Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1718 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 81 (Part 2)

4:09 am

Feite was sent back, opened the door, and a scent of fragrance wafted out. He walked into the room, and it was still the same. The table was filled with sumptuous dishes, all in thermal bowls.

It's just that every time, many dishes will not taste good after being placed for a long time. Feite looked at the half-open bedroom, and his wife had already fallen asleep.

The progress of personality research is still as stagnant as ever. There are only 23 people left in the laboratory out of 31, and Fite's current achievements are in the 20th.

Anxiety and restlessness are now accompanying Feite every day. He knows very well that if he can't produce any research results, he will die.

Feite sat on the sofa, staring at the table of dishes quietly, and then looked back at the open bedroom door. Through the light in the living room, he could see the profile of his wife Gu Lin.

Feite had never dared to tell Gu Lin about the pressure he had experienced during this period. At this moment, Feite wanted to have a good talk with his wife and tell her everything that had happened during this period, but Feite retreated for a moment. No, he didn't have the courage.

His wife Gu Lin has paid too much for Feite. From the time he came here without any regrets and came to live with her here, so many years have passed. Although the two have had some quarrels, in such an environment, The two of them only have each other. If it weren't for his wife, Feit might not be able to survive after his parents passed away.

Fitt didn't know what to do with everything nowadays. The same was true for the genetic research team next door. Fitt saw that the genetic scientist who had not produced results was dragged out. Fitt never saw that genetic scientist again after that. , the situation is the same, including the group you are in. Everyone is afraid that it may be their turn next.

No one knows what will happen to them tomorrow. Feit pressed his forehead and slapped it in annoyance. Tomorrow is the day to submit a new round of research results. Joint experiments and independent research are the rules here. If you want to cooperate with each other, you can only Wait until you overcome a problem.

The problem now is that Billy has never been able to maintain a complete subsequent personality. Except for the first implanted Melanda personality, all subsequent experiments failed without exception.

Fite has checked all the past personality implantation processes and all of Billy's brain wave data, but still found nothing. What is the problem? He must figure it out now. If he can figure it out, he can survive. .

Fit didn't want to die, let alone be buried with his wife.

Only by clarifying the specific signal changes in the hippocampus of the human brain after specific personality implantation, and starting to simulate similar signals, can we proceed to the next step of personality implantation in ordinary experimental subjects.

It was extremely difficult to achieve this step, and it had taken all of them nearly 10 years. It was only after the arrival of this experimental subject named Billy that everyone saw a glimmer of hope.

dong dong dong

There was a knock on the door of the room. Fitt was surprised and stood up hurriedly, but the door of the room was already opened. Fitt looked at a genetic researcher who was brought over. His name was Barber, who had always been a member of the genetic research team. First, results can always be produced quickly.

Fit and Barber also met at a banquet held by researchers. It was said to be a banquet, but in fact it was just an experiment to test what the researchers would do. Everyone was not a fool, and they were just discussing some of their own affairs at the meeting. I don’t talk about the research topic or anything else.

Such tests were conducted many times, until two researchers conspired to cause a riot at the banquet and tried to escape. The test was terminated, and the two were executed in front of everyone.

"We have a research meeting over there tomorrow, do you want to come with us?"

Feit smiled and shook his head.

"I may have to work in the laboratory until early morning tomorrow before coming back."

Barber smiled and nodded.

"Come here and play, I've invited a lot of people."

Barber said as he glanced at the dishes on the table and then at the bedroom.

"It's better to wake up your wife quickly and have a nice drink with her."

Feite hurriedly went over and closed the bedroom door in embarrassment. He swallowed, and for a moment he didn't know what to say to Barber. He and Barber were friends. No matter what he did or said, he was always gentle and would help from time to time. He is a pretty good person who helps others.

Then Barber left, and Feite woke up Gu Lin. After she opened her eyes, she stood up in fear and hugged her husband.

"What's wrong, are you having a nightmare?"

Gu Lin nodded, and it took a while for her mood to stabilize.

