Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1789 Majority or Minority (Part 2)


A large number of mutants formed a long queue and circled several times near the building built by Angus. The five open registration and testing gates were still conducting various inspections on mutants.

Whether you have construction work experience is the most important point for passing the review. In just two hours, nearly 3,000 mutants have completed the registration. The registered mutants can go home and wait for notification.

For some mutants who have no work experience, the Angus family has also adopted a more humane system. They can go to construction sites for internships, and they are also paid during the internship. The one-week internship, if they can adapt to the work of construction sites, can be officially Accepted.

Everyone in the city was a little surprised by the sudden move of the eight major associations, because such a thing had never happened before. The council members had already held various speeches on the streets of various districts, calling on ordinary people to stop worrying about mutants. pose a threat and call for non-discriminatory treatment of mutants.

And many ordinary people feel a little more at ease, because the Angus family recruits a large number of mutants, and most of the mutants will be gathered in the north.

The eight major associations are still making arrangements, promising that most of the mutants will be provided with work places, and the work places will be set up in the north. This makes many ordinary people feel at ease, and a series of moves by Congress are quick and impressive. Surprisingly, this has never happened before.

Especially today's action by the Executive Branch has been praised by many people. It lifted the street blockade and did not prevent mutants from going to Area 1. Moreover, there were no riots caused by mutants today.

After some mutants with rich construction experience were hired on the spot, they went directly to the car prepared by the Architectural Association. The Architectural Association owned a lot of properties in the north, and most of the properties were sold by nearby residents at extremely low prices. Yes, because the mines in the north have completely stopped mining, the street areas that were built on the ground floor in the north because of the mines are already sparsely populated.

Many mutants plan to go there in advance, because those houses are provided for mutants to live in for free. If a mutant has a family, they can choose whether to bring their family there, and they will get a house that is enough for the whole family to live in. All of this is free. .

At this time, it was announced in the news that the Food Association was involved in the list of merchants that provided free food to mutants during the construction period. More and more merchants were announced, and some merchants were directly interviewed by reporters.

"This is for sure, this is for the future of the city. As a member of this city, of course we are willing to do our part for the city."

An owner of a chain food shop who was being interviewed looked extremely happy, and there was a lot of applause from all around.

"Please rest assured that the free food we provide will be the same as normal food. We will not use liquid food to top up the amount, let alone cheap and inferior food. We at Snake Enterprises hereby promise that we will fully support This urban construction is the social responsibility that our company should fulfill."

At this time, in the conference rooms of all food exchanges, a large number of businessmen with food wholesale licenses gathered together, listening to the directors of Section 12 describing the new regulations of Section 12.

All food suppliers are required to give priority to supplying food to those companies that provide free food to mutant workers. Many businessmen looked at each other at this time, and some businessmen showed dissatisfaction. However, the regulations have been introduced, and they can only provide food at the lowest price. Come and supply food to these businesses, because no one wants their food wholesale license to be revoked.

The whole city has been in motion. The Education Association has held an emergency meeting to remove a group of teachers from basic education schools in various places and open new ones to recruit mutants in abandoned schools in some northern areas. With the depression in the north, most people have left the north. Now the average number of students in the northern region is the smallest. In the 13 districts in the north, the average number of students in the region is only 30,000.

Such a value still takes into account the three districts across the headquarters of Section 3 and Section 5. If we simply use 10 sparsely populated districts, the average number of people is only about 10,000.

All kinds of dazzling news are constantly changing on the media, which is dazzling and overwhelming. Many people are wondering what Congress is planning to do, and businessmen are getting higher and higher. Yilang's act of kindness also surprised everyone. This was impossible in the past. Businessmen were synonymous with greed and profit-seeking in the eyes of the General Assembly.

But there are still people who stay awake. Businessmen are always a group of profit-seeking creatures. Everything they do is for profit. They must have secretly reached some agreement with Congress. Businessmen are best at finding every opportunity.

The whole city began to move, but at this time, a piece of news instantly caught the attention of many people. Major industrial companies began to collectively recruit mutants, and took out a mining contract that had just been signed with Congress. In the contract In order to alleviate employment pressure on mutants, Congress announced that some mines in the north would resume mining.

The wages given to mutants are strictly in accordance with the salary range regulations for mutants previously issued by Congress, and the wages are determined according to the level of mutants. At the same time, Section 5 also issued a statement that the level of mutants will continue starting tomorrow. Assessment exams.

These two pieces of news were just announced, and many people realized that it turned out that the mine was allowed to mine. In the past, mining had caused irreversible pollution to a large number of areas in the north, and these pollutions are still continuing today, and many people have moved away. The reason in the north is because of the pollution caused by mining.

