Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1798 The Edge of Collapse: A Cruel Beginning (Part 2)

10 o'clock in the morning

The city that had been calm for a long time began to boil again. Everyone was still watching the live broadcast. Alpha was still standing on the stage, constantly announcing pieces of evidence, and the members of Section 3 and Section 5 in the city had to take action. Get up and directly carry out large-scale arrests and investigations.

This kind of thing is difficult for everyone to accept. This New Year is the most beautiful year for most people, but now this beauty is broken by this incident.

The voices of condemnation are becoming more and more widespread in the city. All gambling companies have temporarily closed their handicaps. People from the legal affairs department broke into each gambling company, and many people were arrested. .

The chaos on the streets began again. At the entrance of a gaming company, a large number of members of the administrative department had entered. Section 5 was responsible for arrests, and Section 3 was responsible for sealing off the scene. Members of other related departments were also involved. Under arrest.

Orders were issued one after another, and many department members seemed to be in a hurry. Most of the department members were still on vacation, enjoying the festive atmosphere with their families, when they were suddenly mobilized by a large-scale mobilization order and ended early. Take a vacation.

Many staff members looked solemn at this time, because such a serious problem suddenly occurred in the mutant competition. Most of the staff were unexpected, and some staff members had even obtained part of the equipment in advance. Betting guide, most people are waiting to collect their money.

But now the problem has arisen. Many people know that this mutant competition is over. All betting companies have been closed, and Alpha is still in the competition talking about one dirty deal after another behind the scenes. .

Most of the people watching the news were silent, because at the same time, the film and television area was blocked again. A large number of members of Section 3 had entered and arrested a large number of people. Most of them turned on two light and shadow screens and watched the mutation at the same time. What happened in the human arena and the film and television area.

This feeling silenced everyone. Many people didn’t know how to discuss this matter. Everything announced by Alpha has completely disrupted many people’s plans for this year, but it has exposed many people’s thoughts. Indignation, things that feel righteous, but most people find it difficult to express these things.

"Sorry, dear citizens! Today was a very happy day for everyone, but this happiness was taken away by the facts I announced. Now please go back home and wait. Those who purchased tickets can get refunds. Compensation, but only at normal ticket prices. Audiences who purchased scalped tickets, if they are willing to provide testimony at the Law Hall, will be compensated for the scalping price difference after the trial is over, but only a part of it. Please be clear. Recognize that buying scalped tickets is illegal, and citizens who buy scalped tickets will need to accept a certain share of the fine."

After Alpha finished speaking, the entire venue was silent. Many people looked at everything in front of them in stunned silence. Although some people were angry, the anger was extinguished when it reached their chests and could not continue to burn.

Many people looked at the scene in front of them uncomfortably, and resentment began to spread among the crowd. Most people came here with a happy mood and wanted to watch the mutant competition, but now the mutant competition is not going to happen because of Suddenly everything happened and ended.

Complaints began to appear, but the voices of the audience in the stands were very low. Alpha took out a cigarette and lit it, then silently scanned the audience in the stands.

"Of course, you don't need to refund the tickets."

Following Alpha's words, the entire venue fell silent for a moment, and no one knew what Alpha meant.

"It's New Year's Day!"

Alpha said and bowed solemnly, bowing ninety degrees in four directions.

"Please forgive me for ruining the atmosphere of the New Year, but I hope you can consider one issue. Once such a behind-the-scenes manipulation transaction and corruption problem occurs, every subsequent year's arena competition will be completed under human control. Yes, and if it continues like this, such a competition will lose its fairness, which is the greatest injustice to all of you who want to participate in such a grand ceremony."

After Alpha finished speaking very calmly, his eyes looked calmly under the table, looking at the businessmen who bowed their heads and remained silent.

"Every businessman who is participating, the reason why I agreed to your request and let you participate in the mutant grading examination is to provide a new economic industry for the city, and in this industry Everyone involved can benefit and contribute to the city's economy, but what is the result now?"

Alpha said, and all the businessmen looked ashen.

"So in today's crime investigation, I hope that all businessmen can cooperate and honestly explain their crimes. The results of the crime will be postponed until the mutant arena is over. I will handle everything within one day, and I only You need to be able to truly explain the fact that you are manipulating the game behind the scenes, and your investment is still valid, but the arena match that starts tomorrow is a fair and just arena match, not a man-made manipulation!"

Alpha said and looked at the people in the audience again, and she took a deep breath.

