Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1697 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 74 (Part 2)

A shop of nearly 100 square meters, with criss-crossed cubicles and many wooden decorations. There is a counter at the door with many crystal balls of different colors on it. The floor is covered with dust. There are several large areas, each with tables and chairs in different decorative colors. The whole store still looks very interesting today.

Wu Qian turned off the flashing neon lights on the walls and turned on the lights in the store. Jewell's eyes were immediately attracted by a huge photo wall in front of her, which was covered with a large number of group photos. As well as photos of single people, some places are empty, and there is dried glue behind them. It seems that the photos have been taken away.

The entire photo wall is nearly 5 meters high and 3 meters wide, and there are photos posted on the walls of some different seating areas. After Jewell was stunned for a while, Wu Qian next to him said with a smile.

"You're not the first little brother to come here looking for photos."

Jewell nodded and said thank you. He ran to the photo wall excitedly and looked at the densely packed photos. It seemed that it would be difficult to find them in a short time.

"Have you ever eaten little brother?"

Jewell, who was looking excited, shook his head in embarrassment.

"I'll go eat when I find the photo later. Thank you, Miss Wu Qian."

Wu Qian looked at Jewell with a smile. She had heard a lot about Jewell. Even Wu Qian herself participated in the activities against the family. Her clothing store also refused any supply from the family, as well as on the streets. Wu Qian also went to protests and demonstrations, because Wu Qian herself had experienced a relatively failed marriage. Although it was not mandatory like family marriage, Wu Qian once met a scumbag.

Thinking of this heartbreaking past, Wu Qian felt a little sympathetic to the boy in front of her. She walked over slowly. Jewell was looking at the people on the photo wall, trying to find a photo of her mother. A sweet fragrance came from the tip of my nose.

Jewell glanced over awkwardly. Wu Qian was standing next to him, a little taller than him. She looked up at the photos on the wall with a smile on her lips.

"For many years, some of the people on these photo walls have started families and started businesses, and some have died. This store was opened when I was young."

Jewell hummed, not knowing what to say. The woman next to him was probably about the same age as his mother. Jewell was not good at chatting with women many years older than him, and even got along with some girls. He didn't know what to say, and the awkward mood was always lingering in Jewell's heart. At this time, Jewell thought of Niya, and his mood relaxed for a moment.

"You look so cute when you smile, little brother."

Wu Qian turned her head as she spoke, and Jewell moved his eyes to one side in embarrassment.

Seeing Jewel's embarrassed look, Wu Qian was in a good mood. She always found it incredible. This beautiful boy who looked strong and strong exuded a unique charm. Wu Qian looked at Jewel with affection.

At this time, Jewell felt that his back was sweating, and there was a scent of fragrance coming from the tip of his nose from time to time. He had searched a lot, but still couldn't find it. Jewell took a chair and started to search upwards. , his stomach was growling, he was already very hungry, but such hunger was nothing to him now.

"Would you like to eat first, little brother?"

Wu Qian asked, and Jewell shook his head in embarrassment. Wu Qian took her phone and pulled up a picture of Wilsey. She was indeed a beautiful woman. She started to help Jewell look for her.

At this moment, Jewell stopped looking. When he caught a glimpse of his mother, he felt a sense of sadness in his heart. Wu Qian also noticed that she turned off her phone, turned around, walked to the independent seating areas, and started Helped to find it.

"Thank you, Miss Wu Qian."

Jewell could only say something in a low voice. Wu Qian pursed her lips and smiled. She felt a surge of heat in her heart. She looked at her chest, which had not been throbbing like this for many years.

Wu Qian has dated many men since her divorce, but they all ended in quarrels. Over the years, Wu Qian has always been alone and no longer has any contact with men. She glances at Jewell from time to time. , pressing his chest with one hand, it was a heartbeat feeling, and there was a little sense of surprise in his heart.

Jewell was still desperately looking for his mother's photo. He really wanted to get out of this embarrassing atmosphere as soon as possible, and then go get a meal, take a bath, and sleep.

The facilities in the work shed were relatively complete, and Jewell just wanted to lie back on the bed, rest until early tomorrow morning, and then wander around.

"Little brother, come here and take a look, is this the one?"

