Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1731 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 86 (Part 1)



Ivy looked at Leona lying on the bed, still coughing. She was wearing a light blue sports tights, her hair had been tied up, and there was a trace of disdain on her beautiful face.

"Ahem! I'm really sick. Remember to bring me food later. I want to eat hot corn soup, crispy buns, and"

"Aren't you sick?"

Leona hurriedly retracted her face into the quilt, and then continued to cough, as if she was choked by saliva, and coughed violently.

Ivy sighed helplessly and walked to Leona's bedside. It was a clean and tidy dormitory for two people with all the facilities. There were three pots of flowers placed in the window, which Jean gave to the three of them at that time. Yes, but Niya is no longer here.

"Are you really sick?"

Ivy said and lifted the quilt, Leona nodded, her cheeks flushed, she grabbed Ivy's hand and pressed it on her forehead.

"Look at how hot it is. It's going to be at least 40 degrees."

"I'll get you some medicine."

Ivy turned and walked to the small cabinet and found the antipyretic pills. Leona swallowed a sip with a complicated expression. Looking at the warm water quilt and antipyretic pills held up to her mouth, Leona swallowed a gulp.

"The human body has its own homeostasis maintenance mechanism. Taking antipyretics will harm the body. I should be fine after I lie down for a while."

"You've already had a fever of 40 degrees, haven't you!"

Ivy said, opening Leona's mouth, trying to feed the medicine in. Now Ivy is more sure that Leona is pretending to be sick. In this morning's class, Leona said she was dizzy just before eating. , finally went to eat early and then came to rest. She started coughing as soon as she fell asleep. At first, Ivy really thought Leona was sick.

Leona was still chattering about the side effects of the medicine on the body, and that she only needed to use a wet towel to cool down. Ivy put down the medicine and water, Leona closed her eyes, took a body test, and started Ivy began to tremble, frowning slightly, and really wanted to lift the quilt and slap her butt several times.

Shengde College is good at everything, but the most important thing is freedom. All students here can seriously study courses and do things they are interested in under the guidance of teachers. They can also be spontaneous on weekdays. organize some activities.

But what makes all the girls a little painful is that the four exercise sessions per week. Although they have to run and exercise every morning, the intensity is completely different from this kind of exercise session because there is actual combat.

Many girls would cry when they took this kind of class for the first time. Although Ivy held it back, she almost cried when she remembered the first time she took the class, while Leona burst into tears. The course is taught by Principal Whit in person.

They have to exercise for 4 hours from 2 noon to 6 o'clock when the sun sets. This is a disaster for all the female students of Shengde. Shengde also has some relatively strict school rules. The most severe one is that Boyfriends are not allowed to teach before graduation, and they will be expelled if found out.

Leona is most afraid of this kind of training class. She has had it many times. She either has a headache, a stomachache, or is on her menstrual period. This time she is pretending to be sick.

Ivy looked at her arms that were thicker than before. Now she has gradually adapted to the training classes, and she probably understood what the principal often said that to realize your dreams, you need a strong body to support it.

Ivy now also understands why Niya was so energetic in the past. In the past, Niya would exercise by herself every day. Ivy clenched her fists. Her body has undergone earth-shaking changes in just a few months, and even many people in the past felt that The restless things have gone away, and I am happy every day.

"It's already 1:45, Iona, get up quickly."

Leona huddled up in the quilt and shook her head, still talking about being sick.

Ivy sighed. It seemed that Leona was going to pretend to be sick to the end. She had not adapted to the training class yet, and she rejected it from the bottom of her heart. There were many girls like Leona.

dong dong dong

There was a knock in the room. Leona pulled the quilt and covered her head. She kept breathing quickly. Although she was sweating profusely, she had to hold on no matter what. It was also very stuffy. She seemed to want to breathe fresh. space, then take a shower and enjoy popsicles.

After all, it is very hot from 2 pm to 5 pm, and exercising for these three hours can really kill you.


Ivy was a little surprised. Seeing Whit carrying a medical equipment bag, Ivy smiled knowingly. She bowed respectfully and stood aside. Whit smiled mischievously, shook his head helplessly, and looked at Leona was shivering under the quilt.

