

Neither the section chief of Section 3 nor the section chief of Section 5 complained. This was something that King Xue had negotiated with them early in the morning.

The more than 10 people in front of me all looked very dissatisfied, because Section 3 and Section 5 are known as the two most tiring and least promising sections of the Acting Section, and there are still certain risks, especially now that crimes are occurring frequently across the city. , many people are reluctant to go.

"I resign!"

A clerk said and walked over. King Xue looked at him, then nodded, and quickly pulled out a resignation document. The clerk didn't think much about it. After signing it, King Xue immediately approved it. He turned around angrily and slammed the door.

Soon everyone in the office left, and Julia walked in.

"King Xue, what else?"

"There is no need to show mercy to the weak. This is the cruelest thing to do to the weak. Instead of showing mercy at this time, it is better to let him fend for himself. If it doesn't work, it won't work. If no one tells him that it can't be done, he doesn't want to do it. If it changes, it will only become weaker and weaker, and eventually fall."

Julia sighed helplessly. She has worked with King Xue for many years, so this kind of thing is not surprising. Indeed, after King Xue came up, he took care of everything in Section 1 very well.

Moreover, the welfare fund for Section 1 was increased from time to time. King Xue stood up.

"Julia, put on your makeup."

Julia looked at King Xue solemnly.

"I'm not going on a blind date, I."

"We have to always pay attention to our appearance. After all, our 1st Department is an elite department. Whether it is appearance or etiquette, and all aspects, we need to be the representative of the acting department."

Julia hummed. Although she was a little dissatisfied, a good appearance could indeed make things go much smoother. At noon, King Xue was invited to a banquet by some businessmen, and King Xue would naturally go, and the businessmen gave him gifts. Some of the supporting Jin Xue Wang will also accept all the orders, and then divide them up layer by layer to improve the welfare of one subject.

"Everyone is much more motivated now. I just hope it will be the same in the future."

Julia said, and King Xue laughed.

"It won't work if we don't do this. Alpha is still too lenient with them. If it were me, I would definitely not let the business department continue like this. Of course, I couldn't do it according to Alpha's past practices. After all, Relaxation is the best approach, and that’s what rights are.”

King Xue smiled and walked away. Julia turned around and walked into a bathroom. She took out her makeup bag and started putting on makeup. She only started doing it recently. King Xue would always remind her to put on makeup well and pay attention to herself. Manner and behavior.

Didi didi

A call came over. King Xue took a look at the number and picked up.

"Lord Xue, in the report that will be broadcast later, there are any forbidden words or words that cannot be said. Can you give me some advice?"

King Xue said with a smile.

"I will send you a note later, please remember it in case anyone makes any noise."

"Yes, Lord Xue, we will pay attention."

King Xue smiled gently and walked slowly. In King Xue's view, the city only needs to continue to follow the established trajectory. Although the city's problems are still serious, it will eventually reach the mechanized era. , and he intends to be the leader of this era.

Alpha failed. She was unable to return the city to the era of human beings, fill the city with laughter, and make the city no longer indifferent. These ideals are recognized by King Xue and are his unswerving supporters. , it’s a pity that Alpha failed. Because of the existence of the Hillman family, Alpha’s plan was frustrated.

Over the years, King Xue has done a lot of behind-the-scenes things for Alpha, and King Xue has approved many things. The system now introduced by Section 1 was something Alpha mentioned when he was drinking with himself, but it was just that Duan Kong Rejecting Alpha's proposal, including many systems in various subjects today, Alpha has his own unique insights on how to build a good system, a system that is beneficial to the people, and a relatively fair system.

Before Alpha made the decision, he had already written a letter to the senior executives of each department. This letter contained the reform system that Alpha had seen over the years and could do better. Many people had read it. Behind these things, there is silence, because Alpha has been thinking about the entire city.

A month ago, we had a meeting, and Locke said that we must do it, because this is what we owe to Alpha, to lift the city into a brighter era.

King Xue knew very well that this would take a lot of years, and there would even be many problems in the process, but many of Alpha's plans were feasible.

Alpha used everything she had in exchange for a chance for the city to start over again. King Xue knew very well that although the city was still in chaos, it could be reborn.

"I just hope I can see you again in my lifetime! Alpha."

King Xue smiled helplessly and walked slowly. At this time, Julia quickly followed.

"Your makeup skills are getting better and better recently."

King Xue looked at Julia who seemed to be a different person and praised her. Julia sighed.

"How about going to see Whit when you have time?"

King Xue shook his head.

