Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1748 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 91 (Part 2)

7:58 am

A large number of reporters were waiting anxiously at the door of the Law Hall. Only a small number of media reporters were allowed to observe. A large number of people gathered around the door of the Law Hall in District 53. Many reporters wanted to know firsthand. result.

People from some social groups can be seen on the street, holding slogans for a heavy sentence. Everyone is anxiously waiting for the outcome of this case. Basically, everyone knows the outcome of Tianhen’s 30 years in prison, but in the past 30 years, How many more years will be added to the sentence is currently the focus of attention in the city.

Some reporters outside the Law Hall have already begun reporting, and some media and TV stations have begun live broadcasts of legal programs. The whole thing itself has many points worthy of attention. Now, driven by the media, It evolved into a major event in Brilliant City.

Various analyzes of the laws of Brilliant City have begun to generate a lot of controversy, and the focus of most people's attention is whether the defendant will use the child's origin, family and suffering in this case. Suffering and other reasons are used as reasons to reduce the probation period.

This is intolerable to many people, because the criminal department has arrested some young criminals in the past, and most of the criminals have received the punishment they deserve. However, there are uncertainties in this matter. First of all, Tianhen's age This is a one-sided issue, and last year the law made certain changes to the sentencing of those younger than 16 years old.

Time passed minute by minute, and it was 8 o'clock sharp.

"The court is in session!"

Along with a serious voice, everyone in the Law Hall stood up. After the five justices sat down, one of the middle ones spoke.

"At 8 o'clock on March 1, 2222, the verdict will be made on the murder case that occurred at 5 o'clock in the morning on January 1 this year. Defendant, please come forward."

There was a clicking sound, and Tian Hen, who was handcuffed and shackled, stood up and came to the stage in the middle of the law hall.

"Defendant Tianhen, please briefly explain what you did in the early morning of January 1 this year!"

"Because I owed a debt, I secretly broke into Mr. Commerce's house. When he found out, I killed him out of desperation."

The judges nodded and looked at the confession on the light and shadow panel, and then one of the judges asked.

"Did you really reach the point where you had to kill the victim? Or was it for some other reason? The defendant asked you to elaborate."

After Tianhen was silent for a few seconds, he licked his chapped lips bitterly. He looked dazed, a little absent-minded, and expressionless.

"I didn't remember it at the time. I just felt that if I didn't kill him, things would be exposed."

The whole process was basically as scheduled. Faced with the judge's questions, Tian Hen answered them clearly, because these things were what the person in charge of his own legal assistance told him every day, Tian Hen I have also rehearsed that because no lawyer in the city is willing to take over his defense, Section 8 can only entrust one lawyer to defend Tianhen.

"Judges, my client Tianhen has indeed committed a serious crime, but I only hope that the judges can consider some extra-legal factors. My client is only 15 years old, lost his mother at a young age, and has no I have received no education, but I still cannot understand all the words and numbers. In addition, because of the high debts of the family these years, I have to take care of the daily life of my young sister. My father is not at home all the year round. Therefore, I implore the judges to take this into consideration and reduce the sentence. My client’s prison sentence.”

Tianhen's attorney said and bowed, and the judges began to whisper among themselves and looked at some of the things submitted by Tianhen's attorney.

"The complaining party!"

At this time, a member of Section 8 stood up with some documents and materials, and began to describe the cause, process, and results of the case, as well as some on-site evidence that had been released, etc. After a lot of statements, he gave the clues. The definition of the crime of "marking" and the sentence range required for punishment.


At this time, Commerce's wife stood on the stage, and Pullman stared at her quietly. This woman's face had a hint of bitterness and sadness. When she started speaking, Pullman roughly knew what she would do. That said, it turned out that what he said was the same as Pullman.

"My husband and I started doing charity more than 30 years ago. Although this murderer treated my husband so cruelly, he was still a child. My husband often told me that it is not terrible for a person to make mistakes. It is terrible. It's a continuous mistake. I don't want to go against the goodness that my husband believes in, so I propose to trigger it with a 30-year sentence. This is enough for a child who is not deeply involved in the world and has not yet been fully exposed to society! "

At this time, some people in the auditorium clapped their hands and applauded, and some reporters were also urgently recording the content of the trial.

Pullman looked at this woman suspiciously. She had never glanced at Tianhen from beginning to end. Now Pullman was convinced that this woman was suffering from her lies. Pullman was even more convinced at this moment. The woman was lying, and the truth of the whole thing was covered up. She might have realized what her husband had done to be killed, and she even knew it on ordinary days.

Pullman closed his eyes quietly, and the sounds in his ears began to fade away little by little. In his mind, the process of the entire case and the doubtful points in the case were all in his mind. Continuously rotating.

The trial did not last long because there was no point of contention. Tianhen had already pleaded guilty in court and had begun to repent.

