Gene from the 13th Department of Bright City

Chapter 1696 Fierce fight! Master and Disciple 74 (medium)


The heat began to subside, and Jean put down the work at hand. Yin Xianglin carried a teapot and filled Jean's cup. The group of directors sitting in front of him had relaxed expressions. The whole day's work today was very busy. Relaxed. Although the workload has not changed much, Gene processes documents very quickly and will give very appropriate opinions on those areas that are unclear.

For those documents that can be processed directly, Jean will directly process and submit them to the Congress system. The work efficiency is very high. People in the General Affairs Department only know that Jean is the management officer of the previous generation and a powerful mutant. Only Yin Xianglin Know that Jean is a god.

"Lord Jean, do you want dessert?"

Gene smiled and shook his head. He stood up and lit a cigarette.

"I want to go to the top of the building and have a blowjob. Can we go together?"

Yin Xianglin followed quickly, and many female directors also followed happily. The chat began, and Jean walked leisurely in front. Soon the group came to the rooftop, where the sun was shining brightly. The body is gentle.

Jean walked to the edge of the rooftop, overlooking the city in the distance. It was already 4:20, and the sun would set in more than an hour.

Yin Xianglin smiled and approached Gene.

"Lord Jean, would you like us to have a meal outside this afternoon? I want to discuss something with you."

Jean looked down sideways and nodded. He knew exactly what Yin Xianglin wanted to say. Jean didn't ask directly. He had heard something about it. Yin Xianglin's date with someone started a while ago.

"By the way, Lord Jean, can you give me some guidance when you have time, how can I be like Lord Alpha?"

Gene was a little surprised.

"Are you interested in fighting?"

Yin Xianglin smiled and nodded.

"People have to pursue something. I can actually spare a lot of time after work every day. I have exercised well these days, but every time I sparred with Fat Brother, he always let it go. Basically, I haven’t made much progress lately.”

Jean nodded and sat cross-legged on the ground. Yin Xianglin stood aside respectfully. She had been observing this handsome and gentle man since she was very young. On the day when the General Affairs Department was officially established, Yin Xianglin knew Jean's true identity. Identity, but Yin Xianglin felt that Jean was not like a god at all, but more like a trustworthy old friend, so Yin Xianglin wanted to discuss major matters in his life with Jean.

No matter when Jean gave Yin Xianglin, he felt like the wind, sometimes gentle and sometimes violent, but always everywhere. Yin Xianglin looked back at the directors behind her. They were completely different from their usual serious working status. She Glancing at Gene.

"Lord Jean, as expected, there will always be air flow wherever you are."

Gene smiled and shook his head.

"Can you at least wait until Fatty finds a successor?"

Yin Xianglin was a little surprised. Sure enough, he couldn't hide anything from Gene.

"I understand Sir Jean, but sometimes I feel like I really can't do it anymore."

Yin Xianglin's expression became a little more serious as he spoke, and Gene smiled and nodded.

"In such a position, anyone who still has a conscience in his heart will always feel uneasy."

Yin Xianglin hummed. Although Locke did not allow him to deal with those complicated issues, Yin Xianglin knew some things that could not be bathed in the sun. In the past, Yin Xianglin always laughed and laughed, and did not think about these things, just every day. I work hard to do a good job, but things are different now. Even if I don’t think about it, these things will be placed in front of me. Even if I can’t look directly at them, I still need to face them.

"What do you want to eat tonight?"

Jean asked with a smile. Yin Xianglin thought for a while, looked up at Jean and said.

"Eat what you think is the best meal in this city, Sir Jean."

The city began to recede with the heat, and there were more pedestrians on the streets. Most people had already sat in some restaurants with relatives and friends, and the joyful atmosphere began to flow in the city again.

Time passed by, and at the entrance of the pure black Hillman Pharmaceuticals building, many employees who had worked hard all day poured out of the building talking and laughing.

There is an inspection station at the door, full of bodyguards from the Hillman family, who are conducting comprehensive inspections on some employees who are going out.