For this enlightened principal, the girls in the whole school respect her very much, and she can do everything. She takes on various positions in the school, such as doctor, porter, repairman, construction worker, etc. Principal Whitt is among the students They appear to be omnipotent.

And what makes Ivy a little strange is that the relationship between the principal and the senior management of the business department seems to be very good. From time to time, I will see some people from the 10th department come to the school to directly deliver some equipment needed for teaching, and also provide installation services for the professors. This seems incredible to the students.

"I heard you were sick Leona!"

Whit sat aside and had already opened the light and shadow medical bag. The light and shadow device for measuring body temperature had begun to measure directly. The display came out quickly, 37.3 degrees.

"I heard that you are sick, Leona. Let me tell you whether it is a bacterial or viral infection."

Leona coughed immediately, and after pulling back the quilt, she was sweating profusely. There was a hint of innocence on her red face. She covered her mouth and glanced at the numbers on the temperature measurement panel next to her.

"Maybe it's a fever!"

At this moment, Leona still looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water, and Ivy smiled helplessly.

"Get up and let me give you a thorough physical examination. Take off your clothes first."

Leona tilted her head shyly, her heart beating violently.

"Don't worry, my medical skills are pretty good. The medical certificate I hold allows me to work in an S-level medical facility."

As he spoke, Whitt directly forcibly grabbed Leona, stripped her naked in three strokes, and directly brought out small testing medical equipment. Leona's cheeks were as red as fresh. Like pork liver.

"The size of your underwear already doesn't fit. It would be better to go up two sizes, so as not to hinder your normal female physiological development. Also, eat less greasy food. Your recent whitening has been abnormal, and The fat on your body has grown like crazy, which will affect your figure and appearance as a woman. Even though you have such a beautiful face, it’s better to pay attention to it.”

Leona's embarrassed hands were supported on the bed, her legs were lying on her stomach, and her head was always lowered.

"As for whether there is any disease, the test results will be out soon."

Sure enough, after a while, the values ​​on the panel were all normal.

"You can rest assured that you are not sick. You can eat well and sleep well. Now hurry up and change your clothes. Class will start soon."

Whit said and put away the medical equipment, when Leona looked up.

"Can I not go to the training class, principal? I really can't hold it anymore, every time I..."

"Whether you can hold it or not, it's not your words that have the final say, but your body. Please don't worry. I will ensure the safety of every student participating in the training class. In your body When it’s okay, you’re not allowed to stop.”

Whit clapped his hands, and Ivy walked over and took out Leona's light and shadow bracelet. At this time, Leona looked very embarrassed. She really hated this kind of training class.

"By the way, I almost forgot to inform you that the next training session will be held by Section Chief Alpha."

For a moment, both Ivy and Leona were a little surprised. Whit walked out of the door with a smile, turned around and leaned against the wall. She smiled and raised her head, listening to the surprise in the room behind her.

"He is really a superstar that most women admire! Alpha."

Didi didi

Whit glanced at the number and frowned slightly. She walked quickly. The two little girls in the room were still cheering. Today, Whit personally went to many dormitories to find those who were pretending to be sick, menstrual period, or There are more than 20 young girls who are unwell.

"It's really unexpected that you called me."

"Let's read the news first. The president has done something amazing."

Whit smiled easily.

"Would you like to have a drink together tonight?"

Whit pursed his lips, showing a cute expression like a girl.

"Okay, where is the place?"

"Just go over there. I'll be waiting for you at the school gate at 8 o'clock."

Whit hung up the phone with a hum, and then lightly stamped his feet.

"You bastard, you only contacted me now. I'm so annoying."

But the next minute, Whit's originally relaxed expression became tense. It was a TV speech from Section 5. Alpha was talking about the disaster that happened last month, which was caused by the technical flaws of Section 10.

"Please stop blaming Cocos. They have no fault at all. They are also victims. In recent times, it has always been popular in the city that the accident was caused by Cocos. But now we are conducting a long investigation in the 5th Department. Afterwards, I came to the conclusion that it was caused by a major technical error in Section 10. Once again, please do not make unrealistic remarks at will. If anyone is still spreading rumors, I will definitely arrest him, no matter who it is! Investigate strictly!"

