Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1713 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 80 (Part 1)

As the time approached, many pilots began to climb onto the Annihilator A1 fighter plane. The mechanical maintenance team next to them was completing the final stage of debugging. Many pilots were already energetic. Night had already arrived, and the barrier area was already dark.

Only a faint light could be seen in the distance. Osman stood silently beside the exit of the fighter plane and glanced at the time. It was already 6:47, and there were still 13 minutes at most. The first confirmation signal would come. The Annihilator bomber group will be dispatched to conduct the first targeted bombing strike.

Osman prayed in his heart all the time, just hoping that this operation would go smoothly. It would be best if the criminals would surrender after the first round of bombing.

The casualties of this operation were too heavy. Osman spent countless times thinking about whether such an operation was necessary or not, and spent a lot of time, money and manpower.

Didi didi

The phone rang and Osman answered it.

"What's wrong Zijuan?"

"Finally, is there anything else you want to say? Husband."

Osman's eyes widened, and for a moment a sense of sadness filled his heart.

"Be careful yourself."

Zijuan chuckled.

"The principal is also present."

Osman looked at the dark night sky in the distance in shock.

"He didn't say anything. Sorry, husband, once this battle plan starts, it can't be stopped. We're going to start taking action."

The phone was hung up, and the moment Osman turned around, circles of red ripples lit up in the cockpits of the Annihilator A1 fighter jets. This was the first confirmation signal.

A buzzing high-frequency vibration sounded. At this time, the figures of the Annihilator fighter planes seemed to be blurred. In fact, the surface temperature of the fighter planes was extremely high, and waves of heat were coming. A large number of 3-section machinery was being repaired. The team began to retreat to both sides.


Accompanied by the solemn female voice heard in the ears of every fighter pilot, the Annihilator fighter jets flew out instantly like sharp arrows shot out of strings. In an instant, streaks of red tracks flashed across the sky. .

A dazzling shadow passed in front of Osman. In the blink of an eye, the Annihilator fighter fleet had left the hangar and escaped into the deep and dark night sky. In just a few seconds, only A red dot in the distance that is still shrinking.

"Enter the attack range! OVER!"

Zijuan confirmed the second signal. The moment she turned around, Zijuan saw the group of bombers hovering behind her.

"Start attacking? OVER!"

Zijuan immediately pressed the button to confirm the signal for the third time. At this time, many people looked at the group of bombers behind them, flashing reddish light. In order to bomb effectively and cut off the enemy's retreat, this Low-altitude bombing was used for the first time, and the tearer bombs used were also high-quality.

30 Annihilator fighter jets can cover one-third of Jirigrad.

"Confirm again whether to attack! OVER!"

Zijuan pressed the fourth attack signal.


Accompanied by bursts of violent and harsh sounds that seemed to tear the air apart, all the southern staff members instantly felt that the airflow passing above their heads was like a blade, and even the upright weapons in their hands were about to be blown down. A large amount of dust and sand was raised on the ground. In just a moment, the airflow behind them was like a storm, sweeping the entire army 2 kilometers away to the south.

There was a loud boom, accompanied by red flames that instantly ignited. The next second, the flames were like a river, flowing into the distance in an instant.

The large-area flames were like magma spewing out from the ground at the same time. In an instant, the light of the flames lit up everything in the dark surroundings. The fireballs that exploded into the sky were rolling and stirring under the dark night sky, making bursts of roaring sounds. With the sound, the ground seemed to be torn apart, and violent shock waves swept across one after another.

The turbulent airflow caused by the shock wave spread out in a short period of time, and the buildings near the west became fragmented in the shock wave. Many houses collapsed suddenly as if they were cut in half.


A burst of children's whimpers sounded, and there were cries all around. The deafening roar from the periphery quickly drowned out these cries. Bangs and bangs were heard everywhere, and the glass and wood chips of the assembly hall in the center of the city were shaken. It shattered, and all the children who had just fallen asleep in the entire assembly hall were woken up. No one knew what was going on. They could only cry, heart-piercing cries, and the cries of the children calling for their parents were heard outside. The continuing explosion was completely swallowed up, no one could hear it, and no one could think about it.

