Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1729 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 85 (middle)

January 9, 2221

At the top of the smoky experimental tower, the originally clean and tidy large room was now filled with a lot of food and supplies. Some places were already dark and even emitted an unpleasant odor.

The 23 leaders were sitting casually in the room. Everyone was silent at this time. Although the leaders of several large gangs called a meeting, it had been more than ten minutes since they sat down, and everyone was still silent.

There are more than 12,000 people in this mountain base, which can accommodate 20,000 people. In just less than ten days, too many problems have occurred, because of food, water, women, and places to live, including daily life. For some small frictions, everyone originally thought it should be the same as in Jizhigrad in the past.

At that time, 23 gangs controlled the huge Jizhigrad, but there would not be too many problems. Each gang was responsible for a part of the area, and the gangs did not invade each other. They even formed a trading market, and underground weapons factories and the like The facilities are controlled by Agata and two other large gangs, and some of the weapons, water and food produced will be distributed to the people in Jizhigli.

But the situation is different now. In this space that is large enough but relatively secretive, friction is indispensable, and these small frictions in life have led to many problems now. Just yesterday, it happened A small-scale conflict broke out, two of the men were injured, and one was hit in the leg by a bullet. If the leader hadn't been nearby, it might have turned into a tragedy in an instant.

The problem now has reached the point where it has to be solved. If it cannot be solved, violent conflicts will soon break out in this base, but now no one is planning to speak, or in other words, they are waiting for someone to speak.

There is no one person in charge. In the past, many things were discussed by everyone. In the past few days, the 23 gangs have had some friction with each other. The originally sporadic trust has almost been replaced. Now it is much more comfortable than before. The environment is torn apart.

"If all of you grown men don't speak up, then I'll do it."

Agata exhaled a puff of smoke as she spoke, frowning as she looked at the dirty and messy room.

"Can you please put these things away first?"

"Stop it, Agata, didn't you ask us to come to the meeting?"

Agata looked at the leader who was leaning on the sofa angrily, with a smug look on his face. In the past few days, there have been several conflicts between people in this group and people in his own group. These conflicts were all about minor issues. , Agata has strictly ordered her subordinates to be patient as much as possible, but the other party is still bullying him to the extreme.

Agata glanced around. She was the only woman here, and she was surrounded by disdainful looks. Although Agata was ranked high in strength among these bosses, she still couldn't defeat some of them, and the bosses were mutually exclusive. The strength between them is not too far apart.

"Hmph! I finally found a comfortable place. You guys made it so dirty. Shouldn't you clean it up?"

"Haha, you are not the only one using this place. Agata, you spend a lot of time bathing and eating here alone. Do you really think you are the boss here?"

Agata stared angrily at a leader sitting on the billiard table, and there were also some malicious looks from all around. The atmosphere at the scene was very stiff, and it seemed that the meeting could not proceed at all.

All the criminals here have the same virtue and will not consider others at all, including Agata herself. She will not consider others. As long as she is comfortable, there is no need to consider others.

Suddenly the whole room started to become noisy, and several leaders who had already had differences accused each other of the trouble caused by each other's men.

"Damn it, it's just a woman. There are so many women here, and the people under your command actually shot, damn!"

"You're just fucking farting. It was obviously your people who came in first and beat up my men. Damn it, shouldn't this kind of thing be done on a first-come, first-served basis?"

Agata walked to the door. She could no longer watch or listen. Everything here was indeed their spoils, but the distribution of these spoils was a big problem.

A fierce quarrel began. Although the leader was trying to persuade him, the situation was still not optimistic. Agata opened the door to the room and was about to leave when a leader ran over.

"Where are you going Agata?"

"I plan to go back to the foothills."

For a moment, the leaders all showed smiles. Although Agata's gang only numbered less than 200 people, they were very capable in fighting, and their firepower was not weak.

"Can everyone sit down and talk?"

One of the leaders shouted loudly, and the quarrel gradually died down.

"They say that there is no way to talk about it. There are many people here, so naturally we need more women, food and water. Why should you let the few of you take more?"

"No reason."

The leader on the opposite side had already clenched his fists as he spoke, and the two of them were about to start fighting directly.

"Boss, the Hillman family has sent someone to negotiate."

As one of Agata's men ran up to report, the atmosphere in the hall relaxed for a moment.

"Let him in."

Many of the leaders showed smiles. At this time, many people ran to the glass windows to watch, and they were all discussing what benefits the Hillman family would give them.

Agata looked at these guys quietly, all wanting more benefits. Agata just stood at the door, waiting quietly. At this time, the leaders laughed, and only two people came in. One of them looked like a frail middle-aged man.

Many people laughed. Agata looked at this group of people. The anger that had been against each other disappeared again, and now there were outsiders.

