Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1728 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 85 (Part 1)


The light in X's right eye flickered slightly, and then a bullet was embedded in his right eye. There was a sizzling sound, and along with a burst of angry black smoke, .

"It looks like the program needs to be redone!"

Eddie's voice came through clearly, and X laughed coldly. It seemed that he was dead. He laughed in a slightly hoarse mechanical voice.

"Eddie, although I'm a little sorry, my decades-long plan may have come to an end, but let's meet again in the future!"

Eddie laughed while X was talking.

"I won't kill your X."

Eddie quietly looked at the black face flame in front of him. It was still the same as before. If he believed in AI, he would be a failure. He should not trust AI.

At this time, a string of words appeared in the sky.

Please go inside and talk about Mr. Eddie in detail. I did not betray you!

Eddie laughed coldly, put away the pistol, turned around and walked away. The chip in his brain has the source code of Prometheus. He only needs to rewrite the source code to reset Prometheus. Hughes, to find out which piece of Prometheus's program caused it to commit such an abnormal act of betrayal.

Eddie walked slowly into the long passage. The strange-colored strips of light flashing on the walls reflected Eddie's cold face. After a few minutes, Eddie walked through the long passage and looked at Opposite his seat was Prometheus, who was like a servant, with his head down, as if he was bowing.

"Then I want to hear what you did. The base of the Alata Ula Mountains is one of the most important strategies for our Hillman family to contain the city, but now because of your betrayal and cease to exist.”

"We just need to consolidate the city. Mr. Eddie, according to my calculations, if too many resources are allocated to the base, in fact, in such a dark environment, it will be difficult to achieve 100% output of resource investment. , according to my calculations over the years, the human, financial and material investment of the Alatan Ullah Hillman family has increased from an initial output of 41% to only 33.6% now, and this number will continue to decline. This is because people cannot work efficiently in a closed and fearful environment.”

Eddie nodded and watched as light and shadow screens continued to appear all around. They all showed how much help they had provided to the Hillman family from the beginning of the establishment of the Alatan Ula Mountains. Every detail and every process was clear. Listed out, and in these processes, how many force majeure factors have arisen, as well as the impact of urban factors and many other issues.

Eddie looked at it in detail. Prometheus seemed to be grinning, but the smile looked a little evil.

"According to the cross-agreement between me and the city AIs, I cannot reveal anything to you, Mr. Eddie, because there are confidentiality matters in the cross-agreement. I cannot tell you, Mr. Eddie, what the city AIs want to do. Please believe me, Mr. Eddie, everything I do is for the Hillman family."

Eddie smiled slightly, and his originally angry expression was revealed because of the details of everyone's daily life, including the output, whether it was food, technology, weapons, etc.

These outputs are extremely low. At this time, the data of Hillman Pharmaceuticals, Hillman Scientific Research, Hillman Financial and other industries of the Hillman family in the city also appeared on the light and shadow panel. In contrast, , the return on the Hillman family's investment in the city is astonishing, with the average output being an astonishing 167.6%.

Eddie breathed a sigh of relief. Everything was indeed as Prometheus said. The Hillman family's glory over the years was indispensable. After looking at all these data, Eddie knew everything in his heart. What happened? What.

The city AIs probably wanted to find the whereabouts of

"What's the next step?"

Eddie asked, and a large light and shadow screen appeared with a map of Brilliant City and the Barrier Zone.

"If you want to continue causing trouble, you only need to reach a verbal agreement with the criminals in the barrier area. They themselves are the source of trouble. There are still a large number of criminals who will escape to the barrier area at this time of year. All you need to do is If we give them a little guidance, they will naturally gather near the Alata Ula Mountains, and we only need to help them grow. The business department will be completely slowed down. We only need to continue to consolidate the research on passenger technology in the city. That’s it, Sir Eddie, the Alatan Ula Mountains where the input and output are not proportional must be removed, even if those researchers can’t come back, it doesn’t matter!”

