Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1719 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 82 (Part 1)

The lively crowds entered the streets of District 79 just after noon. Many people came here for some low-price activities held in the elderly area. Many shops have already promoted them on the Internet in order to attract crowds. .

At this time, someone noticed that several people from Section 5 were smoking in an alley. When many people passed by, some people showed suspicious looks, because these people from Section 5 standing at the entrance of the alley looked like Unlike the people in Section 5, they are a little different from what many people have seen.

Some people had already begun to become suspicious and stopped on the opposite street and started pointing. At this time, several Section 10 members who had changed into Section 5 uniforms also noticed these strange looks.

These Section 5 officers all seemed to be in a bad mental state. They all had fair and slender skin, and they looked nothing like the Section 5 officers who were patrolling the streets 24 hours a day in the sun and cold nights.

This sense of violation has exposed these people, and some people began to become suspicious. At this time, as buses came one after another, many group guests entered the block. This place was originally very deserted, because most of them were He is an old man. This is the case in several nearby districts. Councilors from several local districts have joined forces to plan and organize such New Year activities. The tax revenue in the region will subsidize these shopkeepers who sell food products at low prices.

Noah quietly looked at more and more people on the street, feeling that the situation was not good. They had begun to suspect that although Noah arranged some exercise tasks for the staff on weekdays, most of the staff were tired. All day long, I didn’t even want to move, let alone exercise.

In addition, they spent many years in the research room, and many members of the department were already in very poor health. Finally, many people from Department 5 came over. Looking at the dense flow of people, they began to evacuate the crowd, but there were still some people. I told a few people from Section 5 that there were some suspicious-looking Section 5 personnel standing at the entrance of the alley opposite.

"Which district do you belong to?"

Two people from Section 5 came to the entrance of the alley to ask, and several people from Section 10 hurriedly retrieved their IDs.

"We are conducting important research, and I hope you can patrol the area and keep people away from here."

The two people from Section 5 immediately saluted and bowed. Section 10 was the same as Section 2, with the lowest being level 3 officials.

After several staff members came back, Noah felt a little relieved. The human brain simulation signal data was still being transmitted and it would take some time. Noah looked at Anna. She was still sleeping at this time, but Noah still couldn't figure it out. What happened was that Anna suddenly raised the corner of her mouth just now. There was indeed an anomaly in the data.

But this is all within the allowable range. Due to many factors such as current, transmission, air density, etc., there may indeed be some abnormalities in the data at certain times.

At this time, another management vehicle from Section 5 parked directly at the entrance of the alley. Many people from Section 5 began to move around the alley. Noah felt a little more at ease. He planned to go back to Section 10 now. According to In Anna's case, it was necessary to replace her internal drive energy block.

After Noah explained something, he jumped directly to the roof and moved quickly towards the general affairs department.

The reason why this practical research on the integration of robots into human society can be carried out so quickly is thanks to the robot captured a few years ago. It is impossible to know where this technology came from. This kind of mechanical technology is far ahead of Bright City for many years. .

Afterwards, through disassembly and restoration of the robot and repeated research, 10 Science finally developed the robot.

This matter is still under investigation, but it is a pity that this robot seems to be a gift from God to mankind that suddenly appeared. Noah smiled when he thought of this.

In less than 20 minutes, Noah has already stepped onto the square of the General Affairs Section. He only needs to go up from the left and pass through the Congress Hall to reach Section 10. The General Affairs Section still looks busy, and Noah has avoided many staff members. , quickly went around the path leading up to the left side of the General Affairs Department, but as soon as he turned to the back of the left side of the General Affairs Department, Noah was stunned and looked at Alpha sitting on the stairs.

"Why, are you waiting for someone?"

Noah was not surprised, but walked over slowly and sat next to Alpha. Looking at Alpha who was smoking silently, he looked into the distance.


Alpha put out the cigarette butt, exhaled a puff of smoke, held his hands back on the steps, raised his head and smiled contentedly.

"There is nothing between me and that man named Beta!"

