Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1788 Majority or Minority (Part 2)

It has been a long time. Alpha has been sitting on the bench without speaking. It can be seen that she is still having an extremely intense ideological conflict. Suli picked up the leaves in her hands and sat next to Alpha with a smile on her face.

"It's precisely because they are your parents that you don't want to ask them for help. After all, your contribution to the Angus family over the years has been basically zero, isn't it, little princess?"

Alpha looked at Su Li. Su Li was very smart. She had always been like this and could understand things quickly. Although Alpha didn't want to admit it, he still nodded.

"Coupled with your idiot sister who is called a loser by the outside world, the two daughters of the Angus family are beyond description!"

Su Li chuckled, and after noticing Alpha's dissatisfied look, Su Li put away her smile.

"I'm not here to attack your Alpha. If I have two daughters in my family, I will be very tired as a parent. Don't doubt it. I am much older than you after all, and I have watched you grow up. You are too willful. You should have known what kind of situation your parents were in these years. As the section chief, you should have used some power to help your family, but you did nothing. Looking at it, it turns out that it was trained by Mr. Jean."

Alpha frowned slightly, with a hint of anger on his face. He casually held up the blade in his hand, turned it, and then stretched his limbs comfortably.

"Don't forget that I am also a member of the family, and so are you. In the past, you tried your best to distance yourself from the family, so you have been strictly self-disciplined in everything you do, and even made actions that hurt your family. Your parents, Your sister."

The anger on Alpha's face disappeared. Although what Suli said was harsh, this is what Alpha has done over the years.

"So you have been living back home for these years, and you have finally realized that no matter how far a person goes or how high he climbs, there is always a place where no matter when you go back, you can always be treated with tenderness. , this place is called home.”

Alpha took out a cigarette, lit it and took a puff. She slowly exhaled the smoke.

"Why did you come here and talk to me so much?"

"It is true that I am quite annoying in most people's impressions. You have hated me since you were very young. I know this, but after that, your impression of me may have changed, because you You find that your sister and I are very close, do you think it’s strange that the me you used to see me would take the initiative to get close to your good-for-nothing sister who is known to the outside world?”

Alpha nodded and said.

"It's true Su Li, I hate you very much. I have done so since a long time ago. You are just like most businessmen."

Su Li hummed.

"That's for sure. Have you ever seen a businessman cut off his own arm?"

Alpha shook his head.

"Indeed I haven't seen it before."

It became increasingly difficult for Alpha to understand Suli. According to her standards, it was impossible for a businessman like her to lend a helping hand to the Angus family in trouble. However, when the Angus family was in the most difficult time, Suli took the initiative to come and lend a helping hand. I gave the money to my parents, and of course I earned a lot of interest afterwards.

And every time her sister has a problem, Su Li will go to her sister immediately, take her to have a good meal, and play with her for a few days before coming back. In Alpha's eyes, Su Li is more like a naughty girl. Children are always confusing.

This sometimes utilitarian, sometimes well-intentioned way of doing things makes Alpha confused. She always feels like she does things according to her mood.

"Let's go, I'll accompany you in."

Su Li said and tried to pull Alpha up, but Alpha shook his head.

"I don't know what to say to them."

"Even if you can't open your mouth anymore, things have already happened. If you don't solve it, you should know how serious the situation will be. But if the Angus family takes action this time, it is very likely that they will go bankrupt. This is something you can't open your mouth to The reason is that other businessmen will not care about the life and death of those mutants."

Su Li reluctantly patted Alpha on the shoulder.

"You are a role model in Brilliant City, so you have to do something. Come on, get up quickly."

Alpha was still sitting and still didn't get up.

"Why you came here obviously has nothing to do with you."

Su Li raised her head with a soft expression, enjoying the sunlight shining on her cheeks.

"There were times when I was in pain and confusion, but there was always a kind and kind uncle who came to enlighten me. It's just that the uncle was no longer there, and I didn't know until a long time after he passed away."

