Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1740 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 89 (Part 1)

"Can't you give us some peace of mind? Seriously, eat quickly."

Gil was sitting in the cafeteria of Area 53. Strange looks came from all around him from time to time, but no one dared to say anything. This matter was nothing new within Section 5.

Niya stood up angrily, turned around and yelled around.

"It was the other party who hit me first. You can figure it out later. Although we did have a little quarrel, it was the Chinese New Year, and they had a arrogant attitude. They looked down on the workers just because they had a few stinky money in their pockets. That's what I did Beat them up, those bastards."

"Okay, stop saying a few words."

Gil dragged Nia back. Several times, Gil personally came forward to resolve the matter. He always hid this matter from Alpha. After all, Niya did not do anything bad. Gil also watched the surveillance camera in the bar. It was true that the other party had some problems. It was too much. Not only did she verbally mock her, but she also hit Niya first.

In the past two years, Niya has become a well-known degenerate in the city. This matter is not only known to people within the department, but also to the outside world. The Angus couple never responded directly, and Alpha only said When my sister grows up, no matter what she does, she will be responsible for her future life.

Gil has watched Niya grow up, and so have the senior management of the business department. Everyone knows why Niya has fallen into this situation now. It is a complete break with her family, but it is different from the past. In the past, Niya just tolerated what others said, but now it is different. She will start to refute and refute those rumors that are untrue, but everyone's view of Niya has not changed.

Jill looked at Niya who was devouring her food and pressed her head.

"I've seen what you are like since I was a child. Eat slowly and don't choke. Also, how can you be so harsh on ordinary people!"

Niya snorted, but at this time her expression showed a hint of guilt, and then she nodded and said.

"I will go and apologize to those people, and I won't be so harsh next time."

Jill smiled awkwardly, and Niya looked flustered at this time, her lips moving, as if the words were on her lips but not spoken.

"I won't tell your sister. I have already done the work that needs to be done. Fortunately, your sister was drunk and did not receive the call. Latis received the call."

Niya was a little surprised for a moment, but her expression of surprise was fleeting. She hummed. Now she really has to think about her parents and sister, because her behavior will eventually bring stigma to her family. Gene already knows I have told Niya that as long as she still bears the name Angus, many things cannot be messed up casually.

Nia has been thinking about these things recently when she was working. Olivia also saw Nia's mental state and talked to Nia privately, asking her to be more restrained, at least in front of people who don't know her. One point, Niya nodded in agreement, but she couldn't help it last night.

"By the way, what happened to that kid? He was the one who was taken down before. I heard he killed someone."

After Niya asked, she found out that the boy who fought with her in the past was named Tianhen, but Niya vaguely felt that he should not be able to kill people.

"This is not something you can know. Just go back as soon as possible after eating. I came here to deal with this matter."

"Do you need me to work and punish you for a few months?"

Gil waved his hand and signaled for Niya to eat quickly. This matter was already very serious. In the early morning of the first day of the new year, the famous rich man Commerce in the city died, and his wife was completely devastated after listening to Xingke's remarks. Angry, things were a bit troublesome, and a large number of reporters gathered at the door of the District 53 Public Security Office. As for what Comers had done, his wife did not say anything about it for the sake of his reputation. She just told the reporters and acted in a professional manner. The person was nearby, but tragedy happened. Commerce's wife was accusing the department of negligence.

Nowadays, the reports all over the sky are about accountability. No one cares about what happened to this ordinary murder and robbery case, because no evidence has been found that Commerce did those things. The only witness who knows a little bit, He is a gangster with a bad record.

This matter can basically be concluded, because Section 2 did not find any evidence, and Section 5 can only tentatively finalize the case based on the situation at the scene. The next step is the interrogation of the young man, and then custody, etc. Serious cases may be heard in the Law Hall within a month at most.

Niya looked at Jill's solemn expression and stood up after having eaten.

"Sorry, thank you very much Jill."

Jill nodded, shook her head with a smile, and patted Nia on the arm.