Noah was a little surprised, but quickly shook his head.

"Of course I know it's nothing. It's my fault."

Noah sighed, and Alpha stood up and slapped Noah on the back.

"Idiot, of course I know, you bastard."

Looking at Alpha walking down the steps easily, Noah stood up and felt a little excited for a moment, but he still turned around and started to go up, looking back at Alpha from time to time, but Alpha stopped at the corner, and then tilted Lean against the wall.

"It's not what you think, it's what I think!"

Noah nodded.

"Just wait a few more years. I still have some things to do here, and so do you."

Alpha waved his hand, and Noah turned around and quickly went up. He knew very well that he was not worthy of Alpha, or he felt that Alpha should choose a more considerate man. His relationship with Alpha over the years has always been It's tepid, there's no so-called deep love between lovers, it's always very dull, there are occasional moments of passion, but most of the time the two of them are busy with their respective jobs.

Noah had considered this issue carefully, but after thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't let go of Alpha. But at this time, Noah felt extremely relaxed and comfortable all over.

He ran quickly through the Congress Hall, and soon came to the edge of a white square. Red lines emerged one after another, like a huge circuit board, and soon accompanied by the sweeping red light. , an inner spiral passage opened. Noah looked at the long passage in front of him and quickly stepped in.

Alpha came to the canteen of the General Affairs Department. She came here in person to do things today. Some things had to be done in person. Many people in the canteen who saw her immediately bowed and saluted. Alpha went to the canteen where the food was collected. After telling the chef what he wanted for lunch today, he went directly upstairs.

Arriving at the door of Locke's private rest area, bursts of laughter came from inside. Alpha smiled helplessly and knocked on the door. After pushing open the half-open door and walking in, the atmosphere inside was very happy. Ji En was discussing issues with several female directors from the General Affairs Department.

"Master Alpha, why are you here?"

Many women in the room stood up in a respectful manner, Alpha waved his hand and said.

"Ladies, I have something to discuss with Section Chief Jean. Please go out and do other things first."

Soon Yin Xianglin led all the female directors out of Locke's room. Alpha closed the door directly and sat next to the desk.

"The fact that you came here in person means there is something difficult, what's wrong!"

Gene asked, took the cigarette handed over by Alpha, lit it and took a deep breath. Alpha didn't say anything more, and directly brought up a light and shadow panel, which was all about Alpha's recent area inspections. The number of section officers, squad leaders, and regional section officers who have encountered various problems is very large.

Gene glanced at the numbers on the eye shadow screen, 1,039 people. Now Alpha has only traveled to 34 districts and there are already so many problems. The other document is for staff from other departments. A total of 5,931 people have had some problems. , this number is very large, but Alpha only recorded it and did not deal with it directly.

"Then you plan to submit it to Congress? Through the General Affairs Division."

Gene asked, and Alpha frowned slightly and shook his head.

"It can't be dealt with in a short time. You know why you still ask."

"Well, that's good, how about slowing down? We'll balance it according to the punishment and reward regulations within the business department."

Alpha sighed.

"The number of people who signed up this year is still the same. There are only 3,201 people who applied for the business department. Our 5th department has carried out special recruitment for some mutants in the city, but no mutants are willing to come. You have already piled up these troubles. "

"So what do you want to do?"

Gene asked. He did not directly tell Alpha what to do best, because this was only Gene's own knowledge, not Alpha's.

"What else can I do? I came here today just to hope that you can record this list. If you have time, you can check it out more often."

Gene probably understood what Alpha wanted him to do.

"We don't have time right now. We have to help your family solve most of the technical problems so that Angus Construction can continue to work."

"Have you investigated that strange thing?"

Jean shook his head. What has confused many people now is what happened at an observation station on the barrier last year. Alpha also saw this incident. It was very strange, because the observation station on the barrier The corpses of the criminals appeared as if they had been cut up and were very neat. The most important thing was that these criminals had sneaked back into the city, and no trace of these criminals had been found until now.

