
"time to eat."

Le Xiao woke up with a start, and immediately curled up and looked at the person coming in at the door in horror. She walked in with a piece of ordinary food, put it on the table, and immediately turned around and left the cell.

The food is delicious, with fresh vegetables, tender barbecued pork, and a bowl of thick pumpkin soup.

Bata Bata

Le Xiao's tears fell heavily on the rice, not because the food was so delicious, but because she was kidnapped by the rioters and their bracelet was taken away. She didn't know where she was. Look This room with no windows on the four walls and only an iron door should be in an underground cell.

Le Xiao took a mouthful of rice and ate with tears in her eyes. She only knew that she was hungry and felt sad. She didn't know the time, but according to the degree of hunger relief in her stomach, it should have been a whole night.

Yesterday, Le Xiao, who was full of confidence and ambitious about life, arrived at the place designated by Smith Kline and happily talked with Smith about the press conference of Sanlian Company in three days. However, she fell asleep in a daze. .

When she woke up, she was in this room. Someone had brought her food before, but when she asked what happened, the other person bluntly said that they were an organization called the Two-Headed Snake, and that she was drugged and tied here. of.

Le Xiao looked at her body and breathed a sigh of relief. Her head was a mess. The other party was probably not Jie Se. If he had been, she would have been there by now.

Le Xiao's cheeks turned red when she thought of this. She wanted money but she didn't have any. She wanted to be pretty, so why did the other party kidnap her?

Although it is a prison cell, the room is well-equipped with facilities. After adjusting the light and shadow washbasin in the corner, Le Xiao went to the center and brought out a small square table, which was directly equipped with a water outlet and water boiling utensils.

After quieting down, Le Xiao thought of Jean, but now was not the time to think about this. She lay down at the door and slapped the iron door.

"let me out."

"If I call you "Ban" again, you'll be dumb."

Someone outside said something nasty, Le Xiao covered her mouth, but soon she had a clue. The fact that she could hear the other person's voice meant that the iron door and the wall were not thick. Le Xiao looked around and couldn't find it. Monitoring, she decided to wait for the other party to launch a surprise attack, and then find a way to escape. She was still very confident about her speed, but at this moment Le Xiao felt dizzy again and fell to the ground. At this time, the door opened Opened again.

"Brother Xu, what's wrong with you?"

Le Xiao's nervous mood relaxed a little after seeing that it was an acquaintance, but she still clenched her chopsticks tightly, ready to take action at any time.

Xu Ming was a good boss in Le Xiao's mind, and her time at Nuanyi News Agency was the happiest.

"Brother Xu, can you tell me the truth?"

"To be honest with you, Lele, you are the most critical point in our operation. We will let you go after the operation is over."

Le Xiao looked at Xu Ming doubtfully, a bad premonition flashed through her head, and she asked in a weak voice with fear.

"What action?"

"Hijacking Sanlian's press conference."

Le Xiao took a breath of cold air, and immediately her head shook like a rattle, and her body began to tremble. The incident of going to the Crisis Analysis and Processing Section of the Second City was still vivid in her mind. If she really helped them, she would I couldn't wash my mind after jumping into the Yellow River. A picture of myself being handcuffed and sent to prison appeared in my mind.


Xu Ming pressed a light blue bracelet on the table. Le Xiao was startled and just as she was about to reach out to take the bracelet back, Xu Ming stood up.

"Lele, although I don't know where you obtained such high authority, your identity has been encrypted and requires an order from Congress to unlock it."

Le Xiao was startled and broke into a cold sweat. At this moment, two people walked into the room, Shi Ke and Mana.


Le Xiao was in trouble and couldn't tell. The fingers she raised retracted under Mana's fierce gaze, and she slowly retreated to the wall.

"What are you doing here? I will communicate with her properly."

Mana said with a sneer.

"Miss Le Xiao, you'd better cooperate with us, otherwise your mother in your hometown may encounter something unexpected."

Before Mana finished speaking, Le Xiao had already rushed over and poked Mana's eyes with the chopsticks in her hand. However, a strong hand held Le Xiao down. Xu Ming stared at Le Xiao with cold eyes. Xiao.

"This is all for justice. Lele hopes you will calm down and listen to me. This is the last resort, if you don't cooperate."

