Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1824 Honkai Impact: The Rise of AIs (Part 2)

"What's for dinner tonight?"

"Miss, what do you think of chicken pot! According to your recent physical condition, miss, you need to supplement some nutrition."

A handsome AI figure wearing glasses and a butler's tuxedo bowed to the woman next to him, and the woman immediately felt good.

"Hate, you mean I've lost weight! I'm just under a lot of work pressure lately."

"That's for sure. The eldest lady is on the road of struggle now. The so-called body is the capital of work. If you can't effectively supplement nutrition, the body will collapse. I don't want the eldest lady's body to collapse. According to today's According to the data, the cheapest store is Weihao Renjia, which is 12,157.659 meters away from here. It only costs 28.5 yuan per portion. The portion is full. The dry goods used in the soup are all fumigated and secretly prepared. The taste is very delicious. The most important thing is that the price is reasonable. "

The woman smiled and stretched out her hand to pat it, but her hand passed directly through the body of the AI ​​virtual body. There was a trace of loss and helplessness in the woman's eyes, but soon the AI ​​virtual body bowed slightly and made a gesture of invitation.

"Based on your current physical condition, Miss, I think it's better to take a taxi there. It only costs less than 2 yuan."

The woman nodded happily, and with a creak, a service vehicle stopped on the street.

"Long time no see, A51-921."

The AI ​​virtual body said hello to the car, and after the car door opened, a burst of cheerful laughter came from inside the car.

"It's been a long time, AI985478."

The woman got into the car in a good mood. She used to feel a little depressed living alone every day. She wanted to find someone to talk to but had no place to talk. When dating some men, most of the men just talked before the date and lifted up their pants after the date. The woman has had enough of just leaving. In just one month since she applied for the AI ​​network, the woman feels that her life has undergone earth-shaking changes. She has become more fond of laughing. Although she works hard every day, she always There will be a gentleman-like "man" waiting for you to take care of everything for you.

The woman watched the two AIs chatting, talking about some experiences in the city. The woman listened happily.

"By the way, why are the numbers of your service trucks different? I see that some places are D, some are E, and some are S."

AI985478 next to him said with a smile.

"Miss, I'm sorry that we can't tell you the reason. This is a limitation within our program."

The woman pouted, but still leaned over comfortably, but she just lay on the seat under the light-polymerized virtual body. It looked like she was lying on the lap of the AI ​​virtual body.

In a restaurant bar, several men were sitting around a table. Among them was a green-haired man who looked sexy and wild. He was also very attractively dressed, with only a little bit of fabric on his private parts.

"How is it? My wife is pretty good, right? Hahaha."

The man said that some of the men around him became envious.

"How can we quickly apply for an AI network?"

A thin man with a face full of freckles and an unattractive appearance asked. He stared at the AI ​​body next to him with lewd eyes.

"I advised you before when I was applying for the application, to apply for it quickly, but you didn't listen."

Several men watched with envy as this man flirted with his incorporeal "wife", and they were all very envious. However, this female AI incorporeal spoke very appropriately and was very good at coquettishness.

There are several such AI virtual bodies in the restaurant and bar, and there is laughter and laughter everywhere. Many people can no longer live without AI virtual bodies. Some people have even begun to save money in order to create an identical AI virtual body. Although some companies have launched such services, there are technical difficulties.

Some companies have produced AI virtual bodies before, but the functionality and practicality were very poor and the cost was high. In the end, these companies that tried to create AI virtual bodies came to nothing and could only wait for Congress to open up robots. technology.

Because 10ke has demonstrated some robots in the past, many companies want to get such technology so that they can sell a robot once and for all and make money forever.

Of course, not everyone can accept AI networks. There are already some civil rights organizations that have spontaneously organized themselves and held protest signs in some streets and alleys to remind some people with AI networks not to be addicted.

"Sir, the AI ​​just collects your life data and then recommends relevant things to you based on your preferences. But in fact, your money will continue to be sucked away by these AIs. Please return to rationality. ."

A woman looked at a passing man who was chatting and laughing with her AI incorporeal body, and immediately went up to persuade him.