This gang fled to the barrier area four years ago, but later fled back and committed several robberies in the north. The methods were extremely brutal. However, less than 10 days after these robberies, at the remote barrier observation station Their bones were found. The place where they committed the crime was at least 1,000 kilometers away from the observation station due east and west of the barrier. It was impossible for them to cross the barrier area in such a short time.

"Is it impossible to move instantly?"

Alpha teased, and Gene shook his head. Indeed, this unbelievable phenomenon made everyone unable to figure out how to move there in such a short time, and there was no discovery report of their mutilated bodies. And what exactly happened to the observation station on the barrier is impossible to know.

There is nothing unusual in the final video image. It is impossible for those plant-like plants that are afraid of light to climb up easily.

"What else?"

Gene asked again. Alpha hesitated and scratched his head.

"That guy Niya hasn't been home for nine months."

"Haven't you gone to find her?"

Alpha shook his head.

"Just asked her on the phone and we had a huge row."

Gene hummed.

"When I'm done at the construction site tomorrow, I'll go over and have a look."

Alpha nodded with some relief.

"I actually know many things!"

As soon as Alpha spoke, Gene stood up and walked to the window opposite the swimming pool. Alpha followed. The two of them stood behind the frosted glass, both of them looking bitter for a moment.

“I feel more and more that it’s really hard for us to do everything that we envisioned in the academy in the past.”

Jean nodded in understanding.

"Time is a good thing, Alpha! You just run faster than others, but one day, someone will catch up with you, because the further you run, the greater the consumption and the more difficult the road under your feet."

Alpha hummed.

"What about you, Uncle Gene."

"As for me, maybe I've reached the finish line, maybe!"

The two of them smiled and didn't say too much. Alpha just looked at Jean quietly. She knew very well that there were more things for her to complete in the future, and she could never stand still.

"Aren't you going to Osman's side?"

"Already been there!"

Alpha was a little surprised, she turned around and walked quickly.

"The documents have been handed over to you."

Gene nodded, and Alpha walked out of the room. Gene looked back at the closed door. He knew Alpha's worries. Indeed, the situation in various subjects is serious now. Some people have even begun to make money privately, or in terms of their work attitude. It has become a little negative, which has led to the overall situation of the business department being a bit bad. The efficiency has been getting lower and lower since the middle of last year.

Jean has been thinking about how to integrate the 12 departments into a whole.

"It's going to look difficult for a while!"

11:05 am

"Sir, this price cannot be lower. You also know the quality of our winery."

Li Ang smiled and looked at the businessman who was still hesitating in front of him. This was a very large order and the other party was still hesitating. Although the price given by Li Ang was a bit higher than some wineries, it was absolutely fair, because now wine The quality of the factory is very good.

"Okay, we'll sign the contract right away."

Li Ang breathed a sigh of relief. He had become much stronger and fully shouldered all the tasks in the winery. Soon Li Ang signed a contract with the businessman, and the businessman immediately asked.

"I heard that your winery still has a lot of fine wine that has been stored for many years. Can you give me some?"

Li Ang squinted at a wine cabinet next to him, and took out a bottle of wine packed in a wooden box with 20 years of wine on it. When Li Ang took it over, the businessman was a little surprised.

"thank you."

Li Ang said with a smile.

"We will only give away one bottle to big customers. After all, giving one bottle means one less bottle."

Li Ang said with a flash of cunning in his eyes. The wine tastes really good, but it has only been stored for more than a year. Recently, many businessmen want to ask the winery for some good wine from the cellar. The supply exceeds the demand, so Li Ang came up with this idea. Method.

Seeing the businessman leaving happily, Li Ang breathed a sigh of relief. The facade outside the winery has been renovated, and there are also some wine exhibition halls on the second and third floors, as well as independent partitions for receiving some customers.

Seeing his family's business booming, Li Ang shook his head with emotion. The days in prison were really difficult in the past. Li Ang read a lot of books, learned a lot, and also learned a lot from some prisoners. These seemingly useless things have allowed Li Ang to make the winery better and better in terms of operations.

