At 6 o'clock in the morning, the artificial sun slowly appeared from the east on time, and its slightly reddish light spread towards the city little by little.

Jean stood at the Weeping Bridge, looking back at the sun like a huge fireball behind him. The artificial sun would simulate the correct rising and setting position of the sun, and it was the best rising and setting route for the sun, maintaining a warm climate of 15 degrees Celsius during the day. At night the temperature drops to 10 degrees at most.

The climate will not change much in temperature. Such temperatures are conducive to the growth of a large number of crops. However, at this moment, the place where Jean is is dark and lightless. This is the real world, what the earth will look like after the destruction.

There are a large number of abandoned houses, dilapidated streets, and old abandoned cars in front of them. Many places on the ground have solidified, but some crops are planted on the edge of the large ravine behind them.

Jean walked over slowly and squatted in front of these crops. Many crops were extremely malnourished, but some looked very full, because the artificial sun above the head of Brilliant City occasionally gave out light when it rose in the east and set in the west. Shine to the edge of the ravine.

It seems that there are a lot of potatoes planted, and the soil here is quite moist, because there is a waste discharge place below. However, although these crops are edible, they have already been polluted, but people who live in dark places will not care. These.

Signs of human activity can be seen in the distance. With the lights on, the world will become invisible at night. Only some places on the edge of the ravine, relying on the night lights of the Brilliant City, provide slightly better visibility.

I looked up at the sky. The thick black clouds were a little gray now, so the world looked like a rainy day during the day, but light could not penetrate the polluted clouds.

After Gene took out the multi-functional light and shadow bag from his pocket, he called up the wardrobe function. Soon the black uniform on his body returned to the closet with a flash of light, and then a set of thick linen-colored clothes was put on. On the body, as well as a black headscarf and a white veil.

In the barrier area without light, the temperature is 0 to 5 degrees all year round, but it will not rain or snow, because the cloud and rain system constructed by light and shadow materialization technology above the Brilliant City will begin to extract water from the air at night molecules, and then artificially produce water.

These large amounts of water molecules are sucked into the barrier through the special filtration system that was built when the defensive wall was first built. It only absorbs water molecules. However, this is top secret to the outside world. The guild claims that the city has an underground reservoir. , can be used by humans for hundreds of years, so don’t worry about it for the time being.

In fact, the underground reservoir was exhausted a hundred years ago. More than a hundred years ago, you could still see rain falling, but now you can't see it. The barrier area has been dry and cold all year round, like a desert at night.

Water is an extremely scarce resource here. The guild will regularly distribute solid compressed heavy water to people in the barrier area every month. This is developed based on liquid deformation technology. A quick 500 ml of solid compressed heavy water will be available after liberation. The amount of water can reach 1 ton, the weight remains unchanged, only the form can be compressed to only 500 ml.

Arriving at a dilapidated neighborhood that has long been corroded by chemicals in the air, no one lives here anymore. The ravines on the Brilliant Level are surrounded by light and shadow isolation walls that will isolate the harmful chemicals emitted.

Looking at a car that had been dismantled to only its empty shell, Gene sat on the car. He took out a cigarette and waited quietly.

Jean came to the barrier area with the intention of traveling around the perimeter of the barrier area in the past few days and interviewing all the independent armed forces. This was the only thing he could do now, and directly eliminate those radical armed forces.

If problems break out in Brilliant City, the biggest threat will come from the external barrier zone, where a large number of extremely vicious people live. There are two completely different worlds under the sun and in the dark.

A world with civilized laws and a world where power is paramount, the two worlds have long been separated by that ravine.

Gradually, a person in similar attire to Jean walked quickly down the street in the distance. Judging from the figure, he looked like a woman.

"Lord Jean, my name is He Min."

As soon as she came over, the woman took off her black veil, revealing a face that was somewhat white and weathered. The woman was upright and beautiful, with large and small black spots on her face.

