Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1785 The Opener (Part 2)

Ling Hong kept swallowing, Hua Shen had closed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"I know the structure of the human body very well, so there's no need to worry."

Gradually, Ling Hong discovered that the pimples on Li Ang's right body were disappearing in large areas, and Li Ang had fainted and seemed to be asleep. His left eyelid had collapsed, but his right eye was still wide open. His expression was extremely distorted.

Gradually Ling Hong removed her telekinesis, and she breathed a sigh of relief. The raised bumps on the right side of the boy's body in front of her shriveled up, leaving a large number of acne-like things on the skin, and the pimples on his cheeks. The area has not recovered. There are still black tears on the right half of the cheek. When the black liquid overflowed, Li Ang's skin was permanently burned.

Huashen let go of his hand, and green particles began to emerge from Li Ang's skin. Huashen breathed a sigh of relief.

"What exactly did you do?"

"I just let my alienated particles enter the boy's body, flow along his blood, and then find the part of his body that is producing violent alienated cells, and directly use my alienated particles to kill these violent alienated cells."

Ling Hong smiled easily.

"Good for you."

Huashen sighed. If he couldn't control it well just now, Li Ang's body would only have bigger problems, and he might even die directly. Huashen didn't know how to do it, but the only thing he could think of was that Gene had told him in the past Live your own.

If he wants to save more people, the only thing Huashen can do is to make his medical technology superior to all the diseases that can cause people.

"What was the potion just now?"

"It's a nerve paralyzing agent. The dose needs to be controlled below the maximum limit that the boy's current physical condition can bear."

Ling Hong didn't quite understand, Huashen said.

"Didn't you do experiments in the past? Capture those violent mutants and use nerve paralytics to temporarily put them into coma. Unfortunately, nothing can be solved. Those mutants who have developed violent mutant cells in their bodies are They will never wake up, they will still be violent if they wake up."

Ling Hong nodded. She had also heard the gods mention this experiment in class. It was over there in Montenegro, but it failed in the end. All the previous students of the gods also left because the experiment could never succeed. .

"I have read the experimental data at that time. Many violent mutants were directly captured using nerve paralysis agents. Although the phenomenon of self-phagocytosis of the body's alienated cells was temporarily eliminated, it should be related to the temporary loss of body functions, so these The mutated cells also chose to sleep with their master, but they are still the same when they wake up, and the violent mutants will still go crazy and die soon."

Huashen looked around at some media reporters who had come over, and the people from Section 5 were still stopping them.

"The effect of the nerve paralyzing agent will only become weaker and weaker. The same violent mutant can be used up to three times. I often wonder whether it is because the mutant's brain has been killed during intense thinking activities before becoming violent. If the mutant's consciousness dies, then the mutant will just be like a walking zombie, but there are exceptions like Quasimodo."

"So? If this kid won't become violent when he wakes up, it is enough to prove that as long as the mutant is still conscious before falling asleep, the hypothesis of using nerve paralytics to rescue the violent mutant is valid, right?"

Huashen said with a smile as the reporters rushed over.

"As expected of you, you are the one with the best medical scores among the three subjects. I think you should just change your career to become a doctor!"

Ling Hong smiled and shook her head. Huashen responded to the reporters' questions. At this time, a lift from Section 4 also flew over. After fixing Li Ang's hands and feet, he lifted him into the take-off and landing position. In the machine.

"This is the result. If my hypothesis is true, I will inform you as soon as possible."

Saying that, Huashen entered the lift.

"Would you like to come together?"

Ling Hong shook her head.

"Wish you good luck Huashen!"

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the news that Huashen had successfully rescued a mutant who was about to go berserk was overwhelming.

"It's true, people really like creatures that are like wind and rain. Now your situation is not good."

Mo Xiaolan said, and Hua Shen smiled helplessly. Tang Rao and Werther were both there. They were still checking all of Li Ang's body values, and there were still alienated cells left in his body.

"Will it be successful? My dose is very small, and the boy should wake up soon."

