Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1732 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 86 (middle)

Under the scorching sun, Jewel wiped the sweat from his forehead from time to time. He had been following Jean for a long time. He didn't know where Jean planned to take him, but now Jewel really wanted to know about his mother's past.

There were many things that his mother had only told him when he was a child, like telling a story, and some things that Jewell could no longer remember. No matter when, Jewell's heart longing for his mother would always linger in the dead of night. time to burst out.

Every night, Jewell would say something to Wu Qian. Wu Qian also showed her understanding and listened patiently to what Jewell said. Many times, Jewell would cry. For Jewell, in daily life, apart from talking to Wu Qian, When we are together, most of the other times are boring and boring, and Jewell doesn't even know what he wants to do.

He had been walking like a zombie all day long. He got up in the morning and started working after breakfast. Only the feeling of exhaustion allowed Jewell to temporarily forget many things.

As Jean walked along, he looked at Jewell behind him from time to time. There was always a trace of distress on the child's face. He knew what Jewell was distressed about, but this might not be able to change in a short time.

"We've arrived."

Jewell looked at it with some surprise. This was the Angus construction site in the easternmost area of ​​the area, close to the next district. It had been completely blocked. Jewell also heard that this place used to be very lively.

Gene raised a hand, and a line of light blue particles enveloped Jewel. In an instant, Gene jumped over the barbed wire fence, and took Jewel into the road in front of him, which had been dug out to the point of being invisible. The original appearance has emerged. Most of the residents inside have temporarily moved out. The signboards of some shops on the street are covered with dust.

Gene led Jewel along the way and turned into an alley. After arriving on a back street, Gene walked to a large three-story store, took out a key from his pocket, and opened the store. After the rolling shutter door was pulled up, it was a restaurant with a very good style. Gene opened the door and a smell of dust hit his nostrils.

Looking at Jewel behind him who looked suspicious, Gene held up the key and said.

"The owner of this store is an old friend of mine. Your mother and I met here."

Jewell nodded. At first he thought that Jean and his mother had met at the Amethyst store that Wu Qian had opened before.

Seeing Jewell's eagerness to know everything, Gene scratched his head, took out a piece of cat essence from the bar, turned on the light, walked to a seat on the first floor near the street, and wiped it with a towel Click.

"How should I put it! Or where should I start? By the way, Wilsie had just graduated at that time. Because of her marriage problems, she ran away from home in anger with her family and went to live with a member of the Huosen family here. "

Gene asked with a smile as Jewell walked on the sofa.

"What do you want to drink?"

"Apple juice."

Gene smiled and nodded.

"I remember Wilsie used to like drinking too, please wait a moment."

Jewell nodded and looked at Jean, who walked to the bar, found some ingredients and started mixing them. He was no stranger to this man Jewell. He could often be seen in some banquet venues since he was a child, and He knows a lot of people, a lot of them.

After a while, Gene came over with two glasses of apple juice and placed them in front of Jewel. He took a sip and found that the taste was quite good. He looked at Gene with some surprise.

"My mother liked you!"

Jewell asked, and Gene nodded without hesitation. For a moment, Jewell looked at Gene with some excitement.

"I have always heard my mother mention you before. If it were you, no matter how good the family members are, they would not object."

Gene did not answer the question, but nodded slightly. In his memory, when he went to see Wilsey for the last time, the words she said to him were like saying goodbye in advance, and using his own death in exchange for his son. His life has only made his son immersed in grief, and he has never been able to let go.

Jewell is not as strong as the outside world says, and Gene is very clear about this.

"Why not choose mother! Isn't she bad?"

Gene shook his head.

"She is a very good girl, Jewel. I can't help you. You can only face the long life ahead on your own."

Jewell laughed.

"Obviously as long as you are willing to help, mother will not die at all. She might..."

Jewell did not continue speaking. Gene in front of him always kept a smile and nodded.

"No one can control your own life, Jewell, if you want to hear some things from the past, I can tell you slowly."