After a while, Le Xiao was trembling and her lips turned white. She was worried about her mother. The group of guys in front of her might be closely related to several violent attacks in the recent past.

"The infectious diseases for specific groups announced by the 4th Medical Department are false. Those who became ill were actually caused by eating special food from Sanlian Guild. Hundreds of people have died from this, and Congress covered up all this. 13 Co's inaction has led to this serious problem, and no one cares whether the people at the bottom live or die."

Seeing Le Xiao's disbelief, Xu Ming suddenly pulled off Le Xiao's coat. Le Xiao exclaimed, but soon Xu Ming turned up her arm, and there were a lot of red ones under the creaking nest. The spots are not itchy or painful.

"You are also a victim and have begun to suffer from the disease."

Thinking of the frequent symptoms of dizziness, heart palpitations, and weakness in limbs in the past few days, Le Xiao looked at Xu Ming in fear, and Xu Ming used his mobile phone to bring up a light and shadow picture, which contained shocking photos from the hospital. , making Le Xiao spit out everything she ate in an instant.

Smith Kline then talked about the plan for two days later, asking Lexiao to bring some things in and place them in designated locations at the Sanlian Company press conference. Due to the curfew and random searches during the day, their actions became a little difficult. So they took Le Xiao directly to the upper-level area closest to Sanlian Company. Le Xiao could arrive at the venue directly with her things that day. With her highest level of authority, she could easily pass the testing equipment and did not need to accept any tests. search.

Le Xiao opened her mouth wide. She was angry inside. From the bottom of her heart, she was unwilling to help these guys because they actually used her mother as a threat.

"Jean, by the way, give me your phone number. I have Gene's number in Section 13. I'll just tell him all this. Isn't Section 13 the rumored section that can solve all problems? And Gene is a very nice person. ,he."

Xu Ming smiled and shook his head.

"Section 13 is just a rumor circulating in the city. Do you know why Lele's Nuanyi magazine collapsed back then? It was not because it didn't make money, but because I was secretly arrested because of an article about food. Investigative reporting. Don’t be stupid. Lele is because no one is willing to look down at the situation at the bottom. Profit always comes first. No one cares how many people die. I am completely disappointed with this system, and there are many in this city. For people who think the same as me, dialogue is just a waste of time, or we don’t have any say, so we can only resort to violence.”

"Wait, maybe Jean can really do it."

Before Le Xiao could finish speaking, the three of them stood up and left. Xu Ming glanced at Le Xiao again before closing the door.

"Sorry Lele, I hope you can understand. Take a look at this detailed food report on the table. If you still don't choose to cooperate with us, we will have no choice but to kill you."

Le Xiao's eyes widened and she looked at the light and shadow computer left by Xu Ming. There was a detailed investigation report on it.

With a burst of exclamation, He Min woke up from her nightmare, breaking out in a cold sweat. A cigarette was handed over to her. After taking a puff, He Min looked at her hands tremblingly.

"are you OK!"

He Min smiled sadly, wiped away the tears that overflowed from the corners of her eyes, and lowered her head.

"Lord Jean, everything here is so miserable. I feel like I'm going crazy. I may not be able to go back."

Jean smiled and looked at the bustling streets below. Residents in the barrier area had no currency. They could only barter for things. Men could use their labor force to work in some local armed services in exchange for food. Women could use their bodies, children and the elderly. It's the most useless thing here.

He Min covered her hair and kept fiddling with it, her forehead was covered with sweat.

"Can't you bear the condemnation of your conscience?"

Jean asked and He Min nodded. Jean smiled bitterly and looked at He Min seriously.

"Just hold on a little longer. The Ministry of Agriculture's barrier zone grain experimental base plan has already begun to be implemented."

He Min's eyes instantly became moist. She snorted like a little girl and kept crying.

"That's great, Master Jean. As long as there is food, many problems can be solved. I watched some people starve to death in front of my eyes, but I couldn't do anything. I even neglected my duty. This is not what a soldier should do."

Gene squatted on the ground and hugged He Min into his arms, comforting her and letting her sob softly.

"Humans are not beasts, let alone monsters. Even beasts or monsters will cry. The only ones who are indifferent to tragic things are machines."

