Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1747 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 91 (middle)

March 1, 2222

Just after 6 a.m.

Near the entrance of the Law Hall in District 53, many people have already poured out. A large number of journalists and social activists have gathered. Today is the opening day of the murder case that occurred in the early morning of January 1st. Today, the murderer Tianhen will After being tried here, the case has basically been finalized, and the next step is the trial process.

But the reason why most people came here is because the deceased in this case, Commerce, was an extremely famous rich man in the city. In the last month, people in many places spontaneously visited Commerce. Some industries under the company conducted some memorial activities.

In terms of education, medical care, orphans, nursing homes, disabled people, regional public welfare subsidies, regional infrastructure donations, etc., Commerce has been doing it since he became a rich man thirty years ago.

Some of the negative news about Commerce's aggression that had been reported before has disappeared, because no one believed that such a kind person would do such a thing, and Commerce has not had any rumors with anyone in the past few decades. news of the dispute.

According to the murder testimony of the young man named Tianhen, he had evil thoughts because he owed a lot of gambling debts and his family's debt problems. Moreover, the focus of this matter was that Comers adopted Tianhen. Hen's sister Tianai, but in the end died tragically at the hands of the people who helped her. This is a place that chills many people.

The voices in the city are basically demanding that the murderer be severely punished. It is best to sentence him to 100 years so that such an ungrateful person will never come out and die in prison.

Waiting for a result that is recognized by most people is what many people are looking forward to. This is like seeing the execution of justice. The result that the people want is the correct and just result for most people.

The streets began to boil. Along with the personnel of Section 5 walking on the street in the distance, a large number of reporters rushed out in an instant. The leader was Alpha. She quietly led several directors and 20 people behind her. The team arrived at the door of the Law Hall, and reporters immediately surrounded it. However, soon the members of the five departments behind Alpha formed a human wall, and reporters no longer dared to step forward.

"Chief Alpha, please tell me about this incident."

"I'm sorry everyone, our Section 5 will be responsible for maintaining security in the neighborhood today. I still have work to do and I will have to observe later."

After speaking, Alpha walked directly up the stairs of the Law Hall. Although the directors were also being asked questions by reporters, they did not answer any of the reporters' questions. The 20 teams began to disperse in all directions, evacuating the surrounding Law Hall. Reporters at the entrance of the hall.


The door of the Law Hall was opened by someone from Section 8. As soon as Alpha entered, he saw Pullman and Heathcote talking. They were surrounded by lawyers from the Bar Association and some directors from Section 8.

"Here you are, Chief Alpha. Do you want to hear the prediction results?"

Alpha shook his head.

Pullman stared at Alpha suspiciously. It was obvious that the implementation of this case was clear and the outcome of the verdict was obvious. But just now Heathcote was discussing with Pullman, hoping to reduce the sentence of the young man. Heathcote reasoned Te also said that Pullman only nodded slightly and acknowledged part of it, but most of Pullman felt something was wrong. Although he wanted to ask something, it seemed that Heathcote would not say it.

"We will try our best to make appropriate considerations in reducing the sentence, but this depends on the opinions of the parties involved."

Heathcote quickly caught up with Alpha.

"In 1945, this was the news I got from Pullman."

In the long corridor of the defense preparation room, Alpha stopped, took out a cigarette, lit it and blew out a puff of smoke. Heathcote stood quietly behind Alpha.

"The same thing happened again, but I respect your decision, President, no matter what you do next."

Alpha exhaled a puff of smoke with a bitter smile. Heathcote also knew how serious the consequences would be if Tianhen stood in the Hall of Law later and said something different from the confession, but So far, the administrative department has not found any evidence. There is only one person who can be called a witness, Baleka, but there is no relevant evidence. The only evidence is that Shen Qi did buy Baleka's services, which he has already admitted. , and there is also video evidence, as well as testimonies provided by the bosses of previously destroyed dens, including a large number of illegal traders.

But Shen Qi insisted that there was absolutely no such thing as Comers' stain.