"Finally here, grass!"

Several people in the bunker looked at the tanks that had begun to attack here, and unceremoniously pressed the button of the small missile launcher outside the bunker.

Located in the east, dust is everywhere. Raider tanks are traveling at high speed and stability on the uneven and pitted ground. The intelligent balance system, as if walking on flat ground, allows the tanks to rush forward at a speed of 500 yards. On the eastern edge of Jirigela city.

However, the sudden appearance of dense scarlet light spots in front of them made many people panic. The accurately positioned strafing machine gun on the tank began to fire wildly at the flying missiles.

With a loud bang, a small missile fell next to a raider tank and exploded instantly. After the tank tilted slightly, mechanical arms stretched out from the edge of the tank that was about to overturn in an instant, stabilizing it. chariot.

The explosions continued.

"don't want."

Accompanied by a burst of dense explosions, a raider chariot overturned directly to the ground. The spiral armor that opened instantly enveloped the chariot, and explosions continued to appear all around.

"What is going on! Please go home, this is Team 389"

There was a banging sound, and the enemies in the bunker began to snipe crazily. Small missiles were continuously launched from the eastern edge of the city. In an instant, a series of deafening explosions sounded. Many raider tanks were already violently concentrated. After the impact of the explosion, he fell to the ground.

"Help, I don't want to die. I don't want to die."

A burst of crying was interrupted by the explosion and ended abruptly.

"Hahaha, let them die."

The criminals in a bunker began to take out their automatic rifles and fired wildly outside. However, with a flash of scarlet and a loud bang, the front wall of the metal bunker bulged, and the surface was covered with gunfire. There was a burst of scarlet.

"Get down."

There was a loud boom, and the entire bunker was instantly ablaze. The violent explosion directly lifted the ceiling of the bunker, and even the entire building above was not spared.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay. Someone on our side is injured and needs a doctor."

The short-range radio began to malfunction under the violent explosion smoke, and flames spewed out one after another.


An armor-piercing bomb in the sky passed directly through a house and sank into the ground instantly. A bunker was directly blown up. However, this also exposed the location of the small fortress in the sky.

"Go to hell."

A big mutant man carried a heavy-fire missile launcher and jumped onto the roof. He instantly confirmed the location of the small fortress in the air and pressed the button of the launcher.

Small missiles hit the small fortress in the air instantly, and with a burst of fire, the small fortress in the air was blown up.

The battlefield began to become chaotic, with gunshots and explosions everywhere. This was something Section 3 had never imagined. The enemy actually had such a large number of missiles, which seemed to be infinite.

Bang bang

Continuous explosions sounded, and the disintegrators who had been placed 2 kilometers away opened fire. Buildings on the edge of Jizhigrad collapsed one after another.

There was a loud boom, and under the strong and fierce attack of the missile group, the spiral armor of a raider tank failed, and a large hole was blown out.


Along with a burst of fierce screams, a clerk who was covered in blood and whose arms were missing got up from the ground.

There was a whooshing sound, and missiles flew over one after another. The clerk looked at the flying missiles in despair, his eyes widened. At this time, a light blue light flashed across, and Zijuan jumped up instantly. The moment he used telekinesis to contain a large number of missiles, they landed on a damaged Raider tank and were ejected directly.

Zijuan's eyes were filled with light blue particles, and the missile group behind her exploded in the air. She passed through a collapsed house in one stride. Blue particles covered her whole body. Zijuan quickly passed through. On a street that was already out of shape, I saw several criminals filling ammunition for a large turret, the culprit who had just blown up the Raider tank.


Zijuan's eyes widened as she looked at the muzzle of the cannon aimed at her. Among the several excited criminals, one of them pressed the launch button, and several others raised their weapons.


Zijuan's eyes widened, and her dexterous figure quickly flashed to the left. A thin layer of scab had condensed on the surface of her body. The cannonball directly passed by Zijuan's side, and the violent air flow swept through her body. The scabs on Zijuan's body made a harsh friction sound.

"Order all team members to retreat."