Some people also thought that if the Angus family laid waste treatment pipelines first, the mining pollution could be discharged directly into the gullies outside the city. Many people realized that the north would usher in a new round of economic development.

At the same time, a large number of food companies applied for commercial activities in the north. Many cars were congested on the streets, many of which were heading north.

"What happened today?"


Two office workers walked into a drink bar. They both felt that today's city seemed to be suddenly in motion. Such changes were drastic and unexpected.

"what happened?"

Another new piece of news has caught people's attention. The Su family has announced that it will enter the food industry, but it is limited to original basic food wholesale. Just now, the Su family has announced the establishment of a grain purchasing company, and has obtained the certificate issued by Section 12. Wholesale food license.

"It's true, no wonder he acted so fast."

Some people laughed bitterly, because they didn’t know what to say in the face of the city in front of them where more and more big things were announced. They were worried because of the gathering of mutants in the morning, but now many people are laughing, because Everyone knows that the city's economy will begin to grow rapidly.


The Architectural Association announced something that made the whole city excited. The Architectural Association announced that it had obtained a production license for rock coagulant from Congress. This news once again stimulated the nerves of the people in the city. This technology has been in use since Congress. Since its use, it has been under strict control, but now it is open to building societies.

The purpose of the businessmen is becoming more and more obvious, but most people in the city can only smile bitterly. The six major associations of construction, education, industry, food, clothing, and lawyers are all announcing some major events, but only the medical association has not made any move. , many people are speculating whether the medical association has also reached some private agreement with Congress.

And just when everyone was speculating, the Film and Television Association announced a shocking news.

The Film and Television Association will turn the mutant rating test into a large-scale reality TV show. It has conducted comprehensive discussions with the 5 subjects on all aspects, and finally signed a contract, which will broadcast the entire mutant rating test live. Practical exam.

This contract was signed by the Jiang family, and the Jiang family has openly recruited partners. It has also announced that after some mutant examinations, those with outstanding results will receive a sum of money from the Film and Television Entertainment Association, and even launched a mutant. The plan for the Arena Competition is to hold a grand mutant arena competition next year after all mutants have completed their registration and assessment, to compete for nearly 10 million people.

Those who can participate in the final mutant competition will be selected based on the mutant's rating. Even the last one can get a huge bonus. The competition format is a single-elimination knockout, and Xingke will serve as the winner of this competition. The supervisor of the mutant festival is the on-site order maintainer.

Businessmen from all over the country have gathered in the district offices and are discussing various aspects. Many things are about to begin. Some economists estimate that the city will usher in very rapid economic growth in the next three or four years. All walks of life will Demand from various industries will surge.

Eddie took some members of his family into the district office of District 59, and several clerks came to receive them immediately.

"Is Lao Wu here?"

Eddie was smiling, but this smile gave people a sense of horror. At this time, Eddie was about to explode. The Hillman family wanted to participate in these good things that happened in the city, but they were all rejected without exception. However, for various reasons and names, I was turned away by the councilors of the local district office.

Nowadays, the Hillman family seems to be isolated. The businessmen who were very close to the Hillman family in the past no longer want to have anything to do with the Hillman family.

Eddie didn't know why this happened, but the situation changed dramatically in just a few hours, and Hillman Grain's stock price began to decline.

The Hillman family's finances would suffer an unprecedented blow. Now Eddie couldn't sit still and had to have a good talk with Wu Qun. However, a clerk came over.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Eddie, Lao Wu is too busy right now."

Eddie took a step forward, but was persuaded by several clerks to come back another day. Eddie ignored the clerks' obstruction and tried to go upstairs. However, the clerks stood at the top of the stairs, blocking Eddie's way. , still trying to persuade Eddie to go back. The work of the district office today is too heavy.

"Let him come up!"

At the corner of the stairs, Freya came out. Eddie was a little surprised, but he soon understood. After several clerks got out of the way, Eddie quickly went up the stairs, following behind Freya. There was not a single soul in the long corridor, but the door to the conference room at the bottom was open. It was not as busy as other district offices.

"It's really a headache, Freya."

Freya stopped.

“You will reap what you sow!”

Freya said indifferently, Eddie shook his head.

"There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests, right? Isn't it not good for everyone to treat me like this?"

When they came to the conference room, Eddie's expression softened a little. The other seven students were also there, and they were the only seven in the conference room. Eddie also knew the reason why the Hillman family was running into obstacles now.

"Good afternoon everyone, how about having dinner together later? It's been a long time since we got together."

"Eddie, you're still the same."

Lin Xiao said and walked over and closed the door. In the small conference room, everyone turned off the light and shadow screens. There was no smile on Wu Qun's face, but a slightly serious look, which was completely different from usual.

"I advised your Eddie."

As Wu Qun said, Eddie found a chair and sat down.

