Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1714 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 80 (medium)

8pm sharp

There was silence in the Congress hall. No one spoke. The meeting started at 7 o'clock. But at this moment, most people in the Congress hall were thinking about why the criminals in the barrier area were able to possess such powerful firepower. The criminals fled to The barrier zone started 12 years ago and began to intensify five years ago when management began to gradually change.

There is no comparison between the control of more than ten years ago and the current one. Criminals are extremely rampant in the city. After the large-scale crime investigation that Alpha began to lead 12 years ago, a large number of criminals began to flee to the barrier. District, at that time, Section 3 was very corrupt, and a large number of Section 3 officials at that time had more or less connections with criminals.

But at that time, a large number of technologies were not yet open. At that time, criminals only had light and heavy automatic rifles, sniper rifles, grenades, stray bullet launchers, rocket launchers and other weapons that were crude and poorly positioned. Although they posed a certain threat, But managers can suppress it to some extent.

But things are different now. In just half an hour of fighting, the results were highlighted. Under such intensive and large-scale bombing, the criminals fought back wildly. The result was a large number of casualties in Section 3, and the sharp knife combat plan collapsed. Sha, the march plan of the entire barrier area has also suffered unprecedented heavy losses. More importantly, this war has almost wiped out all the family assets of Section 3. It has made the city's economy worse, but no one can go. I dare not accuse anyone of anything.

Just now, the gods had given an order to Zijuan, the current secretary of Section 3, to destroy the city Jirigele in the middle section of the Alatan Ula Mountains at all costs.

According to the original plan, the victory of the encirclement and suppression of Jizhigrad should be determined within an hour at most, but now it is obviously impossible. No one knows the past of this seemingly dilapidated and uninhabitable human being. How many weapons and ammunition are hidden in the city, and how many bunkers are hidden underground.

Section 3, which suffered heavy casualties, will have to face the citizens of Brilliant City next. This is a very bad situation for Section 3's current awkward position. No one can predict what will happen after the war is over.

The patriarchs in the family auditorium all went back after dinner, but they had been strictly ordered not to reveal anything about the Congress to anyone, including the combat situation of Section 3, before the Congress spoke out.

"This is your dereliction of duty!"

Finally, one councilor couldn't help but stood up. He looked at R, the chief of Section 2, opposite him angrily. At this time, the faces of all the operations section were solemn, because who developed these weapons was definitely Made in a secret underground factory in Jizrigrad.

The previous investigation report given by Section 2 did not mention too many details about Jiriggrad, only the number of people they gathered and some weapons they held, including some hidden bunkers.

All this is information secretly investigated by the 2nd Section, but why there are so many heavy firepower weapons, the 2nd Section did not mention it. Many people cannot understand this. The 3rd Section is based on the information provided by the 2nd Section. On the basis of this intelligence, encirclement and suppression operations were formulated.

Wu Qun looked at the excited young congressman next to him and tugged at the corner of his clothes. Wu Qun knew that this congressman's brother was in Section 3. There was a reason why he was so excited. The list of the deceased has not yet been announced. .

Alpha couldn't sit still. She wanted to rush to the barrier area immediately. Although she didn't know what she could do, she could still break into Jiriglali and quickly kill the enemy.

"Can't we have a good talk with them?"

Freya stood up and asked, and the purple god chuckled.

"Little girl, do you think we can still have a good talk in this situation?"

Freya frowned slightly and pressed her hands on the table. She also knew that it was impossible to negotiate. The opportunity for negotiation was gone, or there was no opportunity for negotiation from the beginning. The criminals would not surrender because they Knowing that the city would not pardon them.

R looked at everything in front of him quietly, feeling a little sad in his heart at this moment.

"Gene and I have found these feces, and we have to investigate the barrier area in more detail."

"Put away your excrement, lazy boy. Just clean it up. Nothing will be left. After all, it's extremely difficult to live in a place like the Barrier Zone. No matter where they got the potatoes and meat, the answer is There’s only one, from the city.”

