Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1739 Fierce fight! 88 (below)

"What exactly do you want to do?"

In an interrogation room, several members of Section 2 quietly looked at the man who was covered in blood and flesh in front of them. He still said nothing. No matter how much he was tortured, he still refused to say a word.

"If you refuse to confess honestly, the torture will continue until you do so!"

A head of Section 2 said and motioned to the two people from Section 2 to help the man named Cato stand up. He stared coldly at the Section 2 personnel in front of him with his head dazed, showing a contemptuous smile. .

This gang was involved in 31 cases, including fraud, kidnapping, violent assault, murder, and robbery. It disappeared from the city three years ago and is now lurking back. The deaths of 59 members of the criminal branch are related to them. .

C stood quietly at the door of the interrogation room. After seeing the prisoner being escorted out, she still looked disdainful. She smiled slightly and directly pressed the cigarette between her lips to the prisoner's left eye. On the bed, he screamed in pain. For a moment, the prisoner struggled violently. However, all the joints in his body were restrained, and he was also injected with an alienated gene inhibitor, which could paralyze him within a certain period of time. The mutant's body prevents him from using his powers.

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you."

C smiled coldly and signaled the two department staff to get out of the way. She grabbed the man's head, pulled him up and pressed him against the wall.

"Garbage, we are never lenient with garbage. If you don't tell us what you want to do, I will definitely make your life worse than death."

For a moment, the man named Catu opened his mouth angrily, and suddenly bit it. However, the next second, C's fist had been knocked directly into his mouth, and broken teeth flew out, along with the eyeballs. With the blood spilling out, Cato fainted.

It was already 5 o'clock in the morning. After a brutal interrogation, we only knew that this group of people returned to the city from the Black Mountains in the north yesterday morning. As for their purpose, it was unknown. The only person who knew what they wanted to do was the leader Katu. , and the subordinates never asked what it was.

But what is certain is that someone provided them with ID cards, money and a place to live after they entered the city. The place to live has been found, on the ground floor of an old building with a chaotic layout.

After a while, C returned to the section chief's office. R was processing some documents with squinted eyes. C was leaning on the edge of the desk, looking at some information on a light and shadow screen next to him.

"From last year to this year, it is already the 39th time."

R nodded. From last year to now, a total of 39 gangs in the barrier area have sneaked back into the city. Some of them have been arrested, but not all of them. And 39 gangs have sneaked back. The specific number is at least There were more than 400 people, resulting in 293 cases, of which 139 were violent assault cases.

Section 2 has been arresting these returning criminals for a whole year, and has set up a large number of detectors, but it still cannot cover most of the fringe areas in the north and west. Even if people from Section 3 patrol every day, But there are still loopholes.

Nowadays, there are at least 200 criminals who have been recovered from the barrier area lurking in the city. The criminals who have fled from the city have truly threatened the security of the city. These cases are handled by the people of Section 2. , it was not announced, and many criminals were killed directly.

"Just kill those guys, they're not even worth sending to prison."

R said after thinking for a while.

"Clark is in urgent need of materials for experiments recently."

C hummed and nodded.

"There is as much rubbish as this."

C said and glanced at the lawn outside the window. A group of Section 2 investigators who had changed into casual clothes and were assigned various identities were about to set off. Tomorrow morning they would integrate into the 60 districts on the ground floor and start working in the factory. Before that, we must first investigate everything in the surrounding area and conduct undercover investigations on the established factories, in order to ensure that these factories that only produce the items required for the orchard plan are operating normally.

The situation in Section 2 is different from other sections. Ordinary people cannot come in. There is only one set of criteria for selecting section members. Those who have experienced accidents or been violated by crimes are the first choice for Section 2. Among these people, Those who meet the conditions will be specially recruited directly to Section 2 for long-term training, and then directly participate in the operations of Section 2.

Because they have experienced tragedy, they are more adaptable than ordinary people. Preventing tragedies from happening is the obsession of many people in 2 Section, and nipping all hidden dangers in the cradle is 2 Section's iron rule.

Nowadays, the manpower of Section 2 is somewhat insufficient. The three of them are already preparing to start long-term detection and observation of the barrier area. Section 3 is also actively cooperating and will set up a special team composed of powerful mutants. The significance of their existence It is to eliminate the threats in the barrier area without any trace. Once it is discovered that some criminals in the barrier area start to threaten the city, they will be eliminated directly.

