Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 172 Elegy (Part 1) 41 more please subscribe!

Gene was still waiting quietly. He was a little tired, lying on the hard and cold ground, leaning back, looking at the empty and desolate land in front of him.

There was a roar and a sound of engines. In less than a few minutes, Tianhen came over on a motorcycle carrying Xima.

"Lord Jean."

Jean yawned and rubbed his sour eyes. Both Tianhen and Xima smelled the smell of blood on Jean's body.

"What the hell, Gene, didn't you just go to Area 108 yesterday? Why are you here today?"

"Bringing a team of 30 people requires efficiency. I'm a little tired."

Tianhen grinned evilly and Xima took out the phone.

"Why don't you call?"

"Did not bring."

After a while, Tianhen used his phone to call up an area of ​​light and shadow, and Jean simply told the two of them.

"My judgment is that the forces of Daheiya have been in contact with the rioters in the city for a long time, probably for many years."

Tianhen twisted his head.

"so what!"

"Clear it."

Tianhen laughed, turned around and said.

"Call the special forces, a fast small take-off and landing equipment, and kill them on their way to transfer."

Tianhen said, Xima immediately said to the phone.

"Operation codename Thunder, D-0, repeat, operation codename Thunder, combat plan D-0."

"You have to wait until the fish takes the bait first, and be ready."

Tianhen nodded, and immediately rode his own motorcycle and Jean's motorcycle back to the guard station with Xima.

An old jeep was driving quickly towards the ravine. The people in the car looked a little sad. Guan Tong was holding a cigarette in her mouth and scratching her head irritably. She sighed. As a person who had never been popular before, A young actress, she had acting skills, but she was not recognized by others, so she joined an organization out of desperation.

"Damn this rare mission failed."

At this time, Guan Tong was in an extremely angry mood. As soon as Da Heiya returned, he summoned his men to carry supplies and started to leave.

"Sure enough, you guys in the barrier area are all so timid. That Jean is really powerful. In my opinion, he is just above the mutant S-level. It is a bit reluctant to be able to kill the people in the mining town, but that group Idiot, it must have been leaked by the rubbish in town."

At this time, Guan Tong was staring quietly into the distance and suddenly saw a flash of red, so she shouted stop.

"Go away, cowards, haha."

After the jeep left, Guantong quickly went to a place with a red sign. Then white light particles flashed in her eyes. The ground cracked open little by little. There was a baggage inside. After she took it out, she carried it on her back. , this equipment can help her cross the ravine, but the sun behind the black clouds is a bit strong at this point, and the light is a bit better. She plans to rest in place until 3 o'clock in the afternoon and then return to the city. After reporting the situation, take a hot shower Take a bath and have a good sleep.

Just when she felt a little bored, Guan Tong glanced at the sunny city behind her. It was still seven or eight kilometers away. She should have been exposed to the surveillance of the observation station. She kept moving towards the observation station. Various expressions, and then laughing happily.

Remembering that she used to practice her acting skills in front of the mirror, it was a pity that something happened and she could never get up again.

"If I had known earlier, I would have agreed to the other party's conditions, instead of just lying down, haha."

Guan Tong's expression suddenly turned ferocious.

"Those pig-like guys, when things succeed, I will definitely kill them with my own hands."

There was a black shadow in front of his eyes, and before Guan Tong could finish his words, he was kicked in the face, and his whole body flew out. His nosebleeds splattered, and the sound of broken bones was heard.


Guan Tong still wanted to move but found that her limbs were suppressed by a powerful force of telepathy. She widened her eyes in horror and looked at a woman with shoulder-length hair wearing a uniform of Section 3 with cold eyes and a tattoo on her left shoulder. Book coat of arms.

"Give up resistance, if you don't want to be tortured even more."

At this moment, the fake Guan Tong saw Ji En and Tian Hen appearing behind him. Tian Hen smiled evilly and instantly fell to the side of the fake Guan Tong, grabbing her collar.

"Why don't you let me come? Shima, you are too rough."

Xima stood up straight and stared at Fake Guantong angrily.

"Section Chief, if you were asked to come, this guy would have been seriously injured."

Jean stared at Guan Tong coldly, walked up to her without saying a word, and took back the cigarette he had given her from her pocket.

"Since you are not Guan Tong, I will get the cigarette back, and the city's residence permit, so I don't need it anymore!"

"I I say, I say everything, is the creator, the name of that organization."

Jean stood up and looked at the gray-black sky in the distance. Then Xima came over and took out a square brooch and placed it on Fake Guantong's neck. The liquid compress in the brooch instantly Swelling, a black collar appeared, and Xima roughly lifted Fake Guantong up from the ground.

"Ask Mo Xiaolan to come here in person. Don't let go of this line. If necessary, use all means. I need to know the result when I come back."

"I understand, Master Jean."

There was a roar in the distance, and a small helicopter landed slowly.

Gene stepped up in one step, and the 30 people on the left and right stood up. They had already put on all their equipment, including a tall special operations team member. All of them were wearing black special uniforms, wearing helmets, and their left shoulders were There is a scarlet letter D with numbers from 1 to 30.

Tianhen also took a step forward.

"The section chief asks you to go back to work."

Xima held Fake Guantong's wrist with one hand, her eyes twitching slightly, and she stared angrily at Tianhen who stepped onto the lift with an evil smile.

"I'll come as soon as I go. Xima's work at hand is more important, and I've been sleepy for a long time. I need to stretch my muscles. When Mo Xiaolan comes back, you can write the report yourself and submit it to the General Affairs Department."

The door of the takeoff and landing aircraft slowly closed. After a roar, the takeoff and landing aircraft flew up. The aircraft body began to become silent. The moment the optical camouflage was activated, the takeoff and landing aircraft disappeared under the gray-black sky.

After a while, several cars slowly drove towards this side. Xima walked over with Jia Guantong, and a military truck got out of the car with a large number of people.

"Search every inch of land within 10 kilometers around here for me. Find the place with the red mark and dig out the contents. Be careful not to damage the soil when digging. Take action."

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