The manager who helped the winery before also left. He had received some favors from Li Xin in the past, so he came to the winery to help run it. Li Xin had not been here for many years, and Li Ang did not take the initiative to find him. However, Li Ang has prepared the fine wine in the cellar, and will send it to Li Xin personally when he gets married, as a way of repaying his kindness over the years.

Li Ang planned to go to the office on the second floor to take a nap, then finish lunch and prepare to receive customers in the afternoon. At this time, a worker came into the store.

"Sir, we don't sell bulk wine here, we only wholesale it."

The moment Li Ang finished speaking, he saw a fist in front of him. Before he could react, a fist pressed against his nose.

"Idiot, you can't even recognize me. Are you looking for death?"

Li Ang was pushed back by the fist and took a few steps back. Only then did he see clearly that the coat was tied around his waist and he was wearing white gloves. His skin looked a little dark and he was wearing a black vest. His whole body exuded the smell of sweat. A worker with shoulder-length hair, only a little shorter than himself.

"You, this is."

Li Ang pressed his forehead, and for a moment it seemed as if the circuits in his brain were burned out. He hurriedly turned on his phone and checked the latest news about the Angus family. There was no news about the bankruptcy or demise of the Angus family.

"Get me some food, you bastard. I'm starving."

Li Ang looked around hurriedly.

"Just wait a few minutes. I'll have someone bring you whatever you want to eat."


Niya said and sat directly at the desk at the front desk. She put her legs together and placed them comfortably on the table. Li Ang was a little excited. He hurriedly brought up a light and shadow screen and quickly ordered a lot of things. They arrived quickly.

When he just turned his head, Niya was already asleep, and she was snoring slightly. Looking at Niya's appearance, Li Ang really couldn't recognize her. He swallowed, not knowing what happened. Niya looks like a worker who often works on the construction site, and not just for a day or two.

"Are you really going to move bricks?"

After a while, half an hour later, the delivery boy came over with a bunch of things. Li Ang asked them to be delivered directly to his place next to the winery. Then he shook Niya a few times, and then she opened her sour eyes and opened her eyes. Yawning.

"Where are the things? I'm starving to death."

"Let's go to the back to eat. Do you want to take a shower?"

Niya waved her hand, and after a while the two came to where Li Ang lived. In a spacious living room, Niya ate hungrily.

"What on earth is going on with you?"

"I have no money to eat. I lost my pants in gambling a few days ago. The construction site where I am working is very close to you, so I just wanted to stop by and have a meal. Do you have any wine?"

Li Ang nodded immediately, turned around and ran out quickly. He soon arrived at the underground wine cellar and asked the wine cellar worker to bring out a jar of wine that had been stored for more than 20 years.

"Boss, who is coming today? This is the last one."

Li Ang took the jar of wine with a smile and ran away with a smile.

"my best friend!"

After going back, Niya had already eaten more than half of it. Li Ang poured a glass for Niya and also poured a glass for himself. Niya picked up the wine glass without ceremony, drank it in a big gulp, and then stuck out her tongue.

"The taste seems different from what I drank. You wouldn't fool me with fake wine, would you?"


Li Ang almost spit out the wine he drank, because it was the best bottle of wine in the winery. He swallowed it forcefully, but it choked in his throat. Li Ang immediately coughed violently, until his whole face When they were all extremely rosy, they stopped and Niya held her belly and laughed.

"If you don't know how to drink, don't drink. Look at your appearance. Come and let me take a picture for you."

While talking, Niya actually took out her phone and took several photos of Li Ang. Li Ang finally recovered and looked at Niya. She looked the same as before, without any change. It was the same in the past, and it happened countless times. Experience, I don’t want to talk nonsense with Niya.

"Okay, okay, I get it. I'm not very good at drinking, but this is definitely not fake wine. You won't be able to drink it if you want to in the future."

"Tch! It's hard for me to do this once, just use this thing to fool me."