"Would you like to give it a try and enter the business department?"

Niya was stunned, but soon she laughed and turned around and started running. When she passed through the lobby of the Public Security Bureau, Niya saw a bunch of MPs. 10 MPs from the local area came over. The director named Qin Xiaoxuan, whom Niya knew, was talking to them. Niya pulled up her hood and walked quickly to the gate of Section 5. At this time, the local regional officer smiled.

"Miss Niya, take the back door."

A few minutes later, Niya went out from the back door. As soon as she went out, a large number of reporters surrounded her. Immediately, more than 10 people from Section 5 rushed out, holding the rubber roller in their hands, and started thinking about those who came closer. The reporters who wanted to interview were beaten up, and Niya took the opportunity to run, and soon ran into an alley. Soon Niya turned on the news and looked at the news reports about this young man named Tianhen.

Robbery and murder, and the person killed was Comers, a rich man who was kind to her and adopted her sister. Niya looked at the report suspiciously. Although she didn't understand this, no matter how short of money or how stupid a person was, As for robbing and killing.

The whole thing seemed strange to Niya, but after Niya contacted Xiong Dabiao and the others without much thought, she planned to go directly to them.

7:21 am

"My lord, I have said everything I need to say. Although I don't know what you know about this lord, Mr. Comers will not do such a thing. I am sure that you two adults should not slander Comer." Mr. Si’s reputation.”

Mo Xiaolan stared at Comers' personal assistant secretary in front of him. He had been in contact with Comers for the longest time, but he couldn't hear anything bad about Comers from his mouth. Instead, he was full of praise. Because although Comers is only the boss of a medium-sized company, his employees, including those who know him, all have a very good impression of him and say he is a good person.

Mo Xiaolan couldn't accept this. This was already the fifth person, everyone was like this.

"Mr. Zhou Chen, if you know anything, you'd better tell us. Otherwise, once we have the evidence, you will be an accomplice in the crime and you will be held responsible."

"It's up to you. My boss, Mr. Comers, is definitely a good man. No matter what evidence you find, I will still not change my opinion."

Mo Xiaolan stared at the guy in front of him fiercely. Time was too short. There were only 48 hours. Mo Xiaolan didn't know what to do. According to the internal regulations of Section 5, all crimes, regardless of whether they have results or not, will be completed within 48 hours. The investigation status of the crime investigation was announced. Basically, the investigation status was very clear. Tianhen rushed into the house and killed Comers with a flowerpot, but 48 hours was the deadline.


Gene, who was standing behind Mo Xiaolan, smiled and pulled Mo Xiaolan up.

"Mr. Zhou Chen, thank you for your cooperation."

With that said, Gene left Zhou Chen's home without Mo Xiaolan. As soon as he went out, Mo Xiaolan was so angry that he kicked the wall.

"It's all K, that idiot, that bastard."

Gene smiled and was half squatting on the ground. Mo Xiaolan lay on Gene's back. Gene quickly jumped out of the window with Mo Xiaolan, and soon reached the opposite roof.

"Next place."

According to Sun Ming, the gangster who told Tianhen about this, he used to work as a night patrolman in the villa area where the rich lived. When he had nothing to do at night, he liked to look around, especially at night. As a patrolman, he secretly used remote observation equipment in some places to peek into the lives of some people.

Unintentionally one night, Sun Ming was peeping into other people's privacy again. As a result, he accidentally saw the second floor of Comers' house. He found a place facing it and saw an astonishing scene through the curtains. , but Sun Ming did not report the crime, but watched it several times with pleasure.

Later, Sun Ming went to a house to have fun while drunk. After the incident was revealed, he was fired and was sentenced for using a see-through device to peek into other people's privacy.

After that, Sun Ming returned to Area 53. He idled around all day, got into the bad habit of gambling, and owed a lot of debt. He usually did odd jobs to make ends meet. Sun Ming did not dare to tell others about this, because if he saw what he saw, If someone else's privacy is leaked, he will go to jail immediately.

