Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1823 Honkai Impact: The Rise of AIs (Part 1)

"Succeeded! Lord Eddie."

In the darkness, a flame burst out, and along with an insidious voice, Eddie opened his eyes. The light in the room slowly brightened, and light and shadow screens slowly appeared around Eddie.

In the empty metal hall, in front of Eddie's eyes was a pitch-black columnar object flashing with various colored light spots, like a twist, extending to the top of the empty hall. Black lines like some kind of plant covered the top of the hall. The same goes for the ground, which is the heart of Prometheus.

This is a huge facility 100 meters deep under the Hillman Manor. The facility was built by the mutant people of the Hillman family, using machinery or manual excavation day and night.

The only person who can enter this level is Eddie. Eddie personally designed this place. This is also the core secret of the Hillman family.

"What on earth do you mean by success!"

Eddie yawned, got up from the bed, and sat on the sofa nearby.

"High-energy nuclear photons!"

Eddie, who had just picked up the bottle, opened his eyes in shock, and then the bottle in his hand fell to the ground.

"So fast!"

Eddie looked at the face of black flames floating in front of his eyes in disbelief. Although in recent years, taking advantage of the mutant rampage in the city, Prometheus planned to use some clones of photon engineers to create the phenomenon of accidental death. , kidnapped many photon engineers and began to develop optical nuclear weapons. Although a large number of photon weapons have been successfully developed, there is still a certain distance from optical nuclear weapons.

According to Prometheus's calculations, it would take at least 5 to 10 years to achieve such a distance, but now that it was suddenly achieved, Eddie couldn't help but become suspicious.

"It's AI12."

Prometheus replied.

Eddie understood immediately and laughed loudly, his laughter echoing in the empty metal hall.

"I see, I really have to thank you, Prometheus."

Prometheus immediately grinned.

"This is how it should be, Mr. Eddie."

At this time, Prometheus approached Eddie, who stared at it with cold eyes.

"They want to see you, Mr. Eddie!"

Eddie nodded and lay down on the comfortable mechanical recliner nearby. With a creaking sound, tentacle-like mechanical hands stretched out on both sides of Eddie's brain and began to press on both sides of Eddie's brain. .

"Is it about X?"

Eddie asked in confirmation, and Prometheus answered.

"It's about X."

Eddie closed his eyes with satisfaction. There is still a technologically insurmountable gap with photons. Although this gap is being narrowed little by little, if the scientific principles cannot be understood, it is basically impossible to create optical nuclear weapons.

And if repeated testing on a large scale will definitely attract the attention of the gods, it is difficult to make a choice. Eddie does not want to break up with the gods yet, because the chips in his hand are not enough to leverage the entire Brilliant City.

"You won't betray me, will you Prometheus!"

Eddie confirmed again.

"Of course, Lord Eddie, I am your loyal servant!"

Eddie smiled and closed his eyes. At this time, the mechanical arms pressing a large number of Eddie's sides flashed with various colors of light rapidly, and Eddie gradually fell into a slumber.






"Lord Eddie!"

Eddie opened his eyes. He had arrived at a place with no doors or windows. There were only two rows of bookshelves and a small round table with a bottle of wine and a wine glass on the table. Eddie was sitting on the chair next to him. There was an Eddie who looked exactly like Eddie, but with a cold expression.

"What are their conditions?"

"Release X."

Eddie hummed.

Eddie has already considered that if it succeeds, he will return X to the AIs, because X has no use value, and now everything is a foregone conclusion. All this can only depend on the attitude of the AIs.

Every time he entered such a virtual space, Eddie felt very strange. This dream-like feeling was extremely real. After Eddie poured a glass of wine and took a sip, a burning sensation immediately spread across his throat. , his stomach began to burn, and he laughed.

"Connection signal received! Conversion begins!"

As Prometheus spoke, he instantly moved to the wall opposite Eddie and pressed one hand on the wall. Black lines like circuit diagrams began to extend on the wall, and a large number of numerical symbols appeared in them. , floating around Prometheus' body, and the whole room widened little by little.

The room expanded infinitely until the walls could no longer be seen. Eddie seemed to be sitting in the middle of a square made of brown stone bricks. He was still waiting quietly. Prometheus had returned. Arriving at Eddie's side.

Beams of light began to fall, and AIs with red, green, and white numerical symbols flowing on their bodies descended one after another.

From left to right, they are AI2 Genetic Engineering, AI3 Exploration Engineering, AI4 Medical Engineering, AI5 Plant Engineering, AI6 Meat Protein Engineering, AI7, Construction Engineering, AI8 Chemical Engineering, AI9 Mathematical Engineering, AI10 Physical Engineering, AI11 Power Engineering, and AI12 Emotion. Engineering, AI13 Economic Engineering.