Although Wu Qun has asked some businessmen to try to find some breakthroughs, they have achieved nothing for more than a month. It is too difficult to enter that circle, and they still cannot find any evidence.

Alpha and Heathcote were still standing in the corridor. Tianhen had been secretly escorted here a few days ago and was now being held in an underground prisoner's cell. Alpha planned to go and see the child.

The sudden decision of the gods made it impossible to connect all this again, and the confession that Section 2 forced Tianhen to sign was a very irritating point for Alpha. Now if there are words that are inconsistent with the case in the Law Hall, If so, the entire business department and the laws of Brilliant City will suffer a huge impact.

"If we consider the harm, we can only watch silently."

Alpha nodded.

"I'll go check on the kid first."

Heathcote hummed.

At this time, in a room on the third underground floor of the Law Hall in District 53, Tian Hen looked blankly at the ordinary man in front of him who wore square glasses and smiled gently. Tian Hen had no idea how he came in.

"I know you may still have a little hope, and you may still think you can be saved, but I just want to give you a suggestion. We will take care of your father and sister's life. This depends on your choice. After entering prison, You can enjoy the treatment of a single cell and different food every day, as well as work. You can decide whether to participate in work according to your wishes, and you will not be locked up with serious prisoners. "

Tianhen looked at the table numbly. He had been living like a year for more than a month. It was not like what the woman said before. He could see his sister and father, but only saw some images of his sister and father.

"Such conditions are not bad for a person like you. You have seized the opportunity. It is up to you to choose to be a smart person or a fool. Young man, I have experienced countless choices. At the beginning, because my brain was not very good, Lingguang, I have suffered a lot, but after I chose to be a smart person, I suffered less and less. You should know what is most beneficial to you at the moment."

Tianhen nodded slightly. Indeed, the conditions mentioned by this man were very tempting. Not only did his sister and father no longer need to starve and freeze, but he could also enjoy good treatment in prison, and he would be able to protect himself after he came out. life.

"If people want to move up, they need to seize opportunities again and again. Even if the storm passes in a few years, as long as there are no more disturbances, it is not impossible that you can change your name and walk out of prison. of."

King Xue continued, Tian Hen's heart was already moved, and the anxious things in his mind began to disappear little by little.

"Do you mean what you say?"

Tian Hen stared at King Xue coldly, and he nodded with a smile.

"Of course it counts. Since I can come in and talk to you about these things, my words must count. Even if you tell the truth, even if the evidence is found, even if you are found not guilty, your father and sister need to What to bear? Have you considered this problem, boy?"

Tianhen nodded again. He had seen all this with his own eyes. It was very scary.

"The crime itself is not terrible. What is terrible is your future life. This may be a disaster for you, but why is it not an opportunity?"


The door to the room was pushed open, and King Xue turned around with a smile. For a moment, the Alpha at the door stared at King Xue angrily.

"Why are the irrelevant people here?"

King Xue smiled and bowed.



Alpha instantly pulled King Xue out of the room. King Xue hit the wall with a slight grin. Alpha closed the door directly. Tianhen looked at Alpha, the chief of Section 5, with some surprise. This was Tianhen’s only I like the section chief of the business department because whenever I see her, her eyes are always very upright.

"What exactly did you say to him?"

Alpha asked, King Xue smiled, and Heathcote next to him tried to persuade him.

"Let him go first, President."

Alpha looked at King Xue with some excitement. King Xue shook his head and pushed Alpha's hand away.

"President! I very much agree with what the teachers did. This is not a game of justice."

Alpha turned around angrily and opened the door to the room. When he walked in, the child in front of him looked more relaxed.

"We're still looking for evidence, you just have to tell the truth."

Alpha stopped talking for a moment, and the boy in front of him shook his head, with a gloomy expression on his face.

"It doesn't matter what the truth is anymore. I've killed him with my own hands. That's enough."

Alpha clenched her fists and turned around to open the door. King Xue was already gone. She glanced back at the young man in the cell.