After a while, the couple sat down and started eating. Gu Lin was in a good mood and poured wine, preparing to have a drink with Feite. Feite also talked about being invited by Barber to a party tomorrow. Gu Lin felt Her face darkened and she shook her head.

"I think it would be best if you stayed away from Barber."

Feite took the wine from his wife without understanding, and Gu Lin started talking.

"I always feel that he is quite insidious and always has bad intentions."

Gu Lin also followed Feite to attend several researcher gatherings. From the beginning, she felt that Barber was not a good person and had no good intentions. He must have a purpose in contacting her husband.

"I don't think Mr. Barber is quite a nice person."

"That's right. Be careful. He might want to know something from you."

Feite laughed.

"What can you know from my mouth? His and I study completely different fields. They mainly study genes, while we study the human brain."

"Anyway, be careful and don't go there tomorrow night."

Feite thought for a while and then shook his head.

"I'm just going to get together and have a drink. Let's go together. You haven't left this house for a while."

Gu Lin hummed and looked at everything that was extremely familiar around her. Even if she couldn't see anything, Gu Lin could still find everything she wanted to find in the room.

This place was only so big, and he had lived there for many years. Feite looked at the depressed look on his wife's face and wanted to comfort him but couldn't say anything.

"When can we go out?"

Feite's heart tightened. He took a sip of wine and shook his head. At this time, his wife started crying. Feite hurriedly looked for a handkerchief. When he found the handkerchief, his wife had already burst into tears. She drank heavily. Feite hurriedly took the bottle, but at this moment Gu Lin collapsed. She collapsed on the ground and burst into tears.

Fit wanted to comfort him, squatting next to his wife and trying to hold her shoulders, but finally gave up. It wasn't until his wife was drunk that Fit picked her up and walked towards the bedroom.

Returning to the living room again, Feite picked up the wine glass and took a big sip.

"I ruined her life!"

Feite said to himself that Feite had often been thinking about this issue recently. He should have rejected Gu Lin cruelly and not have any interaction with her, but Feite could not hold back, time and time again. She dated Gu Lin until she was brought here.

Suddenly Feite noticed a hard object, right on the sofa where he was sitting. He leaned back and rested his hands comfortably. Feite knew very well which places in the house were monitored.

In the past, they were monitored from all directions, but now only the living room is monitored, and the surveillance in other places has been removed, because to the outside world, they are people who have died in a serious fire accident.

Feite pretended to be drunk. He stumbled into the bathroom. He didn't turn on the light, but lay on the edge of the toilet. He used the dim light to examine the hard object that had been dug out of the gap in the sofa. It was a dark strip. A small piece of metal with just a few words on it.

You must come to the banquet and you can escape.

Fit's eyes widened, but he quickly realized that this metal had an extremely low melting point and was made of polyester. He carefully came to the kitchen and quickly disposed of the piece of metal. The melted metal pieces were flushed into the sewer.

With an uneasy mood, Feite waited for a long time, but did not see anyone come in. He sat there until about 5 o'clock in the morning before Feite returned to the bedroom and lay on the bed.

5:14 am

Eddie was sitting on the chair in a good mood, and standing next to him was a handsome 13-year-old boy who looked like he had just woken up, with sleepy eyes and yawning.

"Dad, why did you wake me up?"

"Tony, do you remember this guy?"

The little boy took a closer look and saw that there was a metal head in the cage.

"Of course dad, isn't this the robot you developed? Later he betrayed you and was locked up here."

Eddie's eyes widened with excitement, and he smiled and nodded.

"Tony, tell Dad, what do you want to eat today?"

"The fried chicken steak is my favorite."

Eddie couldn't help but look excited, and his body trembled with excitement.

"Okay Tony, it's going to get dark soon, so get ready to start studying."

Eddie said, the housekeeper had already walked in, and Tony left with a smile on his face. He opened his right palm and looked at the trembling palm. He didn't know what to say. Everything was successful. Personality The implant was successfully tested on a child named Tony who was not his own child at all.