And just last night, Sun Ming chatted with Tian Hen, who worked in the same store. After the two of them finished their work, Sun Ming drank. He felt a little sorry and told Tian Hen about it because he had seen it. The little girl that Commerce is adopting now is a very beautiful little girl.


After Wu Xiaolan cursed, Gene stopped when he landed on the roof, and turned his head with a smile.

"You're still laughing, things are in a deadlock, I really am."

"Don't speak too early, lazy guy. If you move faster, maybe we can find something."

Jean continued to move quickly with Mo Xiaolan. The two of them had experienced this kind of thing countless times. Some major cases in the city, cases that could not be solved in a short time, were caused by Mo Xiaolan and Jean. People went to investigate.

Many of the cases that shocked the society were solved by Mo Xiaolan. She was still thinking about what could be used to leverage this incident, but the thoughts in her mind were extremely disordered.

The words "no evidence" echoed in Mo Xiaolan's mind. Some detergent ingredients were detected on Tian Ai's skin. It was certain that the pervert would clean it up after every operation.

Even such a small abnormal behavior is not enough as evidence. The autopsy of Comuth's body has been completed. Dopamine and endorphins are not secreted in large quantities. This is also a problem. If you wait a few more minutes, this dead pervert may Evidence will be left behind, but the results will be infuriating.

Although Mo Xiaolan has not seen any factual evidence, according to the eight children that Comers has adopted over the years, each one can be regarded as a natural beauty. The previous seven children have all grown up, and the oldest is 28 years old. In Frye Mental Hospital, the youngest is 17 years old and working in a supermarket.

These people K have already gone to investigate, but they refused to say anything. They just said that Comers was a good person, and that was all they said.

None of this has any obstacles, and what makes Mo Xiaolan feel strange the most is that in the past few years, several wealthy people who have a good relationship with Comers have also adopted children, and they will take these children with them from time to time. Let’s come and play together at Commerce’s house.

K also investigated other children, and the results were the same. No one was willing to say anything, because these children all received a comfortable and comfortable environment when they grew up. The youngest girl adopted by Comers, she After entering society, a house was given to her. She only needed to earn enough money to live on.

Mo Xiaolan knew very well that even if they were investigated, there would be no evidence at all.

Uprooting these evils hidden in the city, where the sun cannot reach, is what Mo Xiaolan and Gene have been doing these years.

Especially for those small contraband production workshops, the two of them didn't know how much they had to deal with in a year. This was the first time that Mo Xiaolan felt helpless, very weak, and there was no way to leverage the whole incident.

"What else can be done?"

"How about asking for help from AI?"

Gene said, and Mo Xiaolan became suspicious for a moment.

"Can it be useful?"

Gene shook his head.

"I don't know either."

Mo Xiaolan gritted his teeth and decided to go to the next place.

7:56 am


Tian Hen sat quietly at the table, with two female clerks standing next to him. In front of him was Qin Xiaoxuan, who came to record the confession in person. After Tian Hen thought for a while, he answered everything.

When asked why he wanted to kill Comers, Tianhen became excited for a moment, but at this time, what he thought of was what the woman from Section 2 had warned him before he was brought here. Although it was painful, But Tianhen still shed tears and told the story in detail.

Qin Xiaoxuan's face became solemn and she was recording seriously.

This child does not have any criminal record, not even once. We have obtained a large number of surveillance cameras and inquired about the child's former employers, neighbors, etc. According to everyone's testimony, Tianhen is an honest man. The child is very obedient and takes care of his young sister alone.

If we talk about robbery crimes, there is no point that would make this child commit murder. Qin Xiaoxuan also got the reason why they were near Comers' house from Section 2.

There is no way to announce this matter at the moment, but in 48 hours, this matter may turn into an uproar. There is no evidence to support Tianhen's arguments, and everything he saw cannot be used as evidence in court.