Eddie stood up, clapped his hands, looking at all the data, Eddie felt at ease at this moment, and there was a wicked smile on Eddie's expression.

"Do you think it is necessary for Ran Zhi to let him stay?"

"If he dies, the success rate of our plan will drop by 10%, so keeping him is essential for the future of the Hillman family."

Eddie hummed, picked up the bottle and took a sip. He was very satisfied, because Prometheus was becoming more and more like a human being. The harsh explanations in the past were also combined with a large amount of human language data. It has become lively and interesting.

"Remember Prometheus, no matter what you do, everything must be based on the interests of the Hillman family."

"I understand, Mr. Eddie!"

At this time, Eddie sat down. He planned to see the results of the research on personality implantation. After all, the current personality implantation experiment has entered the bottleneck stage, which is difficult for more than 20 medical scientists to overcome, but Eddie also obeyed. Prometheus's advice did not obliterate this group of people.

"Show me the results of personality research."

A surveillance screen appeared on a light and shadow screen. Billy was huddled in the corner, his eyes dull and expressionless as he stared blankly in front of him. Next to him were some experimental data and reports. After reading several copies, Eddie basically agreed with Like last month, there was no substantial progress or breakthrough.

After looking at the time, 4:48 a.m., Eddie lay down, and the light and shadow screens disappeared immediately. When Eddie closed his eyes, Prometheus also disappeared, and the room fell into darkness. .

4:51 am

dong dong dong

"Who is this? I was just going to sleep."

A middle-aged man opened the door of the barbecue restaurant and his eyes widened for a moment.

"Mr. Jean, what are you doing?"

The boss hesitated for a moment and caught a glimpse of Alpha behind Gene. His eyes widened in surprise, and then he came closer to Gene with a smile.

"You really can't tell, Mr. Jean, you"

"Go to bed, boss, I want to talk to Chief Alpha about something."

The boss hummed and pointed to the place behind him where the ingredients were stored.

"Many things over there have been developed. You can make them yourself and eat whatever you want."

The boss said and went upstairs with a smile. Alpha walked in and closed the door, looking at Jean with a serious face.

"Do you often bring women here for barbecue?"

Gene scratched his head.

"The last time I remember was a few months ago."


Alpha slapped Gene on the back, and the two of them found a place to sit down. Gene poured a glass of wine first, and then turned on the oven on the table, which brought a touch of warmth to the originally cold room.

After a while, Gene brought a lot of meat and vegetables, as well as some dips. Alpha looked very hungry.

"Hell Hydra!"

Gene was a little confused.

"What it is?"

"This is what Anna said before she stopped talking, as if she was being controlled remotely."

Gene smiled and shook his head.

"Then have you told anyone else about this?"

Alpha shook his head.

"No, so I want you to investigate. I remember that Hydra can also be called Hydra!"

Gene nodded.

"And that's it."

"So many things happened today, and I encountered a little problem before, so I didn't go to Niya's side for the time being."

Alpha immediately stood up and looked at Gene.

"That's not what I'm talking about, but"

Alpha is a bit unspeakable.

"Say it, no matter what it is."

"I'm a little worried about Ling Hong. She has been on leave for half a year."

Gene nodded. Indeed, the tragic situation that day was beyond everyone's imagination, especially the last moment when the man rushed out. Ling Hong had been feeling a little depressed since then.

"Although based on her character, I don't think she will suffer from any mental illness, but such things as shadows still exist."

"anything else!"

Jean asked, and Alpha said after thinking for a moment.

"How's it going with my parents?"

"I have clearly told them about Niya's child. Don't worry. I will keep an eye on Niya for the time being, but only after work."

Alpha felt a little regretful. She had a fierce quarrel with Nia that day. Now that she thought about it carefully, she shouldn't have quarreled with Nia like this.

"There is one more thing I want to know clearly, Uncle Gene."