Every time at this time, a large number of security guards from Hillman's company will come to the lobby on the first floor. Everyone must pass strict inspection before leaving the company. A total of 300 internal bodyguards of the Hillman family are stationed in the lobby. Here, in the underground floor.

But there is a rumor in the company that this company not only has two underground floors, but also a lower level. Some people have seen it before, and some people even saw it when they went to the underground parking lot, but no one has confirmed it.

The sun's rays began to dim, and the city was covered with a light orange color. It was already 5:58, and night would soon come.

Gu Lin quietly looked at the scene of the sun setting on the light and shadow screen, and the date next to it. There was a touch of sadness on her expression. This was already a few years ago, and she had never seen the real sun go out. She could only see it through the light and shadow screen. Seeing the outside world, Gu Lin couldn't bear these days any longer.

There are sumptuous New Year dishes on the table in the room. They have all been prepared. Now she is waiting for her husband Feite to come back. Gu Lin feels that she can’t hold on any longer. Now she feels anxious every day when she opens her eyes. She has undergone surgery to implant a chip in her brain. Now the chip is in her husband's head, like a bomb that can explode at any time. Her husband is the only motivation for Gu Lin to survive.

Gu Lin couldn't imagine that one day she would see the tragic scene after Feit's head exploded. Brad and Tang Ni had been secretly transported away the year before last, and it was only after they disappeared for a long time that Feit I learned about it from a couple of scientists in charge of mechanical engineering.

Over the years, Gu Lin began to ask herself from time to time whether it was worth it. But after asking herself countless times, the moment she saw her husband come back safely, she would give a positive answer to herself, it was worth it.

"Let's be safe today!"

In a research room with facing glass, Fit and a group of medical scientists were looking at the values ​​​​on some light and shadow screens. In the room in front of him, the author was a pale and skinny man with short hair, wearing a white jumpsuit. He just shrugged his head and seemed to be still asleep.

On the light and shadow screen is the man's name, as well as his name, including some current statistics on personality implantation and other information.

Feit looked at the man named Billy in the room with some worry. He might be about to lose his strength. According to current statistics, Billy has six complete personalities and nineteen personalities with varying degrees of damage.

Billy's original personality, cowardly Billy, the adult doctor Billy, the childhood personality of a dead woman named Melanda, a dead thief personality, and the opposite butcher personality that was born from the childhood and cowardly Billy. , as well as the character of a husband who appears from time to time who is frustrated after being betrayed by his wife.

There are a total of 6 personalities. Now what Feite and the others need to do is to continuously implant new personalities into Billy, observe the reaction changes of Billy's brain, and record all the values. This is all for the virtual personality implantation plan. The research is going very smoothly, and the people above are very satisfied. There are a total of 29 medical experts in psychiatric science in this room, and each of them has been implanted with a brain control chip. Their research team must overcome personality implantation. subject, otherwise it is death.

Everyone has a family, which is a part that most people cannot let go of. Some already have children. In order to save themselves and their families, they can only continue to conduct such cruel research. At first, it was difficult for everyone to accept it. Torturing a patient with schizophrenia symptoms in this way is hell for everyone every day, but now everyone seems to have begun to become numb.

Feit knew that this was a very terrible thing. After doing such a cruel thing, his heart had become numb and he had become numb. He had never told his wife about these things, but Feit himself could hardly bear it anymore.

At this time, Billie woke up, and all the medical scientists began to look in front of their own light and shadow screens. Feite looked at Billie who looked panicked and had a Melanda-type personality. She was looking around now, looking extremely Fear.

"Where is this place? Where am I? Who can answer me?"

Billy's voice was a little sharp, and when she saw her body, she felt horrified. She started crying and wanted to struggle, but she was tied very tightly and couldn't move at all.

Billy screamed in terror, but no one responded.

"Good evening Miss Miranda!"

A voice came out, and Melanda looked around.

"Do you remember what happened yesterday?"

Billy shook his head.

"Who are you and where am I?"

Billy looked around, with a feminine softness on her expression, and she looked around at a loss.