Within a few minutes, Agata saw a friendly-looking man wearing a thick coat, and a tall, strong-looking man walking next to him.

"come in."

Agata said something, still looking at the man. Ran Zhi nodded with a smile. After walking in, a leader came over and grabbed Ran Zhi's collar and lifted him up directly. Ran Zhi faced Smiling without changing his expression.

"I'm telling you, Mr. Eddie, if you want to change the researchers here, bring them good food, drink, and beautiful women. Do you hear me clearly? If you hear me clearly, you can go back."

"Yes, yes, I want a beautiful woman."

For a moment, the leaders all laughed, and Agata looked at the middle-aged man quietly.

"Let go."

Ran Zhi said, his voice sounded serious, but the leader who was holding him had a smile on his face. He lifted Ran Zhi in the air like a chicken, and laughter came again.

"Hey! City people, why are you so light? We have the final say here. You have heard the conditions clearly."


Ran Zhi slapped the leader directly, and the whole room fell silent for a moment, but the next second some heads behind him turned around with laughter, and the leader stared at Ran Zhi fiercely.

"What the fuck are you looking for"


Ran Zhi slapped the leader again. At this time, the leader was angry and red particles overflowed from his body. However, the next second everyone's eyes were focused on a black metal ball held in Ran Zhi's hand. .

"If I let go, there will be nothing left in this cave base."

For a while, several leaders who were planning to rush over stood there rationally.

"If you don't believe me, you can give it a try. If you think that as high-level mutants, you can withstand the explosion of light nuclei, then give it a try."

The smiles on everyone's faces disappeared at this time, and Agata looked at the few men at the door.

"Why didn't you search me when you came in?"

"We searched the boss and they didn't have weapons."

Grasping Ran Zhi's leader, he lowered Ran Zhi down little by little. He looked at the black metal ball in Ran Zhi's hand with a horrified look. Although they didn't know what the light core explosion Ran Zhi mentioned was, many places in the barrier area had lit up before. A strange white light erupted, and a large area was burned. After the light passed, not even human bones would exist in that place.

"Can we sit down and talk?"

Ran Zhi said, at this moment many leaders seemed to want to run away.

"Listen, if any of you dare to run out, then we will die together."

Ran Zhi's expression looked crazy and a little abnormal. This expression instantly frightened all the leaders. No one dared to move and they all sat down obediently.

"Give me a chair, my legs are a little sore now."

Ran Zhi said, and the leader who had previously grabbed him obediently moved a chair to Ran Zhi, fearing that anything in his hand might fall out.

"Don't think about doing anything. This is a touch pressure device. If any of my fingers cannot reach the pressure touch of this photonuclear bomb, the bomb will explode immediately. No one in this cave will survive. It’s anything!”

The room became quiet, no one spoke, and the leaders became much more honest.

"Food? Water? Women?"

Ran Zhi asked, then smiled and shook his head. In an instant, he glared at everyone angrily and glanced around. Agata had closed the door and sat directly next to Ran Zhi.

Fear of death is the weakness of everyone here, and Agata herself is also afraid of death. She brought people back that night, originally just to see if she could catch something in the chaos, but she gave up in the end.

"If that's what you need, it's simple, but that's all you get, you bunch of bastards."

"Don't push your fucking limits, me"

The leader in front of Ran Zhi was about to curse, but was blocked by Ran Zhi's unusually fierce eyes.

"This is not an overreach. The worst we can do is die here together!"

Some of the leaders were already wiping their sweat. They interrogated some researchers to find out what the machines in the basement of the research tower were used for, and they found out that they were studying high-energy photons.

They had also seen the light-killing weapons in the base, and what the middle-aged man in front of them said, there was no doubt that the Hillman family should possess that kind of weapon, a bomb so powerful that it could kill all surroundings.

"If you only pursue this, the administrative department will definitely clean up this place one day."

Ran Zhi's words hit the nail on the head. The reason why they couldn't let go of some useless people in the base was because they were afraid that the operations department would come to clean up. On the way here, based on the woman's tips, they passed by a very powerful criminal. All that was left of the entrenched fortress was a big pit, and everything was gone.

This was also an important reason why they left Jizhigrad immediately after seeing the white light that night.

"If you think you can stay here comfortably, you are too naive, so I come here with a proposal. I can give it to you here, but what we need is mutual cooperation. We can provide you with something every month. Some extra food and water, and weapons, but you'll have to cause trouble for the business."

No one answered, Ran Zhi glanced around and continued.

"As for women, you can find a way to solve it yourself. For example, I can give you some short movies."

The original serious atmosphere at the scene changed for a moment, and one of the leaders couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm not joking with you. Our Hillman family will become a royal family in the true sense in the future. As for you, you only need to wait for the moment we launch our plan in the city and raid the guard station. I think the negotiation ends here. That’s it.”