And he had just succeeded. Eddie couldn't restrain his inner happiness and jumped up from his seat, jumping three feet high. He was shouting, jumping and shouting excitedly, as if he had scored 100 points on an exam. Like a child, he kept laughing with excitement.

"Thank you Mr. X, you made me successful!"

A flash of red light lit up, and the left eye of X, with only one head left, lit up.

"Can you let me go, Eddie? If you let me go, we can continue to cooperate."

However, Eddie was completely immersed in his own world at this time, shouting and yelling excitedly. This lasted for seven or eight minutes before Eddie finally woke up. His cheeks were already covered with tears.

"What did you just say Mr. X?"

"Let me go and we can continue to cooperate."

Eddie tremblingly picked up the wine bottle, swallowed, took a big gulp of wine, and came to the side of the cage.

"I can let you go!"

X stared at Eddie quietly. He knew exactly what Eddie wanted now.

"This memory replacement potion is already the last one. Everything I can give you has been given to Eddie. The raw materials for this cannot be found on this planet. I also told you this. "

Eddie said with a smile.

"You will always keep something safe, right Mr. X. If you are willing to tell me the truth, I will definitely let you go immediately, and we can continue our cooperation."

X was very angry, and his left eye flashed a rapid red light.

"I don't want to explain anything to you anymore. I have already said everything I can say, and I have given you all the techniques I can give you."

Eddie brought up a light and shadow screen, which showed some videos of conversations between Tony and the housekeeper. Many of them made Eddie very happy. Tony was originally a child of a branch of the Hillman family, and his parents were already loved. Di Xing was executed. He was the first child to receive the memory potion experiment, and it turned out to be successful as X said.

This kind of memory covering potion is like a computer program. It only needs to accurately produce some virtual images, videos, text and sounds, complete some records from small to large, and then directly import these data through the data connection line. In this tube of memory covering potion, Tony's original memory can be directly covered and replaced after injection.

But the injection of memory medicine requires adaptability. According to what Rejection reaction resulted in many children experiencing varying degrees of vomiting, nausea and diarrhea.

Only Tony had no problems at all, so there was only a small amount of the memory covering potion left, but it was still successful. After research by the elite pharmacist team of the Hillman family, there were many unknown ingredients in this potion, which they wanted to analyze. It requires a large amount of medicine. If it cannot be analyzed, it cannot be manufactured. The medicine device that transmits data is just an ordinary data transmission device, which means that the data can be directly transmitted to the medicine and can be successfully overwritten by injecting the medicine. Tony's original personality turned him into a completely new person.

Now Tony's identity is Eddie's son, and all memories are programmed by Prometheus. All the bits and pieces of a person's life growing up are clearly programmed. According to X, many trivial things, It doesn't need to be too clear, and blurring puts less burden on the brain.

Therefore, Tony's personality implantation is strictly simulated according to the template of a child from birth to 13 years old. There are as many such templates as there are. With the help of AI, Eddie got a large number of children from 1 to 13 years old. some recorded videos.

From these videos, we obtained the real life records of children aged 1 to 13 years old, plus some of Eddie's views on his children and educational policies, etc., and went into as much detail as possible down to every detail. He only started injections last month. experiment.

The experiment over the past month has made Eddie worried. Tony always wakes up and sleeps, and sleeps for a long time. Sometimes it is the original Tony, and sometimes it is Tony whose personality has been replaced and becomes Eddie's son.

Eddie once thought that the experiment failed, but since last night, Tony has begun to return to normal. Although X said that such a potion will take some time for Tony to adapt until the potion completely covers the original memory. His personality disappears.

Eddie looked at the light and shadow panel with interest as he saw Tony talking to the butler. Just as he had set, he admired his father very much and had a very good relationship with his father. He had been with his father since childhood, and his mother He died of childbirth when he was born.

And Tony is also very smart. In terms of IQ, After the orientation test, Prometheus designed the IQ of Tony, his son.