Fit looked at Billy's brainwaves in front of him, which seemed extremely disordered. This was the most fatal point. Every time Billy woke up, he would not remember his other self. If he wanted to implant a virtual personality, he must It is necessary to have one personality that can possess the memories of all personalities. Obviously, none of the six personalities have the memory of other personalities.

The last thing Feit and his research team need is a personality that can possess all personality memories, and then simulate the brain wave signals of this personality, as well as the structural shape of the cerebral cortex. When different personalities appear, Billy's brain memory The structure will change.

This is the most difficult part at the moment. Fitt and the others have tried to implant many high-IQ personalities into Billy. Unfortunately, these personalities have not worked. Instead, they have become fragmented and will only appear occasionally. The personality is Some of them are incomplete, their memory is even more incomplete, and some even have cognitive impairment. These personalities will disappear little by little over time. Currently, of the 19 incomplete personalities left, 11 of them have stopped appearing in the past week.

At this time, the room began to darken, with light and shadow screens flickering all around, on which appeared the personality of an electrical engineer who was about to be implanted, his growth experience, demeanor, and words. At this time, Billy's eyes became dull. got up.

The part where the experiment is going well is the personality implantation. Billy is very special. It took 23 days to implant Melanda's personality from the beginning. Now it only takes a few hours to implant a new personality. His ability to receive personalities is getting stronger and stronger.

This electrical engineer named Reutz was the engineering director of Hillman Electric Company more than ten years ago. He is a very powerful scientist. Now he continues to help the Hillman family cultivate the next generation in the barrier zone.

Reutz's personality was such that by the time he graduated from college, he was already a very powerful engineer. As time passed by, everyone was waiting. Gradually, Billy's expression changed and he began to become... Similar to Reutz's expression on the light and shadow screen, on a light and shadow panel, the probability of the two people's expressions being similar is gradually increasing, and soon reached 78%.

Based on the results of more than 100 experiments in the past, it is certain that Billy is now actively accepting Reutz's personality.

Billy was a little dazed. He tried hard to hold his head up and support his body, still resisting.

Don’t think about anything, just leave it to me!

A voice sounded in Billy's head. At this time, the medical scientists in the research room all discovered that Billy's brain waves began to fluctuate strangely. The solemn expressions on many people's faces became lighter. Fitt Gritting his teeth, he turned his head unbearably. Billy's expression looked quite complicated at this time, and he kept roaring in great pain. The pitch of the voice was high and low, the tone was different, and the words he said were the same. , giving people a different feeling.

This process will last for more than an hour, and then the complete personality implantation will be completed. According to Fitt's research, the reason why Billy can survive until now and can passively receive so many personalities is because Billy himself has a very good memory. Because he is strong and his brain is very smart.

This scene has happened countless times. No matter how many times, Feite still felt a bitterness in his heart. He took a deep breath, and so did everyone else in the research room, whose expressions were not relaxed.

Billy's eyelids were fighting. At this time, his shouting stopped, and his expression became the same as that of young Roberts, with a confident smile on his lips and an arrogant look on his face. Billy smiled, and his eyelids opened slightly. He closed his head and shrugged, and Roberts' voice was still playing in the room.

Billy began to fall into a deep sleep.

In a dark and boundless space, surrounded by white cracks, something seemed to flash through the cracks. Melanda's personality was quietly groping in the darkness, crying all the way, and she kept trying. Trying to find the exit, but unable to find it.

"Where am I? Who can tell me what's wrong with me?"

Wave after wave of sobs sounded. Melanda's personality kept groping in these white interlaced cracks, as if she wanted to find an exit. Her tears fell crystally in the darkness, constantly floating, one by one. The teardrops are like the Milky Way, shining brightly in the darkness.

"Leave it to me."

A slightly gloomy but majestic voice sounded, and a hand stretched out from a crack, quickly grasping Melanda's personality. When she raised her head, she saw a pale face, With a face with high cheekbones, an evil expression, and the corners of her mouth raised, Melanda closed her eyes with some relief.

"Who are you!"