After conducting a series of inquiries, Qin Xiaoxuan asked two female staff members to get Tian Hen something to eat. At this time, Tian Hen was still wiping tears and his body was shaking.

"My sister, my sister."

Qin Xiaoxuan patted his shoulder comfortingly.

"Think carefully first, where else have you been to Commerce's home before?"

After Qin Xiaoxuan walked out of the room, she came to another room. At this time, Tian Ai had already had breakfast and was huddled in the corner with a dull expression. Several of the best psychiatrists in the city who had worked in Frye Mental Hospital in the past The doctor had tried every means, but still couldn't get Tianai to identify anything. She couldn't even make a sound, couldn't read, and she didn't even know what kind of damage she had suffered.

In these diagnostic data, Tianai looks more like an autistic patient.

"We have tried everything we can. This child may have some problems with his cognitive impairment. Qin Xiaoxuan nodded."

She weakly walked out of the room, thinking about all the possibilities.

"By the way, Fry, call Fry over here."

A lift slowly landed outside the gate of Frye Mental Hospital. Just at 8:11, several people from Department 4 got off the lift. At this time, the small door of Frye Mental Hospital opened. .

"Doctor Qian, I'm leaving it to you."

Frye limped out as he spoke. Several people from Section 4 immediately went over to help him, but Frye waved his hand.

"It's okay, I just have a little trouble moving, and my old habit has happened again."

At this time, Frye's expression became serious. He had already seen this case, and he was also angry inside.


The moment the small door closed, a member of Section 4 took a look, but immediately he froze on the spot. He didn't seem to see anyone behind Frye, and he didn't see who closed the door. There was a chill. Aroused in the heart of this clerk, he glanced at the old and dark Frye Mental Hospital, swallowed, his back was numb, but he soon laughed.

"Scare yourself!"

Frye has compiled a diagnosis and treatment book. His diagnosis and treatment methods are different from others. He has read the diagnosis and treatment reports of doctors who have worked here and watched videos. They all use children of this age. I like some picture toys and other things, and want to establish communication with my children.

But during Frye's long psychiatric diagnosis and treatment process, he clearly understood that once a person is traumatized, if he suffers a second psychological trauma, he will directly close his heart and will not communicate with anyone from the outside world at all. This is the beginning of autism, including the people closest to you.

From this incident, Frye saw that his brother had to give his sister to others to raise due to the pressure of life, and his father was away from home all year round in order to pay off his debts. The problems in this family were already very serious.

Later, the boy named Tianhen chose to take root in Area 53. According to the boy's confession, when he went to Comers' house many times, his sister was very sad. Every time he left her, she would cry and wanted to shout but couldn't. Speaking of which, it is certain that this 6-year-old girl has suffered extremely severe psychological trauma. In despair, the only brother who can save her only comes and leaves every time without taking her away.

The root of human despair is fear, and once fear takes over the body and mind, it will completely close itself off. Frye knows this very well, and she is only 6 years old, unable to speak, cognitively impaired, and ignorant. Little girl, her mother died just when the little girl realized something.

Frye sighed helplessly, and the lift slowly landed on the top floor of the District 53 Public Security Office. As soon as Frye got there, he saw Jill and Qin Xiaoxuan who were welcoming them warmly.

"Long time no see, you two."

Frye came over with a smile. Jill put her arms around Frye's neck and began to explain the seriousness of the matter to Frye. Now the wife of the deceased has launched a media offensive, and the faces of the congressmen are not good-looking. They are doubtful, but The Acting Department needs to provide reliable and effective evidence, but the key is that it cannot find any evidence. This is a huge problem.

Fry looked at the beautiful and cute little girl on the light and shadow screen, looked at some of her past medical records, including the video of the medical treatment, and was thinking about something.

In the clerk's studio next to the underground interrogation room, Frye was still watching the video.

"I see."

Frye stood up happily. At this time, several former colleagues who were still here were also a little surprised, because they had tried various methods but all were ineffective. If this step of establishing communication cannot be achieved, the subsequent steps Nothing will happen.