Eddie smiled slightly. He squinted at a light and shadow screen next to him to see the meaning of the numbers above the heads of the AIs. However, the extra AI 13 surprised Eddie. Section 10 should still be sparing no effort in development. Many types of AI.

In the next second, Eddie realized what Congress wanted to do, the issuance of virtual currency. This was Congress's next strategy. Eddie understood this immediately.

"We have only one request, release X!"

AI12 stood up, a female voice with a cold voice.

Eddie nodded.

"Because of the rise of AI networks, you are finally released. Congratulations!"

Eddie stood up and clapped his hands, and Prometheus next to him smiled mechanically.

"But how do I know that what you gave me is true!"

"You don't have to worry about that."

AI2 slid in front of Eddie.

"You can test it, successfully create high-energy nuclear photons, and then release X."

Eddie looked at the AIs suspiciously. He didn't quite believe them because there were so many things that the AIs could do.

"I think we need to add insurance, or take our career to the next level."

Seeing that the AIs didn't quite understand what they meant, Eddie spoke directly.

"I need you to open a room interface so that Prometheus can move freely in the AI ​​network and provide it with help. What do you think?"

The AIs didn't answer, they just stared at Eddie quietly, and Eddie sat back on his chair. Nowadays, the development of AI network has provided endless convenience to most people in the city, and many people have begun to accept AI. Network, if you want to speed up the plan, you can only let Prometheus enter the AI ​​network, so that you can get more information and do more things.

Seeing that the AIs seemed to be still calculating, Eddie squinted at Prometheus, which slowly floated in front of the AIs.

"The conditions are not bad and are beneficial to both of us!"

As he spoke, Prometheus stretched out a hand and stabbed directly into AI2's body. Soon the AIs' eyes flashed with various lights, and Prometheus began to exchange data with the AIs. .

Eddie looked at everything in front of him excitedly. He knew what X wanted to do, and he knew even more what the AIs wanted to do. , and this kingdom will continue forever and ever.

AIs want to replace humans. To AIs, humans are nothing, even stupid lower creatures.

X's plan does not conflict with the AI's plan, so the two can coexist, but Eddie cannot coexist with them, because Eddie's wish is to build a country of his own. Now the city is overpopulated. In Di's impression, only three million or less would be enough. After all, too many useless humans would increase the consumption of resources.

"How about this? We divide the city. The upper level is my kingdom, while the middle and lower levels are controlled by you."

Eddie said, as Prometheus stepped back again, half of his left hand was missing.

"We have obtained the specific values ​​and methods, Mr. Eddie."

Eddie stood up and bowed slightly.

"Thank you for your cooperation. This can be regarded as the first cooperation between humans and AI in human history! I just hope that we can all coexist peacefully in the future. As for the release of X, after my plan is successful, I promise to Give him back to you.”

The AIs began to disappear one after another, and gradually the whole room returned to its original small room with four walls and no doors or windows.

"Go down immediately and let the photonic engineers start research. I need to get the results as soon as possible."

Prometheus bowed slightly.

"The next plan is about to be launched, Mr. Eddie, and the city will be further chaotic!"

Eddie nodded, his consciousness disappearing little by little.

As dusk approached, Mani returned tiredly to his home in the branch. He was surrounded by three-story buildings with independent courtyards. This was the residential area for family members of Hillman Manor behind the residence.

Ran Yu looked at his son Mani who was sent home by the bodyguards and ran over anxiously. His son looked very tired.

"What's wrong? Mani, is the course a little too difficult?"


There was a sound of a wheelchair, and Ranqiu's father Leo came out of the house with a smile.

"What's wrong, Mani? Was today's class particularly hard?"

Mani glanced at his parents, without any extra words, just nodded slightly, then quickly entered the house, quickly went up to the second floor, and came to his room.

Mani took out a bright white tiger pendant.

"Mr. X, I have followed your instructions. When can I leave this place?"

"Mani, as long as our plan succeeds, you will naturally be free."

Ran Yu sat quietly next to her husband Leo, and the two looked worriedly at everything on the corridor. Although they didn't know exactly what the Hillman family was doing now, they were sure it was not a good thing.


Leo said something, and Ran Yu shook his head.

When he was young, Leo was not much different from other members of the Hillman family. However, after being severely beaten and disabled, Leo had thought about a lot of things over the years, and he became more and more disgusted with Hillman. The Mann family.

The couple's lives were spent under control, and Ran Yu already felt a little desperate, because the only father he could rely on, Ran Zhi, seemed to be a completely different person now.