"Dear citizens, this is how it is. If you want to refund your ticket, you can wait a few hours after leaving here to appeal for a refund on the Congress page. For those who bought resold tickets, regardless of whether you refund your ticket or not, You will be fined and the amount of the fine will be deducted based on the percentage of the price difference of the ticket you resold. Of course, you can also choose not to refund the ticket and continue to attend the Mutant Arena tomorrow. I promise you! Tomorrow’s Mutant Arena will be It will be carried out in a fair and just manner, and there will be no artificial manipulation. Now please leave the venue in an orderly manner, and those involved in the case please wait for arrest and investigation."

Alpha said, and a lot of noise erupted in the stadium. Most people were cheering, but only a few people looked very unhappy.

Some people had already stood up and planned to leave their seats. More and more people stood up and began to leave their seats. They began to leave the venue slowly and orderly. At this time, a large number of Section 5 staff members had already rushed in and began to investigate some people involved in the case. businessmen were arrested.

Alpha watched as Jill ran in with more than 20 directors, and everyone came to the stage and stood in a row.

"I'll leave the matters here to you. I will go to the film and television area to handle the matter in person."

Alpha said and was about to leave, but at this moment a touch of cyan particles floated in front of Alpha's eyes. Alpha immediately jumped back. Many people under the stage were surprised. Alpha stared at the second floor of the venue with a serious expression. In the corridor, six gods stood.

Gil had already begun to give orders. Alpha lit a cigarette, took a puff and exhaled the smoke. Alpha's eyes began to become serious. She probably knew what the six gods were doing.

More and more people left the venue. Although many people were complaining, they did not take any drastic actions. Within a few minutes, a large number of people had left the venue, and most of the businessmen He was taken out directly.

Time passed by, and at 10:31, the venue became empty. Jill stood under the stage with a solemn expression. At this time, the six gods had disappeared. Alpha stood on the stage. With his eyes closed and smoking silently, Jill noticed that the walls of the venue began to dissolve, the windows began to disappear, and soon even the door disappeared, and there were chaotic sounds outside.

"Why can't you always listen to me, little girl!"

Deguna was already standing behind Alpha. After Alpha opened his eyes, he looked over. At this time, Li Chu, Gu Yi, Rose, Tang Rao, and Werther were all standing on the stage.

"The situation is already quite bad. The stock market has begun to plummet. The situation will become very bad, Alpha. Even if the mutant competition can be held normally tomorrow, in fact most businessmen have already suffered extremely serious losses. , this matter is not over yet, and the situation in the film and television area has just begun, how do you plan to end it!"

Li Chu said, Alpha shook his head.

"Then please tell me, how should I explain to the 20 million people who are looking forward to all this?"

Alpha said and turned around, and Jill hurried to the stage.

"My lords, we will find a solution. Brother Fat is already meeting with other section chiefs, and we will come with a coordinated solution."

Gil said, running up to Alpha and holding Alpha's shoulders.

"I will investigate these two matters thoroughly."

Gil's eyes widened, Alpha's arms were very stiff, and he immediately spoke.

"Time is running out now. Dear gods, I think we should solve the problem first and come back when the time comes."

"Starting today, you will be relieved of your position as Chief of the 5th Public Security Management Section, Alpha Angus!"

Gu Yi said directly, but Alpha started laughing the next second.

"What if I don't agree?"

Alpha threw away the cigarette butt, sparks flying from the cigarette butt that fell to the ground, and Deguna giggled.

"You need to have a good rest now, little girl. If you don't want to, I will let you have a good rest."

Purple particles emerged around Deguna, Alpha clenched his fists, and Jill held down Alpha.

"Teachers, I think we should focus on dealing with the matter now. This kind of matter can be discussed after the matter is settled and accepted."

"Jill! Now is the time to appoint you as the section chief of Section 5. You can go outside to handle things, including matters in the film and television area, and handle them properly."

Gil looked at the six gods with a solemn expression, and the next second Alpha had already jumped over.

"Little girl! Do you really think you can."

Before Deguna finished speaking, she was punched on the cheek by Alpha in an instant. With a loud bang, Deguna flew out directly. Li Chu and Witte were already on both sides of Alpha.

Cyan particles enveloped Alpha's body. Werther had already held an orange blade in his hand and stabbed it directly. Alpha leaned up to avoid the assassination. Red lightning instantly wrapped around Alpha's body. , but the next second, purple particles began to spread in all directions.


Along with a crisp sound, Werther's eyes widened. The orange blade shattered instantly, and the red lightning chain exploded. With the crackling red lightning, Alpha punched Werther in the chest, and a one-word horse appeared. The roundhouse kick hit Li Chu's neck.