"The child is very sensitive to sounds."

As he said this, Fry took out the tuning fork in his pocket, and then looked around.

"Please help me find some dye, preferably with more colors, preferably harmless, and it needs to taste better."

Half an hour later, Qin Xiaoxuan came with a bunch of colorful paints. Frye took off the white coat and started to dye it. No one understood why Frye did this.

After a while, Frye directly dried the colorfully dyed white coat with a heating machine and put it on. A fresh fragrance filled the room.

"Vision, smell, and taste are passive intuitive feelings of human beings. From the beginning, you hope to make the child attracted to the things in front of you, and then become interested, and then shorten the distance with the child, and then slowly start to relieve the problem through conversation. She was wary and used her favorite food at first, but because she couldn't speak, she never said what she liked to eat. She only wolfed it down because she was hungry, and her brother never listened. I’ve never heard of what she likes to eat, but I’m just telling you the food she often eats, which doesn’t mean it’s what she likes to eat.”

A bunch of people nodded in understanding, and then Frye said again.

"According to my observation, this child is more responsive to sounds and colors in daily life. As for why the fragrance is needed, it is because when humans smell this fragrance, the brain will unconsciously enter a state of relaxation. "

Several psychiatrists began recording on their own light and shadow screens, listening to Frye's words very carefully, because Frye was the leading psychiatrist in the city and had treated many mental patients.

"Let's go."

Frye said as he walked out of the studio and entered the opposite room. Several female staff members were smiling and talking to Tian Ai, but Tian Ai remained silent.

But at this time, everyone noticed that Tian Ai slowly raised his head, his eyes directed towards the colorful clothes on Frye.

"What's going on, Dr. Fry!"

A psychiatrist asked and Fry whispered.

"This child's brother, Tianhen, has done the most work in the past, processing neon light tubes, and he did it at home while taking care of his children. This is the thing that this little girl has been exposed to the most. As for the sound, I have seen her in The situation in the consulting room."

As he spoke, Frye took the tuning fork and simply knocked out some crisp rhythms. As expected, Tianai responded again, and his eyes also looked here. Frye looked at these eyes, and he understood in an instant. , tears overflowed unconsciously from the corners of his eyes.

"I can confirm that this child's mind is extremely traumatized. I have seen the eyes of countless patients. People often say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. I have seen such eyes countless times."

Frye said and walked over. At this time Tianai seemed to have come to his senses and began to curl up again with his head lowered. Frye took out his mobile phone and asked.

“What’s the best song right now.”

Qin Xiaoxuan replied.

"It should be Mansha's recent hot-selling song "Heavenly Fall"."

Frye immediately opened the music software, but smiled awkwardly.

“Who can pay.”

Qin Xiaoxuan soon turned on her mobile phone and bought the song directly. Soon, with the melodious sound of violin, and the mixed sound of piano and bass, the prelude sounded passionately and sweetly, and at this time, it was accompanied by a soft sound, as if Like water droplets falling into a calm lake, the music began to play. Along with Mansha's low but beautiful and moving singing voice, Tian Ai responded.

Everyone watched quietly. Tian Ai opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to make a sound, and then seemed to be humming. Everyone was silent. Frye sat quietly on Tian Ai's bed. Around him, other people also went out consciously, and Qin Xiaoxuan left her mobile phone behind.

"Fry, buy whatever music you want."

Frye hummed and sat next to Tian Ai. At this time, Tian Ai beside him no longer had the fear before and was immersed in the music.

"It's fine!"

Frye smiled movingly.

"No matter what others do to you, no matter what pain you encounter, you are still a child, and this will not change."

Frye said that he stretched out his hand to touch Tian Ai, but soon he noticed Tian Ai's rejection and immediately retracted his hand. He smiled, raised his head, and started humming. Although the five notes were a little incomplete, he even Unable to keep up with the rhythm, Frye just hummed quietly, while Tianai closed his eyes, as if immersed in the music.

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