Jewell immediately got down from his chair and went to a relatively refreshing seating area with patterns of blue sky and white clouds. He widened his eyes and looked at the photo in Wu Qian's hand.

The photo is very strange. There is only the mother, and there is no one next to her. The mother is smiling sweetly, holding someone’s hand, leaning on someone’s arm. This is something Jewell has never seen before. The mother is exposed With a sweet and happy expression, the person next to her was obviously taller than her mother, but there was no appearance of this person next to her.

"Who is it?"

"It should be that person."

Jewell looked at Wu Qian suspiciously, and Wu Qian said that she did have some impression in the past that the man was very handsome and gentle. He had indeed been to the store several times with a certain woman. He was a funny and gentle man who made people feel It feels like a warm breeze.

Jewell took the photos and looked through them carefully. There was no date or any information. The only thing he could see was his mother's appearance. But it seemed that his mother was really happy at that time. Jewell didn't know who this man was. Who, he showed a sad expression.

"Little brother, I'm sorry about your mother. You must be hungry. Do you want to go upstairs first and I can get you something to eat?"

Jewell was a little surprised, but quickly shook his head.

"No, thank you, Miss Wu Qian, I."

As soon as Jewel put away the photo, Wu Qian held down Jewel's wrist. Jewel felt even more embarrassed. Looking at the smiling Wu Qian, Jewel didn't know where to put his eyes. What to say.

"Little brother, sister, I helped you after all, but it's not free!"

Jewell understood and immediately reached out in a panic to take out the money. No matter how much it was, it didn't matter. But as soon as Jewell took out the money, Wu Qian became embarrassed.

"Little brother, that's not what my sister means. Can you please accompany me and talk to me? I feel a very familiar feeling when I see you. Maybe I'm just like you. I didn't have it when I was very young. Mother."

Jewell was a little surprised. He didn't know whether to refuse or accept. He had zero experience with women in the past. The only women of the same age he had been in contact with since childhood were Nia, and the only older women he had contact with were his mother.

"Can you do it?"

Jewell stuttered in reply. Wu Qian smiled and took Jewell directly out of the store. After Jewell stretched out her hand to help pull down the rolling shutter door of the shop, Wu Qian pointed to the small stairs next to the shop. Will followed up with uneasiness in his heart.

After the door opened, Jewell's tense atmosphere reached its peak. He began to sweat all over because this was the first time he came to a strange woman's room. Although he had been to Niya's room countless times in the past, in Jewell In his eyes, Niya really cannot be considered a man.

The room was very warmly decorated, everything was neatly tidied up, the whole space was quiet, and there was no noisy noise outside like in the past. Wu Qian smiled and started to boil water. There was no access to light and shadow materials here. The renovation, so many of the appliances are still physical, especially in an open bedroom. Jewell immediately turned his head in embarrassment. There were many women's underwear hanging on the wall inside, and there were a lot of them. .

Wu Qian walked over and closed the bedroom door. She walked to a kitchen next to the living room. After opening the refrigerator, there was a lot of fresh meat and vegetables in it.

Wu Qian would make something to eat at home in the morning and evening, but she had already eaten with friends during the Chinese New Year today. She didn't want to go to those boring parties, so she came back early.

Seeing Jewell move a wooden chair and sit down directly instead of sitting on the sofa. His clothes were a little dirty and he looked a little embarrassed and at a loss. Wu Qian walked out and looked at Sitting Feeling uneasy, Jewel opened the bedroom door, and soon Wu Qian took out a set of new clothes from the cabinet that she had bought for her boyfriend's birthday a long time ago.

"How about taking a shower first?"

Jewell became even more embarrassed. He tilted his head, but finally took the clothes from Wu Qian's hands and entered the bathroom.

The bathroom was filled with things used by women. After Jewil closed the door, his heart was beating continuously. After he took off his clothes, he started to wash. There was a strange smell on his body. This was Jewil. What is more embarrassing for me is that I have been working at the construction site all morning, and my clothes have been soaked with sweat, exuding a smell.