"Defendant, can you guarantee that all your statements are true?"

Just after Tianhen completed the confession process, a judge in the middle stood up, Pullman opened his eyes, and some whispers began to appear in the law hall.

Because everyone understands that there may be some problems in this lawsuit. Most people often come to the Law Hall. Basically, the judge will not ask this question, and it will only be asked at the beginning.

"I promise!"

At this time, the five judges stood up and announced a temporary adjournment. However, everyone in the auditorium noticed the changes in the expressions of the judges. Just when everyone felt something was wrong, one judge spoke.

"The case still needs to be further tried, because there are still doubts about the case itself. This is a document about the case submitted by Mr. Pullman, an outside legal professional. You can browse it first."

The next second, the Law Hall began to boil. Everyone clicked on the light and shadow screen on the small table in front of their seats. Sure enough, they saw a document submitted by Pullman. From a small Whispers turned into raucous discussions.

The voices in the Law Hall began to argue uncontrollably, and these doubts very accurately explained some unreal issues in the case. It was not that Pullman cared about these things alone, but the doubts in these cases. , has been mentioned by many people in the past two months, but before the official verdict is announced, many people dare not speak out because it may violate the crime of rumor.

Comers' wife, who was at the prosecution table, followed her legal team into the lounge in a panic.

"Madam! Is there anything else you haven't revealed to us?"

As soon as he entered the room, the chief lawyer of the legal team looked at the contents of the suspicious document submitted by Pullman and felt that something was fishy.

The woman shook her head.

"Let this lawsuit end quickly. I don't want any big problems caused by my husband's death."

At this time, in the Law Hall, Alpha was smoking quietly, and some reporters came over.

"May I ask, Chief Alpha, if Section 5 has also noticed these doubts?"

Alpha was silent for a while, neither nodding nor shaking his head.

"Please use the judgment of the Law Hall as the basis! If there is really any doubt, our 5th Section will be responsible for the investigation. Now the 5th Section of the Law Hall has submitted direct evidence."

Some reporters looked like they wanted to ask questions, but then Heathcote stood up.

"Everyone, please do not conduct interviews in the Law Hall! The judgment is not over yet."

The reporters also realized something and walked away immediately. Alpha's expression became a little more relaxed. Now that the case is being gradually restored, many things will explode next, which is inevitable.

No matter what he did or what went wrong, Alpha thought that it was extremely important to tell the people the truth about the matter.

9:13 am

There were crowds of people outside the Law Hall, and a large number of people were still waiting anxiously because they didn't know what was going on in the Law Hall. According to the trial, the result should have been reached by now, because there was not much controversy in this matter.

At this time, a management vehicle drove over and stopped directly at the door of the Law Hall. A beautiful woman got out of the vehicle, as well as a team leader from Section 5, and a businessman named Shen Qi. He had a good relationship with Comers. When the reporters recognized him, they gathered around him, but they were quickly stopped by people from Section 5.

The three people were taken into the Law Hall by people from Section 8. They did not enter the Law Hall directly, but walked towards the corridor on the right.

Shen Qi's face looked very bad at this time. He looked at Baleka from time to time. During the time when he and Baleka lived together in the 53rd District Public Security Management Office, Tamai also learned some about Baleka's past and this time. The huge impact that things may have, this case is just like the past Hydera case, is something Tamai cannot imagine.

Soon Baleka was taken into a room with five judges. Baleka bowed slightly and sat in front of the judges.

"Miss Baleka, is the testimony you provided true?"

Baleka nodded.

"It is true."

The five judges confirmed some investigation records just submitted by Section 5, which can indeed directly prove that Baleka has provided special services to Shen Qi in the past. The case has begun to develop in a new direction. The worst case scenario today is that the case will be sent back. Section 5 will continue the investigation until the three-month re-investigation period has passed before continuing the trial.

At this time, in another room, Shen Qi Ze kept saying that he had never seen this woman. Even in the face of factual evidence, he had been to the apartment building where Baleka used to provide special services many times. Shen Qi Ze also He told himself not to die looking for this kind of service, but to look for people, but he never found him.

At this time, a director of Section 8 came up with a list of people who had rented that apartment before. These people were all engaged in this kind of special service business. There were men and women, and Shen Qi had been there. According to monitoring, the number of times was as many as 28 times in just a few months.

In front of the evidence, Shen Qi fell silent. He lowered his head. People from Section 8 were still asking questions, but Shen Qi remained silent.

"We have retrieved your consumption records, Mr. Shen Qi. Several amounts of money were transferred directly, and the collector was Miss Baleka."

Shen Qi nodded instantly. He knew that the evidence was now conclusive and his denial had no effect.

Then a person from Section 8 played a video of Baleka and Alpha talking about something Shen Qi had told Baleka. Shen Qi shook his head with a solemn expression.