Alpha was a little surprised, Su Li smiled and pulled Alpha up.


Su Li said, dragging Alpha up, and the two came to the door. Su Li directly pressed the convex crystal next to the door, and a light and shadow screen appeared.

"The princess is back, hurry up and open the door."

Alpha turned his head angrily. At this time, the butler Micah on the screen was a little happy, but also confused.

After a while, the door opened, and the housekeeper and several servants of the Angus family looked at each other.

"Miss, why did you go through the main entrance?"

Su Li held her stomach and laughed.

“Isn’t it common sense to go through the front door?”

Alpha walked in awkwardly, and Micah walked up to Alpha.

"Miss, is there something wrong? The master and his wife are working in the fields."

"Where's Niya?"

Micah smiled helplessly.

"I haven't woken up yet. I played games until dawn last night."

Su Li laughed. Since Niya came back, she basically spent her life playing games, exercising, eating and sleeping. She often lived a life of black and white. Su Li came here a few times.

"How can I describe this feeling! By the way, it's like a primary school student who wants something he likes, but has no money in his pocket. He can only go home and ask his parents for it, but he is afraid because the thing is very expensive and his parents may not be able to buy it. Get up, right!"

Micah heard what Su Li said, and after thinking for a while, she seemed to understand the purpose of Alpha's return.

"I'm going to inform Madam and Master first. Miss, do you want to eat anything? It's almost 11 o'clock."

Alpha shook his head, and Sully talked about what she wanted to eat.

After coming to the living room and sitting down, Alpha looked very sad. Su Li was taking photos and videos on the side. After all, Alpha was rarely seen in such an embarrassment on weekdays.

"Can you calm down? You always act like a child. Aren't you older than me, Su Li?"

Su Li shook her head.

"What's wrong with being a child, Alpha? Your sister is more talented than you. She has something that you don't have. This thing is important to everyone."

"Su Li, you're here! I'm planning to find you. We agreed to take me to Phoebes Resort Hotel for a few days. Don't regret the treat."

Su Li made an OK gesture to Niya who came downstairs in a daze. After Niya came down, she still half-closed her eyes, yawned and scratched her body. She jumped directly to the sofa and sat down. At this time Only then did he notice that his sister had returned.

"Sister, why are you back?"

Alpha sighed.


Before she finished speaking, Niya reached out and took out a pack of cigarettes from Alpha's pocket. After lighting one, she stretched out her legs comfortably and crossed them on the table, looking comfortable.

Looking at Nia, Alpha seemed to realize what Su Li said. What Nia had, he didn’t have. Alpha knew this already, but people will always grow up, and it is impossible to be a child for the rest of their lives. It’s just that Seeing that Su Li and Niya were already talking about how to go to Phoebes Resort Hotel, the two were as excited as children and kept talking.

"How about we book a place and find a few friends to go with us, Su Li!"

"You think so, who will pay for this?"

Nia looked at Alpha with a smile.

"Sister, do you want to come with us?"

"I think it would be better for you to go have some fun with us until this matter is resolved."

Niya became puzzled.

"What's going on?"

At this time, Mr. and Mrs. Angus came back. As soon as they came in, there was a smell of earth coming in. Violet looked at her eldest daughter sitting on the sofa. As soon as she came in, Alpha became obviously nervous. She immediately She figured out what was going on, but didn't say it right away. No matter what, she was her own biological child. No matter how talented Alpha was, Violet knew everything about her.

"If there's anything you can't solve, Alpha, just relax."

Avano walked over and Niya stood up with a smile.

"Dad, can you give me some money?"

Niya said and hugged Avano's neck. Alpha was a little surprised. Niya would never have done this kind of thing to be close to her parents before.

"If you dare to spend money randomly again, I will break your hand!"

Violet said immediately, and Niya left her father with a smile and ran to Su Li's side.

"I'll spend 1,000 yuan to buy some gold coins and props or something!"

Violet sat next to Alpha.

"Speak clearly what you want to say, don't hide your face Alpha, this family doesn't owe you anything."

