Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1786 The Opener (Part 2)

"Can you really give us something to eat?"


In a camp consisting of a large number of military trucks next to the Weeping Bridge outside the southern guard station, many men and women with sallow faces and unkempt hair, as well as some children, were waiting.

At the entrance of a clinic, many people lined up in a long line, waiting for physical examinations. Some children needed vaccinations. Many criminals came here every day.

"If you have weapons, you can hand them over and you can get extra food and water."

A team leader from Section 3 explained to the criminals who came to collect the food. The criminals who were wrapped tightly looked solemn at this time, but the team leader did not ask them to hand over their weapons again. thing.

Many people are waiting to receive food and water. The staff of the administrative department are waiting to note everyone's situation. At first, many people were rejecting it, but it was just a simple registration of name, age and gender. After that, everyone A special electronic inkjet code will be stamped on each patient's arm. This biological inkjet code will completely disappear and be eliminated from the body within a month.

This is to prevent people from receiving food repeatedly. On a 30-day cycle, these people can come again after 30 days to receive 60 cans of liquid food and 30 kilograms of water.

If a criminal is willing to admit his crime, he can return to the city. However, he needs to work in an agricultural base for a corresponding number of years according to the crime he committed before he can be free. Many criminals have already applied. , but most of them were light-duty criminals, and no one applied for serious-duty criminals.

There are such small material distribution stations outside the four guard stations. People who come here can receive a month's worth of food, including a physical examination by a doctor, and will receive some medicines, but many of the medicines have never been seen on the market.

Such things have begun to spread in the city, and many people are criticizing Section 3's approach, which is tantamount to indulging those criminals. Some even say that these criminals will become a threat to the city in the future, but such arguments are only a minority, because Many people don't care much about the barrier zone and the three subjects.

In the clinic, there were not only doctors from the 4th Department, but also many doctors from medical companies in the city.

Several members of Department 3 who were patrolling nearby looked at everything in the room and some of the conversations between the doctors, including the drugs distributed. Many of the members had never seen these drugs. They should be some kind of medicine. New drug, but why is it not sold on the market?

Many conversations between doctors have also puzzled many members of the 3rd Department, because doctors usually treat patients very accurately and say certain things, but now what the doctors say to these patients is The vague symptoms, as well as some symptoms that may occur after taking the medicine, are also clearly written on the light and shadow panel. The paper is printed out using the Gula printer technology on the side and handed over to some patients. It is also confirmed whether some patients are literate. For problems such as vision, create clear text explanations or picture explanations for them.

The progress in the entire clinic is very slow, and some patients have been waiting here for more than a day.

At this time, there is a televised election meeting of councilors in the city. There will be an election event for councilors in the region at the beginning of each year and in the middle of the year. Councilors in each district can come from January to March and June. In August, the election of members was held.

The general term of office of a councilor is 3 years. If there are problems with the affairs taken over during the 3-year term, the term of office is likely to be terminated. The affairs of each councilor will be judged and reviewed by the other 9 councilors of the local district office. Internally, we conduct this kind of cross-examination, and most congressmen can safely spend their three-year term. However, if the people in the region are dissatisfied and can initiate impeachment, the administrative department will directly come into the region to investigate the congressman. Review the things you do.

Once any problems arise during the review, the councilor will be arrested and punished accordingly. Most of the district councilors belong to different factions, so it is difficult for them to cooperate with each other in private.

The eight major associations will also review the councilors of their own factions in the district power office from time to time. The annual parliamentary elections are basically the same. Many people just vote. The two votings every year are related to the appointment of district councilors and the reserve of the district power office. Whether the MP is qualified.

In order to allow some people who don't care who serves as a councilor to participate in voting, voting in each district will be counted as points, and these points can be used for medical treatment, payment of utility bills, and certain commercial activities, and the bill will be deducted. They are all quite high, equivalent to a special benefit in the region.

Freya sat quietly in front of the table. All the people sitting below were members of the medical faction. Many of them had happy faces. Yuri sat at the front excitedly.

This is just a formal election. The host is still announcing the votes in District 1. Freya's votes have accounted for more than 90%.

The voices that criticized Freya for failing to reform the medical system over the past year have gradually subsided amid the chaos in the medical market in the past few months. Many people have also realized that this is not the reason for the failure of medical reform. , with the advancement of the devastating review of the entire medical industry led by Alpha, the chief of the 5th Public Security Management Section, all kinds of ugliness in the medical system have surfaced.

Businessmen of medical companies have been fiercely criticized by people in the city, and the regulatory system of Section 4 has been the same. In the past few months, due to the shortage of supplies in the medical industry, the price of medical treatment has been three to five times higher than in the past.