"She's lying, I didn't lose those words at all."

Shen Qi knew very well that as long as there was no recording or video, no matter what the woman said, he would just have to deny it. Shen Qi's current company's medical license has been revoked due to the review of the practice department, and the company is on the verge of bankruptcy, but even if If it goes bankrupt, Shen Qi will only have to bear a certain amount of responsibility at most, and he will only need to stay in it for a few years at most. But if this matter is exposed, he may have to stay in it for more than 30 years.

Violation crimes in Brilliant City are felonies, and like murder, they all start with 30 years, and what they do will make this crime worse.

After a while, the people in Section 8 finally stopped asking questions. Shen Qi swallowed. He had already found an attorney, who should be here soon.

At this time, the outside of the Law Hall began to boil again, because Wu Qun appeared outside the Law Hall. A large number of reporters wanted to go over for interviews, but they were stopped by people from Section 5. Wu Qun directly entered the Law Hall. We walked all the way through an alley next to the hall. The back street was blocked.

As soon as they arrived at the back street entrance, Wu Qun smiled and looked at Mo Xiaolan beside him.

"I found some of it through Wang Ying's relationship. Do you remember that Wang Ying was almost sold in the past? That case."

Mo Xiaolan nodded immediately. At that time, there were some scum among the special management officers, and they teamed up with some criminals in District 29 to develop a strange software for some rich people with special hobbies.

This case had been solved decades ago, but Mo Xiaolan thought of it immediately.

"Does that mean these perverts have known each other since that time and built a circle of their own fetishes?"

Wu Qun nodded.

"Then is it possible to find evidence?"

"If today's case broke out, you would never find the evidence."

Mo Xiaolan also knows that once today's trial is sent back for a retrial, once the news spreads, those involved in this kind of thing will definitely find a way to deal with it without exposing their flaws.

"You have to think of a way. I don't know when Wang Ying will be able to break into that circle."

Mo Xiaolan nodded. This case can only be silenced for now, but this is difficult to do unless the judges are willing to assist.

"Did you hear that?"

Mo Xiaolan said something, and a breeze blew by. Wu Qun glanced over and saw a light blue particle floating in the air. He nodded in understanding.

"Besides this matter, I have something more important to tell you today."

"Some things can only stop here. If we continue to delve deeper, the city will usher in a new round of big problems."

Mo Xiaolan snorted, but then she started laughing.

"But there are some things that if you don't take this opportunity to take action, you don't know when it will happen next time. The same goes for you. The rights of the parliamentarian group have long been out of balance. I just hope you can think of a way."

Mo Xiaolan said and Wu Qun smiled helplessly.

"Once certain breakthroughs are opened, the city will never have peace in a short period of time. The price is always relative."

As Wu Qun said that, he turned around and started walking away. Mo Xiaolan stared at Wu Qun sideways.

"Isn't it about time you rescued Xiang Rin?"

Wu Qun smiled and shook his head.

"Not at the moment. She should be able to hold on for a while."

Mo Xiaolan said nothing more. At this moment, she could only sigh helplessly, because she knew very well that the next problem might be more serious.

"What a surprise!"

Gene stood quietly in the judge's room. At this time, the expressions of the five justices were stern, just like last time. In the judge's room, Tang Rao and Li Chu were already drinking tea. They must have arrived. It’s been a while.

"What a surprise. I really can't believe that kid."

Tang Rao muttered something, and Li Chu laughed, looked at Jean and said.

"Jean! That's your student, do you think I would be naive enough to believe him?"

Gene smiled and lit a cigarette. At this time, five judges stood aside, with a trace of helplessness on their faces. They were once students of the gods, and this time the case was handed over to the highest-ranking judge in Bright City. The verdict of the five justices is also what most people want to see.

"Things will become very serious, and many hidden problems will arise. Jean, please think about it carefully."

Gene hummed, but shook his head.

"How about just letting them do it?"

"No kidding Gene, do you want to see a riot?"

As Li Chu said, Gene walked up to the five standing judges and glanced at them.

"I came here to get rid of you for one thing!"

Jean said and looked at Li Chu and Tang Rao.

"There is a way to solve this matter smoothly, and evidence can be found. Because there is a breakthrough, there can be no results today. It is not a verdict, nor is it sent back for re-investigation, but a postponement of the trial!"

"Don't be ridiculous, Jean. I can't hold it in anymore, and the problems in Section 2 will be exposed."

Li Chu said as he stood up and walked over.

"The only solution now is to issue a sentence directly, then let the young man go to prison, and then find a solution later."

"So is Hydra's case solved?"

Jean asked, Li Chu frowned, and Tang Rao stood up a little irritably.

"Six to one, Jean, you have no right to decide everything!"

Gene hummed.

