Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1797 The Edge of Collapse: A Cruel Beginning (Part 2)

"Please see, everyone, the blue person standing on my right is an A3-level mutant, Luo Kai, and the red person standing on my left is an A2-level mutant, Colbert. The two of them are in this mutant evaluation. In the grade examination, they both showed quite amazing strength. The two of them were doing warm-up exercises. This mutant competition that attracted the attention of the whole city is about to begin. Now let’s hear about the chief referee of this time, the Chief of the 5th Public Security Management Section. Alpha Angus’s opinion!”

An interested host on the stage jumped under the stage, and soon all the cameras were focused on Alpha. There was no space next to Alpha, and Honghong was sitting two seats away.

"Sir Alpha, what do you think of this first arena match?"

Alpha stared at the mutants on both sides. They all seemed to be ready for the warm-up exercises and were waiting to start. There were cheers from the sidelines.

Alpha looked a little serious under the camera. The host could only smile awkwardly at this time. The cheers gradually began to subside. Everyone wanted to hear what Alpha had to say.

"For two people with similar test scores, only the strong one will be able to stand in the arena in the end!"

After Alpha finished speaking, cheers erupted in the venue, and the host also stood on the stage at the right time.

"Now I announce that the first mutant competition has begun!"


As the bell rang, the two mutants who were still three or four meters apart took action in an instant. The light red particles overflowed instantly, and there was a violent collision on the stage. The two mutants were hitting each other. During the attack, scabs were gathered on the fists. This was done firstly to protect the fingers, like a boxing glove, and secondly to increase the power of the blow.

The banging sounds kept ringing, and the two of them were constantly switching between offense and defense. No one wanted to let the other go. In less than a minute, everyone cheered with excitement, and one after another appeared on the metal ring. The dented area was hit or stepped on by mutants.

In order to make this competition go smoothly, Xingke used liquid memory metal technology. This arena was built using light and shadow materials. The dented areas will return to their original shape after a few minutes.

Many people's eyes widened, and people further away bought the latest game-viewing glasses, which can automatically adjust the distance and the size of the field of view based on where the person's eyes are looking.

After Alpha took out a cigarette and lit it, he looked at the fight that was still going on on the stage with a calm expression. The two of them were already starting to show fatigue. In just 2 minutes, they both wanted to defeat each other. Their speed and strength It has begun to decline.

In order to avoid being knocked down by their opponents, most mutants usually form scabs on the front of their bodies. In order to defend themselves against the opponent's attacks, this is a fighting method that most mutants often engage in, but in the eyes of Alpha , this kind of fighting method is too stupid and will consume a lot of physical strength.

These scabs covering the mutant's body are rapidly formed by the mutant's alienated cells, which consumes huge amounts of energy. The two mutants on the stage seem to have messy manipulation of the alienated cells. From their bodies The scabs on the surface that look like rugged rock surfaces can be seen, and it is difficult to achieve a balanced use of alienated cells.

Luck actually played a large part in this mutant grading exam, especially in the battle phase of the exam. Most of the people who fought against these mutants were mutants from the Special Operations Team of the Acting Section. Humans and some team leader mutants from Section 3 are in charge, and their actual combat abilities are average.

This is also for the sake of fairness, no senior executive in the business department is allowed to participate in the combat examination. The actual combat level of mutants in the city is currently low.

Alpha has been observing the combat values ​​​​of the two mutants on the light and shadow panel, which are not much different from their results in the combat test, and Alpha already knows who will win.


Suddenly, Luo Kai, the A3 mutant on the blue side, dodged the fist of Cobert, the A2 mutant on the red side, and punched Cobert unceremoniously on the cheek. In an instant, Cobot flew towards the sidelines. He came over, but in desperation, the model used telekinesis to support his body, which was about to fly out of the ring, while Chen Kai on the opposite side had already ejected over.

Alpha stood up instantly, jumped over, raised a finger, and held down Luo Kai's fist just as he was about to hit Colbert.

With a booming sound, Luo Kai struck a blow, his fist seemed to hit a stick, unable to move at all, and the scab on the surface of his fist shattered instantly.

"Winner! Chen Kai."

With the announcement of Alpha, the first game officially ended. Amazing cheers erupted in the stadium. Many people seemed to be very satisfied, because more people bought Chen Kai. Sure enough, although he was in the same level , but it is much more reliable to buy a higher-level mutant, and soon the betting for the next game has begun.

Everyone's enthusiasm was ignited by the scene in front of them, and Alpha suddenly took action and restrained the seemingly powerful Luo Kai with one finger. This scene was shocking. At this time Luo Kai looked at Alpha, who had already stepped off the stage, felt a great shock in his heart, and the excitement of victory had disappeared.