Nowadays, many criminals still escape to the barrier area every day. This has formed a phenomenon. If you don't want to go to jail, you can only run away. Section 5's high-pressure handling of public security has made it impossible for most criminals to escape.

The efficiency of the 5th Section in arresting criminals is very high. Even many criminals who sneaked back from the barrier area were arrested with the cooperation of the 5th Section.

Alpha has well designated a set of emergency response countermeasures for any problem that occurs, and has begun to promote training within the business department. This set of countermeasures is very detailed and covers all aspects that need attention.

"What on earth did that guy K do?"

"You also know that there are a lot of extremely dirty things in the secret. No matter which layer it is, it is the same. He is following that line. After all, there are many people in this world who appear to be humans but are actually demons secretly!"

C nodded, took out a cigarette, lit it, took a puff, and yawned with a smile.

5:23 am

K yawned and looked at the unsightly scene on the screen. He shook his head helplessly. A female clerk next to him blushed.

"Master K, I can't stand it anymore. Can you take some action?"

K smiled, lit a cigarette and shook his head.

"It's not time to close the net yet. According to the intelligence, this guy may be trading in a few days. Wait a few more days."

K looked at the content in the picture quietly. Although there was a trace of anger in his heart, he had to pull this line out. In recent years, some people often adopt some beautiful orphans. On the surface, they are good people. , there is indeed a devil behind it.

Looking at the little girl lying on the bed with a dull expression on the screen, K knew very well that he still couldn't get too excited.


At this time, a dark figure appeared on the screen, and quickly crawled into the rich house in front of them that they were following.

"A thief!"

K didn't pay too much attention, he just watched as the black shadow touched one foot of the house and started to climb up, aiming for the room with the light on.

This man once helped adopt many dogs. After these children grew up, they were transferred to other people. It was adopted in name, but behind the scenes, it was really dirty things.


The window was broken in the surveillance video. K suddenly stood up and felt something was wrong.

"Let the people from the 5 nearby departments go in, hurry up."

However, the next second, K saw that the man had fallen to the ground. In less than a minute, the man begged for mercy. Then the guy who entered the house smashed the flowerpot placed by the window. He went down and hit the man on the head crazily, and the people from Section 5 just broke in.

"Plan failed!"

5 minutes ago

Near 6 o'clock

Tian Hen put his hands in his pockets and walked on the street. He had been wandering in a community. He planned to take a look at his sister. He had been there several times before. Every time he saw his sister, she had an expressionless face. No smiles whatsoever.

Although Tian Hen asked the man who adopted his sister, the man showed Tian Hen his sister's daily life. It was very ordinary, but there was never any smile on his face. Unknowingly, Tian Hen came to this area last month. , I want to be closer to my sister and go to see my sister every day, but after I went there several times, my sister always just cried and still couldn't speak. Her expression was very sad. Every time Tianhen left, my sister always tried her best. Pulling his hand.

Until last night, Tian Hen heard something from someone who knew his adopted sister. Tian Hen was a little scared. It had been two years since he sent his sister here. After finishing his work tonight, Tian Hen finally couldn't help it anymore. He touched I came over and climbed into this family's house easily.

Soon Tianhen saw that the lights were still on in his sister's house, and there seemed to be a figure shaking. He quickly touched it, then climbed along the drainage pipe to the eaves on the second floor, and walked over step by step. The drawn curtains revealed a dim light.

Tianhen walked over little by little, and in the next second, Tianhen's original solemn expression froze.


The glass shattered, and Tianhen rushed in in an instant.

"Who are you."

The man looked at the man who rushed in in horror. Before he could react, Tian Hen's fist had already hit his cheek. Tian Aimuna's expression, who was lying on the bed, returned to a trace of warmth, and she burst into tears. It flowed out, Tian Hen's eyes widened, his mind was already blood red, he grabbed the flower pot that fell on the ground and walked over.

"No, I'll give you money"


As the flowerpot shattered, Tianhen held the flowerpot in his hand hard and hit the man's head. It wasn't until the elderly man fell to the ground and his head had deformed that Tianhen returned. Come to your senses.

There were bursts of noises downstairs. Tian Hen ran to the bed and picked up his sister who was still sobbing, but could not make any sound from her throat. He burst into tears.