Jewell's somewhat flustered mood began to ease. The bathroom was filled with mist. He stood in the water flow and closed his eyes quietly. He was thinking about how to chat with Wu Qian later. This was important to Jewell. To me, it was the biggest obstacle at the moment, but when he thought of what Wu Qian had said when she invited him upstairs, Jewel felt a little more relaxed.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Jewell put on the light blue clothes and pants that Wu Qian gave him. They fit just right. Wu Qian looked at Jewell with a smile. At this time, there was a burst of aroma from the kitchen, and Jewell I swallowed.

"Sit down and wait for a while, it will be fine soon."

Jewell looked at the wallet placed aside. He quickly took out two hundred yuan from it, planning to give it to Wu Qian later.

After a while, a large plate of hot meat and vegetable fried noodles was served. The aroma was overwhelming, and Jewell swallowed a mouthful.


After noticing Jewell's eyes, Wu Qian stood up and walked to the bathroom.

"I have already eaten."

After Wu Qian entered, Jewel started to eat big mouthfuls. The taste was very good, and it seemed that he was not taking it lightly. After ten minutes, Jewel patted his belly and drank a large glass of water, which was regarded as eating. After he was full, the sound of dripping water kept coming from the bathroom. From time to time, Jewel looked at the figure shaking on the frosted glass of the bathroom, feeling a little complicated.

At 8:31, Wu Qian walked out of the bathroom, wearing only a black lace suspender belt and a short skirt, with bare feet and half-dried hair. Jewel swallowed, not knowing where to put his eyes. , he pressed his hands on his knees with some restraint, lowered his head, and looked around nervously.

Wu Qian put on a coat and took out a bottle of wine and two glasses from a wine cabinet.

"Can you drink?"

Jewel nodded numbly.

There was a sound of running water, and Wu Qian helped Jewell pour a glass of wine. Jewell looked at the wine in the glass and licked his lips. When he first tried this thing, Jewell always had difficulty getting used to it, but then he started to like it. With something like wine, you can forget a lot of things after drinking it, and you can even forget most of your worries for a while.

Jewell took a sip and looked at Wu Qian with a hand on his cheek in surprise and a wine glass in one hand, smiling broadly. He swallowed a sip.

"How is the taste?"

Jewell didn't answer, just nodded.

"My parents separated when I was very young. My bastard father may be dead now, or he may be in prison. I don't know too well. My mother died of illness when I was sixteen or seventeen years old. At that time, I I took over the store from my mother and started working in the grocery business.”

Jewell hummed, not knowing what to say.

"And you!"

Wu Qian took a big sip and her cheeks began to turn red. Jewell lowered his head in embarrassment and didn't know what to say. He thought for a long time before speaking.

"My mother is very good to me, very good!"

Wu Qian hummed, stood up and took Jewell's hand. Jewell panicked for a moment, and his heart beat violently, but he did not refuse, but was pulled into the living room by Wu Qian obediently. .

The two of them sat on the sofa, just looking ahead, just drinking quietly without saying anything.

"What are your plans for the future?"

Wu Qian asked. She didn't know why she asked. She was a little worried about this child. The most important thing was that this feeling of love and pity was now filling her chest. Wu Qian moved towards Jewel as she spoke.

Until he touched Jewell, Jewell did not move. He just stared blankly in front of him. His mind was filled with the tenderness, happiness and touch from his mother in his memory, but now all these are gone. .

Jewell really wanted to talk to his mother again. He used to talk to his mother about many things every night. Wu Qian turned sideways and gently pushed Jewell's wine glass with one hand. It could be seen that he was very sad now. Jewell Will took a big sip in one go. Normally he wouldn't be able to take such a big sip.

"Don't think about anything. You'll feel better when you're drunk."

Jewel took another sip. Wu Qian smiled, put her arm around Jewel's arm, and patted Jewel's back gently and comfortingly.

Jewell's head was a little dizzy, and uncontrollable sadness appeared on his young cheeks. In the past few months, Jewell felt cold every night, and there was nothing around him. He knew that no matter how he asked, it would be okay. Even if you cry, your mother will never come back.

Unknowingly, Jewell looked at the tears rolling down from his eyes. Just as he was about to reach out to wipe them, Wu Qian hugged her into her arms. For a moment, Jewell's eyes widened, and tears flowed down. The fragrance hit his nostrils, and Jewel shed tears, feeling a touch of warmth.