The host was still explaining excitedly, and the decisive moment of victory and defeat that had just appeared was played on the big screen. The next match was between two A2-level mutants.

Alpha, who had his back to the ring, looked sideways at the two A2-level mutants who had already appeared on the stage. His eyes became extremely sharp. The target had already appeared. Both of them had been in contact with people from the betting company. Alpha looked at Tamai. In a piece of information returned from the special arrest operation, the two names were already listed.

The host on the stage was still saying words to heat up the atmosphere. These words sounded extremely harsh to Alpha, and the host was still urging everyone to place bets.

There were so many people involved in this case, and Alpha knew very well that after he led a large-scale investigation into the film and television area, businessmen began to have unscrupulous contacts with parliamentarians and senior executives of the business department.

The city has begun to deteriorate. When the economic situation is good, the problem of corruption will definitely become more serious. Especially in this mutant competition, the secret trading situation has become very serious. Businessmen rely on Using capital to influence rights and allowing rights to act at their own pace is something Alpha does not want to see.

This kind of thing happens in every era. Capital will override rights, and rights serve capital. In the end, only the people at the bottom will bear everything.

When the Alpha operation failed last year, the capitalists had already begun to take active actions, wanting to fully control everything in the city. Honghong felt the danger more and more. She looked at the two people on the field who were about to start fighting. A mutant, look at Alpha with a serious expression.

Everything stems from the large-scale investigation in the film and television area last year. Many businessmen involved in the case were not arrested. Now the businessmen have begun to intensify their efforts, especially in this mutant competition, trying every means to make money.

Although Honghong was not directly involved, she knew very well that at least 80% of the mutant competition was under the control of capital, and the outcome of the competition had been decided from the beginning.

With a clanging bell ringing, the two mutants on the stage began to fight in an instant. The cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami started again, and various sounds resounded throughout the venue.

Honghong glanced at the media company of her family's company next to her, which was broadcasting live. The ratings of Falling In and You had begun to approach 100%, and everyone in the city was watching this event.

The two mutants on the stage were still fighting extremely fiercely, but Honghong no longer looked at it, but kept staring at Alpha. Recently, many businessmen in the circle have been discussing Alpha. Since the film and television area last year After the incident, businessmen's impression of Alpha began to change.

The most direct thing is that most businessmen feel that Alpha will not continue to investigate because there is a huge resistance. Then the businessmen have coordinated the relationship between the parliamentarians and the executive branch in the past few months. Many businessmen have received huge returns as a result, and in this mutant competition, businessmen were able to achieve huge profits.

However, what many businessmen did not expect is that Alpha is still Alpha. In last year's incident, many businessmen escaped the sanction of the law, and only the guys who took the blame for the businessmen went to prison.


In a cell in the prison, men and women looked at the scene in horror. Latis was sitting next to a table. A man had a tube inserted directly into his mouth. He stared in pain. eyes.

Latis was holding a cigarette.

"If anyone doesn't want to talk, you can leave first."

As Latis said, several men and women looked solemn and seemed to be still hesitating. Looking at the man who was being tortured in front of him, his stomach was already like an inflated ball. After the two staff pulled out the tube, the man violently He started vomiting, water kept coming out of his nostrils and mouth, and he gasped in pain.

"You are violating human rights and I will sue you."


A team leader directly grabbed the man's head and slammed him to the ground. The man whimpered in pain, followed by a burst of punches and kicks. Soon the man stopped moving. The ground was bright red, mixed with water. Blood began to flow. There were nearly 100 people in the room. They were all men and women who had been arrested in the film and television area last year. They had been convicted and sentenced and thrown into prison.

"If you think I dare not do anything to you, you can just give it a try. You are not human here!"

Latis stood up as he spoke and approached a group of people step by step. At this time, many people were frightened. Several team captains went straight over and pulled out several men and women. Screams broke out all over the place.

"Send them to prison for serious offenders."

As Latis said, everyone at the scene was shouting to find a lawyer, but the staff around him immediately came over and directly pushed some of the shouting men and women to the ground and beat them up.

"Stop fighting, I said, I said it."

A woman screamed heartbreakingly. After Latis signaled, she was driven away by two female council officers. At this time, the man lying on the ground who had just been beaten was motionless. Someone screamed. got up.

"Hurry up and find a doctor, find a doctor."

Latis ignored these guys and looked at them with his hands on his chin.

"Either tell everything you know, or be like this man and never leave prison for the rest of your life."

Some people couldn't hold it any longer and said they would explain everything. The staff went directly and took them to the next door, where Latis lit a cigarette.

Alpha called him a few days ago. Latis also knew what Alpha wanted to do, but what Alpha wanted to do was a bit difficult. Latis also knew what the situation was like in the city now and what Alpha had done. Things were going against the current, but in the end Latis agreed, and Alpha sent a document, requiring Latis to investigate all those imprisoned in cases in the film and television area.