Another voice came, and out of a crack came out a man named Billy in a white coat. He stared at the man in front of him who was exactly the same as himself, but a little taller than him. There was an awe-inspiring feeling all over his body. Feel the aura of fear.

"Doctor Billy, it seems that you are the only one who is aware of my presence, but there is no time to explain to you now. I have to start working."

Doctor Billy stared at Billy, who had stuffed Melanda's personality into a crack that looked like a spot of light, and sneered as he walked toward a crack that would seep out blood from time to time.

"You will be killed by that guy if you go in."

Doctor Billy reminded him, and Billy, who was wearing a big black trench coat in front of him, laughed.

"Doctor Billy, let me give you a suggestion. Don't actively recall other personalities. This will increase the burden on each other. You can call me BOSS Billy."

As he spoke, BOSS Billy turned around and raised his head. At this time, there were many mechanical circuit diagrams floating in a slightly opened crack. BOSS Billy grabbed this crack and stuffed it directly into the crack leaking blood. He waved to Dr. Billy behind him.

"When can I see you again?"

Dr. Billy said, and BOSS Billy laughed.

"I'll come to you when I need you, Doctor Billy."

As he spoke, BOSS Billy stepped directly into the bleeding crack in front of him.

The wind howled by, and in front of me was a small town lined with mostly wooden structures. A man wearing a suit, carrying a suitcase, and wearing glasses stood numbly at the entrance of the town. The wind blew up from time to time. The ground is sandy and the man is skinny, with high cheekbones and sunken eye sockets. He has a Roberts-type Billy personality.

Roberts looked at everything in front of him strangely.

"How did I get here? What on earth am I doing here?"

Although he was suspicious, Roberts quickly remembered that he was going to this town to take a car and go to the upper level. He stepped into this somewhat desolate town and looked at the surrounding houses. From time to time, he could see a flash of light in front of the window. silhouette.


Roberts stopped with some confusion, because he heard the sound of someone rubbing some metal. The sound was very loud, but for some reason, Roberts felt that the sound did not come from his ears, but from his head.


A strong wind blew by, and Roberts suddenly saw pieces of bacon hanging inside the white curtains. He walked over in surprise.

At this time, in a large house at the bottom of the town, white bones still stained with flesh were hung at the door. A man with a bloated figure and seemingly thick arms was wearing bucket shoes, exactly like Billy, except that A fat man with a bald head was rubbing a file and a butcher's knife with a very strong rhythm in his voice.

Butcher Billy's face showed an expression of unbearable hunger. He kept licking the butcher's knife. After feeling the smell of metal and blood, the excitement in his eyes became even more intense.

dong dong dong

"Billy the Butcher, long time no see."


Billy the Butcher let out a shriveled and gloomy laugh, turned his head sharply, and saw a thin Billy wearing a big trench coat. This guy had been here many times, but Billy the Butcher didn't take action immediately. Instead, he stuck the knife directly on the chopping board, with a pile of chopped meat lying on it.

"Did you bring it? Otherwise I will kill you."

Butcher Billy said with a smile, BOSS Billy nodded.

"Of course, I can let you enjoy it this time."

Butcher Billy laughed loudly, turned around and pulled out the butcher's knife, straddled his waist, put on the heavy chain next to it, and strode out. When passing BOSS Billy, the butcher Billy stuck out his tongue and licked BOSS Billy's mouth, and he smiled excitedly.

"If it's not delicious, I'll kill you."


Just when BOSS Billy was about to move, two nails were shot into his legs and knees. BOSS Billy's eyes widened and he knelt on the ground in an instant, his knees bleeding profusely.

"Who is it?"

BOSS Billy looked over. At this time, among the piles of hanging meat in the factory, a woman wearing a white mask walked out. This was the first time BOSS Billy had seen this personality.

"Look at her, miss!"

The woman nodded, walked towards BOSS Billy with cold eyes, and put a rope around BOSS Billy's neck. Looking at Butcher Billy walking away, BOSS Billy became a little worried. In this Butcher Billy's personality In this world, if you die, you will definitely be doomed and you will disappear.