At this time, Jewell's panicked heart began to calm down. Wu Qian patted Jewell's back comfortingly and stroked his forehead, and the two hugged each other.

The current feeling was strange to both of them. Wu Qian didn't know why she had such a feeling for this boy that she hadn't felt for a long time, and so did Jewell, who felt tenderness.

His consciousness was getting blurry, and Jewel felt that his body was very hot. He was drunk and closed his eyes. At this time, Wu Qian helped Jewel up.

"Let's go in the room, we both need to lighten up a bit, you just need to hold me tight."

Jewel nodded numbly.

After the bedroom door opened, Jewell stumbled and fell in. Wu Qian pressed Jewell in a daze, with tenderness on her face. She took off her coat and closed the door to the room.


Yin Xianglin stretched her body comfortably and patted her belly. She hadn't eaten like this for a long time, and this meal was invited by Jean. This barbecue meal cost at least 500 yuan, which was too much for Yin Xianglin. Expensive.

"Lord Jean, thank you."

Gene smiled and took a sip of wine, looking at the high stack of barbecue plates next to him. He didn't eat many vegetables.

"Do you need stomach medicine?"

Looking at Yin Xianglin covering her mouth, Gene said with a smile.

"It's okay. My digestion is good. Besides, I exercise hard every day."

The two of them asked for a small private room on the second floor close to the street. Gene continued to drink and didn't plan to ask anything, just waiting for the little girl to speak.

"Actually, it's like this, Mr. Jean, I'm in love now, and the other person and I have also discussed getting married."

"Congratulations Xiang Rin!"

Jean said with a smile, and Yin Xianglin pressed her forehead in annoyance.

"It's Wu Qun."

Gene was a little surprised, but he soon understood what Yin Xianglin was worried about. Now the parliamentary faction and the executive branch are in a certain sense of antagonistic relationship, and if the two of them get married, the impact on the outside world will be very fierce. At this time, the problem of.

Because both of them are in high positions, this is the most troublesome reason, which is also the fundamental reason why Yin Xianglin wants to resign. Wu Qun is obviously impossible to stop. Ji En has watched Wu Qun come all the way over the years. , he has indeed accomplished too many things, and now the parliamentarian faction cannot do without him.

"Anyway, I am indispensable in the General Affairs Department, and the general manager often helps me deal with some things. And the most important thing is that I can't stand the nature of this kind of work. I have to think about how to speak, how to do things, and what to say all day long. What should I say and what shouldn’t be said? I have to think about something in my head every day, and I always feel like I can’t stand it anymore.”

Gene smiled and nodded.

"Xiang Rin, if you resign now, it will become a big problem."

Yin Xianglin pressed her forehead in annoyance. She was born in a relatively wealthy upper-class family. When she went to the General Affairs Department for an interview, she just wanted to give it a try because Yin Xianglin hated the university at that time and didn't want to go.

Now my parents and relatives are very happy, and they always say complimentary words at family gatherings, hoping to get Yin Xianglin's help.

"ten years!"

Jean said, and Yin Xianglin opened his mouth wide.

"Just do it for another ten years, and I will find a way to find a successor."

Although Yin Xianglin was a little reluctant, she could only nod. She only dared to tell Jean about this matter, and she didn't dare to tell Locke at all, because Locke was determined to train her to be the next manager of the General Affairs Department. He always instills something into Yin Xianglin through his words and actions.

"By the way, Master Jean, don't you feel tired? Now you are handling major affairs in the city alone, and you still need to run around the city often. I feel tired just thinking about it."

Gene smiled and shook his head. At this time, the boss opened the door and respectfully held a glass of wine.

"Lord Jean, I propose a toast to you."

Yin Xianglin looked at the humble boss with some strangeness. The business of this shop was indeed booming and the taste was really good, which was different from ordinary barbecue.

After Gene took a sip, the boss bowed respectfully and retreated to the door.

"Mr. Jean, what else do you want to eat? You're welcome. I'll treat you to this meal."

Gene waved his hand.

"No need, boss, I'm going to treat this young lady to dinner today."

The boss said no more, looked at Jean gratefully, and gently closed the door to the room after going out.

"He is a criminal who wrote me a parole application before."

Yin Xianglin nodded in understanding. Gene knew many people, so many that Yin Xianglin was a little surprised.