It wasn't until he got up to exercise at 6 a.m. this morning that Latis finally made up his mind to help Alpha. Although this method was a bit simple and crude, it was the most effective. He could learn everything from the mouths of these people.

There were dozens of people who were still resisting and didn't want to explain themselves. Latis couldn't bear it any longer.

"Take them to the cells for serious offenders immediately."

As Latis gave the order, many people screamed in horror. Latis exhaled a puff of smoke. She knew that Alpha was in a very bad situation, but if she did this, the situation would also be very bad. Wonderful.

"never mind!"

Latis stood up and walked out of the large interrogation room. There were many directors standing at the door. Song Man and others were looking at Latis.

"What do you mean Latis, if you do this, those funders who provide funds for the prison?"

"I know! No one is allowed to leak what happened here today before Alpha takes action. If any of you dare to leak it, I will kill you."

Latis said seriously, Song Man's eyes widened, and a chill ran down her spine. She knew very well that the business department would face very serious problems next, and this problem started when Alpha wanted to investigate the crime. .

Everyone present knew the relationship between Latis and Alpha, and Song Man quickly followed Latis.

"If you do this, the overall situation of the business department will be very bad. Think carefully, Latis."

Latis returned to the office without answering. She looked very distressed and pressed her forehead.

"I know Xiaoman, and just because I know, I can't turn a blind eye to everything Alpha does."

Seeing Latis who was extremely distressed, Song Man walked over.

"I know it very well, Latis. It is precisely because I know everything that I want to warn you about the seriousness of this matter."

Song Man looked at Latis with a serious expression and raised her head.

"No matter what Alpha does, I will help her. If you want to become Alpha's enemy, then I will become your enemy."

Song Man swallowed, and she clenched her fists in frustration.

"Why don't you discuss it with the teachers?"

Latis shook his head.

"The principal has left, and the person who can discuss it no longer exists!"


Bang bang

There was a sizzling sound. Ling Hong looked at the fallen members of the administrative department in front of her. Many members of the administrative department squatted on the ground with their hands on their heads. Tamai watched from the side.

"Sorry about this kind of thing"

Ling Hong took out a cigarette and handed it to Tamai. After the two lit the cigarette, they walked out of the lobby of the public security management station. The arrest continued.

"I'm just a young man responsible for assisting you. You have to take responsibility for the future."

Tamai hummed, and Ling Hong looked at Tamai with a solemn expression.

"Don't you regret it?"

Tamai shook his head.

"If I regret it, I will not accept the special task given to me by the section chief. My road may be very difficult in the future, but I know what is right. If this matter continues, one day the department will It’s going to be fucked.”

Ling Hong smiled and exhaled a puff of smoke. She didn't know what to say. Things had already happened and started moving in an unpredictable direction.

The internal fighting in the business department has begun. This is what Ling Hong feels. No one can stop Alpha's progress. Various problems have begun to arise in the city. However, the current situation is unmanaged.

No one could have expected that Alpha would suddenly do this. Ling Hong looked at the public security office that had been surrounded. People from Section 3 had arrested a large number of staff, not just people from Section 5, but also from other sections. A small number of people gathered in this public security management station today.

Didi didi

As soon as the orange light appeared, Ling Hong immediately turned around and started walking. She bowed down and jumped to the rooftop in an instant.

"What's wrong? Did your vacation go well, Section Chief?"

"What on earth are you doing Ling Hong!"

Osman on the light and shadow screen looked extremely dignified. He was standing in the courtyard of his home. Ling Hong looked at Osman blankly. She knew exactly what Osman wanted to say. Ling Hong shook her head.

"What do you think?"

"What should I do"

Ling Hong shook her head again.

"If you can't choose, just watch silently. If you have to choose, follow your own heart."

Osman was silent, he seemed to be hesitating, but soon Osman nodded.

"I will give you secretary-level authority to transfer all the staff in Section 3."

Osman said as he raised his hand and started swiping on the light and shadow screen. Soon Ling Hong gained the permission, and she smiled slightly.

"Sorry! I'm on Alpha's side this time."

Osman nodded.

"Me too."


The sound in the venue suddenly stopped. Everyone looked at Alpha standing on the stage. The two mutants had fallen to the ground. Both of them looked at Alpha in disbelief.

The host seemed to be petrified. Alpha held a cigarette in his mouth and scanned the surrounding audience.

"Take them two away, and the mutant level will be reduced to level B. From now on, they will not be allowed to participate in the mutant rating examination for three years."

Several people from the special management team came up immediately, and soon left the two scarred mutants. At this time, everyone around them was silent.

"This, Chief Alpha, what is this judgment?"

"They're cheating!"