No matter how the business department controls prices, it still cannot go against the principles of the market. It is not difficult to see from the financial statements of the Angus family's temporary medical industry in the past few months that basically the Angus family has not made much money. In less than half a year, it supported the supply of the entire city's medical industry, but the actual profit was less than 1 million.

Now that the medical industry has fully resumed work, as Freya decided to continue running for parliament, many people began to talk about Freya's good days as the president of the medical association.

Someone had to clean up this mess, and the businessmen also fell silent, as did the members of the medical faction, because the only person who could clean up this mess was Freya.

The back row was filled with businessmen from the medical industry. Everyone was looking at Freya. If Freya hadn't negotiated terms with the practitioners last month, most of the medical businessmen would have been unable to hold on. .

Now that the pharmaceutical industry has fully and slowly recovered, it still follows the original review system, but some changes have been made in the details.

Freya just wanted to end this boring TV show quickly and go back home. During this time, Freya felt very tired and returned to this power struggle. But this time it was different from the last time. The city Things have changed, and times have changed.

Freya felt uneasy in her heart at this time. The biggest problem in the medical industry is that the number of new drugs developed in recent years is too few. This is the most fundamental problem. The pain caused by the imbalance of microorganisms in the human body cannot be treated with the past Some drugs are already of little medical benefit as these microorganisms become increasingly resistant.

In the past 10 years, a total of 139 new drugs have appeared, 87 of which were developed by Huashen. The research and development of new drugs has been in trouble because the cycle from drug development to market launch is too long, and like Huashen There is only one such person in the city.

Most clinical trials of drugs recruit experimenters and use some physically strong mutants. However, although mutants can determine the impact of most drugs on the human body, they must be used on ordinary people and the dosage must be adjusted. , and the overall impact on the human body are also issues.

In recent years, Huashen has focused most of its energy on developing drugs that can suppress mutants' violent genes. In the past three years, less than 10 new drugs have been developed, and drug research and development has almost come to a standstill.

Because there is no way to conduct large-scale drug experiments, there is no way to obtain drug data. The development of many drugs has even stopped after failing in some clinical trials.

In the past, the Hillman family had the strongest ability to develop drugs, but Hillman Pharmaceuticals no longer exists. In the past ten years, Hillman has only developed 21 new drugs.

Times are changing, and so are humans, and drug research and development is already at its most difficult moment.

Before, Freya had been thinking about how to negotiate terms with Xing Ke, but after learning about the actions of Section 3 after the attack on the agricultural experimental base last month, Freya immediately thought of how to save the city. The city's medical industry, how to save more patients that may appear in the future, and how to maintain the continued, stable and efficient development of medical technology in the city's medical industry.

The technology of light and shadow surgery that Huashen said will take a lot of time to develop, and the problem of drugs is a big problem that affects everyone in the city. If it is not solved effectively, the future medical industry will only be chaotic. Repeat the same mistakes.

Freya is really unwilling to make such a decision. The most critical link for drugs is clinical trials, and the conditions that need to be met for clinical trials are a large number of patients. If some new drugs are used on ordinary people, there will be harm to the body and The risk of R\u0026D costs is very high.

Only the barrier zone can meet all the conditions for drug development. This was Freya's immediate reaction after learning about Section 3's actions. Freya has been thinking about this issue for a week, thinking about it every day, but no matter how she thinks about it, , if the medical industry can develop healthily and smoothly, and the price and coverage of medical expenses can satisfy the people of the whole city, and it can be sustained for a long time, the only way is to carry out large-scale drug experiments in the barrier zone.

This is already a helpless matter. If the criminals wandering in the barrier area have any value, this may be their last remaining value.

It is extremely difficult to make such a decision. Freya once again stood between the majority and the minority, but in any case, judging from the facts at hand, the impact on the future, and the medical industry as a whole , this approach is correct.


Freya suddenly stood up while listening to the host who was still talking.

"This is not an entertainment show!"

The moment Freya stood up, the host shut up, and many media people at the scene also felt frightened. Seeing the angry look on the face of the Queen of the Brilliant City, the scene fell silent.

"Don't do this kind of entertainment program again, you bastards!"

Freya cursed, and the congressmen below looked at each other in shock. Several congressmen hurriedly got up and found the person in charge of the TV station. No matter what reason they used, to let the TV program end, Freya had already stood up and started walking.

"Finally, I want to warn you, please be serious and think about this issue carefully. This is not a joke, let alone"

Freya didn't say any more. The congressmen stood up and followed her. Now they wanted to hear Freya lay out some things in detail. Each congressman's expression became serious, while many businessmen from the medical company smiled happily. got up.