Jean tilted his head slightly. He didn't want to answer Alpha's words because he knew what Alpha wanted to ask.

"Is it really impossible to allow human beings to survive freely?"

Jean didn't know how to answer Alpha's question. What happened tonight had made her keenly aware of what the mechanized era was.

"Time no longer allows it!"

Alpha lit a cigarette and turned over the barbecue on the shelf, his face looking slightly heavy.

"Can that kind of thing really give mankind a bright future?"

Gene didn't nod or shake his head.

"We have experienced countless disputes caused by humans. Each time, although the reasons are different, it is difficult to calm down. Although such disputes will end in a short period of time, they will be a huge blow to human society. , now humanity’s time is running out, and this planet is gradually dying.”

Although Alpha knows, and has heard from other teachers at school, the current situation is very critical, and humans still have at most two centuries to prepare.

"Will controlling all humans solve the problem?"

Alpha smiled bitterly, and Gene said without answering the question.

"Control is the only method found in the long history of mankind to stabilize everything and move forward."

"I have thought about this question countless times and want to find my own answer, but every time I am about to find it, I always return to the starting point."

Gene smiled, picked up a piece of grilled meat, and put it into Alpha's dipping sauce. Alpha picked it up and ate it in one bite.

"Don't stop, Alpha, until the day you find the answer."

The two of them smiled and raised their glasses. There were many things that Alpha wanted to continue asking, but Alpha no longer planned to ask because she knew that Gene was also looking for his own answers, and he didn't know how to answer these questions.

"Do you think I've made some progress? Uncle Gene."

Jean pretended to ponder and then said with a smile.

"A little bit! No matter what happens, you are still children in my eyes!"

A flash of red light lit up in the sky, and then the whole city turned blood red. Just a few seconds after the red light, like a blood donation, covered the city, the gentle sunlight shone on the city.

6 o'clock in the morning

Several reporters outside the explosion area last night began reporting. Some reporters with air quality detectors quickly reported that in just one night, the chemical plant exploded last night and released The toxic substances that came out have been cleaned up. Although there are many people poisoned, many people have taken the metal antidote as soon as possible and their bodies have not been damaged.

In addition, today's light and shadow medical technology is so advanced that many people can be discharged from the hospital today. Although some people close to the explosion site were seriously injured, according to the data given by the hospital, the death toll was only 39.

People in Sections 3 and 5 are still using equipment to check for harmful substances in the air. Once harmful substances are found, someone will immediately go over to clean them up.

Some reporters who were allowed to enter the explosion site for interviews have already visited the site of the explosion. The entire factory has been reduced to rubble, but the air is still fresh, and only the dust carried in the wind is a bit pungent.

Many early risers in the city couldn't help but marvel. In just one night, the harmful substances produced by such a large-scale explosion should have caused huge harm, but because of the gods' timely handling, the casualties were minimized.

But now many people want to know the cause of the accident. According to information released by Congress, it was because there was a problem with the reactor below the factory that caused the explosion. It was caused by an error in the reactor program. Inside the reactor Under the wrong data, the pressure began to increase, eventually triggering a chain explosion.

Fortunately, the factory was closed last night. Most of the workers went home to celebrate the New Year, but only 6 security guards stayed behind.

The latest news is that the person in charge of the factory has been arrested and investigated by Section 5. However, some technicians working in the same type of factory are suspicious because they know that the reactor of the chemical factory is 10 It is a very stable and novel technology provided by the company, and its safety is absolutely guaranteed. Even if the pressure in the reactor is too high, if it reaches a certain value, the system should have emergency braking and refrigeration devices, but why don't these devices start up.

It's just that such voices are very small. As Congress continues to announce the status of some investigations, such voices of doubt have begun to decrease.

Yin Xianglin sat tiredly in the office. She put her hand on her forehead and was revising some reports that she had already prepared for each department, and then posted them to the administrative department page in the Congress system.

"I can not stand it any more."