Huashen said with a smile.

"Why did you ask me to come here?"

"Recently, there have been more and more cases of mutants going berserk, so I'm thinking, is it really because these people can't bear the cold eyes of ordinary people in the city and the dilemma of not being able to find a job, so they become angry and sad, and finally go berserk? ?”

Tang Rao chuckled.

"Human beings are such fragile creatures."

Huashen shook his head.

"I have asked Frye in detail. No matter how fragile a person is, the human body has a self-protection mechanism, especially for the fragile nerves of human beings. Cry loudly, indulge yourself, or find friends to complain, or find someone to Make whatever you like. No matter how fragile you are, human beings will not collapse so easily if they are not pushed to the limit. So I am wondering whether the violently mutated cells are contagious, but unfortunately this is not possible, so We have to ask this boy what he was going through and what he was thinking in the months before he fell into that situation."

All major media are reporting on this incident, because most people believe it when they see it. It is true that Huashen restrained the mutant who was about to go berserk. This is tantamount to giving many people a little thought. I think that the most critical thing in the city that can prevent mutants from going berserk is the mutant group, because most mutants know that they may go berserk one day, and many mutants are a little afraid of the recent mutations in the city. There are too many incidents where people go berserk.

"If this boy really gets better, the investigation will be left to you, Xiaolan."

Mo Xiaolan curled her lips. She had already jumped out of a light and shadow screen. Tang Rao used his authority to help Mo Xiaolan call up a relatively complete list of the places where mutants went berserk. They were all concentrated on the bottom floor. There were also many in the middle level recently. But no one from the top showed up.

There was no connection between the places where the incident occurred. Just as Mo Xiaolan was thinking about it, suddenly with a burst of screams, Li Ang got up from the bed, shouting in pain, everyone looked at Li Ang, he It was as if he had woken up from a nightmare, with a confused look on his face.

"Leon, what is this?"

Huashen stretched out a finger, and Li Ang reacted after a long time. He said numbly. At this time, Li Ang felt something was wrong with his body, because the right half of his body had no feeling, and his whole body was in pain.

"It's okay. The body paralysis is only temporary. As for the right half of your body, most of the cells have been eroded by violently mutated cells. Your body functions are damaged, but these functions can be restored slowly. You are still young."

Li Ang looked at everything around him in horror. He didn't know what was going on. He still remembered some fragments. However, Li Ang was very clear about the fact that he was still alive. He felt pain on his cheek, a heart-wrenching burning sensation, and the most disturbing thing was that he was still alive. What made Li Ang uncomfortable was that something was wrong with his cheek, and he felt a tearing pain when he tried to open his mouth.

"It will take some time before you can speak. A lot of the bones on your right cheek have been removed because they are already necrotic. I will continue to perform another surgery on you later, and then artificial bones can only be used to replace it."

Li Ang nodded calmly. Hua Shen saw that Li Ang's mood was completely stable and then continued to speak.

"Next we'll ask you some questions and all you need to do is nod and shake your head slightly."

"let me."

Mo Xiaolan walked over and basically understood everything about Li Ang.

"First of all, has anything happened recently that was very irritating to you?"

Li Ang shook his head.

"What about the strange things? Have you come into contact with any strangers?"

Li Ang shook his head again.

"Last question, why were you there at that time? Aren't you supposed to be in your room in the winery?"

Mo Xiaolan switched to the eye recognition panel, and soon Li Ang wrote down what happened on the panel. At that time, mutants ran rampant nearby, and Li Ang had just dismissed the mutants who did not meet the number of mutants stipulated by Congress. They were rejected by some restaurants, so Li Ang was a little worried and ran over, because these mutants were all old employees.

"You should rest first and wait until you recover."

Huashen said, and gently put Li Ang back. He closed his eyes in pain. As the effect of the nerve paralyzing agent wears off, Li Ang will only become more and more painful. This pain will last for at least three or four days and then gradually fade away. It will calm down as body functions recover.