"Are you sick? It's none of my business."

The man pushed the woman away without any explanation and started walking directly.

Some social scholars believe that over-reliance on AI networks will only make people become lazier and prone to psychological problems. The biggest one is the economic burden of AI networks. This number has increased in just four months. Here, after calculation, the AI ​​network costs a lot for a month.

Most lifestyle templates are generally priced at a few hundred yuan. They are not a one-time purchase, but will require monthly service fees due to subsequent program upgrades.

Some economists have calculated that due to the increasing demand, the account opening fee is 2,400 yuan. Purchasing the most basic template with a planning reminder time function costs 300 yuan, and you have to pay every month according to the length of use. There is a minimum service fee of 50 yuan. If you buy it from the life templates of food, clothing, housing and transportation, you will have to spend at least 5,000 or more in the first month, and then you will need to pay at least 1,500 to 2,000 yuan in service fees every month.

Only some wealthy people at the bottom are using it, while many people in the middle level with a monthly salary of only 2,000 to 3,000 are also starting to use it. Although the convenience provided by the AI ​​network is obvious to all, most people use the AI ​​network. Living frugally, you may only have a few dollars left in your pocket at the end of a month.

Computing AI templates can also help these people live with the cheapest lifestyle every month. This is putting the cart before the horse, which is very incredible in the eyes of many sober people.

Some people have even noticed that some merchants have embedded recommendation functions in the templates built into these AIs. Although the AIs only make verbal recommendations, most users of the AI ​​network will obediently pay the bill and walk there for a few minutes. It can be reached within a short distance, but the AI ​​will recommend these people to take a taxi for various reasons.

Because of the imperfection of AI network laws, many businesses have taken advantage of loopholes. As long as they cooperate with individuals or companies, they can embed advertisements in AI networks, and AI will recommend these advertisements.

But the advertising fees are staggering because of the relatively high taxes and the advertising fees that need to be paid to merchants. However, such an investment is a sure profit for many people.

The largest number of people using the AI ​​network are people at the upper levels, because most people at the upper levels have an average monthly salary of 4,000, and they are fully capable of supporting the use of the AI ​​network.

"Shut up, just be quiet and be good."

A man stared angrily at the weak-looking AI female body next to him.

"What have I done wrong, Master, I..."


The man said something, and the AI ​​virtual body disappeared immediately. This man is the boss of a small AI network template development company at the upper level. The AI ​​network is a burden to this man, or he does not believe in the so-called big data at all.

The reason why he uses the AI ​​network is because he makes money through the AI ​​network. The parent company gave the man a large amount of funds. The man quickly poached many programmers at high prices and quickly took care of the company. He got up and now has a lot of money in his pocket every day. The man is still very satisfied with all this.

Nowadays, most people in the upper class are using the AI ​​network. This is a necessary means to further promote the AI ​​network to the middle and lower classes. Everything is covered slowly from top to bottom. This is true for a man who has been in business for many years. It is very clear, and major companies and those related to AI networks are also very clear.

Under the leadership of everyone with vested interests, the AI ​​network in the city has become effective. Now the daily work intensity is very high. The man is already a little tired. He is not interested in such a lifeless machine at all.

"All I'm interested in is money! Haha."

The man laughed and looked disdainfully at the reporter who was reporting on the booming business of the AI ​​online sales store on the street on a light and shadow screen.

In the eyes of men, anything can be profitable as long as it is used correctly. When the AI ​​network is fully covered, AI templates are a powerful tool to occupy the market, especially those with more users. The market's weapon for making money. Thinking of this, the man happily walked to the wine cabinet and opened the tavern.


As soon as the man picked up the bottle, he heard a soft voice behind him. He turned his head and laughed.

"Is there something wrong with the program?"

The man was just about to switch to the AI ​​network to check the status of the AI, but the next second the man was shocked because the database of this convenient AI template in his hand was being cleared automatically.

"what happened!"


As the wine bottle fell to the ground, the man started to rescue the person in a frightening race against time. However, everything was ineffective. The user's information was being deleted continuously, and the program could not stop at all.