Avano winked at his wife hurriedly, and Alpha snorted, but still didn't speak, still holding on.

"What's going on?"

Niya asked, Su Li opened a light and shadow screen, and Niya was soon stunned.

"I've had a good night's sleep and something like this happened. If it doesn't work, I have to go out."

"What are you going to do?"

Alpha stared at his sister angrily.

"Of course I went to protest. Now many mutants can't find jobs. Can't we protest? It's not the regulations issued by Congress that are causing harm."

The atmosphere at the scene became a little solemn, and Violet looked at Alpha.

"Is it that difficult for you to say something? Alpha, we are not your enemies."

Alpha was a little moved for a moment. She didn't know where to move her hands, and Violet held her hand.


Alpha said dullly, and the couple both guessed what their daughter was going to do. Avano brought up a light and shadow screen, which was a cross-section of Brilliant City. The only place that Angus' construction has not touched now is the north.

For the north, which has a relatively weak economy and a small population, although it is also within the scope of the construction plan, there is no subway from bottom to top, and many mines in the north are abandoned.

Except for some elderly people, there are almost no young people living at the bottom in the north. Only the three middle-level areas where the headquarters of Section 3 and Section 5 are located are relatively popular, while the other areas are lifeless.

Alpha was still silent, thinking about everything he had experienced from childhood to adulthood. He kept asking for things from his parents, although this kind of asking was passive and he did not even help his parents in any way. Even his parents had to do many things for him. Worry, Alpha felt very guilty, so she couldn't speak.

If the construction of the northern part starts, the Angus family's current steady pace of construction will be disrupted. Problems may also occur in some upper areas currently under construction. In addition, the Angus family may fall into a situation of high debts, so Alpha I can't open this mouth.

"If you don't speak, we won't know anything about Alpha."

Violet said, Alpha nodded, and Nia seemed to understand something at this time.

"Sister, tell me what to do."

Alpha looked at Nia and Suli nodded.

"I hope our family construction can start in the north, and the targets of recruitment are mutants."

Violet nodded.

"What's the plan?"

Alpha shook her head. She looked at her mother. Just as she was about to say sorry, her mother hugged her.

"Just let it go, Alpha. As long as you can come back every day. I am your mother, Alpha. No matter what happens outside, it's fine if you come back."

Avano walked over with a smile, and Niya curled her lips.

"Mom, what about me? You can do it anyway."

Su Li grabbed Niya and shook her head.

After a while, the embarrassment on Alpha's face disappeared, and Avano called up the construction drawings in the north. All reconstruction and construction need to be started from scratch. It is impossible to invest too much at one time, and the construction in the north is risky.

"If we at Angus Construction are to build in the north, Congress must allow us to do it at our pace, not at the city's demand."

Alpha nodded, and Suli pulled Nia to stand up.


"You don't need to participate. Let's go for a walk in the plantation and pick some vegetables."

Niya could only follow Su Li out.


The number of mutants in Area 1 is obviously much smaller. Many mutants have left Area 1 directly and went to some middle-level areas to eat, but it is obvious that they will not leave before getting a satisfactory answer.

Many members of Section 5 who were patrolling the streets and members of Section 3 who were on standby in some places breathed a sigh of relief at this time. The tense atmosphere in the morning disappeared and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Some mutants brought their own liquid food and ate it in some street alleys. Most of the mutants were still unwilling to leave. Everyone wanted to wait for the results before leaving. This situation made many mutants feel It's a little hard to explain, because the administrative department actually took the initiative to lift the blockade.

At this time, light and shadow screens appeared on the street. Many people noticed that the light and shadow screens were not in the room, but on a green lawn.

"It's Angus's house!"

Someone exclaimed, and soon a woman appeared on the screen.

"Dear citizens, good afternoon, I am Violet Angus. I just want to tell you one thing. Just now our Angus family has signed a contract with Congress, and the northern comprehensive A contract to start work, and the targets of recruitment are mutants."