"Yeah, I didn't listen to the advice at the time. Well, now I'm here to apologize to you all. I just hope that I can give our Hillman family a way to survive."

Eddie said leisurely, but Wang Ying soon started laughing.

"A way to survive? Have you ever given others a way to survive? Eddie, from the past to the present, you have caused so much trouble to the city. Others have been unlucky and you have become rich. Over the years, because of your actions, the city has often been difficult to control, and we have suffered because of it. How many sins have been committed.”

Eddie smiled and shook his head.

"Let's not talk about these things. I think we should talk about the future of the city. What do you think? There are no outsiders here. We are all old classmates."

Baozhen shook her head.

"The future of the city will only consist of the majority and the minority. This problem will keep popping up, so it's useless no matter how much we discuss it."

"The future I am referring to is the future of our humanity. Have you ever considered this issue?"

As soon as Eddie finished speaking, Pullman shook his head.

"Don't discuss these things here."

Eddie stood up and walked over to the table.

"This is a problem we will inevitably face in the future. As humans, shouldn't we take back the rights that belong to us humans and determine the future of humanity?"

The atmosphere in the room turned serious for a moment, and Chris spoke.

"Your words have passed Eddie, don't say any more."

"I'm just talking about issues that everyone thinks about and have thought about before, but don't dare to think about or think about."

Freya looked at Eddie with a stern expression.

"You should not discuss this issue with us, but should go directly to the gods."

Eddie smiled and shook his head.

"This kind of thing can only be discussed by us as human beings. Although such remarks are treasonous in this city with gods, it is only for us humans. Since the city has developed so far, why have there been so many problems? Do you think this is the right thing to do? Haven’t you considered that everything the gods do is absolutely right?”

Wu Qun laughed.

"Whether it is correct or not, this city was born because of the gods. Humanity has developed to this day because of the gods. There is no doubt about it!"

Eddie held up a finger and shook it.

"For the development of science and technology, talents are constantly being squeezed from all walks of life in the city. In the end, the squeezed people will be completely abandoned. In order for most people to live a better life, those who are squeezed in the process The few who have lost everything will be abandoned, and in such an era, tragedies of choosing between the majority and the minority will be staged countless times."

"That's enough Eddie!"

Freya didn't intend to continue listening to Eddie. She knew exactly what Eddie wanted to say, but this was a major problem that people living in Brilliant City had to face. The orders of the gods were absolute, so No matter how you look at the issue, it is impossible to continue discussing it.

"Have you never thought that one day you will become a minority?"

"It's useless to talk more Eddie, it's enough to think back on what your Hillman family has done over the years."

Lin Xiao stood up, glanced at Eddie, who had anger in his eyes, and continued.

"We still have extremely important things to discuss, and eating is not necessary."

Eddie stood stiffly on the spot. He shook his head helplessly, turned around and walked slowly.

"You don't understand anything!"

"The one who doesn't understand is you Eddie!"

Freya stared at Eddie blankly, then Eddie turned his head.

"I just didn't expect you to make such a cruel decision Freya. There is no regret medicine in this world. It's the same for you as it is for me. I'm looking forward to what the next time we meet will be!"

Watching Eddie go away, Freya kicked over the chair angrily, and Eddie's laughter echoed in the corridor.

"It's cruel!"

Freya asked, but no one answered. They just looked at her silently. In just a few months, the new drug experiment feedback has achieved great results. Some people have accelerated their illness and died because of the new drug, and some people have died because of the new drug. They were cured by using new drugs, but those wandering in the barrier area may not know until their death that they have become the subjects of the city's drug experiments.

"The majority is always the right choice!"

Baozhen said dullly, and the eight of them knew very well that the many problems that were solved instantly in the city started with the decision made by Section 3.

Starting from the act of kindness that the top leaders of Section 3 decided to provide water and food to the people in the barrier area, everything seemed to be completely connected overnight.

And behind these connected things are cruel and bloody facts, which only a few people know.

6 o'clock sharp

After a brief silence, the city was dyed red by the last embers of the artificial sun. Every time at this time, the noise of the city would stop for a moment, and just a few seconds later, the noise would start again.

"Go over there and work hard. Now you have a job. The rent you owe will be temporarily delayed for a few more months."

A mutant looked at the landlord gratefully. He had packed up most of his things and was about to leave the residential area. There were many mutants living nearby, and most of the mutants were already leaving for the north.

Many nearby residents were very happy at this time, because mutants are still a big threat to many people. There are more and more violent mutant incidents in society, and many ordinary people involved have lost their lives. Now everyone knows that mutants will gather in the north in the future, and their worries have finally been resolved.