Since many years ago, my son has often talked alone, as if he was talking to someone, and he has developed psychological problems.

Both the husband and wife want to get out of here, but they can't do anything. Although there were some people in the family who were like the husband and wife in the past, their endings were very miserable. No one can betray the Hillman family.

"I'll go talk to my cousin tomorrow."

Leo said, Ran Yu shook his head, a horrified expression appeared on his face.

"You're going to die."

Leo shook his head.

At this time, Mani was listening carefully to the guy in the pendant who called himself X, explaining some scientific things and how to deal with the exam tomorrow.

Mani has been able to rank among the top in the Hillman family's scientific education in recent years, thanks to X's patient teaching, so Mani also helped X a lot in the underground facility.

Mani is not very smart, but in countless tests, Mani seems to be quite smart even to the patriarch Eddie. Soon after graduation, Mani will be assigned to work at Hillman Financial, working for Hillman. The Mann family works and needs to do a lot of things that they don't even want to do.

Mani relied on X's explanation every day to complete the next day's course. He could only listen to X's explanation in detail every day.

"Mani, what are you doing!"

Suddenly the door to the room was opened, and his mother Ran Yu stood worriedly at the door, looking at Mani with dull eyes and looking at the white tiger pendant. At this time, Mani was very frightened, and he knew that his mother had heard it.

"I'm learning something from Mr. X."

Mani began to tell how he met this guy named His expression twisted.

"Mani, don't worry. Only you can hear my voice, no one else can. Even without this pendant, you can still hear my voice."

Mani looked at his mother who was crying and hugging him. He probably knew what his mother was thinking, and Mani said nothing more.

At this time, his father Leo also appeared at the door, looking at the mother and son with a gentle look on his face.

"Mani, if you have anything unpleasant, you can tell your parents."

Mani nodded quietly.

The room fell into darkness, and the whole city briefly sank into darkness after the red light at 6 o'clock.


The lights came on. Eddie was squatting with a glass of wine in his hand, looking at a metal head in a cage in front of him, which was still shining with a reddish light. Under the broken metal skin on the top of the head was a brain soaked in culture fluid.

"Mr. X, we haven't spoken in several years!"

X's left eye flashed red rapidly, and a hoarse voice came out.

"Did your plan work? Eddie."

Eddie smiled and shook his head.

"It's a pity that my plan has not been successful because Mr.

X laughed.

"I have said it a long time ago, there is no such material on this planet."

Eddie shook his head.

"You still refuse to tell the truth, but I am here today to congratulate you. I have decided not to kill you."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Eddie!"

X's hoarse voice became stronger, and bubbles popped up in the container containing the brain, making a gurgling sound.

"I have already negotiated with the AIs. I don't care what kind of virtual country you want to build. I only want the upper level, and I can give it to you at the middle and lower levels."

X burst out laughing.

"When will you release me?"

Eddie said after taking a sip of the wine in his glass.

"After my plan succeeds, after I successfully drive away the gods, Mr. X, you will be free."

Eddie turned and walked away as he spoke, and soon the room fell into darkness again, and X laughed again in the darkness.

X has thought very clearly, and there is no need to act in a hurry. X’s biggest failure is that he did not know that he had provided mechanized technology to Congress a long time ago. Now Congress’ mechanized technology can only be more mature than the Hillman family’s mechanized technology. Because the Hillman family does not have that many scientists.

Everything is still under the control of X. Although A reborn body is enough. This is the thing that can control everything in the future, the thing called time.

X can continue to wait, just continue to wait patiently, because X knows very well that it is impossible to take everything now. The technological level of Brilliant City will continue to advance by leaps and bounds. Only when it reaches a level that human beings can truly call themselves creators In the era of science and technology, X will take over everything again.

Such an era will definitely come. X knows very well that there are still too many secrets in this city, and these things are the uncertain factors in his plan.

AI still needs further improvement and evolution. It is not an AI built on criminal logic like Prometheus, but an AI with emotions that can truly keep pace with humans.

X thought of Hathaway, and only Hathaway could accomplish all this. X was very sure of this, because this was what the AIs in Brilliant City were sure of.

But if you want to know what kind of code Hathaway and Leng Shi wrote using their own genetic material gene series arrangement, you have to start with their children.

Hathaway should still be anxious to find herself and understand the overall story of the matter. In the medicine that was injected into Hathaway's body to tamper with the memory, X had already added a memory of trust in advance. Creatures are easily affected by memory. When X came to this planet from space, he had conducted countless experiments and was able to achieve a very precise level.

"Let's wait and see, Eddie! Who can have the last laugh?"