In just a few seconds, the streets in Area 1 began to boil with excitement, and many mutants cheered.

“But as you can see, our Angus family is still carrying out construction in most areas of the city, so this full-scale construction is proceeding slowly. The number of workers we recruited in the first batch is 50,000, and the number of workers recruited They are all mutants, but there is one thing our Angus family must make clear. The jobs that can be paid to mutants can only be between 2,000 and 3,000 a month, which is the salary of ordinary workers in the city. If you are willing to accept it, You can sign up at Angus Construction today, and the start date will be set within this month!”

For a time, many mutant people cheered. Although the wages were indeed not as good as before, many mutants had not had jobs for several months and could only continue to look for jobs and ways out in the city. However, as the situation in the city became increasingly worse, Oops, a lot of mutants can't find jobs at all.

"Finally, I want to say something to everyone in the city. According to the current situation of our Angus family, rashly starting construction in the north will only increase our burden, but there is no way. My daughter, Alpha Angus, please As her mother, I just want to say one thing to everyone, please stay calm and rational when you encounter any problems, don't disrupt the city's security, and don't give my daughter any more work difficulties. It’s stressful.”

The scene immediately switched to the General Affairs Department. With a smile on his face, Locke began to explain in more detail the TV statement issued by the Angus family. At this time, the people on the street began to flow, and most of the mutants had left Area 1. , want to go to Angus Construction in the mid-level.

Many mutants know that as long as they can work now, many ordinary people in the city don't know what to say at this time. Some businessmen immediately gathered together because the economy in the north has been bad, and now This is an excellent opportunity, and many businessmen have begun to discuss what kind of business activities they can apply for.

Some people who had already left the north and still had houses in the north got directly into cars heading north.

"This time the Angus family is finished, don't you think so, wise man!"

Ran Zhi watched the news in disbelief. He really couldn't understand why Violet would make such a stupid decision. Just because her daughter went to her for help, she could push the entire family into what might be an abyss.

Ran Zhi did not speak, but sighed. He knew this feeling very well in his heart, because this was the request of his loved one. Although there was a great risk, as a parent, he would know it very well, because parents are absolutely He will not ignore his children.

Ran Zhi looked at Eddie who was already laughing. He couldn't understand this feeling.

"Prometheus, quickly make calculations and arrange the next step."

"I understand, Mr. Eddie!"

There was a mechanical sound in the room. Ran Zhi knew very well that if the Angus family started construction, they would have to pay a salary of up to 100 million yuan a month. This was calculated based on the minimum of 2,000 yuan. The current situation of the Gus family is that the revenue is not proportional. Although Congress will tilt a part of the tax revenue to the Angus family, this will only be a drop in the bucket for the huge northern construction that will begin next.

"Are these guys' brains broken?"

Just as Ran Zhi was meditating for a moment, Ran Zhi looked at the light and shadow screen. The latest news on it was that the eight major associations announced some decisions at the same time.

The Industrial Association decided that companies owned by some members of the Industrial Association would produce a batch of construction tools to support the construction of the north, and these construction tools would be free of charge to support the construction of the Angus family.

The Clothing Association will provide a large amount of labor protection equipment made from raw crop fiber parts, and the Food Association also promises to open some free food distribution points in the area every day to provide workers involved in the construction.

The Law Society promises to help some mutants solve some of their current legal problems and provide free lawyer services.

The Construction Association has provided some houses in the north under the construction association's hands for mutants to live in for free. The medical association will place some free medical points near the construction site to provide free medical treatment to some mutants.

The Education Association will waive most of the tuition fees for the children of mutants with families, while the Film and Television Entertainment Association provides a large number of free programs for working mutants to watch without paying.

Eddie looked at everything in front of him in disbelief and sat down.

"There must be something wrong with these guys' heads."

But soon Ran Zhi shook his head.

"It's not a brain problem, it's because everyone has vested interests. If you think about it carefully, you'll understand."

Eddie seemed to realize something, Ran Zhi stood up with a smile and said.