"As expected of a queen, she is really courageous."

"I can even think of our bright prospects in the future."

"Damn the Hillmans."

The businessmen all praised Freya's success, not remembering that a few months ago they were planning to push Freya down.

Merchants only need to bear all the expenses of all the criminals in the barrier area, and the so-called expenses are only water and food. When food is distributed every month to diagnose and treat people in the barrier area, it is the time for new drugs to be distributed, and Time to obtain specific new drug data.

Freya walked down the long corridor, and the MPs behind her followed them slowly. At this time, Freya was extremely tormented in her heart. She knew very well that this approach was against human morality. What makes her heartbroken at this time is that many people don't think there is anything wrong with this approach at all, but it is a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

Giving a little food and water to the wandering criminals in the barrier area can buy a bright future for the entire medical industry. This is a win-win situation for most people, and the businessmen are even willing to pay a sum of money to 3 Branch , this is just an investment for most businessmen.

Michelle was waiting at the door of a room in front of her. Freya walked over and hugged her daughter. Michelle saw the tears overflowing from the corners of Freya's eyes and looked at her mother's expression in surprise. It was full of sadness, and the people who came behind him were all smiling.

"Mom. What's wrong with you!"

Freya hugged Michelle tightly, still trying to adjust her emotions.

"Mom made the hardest and most shameless decision as a human being!"

Michelle looked at her mother who had stood up, and she had returned to her usual coldness. She looked at the several female congressmen who were talking to her, and then at her mother.

"Remember Michelle, only if you stand in the right position in the future can you do the right thing and have the right to decide everything!"


A large lift landed silently in front of Agata. She stood up and watched the door of the lift open little by little. Doctors wearing isolation suits came with medical equipment. The equipment comes off the lift.

Agata walked over step by step, holding up one hand and pointing to the secret passage with a thumb. At this time, several people at the entrance of the passage trembled and looked at the scene in front of them, as if they saw hope suddenly. As time approaches, some mutants of the Hillman family are carrying supplies and distributing some liquid food to these people who are about to starve to death.

After Agata walked in, Ran Zhi sat in front of a large cover in the corner of the shelf of the large lift.

"That's pretty fast, right? Agata."

Agata walked over step by step and opened the big cover on the table. There was a table of dishes and wine. She picked up a chicken leg and ate it hungrily, swallowing the bones as well. Ran Zhi drank wine.

After coming out of the secret tunnel near Black Mountain, it only took a short one or two hours to come out, because in many nearby mines that have stopped mining, there are some reserve materials of the Hillman family that they want to transport. Some supplies come out very quickly.

Looking at Agata's empty arms, Ran Zhi asked with a smile.

"Need a robotic arm?"

"No need, you bastard."

Ran Zhi nodded. Agata seemed to be full, so she opened a bottle of wine and started drinking.

"Xing Ke or God did not expect that there would be ventilation pipes in this cave base. If there were no ventilation pipes, the people inside would die of hypoxia in three or four days at most, but they managed to survive for a full month. in the dark."

"This is all thanks to you."

Agata said and Ran Zhi shook his head.

"Is it really thanks to me?"

Agata looked at Ran Zhi intently. She walked up to Ran Zhi and grabbed his collar.

"I'm going to kill you, me"

Ran Zhi laughed.

"What if you kill me? Has the problem been solved?"

Agata looked at Ran Zhi emotionally, but the strength in her hands was weaker at this time. There had been a lot of friction among the 16 bosses. Everyone wanted to become a true king and control the cave. Everything, but because of the wise man's plan, they can only check and balance each other.

When the balance was really broken, it was during the raid on the Xingke experimental base. After returning, Agata thought she would calm down for a few days, but the result was worse than she expected, and Xingke's actions made Agata even more confused. The unexpected, and the arrival of God.

"There is no safe place in this land, you should have known that for a long time, but why are you still struggling?"

Ran Zhi asked, and Agata let go of her hand, kicked the chair away angrily, and took a sip from the wine bottle.

Ran Zhi looked at the angry woman in front of him and shook his head.

"No matter how you think about it, once you set foot on this land, there is no turning back! So I have a proposal, what do you think?"

Ran Zhi said and Agata sneered.

"I want to come again."

"I was serious!"

Agata raised the chair, and after sitting down, Ran Zhi brought up a light and shadow screen, which showed what was happening in the city today.


Agata laughed, with a hint of sadness and bitterness in her laughter.

"Do we want to use even our last bit of value? Do these guys not even have a little bit of heart?"

"You should never argue with vested interests and hypocrites. This is the only value here and the only reason you can survive."