In order to get rid of those personalities that Billy passively accepted, BOSS Billy spent a lot of effort to bring these people into the world of Billy the Butcher.

"It should be over soon."

There was a burst of running, and Roberts kept trying to leave the town, but found that no matter how he ran, he would only return to the entrance of the town. His mind was a little confused, and he had no idea what was happening, but he looked around the houses. At those moments, Roberts vomited and felt intense fear.

Roberts wanted to run away, but at this time Roberts saw a strong man walking towards him. As the strong man got closer and closer, Roberts panicked and ran straight into a nearby room to hide.

As time passed, Roberts was completely wrapped in fear. He kept wiping the sweat from his forehead and listened to the sound of iron chains scratching the ground outside the house.


Roberts fell violently and stood up suddenly. The wooden floor under his feet cracked and sawdust flew. Roberts fell down with one foot. He screamed in horror, and his foot was pulled by a strong hand. Stopped, bursts of wild laughter erupted from below.

"Is it fun? The cat catches the mouse, hahahaha!"

Following a burst of shrill screams, Billy suddenly woke up in the room. He looked at the empty room in front of him with dull eyes.

"How long have I been asleep?"

Billy spoke without any panic in his expression. At this time, Feit and other medical scientists were busy. Everyone was checking Billy's disordered brain values. It was normal for the personality implant to fail. , the Billy in front of him at this time is Billy with the personality of a doctor. Only this Billy remembers some things and does not panic at all.

Billy stared quietly at everything in front of him, and an imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The sky was completely dark, and the lights in the city had been on for a while, at 7:24 pm.

Located at the entrance of Amethyst's store, next to a damaged signboard, Jewell was sleeping, soundly asleep. At this time, a car slowly stopped at the entrance of Amethyst's store, and he got out of the car. A middle-aged woman, wearing a pale pink skirt suit, a pair of white high heels, two large curved earrings, and her hair tied up. Although she has reached middle age, her skin is well maintained and she has charm. You Cun looked at a worker sleeping at the door of his former shop with gentle eyes.

The woman's name is Wu Qian. She has lived here for more than 20 years. She now runs three light and shadow clothing stores and lives a very comfortable life. She relies on the money earned from the Amethyst store to give Wu Qian capital.

Originally, she planned to go up and warn the worker that the weather was getting colder and he would catch a cold if he continued to sleep. However, when Wu Qian got closer, she discovered that the worker was very young, with handsome features and a hint of childishness on his face. He looked like he had suffered a lot. , but Wu Qian always felt that she had seen this blond boy somewhere. He looked like he was fourteen or fifteen years old at most.

Wu Qian turned around, took out a coat from the light and shadow clothing box in the car, walked over gently, and covered the child.

With a slight noise, Jewell subconsciously opened his eyes and woke up suddenly.

"Little brother, you may catch a cold if you sleep here."

After being stunned for a few seconds, Jewell woke up and saw the beautiful and plump woman in front of him. He felt a little embarrassed and stood up hurriedly.

"Miss, I'm sorry, I'm waiting for someone here."

"this is my house."

Jewell's somewhat groggy eyes immediately shone with light, and he immediately mentioned that he wanted to come here to find photos of his mother when she was young. Wu Qian held her hands, feeling that she had seen this child somewhere, and that she had an impression of it. It's very profound.

"Are they gone? Those photos."

Jewell asked, and Wu Qian chuckled.

"Of course I am."

Jewell immediately laughed happily.

"By the way, little brother, what's your name?"


Wu Qian, who was about to open the shop door, looked at the handsome blond boy next to her in surprise.

"You are not the child of the Chen family as reported in the news before!"

Jewell seemed a little reserved, but he still spoke.

"My name is Miss Jewell, and I just wish I could find the photo."

Wu Qian nodded, took out the key, and finally turned the key after a long time.

With a swish, the rolling shutter door opened, and the smell of dust immediately hit their nostrils. The two of them stepped back and covered their noses. After looking at each other carefully, they both laughed.

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