Too little is known now. Although this young man had a painful experience of being imprisoned in the past, after years of hard work after being imprisoned, his winery business has been very good, and he has many friends. Emotionally, I didn't encounter any setbacks, but lived a very happy life.

In the past, this boy's alienated genes appeared when he was about to be released from prison, but the alienated genes have not increased over the years, and have not even reached the conditions for mutants to awaken. Therefore, strictly speaking, this boy is not a mutant, but just a human inside the body. Mutants carrying alienated genes.

This is what Hua Shen is most worried about. Such people can also become violent. This is the first case since the mutant violent incident began. If this is really the case, the source of the problem will not be figured out quickly, and If we find a way to prevent these mutants from violently turning into monsters, then the number of ordinary people like Li Ang with alienated genes in their bodies will be very large, and they are not even within the scope of mutant registration information.

According to a simple probability calculation, there is at least one such person in 100 people, which means that there are at least 300,000 or more people like Li Ang. This number is difficult to draw a conclusion without genetic testing, and To organize a large-scale genetic test requires immeasurable human, material and financial resources.

Potential dangers have arisen, because no one knows when the next ordinary person carrying an alienated gene will go berserk.

"It's almost Hua Shen, hurry up and announce it."

Tang Rao said, Hua Shen nodded, looking at Li Ang in pain on the hospital bed, Mo Xiaolan was still thinking, but it was obvious that in such a large-scale incident, if you want to find anything suspicious, you need to investigate all the dead people. Only the records of the last six months of the mutated person’s life are enough.

Li Ang felt dizzy, but could not fall asleep. He could only listen to his heartbeat in a daze in this painful state of half-asleep and half-awake. Only the beating sound of his heart was particularly clear.

As dusk approached, large trucks came out of a square. Many people were looking at the square that was being unblocked. This was the last square used by the Angus family to produce temporary medical supplies. Many people were waiting. There was a long queue of workers waiting to settle their wages. Some workers still insisted on paying in cash, so there was such a long queue.

Some people stopped to watch on the street, and some were discussing something, but at this time, many people watching on the street looked at Angus Construction's truck coming out with an indescribable expression.

Rumors in the city that the Angus family was behind the scenes to support the criminals in the barrier area were still spreading wildly. Even though Congress had clarified the situation and released the investigation process and results, such rumors were not curbed, but intensified.

Because there are some rumors circulating in Section 3, saying that Section 3 is now distributing some water and food to some criminals in the barrier area. This is incomprehensible to many people.

Some people even suspect that the Angus family has some connection with the criminals, so Section 3 would do this because their daughter Alpha has a high position.

There has been no movement in the barrier area. Regarding the orchard plan, Congress only said that the plan is still being revised and that it will continue to start the land recovery plan.

Ran Zhi looked at the dim artificial sun. The sun would soon go out, but at this time Ran Zhi looked a little solemn.

"Your plan worked, didn't it?"

Eddie asked from the side, and Ran Zhi shook his head.

"My plan failed. This furnace experiment was a complete failure because Section 3 did not proceed as expected."

Eddie laughed and shook his head.

"Our Hillman Grain Industry has made some progress now and should be able to capture most of the food industry market by next year."

Ran Zhi glanced back at Eddie and shook his head.

"You don't understand anything, Eddie, how important Section 3's actions are to this plan!"

Eddie shook his head.

"There's no need to be in such a hurry, just take your time step by step."

Ran Zhi drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

"I can wait, but my wife can't."

Eddie hummed.

"Did you read today's news?"

Ran Zhi nodded.

"If you want to say that it is possible for ordinary people to become violent, I advise you to save your efforts Eddie. It is impossible for the plan to succeed with such trivial matters as mutant rage."

Eddie shook his head.

"What do you think would happen if someone at the top of the executive branch went berserk?"

"You do it first and then talk about Eddie."