In an instant, everyone in the venue was in an uproar, and the people in the media company who were filming everything were dumbfounded, because this sudden scene was not at all in the script that had been told to them during the filming process.

"No need to stop!"

Alpha turned her head and looked at the staff conducting the live broadcast. Then she took out a light and shadow screen. At this time, the values ​​​​when the two mutants were fighting appeared on the big screen.

"These values ​​are all the ability values ​​of the two mutants when they fought in the battle just now. They are very similar to the values ​​of the exams they passed to evaluate their levels."

Then Alpha began to list the numerical values ​​and explain them in great detail to all the audience at the scene. Gradually, the audience in the venue became excited and shouted and cursed.

"Please be quiet."

Everyone in the venue fell silent. Alpha exhaled a puff of smoke and pointed at the traders from the gaming company on the sidelines with the finger holding the cigarette butt.

"The competition just now does not count because two people cheated. Please return everyone's bets."

The scene was boiling for a while, and some people started throwing things towards the sidelines. The scene was about to get out of control, and Alpha roared again.

"Please continue to watch the game quietly. If anyone continues to mess around, I will arrest him directly for violating the Public Security Law."

Alpha shouted as the commotion quieted down a bit.

"I will watch every game carefully. If someone wants to cheat in this game, I will immediately disqualify him."

The host looked at the Alpha in front of him tremblingly.

"You can continue."

The supporter swallowed, and then began to speak. His voice lost the passion and fullness before, and became submissive. Alpha left the stage and walked to the referee's position to sit down.

Audiences started talking on the sidelines. Many people were questioning the authenticity of this arena match. However, Alpha's sudden action just now made many people feel at ease. Alpha explained frame by frame just now. Why were the two mutants found to be cheating and match-fixing? Everything they said was believable.

Many bookmakers on the sidelines did not return the money to the bettors as Alpha said, but were still hesitating. Some people were answering the phone when the third game started. , the two mutants started fighting seriously.

But at this time, someone discovered that some bookmakers had closed the odds for this game, and the two mutants in the third battle looked timid and unable to use their hands and feet.


In the hall of the headquarters of Section 5, each section member stood in the courtyard with his hands on his head. People from Section 3 were constantly being brought in. Most of the people brought in had admitted that they had resold tickets. They were all Each was taken into an underground detention room.

"What's going on?"

Gill looked at the situation below the building and the surge in cases in Section 5, which had begun to be fully announced to the public.

"Are you really here to compete? I'll give you one minute at the end. If it still doesn't look like a competition, you will be immediately disqualified, demoted, and not allowed to participate in the mutant rating examination for the next three years!"

Gil looked at the mutant competition at the scene. The situation had become chaotic, and the directors in the room all looked solemn at this time. No one knew what Alpha was going to do all of a sudden.

What Jill was worried about happened, and at this time, news came from the film and television area. A large number of officers from Section 3 moved in and began a carpet-like search. The authorizer was Ling Hong, who entered the film and television area to assist in the investigation. District, the person in charge is the local regional officer Tamai.

"You two are disqualified and there is no need to continue the competition."

Alpha was already standing on the ring, restraining the fight between the two mutants. The two looked frightened and were taken away by the special management team. Alpha lit a cigarette.

"The next one can begin."

The entire venue fell silent, but there were so many people whispering that no one knew what was going on.


"This little girl is always restless. It looks like we have to go there in person."

Deguna stood up, and the other gods couldn't sit still. Rose smiled helplessly.

"You guys go over there, I won't go, I want to open a shop."

Tang Rao looked at the expressions of the other guys and looked a little serious. Section 3 had already begun to take action and arrested some people in the film and television area. There were also a large number of Section 3 people outside the headquarters of Section 5. Section officers were stationed and the streets were immediately blocked.

"No need to continue!"

In the video, Alpha once again stopped two fighting mutants. In an instant, the two were subdued by Alpha to the ground. Several members of the special management team went up and arrested the two directly.

No one at the scene knew what was going on. Alpha looked at the media photographers, who looked like they wanted to stop broadcasting.

"There is no need to stop playing. If you stop playing, I will arrest you for false communication."

Many investors and businessmen outside the venue stared at everything in stunned silence. However, the next second, investigation documents and videos began to appear on the huge light and shadow screen.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief. The outcome of the game had already been determined, and the information of the businessmen, congressmen, and members of the administrative department who participated in the decision were announced. .

Alpha began to read from a long list. Most of them were involved in the crime of illegally manipulating regular competitions. A large number of members of Section 3 rushed into the scene and began to read the list according to Alpha. They were arrested directly, and Honghong was handcuffed with a livid complexion.

"You're crazy Alpha!"

Honghong roared angrily, but Alpha ignored her and continued to read the list of people suspected of operating this fake arena match, as well as the crimes they committed.

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