Whit sighed. The televised speech had just ended. Although she didn't know what happened, she only knew that Alpha was always standing in the right position. Knowing this was enough.

At this time, it was also announced on the page of the 10th Department that the 10th Department would give a speech on the accidents caused by the defective technology, including the previous accident where the car suddenly crashed into the crowd, which was caused by technical problems.

A special appeal channel for accident victims has been opened on the Congress page. Each victim will be given a pension of 500,000. Relatives of the victims can also appeal, ask for any questions, etc. Everything is going very quickly. .

"Many people probably haven't reacted yet."

Whit smiled helplessly.

2:31 pm

Located in the sales building of Cocos Company, Cocos' boss Cocos is tearfully complaining about the harm caused by those false remarks to the company. Because of those false remarks, the company has lost more than 20 million and is on the verge of bankruptcy. Wander.

At this moment, outside the company's reception hall, a lift with the logo of Section 10 landed. A large number of reporters immediately swarmed in, but soon the members of Section 5 who were maintaining order on both sides formed a direct After crossing the human wall, Noah, wearing a white coat, smiling and holding a document in his hand, walked past the reporters, many of whom were asking questions.

"Here, as long as you sign your name for this thing, we will send someone from Section 10 to your company tomorrow to instruct your technical staff."

Cocos's eyes widened. This was a technology openness agreement. After casually glancing at it, Cocos' exclusive polyester technology was open to Cocos Company for 5 years.

And reporters took note of the document.

"Excuse me, Secretary Noah, what do your 10 departments think about this accident?"

Noah scratched his head, then yawned. Facing the reporters' cameras, he thought for a moment and said.

"Science is always accompanied by accidents. In the past, countless accidents have occurred in human scientific research. It only takes a small mistake in a numerical value to cause a take-off spacecraft to crash. We are humans, not gods. Even if Even God cannot avoid accidents in scientific research. It is precisely because of the superposition of countless accidents that human science can continue to improve and progress! For those who died in the accident, on behalf of all the scientists in the 10 departments, Say sorry to them!"

Saying that, Noah lowered his head to the camera.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry!"

Then Noah, under the protection of Section 5, left with the contract that Cocos had signed.

"The specific briefing will be held at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Our section chief will explain everything in detail."

At this time, Cocos, who was still worried about the company's imminent collapse, had a smile on his face, but he was still complaining about something with runny noses and tears.

Everyone knows that if Congress gives Cocos exclusive access to technology for five years, Cocos will definitely make a lot of money in these five years.

As Alpha announced the results of the investigation, the incident began to ferment in the city. However, during this time, people did not gather together. Because of the hot weather, many people would not wander around the streets at this time.


"I'm so sorry, Boss Li Ang."

Li Ang smiled and took the cellar that had been sealed in a delicate plaster box for twenty years and placed it in the hands of the local regional officer of Section 7.

"It should be."

Several members of Section 7 who had just reviewed the economic situation of the winery also smiled. Li Ang took a few bottles of wine that had been stored for 10 years and gave them a box each. A bunch of people were happy. Left the winery.

Li Ang clapped his hands, sat down on the desk, curled his lips and laughed.

At this time, several people from Section 7 walked into the alley. The regional section officer immediately unscrewed the top of the plaster box and took a look. There was no wine inside, but a bulging paper bag. He took it with satisfaction. The person got in the car and left.

Li Ang watched the people from Section 7 leave and sighed helplessly.

"Really, no wonder Congress has no money. Your review is full of loopholes. Business people have 100 ways to avoid taxes. If I were to investigate, it would be absolutely impossible for people to evade taxes."

In Li Ang's view, the people in Section 7 are too weak in terms of review, which has led to many merchants having methods to disclose taxes. This is the dereliction of duty of the head of Section 7. He has always wanted to promote electronic cash and completely replace physical entities. Money, but Li Ang felt that this was not the time yet. Most people would not deposit it in the bank after receiving their salary.

The method of tax inspection is too simple. Generally, companies conduct tax inspections directly from raw materials to finished products, how many goods were manufactured each month, how much was sold, and the company's account books. However, both of these places can be manipulated. Although there are Surprise spot checks, but in fact over the years businessmen have developed a method to avoid most taxes.