The moment Zijuan issued the order, she had already rushed over. The heads of several criminals next to the turret were already missing. Zijuan looked to the left. There was another machine less than 200 meters away. The turret is slowly rising.


The moment Zijuan was about to eject and take off, a scarlet bullet streaked over. Zijuan ignored the moment the bullet hit her and had already ejected. When the turret had just risen, Zijuan had already kicked it. go out.

With a loud bang, the heavy turret overturned, fell to the ground and slid out. Several men carrying the shells looked at Zijuan in the air in horror.


One shell fell on the ground, and others floated in the air. Zijuan looked around, and the floater in the goggles was still looking for this kind of turret rising from the ground.

With a loud bang, a Raider tank was damaged again. Many officers who received the order began to retreat with the fire support of the Disintegrator.

The war situation has undergone earth-shaking changes in a short period of time.

"Move quickly, retreat back and forth, and adjust your formation."

A team leader standing next to the overturned Raider tank shouted. The team members hurriedly climbed out of the tank and started running. However, the combat armor on their bodies was too bulky and their speed was obviously slow. A lot.


A female section officer who had just stepped out of the tank was hit by something. The squad leader's eyes widened and he wanted to reach out. The female section officer spun directly in the air and then fell to the ground. The alarm on the helmet The instrument rang, and the squad leader hurriedly picked her up, carried her and ran away. At this time, the female section officer's helmet was filled with blood.


A red electric current flashed across, Ling Hong gasped, and the bullets fired around her seemed to be sucked. Ling Hong's thoughts moved, and all these bullets were bounced away. She moved forward instantly, accompanied by the red Thunder and lightning flashed across, and several criminals hiding in the dark fell to the ground covered in charred black.

As soon as Ling Hong landed, based on the information transmitted by the floater, she turned around and ran towards a house. After entering, she already held a high-quality grenade in her hand. The moment she landed, Ling Hong raised it high He raised his right leg and chopped it down instantly.

With a loud bang, the steel door of the bunker was kicked open. Ling Hong had already triggered the grenade switch and threw it in. The moment she retracted her legs, she ejected backwards.

There was a loud boom, and the bunker in front of him instantly swelled into a ball of flames, and explosions sounded one after another.

Today's raid operations have turned into chaotic battles. No one can imagine that the enemy has so much firepower. Ling Hong ran quickly, looking for those powerful forts rising from the ground based on the exact locations provided by the floaters. , at least five Raider tanks were destroyed. As soon as Ling Hong came over, she saw several missile launchers hidden in the edge houses, and no less than 10 of them had been destroyed.

The situation on the battlefield was very chaotic, but at this time, another round of missiles from the east and south flew directly over, and a look of despair was reflected on the faces of the team members.

Ling Hong's eyes widened as she looked at the dense group of missiles that suddenly flew out on the street in front of her. The moment she blinked, she had already squatted down and was ejected directly into the air.

There was a crackling sound, and a large area of ​​missiles exploded in the sky above the house. Ling Hong's whole body was wrapped in red scabs. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists. The missile group still flew towards the retreating troops behind her. Ling Hong had just The moment he landed, he had already turned around. It was pointless to continue searching. He had to go back to assist in the retreat.

However, at this moment, a violent blue light was zigzag across the sky in an instant, and soon, in the violent explosion that appeared in the sky, it directly streaked towards the eastern sky like a meteor.

There was a rumble, and everyone looked at this incredible scene in surprise. In just a moment, such a large missile group exploded in the air.

"Throw away your burdens and evacuate first."

A director shouted, and the team members who received the order threw away their weapons and ran wildly. Some people supported their injured teammates. However, a new round of missile clusters came from the city of Jizhgrad again. flew out.

But the result was still the same. The dark blue light that cut through the sky stretched repeatedly in twists and turns in the sky. These large-scale missile clusters exploded in the night sky without exception.

"What exactly is that?"

Several criminals who were still in a high-rise building looked at everything in shock. They controlled missile launchers in a room farther back in the east.

Time passed by, and the raider tanks that had been parked six or seven hundred meters away from the city were already empty. Just half an hour after the war started, this raid was over. Declare failure.