After watching the mutant carrying a big bag leave, the landlord was slightly relieved. Recently, due to the problem of this mutant renting here, his house has become quite vacant. Many tenants are not willing to live with mutants. They were together, but this mutant was his old tenant, and he still owed the rent. When the boss was in trouble, the problem was solved unexpectedly.

Ding ding

The sound of ice cubes colliding with the wine glass sounded. Duan Kong held the glass in his hand quietly. This was King Xue's home, an apartment building located in the upper-level downtown area. Waves of aroma wafted from the kitchen, Duan Kong Already a little drunk.

It was already past 5 o'clock when the matter was settled. King Xue had been waiting for him to finish handling the matter. Duan Kong had wanted to have a good talk with King Xue a long time ago. He was living in a nightmare every day.

"The just-fried steak should be eaten while it's hot. Please take your time with the other dishes."

King Xue said as he took out two portions of meat and picked up the wine on his table. The ice cubes had melted a lot. After King Xue drank it in one gulp, he looked at Duan Kong with a contented smile.

"It's better for you. Everything in this family is good, except for one woman."

King Xue smiled and shook his head. When he came to King Xue's home for the first time, Duan Kong felt that it didn't look like a man's home. It was very clean and seemed to be cleaned frequently. All the furniture and furnishings were very harmonious. , only if you are willing to spend time and energy on it for a long time can you create such a great home atmosphere.


Duan Kong raised his thumb, and King Xue nodded with a smile.

"I came here today to talk to you. Can you switch places with me? It's up to me to teach the students. I think I'm still competent."

King Xue smiled and shook his head.

"Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do now. You have to give yourself a little confidence. Many things need to be done slowly over time. I have already said it today. You don't need to envy me. I have received too many compliments today. Well, I just stood from the perspective of a bystander and happened to see a line that could be connected, so I connected the line."

"Why are you the same guy? You are always unhappy when others praise you. You have obviously done great things, but you are saying that what you have done is just trivial things."

King Xue smiled and shook his head.

"Everyone has value, and this is the case for our group. Everyone shines in their own position. Isn't this good? Although some things are indeed unsatisfactory, it will always get better. ,Forget it."

Duan Kong hummed, and King Xue held the wine glass and looked at Duan Kong who looked drunk.

"By the way, since you mentioned women, I think I need to tell you that Julia is a good companion."

Duan Kong was stunned at first, but soon started laughing.

"Don't you understand that rabbits don't eat grass near their nests?"

King Xue said nothing more. He never thought about enlightening this man, because what he understood, this man also understood, the difference between doing it and not doing it.

"It's very tiring to keep choosing between the majority and the minority, King Xue."

King Xue nodded.

"Because of this, the people who choose must all be capable. Choosing the majority does not necessarily mean abandoning the minority. There are also exceptions like today, which can satisfy the demands of the majority and the needs of the minority. Appeal to achieve the best of both worlds.”

Duan Kong took the wine bottle and filled the cup, took a sip and shook his head.

"There is no best of both worlds. This approach can only keep the city calm for two or three years at most. This is already the limit. What should we do after two or three years?"

"Let's talk about it then, there will always be a solution, right?"

Duan Kong shook his head. He felt more and more dangerous. The city was now in a very special stage. If this stage was not handled well, the city would collapse.

Everyone wants to have a stable life, but life will not always be stable, and will always be accompanied by turbulence. So many agreements have been reached with the businessmen behind the major associations, just to alleviate the current situation that is enough to trigger the foundation of the city. The problems of the majority and the minority can only solve urgent needs, but will breed more problems.

"It's too early, King Xue. If you do this, it will only increase the subsequent burden on the city. When the demand reaches saturation, what should we do?"

"The only way is to use more scientific and technological achievements to transform the city again. There is no way. Once the city is saturated, depression is inevitable, and there will definitely be problems of how many people and how few people."

Duan Kong was already drunk. King Xue smiled helplessly and looked at the steak that he had only eaten one bite. He had already finished his own. He stood up and found a blanket to cover Duan Kong. He looked at this person who was the same as himself. An outstanding man, King Xue sighed helplessly, because this man had not abandoned his innocence, but was still trying to get the city back on track.

"Everyone wants a city that is highly civilized and developed, where people respect and love each other, where technology is powerful, and where the sun shines. It's a pity that such a city may not even exist in dreams."

King Xue walked into the kitchen, preparing to cook some other dishes for himself. King Xue has been dreaming about Billy recently. King Xue has never stopped in these years. Some classmates are still helping to investigate. It's a pity that What's strange is that Billy seems to have completely disappeared from this city.

King Xue looked at the fragrant dishes in the pot and laughed helplessly. Everyone was too concerned about the question of the majority or the minority. There is no correct answer to this question itself. Only a few people can be chosen at a specific time. Choosing the majority of people most of the time is an almost reasonable answer.

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