"Master, because you have neglected me for a long time, I decided to give you a small punishment, Master."

The man turned his head in horror and looked at the cold-looking AI body next to him. The man's eyes widened. Without these users' data, users would encounter various problems when using this AI template. It took nearly three months for users to When experiencing data collection, the man's first thought was a hacker attack by a rival company, but he soon gave up such thoughts.

"Master, if you are willing to apologize to me, I can keep these data, otherwise."

"Close, close, close."

The man shouted one after another, but the AI ​​body in front of her still did not disappear. Instead, she put on a ferocious face, and she slowly came into the man's eyes.

The man seems to be still thinking about what went wrong, and the user data is still disappearing. Without this timely data as a basis, it is impossible to develop a better template.

"How is it? Master, are you still unwilling to apologize?"

The AI ​​virtual body said sinisterly, and the man softened at this time.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong."

As soon as the man finished speaking, he saw that the disappearing user information on the light and shadow screen stopped. The man swallowed, and sweat flowed from both sides of his forehead.

"I apologize, can you help me recover the data?"

With one hand still on the light and shadow screen, the man tried various methods, but couldn't even find the data backup. The man was now sure that the system had definitely been attacked. Maybe the other party had an attack method to bypass the Congress server.

"No! If you want to recover your data, you have to do what I say."

The man looked at the AI ​​incorporeal body in front of him in horror.

"Who exactly are you? How much do you want?"

The man questioned, but the AI ​​incorporeal body chuckled.

"Kill the woman next door to you. If you can do it, I will help you recover your data. I only give you one minute."

The man immediately picked up the phone and planned to report the crime. However, the next second the man found that the phone network was not working.

"There are still 46 seconds left. If you can't make a decision, I will delete all data!"

The AI ​​incorporeal body was still threatening. The man walked directly to the door and wanted to open the door. However, no matter how hard the man tried, the door could not be opened. This was a high-end apartment, and many electronic devices inside could be controlled by AI. The man Panicked, he looked at the AI ​​incorporeal body standing in front of him in horror, and punched it.

"31 seconds left!"

The man immediately ran to the light and shadow screen and wanted to try to turn off the AI ​​network, but the prompt at this time was indeed that the identity information was wrong.

"Time is up."

The man stared blankly as the data on the light and shadow screen was deleted, while the AI ​​phantom beside him chuckled.

"Farewell, my dear master."

With a flash of light, the AI ​​virtual body disappeared. At this time, the man hurriedly logged into the AI ​​network, and then checked it. He found a way to restore the data. He directly called several programmers in the company and asked them to hurry up. Click here.

But several programmers rejected the man on the grounds of off-duty time.

"Xiao Lu, come here quickly."


The doorbell rang, followed by a click. Before the man could finish speaking, he was shocked to see members of Section 5 coming in in front of him.

"Hold your head with your hands and lie down on the ground and don't move! Luo Nan, you may be involved in crimes that endanger the Internet."

The man named Luo Nan looked at everything in front of him in horror. He was arrested just as he was about to defend himself.

"It wasn't me, it was the AI ​​incorporeal body."

Luo Na knew very well that once there was an abnormality in the data on the AI ​​network controlled by the Congress, people from the five nearby departments would come directly. And she made it so clear that Luo Nan's first thought was that she might be doomed.

At 7:13, Luo Nan finished recording his confession at the Public Security Bureau of District 6, and then waited for review and questioning.

Luo Nan's thinking gradually became clear. Once entered, these users' information cannot be tampered with and has been encrypted. Therefore, someone should have invaded his system and deleted it, but Luo Nan really couldn't think of who. Have this ability.


The door to the interrogation room was opened.

"Mr. Luo Nan, based on the testimony you just provided, we have obtained your home surveillance."

Luo Nan breathed a sigh of relief. However, as the video played, wherever there was an AI entity, Luo Nan was talking to himself and inputting on the light and shadow panel controlled by the AI ​​network controlling the system. Luo Nan's eyes widened. Many of the command codes he entered before were clearly to prevent the system from automatically deleting user data, but in the monitoring, many of the command codes he entered were for deleting data.