"I can't help it. Now that I'm standing opposite her, she still hates me."

Julia could only sigh helplessly. According to the approval of the Education Association, according to the educational standards of Shengde Women's College, it is not possible to charge such low tuition fees. Under the strong intervention of King Xue, the tuition fees of Shengde Women's College The price has skyrocketed, and if you want to get in, you have to be a genius that is unique among tens of thousands. There may be only one or two such people among tens of thousands of people who can get a special recruitment quota.

Nowadays, a large number of wealthy people will send their children to Shengde Women's College, and King Xue has sent many teachers who are consistent with her ideas to Huit. However, Huit and King Xue have different opinions on this issue. They argued for a long time, and the two even started fighting, although King Xue was beaten unilaterally.

And next year, the only special recruitment quota has been decided. Michelle, a genius girl from the Ai Bolun family who is only 10 years old, will enter Shengde Women's College in March next year to complete her studies.

King Xue is very optimistic about Freya's daughter. Every time there is a city meeting, this little girl will go to the Congress Hall with her mother. She has received a standard elite education since she was a child, and she is very outstanding in every aspect.

King Xue also took the initiative to talk to Freya and asked Michelle to go to All Domain Academy, but Freya refused and planned to send Michelle to Shengde.

Because King Xue knew that Freya, on the one hand, was an elitist person, and on the other hand, she was looking forward to non-elite education, so she sent Michelle to Shengde.

This is the youngest special enrollment in the history of Saint De. Although Whitt strongly opposed it, in the end, King Xue and Freya agreed to Whitt on one condition. Michelle's graduation time will be decided by her herself.

The city is undergoing earth-shaking changes, and what King Xue is most interested in at this time is the two graduates of Shengde, Ivy from the family, and Leona, another member of the family in the past, both of whom are Shengde. The most outstanding student of the year.

It's just that Ivy returned to the family after graduation and helped the family run the jewelry business, while the genius named Leona went to work in a big data company, and she was not interested in the invitation from the business department.

When King Xue and Julia just walked to the Big Bell Square, a commotion broke out in front of them. Many people gathered around them. Among them, people from Section 1 and Section 5 were next to the bell tower. At this time, there was a clanging sound. The bell rang, and many people looked at it with solemn expressions. The bell on the bell tower would only ring during the New Year.

As soon as King Xue looked over, he laughed and started walking slowly.

"Lord Xue Wang, this"

A team leader from Section 1 ran over, and a team leader from Section 5 also came over.

"If she likes to knock, let her knock. You can just stay here and guard."

Standing on the bell tower and ringing the bell like crazy was a drunk Niya. She was laughing and joking. In three months, Niya caused hundreds of riots in the city. Although she faced many Accusations, and some media reports, but King Xue has strictly ordered that anyone who dares to report on Niya again will not be in the media in the future.

Tamai, the section chief of Section 5, also told his subordinates that no matter what trouble Niya causes, they will suppress it. Section 5 is now like Niya's playground. When she is sleepy, she will run to the Section 5 office. Go, the local section officers will be assigned the best dormitory by Niya immediately. When they are hungry, they will run to the canteen of Section 5 to eat. They will wander the streets every day, hangover and then have fun and spend money like water.

The Angus family today is completely different from a few months ago. Congress has compensated the Angus family with a large amount of money, and the Angus construction has basically been completed. The subway and network are running every day. In just a few years, the Angus family was still the richest man in the city.

"I can't stand it anymore."

Julia said, intending to stop the crazy Niya, but was held back by King Xue.

"Let her go. If she is energetic, she can have fun like this every day. Just pay attention to her safety. After all, she is Nia Angus. We just need to remember this."

King Xue smiled and walked away. He knew very well that someone would come to help Niya, because he could always see Jean in the distance, looking at Niya quietly.

Although King Xue didn't know the battle between Gene and Alpha and what Alpha and Gene said in the end, Gene is a promise-keeper and he will complete what he promised to others.

No matter how the city changes, it is always moving forward. King Xue walked to a service car on the street with a smile. After getting in, Julia was still looking at Niya on the clock tower.

"really do not know."

At this time, accompanied by a flash of crimson light, Julia smiled helplessly. It was Ling Hong. She quickly jumped to the bell tower and directly pulled Niya down from the bell tower.

"Is there another busybody!"

King Xue smiled and closed his eyes. Alpha's back appeared in his mind. This back was clearly imprinted on King Xue's mind, showing courage and determination.

"Come on Julia, we have to go to the banquet quickly."

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