Many leaders nodded. After Ran Zhi glanced at it casually, he stood up with a smile, then stretched out his hand and placed the small black ball on the ground bit by bit, and placed it carefully. In a groove, his fingers left little by little, and everyone stopped breathing in an instant.

"Today next month, food and water will be delivered. Please take good care of these researchers."

As Ran Zhi let go, someone suddenly thought of something and jumped over, but Ran Zhi turned around and said.

"This is just a small ball of ordinary light and shadow artifacts. There is no light nuclear bomb."

In an instant, the leaders looked at Ran Zhi angrily, and he had already reached the door.

"This is your only chance. Remember, if you don't act calmly, this only chance will disappear. If you are willing, you can listen to me and tell me how to manage this place, because if you continue If you go on, you may start killing each other without waiting for the Xingke Department to take action, which is tantamount to saving the Xingke Department a lot of trouble."

Although some people wanted to take action, they fell silent at this time. Now everyone fell into an extremely embarrassing mentality. The leader who had been slapped twice by Ran Zhi directly crushed the small metal ball, and some sticky A thick liquid fell to the ground.

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you."

"Even if you cut me into pieces, the result will still be the same. It's just that I will die first and you will die later. Do you guys have only water in your head? Can't you listen to anything? If you are willing to talk to me, , I can tell you how to do it, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to, after all, everyone knows certain things well, and for those guys who love to cause trouble, I think it’s better not to stay.”

As soon as Ran Zhi finished speaking, the leader standing in front of Ran Zhi felt a chill go down his spine. Agata had already rushed over first. Instantly, the scene became chaotic again. The person in charge who followed Ran Zhi led Ran Zhi directly to the door. .

Bang bang

"What do you want to do, I"


The leader who had just grabbed Ran Zhi was stabbed in the chest. As soon as he received the fists of the two leaders, he was stabbed in the back with a sharp knife. Soon the three of them held him down in less than a few seconds. , and his neck was broken.

There was a banging sound and the glass shattered. At this time, the situation below also became chaotic. The mutants in the room were still fighting, but the mutant leaders who had caused trouble were killed one after another in just a short time. Within 5 minutes, there were only 16 bosses left on the field, and 7 of them had their heads removed. The whole room was in a mess, and all the furniture flew around and became dilapidated. The metal floor was There are strips of cut marks.

Ran Zhi took out a cigarette, lit it and took a comfortable drag.

"Go down first to quell the commotion. Those who are dissatisfied will be dealt with. Although some tragedies may occur, there will be no peace without blood."

The 16 bosses didn't hesitate at all. Some kicked the door open, and some jumped directly. At this time, Ran Zhi grabbed Agata.

"Inform your men outside that anyone who wants to run out will be dealt with directly on the spot."

Agata swallowed, nodded, and without thinking much, directly used her radio to contact the men guarding the gate outside.

At this time, gunshots and explosions were heard everywhere, and the entire base was in chaos.

Ran Zhi walked past several corpses and found a still usable chair. He sat by the broken glass window, quietly looking at the chaos below, smoking a cigarette comfortably, pressing the back of the chair with one hand. At this time, the person in charge who followed him had his eyes widened and was speechless at all. Even if he witnessed the whole process, he could not understand that these leaders actually listened to Ran Zhi's words.

As early as four days ago, the person in charge had taken advantage of the slack at the gate to let five people from the Hillman family sneak in. This was Ran Zhi's request.

The plan was also thought up by Ran Zhi, and it turned out that it was easy to sneak into the base. Ran Zhi knew everything about the base in the past few days. The reason why he chose to come in when the bosses were having a meeting was to complete such a plan.

The result was the same as what Ran Zhi thought, except that the result was directed by Ran Zhi in advance. There was still a lot of chaos outside. There was a loud bang and the entire experimental tower was shaking. The person in charge ran over worriedly, and as it floated Ran Zhi sat on the chair unmoved by the smoke and dust, looking at the chaos below with a smile.

Time passed by minute by second, and it was just 9 o'clock in the morning. This time was just right. The original people living in this place who lived in other caves would not come out at this time. They should have already gotten up to dig the cave.

"Aren't you afraid, Mr. Wise Man?"

"I'm already here. If I'm still afraid, how can I accomplish anything?"

The person in charge wiped the sweat from his forehead at this time. Ran Zhi proposed this plan before entering, but just as Ran Zhi said, the plan came true easily.

The person in charge couldn't believe it until now. At this time, the commotion outside was getting bigger and bigger, and it turned into a tragic war in an instant. The entire base was in chaos, and the 16 leaders who went out had obviously made some preparations. Some of the criminals whose leaders had been killed had begun to surrender, but the result was still the same. Those who surrendered were shot directly.