Along with the sound of breaking into the door, Tianhen ignored the 5th section member who rushed in, still holding his sister, he roared in pain, his eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes.

There was a noise outside the window, and K jumped in through the broken window.

"You guys go out first and leave this matter to our 2nd Division."

Looking at the young man in front of him who was holding the little girl and howling in pain, K didn't say anything. He just lit a cigarette silently and sat on the window edge, planning to wait for his emotions to stabilize.

The scene in front of K couldn't help but think of C. Before they met, C had to sell himself to some guys with special quirks in order to survive.

K smiled slightly, with a trace of helplessness on his expression.

"It's obviously a different era, why would such a thing still happen!"

K immediately checked and found out that the two children in front of him were brothers and sisters. K smiled and squatted helplessly in front of Tian Hen, who was a little more emotionally stable. Times are constantly changing, and the only thing that remains unchanged is people.

At this time, Tianhen also noticed this senior official in the business department who was wearing a dark uniform and a four-pointed star hat.

"What should I do, young man! Because of your relationship, the line we have been tracking for a long time was cut off. Yu Qing, you are now a criminal. Yu Li, you made the right choice!"

Tianhen looked at his sister Tianai who had fallen asleep with tears on her face. He took off his coat and covered his sister.

K looked at the young man in front of him. His eyes were the same as those of the past few people. There were bursts of noise below, and a woman rushed up angrily. Regardless of the pull of several department staff, she rushed in. Seeing this At the moment of the scene, the woman roared heartbreakingly.

"Why are you so vicious, damn you."

The woman was pulled out by several female staff, and her angry curses continued.

"According to our investigation, his wife does not know these things about him, and we have evidence, but there is no conclusive evidence now. If the other party sues you, you will need to stay for at least 30 years."

K walked over and wanted to lift the coat covering his sister, but Tian Hen pinched his wrist.

K knew very well that the dead man was very shrewd and it was extremely difficult to catch evidence. Tonight was the first time we had surveillance footage after having been following him for a long time, but it was only the silhouette behind the curtain, which cannot be used as conclusive evidence. of.

This young man's impulsiveness made all the tracking that started a month ago come to nothing. The man is dead. All the adoption and custody transfer procedures handled by this shrewd man are reasonable and legal.

"At least let someone come in and collect the evidence, okay! As time goes by, some of the DNA information left on your sister may become invalid."

"I heard what a man said."

K nodded, called two female members of Section 2 in, and then left the room with Tianhen. K looked back at the situation in the room. Even if he did not have to wait for the collection to be completed, he could conclude that the evidence was in It didn't stand up at all in court, and the man's wife had already seen this scene, and sure enough, a lawyer came over after a while.

The person from the reason 2 department has already talked to this woman, but the woman simply does not believe that her husband would do such a thing, because the adopted child always wakes up in the middle of the night, so the husband came to check the situation out of good intentions.

The woman immediately called a lawyer, and the matter began to unfold in a direction that no one expected. K quietly looked at the expressionless boy next to him, who was trembling all over. He was only 15 years old. Only years old.


The door of the room opened, and Tianhen's eyes were slightly stunned with fear. The micro-expression of a woman from Section 2 who came out seemed to knock Tianhen into hell in an instant.

K already understood and just smiled bitterly.

Failed again!

K thought that maybe he should go in and arrest him from the beginning, but it would be very difficult to pull out more threads.

There was a girl who was adopted by this rich man before and was sent to another family when she grew up, but she is now in Frye Mental Hospital. K and they had already investigated last month. The girl’s speech Crazy, insane, cognitively impaired, and what happened tonight, even if the young man named Tianhen saw everything, such testimony would not be admissible in the debate in the Law Hall, and with this If a young man's family owes a large amount of debt, he is more likely to commit a crime.

The most important thing is that this girl who suffered misery and injury cannot speak and is mute. K retrieved the girl's medical records and found that her vocal cords were normal, but she still could not speak. She also checked her brain and found that it was still normal. There is only one reason for not being able to speak, mental problems.

The girl didn't know how to read either. K went to investigate some children who had walked out of this family, but they refused to say anything.

The only stimulation this girl experienced was being in her mother's arms and watching her mother die. Many days passed before her brother and father came home and found out everything. This unknown tragedy happened in a relatively poor family at the bottom. inside.