"By the way, Sir Jean, what do you think of Lao Wu?"

"We've already discussed getting married, do you still call him Lao Wu?"

Yin Xianglin became embarrassed, grinned and shook his head.

"Everyone calls him that, and"

"He is a very nice person. If you marry him, you will be happy for the rest of your life."

Yin Xianglin lowered his head in embarrassment and hummed in a low voice. His worries were swept away. This sentence coming from Gene's mouth was much more credible than anyone else's.

"There is just one problem. You have to deal with work matters. And I hope that you and him can keep it secret for the time being and not disclose it to anyone. Although I have heard that you have been dating many people during the holidays recently, but at least Be restrained and don’t get photographed.”

Yin Xianglin nodded and stood up.

"Mr. Jean, let's go back to the General Affairs Department quickly. There must be a lot of work accumulated. The work efficiency of the General Affairs Department is really too low, but you are much better today."

Gene stood up with a smile and nodded. There is no doubt about Locke's work ability, but he often can't put on a bad person's face and treats everyone well. Therefore, the General Affairs Department is indeed a bit lax. Although Yin Xianglin has outstanding work ability, , but I am classmates with most of the people in the General Affairs Department, so I cannot be strict about many things.

At present, the most efficient department is the 5th department. It is really like an iron-blooded machine. As long as Alpha issues any order, the 5th department can quickly and efficiently assemble and handle matters quickly.

Other departments have some internal problems within the department, man-made or force majeure, etc. It does not mean that the students are not doing well, they still need to continue to accumulate experience, and then pass on these valuable experiences to the next generation. go.

The two people quickly left the store. Many people on the street stopped and watched. For a while, many people laughed, some were envious and others were helpless.

"We'd better take the alley and run directly there, Sir Jean, otherwise there will be rumors tomorrow about Jean, the chief of Section 13, having an inappropriate relationship with a woman."

Gene smiled and shook his head. He had never paid attention to these tidbits, but he and Yin Xianglin jumped directly from an alley to the top floor of a house, and quickly jumped towards the General Affairs Department.


The main streets in each district are full of people celebrating the New Year. In a restaurant located on the middle floor near the former site of Yuanshen Academy, Locke Jiahui and Yu Wanrou looked at the crowds surging outside the window. People were chatting happily today, mostly about things in school in the past. Locke originally thought that Yu Wanrou would go back to the ground floor area where she stayed when she was a child, but she didn't expect it to be here.

"Fat brother, I considered this place to be my home a long time ago, but now it's gone and we can never go back."

Locke sighed and looked at the light shining on Yu Wanrou's quiet and beautiful face. He always felt warm in his heart. This little girl is really getting more and more beautiful, but there is a trace of anger on Yu Wanrou's face. .

"What's wrong with me?"

Locke just picked up the wine glass, swallowed a sip and said with a smile.

"Anywhere is fine, Wanrou, do we want to go to a movie, or..."

"Answer my fat brother."

After Locke thought for a moment, he took a deep breath.

“I feel like we’re really not a good fit right now.”

"I want to resign from the practice. I won't work anymore."

Locke Jiahui took a sip of wine, and Yu Wanrou stood up directly, turned around and was about to leave. Locke Jiahui hurriedly walked over and took Yu Wanrou's hand. Yu Wanrou was very strong.

"If this is your reason, Fat Brother, I can resign from the business department and take care of everything at home, so that we won't conflict."

Locke Jiahui hesitated, Yu Wanrou's strength also weakened, and she covered her mouth with one hand.

"Why exactly? If you don't like me, tell me clearly so that I can die."

A pair of big hands hugged Yu Wanrou from behind. Locke gently leaned his head over and closed his eyes.

"I'm sorry Wanrou, I shouldn't have been like this for so many years. I like you. It's true. I confirmed it in an instant."

Yu Wanrou turned her head in surprise, but soon she closed her eyes. With the bursts of fireworks exploding outside and the flashing neon lights, Locke kissed Yu Wanrou, and the two hugged tightly. together.

At this moment, Yu Wanrou was already in tears, but Locke just felt remorseful. He had let Yu Wanrou go for too long, and now it was time to make the decision that a man should make.

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