A faint cry sounded in the ruins. Owen covered his head with tears streaming down his face. He didn't know what was happening outside. At the entrance to the basement, stone fragments kept falling in, and there was a lot of unpleasant smell. The ultimate smell, Xima was still sleeping soundly in his arms.

There was a loud bang, and Owen yelled. He didn't know what happened, as if something collapsed.

Gunshots continued to be heard outside, as well as explosions from time to time. The building where Owen was located was located further back on the eastern edge of the city, and the surrounding areas were in dilapidated condition.

A lift began to land 3 kilometers away from the eastern and southern outskirts of Jirigrad, and a large number of injured people were rushed to the lift for emergency surgery.

After Zijuan watched the last group of teams evacuate from the front line, she quickly returned to the winning ground. Her face was pale, and she was looking for a figure in the crowd. Soon Zijuan found it, and she ran over quickly, stumbling. .

The surrounding directors were giving orders, and the sound of gunfire and explosions had gradually disappeared. Gene was wearing a uniform and stood quietly at the door of a temporary headquarters.


"Thanks for your hard work!"

Jean said something, Zijuan pursed her lips and shook her head. Jean opened the door and walked in. A cup of hot tea that had been brewed was steaming. Zijuan walked over tremblingly and picked up the hot tea. After taking a sip, she looked at Jean at the door with a solemn expression. Without Jean, the casualties would have been even more severe. Although Zijuan had complicated thoughts, she quickly brought up the light and shadow screen. Data shows that the enemy's fierce attack just now launched 12,956 missiles.

This kind of pocket missile, which is only the size of an index finger, is fired so densely and rapidly that it completely disrupts the battle situation. The enemy also has sniper rifles, automatic rifles, and other large and small weapons in their hands. This is a nightmare for everyone. , far underestimated the enemy's strength.

"Do you want to continue, Miss Commander?"

Jean took off his uniform jacket, took out a light and shadow bracelet from his pocket, pulled out a fitting white shirt, put it on, and then began to button the buttons one by one. Jean's expression changed. It's a little cold and has no temperature.

"It's better for me to take over!"

Zijuan looked at Jean, who had turned around and put on the uniform of Section 13. The red swirl pattern on his arm looked particularly heartbreaking.

"The decision lies with you, Miss Commander, there is no way to stop!"

Jean tilted his head and looked at Zijuan, smiling.

"Right! If it were up to me, it would only take 10 minutes."

Zijuan drank the hot tea in one gulp, stood up and looked at Jean with sharp eyes.

"Principal, what started with me will end with me!"

As she spoke, Zijuan immediately connected directly to Section 10.

"Noah, I need heavy firepower weapons. Send over the Exploder Turret."

In the dark night, on a trail in the Latan Ula Mountains, vehicles filled with criminals began to drive slowly. A woman sat on the front of a truck, staring at the sparks ahead. The place.

"Boss Agata, do you really want to go?"

The woman sitting on the hood of the truck laughed. This was a hidden road across the Alatan Ula Mountains. The wind and sand were very small. She took a long puff of cigarette and laughed.

"Does that need to be said? Of course it's to give the guys in the business department some color. Haven't you seen that the war situation has temporarily stopped. Those idiots fighting on their own will soon be finished. The eastern peripheral paving We only have less than 15,000 missiles, and they used them all so early. What a bunch of idiots."

The leader named Agata pulled up the beret on his head and tied up his long hair. He stared sharply at the crooked road in front of him. They still had more than 20 minutes to go back to the north of Jizhigrad near the mountain. On the other side, the administrative department is now mainly concentrated in the east and south. Agata plans to lead his elite troops to raid the rear of the administrative department, which can somewhat help the group of people who have already selected the burial ground.

Agata didn't know why she came over despite being dissuaded. Such a stupid move didn't suit her at all. She glanced at the cars behind her and saw that everyone had brought over the heavy firepower weapons they could. Agata's group There are more than 30 mutants, 16 of whom are high-level mutants who can use red particles.

"I'm just unhappy with what those bastards in the business department are doing. I've been very unhappy with it since a long time ago!"