Gene nodded, took out a cigarette and handed it over, lighting it for He Min. He Min took a deep breath as if she was reborn, raised her hand, and the light and shadow flowed in the bracelet, and an identity certificate appeared.

Affiliated to the 3rd Military Section, operation code 3BK00189.

"Is there anything to eat, Lord Jean, these days?"

Before He Min could speak, Jean opened the light and shadow locker, which contained bread and meat. He Min swallowed and ate it, as if he had been hungry for many days.

BK is the spy of the 3rd Military Section placed in the barrier area. The biggest purpose is to prevent people in the barrier area from planning any plans to invade the city, as well as many other things.

While He Min was eating, Jean looked at the light and shadow report transmitted to him by He Min.

There are currently 793 large and small armed forces in the barrier area. The incomplete population statistics are about 7 million people. Among them, the incomplete statistics of mutants are more than 14,000, of which about 40% are over 100 years old, and 30 % are children, and the remaining 30% are young adults.

The numbers are much different from what Jean has seen before. Among them, more than 14,000 mutants are the biggest threat. It is not difficult to break through the guard station because most mutants have the ability to harden. Bullets cannot penetrate their bodies. Although light-kill weapons can be activated, if the bridge is destroyed, it will be extremely difficult to rebuild it, and the invisible defensive barriers surrounding the Brilliant City will also be affected.

"Lord Jean, to be honest, I can't stand it anymore. If I stay in this place any longer, I might go crazy. Can you give me another cigarette?"

After eating, He Min hugged her legs, curled up and leaned her head on her knees. Gene took out a cigarette from the light and shadow locker and handed it to He Min.


"Has your mission expired?"

He Min shook his head. They are all specially trained personnel of the 3rd Military Section. They are mutants with A-level strength and above. The general mission period is 10 years. After 10 years, they can return to the Brilliant City and no longer need to Jobs, pensioned by Congress.

Jean could tell that He Min was tired. This dark place was filled with the darkest parts of human nature, and violence was part of life here.

"It's only been four years. I remember the last time you came here, Master Jean, was two years ago."

Jean patted He Min on the shoulder.

"Take me to the town with the largest armed force nearby."

He Min was shocked.

"Lord Jean, what are you going to do?"

But He Min soon realized it. She lowered her head in silence, nodded slightly, and started walking with Jean.

There was a burst of frolics, accompanied by a woman's yelling.

"You little bastards, come here quickly and help me. Don't you want to live anymore?"

We have arrived at the living area of ​​the residents of the barrier area. They can only live in the houses that humans used to live in. Many of these dilapidated houses have collapsed. The streets look quite lively, with people wearing thick and shabby clothes. , gathered here in twos and threes, including many elderly people.

Several children gathered around a rusty bicycle and played happily. A fat woman who was washing clothes nearby scolded the children angrily.

"Bah, you damn old man, we won't go!"

One of the older children retorted, which soon made the people next to him laugh. But at this moment, everyone on this dilapidated street looked at Jean and He Min, including some young and strong men. The one behind Jean is He Min.

"Hey woman, are you two out of food? Come over here, let me have some fun, and I'll reward you with a meal."

After a while, the booing people gathered around. Some guys carried weapons with them. The children who were still playing also started booing along with the adults. Jean stared around coldly.

The atmosphere became somewhat tense for a moment. Many men here were staring at He Min. Gene took out a cigarette. At this moment, one of the men with a knife rushed up screaming.

The smoke was burning fiercely. The moment Jean exhaled a puff of smoke, the person was gone. Everyone looked at it in surprise, but the first man who rushed up had fallen to the ground. Jean held up a A finger.

The scene suddenly became chaotic. However, as Jean shuttled through the chaotic crowd, and after each person was knocked out with his fingers, the surging crowd gradually calmed down. Jean took He Min and walked away. Those who didn't faint behind him began to take advantage of the situation and plundered everything available from the fainted person, even a pair of underwear.

This town is ruled by a group called the Zombie Society, which has nearly 3,000 people and 76 mutants. The leader of the group, Zhang Wang, has the level of an A-level mutant.