Including some of Tony's little habits and other issues, X has already mentioned all of this, and he also told the fact that this kind of memory covering potion can only cover the memory of adults for a short period of time, and it will not exceed 3 years at most. These memory potions will be ineffective after 3 years, because the brains of adults are fully developed, but the brains of children are different.

In particular, adults have many profound places in their memories and have experiences far beyond those of children. The sense of inconsistency caused by these things will make the memory potion that has covered the adults ineffective.

"Mr. What is it? Where do you get the raw materials?”

"In space."

X spat out three words coldly. In order to save his life, He became one of the 100 scientists in the Sky Space Kingdom and was the great founder of the Sky Space Kingdom. Unfortunately, in a struggle for power, X lost everything. In the end, in order to survive, he had to return in embarrassment. this planet.

Looking at Eddie in front of him, Inquiring.

"I'll tell you the simplest thing, Eddie. If I really have the raw materials for making this kind of memory covering potion, and I can even obtain it at will, then I may not be the one who is locked up here now. Yes, isn’t it!”

The smile on Eddie's face gradually solidified, but then he laughed ferociously again.

"That's because Mr.

X was so angry that he made a gurgling sound. In the glass cover on the side of the mechanical head, some bubbles began to rise. Eddie walked to the side with a smile and looked at X's brain soaked in the nutrient solution, squirming slightly.

"Okay, how about you give me another tube of memory potion, Mr. X? You should hide it in many places in the city."

X did not answer. The red light in the left eye was extinguished. Now this kind of memory covering the potion is only three, which is the last family of X. Two of them are stitched. It will be very fast, but when the medicine begins to lose effect, the human brain will suffer extremely serious trauma. There is another one that has a relatively slow effect. Although it is somewhat effective for adults, it is easy to lose effectiveness and has very significant effects on children. It works, but it takes some time to completely overwrite and replace the previous memory.

These two potions for adults, X planned to use on Hathaway. She has the ability to help AIs continue to evolve. X discovered her talents early on, and she has better talents than her husband Leng Shi. .

For the remaining three potions, Come on, even though I no longer have this memory, I can still live.

The brain structure of It was developed with the hard work of X’s life and several close friends who lived in Tianji Space.

The experimental environment in space is far more convenient than on earth, because there is no constraint of gravity in the sky. Many experiments will fall short if there is a slight mistake under the constraints of gravity.

Eddie did not leave, and seemed to still want to wait for X's reply. Although the researchers had been ordered to analyze this substance no matter what method was used, it seemed that it was not that simple. Just as Eddie was thinking, next to him A black flame appeared.

"Sir Eddie, there is something going on in Hillman's bottom-level research laboratory."

Eddie's eyes widened, and he turned around and sat on the chair. Soon as the chair moved, a light and shadow screen appeared in front of Eddie.


In the real-time surveillance video that just appeared on the light and shadow screen, there were fires and something exploded. The situation was very chaotic. But soon with the debugging of Prometheus, the smoke and dust in the surveillance screen was blurred and transparent. Love Di saw a mutant who was already going berserk and was wreaking havoc everywhere. Some researchers had been killed. The bodyguards of the Hillman family had gone to suppress it, but it seemed that they were no match for him in a short time.

The destruction continued, and Eddie became a little worried.

"Don't worry, this former researcher will die in 23 seconds."

Eddie stared blankly at the monster-like mutant on the screen, roaring furiously and waving his fists randomly, just wanting to destroy.

"What's the meaning?"

Eddie asked, not understanding what Prometheus meant by former researcher.

"The researcher numbered GIN392 made a mistake while studying the violently mutated cells of mutants. It is suspected that he came into contact with these violently mutated cells, and then suffered a severe physical mutation."

As soon as Prometheus finished speaking about Eddie, he started counting down. As expected, just as Prometheus said, after the violent mutant let out his final desperate roar, his body cracked and began to harden, followed by From the flying dust, his whole body was like a dry old tree, beginning to turn into sand and soon disappearing.