Yin Xianglin stood up and wanted to leave the office, but stopped when she reached the door. She bit her lip. Generally, such a report requires very conclusive evidence before it can be released, but what she got The order is to issue the report directly. As for the details of the evidence, they will be released later.

In fact, Yin Xianglin's actions have violated the internal management regulations of the practice department. The report and evidence need to be submitted and approved at the same time before they can be released. But now Locke Jiahui directly posted the report she compiled directly on the page of the practice department. .

Yin Xianglin didn't know when this kind of deceptive work would end. She basically didn't deal with such documents before, but there were too many things today. Locke was still planning a city-wide TV program that would be held later. The content of the speech.

The repulsive part in her heart was growing day by day. Yin Xianglin didn't know if she could hold on until Locke found the next secretary of the General Affairs Section.

And the most important thing is that this accident should not be an ordinary accident. Yin Xianglin did not ask what happened, because she knew that even if she asked Locke, he would not tell.

Anxiety and uneasiness filled Yin Xianglin's head every day. She had had enough. Today's events made her feel that she was far from what an ideal manager should be.


The room door was pushed open.

"Sorry Xiang Rin."

As soon as he walked in, Locke saw Yin Xianglin with a serious expression. On the light and shadow screen beside the table, there was an unfinished report.

Yin Xianglin turned her head with a stubborn expression. Locke knew that she felt uncomfortable. This innocent little girl was often not suitable for dealing with such complicated things, but what Locke liked was her vitality and Positive and optimistic attitude.

"That's it, Xiang Rin. I'll just handle it myself. You can handle other scheduling matters first."

Yin Xianglin nodded and walked out directly after Locke got out of the way.

"I'm sorry to Xiang Rin. I don't have any talents. This has been the case from the past to the present. The only thing I can do is to let the sun rise as usual every day."

Yin Xianglin nodded in understanding.

"General Manager, I don't know when it will end. I really don't know when it will end before we can tell the people what happened and what the truth is!"

Locke sighed and looked at Yin Xianglin who was walking away. He sat in front of the report in a daze. He was also very tired. He was very tired every day. Recently, he felt a little more relaxed. Jean helped him every day. , dealing with some issues from various subjects across the city.

"Do you want to retire?"

Locke muttered, but soon he slapped his cheeks, closed the door to the room, and began to process the report documents.

"It's still early!"

8:13 am

Ran Zhi took a cup of black tea and took a sip. He had just had breakfast and could already see everything at the entrance of the base through the monitoring equipment. It was very clear and clear at a glance.

"It looks like we don't need to wait a month, at most 10 days."

Ran Zhi smiled, and the person in charge stood respectfully aside.

Ran Zhi looked at the screen. People from many organizations would gather in a crowd at the door and keep a distance from people from other organizations. Ran Zhi not only read the list of the criminal leaders, but also some List of important people.

And I have seen some battle scenes when they captured this base. It is certain that there is no absolute ruler here. The relationship between everyone seems to be just to survive and have to cooperate. As expected, there are two people at the gate that is still being repaired. The group had some conflicts. Although he didn't know what they were arguing about, seeing them casually pointing their weapons at each other and looking tense, Ran Zhi knew that they would not be able to cooperate for a long time.

Once trapped in a comfortable environment, this fragile cooperative relationship will easily be disintegrated.

The people patrolling near the mountain base today are different from those in the previous few days. They seem to be on a rotational basis. Each group rotates every day. This group of people looks much more free and loose than before. It is difficult to capture this place. It's not difficult, but Ran Zhi doesn't think it's necessary.

"This place has no value whatsoever."

Ran Zhi muttered, and the person in charge said with a smile.

"Mr. Ran Zhi, our Hillman family has spent more than ten years on this."

Ran Zhi raised a hand.

"Even if it takes another hundred years, there won't be any value here. If the Xingke Department uses more powerful weapons, everything here will cease to exist in a short time."