R's mind kept flashing back to Mo Xiaolan's indignant expression and her warnings again and again, but many people in Section 2 didn't listen to her.

The investigation in the barrier area was too hasty!

It is impossible to comprehensively investigate the vast barrier zone based on current capabilities. Even sending robots to investigate the harsh environment is difficult, which requires a double consumption of funds and technology.

More and more people have realized that blind arrogance is the reason for the failure of this barrier zone marching operation plan, because no one expected that the criminals in the barrier zone can possess weapons that are not inferior to those of the criminals. Living in the barrier area, they are far more familiar with everything in the barrier area than members of the acting department who have only trained near the ravine.

In dozens of large-scale encirclement and suppression operations, unexpected situations have occurred. Most of the injured staff were dragged down by these accidents and eventually slept on this cold land.

The hugely expensive plan can no longer be stopped. Stopping will only make the marching battle plan futile, and continuing will inevitably increase casualties and financial losses.

No one expected such a result. The temperature in the barrier area is below zero all year round, and most of the time it is eroded by sand and harmful particles. However, humans can be stationed in this environment, with a lack of food, water, and medicine. circumstances, still able to survive.

According to surveys, many people in the barrier area only eat one meal a day. Most people will even drink their own urine and eat their own feces in order to survive for one more day. This kind of thing is absolutely impossible in the eyes of many people. Some people in the barrier area have suffered from severe lung disease, but they are still alive.

No one knows what happened in the barrier zone in the past 12 years, because no one paid attention to it. That desolate and cold land was the place closest to death.

At present, the criminals who have been arrested are still forced to confess everything about the barrier area by words and deeds, and there are constant reports about the situation in the barrier area.

The discarded garbage in the city is a treasure for the criminals in the barrier area. They will collect many paper and plastic products and use them as heating supplies or break them to freeze and dry before using them as materials to repair walls.

They even used some of the most primitive coal to smelt some ores and make some metal items. The criminals living in the barrier area made use of everything they could and finally survived.

But there is one thing that no one can understand. Starting from a few years ago, every once in a while, maybe a few months, maybe half a year, there will always be some dilapidated trucks passing by to give them food, but from beginning to end, No one in the business department has found this place that produces food. Nowadays, only Jirigele has this possibility.

As for the weapons indeed flowing out from Jirigele, a more brutal and fierce battle is about to begin, and a combat plan has already appeared on the light and shadow screen.

The battle can be decided tonight. Victory in Section 3 is inevitable, but everyone knows the price. At this time, Alpha stood up and walked out of his seat.

"What do you want to do Alpha!"

The red god asked, and Alpha exhaled a puff of smoke.

"I just want to go out and get some air!"

"Why! The little girl from the Angus family got offended because of you. Now that such a problem has arisen, do you feel uneasy in your heart?"

Alpha put out the cigarette butt with a smile, took out another one, lit it and took a puff. She looked at the cyan god with a stern expression and shook her head.

"Don't be kidding, crime is crime. In the past, they became criminals in the city. I don't care what reasons or excuses they have, or what tragic reasons they have. This does not constitute a reason for them to harm others for their own benefit. If It is said that because of the severity of the crime investigation, they fled and settled in the barrier area, and now they have become a threat to the city's security!"

Alpha gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

"I will personally arrest them and bring them to justice. I don't need any help for each of them. Give me a day and I will personally arrest each of them without any bloodshed."

"Save your energy, Alpha Angus!"

The purple god said angrily.

"You can't change anything in the past. If you understand, just sit back in your seat, genius of the city!"

The cyan god said with a bit of ridicule in his tone. Looking at Alpha who was still motionless, the orange god spoke.

"Even if you can use your own powerful force to directly knock down and arrest the criminals without adding new bloodshed, it will not help now. Casualties will inevitably occur. If every If such a thing requires the action of a powerful mutant like the section chief, then there is no need for the executive branch to exist. Why are there 12 departments?"