Eddie wiped the sweat from his forehead. At this time, a series of numbers were displayed on a light and shadow screen. 19 genetic researchers died. In an instant, Eddie stood up and beat the gauntlet angrily. Gritting his teeth, he looked at the dead guy with only the lower half of his body left.

"What kind of mistake was it?"

Eddie asked.

"We are planning to investigate Mr. Eddie."

This seemed so unbelievable that it left Eddie scratching his head. The violent mutant cells would indeed have an impact on ordinary people, but they would not turn ordinary people into mutants instantly. Looking at this According to the researcher's information, he is indeed not a mutant.

This kind of violently mutated human cells will cause ordinary people to vomit and have diarrhea, or cause a certain part of their skin to ulcerate or be burned. They have been completely tested and are completely useless.

"Sir Eddie, we just received a request for help from the base of the Alatan Ula Mountains."

Eddie stood up again as soon as he sat down. He turned his head and his eyes widened.

"Hurry up and get through the contact there."

Prometheus said after a while.

"Error 13928, try to re-establish a new connection."

Eddie looked at everything in front of him dumbfounded, he didn't know what all this was going on.

In Prometheus's empty eyes, some white digital symbols kept flashing, and he was still trying to connect.

6 o'clock sharp

The blood-red light instantly covered the dazzling layer. This abnormal red light even briefly made most of the barrier area reddish. After a short time, the light began to become gentle.

In a pile of rocks in the Alatan Ula Mountains, a figure is sitting on a stone. It is a woman with a graceful figure. Her eyes are shining with pink light. As a fierce breeze blows, the woman's The veil was blown up, and she raised her hand stiffly, pulling up the veil.

"Mission over!"

A cold mechanical sound came from the woman's mouth. AI12 stared mercilessly at the cars that gathered at the hidden entrance of the Alatan Unable Mountain Base, and the sound of explosions coming from far away from time to time.

Then the woman stood up, and the veil was blown away again, revealing a cold face, the mechanical Hathaway, which was equipped with AI12.

"What on earth is going on! How on earth did these guys find this place."

Erwin stood in the private room on the top floor, pressing his hands on the glass cover. There was chaos below, and gunshots were everywhere.


Agata smashed the head of a mechanical cyborg with one punch, causing a large amount of red, white, green, and yellow liquid to splash. She deftly dodged the attacks of two cyborgs flying over, and was instantly torn apart. He grabbed their legs, roared, and smashed them to the ground.


With the crisp sound of mechanical squeezing, Agata directly crushed the legs of the two mechanical cyborgs. Then, the moment he let go, he jumped up and crushed their heads.

The battle is almost over. In the rooms near the surrounding stone walls, the experimental subjects wearing collars are extremely excited at this moment, but they dare not move and just watch the party quietly below. aspect of massacre.

More than 30 powerful mutants rushed in, and the battle lasted for almost half an hour. However, the number of modified humans here was getting smaller and smaller, leaving only broken machines everywhere.


Agata pinched the head of a cyborg mutant and then said with a smile.

"Sorry, I will definitely help you fix the mastermind later."

Bar chi

Agata directly crushed the mutant's head.

"This is the last Agata."

Although the big and small bosses behind him were injured at this time, they easily eliminated all the attacking mechanical cyborgs. Although there were automatic attack weapons in the cave, they had been removed by their subordinates. This time, there was no such thing as a surprise attack. Anyone dies.

Agata took out a cigarette comfortably, lit it, took a puff, exhaled a puff of smoke, and looked at the man standing on the balcony above. He should be the actual controller here.

"All attack, if you don't want to die."

At this time, people wearing collars came out one by one from the four walls of the cave. All of them were unarmed and extremely weak. They began to slowly come down from the circular path and surrounded them. At this time, accompanied by With bursts of cheers, all the men behind him came in, holding weapons and aiming at the people wearing collars.

"No need to attack, nothing will happen."

Agata said with a smile and Erwin's eyes widened.