Agata said and stood up. The truck began to slow down. Now it was necessary to confirm that there was no detection equipment from the Xingke Branch around. It had to approach slowly. Agata planned to wait for the Xingke Branch to attack again before taking action. .

There was a loud scream, and a member of the department who was on the hospital bed struggled in pain. Several members of the 4th Department who were operating on others ran over and held down the man who was struggling in pain. , the tranquilizer wears off so quickly.

Under the severe pain, the man roared in pain, and his various body values ​​began to become disordered.

"Increase the dose, the wound is already bleeding."

At this time, sirens sounded from the medical machinery nearby. A staff member from Department 4 injected the man with a large dose of sedative, then hurriedly turned around and ran to another patient.

Didi didi

"Heart rate is dropping!"

The man's eyes widened and he twitched in pain. Sweat seeped out densely from both sides of his forehead. Soon he vomited a mouthful of blood. On the light and shadow panel next to him, the man's heart rate had become a straight line.

"Please, I don't want an amputation!"

A man looked at his twisted left leg, which was still full of shrapnel. However, two doctors directly held the man down, without giving him any chance to shout, and directly covered the man with anesthetic. The man's mouth and nose were cut off, and the man's leg was quickly cut off. There was nothing he could do. The shrapnel that penetrated the thigh was a poisonous metal. The man's leg was already infected, and his life would be in danger if it were not amputated.

Outside a lift that was used as a temporary medical room, there were bursts of crying. Two female staff members hugged each other and looked at their friend who had just been carried out of the medical room. Half of his body was covered in blood and flesh. The people in the department carried it to one side and covered it directly with their uniforms.

"No, no"

A female staff member ran over emotionally out of control. Two male staff members hurriedly came over and grabbed her, trying to calm her extremely excited mood.

Everyone gathers!

An order came down again. At this time, most of the staff who were still immersed in sadness seemed to have woken up from a dream, but many staff quickly gathered together, and the sadness turned into hatred in an instant. anger.

At this time, on the horizon, large take-off and landing aircraft slowly approached.

Zijuan sat quietly in the combat headquarters. She had already issued one order after another. There was no time for everyone to grieve together. The problem here must be solved as soon as possible. No matter what the cost, the second cluster bombing The order has been issued, and the number of Annihilator fighters has been increased to 60. It only takes one hour to complete the preparation work.

During this hour, Zijuan planned to use the blaster turret to carry out an indiscriminate attack on Jirigele. As long as the data transmitted back by the floater contained a human figure, she would fire directly.

With a creaking sound, a nearly 5-meter-high, seemingly extremely heavy fort was transported out by a mechanical engineering vehicle from a large lift. At a nearby fort settlement, a mechanical engineering vehicle dispatched the heavy fort. Put it down.

Many clerks came over and entered their identification numbers. A small door at the base of the fort opened and several clerks got in. With a creaking sound, the front end of the dispatch platform had a width of nearly 20 centimeters. The barrel of the cannon was stretched out. After boxes of heavy cannonballs were transported by the engineering vehicle, the mechanical arm directly lowered the cannonballs. Several mutant personnel were waiting to release this one-ton cannonball. It was moved to the turret and then placed in the mechanical lifting loading slot.

Accompanied by a crunching sound and bursts of air pressure, the cannonball placed in the loading chute rose into the firing chamber.


In Jiřigelen, several criminals ran out of the bunker happily. They were happy with the results of the victory. They planned to move to the control bunker of the remote armor-piercing turret, preparing to wait for the next round of attacks from the acting department.

However, less than ten seconds after they stepped out of the bunker, a ball of light appeared in the sky.

There was a loud bang, and a red light spread out. In an instant, the house was shattered and collapsed. The whole place was razed to the ground. A large pit with a diameter of nearly 200 meters appeared and a depth of at least 10 meters. , the fragile houses nearby began to disintegrate and collapse.

"You idiots, don't run around. There are detection equipment in the sky now. If you are detected, you will become a living target."

Lao Cheng shouted, but a second earth-shaking explosion sounded. Lao Cheng felt that the distance was very close. He swallowed and thought of the two children near his bunker again.

"They should be gone by now!"

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