Jewell nodded and Gene smiled and spoke.

Looking at Jean, who was talking about his mother with a smile on his face, Jewell's original serious expression became more relaxed. After being a director for several years, Jewell learned to think, and combined it with his mother's past experiences. Through some things, Jewell discovered that there was always a person living in his mother's heart, and this person had never left. Perhaps that person did not leave until his mother died.

Originally, Jewell thought that after his uncle Chen Qiao could take charge of the family, maybe his uncle and his mother could be together. Jewell also thought so, but now he no longer thinks so. The man in front of him remembers everything about his mother. , far beyond Jewell’s imagination, many things about his mother’s youth, those trivial things that no one knew, this man talked about in detail, without any reservation.

Jewell heard about a brand new mother, and there were many things that he had never heard his mother mention before. These sweet and happy past events seemed to belong only to the beautiful memories of his mother and this man, and only the two of them knew about them.

"Mother has been to the barrier area?"

Jewell was a little surprised when he heard what Gene said now, and Gene nodded.

"Yeah, Wilsie had a big fight with her parents that night and was in a bad mood. She said she wanted me to take her away. It doesn't matter where she goes. It's best to be far away."

Jewell smiled. In his eyes, his mother had always been a relatively conservative type. She often didn't talk much. Except for some things about her studies, her mother rarely mentioned other things.


Big tears fell from Jewell's eyes and fell on the table. Gene handed over a handkerchief, looked at the big boy crying in front of him, and said with a smile.

"You are a free Jewell now. No one can control your life. That's it for today. It's getting late. If you are free, I can chat with you like this."

Jewell nodded, but he still had doubts in his heart.

"Why don't you give mother a little hope!"

Gene didn't answer the question, just stood up.


After a while, the two left the construction site and returned to the main street. It was already 5:49, and the sun would soon go out.

"Thank you for today."

Jean nodded and looked at Jewel, who was already running quickly. This child was burdened with the shadow of his parents. This was Jean's only worry. Things that have been imprinted in his heart since childhood are difficult to reverse and eradicate. .

Gene reached into his coat pocket and took out a folded letter, which Wilsey had left for her son. She gave it to Jewell when she got married. Gene had not read the content of the letter.

"I just hope that day comes soon!"

6 o'clock sharp

The last embers of the sun dyed the city red, and it fell into darkness in just a few seconds. The light came on one after another, and a lift slowly landed on the top of the Hillman Pharmaceutical Building.

Eddie was already holding a bottle of wine and two glasses. He looked at Ran Zhi who was getting off the lift in a dusty state. He walked over with a smile, opened his arms and gave Ran Zhi a hug.

Ran Zhi nodded and took the wine glass from Eddie. Eddie opened it and filled Ran Zhi up. After he drank it all, he stared at Eddie sharply.

"Half the success is achieved, the other half can only be done slowly."

"Let me see her."

Eddie nodded, patted Ran Zhi on the shoulder, and took him to the elevator. The elevator went all the way down. Ran Zhi's expression looked a little solemn. Eddie said with a smile.

"We have tried our best. Your wife's life was saved, but she fell into a coma. We can only pray that medicine can continue to develop and that one day she may wake up."

Ran Zhi hummed and said nothing more. Now all the researchers detained by the Hillman family have returned to the city, including Erwin.

After a long descent, the elevator reached the 7th floor underground, and Eddie smiled and made a "please" gesture.

"I won't go in with you. It's in the ward at the bottom."

Ran Zhi nodded.


Eddie nodded, looked at Ran Zhi leaving the elevator, and sighed helplessly. He didn't quite understand this kind of feeling, or he didn't have such unforgettable feelings, because in his past life, Eddie had never loved Who, he only loves himself.

Because from childhood to adulthood, Eddie has watched his father grow up, and his father only loves himself. When facing his mother, his father is still cold, and the same is true when he treats himself. From childhood to adulthood, his father always Think of yourself as a trading tool.