"Hurry up and do it, if you don't want to die!"

However, nothing happened in the next second. Erwin looked at the people below in surprise. He had already sent a signal, and the collar should be activated to directly kill several people, but nothing happened.

"Look, nothing happened!"

Agata held a cigarette comfortably and walked towards a shivering woman who was slumped on the ground. He stretched out his hand, smashed the collar around her neck, and easily took off the entire collar. .

"Why! What's going on?"

Erwin roared angrily, but at this time many people began to remove their collars, and some gang leaders also went directly to help. More and more people's collars were removed, and the cheers began to get louder and louder. There were more and more people, and the people who removed the collars rushed directly to the test tower.

"Quiet the fuck down, take out the food, and make me a delicious meal."

A leader shouted, and several excited people stopped for a while. Agata and some of the leaders behind him walked towards the experimental tower. Soon the leaders were standing at the seemingly solid gate of the experimental tower.

"Do you want us to go up or do you want to come down by yourself?"

"Sister Agata, she should be from the Hillman family."

Agata made a strange sound and laughed.

A few months ago, a woman came to the mountains of Alatan Ula and told them the news here. At first, the leaders didn't believe it, but in the end Agata decided to believe this woman named Hathaway.

In the end, Agata and several leaders followed Hathaway here with hundreds of people. They followed the rugged route Hathaway said and walked in a big circle. It was exactly what Hathaway said.

Now that things are clear, it is clear what the Hillman family wants to do. If you think carefully about the past, when Agata was young and following the previous leader, she often received some casino funds sent by men in black. Now Agata finally understood.

"It's really vicious. Last year's incident in the barrier area was just to let us weaken the strength of the executive department, and you could secretly make money or research some bullshit robots. You are a bunch of bastards who eat people without spitting out their bones."

"Indeed, we criminals are more like human beings than those who are greedy for power."

A leader from the Fifth Division and the Third Division came over, and Agata laughed again.

"Although I have done all kinds of evil in the city before, I cannot do such cruel things. Check everything here in detail. If it is spacious enough, we all will no longer have to suffer from cold and hunger and can live freely here. Go down."

Agata shouted loudly, and a large number of experimenters immediately started talking. The mountains have been excavated under the operation of large machinery, and it is not a problem to be enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people.


The door of the experimental tower opened, and Agata walked directly in. The same was true for the several bosses behind him. There was a passage when entering, and it didn't look out of the ordinary. At this time, many people in white coats were standing quietly in the hall. corner.

"What on earth did you do!"

Erwin has also come down.

Agata waved her hand. She didn't know why she was able to break through this place easily, and the collars around the prisoners' necks were not activated, but at least it was definitely Hathaway who did it.

"Restore communication, our clan leader should be happy to talk to you. As long as you are willing to serve us, our Hillman family will certainly"


Before Erwin could finish speaking, his head was hit directly by a fist, and Agata's fist was directly embedded into Erwin's mechanical head.


There were bursts of cheers from all around, and Agata yawned happily.

"I'm tired. Someone take me to the room above to rest. Bring me some delicious food and wine. You guys, please sort out the situation here first."

Although the leaders were helpless, they still laughed.


With a faint sound, an explosion occurred near the bottom of the experimental tower. The glass was shattered and billowing black smoke came out.

Soon Agata and some of the leaders took the elevator to the floor where the explosion occurred. The explosion only caused a room with a lot of machinery in it, which was already charred and black. It looked like communication equipment.

"Find some people to come up and clean it! I want this room. The one above, which looks nicer, can be used when we get together to discuss issues."

The leaders behind Agata also agreed. She turned around and took out the last cigarette, lit it and went straight upstairs. When she arrived at the large room on the top floor with many comfortable furnishings, Agata sat comfortably. on the sofa.

At this moment, Agata had an idea in her mind, to return to the city and expose the evil deeds of the Hillman family in the barrier area to the public, but this idea was soon dispelled with the two lights that night and the night sky. , Agata laughed.

"This is your own fault."