Li Ang didn't want to talk to Niya now. Seeing her still talking about wine after taking several sips, Li Ang frowned slightly.

"You idiot, what's going on? How could you really go to the construction site to move bricks?"

"Of course I don't want to go to Shengde to study, but it's okay. I'm free as long as I'm free now. Anyway, I just won't go back."

No matter where Niya goes to work, she always uses the name Niya instead of the surname Angus. But these days, what Niya fears most is that when she is interrogated, many people in the business department see Niya. They were all shocked when they received their ID cards. Naturally, this matter also reached the ears of my sister Alpha. As a result, a while ago, my sister and I explained each other on the phone in a harmonious and soft tone at the beginning, and ended up arguing with each other until we were red-faced. Niya even blacklisted her sister's 0005 number.

As a result, Alpha naturally called from someone else's phone number, but every time Niya called, she blocked the next one, completely falling out with her sister.

"Your sister."

"Don't mention my sister."

Li Ang did not pursue her deeply. He was the one who knew Niya's situation relatively well, but when he thought that Niya had lost not a cent in gambling, Li Ang became a little worried.

"Give me your card number and I'll transfer some money to you first."

"I don't have an account with the Wallet Section."

Li Ang started to rummage in his pocket, found a few hundred yuan and handed it to Niya.

"Follow me to the wallet department. I'll withdraw a hundred thousand for you first. Do you still owe a gambling debt?"

"No, what are you thinking? I was bored before, so I played with the nearby workers, and ended up losing them all. I had no choice but to be hungry for three days."

Li Ang pressed his forehead.

"You idiot, you wouldn't have come here earlier. Let alone a meal, I can let you live here and provide for you like our ancestors."

"Get out of here, I have hands and feet."

The two laughed happily.

"But thinking about it carefully, it seems that someone did ask me about you before. They were former classmates. Everyone seems to be worried about you."

Niya laughed helplessly. At this time, she looked around and said.

"Do you know how that guy Jewell is doing now?"

Li Ang shook his head, although he knew from reports that Jewell had completely separated from the Chen family, and there was no news after that.

"He is now living in the home of an older female."

Li Ang was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped.

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true. We met at the construction site before. The boy avoided me. Finally, I followed him and found out. We also had a meal at the older woman's house. The two of them were very bored."

Li Ang swallowed.

"I really can't tell that he is such a person."

"But don't get me wrong, he works on a construction site like me, he's not a pretty boy."

Li Ang doesn't think so about this, because although Jewell used to be cowardly, his self-esteem was extremely strong.

"What are you going to do next? Are you really moving bricks? You are the eldest daughter of the Angus family. The upper circles must have known about it by now. At least you have to take your family's face into consideration."

Niya waved her hands.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, my parents don't have too much contact with family members. I can rest today. Since you have said this, I will stay at your house for a few days."

"no problem."

Li Ang was a little surprised. Regarding Niya's sudden visit, many past events came to mind again.

"By the way, how is that kid doing at the end of the season?"

Nia shook her head.

"I'm not too sure about this, but it seems that the idiot who doesn't mean what he says is still going to marry Ivy."

Li Ang thought for a while.

"It's actually not bad to marry such an elegant beauty. I saw the admission list of Shengde Women's College last year, and both Ivy and Leona were admitted."

Niya lay comfortably on the sofa, already a little drunk.

"Go to my bedroom and sleep."

"I can just sleep here."

Niya said as she pulled a sofa towel over her body and fell asleep.

Li Ang did not clean up and went out of the room directly. Now Li Ang lives alone in the house. His parents are in the hospital. Li Ang will go there every two or three days. Now his parents are not in good health and can only stay in the sanatorium area of ​​the hospital for a long time.

"I almost forgot, I have to inform them."

As he spoke, Li Ang took out his phone. These were the numbers of many classmates with whom he had close relationships in the past. Li Ang had never deleted them and would still contact them from time to time. He began to send text messages to everyone in the group.

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