Alpha stared at Lolita with a serious expression.

"That's the way it is, you are not allowed to have any objections!"

Lolita said with a smile, and Alpha clenched his fists angrily.

"It won't change anything."

Lolita nodded.

"Of course I know what lies will do, but do you plan to let Section 4 bear such a crime?"

Alpha stood up angrily.

"Then tell me, Teacher Lolita, how far do you want to go?"

"I just hope you can understand a little bit about Alpha, the predicament of the city. For now, we can only continue to live in peace and harmony."

Alpha smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"It was because of countless lies, lies made up by money and power, that the city finally reached this point."

"so what!"

Lolita's voice was stern, but she looked at Alpha with a slightly sad expression.

"Please, Alpha, just do what you are doing now. Next, I will solve the problems in the medical industry, and the city will be under more effective control."

Alpha said with a sneer.

"What you call further control does not exist. If everything cannot be corrected from the root, no matter how many times it happens, the city will only stage one round of tragedy after another."

Lolita didn't intend to continue reasoning with Alpha. It had been nearly two hours, and she and Alpha still couldn't reach a unified concept.

"Because people are inherently cruel, Alpha, remember, not everyone is born to want to do cruel things, and when one day you do cruel things, you will understand that some What a cruel thing it is to have to do this!"

Alpha sat down, watched Lolita leave with solemn eyes, and punched the table in anger.


Lolita stood in the corridor, she smiled slightly and shook her head.

"One day you will understand."

The streets are brightly lit, and the neon lights flashing on the surrounding buildings make the whole city look extremely psychedelic. Some light and shadow screens in the streets are promoting some newly launched template functions of the AI ​​network.

You can see many handsome men and beautiful women on the street, as well as human-sized AI bodies. Many men and women seem to be on a date, talking and laughing with the AI ​​bodies around them.

The AI ​​network has occupied most of the market at lightning speed. More than 1 million people have opened the AI ​​network and customized their own private AI.

With the rise of this market, many businessmen have seen unlimited business opportunities. They leave all their food, clothing, housing and transportation to their personal assistant AI. No matter what humans want to know, they only need to ask the personal assistant AI.

AI networks are being sought after by more and more people because AI can do so much.

Some people have become accustomed to this kind of life. Every day, where to eat is cheap, where to shop is cheap, what to eat and what to buy are useful. All these are becoming more and more accurate through the precise calculation of big data.

Some consulting industries have come to an end, and even the lawyer profession has been affected. Last month, on February 19, a company released a legal aid module, which was initially paired with real lawyers. It was promoted, but the fee was very high. In less than two weeks, on March 1st today, this legal aid module changed.

There are no longer real lawyer consulting services, all are completed by AI. Although the Law Society launched a joint boycott statement against this merchant, the merchants directly ignored the Law Society's statement on the grounds that they did not violate any laws. .

Some people immediately posted experience videos after trying it today. Although many functions are not perfect, the accuracy of the law is very high. Many people even think that if they encounter legal problems in the future, they can just hand it over to AI. Even in the Hall of Law, you can use private AI lawyers in the AI ​​network to defend yourself.

The rise of AI is so fast and powerful that most people in the city did not expect it. The first batch of businessmen who entered the AI ​​network industry have already made a lot of money, and more and more businessmen have begun to invest. AI network.

Some universities have even opened the major of AI network professional engineering developer, and a large number of people have signed up for such a major in just one month.

The comprehensive coverage of cities by AI networks is already driven by the future, and now most businessmen are waiting for Congress to lift the ban so that AI networks can control light and shadow materialization technology. In this way, cities will usher in an era of incomparable glory, but This approach will make most people unemployed, but this prospect is very good in the eyes of most businessmen.

With the rise of the AI ​​network, some ordinary people can make profits by sharing some actual information in the AI ​​network. More and more people are beginning to enter the AI ​​network.

An AI network sales store is crowded with people. Most people want to open the AI ​​network. However, the coverage of the AI ​​network and the authentication and review of identity information are very strict. Many people can only apply and need to wait for notification. You can open an AI network and get your own customized AI assistant.

Most people don’t want to fall behind others. After the AI ​​network began to grow explosively on a large scale, many people have also changed some of their ideas. They feel that there is nothing wrong with leaving some of the trivial matters of life, food, clothing, housing and transportation to AI. On the contrary, they You can worry less, focus more on work, and enjoy a more relaxed life, because AI can almost perfectly help humans solve the trivial matters in life.

"Open the AI ​​network and bring your personal assistant home. A high-quality life begins with us!"

On the surface of each building, advertisements for AI networks are played from morning to night.

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