After Ran Zhi left the room, Eddie laughed. The next step of a greater plan is about to begin. The second drug that promotes mutants to become violent has been researched. As long as it can make high-level mutants violent, , can be used to deal with the top management of the Xingke Branch. Mutants will not leave any traces after death, so it is impossible for the Xingke Branch to find the reason. Although the violent mutants survived today, the Xingxing Branch Ke still couldn't find anything. The medicine mixed into the water affected the mutant's body little by little every day without leaving any traces.

"Maybe we should wait."

Ran Zhi muttered to himself as he was about to leave the room.

Eddie didn't ask further, just smiled and shook his head.

Ran Zhi was thinking about the Alatan Ula base at this time. This chess piece was thrown out too early, but there was nothing he could do about it. Once the land recovery plan went smoothly, the difficulty of the raid would also increase.

Although Ran Zhi considered every point, the actions of Section 3 at this moment made Ran Zhi feel the danger. This danger lies in the act of giving food and water to the criminals in the barrier area, which will destroy the overall hatred in the barrier area. sex.

This is something Ran Zhi is very unwilling to see. The reason for the deviation in the plan was also expected by Ran Zhi, but there was a mistake in time. The business department discovered it 10 minutes early and sent someone over, which led to someone being arrested. Some of the criminals who escaped were also caught, and were reported by other criminals in the nearby barrier area.

Because many criminals around the agricultural base have received favors from the criminal department, they will definitely hand over these criminals who did not get on the elevator and escape in exchange for benefits. This is Ran Ran Chi is most worried.

There is no problem with Prometheus's plan. It provides material weapons to the criminals in the barrier area and makes them a troublemaker on that land. The Xingke will not be able to live in peace because of this problem, and as long as the Xingke takes drastic measures If he takes action, hatred will spread in that land.

The unity of hatred will continue to spread. In the eyes of people in the barrier area, Xing Ke is vicious, but now this unity has been broken by the decision of Section 3. This is an extremely difficult problem.

Ran Zhiyou thought that as long as tens of thousands more criminals were created in the next three years, the plan to swarm into the barrier area would be basically half successful, but Alatan Ulla's chess piece did not need to be used so early.

Because of the many clearing operations in the barrier area carried out by the administrative department, the people in the barrier area have reached a consensus to resist until death. With no way out, the criminals in the barrier area will only take up arms and fight back crazily.

The reason why the last march in the 3rd section of the barrier area failed so completely was because the people we encountered along the way were all stubborn resisters.

Eddie also hopes to continue to provide weapons and supplies to some criminals in the barrier area, but Ran Zhi knows that this is no longer necessary because the integrity has been completely destroyed.

Some people still hate Xingke, some have no feelings for Xingke, and some have a good impression of Xingke. Such a mob is of no use. Ran Zhi already knows what the future will be like. Xingke only needs to deal with some criminals. Just clean it from time to time.

There will be more criminals pouring into the barrier area in the future, but the integrity is gone.

"Someone is looking for you wise man!"

At this time, Eddie entered the ward and shouted. Ran Zhi was a little suspicious and soon came to the room where he used to communicate with the bosses in the barrier area. There was a rustling sound, as if the communication was still being switched.

After Ran Zhi waited for more than ten minutes, a burst of dry laughter came.

"Long time no see, wise man!"

"Agata, congratulations on surviving."

Ran Zhi smiled, and Eddie motioned to Ran Zhi, which was a small stronghold close to the city from the Hillman family in the barrier area.


Agata's somewhat crazy laughter came from the communicator.

"You know what those bastards did?"

Ran Zhi hummed.

"Have heard a little bit."

"Don't you think you should say sorry to those who died in the base?"

Ran Zhi immediately spoke.

"Sorry, everyone over there should be dead."

Agata laughed.

"Listen, this is the wise man you owe us. We have paid a heavy price for you filthy vested interests. I need some supplies to be transported to the Alatan Ula Mountains. Do you hear me clearly? ? Medicine, food and water, this is not a request or a prayer to a wise man, I will not listen to anyone again."

Ran Zhi hummed.

"You never know what terrible things happened in the base where they were buried alive. There is no next time, wise man. If I return to the city one day, I will definitely kill you. Please keep your shoulders well. I will come and take that head myself."