Agata has decided that once she settles here, she will let these scientific researchers manufacture a large number of weapons and then live there for a long time. She must not bring the Hillman family's affairs to the city. She laughed happily. got up.

6:31 am

Eddie looked at Prometheus nervously. He had tried to reconnect countless times, but he still couldn't communicate with the barrier area and had no idea what was happening on the other side of the barrier area.

"Sir Eddie, the signal source has been destroyed!"

Fear began to crawl onto Eddie's cheeks, and he immediately asked Prometheus to call up a large amount of surveillance, especially the movements of the four guard stations and the situation in the General Affairs Department.

One hour, two hours, until after 8 o'clock, Eddie finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell on the bed.

"Notify me immediately Prometheus if anything happens!"

"I understand, Mr. Eddie!"

The lights in the room went out, and the light and shadow screens disappeared.

The balance rate value is already normal.

In a room with a large number of books, Eddie's figure seemed to be printed out by a laser, appearing little by little on the chair next to the small round table. He was holding a book in his hand, his expression slightly stiff, It looked at the wall with strange eyes.

The outline of a faint pink door appeared, and AI12 who looked like Hathaway opened the door and walked in.

"The abnormal value has been corrected!"

Eddie said, at this time the whole room was flashing white and black, and a series of numbers and symbols began to change continuously. Eddie stretched out a hand, AI12 held it, and soon Eddie's The arm disappeared. Just like before, when it disappeared to the shoulder, Eddie's arm grew back.

"Data transfer completed!"

Eddie made a mechanical sound, and AI12's eyes flashed with intense pink light.

"Correcting error rate"

At this time, all the numbers and symbols fluttering in the air entered AI12's body. The moment she opened her eyes, there was a noise next to her.

"Anna, what are you thinking about? Why are you in a daze?"

Immediately Anna scratched her head with a smile.

"The food last night was really delicious. Boss, can you do it tonight?"

"Work quickly."

Anna took the rag and began to wipe the table hard. The boss entered the back kitchen again, which was a dining bar during the day and a pub at night. At this time, many nearby diners came in, and everyone was saying hello to Anna. A girl with a lively and cheerful personality, she is loved by many people nearby.

It's just that this girl who often likes to be in a daze always seems to have something on her mind, and sometimes when talking to Anna, she always makes surprising remarks and says some inexplicable things that sound a bit weird.

Some people speculate that Anna may have a certain speech impediment and would go to work in a neighborhood where only old people are seen, indicating that this girl may have some sad past.

No one took the initiative to mention Anna's past, because what Anna showed was to give others this feeling. She worked hard and never complained, which made the boss very worry-free.

"Okay, it's Chinese New Year today, and it's past breakfast time now. Take Anna and go to other areas to play. Just come back before 8 p.m."

Anna happily took the salary, bowed deeply and said thank you. She quickly returned to the kitchen, changed out of her work clothes, and went out carrying a small satchel.

As they walked along the street, Anna kept saying hello to people until they reached the outskirts of the block. Anna walked into an alley. The moment she stepped into the alley, Anna's figure disappeared into the alley.

"Move quickly."

Noah looked at Anna quietly. People from Section 10 came over immediately and took off Anna's clothes. Anna walked directly into a mechanical cabin, and people from Section 10 started to walk over carrying a big box.

"How long does it take to complete!"

"Section Chief, it will take about 2 hours."

Noah thought for a while and then said.

"Have people from Section 5 come over and patrol the area."

Noah looked at some values ​​​​on the light and shadow screen. The black block machine next to Anna's mechanical cabin was the newly collected human brain wave signals, all from the prisoners in the prison. These brain wave simulation signals now need to be loaded into AI12 program is used to simulate and match human brain signals.

Since the brainwaves of prisoners began to be studied, the research on virtual personalities has made rapid progress. The 10 departments have obtained a large amount of real data. These real data have been screened out, classified and organized, and these human brains have been refined. The command action that the signal will accomplish.