The orange god stood up as he spoke. Many people watched in surprise as he left his seat and walked slowly to Alpha's side. He held Alpha's shoulder with one hand. This move shocked everyone because the god They are not virtual images, but entities.

The six gods did not think what Alpha said was ridiculous, because she did have this ability. There was no doubt that her strength was the ceiling for human mutants.

The battle in Upper Area 8 last year was enough to illustrate everything. The violent mutant named Quasimodo was defeated by Alpha. In the end, when he began to countdown to destruction, he actually curbed the self-phagocytosis of his self-alienated cells. This is still the case today. Can't figure it out.

"The reason why there are 12 departments is because each department is responsible for a piece of things in the city. The reason why there are 120 district councilors and the division of councilor factions is to perform their respective duties. You only have one head and one body. alpha!"

The red god said, and the orange god gently patted Alpha on the shoulder, and then moved closer.

"You are not Jean, and you cannot be as good as Jean! Go back to Alpha."

Freya closed her eyes. She didn't know when it would end. Her physical condition was not good.

"I'm going to get some fresh air!"

8:19 pm

Ling Hong walked out of the cabin of a lift and had just taken off her isolation suit. She had just performed surgery on some department staff, and the wind and sand outside had stopped.


A violent explosion occurred in the distant city of Jiriggrad. The bombardment had started for 10 minutes. 30 powerful blaster cannons had been lined up in the east and south. As long as the floaters sent back information about the location of the abnormality, The staff operating the cannon will immediately make numerical corrections, determine the position, and launch the cannonball.

"Hey, take a good rest for half an hour, you're too tired!"

Mo Xiaolan stood next to the lift. Ling Hong looked at Mo Xiaolan tiredly. Sweat had made her shoulder-length hair tangled. Ling Hong's face was covered with dirt. She sat on the ground, trembling. He took out a cigarette and lit it.

"You already felt that something was wrong, so you tried your best to stop it, Xiaolan?"

Mo Xiaolan didn't nod or shake his head.

"It's too late to say anything now."

A sadness overflowed from Ling Hong's heart. It quickly filled her heart, went straight to the tip of her nose, and filled her eyes. She closed her eyes and quickly stretched out her hands to brush away the tears squeezed out of her eyes. Mo Xiaolan said A warm handkerchief passed.

"Be careful of infection and eye inflammation."

Ling Hong grabbed it and wiped the tears that overflowed around her eyes.

"Perhaps Osman also felt something and wanted to stop this march. If it were stopped, at least thousands of people would survive."

Mo Xiaolan didn't know what to say to comfort this classmate who used to go shopping with her, and she couldn't find any suitable words to say to comfort her.

There was a loud boom, and another fierce fire broke out in the city in the distance.

"What on earth are we doing!"

Ling Hong asked again, and Mo Xiaolan shook her head. She felt that the matter was not simple from the beginning. She and Jean had come to the barrier area many times to investigate. It was obvious that some production equipment was not suitable for use in this barren and desolate land. It has a manufacturing environment, but no clues can be found in the city. The barrier area is so big that Mo Xiaolan suspects that someone has built a complete facility here to continuously supply water and water to the criminals in the barrier area. food, and weapons.

But there is no evidence to support Mo Xiaolan's conjecture, because no one can imagine how to build a complete facility in this desolate barrier area, and how much manpower, material and financial resources are needed to make it possible. The criminal It's obviously impossible for them to do it.

The connection between all these made Mo Xiaolan finally think of the large-scale explosion caused by a large-scale single crystal explosive 22 years ago, and further back, the prison riot 26 years ago.

None of this seems to have any connection, but in fact, during a large number of investigations over the years, Mo Xiaolan has found more remaining fragments. The more he investigates, the more clues he gets, and the more complicated the situation becomes, but in the end it leads to It was the Hillman family, but there was no evidence to prove that the Hillman family was behind all of this. At the same time, Mo Xiaolan was questioning his own reasoning, how to explain all of this.

Mo Xiaolan even thought that it was done by non-human beings, but it was obviously unrealistic, just like a fantasy conclusion.