When the communication ended, Ran Zhi's eyes widened in confusion, and then he laughed.

"Although the chess piece has been damaged a bit, it is still there, and it is a powerful chess piece."

Eddie didn't understand what Ran Zhi was talking about.

"Hurry up and respect Eddie and send a large amount of supplies there."

"Are you crazy?"

Ran Zhi smiled excitedly and shook his head.

"So you are just a businessman, a vested interest as she said, not a criminal!"

"I understand, don't rush me, I'll arrange it right away. It's a little troublesome now."

Ran Zhi shook his head.

"Send it over as quickly as possible, otherwise these fires will be extinguished. Don't blame me for not reminding you when the time comes. Take the doctors with you. They need a lot of them."

8:03 pm

Agata climbed up the mountain step by step, and soon came to a secret mountain trail that could lead directly to the valley below. Agata looked at the trail in front of her that was almost covered by the wind and sand, staring sharply, and then She sat on the mountain wall nearby. She didn't want to go down because there was a stench down there. Agata would never forget that scene.

When Agata was wandering nearby, she saw a part of the mountain range that had been completely changed many times, but she still felt that someone might have survived, but Agata never dared to confirm it. Looking at her left arm, it was already No more, Agata smiled slightly.

"Maybe I should have come earlier."

Agata returned to the base a week ago. It was still intact and all the corpses were shriveled. When Agata was about to leave, she heard a knocking sound from the lower part of the scientific research tower.

Following the sound, Agata went down, but nothing changed, except that the door was completely blocked by the incoming rocks. Someone was knocking on this defensive metal wall. This metal armor wall with a thickness of 3 meters can withstand A powerful impact, Agata always heard the knocking sound.

Only then did Agata remember that in the newly excavated cave, the ventilation pipes were branched out from the scientific research tower and extended along the top of the excavated cave. Agata was very excited at the time. She struggled to think There is nothing we can do to break through this armored wall.

Finally, Agata heard the sound of knocking and the faint shout again. Agata began to knock day and night. She didn't know why she had to knock so hard. Finally, with the help of high-energy explosives, she was beaten. The metal wall inside, which was relatively easy to destroy, was blasted with a hole.

In the dim light, Agata saw desperate people and a stench coming from inside. After entering, Agata had never felt such despair and anger.

Agata coerced people from the nearest criminal gathering place to send some water and food. The situation underground was completely unexplainable. After living in such a dark underground for more than a month, there was almost no food and water. environment, and there are also infectious diseases.

In the end, there were only more than 1,000 people who survived, and people were still dying every day. Agata had been guarding here. Finally, a few days ago, she recalled that there should be a small Hillman family nearby. As expected, Agata found the base by following her memory.

The dazzling shimmer came from a distance, and still only the outline of the shimmer could be seen, but these shimmers were very dazzling in Agata's eyes. She had never hated such a light as much as she does now. .

"We can live in this land with dignity and dignity, this land without an owner!"

This was what Agata said when the survivors gathered in a room in the research tower where water was still stored.

From now on, Agata decided to live near this mountain range. Since he could survive before, he could do it now, and the same would be true in the future.

"Wait, wise man. One day I will definitely unscrew your head, as well as the head of every vested interest in your city."

There was a whimpering sound, and Agata looked over. Someone crawled out of the secret passage.

"Master Agata, please give me something to eat."

Agata looked at this skinny man. She knew very well that there was nothing she could do to help her, and she hadn't eaten anything for several days, but Agata showed a smile.

"Just wait a little longer, and there will be something to eat if you wait a little longer. It's just like you keep banging on the ground, and finally hope comes. There will be a way to do the same."

Agata stood up and covered her painful abdomen with her right hand. She gritted her teeth and looked into the distance.

"Will you come?"

Agata asked confused, but soon she started laughing.

"He will definitely send something. After all, we are important chess pieces in his hands, aren't we! Wise man, you bastard who has been stabbed a thousand times."

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