The only thing his father taught Eddie was patience. Eddie learned it well and finally endured it until the opportunity came.

After Ran Zhi disinfected a room, he rinsed his body and put on clean clothes. He walked slowly towards the large ward at the bottom of the corridor. When he opened the door, Ran Zhi stared blankly at the large ward. In the center of the ward, his wife was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face. He walked over slowly, pulled out a chair, sat down and said with a smile.

"I'm back, wife."

Ran Zhi said and grabbed Ding Manman's hand. It was cold and had no warmth at all. Ran Zhi already knew that most of his wife's body had been transformed into machines. It was precisely because of this that the blight syndrome stopped. Come down.

Ran Zhi grabbed his wife's hand and put it on his cheek. He had never been as sad as he is now. Everything happened so suddenly that Ran Zhi was not even mentally prepared.

After all these years, Ran Zhi has never been in such pain as he is today. He kept sobbing. He loved his wife very much. Ran Zhi knew from a long time ago that his life became extremely warm because of his wife. Although his wife She is very ordinary, even to outsiders, she is a bit stupid, sometimes noisy, occasionally has a little temper, and often has fierce quarrels with Ran Zhi over the education of her children.

As he gets older, his wife's appearance has aged and her figure has changed. However, no matter how many years have passed, Ran Zhi still loves his wife very much. Especially in recent years, Ran Zhi feels more and more that he can go all the way with Ding Manman. What a lucky and happy thing.

"Obviously we've already caught him."

Ran Zhi had burst into tears. In the past, Ran Zhi always felt that no matter how hard he tried, he could never grasp hope, and no matter how hard he tried, he could never grasp the light. But now Ran Zhi understands that he once held on tightly. Live this happiness.

Ran Zhi couldn't imagine what he would do without his wife in the long and endless days ahead.


Ran Zhi sobbed and shook his head sadly. Many past events kept coming to his mind. In the past, he spent a lot of time on his career. Perhaps he subconsciously realized his love for his wife and sold her. After everything, he and his wife returned to the bottom, living happily every day, but this life came to an abrupt end in just a few years.

Eddie sat quietly in an office, looking at Ran Zhi crying on the screen. He didn't have any emotions in his heart, he just felt regret, because he knew that this man would live in sorrow and long waiting in the future. middle.

"Man is born alone, and he will be alone when he dies."

Eddie smiled as he spoke and looked at a tube of black potion on the table. The potion that caused mutants to go berserk had been produced. Eddie laughed. There were countless bombs in the city waiting for him to detonate. As long as he If you want, the city can be reduced to a sea of ​​flames in an instant.

"The experiment can begin, Prometheus."

Eddie said as a black flame floated behind him.

"33 experimental subjects have been selected."

Eddie nodded and looked at the experimental subjects on the light and shadow screens. According to long-term research, mutants with fragile psychological conditions have a higher probability of going berserk after being injected with this violent medicine. Many experiments have been carried out on Experiments have been conducted on the body.

Glancing again at Ran Zhi, who was lying on the hospital bed, muttering in pain, Eddie turned off the monitor and stood up.

"Maybe so!"

Eddie's mind flashed through everything in the student cadre meeting room in school. Every time he thought of it, a strange feeling would rise in his chest.

"I can't go back, everything!"


"It's okay, it will be the end of the month soon."

At a beautifully decorated old dining table, Le Wen looked at the rice porridge brought out by his wife Su Xin from the kitchen and added some vegetables.

"I'm not talking about your salary. I'm talking about how we need to go to the biometric information storage center in a few days. After all, birth control has begun."

Lewen smiled and nodded.

"Indeed, we have to go as soon as possible. By the way, wife, I'm really sorry. Originally..."

"I've helped you, so there's nothing to be sorry for."

In the past, one of Le Wen's classmates and friends encountered a debt crisis. Le Wen helped him get through the difficulty. All the money he had saved over the years had been lent to that classmate, causing the two of them to fall into trouble this month. financial crisis.