Another violent explosion pulled Mo Xiaolan away from her complicated thoughts. She swallowed, and Ling Hong had already stood up and started walking slowly.

"Little lazy boy, go and rest."

Looking at Ling Hong who was waving to him casually, Mo Xiaolan looked at the explosion light that had not dissipated in the distance. Looking from a distance, Jirigele was already riddled with holes. From just now to now, it has been 41 shells were fired.

Choosing to start the war on such a quiet night is also the right choice. The wind and sand are now very small. To the west of the bombing, the only escape route for the criminals in Jizhiglali has been blocked. There is no violent wind. Those harmful effects after the bombing The substance will not dissipate in a short period of time and will only slowly volatilize in the nearby air. If you want to cross the western part of Jizhigrad, you will risk being poisoned. With such simple mouth and nose protection items as the barrier zone, there is no way Way to travel through.


Lao Cheng was panting and touched the place near the middle of Jirigrad. He swallowed a gulp. More than half of the large assembly hall was gone. There were rubbles everywhere. Lao Cheng didn't know why he ran over. Some of the monitoring equipment in the sky has been paralyzed, and most of the current shelling is centered around the outskirts of Jizhgrad.

Lao Cheng didn't know how many people were still alive, and some people could still be contacted through the short-range communicator. He also asked those people to check on the conditions of these children.

After climbing up to a damaged house, Lao Cheng swallowed. What he was worried about still happened. Half of the collapsed assembly hall was covered with stones and rubble. Light, Lao Cheng saw a glimmer of white light in the rubble, and he hurried over.

It was a bracelet with bright silver reflective material, and a hand that was already cold and covered in dust. Lao Cheng choked and held down the cold little hand.

"Is there anyone alive? There is still someone."

The weak shouts turned into soft sobs. Lao Cheng didn't know why he came here. The shocking scenes one after another made Lao Cheng burst into tears. He didn't know what was wrong with him. His luck Very good, I ran here under the fierce shelling just now, but now the shelling has temporarily stopped.

what to do!

This is Lao Cheng's only thought now. He is beginning to feel a little timid. He begins to feel ashamed and regretful for his carnival behavior this morning. Even the words he said, how much he wants to take them back and change them to Let everyone leave with everyone, but now no matter how much Lao Cheng cries or regrets, all this is reality.

Lao Cheng stood on the ruins, surrounded by silence, and there was no sound. He opened his mouth wide and whimpered, holding the gravel weakly. His whole body was in pain, but what hurt more was his heart.

"They are obviously not guilty. They are just children."

Lao Cheng pressed his forehead regretfully and clutched his chest. At this time, there was a strange movement on his right hand. Lao Cheng felt his heart tighten. His breathing, movement, and thinking all stopped. He lost consciousness and felt death, as if Someone has put a sharp blade on his neck. With just a slight pull, his neck will be cut and bright red blood will flow out.

Not an explosion.

Lao Cheng swallowed a gulp and panted violently. Beads of sweat had formed on his forehead. He turned around and saw a woman in the dim light. She looked injured. The woman moved little by little and came closer to the old man. Cheng Cai saw that her condition was not good, her face was pale and her breathing was unusually rapid.

"You're Owen's mother!"

Lao Cheng looked at the woman in surprise. At this time, he saw tears in the woman's eyes, and the dried tear stains were still clearly hanging on her cheeks.

"Owen Shima!"

The woman spit out two names and looked like she couldn't hold on much longer.

"They are still alive. They are near the bunker where I am. That place should not have been bombed yet. He said he would wait for you to come back, so he refused to come. Owen is still alive, still alive."

There was a strange light in the woman's eyes, which was hope. She held Lao Cheng's hand tremblingly.

"Take them to surrender and save them, please."

It seemed that the woman could not hold on for much longer. Lao Cheng carried the woman vigorously and started to turn back to the east of the city. A trace of warmth surged in his already cold heart. He made a decision. If the child named Owen If the child named Xima was still alive, Lao Cheng decided to save them. The only way was to surrender.