Jean and He Min quickly shuttled through the deserted alleys and blocks, trying to avoid the main streets. Gradually, they stopped. In an abandoned factory, the meeting was in full swing, with a large number of people wearing different colors of clothes. People gathered together, talking and laughing, and a black flag was flying at the top of the factory. The pattern was a hideous zombie on a black background, and the exposed arms of these people all had zombie patterns tattooed on them.

Most of them are young people, and some older ones work as waiters for these young people. The factory has been renovated, and the pillars on both sides of the gate have been heightened to make a sentry tower with searchlights on it.

"Lord Jean, do you plan to kill them all?"

He Min asked, and Gene shook his head.

"You find a place to hide, and I can go alone."

Jean slowly walked around the corridor of the dilapidated building and walked towards the factory. Some young people noticed Jean and immediately stopped him.

"Boy, I've never seen you before. Take off your veil."

"Call your boss out."

Immediately, many people gathered around him. Jean remained motionless. A strong guy pushed him, but found that he could not push Jean. There were roars of laughter from the side.

With a bang, Gene raised a finger. The moment he snapped his fingers, the strong guy in front of him flew more than ten meters away and fell to the ground unconscious. The scene became chaotic instantly.

Jean moved softly and dexterously in the attack, knocking down one zombie guild member after another. Gradually, some guys started to scream in surprise, because they saw the mutants were all knocked down with one blow, and the searchlight on the sentry tower instantly flashed. It lit up and the bell rang.

With a bang, Gene kicked open the door, pinched a person's neck with one hand and threw him to the side. Hundreds of people had already fallen behind him. Some people with weapons looked at it in shock and did not dare to come over.

There was a crunching sound, and a mutant appeared in front of him. His body became like the surface of a rock. The person had already rushed over. After Jean easily dodged, he cut the mutant's neck with a precise hand knife. , with a click, the mutant's nosebleed spurted out and fell to the ground, and with a bang, the ground dented.

"Death to him."

A guy yelled and came out of the door holding an RPG. He was about to fire, but he was quickly held down by a pair of old hands.

"Jean, you bastard, why are you here again? Are you planning to destroy us?"

A man with big and small pustules on his face came out, limping, and everyone got out of the way. He was Zhang Wang.

"If I really want to destroy you, it will only take one minute and there will be no more human voices here."

"It's all gone to me."

Zhang Wang shouted, and many people around him murmured, "Jean from Section 13."

Soon, Jean followed Zhang Wang to a slightly decorated large room on the second floor of the factory. All the cadres of the zombie society were there, staring at Jean with hostility.

"I didn't expect you to establish your own group in just two years."

Gene said as he took out a cigarette and handed it over. Zhang Wang smiled, showing his dark teeth.

"Humph, it's not just about killing."

Zhang Wang took off his coat, revealing countless wounds on his body.

"To make a long story short, help me call all the armed bosses in the west. You should have the strength now!"

Zhang Wang snorted coldly.

"There's something big going on in the city, Gene. Haha, you guy, you should have seen what's going on here? Don't you think your conscience will hurt as a human being? Not only are you not thinking about how to solve the barrier zone, Question, are you still planning to kill us? Gene, you are really an out-and-out bastard, that’s how I felt two years ago.”

Gene smiled and took a drag on his cigarette.

"I'm just here to negotiate. I will call all the forces in the four regions for an interview. Moreover, your misery is caused by yourself. No matter how miserable you are, this is not a reason for you to live under the sun, hurt others, and get something for nothing. , the useless scum can only be excluded."

Zhang Wang looked at Jean angrily. Some people couldn't bear it anymore and planned to rush over. Zhang Wang raised a hand.

"There is nothing to talk about with someone as cold-blooded as a machine like you. I will help you make an appointment, but"

"Tomorrow, people from Section 3 will deliver a certain amount of food, water and medicine."

Zhang Wang raised a hand and laughed again.

"make a deal."

Gene took it.

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