Agata clenched her fists. What she saw was that people from the last three departments were handing out water and food. Agata thought it was a joke at first, until she grabbed some food from some criminals, Agata Only then did he know that this was true, but now what Ran Zhi showed Agata was a new drug experiment developed by a medical company in the city, and all the wandering criminals in the barrier area had become experimental subjects.

Agata looked at everything on the light and shadow screen angrily, Ran Zhi smiled and nodded.

"The Business Department will not take action against the barrier area now. This is all thanks to the initiator of this plan, Freya."

Agata's clenched fists became tighter and tighter, and her bones made a crisp friction sound.

Ran Zhi stood up, walked to Agata, and stretched out his hand again.

"No matter how resentful or angry you are, you have no ability to change what has happened. The only thing you can do is to lead the people here to live freely on this land. This There are a lot of mineral resources in the mountains, I think you can definitely survive."

Agata shook her head.

"Then use us as pawns to contain the city, right?"

Ran Zhi nodded.

"What's wrong with this? At least you can have the opportunity to realize your own value."

"My own value? Haha."

Agata turned around and walked away, Ran Zhi held up the wine glass and said with a smile.

"You should know better than anyone else what is happening here and why you are here. This is not what you want, right?"

"Who wants to be in this kind of place, who wants to go"

Agata pressed her forehead and walked out step by step. Looking at everything outside, Agata smiled. She looked at the circle of bright white light in the distance and shook her head.

"You can never go back."

Agata closed her eyes, thinking of the muddy street where she grew up as a child. This was the most beautiful place in Agata's memory. That street was dirty and messy, and fights often occurred. Although You may still be hungry from time to time, but at that time you are actually very happy.

Agata went back once before leaving the city. Everything in the past had long since disappeared, leaving only tall houses and renovated streets.

"It's time to make a choice."

Ran Zhi reminded, Agata nodded.

"We need some mining equipment."

Agata said and Ranzhi nodded.

"These things will be delivered."

Night is when most people in the barrier area are active, because the wind and sand at night are smaller and it is easier to move around. However, recently many people feel that the temperature at night is getting lower and lower.

It's just that most people are gathering outside the four guard stations at this time, just hoping to quickly receive a month's worth of food and water, as well as some medicines, and return to where they live.

No one is willing to surrender. Many people have become accustomed to living in this land. Although they may be threatened by violence and death, they don't need to think about anything and can just go on day by day. This is what many people want. idea.

"We might have done something terrible! But we might have been right."

"Who knows, no matter what you think, things have become like this. No matter what we start, only the future can test the results."

Osman hugged his wife Zijuan, and the two stood on the wall of the eastern guard station, looking at the light and shadow screen at the clerks who were busy outside the barrier. Many of the clerks who went out to serve could enjoy an extra sum. The bonuses are distributed by medical companies, including some financial assistance to the 3 departments. Recently, they have also been given to the 3 departments one after another.

Osman doesn't know what the gods are thinking, but he can only continue like this. He plans to form a special inspection team in the barrier area to understand everything in the barrier area. Many people have signed up to participate.

"It's like a decision you would make."

Zijuan said, stroking her belly, and Osman smiled and nodded.

"I don't know what exactly opened up, but this is the most correct decision that I, a father who is about to become a child, can make. Either choose to ignore everything, or choose to face everything."

Zijuan knows very well that these two completely different attitudes will determine the future fate of the city. Now the city is facing the most serious problem in its history. The conflict between mutants and ordinary people has become more and more intense.

The 3rd Department of Science and Technology has deployed many people to the area to assist the 5th Department in maintaining law and order. The current situation of the 5th Department also worries Osman. The work efficiency is not as good as before, and the most critical thing is Alpha. Now it seems Resisting the huge political system of Xingke.

This is Osman's most intuitive feeling after seeing Alpha many times recently. It all started after Jean left.

Osman himself also had doubts about this huge political system, so he knew very well that Alpha was thinking about the same problem as himself, whether to ignore it or to face it squarely.

"In the past, we always thought that after we came out, we could show off our talents and make the city as beautiful as what we discussed in class. Unfortunately, the reality is always cruel. We have to constantly make choices between the majority and the minority. position."

Zijuan said and Osman nodded.

"Everyone is very tired. We all know where the problem is, but it's difficult to solve it."

Osman said with a helpless smile.

"Our child will be born next month. These problems will be left to our children. I still say Osman. The only thing we can do is to protect the foundation of this city and make everything stable. This It’s the only thing we can do and the only way to start the next era.”

"Will it really get better in the next era?"

Osman asked, Zijuan leaned on Osman's arm and shook her head.

"You have to ask the child in your belly!"

The two smiled at each other and lowered their heads.

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