"Since you can't decide, how about leaving it to the law?"

"Asshole, don't you understand?"

As Li Chu said, Jean looked at the five justices. It was the same in the Jewell case in the past. They withstood the huge public opinion and did not make a judgment that violated the law. Now Same thing.

A judgment guided by huge public opinion would seriously violate the fairness of the law.

"Think about it carefully. If today's outcome is the same as the Hydera case, what will happen if those secret things come out one day?"

"I've noticed it, how could I let it explode?"

Li Chu asked back, and Gene shook his head.

"So what happened this time? Mingming had noticed it a long time ago, but in the end it still resulted in such a vicious result?"

"We are not here to argue with you. How to choose is beneficial to the city? Everything is for stability. There is nothing we can do about it."

Gene said nothing more. He knew very well that the two of them were determined to implement this case, as were the other four guys.

"How about another way of saying it?"

After Jean finished speaking, the five justices looked at him.

"Perhaps unexpectedly many people will accept it."

Gene said and turned around and walked towards the door of the room, and Tang Rao laughed.

"Just like what you have said to every student in the past, justice has a price, and this price is not something everyone can bear. You need to know this clearly Jean!"

Li Chu walked over with a smile.

"If you really want to take care of this case, we are not so unkind!"

Jean nodded in understanding.

"If the result is good, that's fine. If the result is bad, I will not interfere in any decision-making of the six of you in the future!"

For a moment, the five judges' eyes widened. One of the female judges stood up and bowed before saying.

"Lord Jean!"

Li Chu laughed and nodded, and Tang Rao also nodded.

"This is the Gene you're talking about!"

Tang Rao confirmed again, and Gene nodded.

"Of course, I always keep my word."

"The price is very cruel Jean! I have already reminded you of this."

Li Chu said and looked at the five justices.

"Just make reasonable adjustments according to your own will."

At this moment, the five judges all looked blankly at Jean, who had walked to the window.

"Remember Jean, from now on you have no right, no reason or excuse to interfere with our decision-making. The decision-making for the next era has already been decided."

Gene hummed.

"Am I bound to lose?"

Gene asked, and Li Chu waved his hand helplessly.

"You know you will lose, but you still want to give students some practical opportunities. Just do a good job in your 13th subject. Do you need to assign a secretary to you?"

"not needed for now!"

Gene said and jumped out. At this time, the faces of the five judges were full of sadness, and Li Chu and Tang Rao also jumped out.

"What should I do!"

An old male judge said, and several other people nodded.

"According to what Mr. Jean said, the price may be cruel, but it is very necessary for the advancement of the law in Brilliant City."

9:51 am

Accompanied by a loud creaking sound, the people who were originally gathered around the door of the Law Hall were all excited, because the verdict of the case had no results. At this time, the people who came out of the Law Hall were silent and Confused expression.

Just after the adjournment ended, five justices came out and announced that because there were doubts in the case, the trial needed to be held at a different date, and the time of the trial was uncertain. This was a decision signed by the five justices unanimously.

In an instant, shouts and protests broke out everywhere. This case with clear facts and evidence was unexpectedly terminated like this. Many people cried out that it was unfair.

Alpha stood quietly in an office of the Law Hall, watching the chaos on the street. People from Section 5 had begun to evacuate the gathered crowd. At this time, what many people were confused about was the person who participated in the trial. The media did not publish any details of the trial. Some media people who came out of the Law Hall kept silent. They were the last to come out.

Heathcote has gathered them together to do the work, and the participants in the Law Hall have done the same. After the adjournment, Alpha told everyone very forcefully that there is no result in this case yet. Anyone who dares to spread unrealistic statements about the case will be arrested.

"Alpha, whose voices should soon gather together, will have an extremely difficult few months ahead."

Alpha hummed.

"Gill has been asked to arrange personnel to monitor those partygoers who may have participated in Commerce 24 hours a day, and an investigation order has been issued."

Heathcote hummed. Now he can only greatly curb the spread of this case. Pullman has also issued a gag order to all lawyers who participated in the trial. If they violate it, they will be expelled from the Bar Association.

All confidentiality work must be done well, and everything can only be made public during the court trial three months later.

"But I didn't expect the principal to do this this time."

Heathcote said, and Alpha hummed. She knew very well that Gene was about to leave. This may be a direct reason for his departure, Alpha said with a smile.

"She never left after all!"

10:10 am

Jean stood quietly on the top of a building, overlooking everything in the city.

"This may be the last little thing I can do for them. The next step is up to them."

"Why bother!"

Tang Rao muttered something and appeared behind Gene.

"If something happens to Jill, will you go there?"

Jean asked, and Tang Rao shook his head.

"Probably not. After all, he is not a child anymore. Besides, forget it, bastard Gene. Let's have a drink today. There are some things that we must talk about."

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