With two loud bangs, the two of them flew out. After Alpha landed, he looked at Gu Yi, who had his hands in his pockets, and Rose and Tang Rao, who were already standing under the stage.

"You are really ruthless, Alpha. You are so skillful in using what I taught you!"

Deguna climbed up from the sunken stand, wiped the blood from her cheeks, and her sunken nose began to recover. She giggled. At this time, the three-color particles of alpha red, purple and cyan Floats evenly around the body.

Gil looked at everything in front of him in shock, and his throat kept swallowing. He could never have imagined that in just an instant, the three gods were repulsed by Alpha's hands.

"I will not resign as the chief of Section 5, and I don't need a break. I don't need you to decide whether I will stay or go. The only one who can decide whether I stay or go is the principal!"

Alpha rushed forward in an instant, with a loud bang, and a red lightning exploded on the stage. The metal stage was instantly dissolved into a huge pit, and Alpha jumped back.

There was a whooshing sound, and bullets of red light flew towards them. Alpha dodged easily. Tang Rao and Rose were already sitting in the stands. Rose tore open a bag of peanuts and held up shouted, holding one hand.

"Come on, little girl, give these three a good beating."

Tang Rao on the side grabbed a handful of peanuts, stuffed them into his mouth, and started chewing them. Alpha continued to dodge on the table, and red light groups like bullets flew towards Alpha intensively. But Alpha easily dodged it without exception. The moment these light balls hit the ground, they punched a small hole in the ground.

"What an idiot!"

The moment Tang Rao stood up, he had disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already standing behind Gil. There was a banging sound. Tang Rao grabbed Gil's collar and jumped to the second floor corridor behind him. Gil had just He wanted to turn around, but Tang Rao slapped his cheek.

"Watch carefully!"

Gil nodded. He had never thought that Alpha would be so powerful. It was different from what he thought of as Alpha. It was far beyond his imagination.

Gil clenched his fists and looked at the completely shapeless arena. The red light groups continued to explode around Alpha, becoming more and more dense. However, Alpha could still avoid it, even if the red light group could not avoid it. The light ball can still explode one meter away from itself at the moment it approaches.

Gil had no idea how this was done, so Tang Rao pressed his hand on the back of Gil's head.

"Look carefully."

Red particles floated around Gil's eyes. At this time, he saw a touch of cyan. The moment those red light groups approached, they were always accompanied by cyan light groups. In an instant, they directly penetrated the red light groups, and then The red ball of light exploded, and Alpha was still dodging on the stage, showing no intention of escaping.

Both Werther and Deguna were quietly waiting for the opportunity. As long as Alpha made the slightest mistake, the two of them would launch an attack.

"What kind of power is this, Lord Tang Rao?"

Gil also knew that Alpha relied on the power of the cyan god to fully improve his body's perception and avoid such dense red light groups. Tang Rao smiled helplessly.

"I have taught Alpha for a long time. Since she awakened the power of the cyan god, I have been responsible for teaching her from time to time. After she was defeated by Quasimodo, she began to accept the guidance of Deguna and me. , now she has far surpassed you in terms of strength."

Tang Rao said and smiled helplessly. At that time, she didn't really want to coach this genius. After all, she was an out-and-out genius in the past. But when facing Alpha, Tang Rao knew very well that her His talents have surpassed his own.

Under this wonderful psychology, Tang Rao was very entangled at first, but in the end, after several persuasion by Jean, Tang Rao began to teach Alpha seriously. Alpha quickly understood how to use the power of the cyan god. Deguna also taught Alpha how to use the power of the purple god.

This seems unbelievable to many people, and the purple god's power will cause the holder to start to reverse growth, but Alpha has effectively stabilized the purple god's power in a short period of time.


Tang Rao laughed helplessly. Alpha's situation seemed to be difficult to break through. If the gods did not change their true intentions, it would be impossible to defeat Alpha in their current form. Even three against one would not have an advantage. Alpha was already very good. The red particles were used very properly to push the limits that mutants can reach, and the cooperation between the two gods' powers also shocked Tang Tao.

Suddenly, the ground beneath Alpha's feet suddenly melted, and Alpha's body lost balance for a moment. Her eyes widened, as if she already knew what would happen next. A large number of red scabs began to cover the surface of Alpha's body, bang bang. There were explosions, and the red light ball hit the surface of Alpha's body like a storm in an instant, and she fell towards the ground.

Deguna laughed loudly and jumped in front of Alpha. She raised a hand and pressed it towards Alpha. The violent purple particles instantly destroyed the red scab on the surface of Alpha's body.

"Little girl, you really think you can win."

