Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 171 Determined to be Harmful (Part 2) 40 more updates please subscribe!

"Sir Xima, E37, E39, E67, E74, E89, E132, E167, E190, E243, a total of nine team members, more than half of whom have failed in physical fitness, 145 of them have shown signs of being eliminated, and their overall scores are all in the 60s Below."

Xima nodded, clenched one hand into a fist and pressed it in front of her body, and several council officers immediately followed suit and saluted.

"Thank you for your hard work. Please finalize the list of personnel who can participate in the barrier zone training before October 5th. All those who do not meet the overall performance will be dismissed."

Saying that she raised her hands in hope, the directors dispersed. She turned around and looked at the double doors on the left side of the door, and walked quickly over.

After entering, there was a spacious corridor with an elevator going up every 100 meters. Xima pressed the button directly to the guard station wall, and the elevator rose slowly.

On the city wall of the guard station, there is an observation room every 200 meters. Using observation equipment at this height, you can see places 20 kilometers away.

This is Xima's routine work before lunch every day. These observation rooms all have a warning function. The situation inside the eastern grain base and the situation outside the barrier area can be discovered in advance before any problems occur. Each observation station is equipped with We have 6 staff members who observe 24 hours a day.

Especially when there are uncaptured rioters lurking in the city, 47 people have been arrested from early yesterday morning and sent to Section 2 for interrogation.

The night before yesterday, when Xima directed the staff to find the launch site of the propulsion module, they set out to seal off the surrounding area. After cooperating with Section 2 and Section 5, they retrieved surveillance data from the past few years. With the staff of Section 2 working all night, they found All relevant suspects were arrested.

The propulsion module was launched from a certain basement, and the required materials were brought there bit by bit by different people five years ago. Most of these people claimed that they had no idea about it and just paid money to help others. Stuff goes by.

All of them indirectly assisted the crime. After the interrogation, they were required to work unconditionally at a grain base in the east for half a year. 80% of the materials for making propulsion cabins were under control, but these people obtained them through various means. , in fact, it has violated the law.

The hardest part in the recent period is Section 2. Thanks to everything arranged in advance by Section 2 and the efforts of the four section chiefs and the general manager of the General Affairs Section, no one died in the attack on the General Affairs Section. With the coordinated operations of Section 5 and Section 5, the launch site was found and those people were quickly arrested.

The information of those arrested will be announced at the local legal office for violating the law and controlled substances, and people from Section 5 will be responsible for publicity, in order to provide many people around who hope to make a fortune from controlled substances. Warning to the greatest extent possible to deter people with potential criminal thoughts.

The incident was not announced to the public, and most of the area in front of the General Affairs Section was still under lockdown. That night, General Affairs Section staff interviewed all reporters present. They were strictly prohibited from revealing anything about what happened that night, otherwise they would be arrested for disrupting urban order. .

Although many of the loud-talking congressmen hope to see the business make a fool of themselves, it backfires. After all, they can seize this kind of thing and criticize it in the hall of Congress, but they do not want the situation to be publicized. The riots have only just passed. If the attack on the General Affairs Section is exposed again in half a month, unrest will begin to spread in the city. Now there is an urgent need to uncover the rioters behind the scenes and to rectify the barrier area.

All the modified humans and the corpses remotely controlled by unknown chips came from the Barrier Zone. The autopsies have been completed. There are a lot of toxic substances in their bodies. These things can only come from people who have lived in the Barrier Zone for a long time. can be detected.

One after another problems made the business department exhausted, and the situation was finally stabilized. However, for the elites who have long been accustomed to high-intensity work, this is just a little spice in their daily work. Being able to have such an efficient way to solve problems depends on everything. Yu Xingke has always pursued meritocracy.

When she thought of this, Xima pressed her forehead, Lexiao's appearance appeared in her mind, and the corners of her mouth raised in a rare move.

"Reporting to the commander, we found someone in the northwest, it seems to be Sir Jean."

The corners of Xima's mouth closed immediately, and she quickly followed the person who came to report into an observation tower. She looked at the image on the observation equipment with some surprise, and she nodded immediately.

"Remember, Section 13 is a secret operations department. Nothing is allowed to be leaked to the outside world. Delete the observation records about Lord Jean."

"Yes, sir."

Xima had already keenly felt something. She hurried back to the elevator, planning to report the situation to the section chief's office on the 28th floor.

Tianhen sat in the office, quietly looking at the several directors in front of him, who were intensely discussing the route of the acting in the barrier area.

There were discordant opinions among them. Tian Hen held his chin in his hands and stared quietly at the cross-section of the barrier area on the light and shadow screen. There were large and small dots on it. Red represented the place where armed forces were entrenched, and blue represented the absence of armed forces. A place where armed forces are entrenched.

Every point on the map has a clear approximate population. The population in the intricate barrier area on the map was about 7.09 million last year. It is unknown this year because there is no one to manage it and a large number of women have given birth. The baby comes, but the birth rate is less than 20%. Because there is no food, most newborns will be stillborn. Therefore, some pregnant women can only come to the barrier area every month when food is distributed to undergo induction surgery. Some were directly sterilized.

But there were still many newborns who were lucky enough to be born. Tian Hen looked helplessly at the directors in front of him.

"Can you be quiet? I haven't slept in two days."

The six directors hurriedly stood up straight and stopped talking. Tianhen yawned and leaned back.

"Make all your opinions into a report and submit it to Xima. Xima and I will finally adopt your good opinions and decide on an effective route. Listen carefully and don't fool me. I am better than you in the barrier area. Much more familiar.”

The six directors stood up straight, bowed and saluted, and shouted in unison.

"Yes, Lord Tianhen."

"I'll give you three days."

Tianhen is the section chief that everyone respects from the bottom of their hearts in Section 3, because everyone has heard of his experience. He came from the barrier area, passed various extremely difficult trials, and finally climbed to the position of section chief. .

"Section chief, it's Master Jean."

Xima pushed the door open without knocking and said. Tianhen blinked and stood up in surprise.

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