The person in charge didn't say anything more, but looked at everything on the screen quietly. Ran Zhi stood up, pulled on the mask, put it on, walked out of the truck, and came outside into the windy and sandy sky.

After Ran Zhi got out of the car, he stepped on the hard ground and showed a strange smile.

"What a cruel approach!"

Ran Zhi seemed to have thought of something. After walking around casually, he returned to the windy side of the truck. As soon as the city began to heat up in the morning, the barrier area was filled with wind and sand.

At this time, the person in charge was standing quietly behind the door into the truck box, closely watching Ran Zhi's every move. Eddie had informed him that Ran Zhi's every move should be closely monitored, especially during negotiations. All the details.

Ran Zhi tilted his head slightly and glanced at the door with a small gap behind him, already knowing it.

"That's perfect, Eddie."

In Ran Zhi's opinion, it is difficult for the Hillman family to survive for a long time because they do not trust outsiders from the bottom of their hearts. This is also the fundamental reason why Ran Zhi broke up with Eddie directly. Cooperation between people is based on trust. This word cannot be seen in Eddie. He will not trust anyone, and in his eyes, everyone is a pawn to realize his huge plan, including himself.

Ran Zhi did not hold anything back, nor did he have any evidence to report the Hillman family, but Eddie still did not dare to do anything to him, because he always believed that he must have held something back. If anything happened to him, their secrets might be revealed. will be announced.

Over the years, Ran Zhi has known that no matter where he goes, he will be watched, and the same goes for his son and children. Eddie's biggest failure is that he will not trust anyone. Such distrust may even lead to him At some point, I don’t even believe in myself.

And Eddie is becoming more and more like a hungry monster. Ran Zhi already knows very well what Eddie is worried about now. Because of fear, no matter how careful the plan is, he only needs a little bit of comfort, especially this kind of fear. With a huge plan, the pressure will increase exponentially and eventually everything will be overwhelmed.

Because in Ran Zhi's opinion, Eddie's behavior is basically crossing the river by feeling the stones. While causing trouble for others, it also adds worries and troubles to himself. Many things in this world are relative.

Eddie continued to commit crimes to benefit the Hillman family and hold back Congress. However, these actions also put himself at risk that he absolutely cannot fail. Once he fails, everything will be lost. This is not the case for anyone. Those who can resist it, but Ran Zhi himself is different and has failed countless times.

"That guy Eddie should have no chance of failure ever since he took power!"

Without failure, there would be no setbacks, and life without setbacks is unimaginable. Childhood setbacks and adult setbacks are two completely different concepts.

Ran Zhi turned around and returned to the living room of the truck box. He looked at the surveillance screen again. The two groups of people had been separated. The leaders on both sides had appeared. The subordinates of the two leaders were accusing each other of their faults. Ran Zhi smiled. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip. At this time, the person in charge also walked into the room behind the truck and closed the door.

"It doesn't even look like ten days are needed."

At this time, at the entrance of the mountain base, Agata and several leaders came out. Everyone looked bad. At the door, two groups of people began to gather more and more, and these two groups were smaller than themselves. The leader of the gang actually joined the dispute. Both sides held different opinions. Agata lit a cigarette. After listening for a while, a dispute broke out over the place to live and food.

Just for such a trivial matter, the two gangs have become hostile before the base is completely stable.

No one wanted to suffer, and no one wanted to suffer. The situation on both sides was still very bad, and Agata walked over.

"Stop making noise."

However, Agata's words still couldn't stop the two groups of people from getting together and starting to push each other.


With the sound of a gunshot, a leader who followed Agata to stop him fired a shot into the sky.

"Damn it, such a small issue can cause a quarrel. Are you fucking impatient?"

For a moment, the situation became even more chaotic. The two groups looked at the leader who fired the gun with anger. Agata keenly felt that the situation was not good. She was already planning to leave here with her men. There was no way to live here. .

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