There was a loud bang, and large black particles instantly overflowed from Alpha's body. The moment the purple particles were swallowed up in a large area, Alpha hugged the back of Deguna's neck with both hands. The moment he landed, his legs Already retracted, although the ground seemed to be in a mud-like state, Alpha stepped on the cyan scab that had condensed under his feet. In an instant, Alpha's knees slammed directly into Deguna.


With a clear sound of bones, Deguna's raised hand was broken directly. With a loud bang, Deguna flew out. Alpha looked to the left in the air, and a beam of orange light flashed across. , two sharp blades stabbed over instantly.

Alpha flipped his body in the air and dodged instantly. The cyan particles dragged the two blades. However, the next second, the orange blades did not break, but dispersed directly. Alpha's expression tightened and he saw that Werther had fallen. On the ground, she instantly curled up, and purple particles began to cover a large area of ​​her body, creating a large number of purple scabs.

With a swishing sound, orange rays of light quickly passed through the purple scabs on the surface of Alpha's body. Along with the broken purple scabs, Werther once again held an orange blade in his right hand. He instantly Take off.


The moment the purple scab on the surface of Alpha's body shattered, the orange blade in Werther's hand stabbed directly. With the blood flying, Alpha dodged, but a gash began to appear on his right leg.

Werther's eyes widened. The dense orange light around him was like flying fireflies, gathering towards this side. His orange blade was already held by Alpha's left hand.

"What an amazing talent!"

The moment Witte finished speaking, a violent blue light fell from the sky instantly. There was a loud bang, and the entire venue seemed to collapse. Violent cracks extended on the ground in all directions, but when they arrived at the stands, The cracks stopped, and Rose used her power in time to restrain the spread of power.

Werther's chest had been punched through by Alpha. He vomited blood and fell into a large sunken pit. The entire metal platform had been completely destroyed. Alpha gasped and nosebleeds began to overflow from his nose. The next second, Li Chu laughed wildly. Coming behind Alpha, he stretched out his hands and stretched out two fingers.

"For now"


Two fierce red rays of light instantly cut through Alpha's shoulders and abdomen. However, Alpha's foot had already kicked Li Chu's chin first, and Li Chu raised his head in surprise.

"I've had enough!"

The moment Alpha stood up, he suddenly hit Li Chu's chest with his right fist. Li Chu's eyes widened. There was a loud bang. Li Chu's body had torn a huge hole into the stands. Finally, It stopped with Gu Yi's help.

Alpha panted heavily, and she squatted on the ground. She had been fighting the three gods for nearly 15 minutes, and Alpha seemed extremely tired.

Gil couldn't stand it any longer, and at this time both Deguna and Li Chu stood up, as did Werther. The big hole in his chest was healing little by little.

"Looks like we can't do it without playing!"

Rose said and jumped onto the stage. Gu Yi smiled helplessly and shook his head.

Alpha continued to adjust her breathing. She knew very well that if the five gods attacked together, it might be unbearable for her.

"Let me rest for a few minutes, little girl!"

Deguna said and sat down with her chin in her hands.

11 o'clock in the morning

In a lively market near the western factory area on the ground floor, there was a lot of noise. Two low-level mutants had a conflict. The street was already in trouble. After the two had been fighting for a few minutes, some vehicles on the street had been hit. It was damaged, and several people from Section 5 could only stand on the street waiting for support. However, today's support was much later than usual.

The two mutants were constantly fighting each other, neither one willing to give in to the other, but at this time, a light blue light fell.

Bang bang

Following two muffled sounds, everyone looked at the street in amazement. An extremely handsome silver-haired man who looked dusty, holding a black uniform with one hand and holding a cigarette in his mouth, stood between two people. Among the mutants fighting.

"Arrest them for street fighting!"

Jean looked gently at several Section 5 members on the street, and for a moment someone exclaimed.

"It's Jean, the chief of Section 13!"

Gene smiled, and for a while there were bursts of warm cheers from all around.

"Lord Jean, thank you for your help!"

A female staff member said, and just as she was about to take out the light and shadow screen to record, Jean patted her shoulder. The female staff member instantly blushed and smiled.

"Sorry, just let this matter be handled by you. I have something urgent to do."

In an instant, Jean jumped on the roof and ran quickly towards the north of the middle floor. He had already felt something strange, and he felt it just after returning to the city.

"It's true!"

Gene looked at the content on the light and shadow screen. So many things had happened in the six months since his absence. What worried Gene the most was the two things Alpha did today. He probably could not have imagined that those six guys would How to do it.

"It should be too late!"

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