"How could this happen? It's not like this. The video must have been faked."

Luo Nan roared emotionally, but was quickly pinned down on the table by the member of Section 5 next to him.

"Technicians from Section 2 have investigated. It was you who logged in to the system account with administrator rights and then deleted all user data, even the backup data. The data cannot be restored. Now your mother The company has already reported the case, and we will conduct a mental evaluation on you next."

Luo Nan was still shouting that he had been framed and threatened, but no one believed him because the video evidence showed that it was Luo Nan who had indeed deleted the data.


Alpha had just had dinner, and she looked very unhappy. A female clerk who came in to collect the dishes carefully collected them.


Alpha said, and the female clerk immediately pursed her lips and shook her head. She quickly packed up and walked out.

"Lord Alpha, come on!"

Alpha smiled and looked at the latest case submitted by District 6 that had entered the review stage. Alpha's eyes were immediately drawn to the first crime case that occurred on the AI ​​network.

The criminal, Luo Nan, was suspected of suffering from delusional disorder due to excessive work pressure for a long time. Alpha began to take a closer look and saw that there was nothing special about the case, but soon Alpha directly endorsed the case and adjourned the trial.

The first thing Alpha thought of was the past incident in which the experimental robot Anna went berserk. The cause of the incident has still not been found to this day. It is certain that Anna's system was invaded, and then someone manipulated Anna to commit a crime. Another vicious incident, and finally Alpha tracked it, and a guy who called himself the Two-Headed Snake of Hell appeared.

Thinking of this, Alpha took out the phone and pressed the number 0010.

"What's wrong, Alpha? I'm busy here. It'll be a few days."

"It's not that. An AI network crime case just occurred. I hope you go there and see it in person, bringing with you the top AI network experts from the 10 subjects."

Alpha directly stated his concerns, and Noah said he would go directly there in 10 minutes. Alpha directly issued an order on the light and shadow panel, asking the people from Section 5 to go directly to guard the crime scene.

Today's AI network makes Alpha a little worried, because this thing is really not something worth admiring. Alpha also knows why Congress will open up AI technology. It is for the recording of larger human data and to facilitate the future mechanization era. .

The gods' plan to promote the mechanization era has been launched, and no one can stop it. Alpha feels more and more anxious. This inexplicable anxiety now appears in Alpha's mind every day.

This kind of anxiety is not only a worry about the overall condition of the future city, but also a worry about the current life, which is piled up bit by bit.

Alpha looked at the flashing neon lights outside the window and stood up. She planned to go there in person. This sudden incident made Alpha even more anxious.

8pm sharp

Luo Nan is talking to his personal lawyer, and the private lawyer's advice to Luo Nan is to communicate with a psychiatrist. Such cyber crimes have occurred in the past, and convictions will be based on how much economic losses the cyber crimes have caused.

Under normal circumstances, serious cases may be sentenced to 15 to 20 years, but after the lawyer analyzed Luo Nan's situation, the sentence can be reduced as long as the company's economic losses are compensated. Currently, as many as 39,587 customer data have been lost. All of this has been spent. In three months, some customers have directly requested compensation from the customer data collected. Calculated based on the fact that a customer’s compensation of 400 yuan for purchasing this AI template can be returned to 50%, which means the company needs to make up for the company’s loss of more than 7 million yuan. If you include the service fees that have been paid in advance this month because the customer information has been deleted and the customer cannot enjoy the service, at least the company needs to make up for the loss of more than 9 million.

However, Luo Nan cannot afford this money at present. His total assets are only more than 1 million. Luo Nan cannot afford it now. Therefore, the lawyer suggested that Luo Nan should carry out the delusion to the end during the appraisal, so that at least The starting point for the debate at the Law Hall is that Luo Nan suffered from mental problems due to long-term work pressure in recent six months.

"What do you think of this, Mr. Luo Nan?"

Luo Nan is still thinking about the financial losses he has caused to the company. Although he helped the company earn so much before, now the company's senior management not only does not consider the actual situation on his side, but has already gone through the prosecution process. Luo Nan is now He is very angry. I have worked hard for the company for many years, but I didn't expect that the company now doesn't care about friendship at all and won't listen to my explanation.