Li Ang's winery is very popular now. Throughout last year, Li Ang used some means to leak at least 1 million in taxes. However, the money Li Ang gave to these reviewers was only a mere 50,000 yuan, and they were happy. Gotta fly into the sky.

Li Ang avoids taxes through the cellar series of fine wines in his own winery. An ordinary 1-year-old fine wine costs 100 yuan a bottle, and every additional year will cost 100 yuan more. The best cellaring is 20 years. , a bottle costs 2,000 yuan.

It's just that these wines just taste a little better than the usual brewed wines. This is what Li Ang's father has studied and taught to Li Ang for many years.

At first, when Li Ang started to evade taxes, he felt chilled. But as time went by, Li Ang felt that it didn't matter anymore. This was Ke Qi's own mistake.

"Why do I think so much? Anyway, I will never be in the circle of power for the rest of my life."

Li Ang smiled and turned around to look at a girl in charge of cleaning who came in behind him. Her name was Qian Xiaoman. She was eight years older than him. She had recently joined the job and was responsible for cleaning and reception. She looked pure and cute and was serious about her work. .

"Boss, I'll clean up. You go out and wait for a while."

Li Ang smiled and walked away. Qian Xiaoman lowered his head and started to work. When Li Ang came to the door, after thinking for a while, he thought about whether it would be a good idea to marry this woman.

Li Ang smiled helplessly and walked away. He thought carefully about how the present was completely different from the past. He was only 17 years old, but he already had a successful career. What his parents always worried about was to let Li Ang find the girl he liked early on. If you start a family at one point, you will have someone to talk to, and your life will be more comfortable. Li Ang thinks so too.

However, Qian Xiaoman didn't seem to be interested in him. This was a problem. Li Ang himself was tall and handsome. He had taken care of his skin a little over the years, and his skin that had been tanned by the sun gradually recovered.

"Xiaoman, do you want to have dinner together later?"

Qian Xiaoman, who was still cleaning at this time, shook his head with a smile.

"No, boss, I have to go home early today."

Li Ang scratched his head and went downstairs helplessly. He thought carefully that his experience in getting along with girls in school was zero. When he thought of Niya, Li Ang immediately shook his head.

Li Ang just hopes to get married quickly, at least to reassure his parents before they leave.

"Xiaoman, can I ask you on a date?"

The abrupt Li Ang turned back and blurted out.

Qian Xiaoman was startled and looked at the boss who was much younger than him with some embarrassment. He didn't know what to say for a while.

"This is not good, boss, I think that"

Seeing the embarrassment on Qian Xiaoman's face, Li Ang smiled, held the back of his head and said.

"I'm just saying casually, you see, I've never had a girlfriend, and I also want to get married, that."

Qian Xiaoman burst into laughter.

"I'm not a suitable boss for you. How about I introduce you to a younger girl?"

"next time!"

Li Ang said and turned around to leave, feeling a little cold in his heart.

"Isn't it okay to have such a straightforward invitation?"

Qian Xiaoman stood at the door, looked at Li Ang coming downstairs, and smiled helplessly.

3:01 pm

"Oh Jewell, you're finally here."

The owner of a beverage shop said with a smile. There were already a lot of drinks on the table, which were about to be sent out.

"Boss, let me take a rest first."

As Jewell said, the boss hurriedly brought a cup of cold tea. After Jewell took a sip, he took out the towel in the car and wiped it.

There were many women sitting in the shop. When a few women saw Jewell, they took the initiative to say hello to him. Jewell just smiled and said a few words casually. The workload has been heavy recently, and he is named by some shop owners to deliver food every day. .

Jewell also noticed that most of the people where he went to deliver food were women.

"Take this."

Jewell looked at the 200 yuan handed over by the boss with some confusion.

"It's great to have you help deliver things to our store, Jewell."

Jewell was not polite. After that, many women in the store would steal a glance at Jewell from time to time. His beautiful long golden hair, handsome and tall appearance, and the tenderness on his cheeks made many girls People like it as soon as they see it.

And the most important thing is that Jewell doesn't talk to the women, and answers shyly and politely every time. As for Jewell, everyone knows that many women will have a feeling when they look at this child. Strange emotions overflowed.