"What is the truth?"

Tianhen nodded.

"As stated in the confession, Lord Alpha."


The cell was closed, and Heathcote tilted his head slightly, looking at the angry Alpha without saying a word.

"Why did you let that guy come?"

"It's the teachers' orders."

Heathcote said, watching King Xue disappear into the elevator. This expert who has been very good at fabricating lies since a long time ago can always impress others with sweet words, which is very ridiculous in Alpha's opinion.

7 o'clock in the morning

Pullman sat quietly in the litigant's room. In front of him sat a woman wearing a black skirt with a gloomy face.

"Mrs. Farr, although I am not the relevant lawyer and I am not on the legal team this time, as the president of the Lawyers Association, I have a few words to ask you."

Pullman has already felt that something is wrong. According to what Tianhen did, the sentence will start at least 30 years, and because he killed an outstanding social person and the impact he caused on society, including this outstanding social person The series of chain effects caused by the death of a person can basically double the sentence in litigation, which is 60 years.

As a result, after reading the lawsuit just now, Pullman found out that the sentence was 30 years, which was extremely puzzling to Pullman.

"That child was just confused for a moment. My husband and I have devoted our lives to philanthropy, and I hope you, Attorney Pullman, can understand that."

Pullman looked at the woman in front of him quietly, with a touch of desolation in his eyes. It seemed that he no longer had any hatred for the murderer of her husband, and just wanted to be freed quickly and get out of this case. What she said The reason is indeed convincing, but Pullman is suspicious by nature, and he always feels that things are strange.

The strange point comes from a rumor about Comers that briefly appeared on the Internet in the past. He violated Tianhen's sister, which led to Tianhen's murder.

Pullman has also read Tianhen's psychiatric diagnosis report. This report states that Tianhen has violent tendencies, including the testimony of some people who once employed him, which is almost one-sided.

But Pullman has always been skeptical about such one-sided testimony. He had commissioned a data investigation company a month ago to collect the places where Tianhen worked in the past, and the places where Tianhen worked. After comparing the cases, it can be confirmed that this child has not committed any crime, and those incidents of theft and violence are false.

Using the simplest logic, a normal person who has not committed any crimes while working does not owe gambling debts as rumored by the outside world. Pullman has also seen gambling-related cases, and they are very serious. I have read it in detail, and used my authority as a lawyer and the authority of the president of the Bar Association to access all the cases.

With the current meticulous and detailed records of Section 5, Tianhen's name does not appear in any of these gambling cases.

And the most critical thing is the situation of Tianhen’s father and sister. If the identification of the witnesses in the lawsuit is followed, Tianai should be the first witness, but it is not on the witness list of the lawsuit. Even if it is to protect the children, it should be There are records, and Pullman is even more suspicious about the psychological diagnosis report of Tianhen's sister Tianai. The diagnoser is Frye, the chief mental health expert in Bright City.

Pullman reviewed Frye's past diagnosis reports in detail. This time the diagnosis could only be described as unclear. Of course Pullman also understood medicine, at least to the extent that he could treat people. Such rigorous Frye It is impossible for Lai to issue such a pediatric diagnosis report.

What makes Pullman most suspicious is that there is no enmity between Tianhen and Comers. It is difficult to see such a brutal murder from a simple robbery. Pullman is naturally not a problem with psychology. It was concluded that Tianhen, who had no criminal experience, would not be able to kill others so brutally after the first robbery was exposed.

Pullman has sorted out all the details of these cases. He plans to submit a report on doubts to the judge as a member of the legal profession in the auditorium later.

Pullman has also read the autopsy report. According to Tianhen's statement in the confession, he was found to be very nervous at the time, so he killed him. However, the body had obviously been hit on the head more than 30 times. It is obvious that this case Full of doubts, plus some things that Heathcote suddenly said to himself this morning, this made Pullman even more convinced that this case was covered in lies and the truth was covered up.