Tragedy is like a chain, or it seems to be contagious. Today is no longer the past era. Section 2's private installation of surveillance has been exposed many times. Now Section 2's reputation in the city is second only to In Section 3, many secret investigations have been severely restricted, and in the Law Hall, many cases have failed because evidence was collected illegally.

thump thump thump

There was a rapid sound of going upstairs, and K saw Mo Xiaolan running up from the corner. The moment she ran over, she had already kicked her. K did not dodge, and the kick hit K hard on the cheek, and he fell Dihou smiled slightly and stood up.

"What else can you do? Little lazy boy!"

"You idiot, what are you thinking in your head? Just arrest that guy as soon as possible, you..."

Mo Xiaolan was woken up by the phone call while she was sleeping. She already understood what happened on the way here. She looked at the boy next to her who was standing motionless by the wall, shivering.

"What did you see?"

Mo Xiaolan did not continue to ask. He knew without asking that what the young man saw was the reason why he killed someone.

At this time, the street outside became noisy, and some reporters rushed over. The dead man's name was Comers, and he was the boss of a listed company. It was obvious that this was done by the other party's lawyer, because there were people from the 2 departments at the scene. There is another reason why the current reputation of Section 2 is not very good. Several incidents of creating evidence have been exposed.

Mo Xiaolan was still leading people in the room to search for any clues. The only doubt was that there was basically no DNA residue found in the room. She already knew what the other party would say. After collecting the recent shopping records of the family, , you can find that their family frequently buys some fresh disinfectant, and the nanny wipes it every day.

Now there was only one way. Mo Xiaolan turned around and went out and went straight downstairs. She wanted to ask the mistress of this family whether she was not a fool after so many years together. She might have known about her husband's behavior to some extent and even acquiesced to it to some extent. .

However, as soon as Mo Xiaolan passed by, he was stopped by the other party's legal team.

"Miss, my client is currently mentally unstable. According to the Client Law, I have the right to refuse this inquiry for my agent. The specific inquiry must also be conducted when my agent's mental condition is stable. My agent People have the right to remain silent."

Mo Xiaolan's last glimmer of hope was shattered. There was no evidence at all in the room, and those insignificant evidences were inconclusive.

Although the media was blocked outside, they were still taking photos, especially those in Section 2.

At this moment, K was pressing his forehead, and sweat was oozing from his forehead. If this matter was told, the other party would definitely sue Section 2 for reputational damage, because there was no conclusive evidence.

A phone rang, and soon the confession of the man who told Tianhen something was obtained. He said it while drunk, and the man had a bad record. He had worked as a night patrolman in this area before, but I once stole, and even secretly went to other people's homes while the owner was out to have fun.

The credibility of this man's testimony was almost zero, and all the ways out were blocked. In just 5 minutes, K pressed his forehead in annoyance and looked at Mo Xiaolan, who was still thinking deeply.


Mo Xiaolan emotionally slapped K.

"You bastard, I've already told you, why don't you have a head? When you were investigating the barrier area before, you handled it roughly where you needed to be careful, but now you think you're right when you need to handle it roughly. You What on earth are you doing? What on earth have you been doing this month? Why didn’t you just go over and arrest you when you saw it?”

K did not answer because he did not know how to answer. Many things in the 2nd Section have been exposed by the media. The current investigation pressure of the 2nd Section is very huge. If you are not careful, you will be prosecuted.

"Take him away as a murderer!"

K made a decision in an instant, Mo Xiaolan's eyes widened, and several people from Section 5 came up directly. At this time, Tianhen was trembling, and Mo Xiaolan ran over.

"Tell everything you saw in court, every detail, listen carefully, every detail. Although this is a little painful for you, you must remember it."

Tianhen looked at the woman in front of him, then he struggled, and was taken away by two people from Section 5. Then he was put on a black hood, and for a moment Tianhen struggled desperately.

"Contact the father of these two children."

K said, having already thought of a solution. The truth is that this young man wanted to rob and then killed the rich man unintentionally. Section 2 only came here to receive a message that someone wanted to kidnap the rich man. That's all.

"You scumbag!"

Mo Xiaolan saw that K had drafted a report and submitted it, and K's expression looked indifferent. He then raised the corners of his mouth and shook his head.

"If you want to achieve something, you still have 48 hours. Remember, you only have 48 hours."