The overall situation of the city is no longer optimistic. The gods have urged this many times. Once Anna's plan is successful, experiments on virtual personalities will also begin, controlling human body language and a series of other actions by reversing human brain signals. In order to achieve control over a certain group of people with violent tendencies.

But the most troublesome thing now is the frequency problem of this reverse analog signal, which will burn the human brain if you are not careful.

Noah is stationed in this area almost every day, closely watching every move in Anna's daily life. There are only 60 people in their team, all of whom are top experts in the field of AI and human brain science.

"Anna, how do you feel lately?"

Noah asked.

"Very happy!"

“How to describe pleasure?”

Anna's eyes turned to Noah.

“Getting along with others in peace and without any disputes is called happiness.”

Noah smiled awkwardly, and many people laughed at this time. Everyone never regarded Anna as a human being, but just a cold machine with a complex program of AI. Noah continued to check the light and shadow screen. value.

At this time, a flash of pink electricity flashed in Anna's eyes and she entered a state of self-sleep. This was a way to save the body's energy. It did not attract the attention of people in Section 10. Noah squinted at Anna who seemed to be asleep. Sighed.

"What would Alpha think if he knew I was conducting this kind of research!"

Noah never found this kind of research pleasant, but had to do it because he already knew more things than many people know now. Human beings no longer have much time to relax.

The biting cold wind blew by, and the wind and sand in the barrier area began to rise. AI Hathaway was walking in the wind and sand. She walked slowly towards a valley, with a light pink light flashing in her eyes. AI Hathaway turned She put one hand into her clothes, and the moment she stretched it out, she jumped.


Accompanied by a loud noise, a ball of flame instantly appeared in the middle of the canyon, but it quickly fell down. Black smoke and dust floated up, but it was blown away by the fierce cold wind within a few minutes, and no one saw it. No one can see it.


A mechanical cabin opened, and Hathaway, who was lying in the mechanical cabin, opened her eyes. A flash of pink light flashed across her face. She looked at the real human Hathaway opposite, lying on the table, sleeping soundly, with a somewhat solemn expression. , seemed to be having some kind of nightmare.

AI Hathaway walked over slowly.


A cold hand pressed on Hathaway's forehead, but he never put it down. AI Hathaway looked at the still-lit light and shadow screen, where a string of white data was beating.

The location of Holding it in his hand, he turned around and walked towards Hathaway.

At this time, Hathaway was a little confused. She felt a chill. She opened her eyes slightly. In front of her, the AI ​​Hathaway was standing in front of her without wearing anything. Hathaway blushed.

"You might as well put some clothes on."

This feeling is very strange to Hathaway. Looking at a body that is exactly the same as her own, it always feels very strange.

"Ms. Hathaway, the plan has been successful. Eddie Hillman's plan has suffered heavy losses. We have time to continue completing the follow-up plan."

Hathaway was a little surprised. At this time, a video was played, showing the battle situation in the hidden base in the Alataura Mountains. Hathaway only watched the video for a few minutes before closing the video. She stood up and walked over. In front of the embryo, he looked at his son and daughter with a sad expression.

"They will be able to come out soon!"

AI Hathaway nodded.

Hathaway returned to her chair and planned to continue the work at hand. She didn't know whether it was right or wrong to do so, but she had a strange feeling about the densely packed digital symbols in front of her. Every time she saw these things, she felt... always involves enthusiasm.

"Machines may also be alive!"

AI Hathaway stared at Hathaway who was smiling in front of her, and the same smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"How is this going?"

Noah looked at Anna in front of him, and slightly raised the corner of his mouth to reveal a smile. However, the smile was fleeting, and no other staff members saw it. Noah began to check, and there seemed to be something abnormal in the data.

At this time, there was a loud noise on the street outside the alley. It seemed that a lot of people were passing by. Noah was a little panicked. Several members of the department who had already changed into the uniforms of Section 5 hurriedly ran over and started talking in the virtual environment. Stopped in front of the Simulator barrier.

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