Including the sudden break of Alpha before, this is also the reason why Pullman is so troubled on this case. In addition, there have been some problems in the orphanage over the years, and his own daughter Letty, Pullman, as a father, He has already begun to teach Letty some things. The backlog of work made Pullman want to give up this case full of doubts. But when he sees his daughter's smiling face every day, Pullman only thinks about being a lawyer. The responsibility of a leader in the legal world, as well as the responsibility to the family and society.

"Although there are some words, I don't know how to say it better. Mrs. Farr, are you sure that Tianhen really killed your husband?"

The woman in front of her moved her eyes to the left and nodded, and Pullman continued to ask.

"I mean, it's not just a murder, but there's a reason for it. Is it really because of lack of money? Is it really because of the gambling debts that led to the robbery and the murder? Has this kid ever mentioned the lack of money to you, or Do you want to borrow money from you? When he visited your home 11 times."

"Maybe! But I didn't expect this to happen. If only we had noticed this child earlier."

Pullman was even more certain that the reason why Tianhen killed Comers was not because of lack of money, nor because he was forced into desperation due to gambling debts. This woman's words were concealing something. According to Tianhen's past growth record , and no violent side has ever been revealed. Most of the people who can kill so viciously are those who had childhood problems.

Pullman also investigated some things about Tianhen's father, Tianming. He is a very easy-going person and does not like to fight with others. He is also warm-hearted and has the same education for his two children. The only case he has committed is a theft. , but was released on bail by two kind-hearted people who passed by. He worked hard and never committed a crime.

It should be said that Tianhen's childhood loss was due to the death of his mother, but he died of disease, not other reasons, and Tianhen did not have excessive social pressure. He could eat well every day and even buy some delicious things. , the most important thing is that he went to Comers' house 11 times and brought 11 gifts to his sister, as well as Comers and his wife. Although such a person is not rich, but his heart is not poor and he knows how to be grateful, why would he Kill Comers.


The door to the room was opened and several lawyers walked in.

"President, I think it's almost done."

Pullman stood up with a smile and glanced at the woman again as he walked out. She seemed a little panicked at this time.

The trial will begin at 8 o'clock. The gallery is now filled with all kinds of people. Pullman walked to the judge's bench in the Hall of Law. The moment he was about to walk over, Heathcote Walked over.

"Are you really going to do this?"

"You reminded me. Originally, I planned to watch the trial quietly."

Heathcote smiled.

"This is going to be very troublesome."

Pullman glanced back at Alpha, who was sitting in the last row. She looked extremely distressed. Pullman walked to the side door and soon came to the judges' lounge. At this time, the judges were having breakfast. Pullman smiled and bowed.

"I hope that as a member of the legal profession, I can submit a supplement to the doubts in the case."

The judges looked at Pullman with a smile, as Pullman often does now.

After a while, Pullman came out, walked quickly past some seats, kept saying hello to some people, and walked towards Alpha.

"Whose instruction was it?"

Pullman sat next to Alpha. A smell of smoke drifted over. Pullman coughed a few times uncomfortably, but still took the cigarette handed over by Alpha.

"I have quit for many years, but I always feel that this situation may be the same as the Hydera case many years ago. I feel like this."

"Since you know, don't ask. Who else can cross me? Do you think anyone can do it? In this dazzling city."

Pullman's eyes widened, and the cigarette in his mouth ignited, and a touch of cyan particles floated by. Pullman coughed violently after taking a sip, but his head soon came to his senses.

"I have submitted a supplementary document of doubts. If the litigants and prosecutors cannot explain these doubts, I will personally come on stage. Don't say anything about Alpha."

Alpha was a little surprised, and Pullman smiled confidently.

"You have your position, and I have mine, and that guy is the same."

Alpha looked at Heathcote who was chatting and laughing with others, and seemed to recall that he saw Heathcote talking to Pullman when he came in early this morning.

"It was him who reminded me that I was planning to give up."

Alpha smiled sadly.

"There is another person who provided me with some convenience and information."

In an instant, Alpha stood up, as if he had figured something out, turned around and ran out of the Law Hall. Pullman looked at Alpha in surprise.