After resting for a few minutes, Jewell drove the minivan and started delivering goods. Now he was going to a design company for women's intimate clothing. Jewell was a little embarrassed.

"Jewell, why are you here?"

The little girl at the front desk took her drink, took a big sip, and held up the drink in her hand with a smile.

"Would you like to take a sip? This rose tea tastes very good."

Jewell smiled awkwardly.

"I don't eat sweets."

The little girl at the front desk put her hands on her chin and pouted.

"Drink a sip."

Jewell could only smile and ran to the elevator with a bag of things. At this time, a woman in work clothes also squeezed in. As soon as she came in, she looked a little hot and pulled her collar, smiling and getting closer. Next to Jewel.

"Hey! Jewell, do you want to come to my house tonight? Didn't you say you like science fiction movies last time? How about we watch a movie together?"

Jewell shook his head.

"It's time."

The woman leaned over directly, and Jewell's cheeks were slightly red.

"How about I help you carry it? It's so heavy."

"No, no need."

Jewel shyly turned to the side. At this time, the elevator stopped on the 11th floor. As soon as the elevator door opened, a burst of exclamations came out. Many women seemed to be waiting for Jewel to come.

The moment Jewel stepped out of the elevator, he stumbled and fell to the ground. A group of women hurriedly gathered around. You held hands and I lifted up my feet. Some of them were still blowing air. This made Jewel very embarrassed. Every time he He was very scared because there would always be unknown women running over to see him.

"Drink it quickly, it won't taste good when it's hot."

Jewell finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, a male supervisor came over and shouted. Many women took their drinks and returned to the work place, but their eyes were still directed towards Jewell. He turned around and planned to leave.

"Young man, can I take up a moment of your time?"

Jewell groaned and was dragged away by his supervisor. Looking at the supervisor's happy smile, Jewell didn't know what to do.

Jewell was soon taken to a room filled with colorful underwear. There were many women in the room. Rows of surprised glances swept over him. Standing at the top was a bejeweled woman. , an older woman who still retains her charm, she greeted her warmly with a smile.

"Our company is currently planning to launch some men's underwear. Can you come to our company to be a model, Mr. Jewell?"

Jewell was a little panicked, but soon Jewell shook his head.

"I'm not suitable for this."

Before Jewell finished speaking, many women came over and praised him. Jewell was at a loss for a moment.

Finally, half an hour later, Jewell walked out of the company, feeling very normal. He planned to change jobs. If he continued like this, his body would be unable to bear it. The designated delivery volume every day was very large, and he would be asked questions as soon as he passed by. Ask this or that.

Jewell took out the phone, dialed the boss of the delivery company, and started talking directly. However, the next second the boss said that he would give Jewell a salary increase. He could directly give him a 2,000 yuan increase. The boss said so. After a lot of good words, Jewell found it hard to refuse.


A car suddenly stopped in front of Jewell, and a group of people suddenly got out. A woman immediately came over and handed over a business card. It was a large entertainment agency. The other party's intention was obvious. , wants to sign a contract with Jewell and let Jewell become an artist.

Jewell was a little surprised. A group of people gathered around Jewell and made some offers, but in the end they were all rejected by Jewell. At this time, Jewell was a little at a loss.

"Gentlemen and ladies! Please don't force an unwilling child again. If you continue to pester me, I will resist arrest for obstructing the person."

A clear voice came over, and everyone looked over for a moment. Gene walked over slowly with a cigarette in his mouth. Jewell was a little surprised, but at this time something came to his mind. There were so many things I wanted to ask Gene.

"That man is always like a warm breeze. You can feel it when you close your eyes. He is a very handsome man."

Jewell has never been able to figure out who the man his mother was obsessed with in the past was, but at this moment Jewell knows that the only one in front of him is the chief of Section 13 who can help him out and has a very good relationship with all the major families. Only Jean could win his mother's heart.

"Want a drink! But you're not underage yet, only milk!"

"Mr. Jean, I have something to ask you. Can you tell me?"

Gene turned around and started walking. Jewell also noticed that the eyes on him just now were immediately focused on him, and he followed quickly.

"It's your mother's business!"

Jewell nodded.

"Are you lovers? Once."

Gene shook his head.

"only friends!"

Jewell's eyes looked a little angry.

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