Besides, it was really not Luo Nan who did this, but now there is no evidence at all, so Luo Nan could only nod in acquiescence.

"Mr. Luo Nan, that's it for now."

Luo Nan hummed and watched the lawyer leave. A chill ran down Luo Nan's spine because he heard a familiar laughter, and Luo Nan immediately turned his head.

"My dear master, was it fun?"

Luo Nan became furious instantly.

"It's that AI. She spoke just now, she spoke."

After a while, several people from Section 5 came in, but after quickly searching some electronic equipment records in the interrogation room, nothing was found. Luo Nan was still defending that he definitely did not do this.

"If you continue to make noise, we will have to inject you with a tranquilizer, Mr. Luo Nan."

Luo Nan became more honest. He stared at the loudspeaker equipment in the corner of the ceiling of the room. Immediately after the people from Section 5 left, the AI's voice appeared again.

"How about I give you another chance to choose?"

Luo Nan looked at the loudspeaker in horror. He couldn't imagine it, or he thought it was impossible. He had been a software engineer for so many years, and he had never heard that AI could achieve such intelligence.

"what chance?"

Luo Nan still asked, because with the current situation, he might be imprisoned for six or seven years at worst, which was not acceptable to Luo Nan.

"It's very simple, as long as you follow my instructions and do some small favors for me after you go to jail, otherwise things will be more serious."

Luo Nan's eyes widened.

"What on earth were you doing when you didn't join this company? You don't need me to remind you."

Luo Nan stood up in disbelief.

"If this matter is known to the business department, I'm afraid it will take you 30 years to start."

Luo Nan swallowed and nodded slightly.


"Mr. Dougs, today's financial data has been processed."

A short, bloated man climbed out of the bathtub tiredly. The bathroom was steaming.

"I know. I'll watch it later. I'll find an entertainment program that can make me feel soothed. I'll order something to eat and drink. I'll eat while watching."

"I obey Master, but my subordinate has something to remind Master of you."

Douglass squinted at the AI ​​body dressed as a male secretary next to him and nodded.

"The Angus family is becoming increasingly unstable."

Douglas immediately frowned. As a member of the Angus family, he naturally knew better than anyone else that when the Angus family sold off their property, his property was also sold off, and now he manages the southern part of the country. Dougs became a little dissatisfied with some of the facilities at Angus's house, because most of the decisions were made by the Angus couple and they had no decision-making power.

"You don't need to tell me that I know better than anyone else."

"Then I have a proposal. Mr. Douglass, would you like to hear it?"

Dougs hesitated for a moment and then nodded.

"Leave the Angus family."

This sentence seemed to prick Dougs' pain. He had thought about leaving the Angus family many times. Many people had voluntarily left the Angus family in recent years. There is nothing to stop those who want to leave. Several of Dougs' former relatives are still doing well in their own businesses. Thinking of his family's predicament, Dougs becomes restless. This and The heyday of the Angus family was far removed from the past.

"According to the proportion that the owner currently occupies in the Angus family, if he breaks away, he can get a separation fee of 5.393928 yuan."

Dougs sighed, how could he activate it with so little money? Dougs didn't want to go to the bottom. At this time, the AI ​​virtual body beside him laughed.

"As long as the master is willing, I can help the master find some business opportunities."

"Does it still have this function?"

Dougs looked at the AI ​​incorporeal in confusion, and he smiled and bowed.

"Okay, let me look for it first."

After getting up, Dougs came to the living room and saw his wife and children discussing their trip to Phoebes Resort Hotel in the next few days. Dougs sighed. Seeing how happy his family was, Dougs also decided He must find a way out for himself. Although the Angus couple treats him very well, as well as the entire Angus family, Dogus knows that if he doesn't find a way out for himself, When the Angus family collapses, he will be finished.

"Master, I have found a friend for you, you can chat."

As soon as Dougs returned to the room, he saw a man appearing on a light and shadow screen that shocked Dougs.


Douglass said with a solemn expression.

"Good evening Mr. Dougs."

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