After a while, Jean saw vehicles and motorcycles coming back from the outskirts of the city. It was almost nightfall, and many of the people sent by Zhang Wang had returned.

The barrier area still maintains some means of transportation, all of which rely on microbial batteries as fuel. This was the means of transportation used by humans before Bright City was established. Now, except for the underground suspended train, there is no means of transportation in Bright City because microorganisms Once the battery leaks, it can easily cause an accident, and the exhaust gas and heat energy emitted by vehicles will affect the urban ecological environment.

After continuing to comfort He Min for a while, Jean planned to go to Zhang Wang's territory. At this time, He Min was filled with joy. A person with a low position like her could not know the decision of the superiors, but she heard from Jean's mouth The agricultural plan in the barrier zone that had been talked about for many years was finally going to be implemented, and it came from Jean's mouth. She had every reason to believe it, because Jean was such a person who kept his word.

He Min, who had met Jean several times, knew very well that Jean had done a lot of things secretly to maintain peace and stability in the city, and he was a gentle and kind person.

The factory where Zhang Wang was working was already brightly lit, and it looked like they had produced a lot of microbial batteries. No one stopped Jean after he entered the factory.

"Haha, Jean, you are so proud. After hearing that it was you, many people planned to negotiate in a small, relatively neutral place outside my territory."

"Stop talking nonsense, how many people have you contacted?"

Zhang Wang drunkenly stood up and stretched out his hands to sign. A total of 87 armed forces, large and small, were willing to come to negotiate. All Jean had to do was to inoculate them and make them give up the idea of ​​attacking the city.

"Jean, tell that little girl from the Military Section to be careful when you get back. Either go somewhere else or live a good life under the sun. The people in the 3rd Military Section have been acting a bit arrogantly recently, so I'm kindly reminding you."

Jean stared at Zhang Wang solemnly.

"If she causes problems in this area, I will come over personally to clear them up."

Zhang Wang frowned, then smiled awkwardly, and took a few steps back.

"But Jean, don't you think the people in the city are going a little too far? They are arranging poisonous things towards us, and taking people here from time to time to do vaccine experiments, and other things, all for the sake of making people happy. People in the city can survive better, so we are left with a way to survive. We all know this, but if you continue like this, even you can't suppress it anymore. The volcano will erupt sooner or later, even if you can kill thousands of people. What about people?”

"I will seriously consider it when I get back. You will send someone to wait by the bridge tomorrow morning. People from the military department will deliver the agreed supplies."

Jean couldn't sleep all night. He arrived early and arrived at what Zhang Wang said was an isolated small town on hardened land in the northwest. There were only some people here who didn't want to accept the oppression of others. The number was nearly 100,000. More than 1,000.

"Uncle, can you give us something to eat?"

When Jean first stepped into the central square of the town in the early morning, many children gathered around him. Jean opened the light and shadow locker with a smile and took out a lot of food from it. Many people heard the news Come.

"Get in line, don't rush."

As he spoke, Jean began to pull out the wardrobe, because there were already a lot of sounds of cars and motorcycles in the distance. Wearing a black uniform, Jean stood on top of the incomplete sculpture of the abandoned fountain in the center of the square, tilting his head. He sat down, his coat casually draped over his body, fluttering slightly in the wind. The red number 13 was particularly clear. People around him started talking about it, but they soon felt something was wrong. They dispersed and hid in the house.

Around the town, a large number of armed forces, as many as three to four hundred people, as few as one or two hundred people, entered from various parts of the town and walked toward the center. Many of them were holding weapons and looking at each other eagerly. .

"It's really Jean. Long time no see. Damn you bastard."

With a whoosh, a rocket flew towards Jean with a sharp and piercing sound. He turned his head slightly and stared at the rocket in front of him. In an instant, the entire small rocket turned into black dust and scattered. As he went down, gunfire suddenly broke out, and people with heavy weapons fired at Jean.

A rainstorm of bullets poured towards Jean. He sat motionless on the top of the statue with his eyes closed. The bullets all turned into ashes the moment they approached Jean.

"When you've had enough fun, just calm down and keep making trouble."

Jean paused and opened his eyes as he spoke, tilting his head and smiling evilly.

"Kill you."

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