Mo Xiaolan turned around angrily, already took out his cell phone and pressed the number 0013.

"Asshole, come here quickly. I need you to come here right away. I'll give you 5 minutes."

Mo Xiaolan's mind kept running through lists one after another. These were the people that Ke Mosi had come into contact with during his lifetime. Now he had no choice but to ask one by one, but he did not have the authority, so he had to Gene needs help.

"What's going on, little lazy boy!"

"I am desperate Jean for the current system. Nothing can be done."

Mo Xiaolan whimpered in his throat, Gene said with a smile.

"Give me 4 minutes!"

The early morning light gradually covered the city after the red faded. Alpha was lying on the sand, leaning against Latis next to him. The two of them were smoking cigarettes. There were a pile of empty wine bottles in the living room, and a table with cold drinks. vegetable.

"How you treat the things around you, the things around you will give you something back, Latis!"

Alpha said, Latis smiled, brought his cheek closer, and rubbed it against Alpha's face.

"I know, it's no problem! I will slowly improve."

Latis said with a smile and saw that Alpha had fallen asleep. After taking the cigarette from her mouth, she stared at Alpha quietly. The two of them talked about a lot of things last night. Although Alpha said a lot, It's vague, there are some internal problems in the prison, but Latis just agreed that nothing can be changed in today's prisons.

Didi didi

Alpha's phone rang, and Latis quickly grabbed it and picked it up.

"What's the matter?"

"Excuse me."

"I'm Latis."

Suddenly the voice on the phone changed.

"Oops, Sir Latis, excuse me, um. Last night, Area 53 arrested a group of guys who were fighting in the street. They took advantage of the large number of people and beat up a few guys. Several of those guys were hospitalized. "

Latis roared in a strange tone.

"Don't you know how to deal with such a trivial matter? How did you become a regional officer?"

"No, that group of workers who beat people included Master Alpha's sister. She broke two of a man's ribs, dislocated a man's jaw, and broke a man's hand. This... "

Latis' drunkenness was gone, he glanced at Alpha, picked up Alpha's half-lit cigarette, and took a puff.

"Handle it properly, and don't let Alpha know about this matter! Do you hear me clearly?"

"I understand, Lord Latis, this."

Latis said after thinking for a while.

"I will talk to your secretary, Jill, and your boss, the director. Do you hear me clearly? What I just said."

"Sir Latis, I will definitely do it."

6:11 am

A burst of laughter rang out in the underground holding room of the Public Security Management Office in Area 53.

"You idiot, are you so ruthless?"

Olivia pressed her forehead in annoyance and looked at Nia, who was laughing and joking. Last night, they drank until 5 o'clock in the morning and had a conflict with the guests at another table. The other party was too noisy and they were still mocking Nia verbally. , and said that they were a group of poor people, happy in poverty, etc. Those people seemed to have a few money in their pockets. As a result, Niya was a little drunk and walked over to quarrel with the other party. In the end, the other party also borrowed money. He slapped Niya in the face while drunk. As a result, everyone went up and beat them half to death.

If Violet hadn't captured Xiong Dabiao, something big might have happened. This was the biggest incident since the establishment of their Lightning Construction Company.

Niya snorted coldly. At this time, the local regional section officer walked in with a smile. The personnel from Section 5 who came over directly opened the door of the large cell.

"Miss Niya, you can leave. The other party started the incident in the first place. You just fought back out of self-defense."

The officer seemed very complimentary in his words, and Niya understood it instantly. Just as she was about to speak, Olivia covered her mouth. At this time, at the entrance, a pale-faced young man was being held in handcuffs. When Niya came in, as soon as she looked over, she realized that she had seen it before somewhere.

"It's your boy, the boy who fought with me, what? Did you do something, haha."

At this time, Tianhen also noticed Niya in the prison, her eyes widened in disbelief, and Niya ran out on her own and patted Tianhen on the shoulder.

"Is your sister okay?"

Tianhen didn't say anything but lowered his head and was escorted over. Niya was a little confused as she watched him being taken to the floor of heavy criminals below.

"What on earth did he commit?"

"Kill, Miss Niya, go back quickly. It's a bit cold, so be careful. Do you want to have breakfast in the cafeteria before leaving?"

Niya looked at the desperate figure quietly and laughed in confusion.

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