In addition, some children from the surrounding neighborhood would come over to the house for meals from time to time, and Su Xin was also happy to cook a delicious meal for those children.

After the two of them finished eating the vegetable porridge with a smile, they cleared the dishes together. Le Wen planned to go to the offices of several nearby districts tomorrow to see if he could earn some extra money.

Su Xin helps some factories at home with handiwork subcontracted every day, and the couple has a great time every day.

dong dong dong

There was a knock on the door of the room. Under the dim lighting, the couple walked towards the dark door together. The power supply on the ground floor still had problems at night, and many places had power cuts.

"Who is it so late?"

"Cousin, what's wrong?"

Su Xin looked at Su Li standing at the door with some surprise, carrying a bunch of things in her hands, and many bodyguards following behind her.

"how come."

"I just went to the ground floor to discuss some business. I wanted to come and see you when I passed by."

Su Li walked in directly, and Le Wen hurriedly took the kitchen lighting to the living room, and hurriedly boiled water to make tea.

"You don't have to bring so many things."

Su Xin looked awkwardly at the pile of things Su Li was carrying, all of which were food. Su Li didn't say much, just put the things down and sat on the sofa.

Su Li did not come to the bottom to discuss business, but according to the information given by the informant at the bottom, Su Xin's family had fallen into a financial crisis, so she came directly. Su Li had come here several times before, but she did not ask Su Xin to follow her. Su Li couldn't tell her about her return, and Su Xin wouldn't mention it either.

"I said you two should have a baby soon."

Su Xin smiled and looked at Le Wen awkwardly, and Le Wen sighed.

"Right now, instead of promulgating a regulation to restrict birth control, we are still waiting in line."

Su Li nodded. The population of Brilliant City now exceeds 24 million. If it continues, the population will continue to increase, resulting in less distribution of social resources and making life more difficult for most people.

Su Li didn't say much. She just asked about the couple's current situation. The conversation was very pleasant. After half an hour, Su Li left. The couple took Su Li to the entrance of the alley before turning back.

Su Li looked at the couple talking and laughing. No matter what time, the relationship was still so good. Su Li looked at it with some envy. There are people who will not give up happiness because of life.

In Su Li's opinion, this was very rare. Something big happened in Brilliant City today, and most people's attention was now focused on the accident last month.

It's just that Su Li has almost never heard anyone from the bottom talk about this matter all the way here. Very few people discuss these things. And everything that is going on at the bottom now makes Su Li feel like she has arrived in another era. .

Su Li will not carry out any commercial activities on the ground floor. Under Baozhen's help, some district councilors on the ground floor have approached her many times, hoping that the Su family can carry out some commercial activities on the ground floor.

But as a businessman, Su Li knew that this was a losing business. It was difficult for the bottom level to generate huge profits. Several major changes in the city had turned the bottom level into a quagmire. In addition to the middle and lower-level businessmen, the upper-level businessmen and families were not interested in it. The bottom is quite exclusive.

As soon as she came to the street, Su Li saw a man talking on an old black antique telephone. There are more and more of these telephones recently, and there are very few light and shadow equipment on the ground floor.

This is what makes Su Li feel like she has arrived in another era. The situation at the bottom is getting worse and worse.

The average monthly income in some places is less than 500 yuan, and they are increasingly marginalized and gradually reduced to slums.

Soon, Su Li returned to the elevator parked in the district office. The council members still expressed their hope that Su Li would consider revitalizing the underlying economy.

"Sorry, our Su family is not a charity. We will not invest a penny until the city comes up with a reasonable and effective economic revitalization plan."

For a moment, Su Li noticed the anger in the eyes of the congressmen, and entered the lift with a giggle. Su Li knew with her toes that once the Su family invested, more people would see hope, and The already deteriorating investment environment at the bottom will definitely make investments in vain, and people at the bottom will only become more desperate. Therefore, Su Li refused from the beginning, no matter how great the convenience the district authority gave her, no matter how professional she was. What a favorable condition to give yourself.