At the gate, gunfire rang out continuously. Those who ran out and tried to escape were killed directly, while those low-level mutants were directly dealt with by the mutants of the Hillman family.

10:30 am

With the last gunshot, a surrendered criminal was hit in the head by Agata.

Nearly 1,000 criminals under the jurisdiction of the seven leaders were all cleared. Although the men of the 16 leaders were injured, they wanted to surrender without the leader and lost the will to fight. Some wanted to escape, but they all wanted to surrender. It was easily solved, but the entire cave was devastated. Most of the caves built next to the stone walls had collapsed, and some of the original criminals here were also involved and were not spared.

"If you can't come up with a reasonable plan, I'll tear your head off right away."

Agata pressed her shoulder, looking hurt. She roared angrily at Ran Zhi. The leaders behind her came in one after another, and everyone's face was livid.

At this time, many of the leaders who had come to their senses realized that they had just acted as if they had been possessed by an evil spirit, and they had acted exactly as this guy said.

"Being able to solve it so quickly only shows that you have been thinking about what to do when something like this happens, and you have also given instructions to your subordinates. Although the result is not perfect, there is peace after the blood. Find someone who can do a little better in the classroom. This place, let me tell you how to manage it."

Ran Zhi stood up as he spoke. Although there were still doubtful looks in his eyes at this moment, the bosses all felt that this guy was incredible, because every word he said was what the bosses had thought about, and surprisingly fit them very well. state of mind.

Everyone couldn't stand it anymore. After getting this comfort zone, most of the things that happened had made the leaders exhausted physically and mentally. Several discussions ended in vain.

In a fairly large room with some beds, Ran Zhi took the person in charge's mobile phone and opened the cross-section of the past base. Several leaders took wine and started drinking. Everyone seemed to be in a bad mood. , some people in our own organization suffered losses, with at least more than 500 casualties.

There were nearly 3,000 people when we arrived, but now less than half were left.

"From today on, you are the king of this independent base. Remember, you are the king! Do you hear me clearly?"

Someone laughed.

"King? Stop being funny, bastard, you just saw through our minds."

"Indeed, I discovered something as soon as I came in. When people face people they hate, they always stand far away without realizing it. But you don't have any major conflicts or problems, so you are very far away from the people you hate. Yuan, you did take action in the end, if you hadn’t taken action, I would have died here today.”

Ran Zhi said that several of the leaders were feeling complicated and tangled in their hearts at this time, especially Agata. She really wanted to crush this guy's head, but she knew she couldn't.

"What I mean by king is literally, and what is a king? Please remember that the people in this cave are now your citizens, not tools. If you want to manage others, you first need to Let them taste the sweetness, and then give them favors, and finally they can unite into a group. That's it. I have a detailed division. 16 kings are responsible for different parts. What do you think? Like food, water and weapons. You 16 kings will choose the 6 most trustworthy kings to manage. As for other aspects, there must be a certain order in order to develop steadily. The food and water produced here are enough to feed you, but Have you ever thought about expanding abroad? This is a long-term construction of a huge country. How about building your own country!"

Ran Zhi said, looking at someone with a smile on his face.

"What you say is better than what you sing. Is it that simple?"

"It's very simple, just listen to me."

Ran Zhi said and took out an old black phone.

"You can contact me if you have anything in the future. If it can be solved, I will tell you how to solve it. If it can't be solved, I will come in person. So no matter what disputes you have, don't conflict on your own. Tell these disputes to I, let me help you solve it."

Some bosses nodded, but some still looked unhappy, but in the end all the bosses looked at Ran Zhi, and he began to talk about how to divide it so that there could be extremely efficient output here, and in this closed In the base, what exactly needs to be done to develop steadily.

Ran Zhi talked about all these issues with passion, and gradually the disdain on the faces of the leaders disappeared, and they all began to listen seriously. There were many things they had never thought about in the past, but if they had done so in the past, Maybe it will be better than now.

"Then according to what you said, as long as we do it, wouldn't we be able to become a very powerful force?"

A leader couldn't help but asked with excitement in his heart. Ran Zhi smiled and nodded, pointing to his head.

"All you lack is a little resourcefulness. Next, I will slowly teach you some methods of managing and handling things. After all, you all know it, but no one has told you systematically. These things have been licking your blood for many years. I have seen a lot in my career, but actually doing it is another matter. I will stay here for a month. During this month, you do what I say. If there are results, you kings, you should Just trust me!"

Some of the leaders nodded, and those who were still a little unhappy also nodded to themselves.

"By the way, what's your name?"

Ran Zhi said with a smile.

"My name is Wise Man! Whatever you encounter, whether it is personal or collective, you can come to me to discuss it. I will do my best to solve the problem for you kings."

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