"The industrial association provides free construction tools, otherwise it has received some orders from the business department. If they provide them for free, it will be a good advertising effect. If the tools are made of light and shadow materials, they can also be recycled in the future. , and the stock prices of these companies that provide free services will definitely rise sharply in the future."

Ran Zhi said that Eddie seemed to have realized that the situation of Hillman Grain Industry was the most embarrassing now, and he understood immediately.

"That bastard Wu Qun."

Ran Zhi nodded.

"This move is too cruel. I am afraid that the executive committee and the council members will isolate Hillman Grain. What will be your reputation in the city? You cannot participate in the free food distribution. The council members and the executive committee will not The government will allow you, but you can only suffer but cannot speak out, and you don’t know how the citizens who don’t know the truth will think of you.”

As for the medical association providing free medical treatment, most of it is related to muscle strain ailments. For mutants, it is just a small favor, but it is enough to allow the medical association, which has already gone bankrupt, to regain some face. Come.

As for the clothing association's approach, there are only benefits, because Ran Zhi knew with his buttocks that it was definitely Su Li who provided the plant fiber clothes that were originally going to be made into some polyester. Su Li could definitely get some food channels.

The Building Association's approach is inevitable, because if construction starts, the Angus family will have very large business dealings with most companies in the Real Estate Association, and those businessmen who have provided free housing will definitely have priority with Angus Build cooperation.

Ran Zhi couldn't think more clearly about the approach of the Lawyers Association. In the past, Tianhen's case triggered a national condemnation of the so-called black-hearted lawyers. Through this situation, those black-hearted lawyers were able to help the mutants. People, change some people's views on them.

As for the Education Association's approach, Ran Zhi felt that it was a bit inappropriate, but after thinking about it carefully, it could still benefit some education schools. As long as it was in the name of taking care of mutant children, it could win some attention, even in some schools. The distribution of education funds in the region has said that schools with many mutant children will definitely be able to receive subsidies.

The Film and Television Entertainment Association's move seems like a loss, but the Film and Television Entertainment Association seems to have made big moves recently, and Ran Zhi doesn't know the specifics yet. The only thing he knows is that the Jiang family may have reached some kind of agreement with the Business Department.

"Don't think about it anymore, just let nature take its course Eddie, life is so interesting, but I am very interested in the guy who can come up with this method and mobilize all the eight major associations. This method can not only stimulate the people's hearts, but also the city's The economy can also benefit the eight major associations. Such talents are truly geniuses among geniuses."

Ran Zhi searched carefully and recalled that there was no such person in the acting field who had such talent. Even Alpha, who was called a genius, did not have such ability.

"Who is it?"

1:29 p.m.

King Xue pressed his glasses and looked at the councilors and business section chiefs below the stage. They were still talking about the diversity of this plan and the unprecedented good business prospects it could bring to everyone.

Everyone under the stage returned to smiling, and King Xue bowed slightly after finishing speaking.

"Okay everyone, I just hope that you don't make any mistakes when I go back. After all, this solution seems to me to be the most reasonable."

For a while, many people stood up excitedly. Locke breathed a sigh of relief. The congressmen left the room directly, preparing to return to their respective places and start work. Locke walked to the stage and patted King Xue on the back.

"Thanks to you."

Looking at the expressions of his former classmates at this time, King Xue said with a smile.

"You don't need to be so embarrassed. We are all old classmates. I am just a bystander, so I can see it more clearly than everyone else. I hope you can strictly follow the strategy you just decided and don't make any mistakes. problem, and the next step we should solve is the problem of mutants going berserk and ordinary people carrying alienated genes going berserk."

"Hey, you're still the same guy as before, you always like to use dirty tricks to solve problems."

Latis smiled and jumped up. At this time, the section chiefs all ran up and surrounded King Xue.

"Okay everyone, it's been a long time since we had dinner together. Let's have a drink together later!"

King Xue said as he looked at Duan Kong who was also delighted, but there was bitterness in his eyes.

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