Time passed by, and Lao Cheng finally approached the edge of the city. It was already 8:51. The woman on his back had passed out, but she was still breathing weakly.

There was no shelling along the way. Lao Cheng didn't know what the people in charge wanted to do, but suddenly Lao Cheng looked at the sky. The dark night sky seemed like the huge mouth of a beast that could swallow everything.


Lao Cheng immediately thought of what the business department was planning to do. He walked hard into the neighborhood that was no longer in shape, looking everywhere for the small house where Owen and Xima were. After a while, Lao Cheng found the house with the woman on his back. There was a small house that had been torn down, and the lights of the business department could be seen outside. Lao Cheng didn't care so much, put down the woman, and threw her into the ruins with his bare hands. After a while, the entrance to the basement was revealed.


Lao Cheng shouted, and he glanced at the situation on the other side. The department was moving and began to move forward. At this time, the woman woke up and wanted to get up, but she didn't have any strength.

Lao Cheng hugged the woman and led her into the basement. At this time, Lao Cheng dared to turn on the flashlight. In the dark corner of the basement, Owen was wrapped in a blanket and holding Xima in his arms. He seemed fine, but his little red face The tears on his face were enough to prove that he had suffered a huge shock.


The woman came over, patted her son's cheek, and then glanced at Hima, who was turning blue and could barely feel her breath. Owen opened his eyes, and when he saw his mother who was smiling gently, he raised his head with a "Wow" Standing up, Lao Cheng watched the scene in front of him quietly. The woman turned back to look at Lao Cheng in despair.

"Save them."

Lao Cheng suddenly turned around and ran out of the basement quickly. The woman looked at Lao Cheng who ran out of the basement in despair and helplessness. She could only hold her son tightly in her arms and gently stroke his forehead.

"Can mom take you somewhere?"

A crying Owen nodded.

"Owen, mom is a little tired and can't walk. Can you stand up by yourself?"

Owen stood up tremblingly. At this time, Owen felt extremely relieved because his mother was back, even though it took a while.

"Don't come out, everyone, don't shoot. There are still two children alive here. Please, everyone who hears it, please listen to me. I will go to negotiate with the business department. If you want to open fire, please at least wait for me to finish this." Open fire after the two children are safely delivered. Please, the children are not guilty. The children in the assembly hall are dead. What on earth have we done! Burial ground? We can indeed choose our own. The manner of death, the place of death, but it involves these innocent children, please. No matter how many people, no matter who, hear my words, please tell the people nearby."

Lao Cheng was running on the ruins, looking for things that could reflect light and things that could shine. It was too late. After realizing that Xingke wanted to bomb this area, Lao Cheng knew, If you take two children with you, you will definitely die no matter where you escape.

We have to rush over, we have to clearly convey the fact that there are children here, and tell the people in the business department that no matter how cold-blooded they are, they are still human beings.

Lao Cheng ran as hard as he could. At this time, some voices came from the intercom. Many people who heard Lao Cheng's voice began to convey Lao Cheng's words.


First confirmation signal sent!

Ling Hong pressed the button to confirm the signal. The bomber group had begun to activate. On the light and shadow screen, the second bombing signal came again. Ling Hong pressed the button to confirm. Her heart was extremely heavy at this time.

Waves of reddish color appeared on the horizon, and in the blink of an eye, this reddish color was approaching like a large marching red cloud.

The third confirmation signal appeared, Ling Hong's outstretched fingers were trembling, and those burnt corpses appeared in her mind, each weak corpse.

What on earth are we doing!

At this time, a slight reflection caught Ling Hong's attention. She followed the light and looked over. Now, the administrative department has advanced to an area one kilometer away from Jirigrad. A large number of department members have already put on equipment and are ready. After the bombing, break in again and end the war.

"Third confirmation signal received! Attack or not!"

Ling Hong pressed her fingers on the panel, her eyes twitching slightly, and the fourth attack signal appeared again on the light and shadow panel, with a time limit of 60 seconds.





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