"Surely, this is a true genius!"

Wishes of blue particles were floating in the air. Within a few minutes, Alpha found King Xue. She turned around and ran to the side of the Law Hall. In an empty alley, King Xue appeared little by little. He had only one hand. Holding his square glasses and always maintaining a gentle smile, Alpha walked over step by step.

"I'm sorry, President! This case cannot be told by that child. What he says is completely different from the public's reaction."


King Xue grinned and pressed his aching arm, almost falling down. A smile appeared on Alpha's face.

"Why will you help me this time? Or stand on my side?"

King Xue scratched his head, turned around and walked slowly.

"I didn't accept anyone's commission, I just volunteered. I'm sorry, President, I have to leave beforehand."

Alpha stared blankly at King Xue who had jumped up. He raised his head and looked at the sky, and then saw an icy blue pattern.

"Uncle Gene!"

At this time, opposite the Law Hall in Area 53, on a high-rise mobile building, Mo Xiaolan was facing the wind, grinning, while Gene next to him sighed helplessly.

"Play with me? Haha, my IQ is as high as 180, although it's not as good as Alpha, don't you like public opinion? Hahahaha, I can't wait to see the faces of those people."

Jean looked at the happy girl in front of him. King Xue had indeed received orders from several other gods to bring this trial to a successful conclusion. But at the same time, Mo Xiaolan also asked Jean to go find King Xue. For more than a month, Come on, it was King Xue who provided Pullman with a lot of conveniences, or in other words, under King Xue's instruction, Section 1 provided Pullman with some conveniences.

"But that guy King Xue actually listened to you, which really surprised me."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"After all, he was my first student! Long before all of you."

In the years when the College of God was established, the only people who were there at first were Locke Ka Fai and Yu Wanrou, but Hui Hui and Wang Xue were also among them. When the college was not yet established, the ones who taught Hui Hui and Wang Xue were Jean, it was Jean who issued them the special management officer certificates.

"That insidious guy is finally useful this time, hum! I will never let this case become the Hydera case."

Mo Xiaolan stood up as he spoke. She was about to explode in the past month. She asked Jean to carry her around every day to investigate. Although the harvest was very small, many of the things investigated raised a lot of doubts about this case. came out, and Pullman sorted out these doubts through King Xue. With Pullman's character, Mo Xiaolan was sure that he would definitely make such a move.

As a member of the legal profession who is observing, submit documents with doubtful details about the case. This is a system to make the case more clear and transparent and avoid major problems. However, the content submitted must be well-founded and reasonable. sex and logic, as well as certain evidence.

"Why didn't you tell Alpha beforehand?"

Mo Xiaolan asked, and Gene pressed her head with one hand.

"Because she is a genius, a genius far more talented than all of you."

Mo Xiaolan snorted coldly and curled her lips, but her smile was bright at this time, and everything that had been suppressed in the past three months had been relieved.

"Now is the real beginning. I am afraid that the second department will be criticized for a long time! The same is true within the executive department."

Mo Xiaolan shook his head.

"An overly simple and crude approach will only make things more troublesome. This may be an opportunity for Section 2 to carry out internal reforms."

Gene nodded, looking at everything in front of him, always feeling that this might be the way to get the business department into a mess.

"I'll do it myself next time, lazy boy, you have to help me."

Mo Xiaolan glanced at Jean.

"That's right. There's nothing we can do against you. Just do it more violently next time."

Gene sat down with a smile and blew out a puff of smoke.

7 takes you 41 points

The law hall was already full of people, and the prosecution, litigants, and defendants had all taken the stage. Alpha returned to the law hall, looked at Pullman, who was already sitting in the front row, and walked to Xi with a smile. Sitting down next to Scott.


Heathcote shook his head.

"President, reform is difficult, and it is extremely difficult to perfect a system or order and law. As long as you find a breakthrough, many times you will only get a bloody head if you bite the bullet. You need to calm down and find a way."

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