Although rejection is cruel, it is always more reliable than a meager hope and a violent despair. This is Su Li's philosophy of life. She will never participate or interfere with things that are uncertain.

Councilors have taken many measures to revitalize the local economy, and most of them have failed. In Su Li's view, these measures are all fine, but they have failed because the bottom layer does not have the most critical original output. This is fatal, and It is impossible for Congress to hand over the food base to the grassroots. Once food is handed over, the city will be even more chaotic, because there are too many places where it can be manipulated, and people are inherently greedy.

"I just hope that the Pioneer Project can go smoothly!"

The helicopter flew slowly towards the dazzling upper level, Su Li put her hands on her chin and smiled.

"The only people who can change everything are those who break common sense and are kind, tough and brave. Unfortunately, Alpha is not it, and neither is Freya. Most people's thinking has been solidified, and making the city better will only become a slogan. , or tell a beautiful lie.”

Su Li has already seen the future pattern of the city. The increasingly solidified system, due to strict control, will eventually squeeze everything at the bottom to supply the normal operation of the middle and upper classes.

In the past, Suli might have felt that there was a possibility. Alpha, as a sun-like existence, seemed to Suli to be too much, because although she was not bound, she could not escape being bound by the city as a whole. Common sense is Hard to break.

Su Li's head is very clear. Maybe many people are as clear as her, but no one can do anything. The orchard plan is the only way to expand internal pressure and eventually have to expand. Once this plan Failure has far-reaching and serious consequences.

"All we can do is pray!"

Su Lu smiled and closed her eyes. She was a little tired. She had thought about leaving the Su family to young people before, but now she couldn't because no one could take over the heavy burden of the Su family.

Time passed minute by minute, 8:13 pm

Alpha sat quietly in Locke's office, watching Locke still discussing with Noah what to say tomorrow morning. She remained silent. Although the remedial measures taken by Congress this time were timely, they still encountered widespread criticism. .

The argument for a technical error has been finalized, but how to formulate a set of arguments that can convince the whole city is a very big problem.

"Otherwise, it would be better to say that it is caused by errors in the data structure."

Noah said and Locke nodded. At this time, the two of them looked at Alpha who was silent. Alpha had compromised to the greatest extent. This accident was very serious. Alpha had already planned to talk to the gods directly later. As we have discussed, regarding the development of anthropomorphic robots, it is best to conduct closed development and not allow robots to come out of 10 disciplines.

Accidents inevitably happen, and Alpha is determined not to allow the next accident to happen.

"That's pretty much it. I'll make a plan. If you two are hungry, go down and eat something first. Tell the chef to cook something that I usually like. You can bring it to me after you have eaten."

Locke said and winked at Noah hurriedly. Noah walked over. Alpha stood up and put out the cigarette.

"I want some air."

A few minutes later, the two arrived at the rooftop of the General Affairs Department. Alpha sat on the edge of the rooftop. Noah leaned over and stood behind Alpha.

"This is completely different from what you said and thought in the past, isn't it?"

Noah hummed. When he was in school, Noah had very lofty ideals and ambitions in his heart. However, these ideals and ambitions have been gradually distanced by reality over the years. Noah I can't realize what I want because there are too many problems involved.

The same goes for the failure of robot development this time. Anna caused such a big accident for unknown reasons. Although it may have been caused by someone's malicious operation behind it, the lack of rigor in Section 10 gave the enemy an opportunity.

"I don't want to defend Alpha. This plan is very important to the future of mankind and cannot be stopped."

Alpha smiled bitterly, nodded and stood up, turning his head to look at Noah.

"The future? Where exactly is it?"

Noah shook his head.

"I don't know where it is, but it is necessary. If you are willing, come to Section 10 at noon tomorrow. I will tell you everything. Even if the gods do not allow us to leak it, only you, I’ll tell you everything Alpha and I hope you believe me.”

Alpha nodded.

"Tell me everything tomorrow at noon."

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